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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 2007)
Spilyay Tymoo, W^rm Springs, Oregon Page 5 January 4, 2007 M ore News of 2006 (Continued from the previous Spilyay Tymoo.) October A new after-school cultural group will soon allow female stu dents to learn more about their culture. Tim ur G aston , title seven teacher at Madras High School, is bringing together stu dents and Warm Springs com munity members in order to help girls learn about beadwork, dancing and more. T he first step, she said, is to hold an in formational meeting and allow the group to choose a name. In other news: Settlem ent o f part o f the trust case brought by the tribes against the federal government has reduced the need for some tribal government budget cuts over the next few years. There is still a need, though, for some reductions, mainly because o f a drop in timber revenue to the tribes. Also in October: Tribal Council met in a one- and-a-half-day workshop session in October to discuss the recent membership survey and how the Council and tribal adminis tration can do a better job o f improving life on the reserva tion. And this: The Tribal Council o f the Confederated Tribes by a ma jority vote endorsed Gov. Ted Kulongoski in the upcoming election for Oregon governor. Kulongoski, Democrat, is facing Ron Saxton, Republican, in the Nov. 7 election. The endorse ment apparently was a first for the Tribal Council, said Louie Pitt, director o f tribal Govern ment Affairs. And in other news: Community members agree that J eff Sanders is an excellent citizen, and now he’s getting even more recognition for his involvement. In October Sand ers received the 2006 “Commu nity Champion Award” from the Jefferson County Chamber o f C om m erce at the C ham ber Awards Banquet. And in O c to b e r 2 0 0 6 , former renowned thoroughbred jo ck ey and son o f the late Warm Springs C hief Nathan Heath died in Warm Springs. Martinez “Peanuts” Heath died o f natural causes. Heath was born in Simnasho, on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, May 4, 1945. November The Nov. 7 election was fa vorable to the Confederated Tribes in regard to the Bridge o f the Gods Casino at Cascade Locks. The local election for city council at Cascade Locks, for instance, appeared likely to re sult in a council membership that is unanimous in support o f the Bridge o f the Gods Casino, said M argie T u ck ta, casino project manager. Also, the re cen t e le ctio n of Gov. Kulongoski was good news for the tribes. Kulongoski was en dorsed by the Tribal Council, as he has been a supporter o f the Bridge o f the Gods project. In other November news: Tribal leaders testified at the sen ten cin g hearing o f a Redmond man who was con victed o f attempting to sell Na tive American remains. The man found and dug up the remains over 10 years ago on public land near Crooked River Ranch. He kept the remains “in storage,” and then tried to sell them to an undercover informant in 2004. He was arrested and charged with violation o f the Archaeo logical Resources Protection Act. At the hearing last week in federal court in Eugene, he was sentenced to 2 V 2 years in prison for trafficking in an American Indian skeleton. He was also or dered to pay $20,000 in restitu tion to the Confederated Tribes o f Warm Springs. “I was happy that he got prison time instead o f just restitution,” said Roberta Kirk, coordinator o f the Native Am erican Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Elsewhere: The Warm Springs Holiday Bowling Tournament this year marked its 30-year anniversary. This year, Anna Clements, her granddaughter Shayla and great- grandson Jake sponsored the Holiday Bowling Singles and Doubles Championship in lov ing memory o f Rudy Clements, Trudee Clements and Becky Quinn. December George W. Aguilar Sr. won a 2006 Oregon Book Award for “When the River Ran Wild! In dian Traditions on the Mid-Co lumbia and Warm Springs Res ervation.” NWC TRAIL’S END FARM SUPPLY DECEMBER SALE George Aguilar At the awards ceremony in Portland Aguilar won the Sarah W innemucca Award for Cre ative N onfiction. Aguilar has lived on the Warm Springs Res erv ation fo r 70 years and worked as a fisherman, carpen ter, mechanic and at numerous other jobs. His book is both a memoir and a detailed cultural history o f the Mid-Columbia tribes. Am ong other talents, Aguilar is an ethnobotanist. The 2006 Oregon Book Award is dedicated, Aguilar has said, “To those who were, to those who are, and to those who are to come.” In other news: Representatives from the fu ture Willow Creek Community High School held an informa tional meeting for the Warm Springs community. The meet ing aimed to inform community members about the new high school set to open in Septem ber. Elsewhere: B O ISE , Idaho — People gath ered at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho for a ceremony honoring wildland firefighters killed in the line o f duty. The ceremony included recognition o f American Indian Heritage M onth and the role played by Native Americans in Wildland Firefighting. Warm Springs Chief Delvis Heath was among the Native people who contributed to the program. T o w NUTRENA, EOUIS, NUTRO. DIAMOND MAGIC VALLEY AND MORE!!! All dog and cat food 5% off!!! or Bring this ad in and take 10% off!!! All remaining tack 15% off!!! Pet collars and leashes 10% off!!! 1 1 1 I i g i I i I I I 21/8.5% All Nat. Lick Tubs 200# $59 each $570 per ton s s s 15/12% All Nat. Lick Tubs 200# $57 each $550 per ton È g i g g V /E A R E A M O I./M X IJQUW FF.FD D EALER. 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