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About Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 2000)
4 Smoke Signals ' I A l A i. Dear tribal members: This letter is to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the kind concern following the accident that my grandson and I were in on De cember 20, 1999. Orin-John, my grandson, was life flighted from the Mt. Hood Highway while I was transported by ambu lance to the trauma center at Emanual Hospital in Portland. We were admitted as patients but hap pily released in time for Christmas at home. It is a miracle we survived because the pick-up was totalled and we had to be cut out of it. Thank God and ODOT for the guardrail, as it kept us from going off of a cliff. We have been home recovering. Orin-John returned to school Janu ary 18. I am not released to return to work, but expect to be released in February. I was deeply touched by the caring shown through the many phone calls, cards, flowers, gifts, visits, and prayers. Special thanks to my fam ily who came and stayed through our hospital stay and for the Ronald McDonald House who provided ac commodations. Also, my heartfelt appreciation to the folks who visited us in the hospi tal: Patti, Jon, and Celeste of the VR program; Karen, Dee, and Ed of NPAIHB; Margaret Provost, Jackie Provost, and Molly Rimer; Doni and Leroy Wilder; Renaldo and Ronda Menjarez; Laura Tom and Nancy Renfrow; John and Kevin Simmons; Kim and Beryle Contreras; Rose Jimmicum; and Bonnie and Chip Tom. Those who sent such beautiful flowers must have known that I con sider flowers to be healers and they did the job. Thanks to: the Tribal Council; the CTGR Mental Health staff; the CTGR Vocational Rehabili tation staff; the Health and Wellness staff; the Human Resources staff; Nanitch Sahallie staff; the Health Authority; NARA staff; NPAIHB staff; and all my friends and family for the healing bouquets. I greatly gained strength from each telephone call and card that wished us a quick and complete recovery. I especially appreciated the calls from the staff of the Tribe who I worked among for so many years. Please know that I consider myself to be blessed to have such caring friends, family, and fellow tribal mem bers. God bless each and every one of you. Sincerely, Cheryle A. Kennedy Roll 1 Dear Editor: I am writing to give a big heartfelt thank you to Bryan, Teri, Nancy and everyone else over at the housing de partment. My wife and I moved into our new home at Grand Meadows (Lot 31) just before Thanksgiving 1999. We have finally got most ev erything out of boxes and kind of organized, and now we can really start enjoying our new home. I just wanted to make sure that I expressed appreciation to all who as sisted us in the home buying process. It made it so much easier for us. I am very thankful for the advan tages that the tribal success can of fer its members like myself. Fred McGee Roll 1172 Dear Editor: I have read Smoke Signals for years and wish I believed that all the letters I have read come from the heart and weren't written to impress certain members of the Tribe or maybe help the writer out politically. I may disagree with a lot of what is written in the "Dear Editor" column, but I would rather read a letter that was written from what the writer believed in before I read a letter that was written for personal gain or to impress others. Thank you, Rex Haller Roll 905 Correction Vivian DeMary was also recog nized at the tribal service award cer emony for her 8 years of employment with the Tribe. Smoke Signals apolo gizes for the oversight. gK8338)S3QEl PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347 1-800-422-0232 Fax: (503) 879-2173 TRACY DUGAN 879-2254 KIM MUELLER 879-2264 BRENT MERRILL 879-2321 JUSTIN PHILLIPS 879-2190 DEADLINE DATE ISSUE DATE Frl.,Feb.l8 MARCH 1 Frl., March 3 MARCH 15 Mon., March 20 APRIL 1 Wed., April 5 APRIL 15 SMOKE SIGNALS is available to anyone at no cost. . Fill out this form with your name and address, mail to: Smoke Signals, Attn: Justin Phillips 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347 OLD ADDRESS: NEW ADDRESS: GRAND RONDE ROLL : WED., JANUARY 12, 2000, 3:00 p.m. Meeting was called to order by Kath ryn Harrison. A full Council was present. OLD BUSINESS Reyn Leno rescinded previous motion made to approve the December 1, 1999 Council meeting minutes. Bob Merrier rescinded his second to Reyn's motion. Reyn Leno moved to approve the minutes with the amendment to have Richard "Gray" changed to Richard "Ray." Bob seconded to motion. Motion carried. NEWBUSINESS- LEGISLATTVE SUBCOMMITTEE B Capital Contribution to CTGR Trucking, LLC resolution. Tabled by Council consensus at the request of Robert Martin. Personnel Management Ordinance first reading. Ed Pearsall presented and briefly reviewed the proposed changes. ' TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, MANAGEMENT, & BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Agreements. Ed Pears all moved, Val Grout seconded to adopt Resolution No. 001-00 (1) approving the Consultation Agreement between the Tribe and the Oregon Department of Envi ronmental Quality (ODEQ); (2) approving the Memorandum of Agreement with ODEQ regarding funding the Tribe's participation in the investigation and remediation of contaminated sediments in Portland Harbor; and (3) authorizing the Tribal Chair, with the assistance of the Tribal Attorney, to negotiate and final ize said Agreements. Motion carried 8-0-0. B Appoint DelegateAlternate to NCAI 1999-2000. Bob Haller moved, Ed Larsen seconded to adopt Resolution No. 002-00 appointing Butch LaBonte as tribal delegate and June Sell-Sherer as tribal alternate delegate to the National Congress of American Indians Mid-Year and Executive Council Sessions. Motion carried 6-0-2 with Butch and June abstaining. B Appoint DelegateAlternate to NPAB3B. Bob Haller moved, Val Grout sec onded to adopt Resolution No. 003-00 appointing Ed Larsen as delegate and Steve Bowles as alternate delegate to the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board. Motion carried 7-0-1 with Ed Larsen abstaining. B Tribal Health Authority Board of Commissioners Appointment. Val Grout moved, June Sell-Sherer seconded to adopt Resolution No. 004-00 appoint ing Malcolm Snider, MD, to an ex-officio position on the Tribal Health Authority Board of Commissioners to replace Robert Moore, MD, who had to decline appoint ment to the board due to meeting schedule conflicts. Dr. Snider will serve a two year term in accordance with the applicable provision of the Health Authority Ordi nance. Motion carried 8-0-0. OTHER BUSINESS Gene LaBonte requested that more handicapped parking spaces be made available on tribal property. February General Council meeting The February General Council meeting featured reports from Spirit Mountain Casino and Natural Resources staff. GAMING UPDATE Kathryn Harrison introduced Mike Larsen, Chairman of Spirit Mountain Board of Directors, who spoke about possible upcoming changes at the casino, and the board's role in overseeing casino operations. All board mem bers were introduced: Len Bergstein, Jim Sizemore, Clyde Stryker, and Council liaison, Ed Larsen. Two positions on the board are currently vacant. Shelley Hanson, manager of Real Estate Operations, gave the program report for the casino. Here are some highlights: B There was a 17 increase in revenue from 1998 to 1999. Comparisons from January, 1999 to January, 2000, show a smaller increase. The initial casino start up loan the Tribe received from the John Hancock corporation will be paid off in December of 2000. B Promotional events include slot and table game tournaments, Coyote Cash Back program, and concerts. B Spirit Mountain Lodge is currently running at 83 occupancy. Customer com ments about the lodge are very positive. Camille Mercier, Human Resources manager, spoke about employment issues. B There are currently 151 tribal members employed at the casino. B The Human Resources department is currently updating its policy manual, which is scheduled for completion in the spring. B There are 49 tribal members who participate in the casino's career development project. B An employee recognition banquet will be held in March. NATURAL RESOURCES REPORT Cliff Adams, manager of the Tribe's Natural Resources department introduced his program leaders, who spoke about department happenings. Highlights from Natural Resources include: B In 1999, the Tribe signed a stewardship agreement with the BLM to manage forest lands near the reservation. Also, Natural Resources is working on its Ten Year Management Plan, scheduled for completion in 2001. B In 1999, there were two large timber sales on the reservation, and three small salvage sales, with a total volume of 4.9 million board feet sold. B In December of 1998, there was a road failure on Agency Creek Road, which was repaired in October of last year. In November, 1999, a small slide closed the road, which has also been repaired. B Last year stream enhancement projects were completed, including the replace ment of culverts on the reservation. The Fish and Wildlife and Environmental Protection staff continue to asses the health and integrity of the reservation lands and waters by surveying streams, woody debris, and animal populations. In 1999, surveys were conducted on stewardship lands as well. These programs continue to follow assessment guidelines outlined in the Endangered Species Act in regard to tnbal projects such as timber sales or housing developments, DOOR PRIZE DRAWINGS Door prize winners were: Cheryle Kennedy, $50; Margo Mercier, $50; Barbara Steere, $50; Shelley Hanson, $100; and Rex Haller, tickets to the George Carlin concert at Spirit Mountain Casino. ' '' ' ' ;UJ ".HUvui.f l-JiilVv' ,8,0..:. ,j ... m ; . ,!;('