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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (June 22, 2006)
Spilyay classifie4 Jobs Car For Sale 1974 D odge ca rg o van, 318. N ee ds tu n e -u p . N ew battery. V e ry good sha pe. $995, w ill fin a n c e $3 00 of total. Phone 475-7354. B u ria l in s u ra n c e q u e s tions? For Sale F o r S ale: H u ckle b e rry Ja m a n d w a m p u m n e c k laces. For more inform ation call 553-5817. (The following is the recent job opening list o f the Warm Springs Tribes. See Am elia Tewee in the Personnel De partment to submit an appli cation, or call 553-3262. Also, you can a p p ly o n -lin e at For more details on the positions, call the con tact person listed on the ad vertisement. Or visit the tribes’ jo b a d v e rtis e m e n t lis t at All positions are open until filled, unless other wise indicated.) Secretary-Treasurer Com m ittee Secretary. R espon sible for all minutes, correspon dence, resume, and other re lated activities of committees assigned. R esp onsib le fo r scheduling, organizing com mittee meetings, and all follow up. Have two years of college, business school, or equivalent; at least three years work ex perience; must be skilled in typing and short hand/brief hand/speed writing and good com puter skills; Must have valid Oregon Drivers License. S alary Range $16,430. Yr. M yrtle Adam s 553-3257. Closes 6/23. Head Start / Early Head Start Head Start Administra tor. Oversees and manages all aspects of the Warm Springs Head Start and Early Head Start programs, serving 160 children 0 - 5 . Salary Range $34,617. Yr. To $45,000. Yr. Wendell Jim 553-3591. Closes 6/23. In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Public Notice of Informal Hearing To the people named in the fol lowing cases, you are hereby re quested to appear at the time and date shown. It is im portant that you attempt to resolve this issue in order to prevent further action against you in state court. To Pearl W ym an, case No. IN I8-06: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 4 p.m. on July 12,2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Aaron’s Sales for the follow ing reason: Overdue account. at the request of Aaron’s Sales for the following reason: Overdue ac count. To F lora Frank, case No. INI 6-06: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 9:30 a.m. on July 12, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Aaron’s Sales for the following rea son: Overdue account. To Josh Sohappy, case No. IN I4-06: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 9 a.m. on July 12,2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Aaron’s Sales for the follow ing reason: Overdue account. To Renee Sohappy, case No. IN22-06: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court' at 2 p.m. on July 12,2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Aaron’s Sales for the follow ing reason: Overdue account. * To Deborah George, case No. IN21-06: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 1:30 p.m. on July 12, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Aaron’s Sales for the following rea son: Overdue account. t To Leroy Allen Jr., case No. IN48-06: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 9:30 a.m. on August 16, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Credit Services of Oregon for the following reason: Overdue ac count. To Johnny Holliday, case No. IN07-06: An informal hearing has m'een scjp d uled w ith tlife Warm To C hris C rane, case No.! Springsflribal Court at m a.m. on IN48-06: An informal hearing has August 16, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm been scheduled at the request of Springs Tribal Courf at 11:30 a.m. 'Harry Ritchie’s Jewelers for the fol on July 12, 2006. This hearing has lowing reason: Overdue account. been scheduled at the request of To Bobbie Calica, case No. Aaron’s Sales for the following rea son: Overdue account. IN29-05: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm To Dawn Rowland, case No. Springs Tribal Court at 10:30 a.m. IN 10-06: An informal hearing has on August 16, 2006. This hearing been scheduled With the Warm has been scheduled at the request Springs Tribal Court at 11 a.m. on of People’s Credit for the follow July 12,2006. This hearing has been ing reason: Overdue account. scheduled at the request of Aaron’s To Rick Minthorn, case No. Sales for the follow ing reason: IN54-04: An informal hearing has Overdue account. been scheduled w ith the Warm To Aaron W ilson, case No. Springs Tribal Court at 11 a.m. on IN09-06: An informal hearing has August 16, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm been scheduled at the request of Springs Tribal Court at 10:30 a.m. T-Shirts R’US for the following on July 12, 2006. This hearing has reason: Overdue account. been scheduled at the request of To Charles Frank and Angel Aaron’s Sales for the following rea Wells-Frank, case No. INI 10-04: son: Overdue account. An in fo rm al h earin g has been To Gladys M. Jim , case No. scheduled with the Warm Springs IN34-05 and IN 17-06: An infor Tribal Court at 11:30 a.m. on Au m al hearing has been scheduled gust 16, 2006. This hearing has w ith the W arm Springs T ribal been scheduled at the request of Court at 10 a.m. on July 12, 2006. One Stop Recovery for the follow This hearing has been scheduled ing reason: Overdue account. To Paula M iller, case No. IN06-06: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 1:30 p.m. on August 16, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Combs Car Corral for the fol lowing reason: Overdue account. To Richard “Reemo” Smith III, case No. IN1*26-05: An infor mal hearing has been scheduled w ith the W arm Springs T ribal C ourt at 2 p.m. on A ugust 16, 2006. This hearing has been sched uled at the request of Elmer Rivera for the following reason: Overdue account. To K evin Sm ith, case No. IN76-05: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 2:30 p.m. on August 16, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Aaron’s Sales & Lease for the follow ing reason: O verdue ac count. To Reuben Johnson, case No. IN I25-05: An inform al hearing has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 3 p.m. on i August 16, 2006. i bis hearing has , * been scheduled at the request or Ralph’s TV and Furniture for the follow ing reason: O verdue ac count. To Tamera Kalama, case No. IN59-05: An informal hearing has been scheduled w ith the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 3:30 p.m. on August 16, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Sandy’s Auto Repair for the fol lowing reason: Overdue account. To L illian Heath, case No. IN 127-05: An inform al hearing has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 9:30 a.m. on July 26, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Les Schwab Tire Service for the fol lowing reason: Overdue account. To Kelly Wewa, case No. IN46- 03: An informal hearing has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court at 10:00 a.m. on July 26, 2006. This hearing has been scheduled at the request o f Les Schwab Tire Service for the follow ing reason: Overdue account. C o n fed erated T ribes o f Warm Springs Reservation o f Oregon vs. JoA ndi M cCould, defendant. Case No. CV760-06. To JoA ndi M cCloud: You are hereby notified that the above cited case, as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 1 p.m. on July 13, 2006. You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the tim e and date shown, to show cause why the suspended sentence of Show Cause Bond for Ronald Thomas, should not be imposed for your failure to comply with the sentence im posed against you. This hearing will not be a full hear ing on the merits of the case; you must appear and defend against a complaint that you failed to obey the order of the court. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court shall enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a war rant for your arrest. If you have any questions, you should seek le gal assistance immediately. Notice of Hearing for Change of Name In the matter of Eliabeth B. Becerra, minor child, case No. DO24-06, Johanna P. James, pe titioner. The above individual has filed a petition with this court to change name from Elizabeth B. Becerra to Elizabeth Betty James Mathison. A hearing on this mat ter has been set for 9 a.m. on July 7,2006, at the Warm Springs Tribal Court. Any person who may show cause why this petition should not be granted must file such objection in writing on or before June 30, 2006. This shall be done in writing and filed with the court. In the Probate Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Notice to creditors: All persons having claims'against the decedent’s estate (below ) are req u ired to present their claims, with proper voucher, to the W arm Springs Tribal Probate, P.O. Box 850, Warm Springs, OR 97761 within 90 days from the date upon w hich this notice was first posted. The court has appointed Richard Tohet as adm inistrator to adm inister the decedent’s estate subject to the ju risdiction of the court. In the matter of the estate of Loretta Spino Thom pson, de ceased, file No. 013-PR13-06. Notice is hereby given that Loretta Spino Thompson, who at the time of her death resided in Toppenish, Wash., died on May 9, 2006. No tice was first posted on June 1, 2006. In the m atter o f the estate o f Wallace Caleb LeClaire, de ceased, file No. 015-PR15-06. N o tic e is h e re b y g iv e n th at Wallace Caleb LeClaire, who at the time of his death resided in Warm Springs, O re., died on M ay 28, 2006. Notice was first posted on June 5, 2006. In the matter of the estate of Aleatha M. Heredia, deceased, file No. 016-PR16-06. Notice is h ereb y given that A leath a M. Heredia, who at the time of her death resided in Warm Springs, Ore., died on May 28, 2006. Notice was first posted on June 5, 2006. In the matter of the estate of Edward Jim Winishut, deceased, file No. 017-PR17-06. Notice is hereby given that Edw ard Jim Winishut, who at the time of his death resided in Warm Springs, Ore., died on June 6, 2006. Notice was first posted on June 8, 2006. Page 12 Spilyay Tyrooo June 22, 2006 1146. Managed Care Program Case Manager. Please send letter of application and re sume to: Mike Marcotte, P.O. 1620, W arm, S prings, OR. 97761 ATTN: Case Manager Position1. Mike Marcotte 553- 2490. F o re s try /F ire M an ag e ment Forest Crew Member Full Tim e. S alary Range $10.82 hr. Anthony Holliday/Edmund Francis 553- 1146. F o re s try /F ire M an ag e m ent F o rest C rew S e a sonal. Salary Range $10.82 hr. A nth ony H ollida y/E d m un d Francis 553-1146. F o re s try /F ire M an ag e ment Fire Fighter/Helitack. Salary Range $10.82 hr. Glenn Smith 553-1146. F o re s try /F ire M an ag e m ent Engine O p era to r (4 positions). Salary Range $12.14 hr. Vernon Tias Sr. 553- F o re s try /F ire M a n ag e ment Assistant Engine Op erator (5 positions). Salary Range $10.82 hr. Vernon Tias Sr. 553-1146. Forestry - Fire Manage ment Squad Boss/Fuels (2 p o s itio n s ). S alary Range $12.14 hr. Brad Donahue 553- 1146. Human Resources Voca tional Rehabilitation Direc tor. Salary DOQJames Quaid 553-3205. Social Services Manager. Salary Range $31,110. Yr. To $39,822. Yr. James Quaid 553- 3205. Com m unity C ounseling Center A d o le s c e n t Sub stance A buse T reatm en t S p e c ia lis t. S alary Range $30,000. Yr. To $32,000. Yr. James Quaid/Guy Wallulatum 553-3205. The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Com mission in Portland, Oregon, is seeking tal ented and motivated individuals to fill two po sitions. Our O&M Maintenance Supervisor provides the direct supervision of the maintenance work performed at the Tribal In-Lieu/Treaty Fishing Access Sites along the Columbia River. Proven ability to perform and supervise safe and effi cient maintenance operations; good knowledge of general maintenance operations, including use of hand tools, power tools, motorized equip ment and vehicles, painting, plumbing, carpen try, masonry, electrical, landscape maintenance, gardening and custodial work. Good supervi sion and communication skills; knowledge of preventive maintenance; two years minimum ex perience supervising maintenance and five Natural Ressources A d ministrative Officer. Salary Range $30,435. Yr. To $35,968. Yr. Robert Brunoe 553-2015. Public Safety A n i mal Control Officer. Salary Range $22,000. Yr. Avex Miller 553-3273. Public Safety 1 FEMALE, 2 MALE Corrections Officers. High School diploma or equiva lent. Salary Range $23,440. Yr. To $24,340. Yr. Bruce Fones 553-3273. Public Safety Fish & Game O fficer. S alary Range $25,535. yr. Avex Miller 553-3273. Public Safety P o - lice Officer. Salary Range $ 25,535. yr. A vex M ille r 553-3273. Gaming Commission S u r veillance Technician. Salary Range Neg. David Suppah/ Michele Stacona 553-4890. years experience as a maintenance or con struction worker required. Duty location of this position is in The Dalles, Oregon. Our Public Information Specialist will help forward CRITFC and tribal culture, goals and aspirations through written works and educa tional outreach activities. For more on this posi tion see the the CRITFC website (details be low). Native American hiring preference applies to these positions. See detailed job announce ments and full application requirements at or call 503-238-0667 for an nouncement. Send letter of interest, resume, and proof of Tribal enrollment by July 28 to CRITFC, attn HR, 729 NE Oregon, #200, Port land, OR 97232, fax 503-235-4228, email Letters of apology I am sorry I broke tribal law on April 16, 2006 by means of receiving a charge of DUII, which I pleaded guilty to. I apologize to my family for the shame my ac tions have brought to bur family name. Further, I apologize to my employer and the Confederated Tribes. Part of my punishment was a last chance. I also want to say that I am thankful to the of ficer for her professionalism upon contact, and I would like to thank Sgt. Williams for taking care of my truck. I will make every effort to follow the laws in the future. Nettie S. Dicksen. I would like to apologize to the community of Warm Springs for being pulled over for driving under the influence. I would also like to apologize to my family and friends, also to those I have of fended and put in danger. Please accept my apology. Sincerely, Wil liam Switzler III. To the people of the Confed erated Tribes of Warm Springs, I am sorry I broke tribal law on March 17,2006 by taking tires one late night from an elder. I apolo gize to my family for the shame my actions have brought to our family name. Further I apologize to the following: Chesley Yahtin, who was impacted by my actions. I also want to say that-I have learned from action and I would like to say again I am sorry and I will make every effort to follow our laws in the future. Harold Charley. I am sorry I broke tribal law on May 13, 2006 by means of the charge of assault, which I pled no Contest to. I apologize to the tribes and to my mother whose prop erty I was on during this incident. I am locked up now to think about and pay to society for my actions. I apologize to my family for the shame my actions brought to our family name. Further I apologize to my daughter and parents who were directly impacted by my ac tions. I also want to say that physi cal action will not be done to solve problems in my future, because in carceration is not fun. I believe I * bring shame to myself and not to my family. And I will make every effort to follow our laws in the future. Caleb Paul Jim. To the people of Warm Springs and Wilona Poitra, I am sorry for my actions on the 25* day of last month and nothing like that is to happen again. Thank you. Kevin L. Smith Jr* I am sorry I broke tribal law on March 19, 2006 by having drug para phernalia. I would like to say I’m sorry to the people of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. I apologize to my family for the shame my ac tions brought to our family. Further I apologize to the following: Mary Davis and family who were directly impacted by my actions. I also want to say that I will be on my best be havior as I live this life of mine. And I will make every effort to follow our laws in the future. Irvin Paul. To the com munity of Warm Springs I’m writing this apology to you, because I have been causing malicious mischief in the community. I’ll tell you this much, I am going to work on my anger as well as my drink ing. That is all for now. See you later. Sonny Berry. an accident and hurt somebody or worse. I’m glad there wasn’t an accident. Aaron Squally. I To my family and my people of Warm -Spripgs, I’m here in jail for being drunk and being up for too many days on meth. I’d first like to apologize to my kids and Jonathan. I missed your guys birthday. I feel very ashamed for letting my precious angels down but I’m here doing my time and I plan on making it up to you all. Also I ’d like to apologize to Mother Theresa for fighting in her apartment and having the cops called for my behavior. Please for give me for my shortcomings. Take care. Lots of love. Connie Daniels. This is to whom it may con cern. I would like to take this time to apologize to the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Res ervation for what happened on or about Feb. 12 around 2:30 p.m. when I got pulled over for driving under the influence of alcohol. Again I would like to say I’m sorry. Lydell Adams. I would like to apologize for my words and actions on 12-3-05 at the Kah-Nee-Ta lounge. I also send my apologies to the Kah-Nee-Ta secu rity, lounge workers, and Helen. I was very intoxicated at the time, but it was never my intention to hurt any body. Once again I’m sorry for every thing. Sheena Culps. To all my people, I’m apolo gizing for my actions, injury to public property as well as wasting tribal court time. In the future I will show respect for public prop erty and not seek its injury or de struction. Thank you for your time. Jerry Clement. To this great tribe o f Warm Springs, I am truly sorry for the in convenience of not stopping at a stop light. Since I disobeyed the law, I am truly sorry for my reckless actions, if I offende dthe officer, please forgive me. I do not intend to break any more laws, for I have learned a very great lesson. Peace, love and happiness to all. Reynolds Allen. To whom it may concern, I would like to apologize to the Warm Springs Indian Reservation for the wrong doings I’ve done on August 19 on or around 6 a.m. I realize what I did was wrong to many families including my own. I apologize to my children and my family. I’ve had a long time to think about this incident and I’m extrem ely sorry. Graciela Estrada. To the community, courts and whoever else: I apologize to m little brothers Perry and Curtiss for not looking out for them and scaring them. Please don’t do as I do because it’s not worth it. I apologize to Easton for using his vehicle for my own plea sure and it got me in trouble because I was doing what I wasn’t supposed to be doing. I apologize to the com munity because I might have caused To the Confederated Tribes, I apologize for my actions on Au gust 19, 2005. Also to my daugh ters and nephews. Because of my wrong doings they are the ones who are suffering. And of course the squad team for trying to do their job. Once again I’m sorry. Joanna F. Arce. Legal Aid in Warm Springs on Mondays Legal Aid S ervice s of O regon, w hich p rovide s free legal advice and rep resentation to low-incom e O re gon ians, is in W arm Springs the first Monday of e v e ry m o n th , fro m 1 to 4 p.m., at the Family Resource Center, 1144 W arm Springs Street. Note: For the month of July Legal Aid will be in Warm Springs the sec ond Monday, July 10. To c o n ta c t L e g a l A id S ervice s o f O regon, call (800) 678-6944, or (541) 385-6944.