Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 10, 2021 Summaries of Tribal Council March 2 The meeting was called to order at 9:07 a.m. by Chair- man Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Raymond (Captain) Moody, Anita Jackson, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Glendon Smith, Chief Jo- seph Moses, Wilson Wewa Jr. Minnie Yahtin, Recorder. · Committee and board appointments with Michele Stacona, Secretar y-Trea- surer: All votes are by se- cret ballot. · Culture and Heritage Committee: Motion by Brigette adopt- ing resolution no. 12,783, that the Tribal Council shall ap- point such committees as it may deem necessary for properly conducting the busi- ness of the Tribal Council to membership on those com- mittees as it shall deem ap- propriate and the Commit- tee membership shall be as follows: Paiute: Myra Johnson- Orange and Lonnie ‘Rosie’ Tom; Wasco: Radine Johnson and Lepha Smith; War m Springs: Lorraine Suppah and Roberta Kirk. The al- ternate is Delson Suppah Sr. Second by Captain. Discus- sion. Glendon/yes, Captain/ yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Water Control board: Motion by Anita adopting resolution no. 12,784, that the following persons be ap- pointed to the Water Board with terms indicated: Terry Squiemphen, term ending October 30, 2023 and Flint Scott, term ending October 30, 2023. Second by Glendon. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Credit Enterprise board: Motion by Brigette adopt- ing resolution no. 12,785, the Man arrested after car chase A high-speed pursuit of a stolen pickup on Highway 26 began on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation this past Monday, and ended in Ma- dras with a crash into several parked cars, a brief chase on foot and the arrest of the driver after he got out and ran. Police arrested the sus- pect, a 42-year-old Carson, Washington man. Tribal police were advised around 11:20 a.m. Monday of a 2005 Ford F-350 pickup, stolen in Milwaukie, heading east on the highway through the reservation. Warm Springs officers spotted the pickup and tried to conduct a traffic stop, but the driver kept going at speeds up to 100 mph, pass- ing several vehicles, driving into oncoming lanes and speeding through the con- struction zone near the Mu- seum at Warm Springs. Jefferson County sheriff ’s deputies tried to use spike strips to stop or slow the driver, but were unsuccess- ful. The vehicle entered the parking lot of Double Press Manufacturing, where the driver lost control and crashed into several parked vehicles. He was arrested a short time later. following person be ap- pointed to the Board of Di- rectors of Warm Springs Credit Enterprise with the term as indicated: Bruce Engle, Class I, term ending January 1, 2022. Second by Captain. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Telecom Enterprise board: Motion by Brigette adopt- ing resolution no. 12,787 the following person be ap- pointed to the Warm Springs Telecommunications Enter- prise Board with the term indicated: Hyllis Dauphinais, Class II – non-tribal member, Term ending December 31, 2022. Second by Glendon. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/no, 4/1/ 0, Chair man not voting; Motion carried. · Warm Springs Com- posite Products board: This vacancy will be re- advertised. · Warm Springs Ven- tures board: Motion by Brigette adopt- ing resolution no. 12,788, the following person(s) is ap- pointed to the Board of Di- rectors of Ventures: Daniel Ahern, Class II, non-mem- ber, term ending December 31, 2023; and Isaac George, Class II, tribal member, term ending December 31, 2023. Second by Captain. Discus- sion. Glendon/yes, Captain/ yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, 5/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Fish and Wildlife Off- Reser vation Committee member concern. · Draft resolutions with Michele: · Motion by Brigette adopting resolution no. 12,789, pursuant to the Warm Springs Inheritance Act that the Tribal Council hereby indicates its right and desire to purchase the inter- est of the decedent in land subject to the act within the allowable timeframe. The Council Chairman will send a Notice of Intent to Pur- chase the interests (Allotment 145-529) to the Superinten- dent on or before March 11, and the Secretary-Treasurer/ CEO and Bureau of Indian Affairs are hereby autho- rized and directed to prepare and file all documents nec- essary to complete this In- heritance Act Purchase with funds from the real estate acquisition fund as quickly as possible. Second by Anita. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting resolution no. 12,790, pursuant to the Warm Springs Inheritance Act that the Tribal Council hereby indicates its right and desire to purchase the inter- ests of the decedent in land subject to the Act within the allowable timeframe. That the Council Chairman send a Notice of Intent to Pur- chase the interests (Allot- ments #145-291 and #145- 715) to the Superintendent on or before March 7, and the Secretary-Treasurer/ CEO and Bureau of Indian Affairs are hereby autho- rized and directed to prepare and file all documents nec- essary to complete this In- heritance Act Purchase with funds from the real estate acquisition fund as quickly as possible. James will contact Peggy to correct the dollar amount; Second by Captain. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/ yes, Brigette/yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting resolution no. 12,791, pursuant to the Warm Springs Inheritance Act that the Tribal Council hereby indicates its right and desire to purchase the inter- ests of the decedent in land subject to the Act within the allowable timeframe. That the Council Chairman send a Notice of Intent to Pur- chase the interests (Allot- ment #145-240) to the Su- perintendent on or before March 7, and the Secretary- Treasurer/CEO and Bureau of Indian Affairs are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and file all docu- ments necessary to complete this Inheritance Act Purchase with funds from the real es- tate acquisition fund as quickly as possible. James will contact Peggy to correct the dollar amount; Second by Captain. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/ yes, Anita/yes, 6/0/0, Chair- man not voting. Motion car- ried. · Nena Springs mediation update with Josh Newton, Howard Arnett, Bill Earl and Tyler Moore: Executive session from 10:54 to 11:25 a.m. · Motion by Brigette adopting resolution no. 12,792, pursuant to Article V, Section 1(a), (f), and (l) of the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws, that the Tribal Council approves the Confi- dential Mutual Release in Full of All Claims, including its limited waiver of sover- eign immunity provisions. That the Tribal Council Chairman, Vice-Chair and Secretary-Treasurer/CEO of the Tribe are delegated the authority to finalize and execute a final written Con- fidential Mutual Release In Full of All Claims to the ex- tent that it substantially con- forms with the Agreement presented to Tribal Council in executive session. Second by Anita. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Cap- tain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/ yes, Anita/yes, 5/0/0, Chair- man not voting; Motion car- ried. · Bureau of Indian Af- fairs update with Bodie Shaw, acting superintendent: Brenda Bremner was in- troduced as the new Warm Springs Agency Superinten- dent. · 509-J Memorandum of Understanding delegation with Valerie Switzler, Educa- tion general manager: Anita and Glendon are delegated to the team to re- view and give input on the MOU. · Beaver Butte/AT&T FirstNet update with James Halliday: A list of negotiation team members will be brought back to Tribal Council. · Mt. Hood Wilderness Bill with Robert Brunoe, Matthew Hill and John Ogan: This discussion will con- tinue at a later date. · At 3:43 p.m.: Due to ex- Page 3 posure to the virus, the Admin building was shut down for the remainder of the day. March 1 The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by Chairman Raymond Tsumpti Sr. Roll call: Chief Delvis Heath, Raymond (Captain) Moody, Anita Jackson, Lincoln Jay Suppah, Vice Chair Brigette McConville, Wilson Wewa Jr., Glendon Smith, Chief Joseph Moses. Minnie Yahtin, Re- corder. · Office of Special Trustee update with Kevin Moore. · Realty items with James Halliday: Motion by Brigette adopt- ing resolution no. 12,782, Tribal Council hereby indi- cates its right and desire to purchase the interest of the decedent (Allotment #147- 240). Second by Anita. Dis- cussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/ yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Wil- son/yes, Anita/yes, 8/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. · Motion by Brigette adopting resolution 12,783, Tribal Council hereby indi- cates its right and desire to purchase the interest of the decedent (Allotment #12,783). Second by Delvis; Discussion. Glendon/yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/ yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Wilson/yes, Anita/yes, 8/0/ 0, Chairman not voting. Mo- tion carried. · Motion by Anita rescind- ing the previous resolutions due to incorrect allotment numbers. The two resolu- tions will be resubmitted. Second by Brigette. The resolution numbers will go back to 12,782; Glendon/ yes, Joe/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Wilson/yes, Anita/yes, 8/0/0, Chairman not voting; Motion carried. Federal legislative update call with Matthew Hill. State legislative update call with Michael Mason. · Indian Health Service update with Michelle Miller and Dr. Locker. COVID and 509-J up- dates Caroline Cruz, Danny Martinez, Louie Pitt, Jeffrey Carstensen, Louie Pitt and Ken Parshall. Tribal attorney update with Josh Newton: · Executive session from 1:30-2:35. Tribal attorney update and contract with John Ogan: · Motion by Brigette adopting resolution no. 12,782 authorizing the Tribal Council Chairman or his au- thorized representative to execute the special attorney contract for John W. Ogan and instruct him to initiate his services thereunder im- mediately. Second by Glendon. Discussion. Glendon/yes, Captain/yes, Jay/yes, Brigette/yes, Delvis/yes, Anita/yes, Wil- son/yes, 7/0/0, Chairman not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Captain to ad- journ at 4 p.m.