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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 2007)
Pgge 10 Spilygy Tymoo, W^rm Springs, Oregon M^rch 29, 2 0 0 7 Agency District Candidates Randy Smith I decided to accept this nomination as a Agency Dis trict R epresentative for a number of reasons. First and forem ost I w ould like to thank those individuals who nominated me, Vernon and Elton. There are many issues fac ing our comm unity today, some of these issues seem to be a bit overwhelming for our Tribal Council, leading to weak or unwise decision mak ing. The most important rea son that I elected to accept this nomination was because I question the last two major agreements we signed. Our representation was very weak, I believe, in signing the Wa ter Quantification Agreement and the revised G am ing Compact. Over the past 30 years I have seen tribal members concerns and questions ig nored or go unanswered, and our Constitution and By-Laws are continually abused or dis regarded altogether. It’s time for a positive change, our districts need better and stronger represen tation, representation that clarifies our Treaty Rights for w hat they are: reserved , never ceded, set aside for fu ture use. These are not special rights, special rights is derived from what 1 call political prosti tution, or to be politically cor rect “lobbying”. Our Treaty Rights are under constant attack, mandating that our legal council present the best possible legal arguments we can expect. I believe that is not hap pening today. The leaders of the forties and fifties never let any one define the extent of our unique sovereign status, again that is what I see. Another tribal issue that has been in the news these past few years is our lack of operating capital. This maybe true, how ever we are far from being broke or poor. We have title to some of the most pristine real estate in Cen tral Oregon. Our Water Rights in the Deschutes Basin alone are worth multi-millions of dollars. I would assert that our cumulative net worth is close to a half of a billion dollars. We are not poor, so stop mis leading our children. Contem plating the few words that I have spoken here, our children should be relieved and not worry so. I grew up in a generation that benefited from the wise and strong Tribal Council deci sions. We were a generation of young tribal members full of countless hopes and dreams. I would ensure this is what our children today would en joy, a positive outlook of life on the “Rez”! I would Represent our people, our community and educate the ignorant of Fed eral Indian Law. A hundred years ago the economic benefit was on the other side of the scales of justice. Now we are the bene factors and that’s not illegal, special rights. This day was foreseen by our ancestors, that is why they emphasized knowing our treaty language and educating yourselves to p ro tect these R eserved Rights! Randy Smith Alex Smith H ello, my people o f Warm Springs. My name is Alex Leon Smith. I’m an enrolled member running for Tribal Council. I am Wasco and Warm Springs. My parents are the late Woodrow Smith Sr. and Iris (Kalama) Smith. I am 46 years old. I lived on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation all my life. My past employment here in Warm Springs began as a cook, assistant cook and dish washer at Kah-Nee-Ta. I went to school at Western Business College for book keeping and accounting; I went to Superior Truck Driv ing School in Rialto, Califor nia; I went to Fish Hatchery Training through the Colum bia River Inter-Tribes. I worked at the Warm Springs Forest Product Mill as a mill worker and water truck op erator. I drove a log truck for three years; I worked for Fire Management as an EFF firefighter, as an engine crew man and engine operator, helitac foreman and engine foreman. With public safety I was a patrol officer for 12 years and a fish and game officer for three years. In forestry I was a scaler for the tribes. Currently I am employed at the Warm Springs Forest Prod uct Industries mill, and I am starting my fifth year there. I believe that there are sev eral issues that can be improved upon throughout the tribal or ganization. The senior citizens need to be improved, for it is to them that we owe for what we have today. The youth pro grams need to be improved for they are our leaders of tomor row. The veterans also need improvement for they help pro tect and keep the freedom of what we have today. I believe that the language of the policies and by-laws need to be simpli fied so all, young and old, can understand. An area that needs improve ment is the way the tribal mem bers are treated throughout the tribal organization. There needs to be annual quarterly re ports on all monies in and out. Our natural resources can be improved along with pub lic safety. Our casino needs to be looked in to — the present Indian Head Casino and the future casino Bridge of the Gods. Warm Springs Forest Product Industries can also be addressed, along with treaty rights for hunt ing and fishing. We need better commu nication between the Tribal Council and Tribal Organi zation lead ers on w hat money is spent and what money we have coming in. Our Indian language and his tory needs to be addressed so that we know who we are and where we came from. Pay salaries throughout the tribal organization need to be looked into. Education and housing needs to be ad dressed. Small businesses, tribal businesses, biomass, com posites, and better commu n icatio n betw een T ribal Council and tribal overheads throughout the tribal organi zation and the people can also be addressed. Sincerely, Alex Smith « Candidates of the Agency District: Lonnie Janies My name is Lonnie James and 1 am a candidate for the 2007 Tribal Council from the : Agency District. I hope that you will consider me when you are casting your vote for Council Representative. I currently work for the Central Oregon Partnership as the Financial Asset Devel opment Lead Advocate for Warm Springs and the Cen tral Oregon Region. In that position I’ve strived to serve the community in ways that help individuals and families build assets and deal with sys temic issues that cause eco nomic hardship. I’ve worked with the Cen tral Oregon Partnership and the Warm Springs Commu nity Action Team for four years in various capacities— earlier as a board member and currently as staff. This is the third year I’ve worked to bring tax preparation ser vices and other programs to community members, and I find this work very reward- ing. I’m also involved with the Commercial Code Advisory Group that is w orking to bring a viable commercial code to Warm Springs sometime in the near future. I have worked to develop the Warm Springs Area Chamber of Commerce for three years to provide a networking vehicle to small businesses in the Warm Springs area. I serve on the Wy-East Re source Conservation and Devel opment Council as the Vice President and the representative from Warm Springs in an effort to bring services to the Warm Springs Community. In the past few years, I’ve been exposed to many of the problems that we face here in Warm Springs and throughout the region ranging from our consistently high unemployment and poverty rates, to the lack of an infrastructure to sup port small business develop ment and outreach to those that might invest in our com- munity. When given the opportu nity to act, I’ve endeavored to do so in a way that would positively impact the entire community. I’ve worked to positively represent our community as one that strives to better it self in ways that draw on lo cal resources to build so as to make any growth sustain able. I feel that if elected, I would be able to bring that record of consistently posi tive representation and long term efforts to build to our governing body. I feel that based on a strong foundation of a di verse and vibrant economy, the many needs with regard to healthcare and education can be easier to deal with. I hope that you agree with me and vote for Lonnie Jam es for Agency District Tribal Council Representa tive. Rita Squiemphen Bernice Mitchell Candidates of the Agency District: Cassie Katchia Gene Smith Lonnie James. Daisy Ike Remember to Vote on Monday, April 2, at the Community Center. \ fi Mail T/&. M ore. Kent Wright Owner _ The next deadline to submit items for publication in the Spilyay Tymoo is Friday, April 6. Thank you. v___________________________ _______________________ ______ 9 Stanley “Buck” Smith 380 SW 5th Street-Madras, OR 97741 Ph: 541-475-5656 Fax; 541-475-5662