Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Summaries of Tribal Council The following are summa- ries of Tribal Council from earlier this summer : July 7, 2022 The meeting was called to order at 9:15 a.m. by Chair- man Jonathan Smith Sr. Roll call: James ‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis Smith III, Carlos Calica, Vice Chair man Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Rosa Graybael, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. · Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprise update with Michael Lofting, acting gen- eral manager. · Return of the Boise Val- ley People discussion with Councilman Wilson Wewa Jr: Motion by Jim authorizing Wilson to travel to the Return of the Boise Valley People event. Second by Alvis. Ques- tion: Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Alvis/yes, Wilson/ yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 7/ 0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Museum At War m Springs update with director Elizabeth Woody. · Warm Springs Compos- ite Products update general manager Jacob Cochise. · Warm Springs Housing Authority update with direc- tor Danielle Wood. · Warm Springs Telecom update with Tim York: Motion by Captain ap- proving $500,000 for Beaver Butte Cell tower from ARPA funds to this project; Second by Wilson. Motion amended to $100,000 for switch equip- ment. Second by Wilson in favor of the amendment. Question. Joe/yes, Captain/ yes, Alvis/yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Credit Enterprise up- date with Lori Fuentes and Bridgette Kalama. With no further discus- sion the meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m. July 11 The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: Chief Joseph Moses, Lincoln Jay Suppah, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis Smith III, Carlos Calica, Rosa Graybael, Chief Delvis Heath. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. · Fee schedule regarding filming and photography dis- cussion with James Halliday, Land Services. · American Rescue Plan Act Investment Committee discussion with Ian Bray: Glendon and Isaac will work on a resolution to present to Tribal Council. · Cannabis Commission update with Ron Roome, Starla Green and Kent Robinson. · Memorandum of Un- derstanding regarding tribal, state and federal court forum with Gayleen Adams and Valerie Colas: Motion by Jim approving the Memorandum of Un- derstanding. Second by Carlos. Question. Jim/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/no, Delvis/ yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, August 24, 2022 5/1/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Santicola Proposal, fa- cilitating Tribal Council Proc- lamation development: Motion by Jim approving the Santicola proposal to as- sist Tribal Council to develop a proclamation. Call for a Second. Second call. Third call. Motion failed due to lack of a second. · Pension Committee up- date with Catherine Langford. · Board advertisements will be extended. Early Childhood Educa- tion discussion with Deanie Smith and Valerie Switzler. · Johnson O’Malley Com- mittee update with Lavina Colwash, Arlissa White and Deanie Smith. · State legislative update call. · Motion by Jay to ad- journ at 4 p.m. July 12 The meeting was called to order at 9:09 a.m. by Chair- man Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis Smith III, Chief Joseph Moses, Carlos Calica, Rosa Graybael. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. · Public Safety update- Nancy Seyler and Police Chief Elliot: Motion by Jim support- ing Chief Elliott’s recommen- dation to implement the Warm Springs Police De- partment camera system. Sec- ond by Alvis. Question. Jim/ yes, Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/ yes, Rosa/yes, 5/0/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. · Public Utilities update woth Chico Holliday, general manager. · Tribal Court update with Gayleen Adams: Motion by Carlos adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,954A that Roberta Armstrong is appointed to serve as Tribal Court Judge Pro Tempore to hear and preside over pro- bate cases, which she will be assigned to by the Chief Judge of the Tribal Court; and to perform all services required in such cases, in- cluding those of the Public Administrator, with full au- thority in such matters as a Judge of the Warm Springs Tribal Court. Second by Jay. Question. Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/yes, Rosa/ yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. Motion by Carlos adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,957 that the Tribal Council (1) expressly waives the require- ment in War m Springs Tribal Code Section 200.275 that Judges Pro Tempore be selected no later than Janu- ary 1 each year; and (2) ap- points the Honorable Anita Jackson to serve as Judge Pro Tempore for the Tribal Court. Second by Alvis. Question. Jim/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/ yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Veterans Services Of- fice update with Darryl Scott and Taw Foltz. · Ad hoc judicial commit- tee discussion: Motion by Jim adopting Resolution No. 12,907A, that an Ad Hoc Judicial Nominating Commission is Employment with the Confederated Tribes The following are po- sitions recently adver- tised with the Confeder- ated Tribes of Warm Springs. For information, con- tact the Human Re- sources office, located in the tribal administration building, 1233 Veterans Street, Warm Springs. Staff are available to answer questions related to the application process and can be reached at 541-553-3262 or hr@wstribes.org Tribal Member prefer- ence is exercised in hir- ing processes as defined in Tribal Personnel Policy PER 202. Teachers (lead, assis- tant and aids - 20 posi- tions). Administrative staff/ECE (three positions - limited duration). Covid techs (four positions - lim- ited duration). Elder con- sultants/ECE (limited du- ration). Human Resources of- fice coordinator. Office support specialist. Pest control management coor- dinator. Tribal Court ad- ministrator. Conservation enforcement officer. Deputy clerk. Probate assistant/Vital Stats re- ceptionist. Water and wastewater distribution operator. Patrol Sergeant. Fisheries Biologist II. Sec- retary. General tech (15 positions - limited dura- tion). Investigation secretary. Corrections Sergeant. Cor- rections officer. Communi- cations officer. Child abuse detective. Hydrolo- gist. Soil scientist/water- shed planner. Housing Au- thority maintenance worker. Jobs with Indian Head Casino, Plateau The following is a recent list of job openings with Indian Head Casion. For details see the website: indianheadcasino.com Cage cashier. Cage main bank cashier. Coffee station attendant. Ac- counting/Finance. Cook. Count team mem- ber. Custodian. Executive chef. Guest service opera- tor. Kitchen steward. Lead cook. Lounge bar- tender. Maintenance man II. Player development su- pervisor. Player's Club am- bassador. Player's Club lead am- bassador. Revenue audi- tor. Security officer. Server. Slot keyperson. Table games dealer. Tule Grill attendant. Tule Registered Dietician. Travel accountant. Comp & Benefits administrator. Public administrator. A/P Specialist II. Payroll/GL Specialist. Project Archaeologist/ Principal Investigator. Field technicians (part time). Restoration tech- nician. Restoration field crew member (limited du- ration). Fire/Medic. Property management specialist. Assorted work experience jobs (limited duration). Assorted work experience jobs (youth). Grill cook. The following are po- sitions advertised at the Plateau Travel Plaza: Accounting supervi- sor. Store cashier. Store supervisor. Custodian. Fuel atten- dant. Host cashier/ server. Line cook. Secu- rity officer. Page 5 hereby established for the purpose of interviewing and selecting for consideration by the Tribal Council the top three candidates for the po- sition of Chief Judge and Associate Judge of the Warm Springs Tribal Court. That Walter Langnese III and Edward Heath are hereby appointed to the Ad Hoc Nominating Commis- sion for the two tribal mem- ber positions, and Ronald Roome is appointed to the commission for the off-res- ervation non-member posi- tion; As amended, removing Arlene Boileau as an alter- nate. Question. Jim/yes, Jay/yes, Alvis/yes, Rosa/ yes, Carlos/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · The Museum at Warm Springs (accessions) update with Elizabeth Woody. · Motion by Jay to ad- journ at 2:50 p.m. July 13 The meeting was called to order at 9:12 by Chairman Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: 9 Lincoln Jay Suppah, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Alvis Smith III, Carlos Calica, Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Rosa Graybael, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. · Tribal Council Execu- tive Committee appoint- ments. · Tribal Council board appointments · Secretary-Treasurer dis- cussion: Motion by Captain ap- proving an executive session. Second by Jay. Question. All in favor; Motion carried. Motion by Jay to adjourn at 5:11 p.m. July 18 The meeting was called to order at 9:12 a.m. by Chair- man Jonathan Smith. Roll call: Chief Joseph Moses, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Cap- tain’ Moody, Rosa Graybael, Carlos Calica, Wilson Wewa Jr. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Meet and greet Forest Service superintendent for Mt. Hood, Meta Lofts- gaarden. · Draft resolutions with S-T: Public Safety/law en- forcement/investigations and adult detention con- tracts: Motion by Jim adopting Resolution No. 12,961, as read. Second by Carlos. Question. Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/ 0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Warm Springs Landfill: Motion by Captain adopting Resolution 3698A. Second by Wilson. Question. Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/ yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/0, Chair- man not voting; Motion car- ried. · Enrollments: Motion by Captain adopting Resolution No. 12,962 enrolling seven indi- viduals. Second by Carlos. Question. Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/ 0, Chairman not voting; Mo- tion carried. · Federal and state legis- lative update calls. · BendTel update with Doug Cox and James Neff. · August agenda: Motion by Carlos ap- proving the August agenda. Second by Captain. Ques- tion. Jim/yes, Joe/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/ yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. Motion by Captain to ad- journ at 3:15 p.m. July 20 The meeting was called to order at 9:09 a.m. by Chair- man Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Chief Joseph Moses, Vice Chairman Raymond ‘Captain’ Moody, Carlos Calica, Rosa Graybael, Wilson Wewa Jr. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Tribal Council meet and greet with Brent Hall: Motion by Captain adopt- ing Resolution No. 12,963, authorizing the Tribal Coun- cil Chairman or his autho- rized representative to ex- ecute the special attorney contract for Brent H. Hall and instruct him to initiate his services thereunder immedi- ately. Second by Jay. Question. Jim/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/ yes, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Drinking water task force update with Chico Holliday, Ellen Grover and Barry Buchanan: Motion by Jim adopting Resolution No. 12,964, that the Tribal Council authorizes the Tribal Attorneys at Best, Best and Krieger, to engage an independent engineering firm to conduct a review of the work proposed to deliver both near-term and long-term safe domestic water and as- sociated facilities for the com- munity served by the Dry Creek Water Treatment Fa- cility (‘third party review’) pro- vided the Secretary-Trea- surer/CEO approves the budget and scope of the third party review. Second by Wil- son. Question. Jim/yes, Jay/ no, Wilson/yes, Rosa/yes, Carlos/yes, 4/1/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. · Managed Care update with Michael Collins. · Tribal Court update with Gayleen Adams. · High Lookee Lodge up- date with Lonnie Parsons. · Other Business – Tribal Council: Senior Program building update. Background checks. Natural Resources update with Robert Brunoe. Health and Human Ser- vices update with Caroline Cruz. · Motion by Captain to adjourn at 5 p.m. July 26 The meeting was called to order at 9: by Chair man Jonathan W. Smith Sr. Roll call: Lincoln Jay Suppah, James ‘Jim’ Manion, Vice Chairman Raymond ‘ Captain’ Moody, Alvis Smith III, Chief Alfred Smith Jr., Chief Jo- seph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Governmental Affairs Update-Raymond Tsumpti Sr., director. · Finance update with Isaac George: The water fall plan will be presented. Request for Akana and Blue Stone reports to be given, and contract informa- tion. A letter was sent to BIA regarding the progress of the 2020 audit. Budget Books will be ready for Tribal Council by end of August. Indian Health Service up- date with Hyllis Dauphinais, clinic director/CEO. With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 11:55.