Image provided by: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; Warm Springs, OR
About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1991)
35c UK i' U, t: 7:, v. U, no. 11 11 VOL.16NO.ll Coyote News In Brief Graduation set for Sat urday, June 1 Seniors on track for gra duation are listed. Page 2 Aguilar receives recognition The name of Tina Agui lar has been selected for inclusion in a biography of outstanding women. Page 2 Children enjoy animal visitation An outdoor zoo enthralled students from the Early Childhood Education Program: , Page5 Tykgh Valley Rodeo draws crowd Spectators and contest ants enjoy an action- paked two-day rodeo at Tygh Valley. Page 6 Limits of water supply near Conservation of water can help meet water demands as the supply dwindles. v Page 7 Pi-Ume-Sha activities scheduled Pl-Ume-Sha activities are set for June 21, 22 and 23. The powwow begins Fri day night with rodeo and endurance race scheduled for Saturday. Deadline for the next Issue of Spllyay Tymoo Is June 7, 1991. Weather MAY HI LOW 16 62 48 17 63 48 18 63 40 19 60 49 20 . 72 58 21 74 52 22 77 41 23 78 42 24 70 50 25 65 40 28 66 50 27 73 39 28 66 44 j ... f V' Y i, v'j- ,,''. i " V , J . . ' Vi ..w-. . '5 .: ' '' " a" - - - v I , . " . . National Employee Fitness Day was observed in Warm Springs May 15 with numerous preventive and health-oriented activites. Springs training prevention officer Bob Sjolund checks Anna Clements' blood pressure at one station. Deschutes River Management Plan includes development, restrictions In an effort to resolve crowding problems on the lower 100 miles of the Deschutes River, a 448-page draft plan has been released. The 20-member Deschutes River Policy Group which includes re presentatives from the government, Warm Springs Tribe and citizens, designed the plan. It outlines res trictions on jet boats and riverbank camping as well as a sy stem of allo cating boating permits which is scheduled for implementation in three years. The idea of an "all-user fee" has been suggested which would call for fees from bank fishermen, hik ers, bicyclists and other visitors to the river. Workshops begin June 18 Focusing on the challenges faced by youth, a six-week training ses sion dealing with alcohol and drug awareness will begin Tuesday, June 18. The session will discuss the dangers of alcohol and drugs and life in families with sobriety as the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Community Workshops June 13 and 14 Warm Springs CC Social Hall 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No Reglstation Fee Picnic Lunches Provided Sponsored by: ECE, IHS, Community Counseling Center and Human Service Department o n puyay News from the Warm Springs Indian Reservati cue P.O. BOX 870 WARM Pressure check The plan also identifies $19 mil lion in needed improvements which include a visitor center in Maupin, new campgrounds and boat launch es and improved roads. This por tion of the Deschutes River receives a quarter-million visitor days each year. Ten public hearings are sche duled to allow public testimony before a final version of the plan is produced. The first restriction on the river will occur in the summer of 1992. Copies of the draft plan are available for public review at Bu reau of Land Management office, Oregon Parks and Recreation De partment offices and at the Warm Springs Natural Resources office. challenge. Sessions will be held at the Warm Springs Community Counseling Center basement group room beginning at 6 p.m. and con tinued until 7:30 p.m. Sessions will be held June 18, 25, July 2, 9, 16 and 23. P.O. Boi 170 Warm Sprlng, OR 97761 Address Correction Requested lymoo SPRINGS, OREGON 97761 The Deschutes River Manage ment public hearings will be held at: Pendleton Tuesday, June 11, 1991 Information Open House 2:00-4:00 p.m. Public Hearing 7:00-10:00 p.m. Pioneer Theater Blue Mountain Community College 2411 N.W. Carden Avenue Pendleton The Dalles Wednesday, June 12, 1991 Information Open House 2:00-4:00 p.m. Oregon State Highway Office 3313 N.E. Frontage Rd. The Dalles Public Hearing 7:00-10:00 p.m. Gymnasium The Dalles Junior High School 1401 I Street The Dalles Portland Thursday, June 13, 1991 Information Open House 2:00-4:00 p.m. Room 290 Smith Memorial Center Portland State University 1825 S.W. Broadway Portland Public Hearing 7:00-10:00 p.m. Hearing Room Portland Building 1 120 S.W. Fifth Portland U OF Warm Eugene Wednesday, June 19, 1991 Information Open House 2:00-4:00 p.m. Public Library 100 W. 13th Eugene Public Hearing Continued on page 3 Committee members noted The Warm Springs Confedera- ted Tribes elected the members of tne lnoal Council in May 1989 with their term ending in April 1992. The Tribal Committee mem bers were selected in July 1 989 with their term ending in April 1992. Tribal Council Zane Jackson-Chairman, Del bert Frank, Sr.-Vice Chairman, Pierson Mitche!I-2nd Vice Chair man, Delvis Heath, Sr.-W.S. Chief, Nelson Wallulatum-Wasco Chief, Vernon Henry-Paiute Chief, Rita Squiemphen-Agency District, Jacob Frank, Sr.-Simnasho Dis trict, Karen Wallulatum-Seeksee-qua District, Bernice Mitchell-Agency District, Brenda Scott-Seek-seequa, Ken Smith-Secretary Treasurer-CEO. Culture & Heritage Delbert Frank, Sr. -Chairman, Verbena Greene-Vice Chairman, Madeline Mclnturff-2nd Vice Chairman, Gladys Thompson, Karen Wallulatum, Wilson Wewa, Sr. Education Committee Elizabeth Cross-Chairman, Irene Towe-Vice Chairman, Thomas Ka lama, Francelia Miller, Charlotte Shike. Fish & Wildlife (on Res.) Eugene Greene, Sr.-Chairman, Bruce P. Brunoe, Sr., Delbert VS. Pot( Bulk Hate Permit No. 2 Warm Spring, OR 97761 MAY 31, 1991 Tribal budget workshops to involve members At part of a new communication effort, tribal memben will be asked for their ideas at the beginning of the annual tribal budget process. Community involvement work shops are planned to start this June, with additional group or area meetings to follow. Informa tion from the meetings will provide managers and supervisors direc tion for their initial 1992 budget proposals. Community involvement with the budget has, in the past, been limited to October and November -after the Tribal Council's review and posting of the proposed bud get. "We want to get the commun ity involved in setting direction before managers start working on budgets. These meetings will offer a forum for people to talk about what they feel is important," said Ken Smith, tribal CEO. "They are a result of exploring ways to in crease community participation in our planning and decision-making," he added. The June workshops will include a brief summary of 1990 accomp lishments, current program direc tions and financial information. Most of the time will be devoted to individual or small group com ments. The proposed dates for the workshops are June 24, 25 and 26. Meeting times and locations will be posted. Call the Governmental Affairs and Planning Office for more information at 553-3270. Voters pass levies Warm Springs voters helped pass both the 509-J School District operating levy and the Jellerson County operating levy. A total of 792 yes votes and 505 no votes were cast at the election for school funding. Warm Springs voters cast 63 yes and 2 no votes for the $4,888,354 levy. Warm Springs voters also cast 57 of the 1 1 1 3 yes votes and 7 of the 808 no votes for the county operat ing levy of $1,766,891. Two-thirds of the school districts throughout the state passed their levy requests, which helps districts before they fall under the property tax limits of Measure 5. After Measure 5 takes effect July I, dis tricts will have to turn to the legis lature when they need more monev. Frank, Sr. Health & Welfare Mary Ann Meanus-Chairman, Karen Wallulatum-Vice Chairman, Janice Clements, Maxine S witzler. Land Use Planning Committee Ronald Suppah, Sr.-Chairman, Louie Pitt, Jr., Mark Jackson, Cy rus Katchia, Vacancy. Range Committee Wilson Wewa, Sr.-Chairman, Wilbur Johnson, Sr.-Vice Chair man, Joe Moses, Gordon Scott, Sr., Evans Spino. Timber Committee Art Mitchell-Chairman, Ray mond Moody-Vice Chairman, Max Jackson, Theron Johnson. Water Board Alvin Smith-Chairman, Gordon Scott, Sr.-Vice Chairman, Pierson Mitchell. Administrative Service Center Staff Doris Miller-Supervisor, Leon tyne Davis-Office Manager, Myr tle Adams-Records Manager, Rosalind Sampson-Accountant, Estella Lawson-Steno Aide, Etta Aguilar-Committee Secretary, Tru dee Clements-Committee Secreta ry, Rowena Begay-On-Call Secre tary, Laurel Wheeler-On-Call Receptionist. ft 1