Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 03, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
November 3, 2021
Covid booster shots now available
The clinic is now
scheduling covid vac-
cine booster shots. You
qualify if you are in one
of the categories:
· If you are 65 or
older. Call the clinic vac-
cine line at 541-551-
2131 to schedule an ap-
· In the coming days
and weeks, War m
Springs and Community
Health will be working
to get all of our 65 and older
boost doses scheduled and
· If you are 18-64 years
old and meet the criteria for
a boost dose (below), please
call and let the clinic know
you are interested in receiv-
ing your boost dose. Once
identified, the clinic will
work you into our vaccine
clinic schedule. This applies
· You are 18-64 at high
risk of severe Covid-
19 (that is, with an un-
derlying medical condi-
· If you are 18-64
with frequent institu-
tional or occupational
exposure to Covid-19
(that is: A long-term
healthcare facility,
healthcare workers,
first responders, edu-
cation staff, correc-
tions, etc.).
Summary of Tribal Council
October 18, 2021
The meeting was called to
order at 9:10 by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll
call: Raymond ‘Captain’
Moody, Lincoln ‘Jay’
Suppah, Glendon Smith,
Lola Sohappy, Anita Jackson,
Chief Joseph Moses.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
Secretary-Treasurer up-
date with Glendon Smith.
November agenda and
review minutes.
· The Secretary-Treasurer
will present a clean copy of
the agenda and travel delega-
tions by end of today for ap-
Draft resolutions:
· Indian Community De-
velopment Block Grant
Funds (ICDBG)-American
Recovery Plan (ARP) funds:
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,855
hereby certifies that all Citi-
zen Participation require-
ments regarding the Phase
III ICDBG-ARP application
have been met according to
24CFR Part 1003.604. Sec-
ond by Captain. Discussion;
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Lola/yes, Anita/yes, 7/
0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,856,
the Tribal Council hereby del-
egates to War m Springs
Housing Authority, and Of-
fice of Secretary-Treasurer/
CEO the sole authority to
prepare and submit on be-
half of the Tribe an ICDBG
application for fiscal year
2021 under funding oppor-
tunity number FR-6500-N-
23 for a total amount of
$750,000.00. That the
Warm Springs Tribal Coun-
cil certifies that the citizen
participation requirements
identified at 24 CFR
1003.604 have been met for
the proposed ICDBG
project. Second by Captain.
discussion. Glendon/yes,
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/
yes, Brigette/yes, Lola/yes,
Anita/yes, 7/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
· Warm Springs Casino
Enterprise commercial/
business lease:
This will be presented af-
ter the Branch of Natural
Resources approves their
· Wasco Electric Co-
Op agreement and reso-
Motion by Brigette autho-
rizing the Chairman, Secre-
tary Treasurer to sign with
the President of Wasco Elec-
tric Board. Second by Jay.
Discussion. Glendon/yes,
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/
yes, Brigette/yes, Lola/yes,
Anita/yes, 7/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,857
that the Agreement between
the Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs and Wasco
Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
attached hereto as Exhibit A
is approved and the Chair-
man of the Tribal Council
and Secretary-Treasurer/
CEO of the Tribes are au-
thorized to execute such
agreement on behalf of the
Confederated Tribes are au-
thorized to execute such
agreement on behalf of the
Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs. Discussion.
Jay/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/
yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes,
Lola/yes, Anita/yes, 7/0/0,
Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Warm Springs Com-
posite Products Lease:
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,858
that the proposed business
Lease No. 4376 is hereby
approved for ta twenty-five
year term to begin April 1,
2018 and to end March 31,
2043; and that the negotiated
rental amounts set out above
are hereby approved, with
the Tribe waiving all com-
pensation for the use of
Tribally owned real estate in-
terests. That the Confeder-
ated Tribes reserve the right
to grant rights-of-way over,
under and across the lease
premises, such a provision to
be written into and made a
part of the lease terms.
That except as otherwise
provided for in the lease
agreement, the Confeder-
ated Tribes reserves the right
to cancel the lease upon
thirty day written notice to
lessee, in the event that the
lease premises ins needed for
Tribal community develop-
ment or land exchange pur-
pose, or such other substan-
tive reason cancellation may
be deemed necessary by the
Tribe, such a provision be
written into and made a part
of the lease terms. That the
Chairman or Vice Chair, and
are hereby authorized to ex-
ecute all documents neces-
sary on behalf of the Con-
federated Tribes. Second by
Anita. Discussion. Glendon/
yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes,
Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Lola/
yes, Anita/yes, 7/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
· Health and Human
Services lease for home-
less shelter to indepen-
dent living:
Motion by Glendon
adopting Resolution No.
12,859 that the Health and
Human Services Branch be
granted a twenty-five year
lease in the Warm Springs
area on tribal land described
herein. That the lesser
waives any fees to the Tribes
upon approve of the lease,
for the original term of the
lease. That the Tribe re-
serves the right to grant
rights-of-way over, under
and across the lease pre-
mises, such a provision to be
written into and made a part
of the lease terms.
That except as otherwise
provided for in the lease
agreement, the Tribes re-
serve the right to cancel the
lease upon (365) days writ-
ten notice to lessee, in the
event that the lease premises
are needed for Tribal Com-
munity development or land
exchange are needed for
Tribal Community Develop-
ment or land exchange pur-
poses, or for such other sub-
stantive reason cancellation
may be deemed necessary by
the Tribes, such a provision
to be written into and made
a part of the lease terms.
That the Chairman or Vice
Chair and Secretary-Trea-
surer/CEO are hereby au-
thorized to execute the nec-
essary documents for and on
behalf of the Tribes. Second
by Brigette. Discussion.
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Lola/yes, Anita/yes, 7/
0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Home site lease for
Michele Gonzales.
Health Board Appoint-
· Motion by Brigette
adopting Resolution No.
12,861, that it may select
such other officers and com-
mittees as it may deem nec-
essary for properly conduct-
ing business for the Tribal
Council; By the 28 th Tribal
Council of the Confeder-
ated Tribes of Warm Springs
Reservation of Oregon, that
Eugene Greene, Jr. is desig-
nated as authorized delegate,
with Caroline Cruz and
Michael Collins as alternate
delegates, to represent the
Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs at local, state,
regional and national meet-
ings to express and vote (if
needed) on health issues;
That this resolution rescinds
Resolution No. 12,668 ap-
proved February 10, 2020;
(as amended); Second by
Anita; Discussion; Glendon/
yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes,
Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Lola/
yes, Anita/yes, 7/0/0, Chair-
Page 3
Holiday Outdoor Market returns
The Warm Springs Out-
door Market is coming up
on Tuesday, November 16
at the Community Center,
2200 Hollywood Boulevard.
The Outdoor Market will
be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
and is sponsored by Warm
Springs Recreation.
Tables are free of charge.
Due to covid restrictions
this year, tables are limited
and must be reserved. Please
call 541-553-3243. Masks
will be required.
Community note
Warm Springs Wellness
is offering folks the oppor-
tunity to work toward beat-
ing diabetes with weekly
classes at the old elemen-
tary school g ym. Senior
volleyball is Monday at 10
a.m., with Senior Fitness
class Tuesday throut Friday
at 10. Small Group Fitness
is 2-3 p.m. Monday through
Friday. Youth Fitness is
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday afternoons from 3-
5. If you have any ques-
tions, call 541-777-2770.
man not voting; Motion car-
· Home site lease for
Michael Leecy:
James will check if
Michael signed on a previous
lease then bring this back.
· Home site lease for
Amanda Smith:
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing Resolution No. 12,862,
That Amanda Smith be
granted a fifty year home site
lease in the Sunnyside area on
tribal land described herein.
That the lessee pay to the
Tribes upon approval of the
lease, ($25.00) for the origi-
nal term of the lease. That
the Tribe reserves the right
to grant rights-of-way over,
under and across the lease
premises, no interments al-
lowed, such provisions to be
written into and made a part
of the lease terms; That ex-
cept as otherwise provided
for in the lease agreement, the
Tribes reserve the right to
cancel the lease upon (30)
days written notice to lessee,
in the event that the lease
premises are needed for
Tribal Community develop-
ment or land exchange pur-
poses, or for such other sub-
stantive reason cancellation
may be deemed necessary by
the Tribes, such a provision
to be written into and made
a part of the lease terms.
That the Chairman or Vice
Chair and Secretary-Trea-
surer/CEO are hereby au-
thorized to execute the nec-
essary documents for on be-
half of the Tribes. Second
by Captain. Discussion.
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Lola/yes, Anita/yes, 7/
0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Home site lease for
Cecelia LeClaire.
· Home site lease for
Rayann and Curtis Satanus.
· Home site lease for
LeiRon Picard.
· Federal legislative up-
date call with Matthew Hill.
State legislative update call
wtih Michael Mason.
· Covid update with the
Response Team.
· Enrollments with Lucille
Suppach-Sampson, Vital Sta-
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing Resolution 12,866 enroll-
ing 18 individuals. Second by
Anita. Discussion. Glendon/
yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes,
Brigette/yes, Lola/yes, Anita/
yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not vot-
ing. Motion carried.
· School bond update with
district superintendent Jay
Mathison, and Kevin
Richards, Joey Pretchtl board
chairwman Laurie Danzuka:
Motion by Captain to
have the Secretary-Treasurer
draft a letter on behalf of
the Tribes endorsing our con-
tinued support on the 509-J
bond for all students, and
encourage our membership
to vote by November 2. Sec-
ond by Brigette. Discussion.
Glendon/yes, Captain/yes,
Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Lola/
yes, Anita/abstain, 5/0/1,
Chairman not voting. Motion
· OSU Extension Tradi-
tional Foods Project will be re-
scheduled. Motion by Brigette
to adjourn at 3:30 p.m.