Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 10, 2021, Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
March 10, 2021
Summaries of Tribal Council
March 2
The meeting was called to
order at 9:07 a.m. by Chair-
man Raymond Tsumpti Sr.
Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Lincoln Jay Suppah,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Anita Jackson, Vice Chair
Glendon Smith, Chief Jo-
seph Moses, Wilson Wewa Jr.
Minnie Yahtin, Recorder.
· Committee and board
appointments with Michele
Stacona, Secretar y-Trea-
surer: All votes are by se-
cret ballot.
· Culture and Heritage
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing resolution no. 12,783, that
the Tribal Council shall ap-
point such committees as it
may deem necessary for
properly conducting the busi-
ness of the Tribal Council to
membership on those com-
mittees as it shall deem ap-
propriate and the Commit-
tee membership shall be as
Paiute: Myra Johnson-
Orange and Lonnie ‘Rosie’
Tom; Wasco: Radine Johnson
and Lepha Smith; War m
Springs: Lorraine Suppah
and Roberta Kirk. The al-
ternate is Delson Suppah Sr.
Second by Captain. Discus-
sion. Glendon/yes, Captain/
yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes,
Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/
0, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Water Control board:
Motion by Anita adopting
resolution no. 12,784, that
the following persons be ap-
pointed to the Water Board
with terms indicated: Terry
Squiemphen, term ending
October 30, 2023 and Flint
Scott, term ending October
30, 2023. Second by
Glendon/yes, Captain/yes,
Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/
0, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Credit Enterprise
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing resolution no. 12,785, the
Man arrested
after car chase
A high-speed pursuit of a
stolen pickup on Highway 26
began on the Warm Springs
Indian Reservation this past
Monday, and ended in Ma-
dras with a crash into several
parked cars, a brief chase on
foot and the arrest of the
driver after he got out and
ran. Police arrested the sus-
pect, a 42-year-old Carson,
Washington man.
Tribal police were advised
around 11:20 a.m. Monday
of a 2005 Ford F-350
pickup, stolen in Milwaukie,
heading east on the highway
through the reservation.
Warm Springs officers
spotted the pickup and tried
to conduct a traffic stop, but
the driver kept going at
speeds up to 100 mph, pass-
ing several vehicles, driving
into oncoming lanes and
speeding through the con-
struction zone near the Mu-
seum at Warm Springs.
Jefferson County sheriff ’s
deputies tried to use spike
strips to stop or slow the
driver, but were unsuccess-
ful. The vehicle entered the
parking lot of Double Press
Manufacturing, where the
driver lost control and
crashed into several parked
vehicles. He was arrested a
short time later.
following person be ap-
pointed to the Board of Di-
rectors of Warm Springs
Credit Enterprise with the
term as indicated: Bruce
Engle, Class I, term ending
January 1, 2022. Second by
Glendon/yes, Captain/yes,
Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/
0, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Telecom Enterprise
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing resolution no. 12,787 the
following person be ap-
pointed to the Warm Springs
Telecommunications Enter-
prise Board with the term
indicated: Hyllis Dauphinais,
Class II – non-tribal member,
Term ending December 31,
2022. Second by Glendon.
Discussion. Glendon/yes,
Brigette/yes, Anita/no, 4/1/
0, Chair man not voting;
Motion carried.
· Warm Springs Com-
posite Products board:
This vacancy will be re-
· Warm Springs Ven-
tures board:
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing resolution no. 12,788, the
following person(s) is ap-
pointed to the Board of Di-
rectors of Ventures: Daniel
Ahern, Class II, non-mem-
ber, term ending December
31, 2023; and Isaac George,
Class II, tribal member, term
ending December 31, 2023.
Second by Captain. Discus-
sion. Glendon/yes, Captain/
yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes,
Anita/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
· Fish and Wildlife Off-
Reser vation Committee
member concern.
· Draft resolutions with
· Motion by Brigette
adopting resolution no.
12,789, pursuant to the
Warm Springs Inheritance
Act that the Tribal Council
hereby indicates its right and
desire to purchase the inter-
est of the decedent in land
subject to the act within the
allowable timeframe. The
Council Chairman will send
a Notice of Intent to Pur-
chase the interests (Allotment
145-529) to the Superinten-
dent on or before March 11,
and the Secretary-Treasurer/
CEO and Bureau of Indian
Affairs are hereby autho-
rized and directed to prepare
and file all documents nec-
essary to complete this In-
heritance Act Purchase with
funds from the real estate
acquisition fund as quickly as
possible. Second by Anita.
Discussion. Glendon/yes,
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/
yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes,
6/0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Motion by Brigette
adopting resolution no.
12,790, pursuant to the
Warm Springs Inheritance
Act that the Tribal Council
hereby indicates its right and
desire to purchase the inter-
ests of the decedent in land
subject to the Act within the
allowable timeframe. That
the Council Chairman send
a Notice of Intent to Pur-
chase the interests (Allot-
ments #145-291 and #145-
715) to the Superintendent
on or before March 7, and
the Secretary-Treasurer/
CEO and Bureau of Indian
Affairs are hereby autho-
rized and directed to prepare
and file all documents nec-
essary to complete this In-
heritance Act Purchase with
funds from the real estate
acquisition fund as quickly as
possible. James will contact
Peggy to correct the dollar
amount; Second by Captain.
Discussion. Glendon/yes,
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/
yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes,
6/0/0, Chairman not voting.
Motion carried.
· Motion by Brigette
adopting resolution no.
12,791, pursuant to the
Warm Springs Inheritance
Act that the Tribal Council
hereby indicates its right and
desire to purchase the inter-
ests of the decedent in land
subject to the Act within the
allowable timeframe. That
the Council Chairman send
a Notice of Intent to Pur-
chase the interests (Allot-
ment #145-240) to the Su-
perintendent on or before
March 7, and the Secretary-
Treasurer/CEO and Bureau
of Indian Affairs are hereby
authorized and directed to
prepare and file all docu-
ments necessary to complete
this Inheritance Act Purchase
with funds from the real es-
tate acquisition fund as
quickly as possible. James
will contact Peggy to correct
the dollar amount; Second by
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/0, Chair-
man not voting. Motion car-
· Nena Springs mediation
update with Josh Newton,
Howard Arnett, Bill Earl and
Tyler Moore:
Executive session from
10:54 to 11:25 a.m.
· Motion by Brigette
adopting resolution no.
12,792, pursuant to Article
V, Section 1(a), (f), and (l) of
the Tribal Constitution and
By-Laws, that the Tribal
Council approves the Confi-
dential Mutual Release in
Full of All Claims, including
its limited waiver of sover-
eign immunity provisions.
That the Tribal Council
Chairman, Vice-Chair and
of the Tribe are delegated
the authority to finalize and
execute a final written Con-
fidential Mutual Release In
Full of All Claims to the ex-
tent that it substantially con-
forms with the Agreement
presented to Tribal Council
in executive session. Second
by Anita. Discussion.
Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap-
tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/
yes, Anita/yes, 5/0/0, Chair-
man not voting; Motion car-
· Bureau of Indian Af-
fairs update with Bodie
Shaw, acting superintendent:
Brenda Bremner was in-
troduced as the new Warm
Springs Agency Superinten-
· 509-J Memorandum of
Understanding delegation
with Valerie Switzler, Educa-
tion general manager:
Anita and Glendon are
delegated to the team to re-
view and give input on the
· Beaver Butte/AT&T
FirstNet update with James
A list of negotiation team
members will be brought
back to Tribal Council.
· Mt. Hood Wilderness
Bill with Robert Brunoe,
Matthew Hill and John
This discussion will con-
tinue at a later date.
· At 3:43 p.m.: Due to ex-
Page 3
posure to the virus, the
Admin building was shut
down for the remainder of
the day.
March 1
The meeting was called to
order at 9 a.m. by Chairman
Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll
call: Chief Delvis Heath,
Raymond (Captain) Moody,
Anita Jackson, Lincoln Jay
Suppah, Vice Chair Brigette
McConville, Wilson Wewa Jr.,
Glendon Smith, Chief Joseph
Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Re-
· Office of Special
Trustee update with Kevin
· Realty items with James
Motion by Brigette adopt-
ing resolution no. 12,782,
Tribal Council hereby indi-
cates its right and desire to
purchase the interest of the
decedent (Allotment #147-
240). Second by Anita. Dis-
cussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/
yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes,
Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Wil-
son/yes, Anita/yes, 8/0/0,
Chairman not voting. Motion
· Motion by Brigette
adopting resolution 12,783,
Tribal Council hereby indi-
cates its right and desire to
purchase the interest of the
#12,783). Second by Delvis;
Discussion. Glendon/yes,
Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/
yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes,
Wilson/yes, Anita/yes, 8/0/
0, Chairman not voting. Mo-
tion carried.
· Motion by Anita rescind-
ing the previous resolutions
due to incorrect allotment
numbers. The two resolu-
tions will be resubmitted.
Second by Brigette. The
resolution numbers will go
back to 12,782; Glendon/
yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes,
Delvis/yes, Wilson/yes,
Anita/yes, 8/0/0, Chairman
not voting; Motion carried.
Federal legislative update
call with Matthew Hill.
State legislative update
call with Michael Mason.
· Indian Health Service
update with Michelle Miller
and Dr. Locker.
COVID and 509-J up-
dates Caroline Cruz, Danny
Martinez, Louie Pitt, Jeffrey
Carstensen, Louie Pitt and
Ken Parshall.
Tribal attorney update
with Josh Newton:
· Executive session from
Tribal attorney update
and contract with John
· Motion by Brigette
adopting resolution no.
12,782 authorizing the Tribal
Council Chairman or his au-
thorized representative to
execute the special attorney
contract for John W. Ogan
and instruct him to initiate
his services thereunder im-
mediately. Second by
Glendon/yes, Captain/yes,
Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Wil-
son/yes, 7/0/0, Chairman
not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Captain to ad-
journ at 4 p.m.