Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 24, 2022, Page 5, Image 5

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Summaries of Tribal Council
The following are summa-
ries of Tribal Council from
earlier this summer :
July 7, 2022
The meeting was called to
order at 9:15 a.m. by Chair-
man Jonathan Smith Sr. Roll
call: James ‘Jim’ Manion,
Alvis Smith III, Carlos Calica,
Vice Chair man Raymond
‘Captain’ Moody, Rosa
Graybael, Chief Joseph
Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
· Warm Springs Power and
Water Enterprise update with
Michael Lofting, acting gen-
eral manager.
· Return of the Boise Val-
ley People discussion with
Councilman Wilson Wewa Jr:
Motion by Jim authorizing
Wilson to travel to the Return
of the Boise Valley People
event. Second by Alvis. Ques-
tion: Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Alvis/yes, Wilson/
yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 7/
0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Museum At War m
Springs update with director
Elizabeth Woody.
· Warm Springs Compos-
ite Products update general
manager Jacob Cochise.
· Warm Springs Housing
Authority update with direc-
tor Danielle Wood.
· Warm Springs Telecom
update with Tim York:
Motion by Captain ap-
proving $500,000 for Beaver
Butte Cell tower from ARPA
funds to this project; Second
by Wilson. Motion amended
to $100,000 for switch equip-
ment. Second by Wilson in
favor of the amendment.
Question. Joe/yes, Captain/
yes, Alvis/yes, Wilson/yes,
Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/
0, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Credit Enterprise up-
date with Lori Fuentes and
Bridgette Kalama.
With no further discus-
sion the meeting adjourned
at 2:15 p.m.
July 11
The meeting was called to
order at 9 a.m. by Chairman
Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll
call: Chief Joseph Moses,
Lincoln Jay Suppah, James
‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis Smith
III, Carlos Calica, Rosa
Graybael, Chief Delvis
Heath. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
· Fee schedule regarding
filming and photography dis-
cussion with James Halliday,
Land Services.
· American Rescue Plan
Act Investment Committee
discussion with Ian Bray:
Glendon and Isaac will
work on a resolution to
present to Tribal Council.
· Cannabis Commission
update with Ron Roome,
Starla Green and Kent
· Memorandum of Un-
derstanding regarding tribal,
state and federal court forum
with Gayleen Adams and
Valerie Colas:
Motion by Jim approving
the Memorandum of Un-
derstanding. Second by
Carlos. Question. Jim/yes,
Jay/yes, Alvis/no, Delvis/
yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes,
August 24, 2022
5/1/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Santicola Proposal, fa-
cilitating Tribal Council Proc-
lamation development:
Motion by Jim approving
the Santicola proposal to as-
sist Tribal Council to develop
a proclamation. Call for a
Second. Second call. Third
call. Motion failed due to
lack of a second.
· Pension Committee up-
· Board advertisements
will be extended.
Early Childhood Educa-
tion discussion with Deanie
Smith and Valerie Switzler.
· Johnson O’Malley Com-
mittee update with Lavina
Colwash, Arlissa White and
Deanie Smith.
· State legislative update
· Motion by Jay to ad-
journ at 4 p.m.
July 12
The meeting was called to
order at 9:09 a.m. by Chair-
man Jonathan W. Smith Sr.
Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah,
James ‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis
Smith III, Chief Joseph
Moses, Carlos Calica, Rosa
Graybael. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
· Public Safety update-
Nancy Seyler and Police
Chief Elliot:
Motion by Jim support-
ing Chief Elliott’s recommen-
dation to implement the
Warm Springs Police De-
partment camera system. Sec-
ond by Alvis. Question. Jim/
yes, Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/
yes, Rosa/yes, 5/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
· Public Utilities update
woth Chico Holliday, general
· Tribal Court update
with Gayleen Adams:
Motion by Carlos adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,954A
that Roberta Armstrong is
appointed to serve as Tribal
Court Judge Pro Tempore to
hear and preside over pro-
bate cases, which she will be
assigned to by the Chief
Judge of the Tribal Court;
and to perform all services
required in such cases, in-
cluding those of the Public
Administrator, with full au-
thority in such matters as a
Judge of the Warm Springs
Tribal Court. Second by Jay.
Question. Jim/yes, Joe/yes,
Jay/yes, Alvis/yes, Rosa/
yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/0,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
Motion by Carlos adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,957
that the Tribal Council (1)
expressly waives the require-
ment in War m Springs
Tribal Code Section 200.275
that Judges Pro Tempore be
selected no later than Janu-
ary 1 each year; and (2) ap-
points the Honorable Anita
Jackson to serve as Judge
Pro Tempore for the Tribal
Court. Second by Alvis.
Question. Jim/yes, Jay/yes,
Alvis/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/
yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not
voting; Motion carried.
· Veterans Services Of-
fice update with Darryl Scott
and Taw Foltz.
· Ad hoc judicial commit-
tee discussion:
Motion by Jim adopting
Resolution No. 12,907A,
that an Ad Hoc Judicial
Nominating Commission is
Employment with the Confederated Tribes
The following are po-
sitions recently adver-
tised with the Confeder-
ated Tribes of Warm
For information, con-
tact the Human Re-
sources office, located in
the tribal administration
building, 1233 Veterans
Street, Warm Springs.
Staff are available to
answer questions related
to the application process
and can be reached at
Tribal Member prefer-
ence is exercised in hir-
ing processes as defined
in Tribal Personnel Policy
PER 202.
Teachers (lead, assis-
tant and aids - 20 posi-
tions). Administrative
staff/ECE (three positions
- limited duration). Covid
techs (four positions - lim-
ited duration). Elder con-
sultants/ECE (limited du-
Human Resources of-
fice coordinator. Office
support specialist. Pest
control management coor-
dinator. Tribal Court ad-
ministrator. Conservation
enforcement officer.
Deputy clerk. Probate
assistant/Vital Stats re-
ceptionist. Water and
wastewater distribution
operator. Patrol Sergeant.
Fisheries Biologist II. Sec-
retary. General tech (15
positions - limited dura-
Investigation secretary.
Corrections Sergeant. Cor-
rections officer. Communi-
cations officer. Child
abuse detective. Hydrolo-
gist. Soil scientist/water-
shed planner. Housing Au-
Jobs with Indian Head Casino, Plateau
The following is a recent
list of job openings with
Indian Head Casion. For
details see the website:
Cage cashier. Cage
main bank cashier. Coffee
station attendant. Ac-
Cook. Count team mem-
ber. Custodian. Executive
chef. Guest service opera-
tor. Kitchen steward.
Lead cook. Lounge bar-
tender. Maintenance man
II. Player development su-
pervisor. Player's Club am-
Player's Club lead am-
bassador. Revenue audi-
tor. Security officer.
Server. Slot keyperson.
Table games dealer.
Tule Grill attendant. Tule
Registered Dietician.
Travel accountant. Comp
& Benefits administrator.
Public administrator. A/P
Specialist II.
Payroll/GL Specialist.
Project Archaeologist/
Principal Investigator.
Field technicians (part
time). Restoration tech-
nician. Restoration field
crew member (limited du-
Fire/Medic. Property
management specialist.
Assorted work experience
jobs (limited duration).
Assorted work experience
jobs (youth).
Grill cook.
The following are po-
sitions advertised at the
Plateau Travel Plaza:
Accounting supervi-
sor. Store cashier. Store
Custodian. Fuel atten-
dant. Host cashier/
server. Line cook. Secu-
rity officer.
Page 5
hereby established for the
purpose of interviewing and
selecting for consideration
by the Tribal Council the top
three candidates for the po-
sition of Chief Judge and
Associate Judge of the
Warm Springs Tribal Court.
That Walter Langnese III
and Edward Heath are
hereby appointed to the Ad
Hoc Nominating Commis-
sion for the two tribal mem-
ber positions, and Ronald
Roome is appointed to the
commission for the off-res-
ervation non-member posi-
tion; As amended, removing
Arlene Boileau as an alter-
nate. Question. Jim/yes,
Jay/yes, Alvis/yes, Rosa/
yes, Carlos/yes, 5/0/0,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· The Museum at Warm
Springs (accessions) update
with Elizabeth Woody.
· Motion by Jay to ad-
journ at 2:50 p.m.
July 13
The meeting was called to
order at 9:12 by Chairman
Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll
call: 9 Lincoln Jay Suppah,
James ‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis
Smith III, Carlos Calica,
Vice Chairman Raymond
‘Captain’ Moody, Rosa
Graybael, Chief Joseph
Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
· Tribal Council Execu-
tive Committee appoint-
· Tribal Council board
· Secretary-Treasurer dis-
Motion by Captain ap-
proving an executive session.
Second by Jay. Question. All
in favor; Motion carried.
Motion by Jay to adjourn
at 5:11 p.m.
July 18
The meeting was called to
order at 9:12 a.m. by Chair-
man Jonathan Smith. Roll
call: Chief Joseph Moses,
James ‘Jim’ Manion, Vice
Chairman Raymond ‘Cap-
tain’ Moody, Rosa Graybael,
Carlos Calica, Wilson Wewa
Jr. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
· Meet and greet Forest
Service superintendent for
Mt. Hood, Meta Lofts-
· Draft resolutions with
Public Safety/law en-
and adult detention con-
Motion by Jim adopting
Resolution No. 12,961, as
read. Second by Carlos.
Question. Jim/yes, Joe/yes,
Captain/yes, Wilson/yes,
Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/
0, Chairman not voting;
Motion carried.
· Warm Springs Landfill:
Motion by Captain
adopting Resolution 3698A.
Second by Wilson. Question.
Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/
yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes,
Carlos/yes, 6/0/0, Chair-
man not voting; Motion car-
· Enrollments:
Motion by Captain
adopting Resolution No.
12,962 enrolling seven indi-
viduals. Second by Carlos.
Question. Jim/yes, Joe/yes,
Captain/yes, Wilson/yes,
Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/
0, Chairman not voting; Mo-
tion carried.
· Federal and state legis-
lative update calls.
· BendTel update with
Doug Cox and James Neff.
· August agenda:
Motion by Carlos ap-
proving the August agenda.
Second by Captain. Ques-
tion. Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/
yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not
voting; Motion carried.
Motion by Captain to ad-
journ at 3:15 p.m.
July 20
The meeting was called to
order at 9:09 a.m. by Chair-
man Jonathan W. Smith Sr.
Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah,
James ‘Jim’ Manion, Chief
Joseph Moses, Vice Chairman
Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody,
Carlos Calica, Rosa Graybael,
Wilson Wewa Jr. Minnie
Yahtin, Recorder.
· Tribal Council meet and
greet with Brent Hall:
Motion by Captain adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,963,
authorizing the Tribal Coun-
cil Chairman or his autho-
rized representative to ex-
ecute the special attorney
contract for Brent H. Hall
and instruct him to initiate his
services thereunder immedi-
ately. Second by Jay. Question.
Jim/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/
yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes,
Carlos/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman
not voting; Motion carried.
· Drinking water task force
update with Chico Holliday,
Ellen Grover and Barry
Motion by Jim adopting
Resolution No. 12,964, that
the Tribal Council authorizes
the Tribal Attorneys at Best,
Best and Krieger, to engage
an independent engineering
firm to conduct a review of
the work proposed to deliver
both near-term and long-term
safe domestic water and as-
sociated facilities for the com-
munity served by the Dry
Creek Water Treatment Fa-
cility (‘third party review’) pro-
vided the Secretary-Trea-
surer/CEO approves the
budget and scope of the third
party review. Second by Wil-
son. Question. Jim/yes, Jay/
no, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes,
Carlos/yes, 4/1/0, Chairman
not voting; Motion carried.
· Managed Care update
with Michael Collins.
· Tribal Court update with
Gayleen Adams.
· High Lookee Lodge up-
date with Lonnie Parsons.
· Other Business – Tribal
Senior Program building
Background checks.
Natural Resources update
with Robert Brunoe.
Health and Human Ser-
vices update with Caroline
· Motion by Captain to
adjourn at 5 p.m.
July 26
The meeting was called to
order at 9: by Chair man
Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll
call: Lincoln Jay Suppah,
James ‘Jim’ Manion, Vice
Chairman Raymond ‘ Captain’
Moody, Alvis Smith III, Chief
Alfred Smith Jr., Chief Jo-
seph Moses. Minnie Yahtin,
· Governmental Affairs
Update-Raymond Tsumpti
Sr., director.
· Finance update with
Isaac George:
The water fall plan will be
Request for Akana and
Blue Stone reports to be
given, and contract informa-
A letter was sent to BIA
regarding the progress of the
2020 audit.
Budget Books will be
ready for Tribal Council by
end of August.
Indian Health Service up-
date with Hyllis Dauphinais,
clinic director/CEO.
With no further discussion
the meeting adjourned at