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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 2006)
Page 6 March 16, 2006 Spilyay Tymoo, Wairm Springs, Oregon Births Jocelyn Rose Greene Manuel Greene and Cecilia Brunoe o f Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth o f their daughter Jocelyn Rose Greene, born February 23, 2006. The father’s parents are Carla T. Conner-Greene and Chris G. Requa o f Warm Springs. The m other’s parents are Celestine Brunoe and Marcus Sooksoit. Memorial pool tournament There will be a memorial pool tournament for Janice Marie Gilbert on Saturday, March 25 at the Redmond Moose Lodge. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. Tourney begins at 12 p.m. Doubles (any doubles) — Scotch. $5 per person. Dona tion luncheon held prior to tournament: potluck meal. Some beaded prizes will be auctioned off after tournament. Double elimination. Pay-in will be toward headstone for Janice Gilbert. MEMORIES IN STOnE Custom Designed Memorials Hand Engraved In Gojdendale v For Over 18 Years % h Maxine Emeralda Edith Johnson Watkins Johnson and Machell Tailfeathers o f Warm Springs are pleased to announce the birth o f their daughter Maxine Emeralda Edith Johnson, born March 4, 2006. The m other’s parents are Judith Kalama and Craig Tailfeathers. Great grandparents are the late Roland, and Edith Kalama, and the late James Macy, and Nance Tailfeathers. Chiara Danea-Kwani Jensen Timothy J. Jensen and Trish S. Tanewasha are pleased to announce the birth o f their daughter Chiara Danea-Kwani Jensen, born March 3, 2006. Chiara joins brothers K.C., James, Nathaniel and Johnathan, and sisters Amy, Misty- Dawn and Elizabeth. Father’s mother is Glenda Curry o f Bend. M other’s parent is Debra M cGill o f Warm Springs. Jedidiah James Govenor Stephen G ovenor and White D ove C ooper-G ovenor are pleased to announce the birth o f their son Jedidiah James G ovenor, born March 7, 2006. Thomas Avery Delbert Lee Knouf G lenn Brunoe and Breanna K n o u f are pleased to an nounce the birth o f their son Thomas Avery Delbert Lee K nouf, born March 8, 2006. Father’s parents are Sandra and Harvey Brunoe o f W arm Springs. M other’s parents are Keith and Joyce Charley o f Warm Springs. Rashawna Lucille Polk-Teivee Coby Tewee and Lucille Meredith Polk are pleased to announce the birth o f their daughter Rashawna Lucille Polk- Tewee, born March 9, 2006. Father’s parents are Merle Kalama and the late Benard Tewee. M other’s parents are Annette Holliday-Polk and Dixon L. Polk Sr. Tee-lukt-nute Late Chief Howard Jim The children, grandchildren, etc. o f “Tee-lukt-nute” would like to invite allfamily, relatives andfriends to Celilo Wy-am Longhouse fo r memorial services. & Monument F re e c o m p u te r classes a t lib ra ry The Jefferson County Library in Madras is offereing free computer classes. The schedule of classes is as folios: March 22 at 2 p.m.: Beginning computer skills. At 6 p.m.: Digital photography. April 26 at 2 p.m.: Advanced Internet. At 6 p.m.: Beginning computer skills. May 10 at 2 p.m. Microsoft Word and Excel. At 6 p.m.: Basic e-mail and Internet. May 24 at 2 p.m. D igital Photography. A t 6 p.m.: Advanced Internet. Classes are one and a half hours. Call 475-3351 or come to the library to sign up or for more information. Pioneer Rock 509-773-4702 201 Crafton Road PO Box 348 Qoldendale,WA 98620 www. pi on e erro ck. com Legal Aid offering help Legal Aid Services of Oregon provides free le gal advice and representa tion to low-income Orego nians. On the first M on day o f every m onth, a Legal Aid representative is a v a ila b le in W arm Springs. The representa tive is available from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Fam ily Resource Center. Legal Aid Services pro vides help with the follow ing kinds o f legal prob lems: Housing and landlord/ tenant problems. Public benefits rights (Social Se- curity/SSI, food stamps, unemployment, OHP and other programs). C onsum er law prob lems (repossessions, fore closures, problems with debt collectors). W ills, liv in g w ills, guardianships and powers of attorney. For informa tion call 385-6944. 915 SOUTH HWY 97, SUITE B Calls Good OL’ Fashion Service, No Pressure Sales & UP FRONT PRICING C om pare 1 Prices i Service 6 r ei91 M onday-Friday: We are proud that 90% of all our tires are produced in the U.S. of A 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m Saturday: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. We will start with stone setting, Friday March 17, 2006 at 10 a.m. at Pine Creek Cemetery (Above Roosevelt, Wash.) Lunch to follow at Roosevelt Park, Wash. Memorial and Namegiving is Saturday March 18, 2006, 10 a.m. at Celilo Wy-am Longhouse and dinner will be served. It’s been a year and a half (DOD 9/04/04) since our father has past on. The year o f mourning has kept our hearts heavy, but with the teachings and the love o f our children and grandchildren gives us strength to move on. The elders elected Tee-lukt-nute a sub-Chief at the age o f 17. He had a strong love for horses, especially the Appa- loosa. Throughout his life he loved to ride horseback. He was a drummer in the Washut religion. He would always go fishing (Celilo Falls, gill netting, trout and sucker fishing) hunting, working numerous different jobs (carpenter, ranch hand, truck driver, railroad worker). Built his family numer ous homes all on his own. Other interests were traveling highway, mountains and hills, rodeos, Pow-wows, watching TV/movies, and teaching traditional Indian ways. For those o f you who do not know Tee-lukt-nute, he was enrolled Yakama Nation (Pine Creek) and the son o f the late Annie and Bill Jim. Proud father o f 10 children (two passed on) and two additional “adopted” children. Husband to the late Maggie Waters Jim. Living 86 years o f life. One passion he had throughout his life was protecting our fishing rights and rights to this land. He had traveled to many states, for meet ings, spoke in state capitals and Washington D C. Most re cent was a trip to Rome, Italy to represent the United States. A chief gone, once strong in heart, mind, and spirit, lived in honor and pride. This is the way we will continue life, so come to the memorial to be with the family o f “Tee-lukt- nute”. Heart felt thank you To the people who sang and prayed fo r him at the hospital, the men who took care o f the body, cemetery helpers, people who came forth to clean the home, officiators, drummers, cooks, enormous support from Portland Providence, Spencer, Libby and Powell Fu neral Home, donations o f food, money, materials, and time, the prayers done at the homes, friends and relatives emotional support. So many people to come forth at a time o f need, thank you all. V________________________________________________________ X you SHOULD BE HERE March Casino Anniversary Special $9*99 Poker Club $1,000 Poker Free Roll Sunday, March 26 15 oz. T-Bone L0912 hours of play and earn a free entry Sunday-Thursday $p m ~ 9pm Plus weekly blackjack, dot & Plus Bonus $277 drawings poker tournaments. Call for details. March 17 at 7 ,9 & 11 pm Lucky $777 Drawings Fridays and Saturdays at 8 & fopm March 10 thru April 1 Wdrm S p rin g With over 3 o o slot machines, blackjack, poker, a full-service spa, scenic golf course and bj&tox A rts ând Cr&fts 2132 Warm Springs St. Warm Springs, 02 $2761 (541)553-1597 a natural hot springs pool all located in a picturesque desert setting, you can be sure if s better here than anyw here you might be right now. C A S I N O * CiOLF • SPA • P O O L * D I N I N G • L O D G E • W arm Springs, O R • 8oo-554-4SU N KfiHMtTA HIGH DESERT RESORT SCASINO