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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 2007)
Page 10 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon May 10, 2007 Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner The Madras High School tennis team went to the district meet earlier this week (results in the next paper). Team members who played at districts include Kadie Manion (left), and Tamara Moody, pictured with team manager Byron Scott. Steak, Seafood, Saâuloa» Punte Stiâ Deal for park back on track in Eastern Oregon JO SEPH , Ore; (AP) — After hitting a snag, the idea o f creat ing a park on land near the Old C h ief Jo sep h m onum ent at Wallowa Lake is back on track, officials said. The Oregon Parks and Recr reation Department and K&B Fam ily Lim ited Partnership have signed a letter describing the terms o f a deal to create a new state park out o f a parcel that has been embroiled in con troversy for some-20 years. The department intends to purchase the 61.93 acres o f the former M arr Ranch property for $4.1 million, much o f the money coming from lotterypro ceeds dedicated ■ tb ; Buying parkland. The rest will come from the Confederated Tribes o f the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Confederated Tribes o f the Colville Reservation and the Nez Perce Tribe 'through a do nation to the nohprofit Oregon State Parks Trust: The state park is likely to in clude trails and interpretation o f the area's history and geology btit no camping spots,'parks spokesman Chris Havdl s&d. Long-term plans include the possibility o f cooperative! \aan- agernent with the National Park Service, which operates <the nearby Chief Joseph grave site as part o f the multistate Nez Perce National Historical Park. The O regon State Parks Trust may eventually sell it? mi nority interest in the property to the National Parks Service, us ing the money it gets for devel opment and operations o f the park. On March 8 a tentative pur chase agreement was reached, but.then K&B spokesman Steve1 Krieger objected to the involve m ent Of the Wallowa Land Trust, a nonprofit formed to buy and receive land and easements from willing sellers. He said he is now satisfied that " it is not involved in any funding o f this proposed purchase." Krieger had announced plans to split the property into two parcels and said that process would go ahead. If the land deal igoes through, he said, the parti tion would not be recorded. V Klamath group files suit against Pacificorp , (ARJi-b-'A- group o f Kkm&th i< Tla&suitJwants Portland-based; arid cause,other problerns. |river;trib^ieade£s,:cbmmei1ei?l| PaoifiCsaip t®^td)>j©ipigratitig4he ■ iJ TKScompany' cotifends re- salmon fishermen, recreational business owners and the Kla math Riverkeeper Group sued in federal court in Northern California last week claiming two PacifiCorp dams on the river cause m assive to xic algae blooms. The lawsuit contends the res ervoirs behind Iron .Gate arid Copco dams in Northern Cali fornia are a toxic nuisance, threatening salmon fishing and posing a human health threat. dams in a way that causes the blooms. PacifiC ptp spokeswoman Jan Mitchell said the company does not comment on pending litigation. PacifiCorp is seeking a new operating license for a number o f its dams. But numerous In dian tribes, commercial fisher man and conservation groups want the dams removed rather than relicensed — saying the damS hurt water quality, wildlife moval TOuld eliminate a source o f renewable, low-cost power. Pacifkjprp serves 1.6 million customersvn six Western states. "A coilaps:e o f wild salmon returns to ;rae Klamath River triggered drVstic cutbacks in salition fishirigbff the coasts o f Oregon and Caifomialast sum- pier and prompted the gover nors o f the two Vtates to call a summit to consider removing the dams. Meeting facilities {Banquet{Room Suit Service with Hettmg 541-475*2919 65 S£.5th ^8 5^ d ill’s Repair & Ad* Sales Free towing w/engine replacement front Warm Springs & Madras area S Machi mm ■m m ■ m m m mm WBBÊSKSi Approved Auto Repair 475-6618 330 S.W. Culver Hwy. Madras, OR 97741 Free Battery Check & Installation with purchase