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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 2007)
Graduation Congratulations South Puget Sound graduation L isa M arie Johnson, fr o m m u n ity C ollege in O lym pia, Warm 'S prin gsyh as gra d u a ted Wash., earn ing an A ssociate fr o m South P u get S ound C om - ' o f A rts degree. ~ To my lovely w ife Shelia, - C o n g ra tu la tio n s on j/our g r a d u a tio n fro m G ëo rg e Fox U n iv ersity with your M asters in M ar riage and Fam ily Therapy (with a 3.9 S P A !) on April 27, 2007. I am v e ry p ro u d o f you! You are an excellent role model, and an inspi ra tio n to a ll o f :t h o se around you. I know you w ill be successful, whether you decide to go for your d o c fo râ te , o r g e t y o u r therapist’s license. Ju st fob’ lo w y o u r h e a rt. L o v e , Toys-Tools-Housewares-Clothing-Crafts-Gifts- Open Monday-Sat Your Bargain Connection 9:00-6:00 me 717 S.W. 5th St. M adras Or. JU 6 t t $3.00 AND UP Orvie Danzuka. H i Mothers Day wishes belatedly... ( To my lov in g m oth er M arella Rose Van Pelt Sam: % Well mom I hope y o u like this nbU because everything in it- is trke. Sorry 'this took so long, mom, but you know I love, 'you. Well, first, Happy Moth ers Day, here is something I h a vefir you : I wish we could be together to celebrate what a , wonderful mother y o u 'vp b e en f You've shown me the love o f a mother and the understanding o f a friend. So, although We can't be together I had to lei y o u know... You're always in my heart, no matter where I may go. Love y o u mom, and hopeyou had a great day. M iss y o u all. A nd y es, mom, y o u r birthday this M ayfffifffitidll. ers Day, I love y o u and miss you. H aveagreaidcy and take care, and mom, no more wor ries, mom, it w ill a ll be okay. * L ots o f love fro m y o u r son Tracy Ray Van Pelt Sam. I Happy Mothers Day to Auntie Teeter, Auntie Kathlee and Jqfai, sister in law Meredith Polk, to,the Govenors, Viola, Angie, Leila; to Marceline LeClaire, Heleana H.) and to all the people we may have left out: From Ja c k and Niathaitiel LeClaire. C o re y C le m e n ts , M a x in e Clem ents, Lynn Fhlur, Auntie R ita S q u ie m p h e n , T ee n e y M iller, M onica Leonard, Lana Happy Mothers Day to Shike-Leonard, Auntie Carol Alison Switzler. Love you, C raig, A untie M ariam T ias, Mqrcie Moody, Bonita Leonard Eydie Switzler. ; Happy M others D ay to Felicia and anyone else w e m ay o f for Lynn, and to f i l l my you n g nieces, gotten. From the Calica, B ailey M aya n n e M itch ell, M a r g a r e t . and Tsumpti Families. Happy Belaud Mothers day to my S w itfier, A shley A guilar, K risty Jo h n so n , S arah S w itz ler (a n d momJuanitaMajeL Love Joseph Calica. Happy Belated Mothers day to happy birthday M ay 2.8), A licia A gu ilar, and E dna W inis hut. Grandma Lillian Galindo (Califor With a ll my love to one and all, n ia), A u n tie G lo w in gstar Takencarof, Auntie Lucia, Garcia- E ydie R. Switfier. H a p p y M o th e rs D a y to Jo le n e . Love, Eydie: an d the O val B a r R an ch , Tenino Val ley. M ajel (Lom pc C alifo rn ia ), Grandma Jan Majel (Pauma Valley Califoma) and the rest of the Majel Family (Pauma Valley California) Happy Mothers Day to, hiy t andG^Hpdo .Fam ily (Arizona), loving mom Laura Switzler. Lovejosepn Calica (W.S. Oregon). To my female family members and friends, Happy Mothers Day! From One and only witch, Tamara Henry/ Lore you and take care/, your daughter Norma Switzler. 'H appy Mothers Day to all'riiy family, friends and new moms and mothers to be, to all my sistefs, and to m y cell m ates. N orm a Switzler. Happy Mothers day to Grandma Wauna CaKca^GiarfdmaDms,Mclene, Grandma Laurain Hintsala. From Jospth Calica, Jade Tsumpti and Tatum ‘Tater Tot” Tsumpti and Lane Bailey. K PORCELAIN DOLLS — i —....................... .... ... f g lp r B Shower Curtain Sets $4.50-$12.00 Toys-Tools-Housewares-Clothing-Crafts-Gifts- H appy M oth ers D ay to my mommy P aulette H awley. Love, y o u r daughter Charisse (Rose) H ap p y M others D ay to m y older sisters T-Tail an d C rys tal Scott. Love, lil sis C. Rose. Happy Mothers Day to Paulette Hawley Love always, your baby Julia H. Happy Mothers Day to my H a p p y M o th e rs Ij>ay to nana Crystal Scott. Love, C arol C raig, to M ariapa T ia s, Julia H. H appy M others D ay to my C h r is t in a C e c ile , M a rth a R o se an d C ena R ae, E lfred a CRose. Love always, your baby sis M itc h e ll, K im ikd M itc h e ll, Julia H. H appy M others Day, Danell. B lanche M itch ell,B o n eta and G loria M itc h e ll, to B e rn ic e Love, Otis Johnson- H a p p y M o th e rs D a y , M itc h e ll, to S atin a, Je n n ife r, N ico le, C harissey E ydie, Dor S m a u i’ s s . L ove, O tis othy, F e lic ia an d Shari. From Johnson. M a ry Wolfe. Happy Mothers Day Rosajean. Happy Mothers Day to Mary Rose Danzuka. Love,Jennifer Rose Smith. Happy Mothers Day to Myra and Shirley, to Phyllis, S a n d y ,' Cabbage, Kathy, C onnie, Jenna Lynn, A ngelina and Casandra, Chrissy, Lillian and Vanessa, Leta, Marlena, to the Arce girls, Kathlee, and Carla. Love, Doreen. Lil Brent. Happy M others Day, Sheena Culps. Love you. Brent Graybael Jr. / H appy M others Day, Shari. Love, your youngest son Vern Heath. Happy M others D ay to my lov- . ing m other Sabrina. With a ll my love, K elsey Kalama. i Happy Mothers Day to my mom Debbie Leslée. Lil Warren Dub. H ap p y B elated M others to G ran d m a W auna C a lic a , A untie Shielyn C alica (Bend), Happy Mothers Day tpjam aica A untie M ary B ailey, Grandma B e u la h T su m p ti, A u n tie and Mellissa. Satina and Kanet. H ap p y M others D ay to Deb D a rly n e A r a iz a , L a D o n n a Thdtnpson. Satin a and Kanet. Squiem phen, Yvette “T w ink” H^ppy Mothers Day, Auntie Ja L e e c e y , C r y s ta l L e o n a rd , maica and Mellissa. Love, Isaac and Stacey Leonard, Auntie M arie C a lic a , A u n tie E m ily Isaialju 'V 4 H appy M oth ers!D fiy,A u n tie W a h e n e k a, A u n tie L e n a A u n tie M a rg o C rysta l Sm ith. L b v e f ls s a c and S a n to s , L e o n a rd -M iy a m o ta ( P it ts Isaidh. | jf f Happy Mothers Day Auntie b u rg h C a lif o r n ia ), A u n tie Gina Smith. Love, from Isaac, A lvita Leonard-Stew art (San Francisco C alifornia), Auntie Isaiah, Sarinai, Kanet. Happy Mothers Day to Mary Jeann ie Smith, Grandma Doris M c le n e , A u n tie B illy J e a n Wolfe. Uncle Kanet, Antie Sarina. H appy M others Day to. M axine Bailey, Auntie Barbara Jim , Ina S w it filer. W ith lo v e, E yd ie Jim , M argaret B uckland, M a S w itfier, seven children, 1‘7 grand vis Shaw, B ern ice Courtney, children,' nine grea t grandchildren. P in k y B eym et, P at Courtney- H appy M others Day to Lori. Gold, G loria K eene, J a n ic e C lem en ts, A nna C lem en ts, Lynn Switzler. Your sis, Eydie. Happy M others Day toB eaulah T sum pti. L ove alw ays, K anet, Sarindi Isaac, Isaiah, f X y o u SH O U LD BE HERE loin usfora Champaçne Brunch Every Sunday 8am -2pm Toys-Tools-Housewa res-Clothi ng-Crafts-G ifts Congratulations to our Baby Girl, and our baby S ister Joyce Lynn Squiemphen on y o u r Graduation from Sherman Indian H igh School,Riverside, California on June 8, 2007 a t 10 a.m. We are very p ro u d o f you . L oveyqjtr D ad Lawrence ] . Squiemphen Jr. and mom L eslie J. Squiemphen, brother Lawrence!J. Squiemphen III (Larry) an d C igney Scott, sister ERah Roseann Squiemphen and Frances S orrelm rfiysister D ella Rqei / Squiemphen, niece Jenilee ; . Chandra Squiemphen, nephews Jaden Sorrelhorse, Teshawn Jam es Sorrelhorse, D arius A pollo Squiemphen. Page 5 M gay 24, 2 0 0 7 Spilyay Tyrooo, Warm Springs, Oregon Over $zo,ooo Awarded in M ay Get the Ed$e Giveaway Cath Drawi ngs Every Thursday at 8,9 a lopm fo r $250 And every Friday and Saturday at 8pm for $500,9pm for $750 & 10pm for $1,000 With over 3 o o slot mathines, blackjack, poker, a full-service spa, championship 9 olf W in a Ford Ed$e A W D Sunday, May 27 at 7pm Actual vehicle may differ- ten tma<;e. course and a natural hot springs pool ail located in a picturesque desert setting, you can be sure Jk ifs better here than anywhere you mipht be ripht now. * W arm Sprinçs, O R * 541-553-1112 C A S IN O * GOLF * SPA * P O O L • D I N I N G * LODGE • RV P A R K [<AHNE£TA HIGH DESERT RESORT SCASINO Jiff