Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, September 26, 1986, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Waioi simum;s, om:;o 97761
Number of
Among the population of school
age children in the United States,
the "latchkey" child is becoming
Latchkey children are school
age youngsters who have no one to
come home to after school. The
term "latchkey" is used to describe
them because many carry a key to
let themselves in (and lock them
selves in) their home until parents
return later in the day.
There have always been latchkey
children, but their numbers have
sky-rocketed with the increasing
incidence of one-parent families,
and families in which both parents
Today, over 60 percent of work
ing mothers have children between
six and 14 years of age. And about
13 percent (one million) of one
parent households in this country
are headed by fathers who are usu
ally employed.
Parents report feelings of anx
iety and guilt over leaving children
to fend for themselves. The parents
themselves were not latchkey child
ren. This makes it difficult! for
them to cope with traditional beliefs
about parental responsibility and
natural fears for children's safety
and well-being.
Employers are aware that par
ents carry these concerns to work.
Surveys of several work places have
revealed a noticeable 3 o'clock
slump in productivity and increase
in anxiety among workers. In addi
tion, industrial workers with child
ren home alone in the the after
noon are more frequently involved
in aftrnoon accidents than other
Research comparing self-care
children with those who have adult
supervision is inadequate at this
time. What is happening in homes
isn't known, but psychologists agree
Publications available
Nutrition and Pregnancy
A series of six letters for the
pregnant woman are being offered
by the Extension office. The letters
will answer such questions as how much
weight should I gain and is it okay
to snack? Learn the truth about
eating for two and why it's impor
tant to eat a balanced diet that's
good for you and baby.
Oregon's Children I
Six letters for parents of children
from birth to age three. Answers
questions about how they develop,
the importance of play, feeding,
Soil preparation important
If you're planning to plant a
lawn this fall, plan and perform the
groundwork thoroughly. It will
make life easier for your new turf.
To give the new lawn a good seed
bed, till the lawnsite to loosen the
soil and mix organic matter and
fertilizer into the upper six to eight
inches of soil.
Organic materials that help loos
en heavy soils and add holding
capacity to lighter soils include
maure, compost, peat moss; bark
or sawdust.
Six inches of extra topsoil may
have to be added to the surface of
the planting site if the area is gra
velly or consists of heavy clay.
A 16-16-16 combination fertil
izer should be spread over the
planting site at the rate of 10 pounds
per thousand square feet. Lime
needs should be determined by a
soil test.
After the seedbed has been tilled
and fertilized and amendments are
added, firm the soil by rolling and
watering. A firm seedbed makes it
easier for the seeds to germinate
evenly and helps prevent unwanted
humps and hollows in the surface.
Scatter the seed over the area
uniformly after the soil has been
raked lightly. If mulches are used
to cover the seed, apply them spar
ingly. Mulching isn't necessary if
the soil surface can be kept damp
Which windows are best?
until the seed germinates.
Q. In preparation for the fall,
I'm getting ready to replace my old
windows with new insulated glass
windows. I've looked at aluminum,
wood and vinyl frames. Is one of
the three frame materials superior
in energy savings?
A. Vinyl frames are new in Ore
gon, so we've seen little test data,
but they appear to compare favor
ably to wood, which is the most
energy efficient window frame mat
erial. Aluminum requires little main
tainance but is the least efficient
window frame material. Some manu
facturers are using a "thermal
break" to insulate their aluminum
frames. Most thermal break alum
inum window frames won be as
efficient as wood or vinyl. But, they
are far superior to standard alumi
num. Perhaps more imporant, the
thermal break eliminates or redu
that self-care produces major
changes in the social structure in
which a child's growing up occurs.
The factors affecting family dec
sions about child self-care are age,
maturity, attitudes of the parent
and child, the neighborhood where
the home is located, and structure
of the latchkey situation.
Observations of latchkey child
ren show they respond in various
ways. Some develop feelings of
independence and accomplishment,
while on the other hand some de
velop feelings of rootlcssness and
not belonging. Others become fear
ful and cope by hiding, or expe
rience feelings of resentment and
engage in delinquent behavior.
The studies of latchkey children
to date have looked at isolated
parts of the situation. For exam
ple, some research has concentrated
on where the latchkey child lives.
These studies have shown that
latchkey children from inner city
areas have more difficulty with
personality adjustment, and have
more academic problems and every
day fears to overcome than latch
key children in suburban or rural
Other researchers point out that
some urban neighborhoods are
stable and friendly.
The real question is, how safe
and supportive is the neighbor
hood for children at any time?
Parents have varying conerns
over the need for adult supervision.
Younger children prompt fears for
safety, but peer influences are more
of a worry with older children and
A Wisconsin study showed self
care children 10 to 15 years-old
who report home after school to be
no different from children in the
same age group supervised at home
by a parent. But conditions are
safety and selecting child care.
Oregon's Children II
A series of six letters for parents
of children ages three to six. An
swers questions about how they
develop, child behavior and desci
pline, promoting independence and
responsibility, teaching about
money and clothing selection.
Children are our most valuable
resource. Oregon State University
Extension Service offers these let
' ters to strengthen the future of
Oregon families. Call 553-1 161, ext.
238 or 239.
Regular watering may be neces
sary to keep the soil moist until the
new grass can establish itself. If
weeds appear along with the new
lawn, don't use any chemical weed
killer until the lawn is at least 30
days old.
4-H news,
4-H Awards Family Potluck
Date: Monday, September 22
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Agency Longhouse
4-H Club Guidelines
A. Club leaders may establish
firm age limits for their club mem
bers. Only youngsters within that
specific age group will be enrolled
in that club.
B. 4-H associate members (any
child below the fourth grade) can be
enrolled and attend meetings and
activities ONLY if leaders agree
and ONLY if a parent or ADULT
guardian'attends the meeting also.
Leaders are encouraged not to
permit non 4-H youngsters at club
C. Traditionally, 4-H is for 4th
through 1 2 grades. Associate mem
bers are below the four grade. Jun
ior leaders are 16 and older.
4-H Club Meetings Planning
throughout the year, every
ces moisture condensation, a com
mon problem with aluminum win
dow frames.
. Since there is considerable varia
tion in windows made of similar
materials, look for results of inde
pendent laboratory test for pur
poses of comparison. Many win
dow manufacturers provide results
of test data to stores that carry
their products. First, look for the
overall (glass and frame) U-value.
The lower the U-value, the more
efficient the window. Second, look
for the air leakage rates. They are
given in cubic feet per minute
(CFM) per foot of sash length. The
lower the CFM rating, the better.
kids increasing in U.S.
Young teens fare better in resist
ing peer prccssure if they arc unsu
pervised in their own home rather
than unsupervised at a friend's or
just "hanging out."Twenty percent
of the children in the sample were
feared at-risk because they were
unsupervised, and not at home.
The Wisconsin study also showed
that an authoritative parenting style
provides children with guidelines
to resist peer pressure.
Authoritative parenting means
parent and child exchange opin
ions and expectations about after-
Advice given for dealing with the
Before we look at specific ways
to manage aggressive and angry
outbursts, several points should be
We should distinguish between
anger and aggression. Anger is a
temporary emotional state caused
by frustration; aggression is often
an attempt to hurt a person or to
destroy property.
In dealing with angry children,
our actions should be motivated by
the need to protect and to teach,
not by a desire to punish. Parents
and teachers should show a child
that they accept his or her feelings,
while suggesting other ways to ex
press the feelings. An adult might
say, for example, "Let me tell you
what some children would do in a
situation like this... It is not enough
to tell children what behaviors we
find unacceptable. We must teach
them acceptable ways of coping.
Also, ways must be found to com
municate what we expect of them.
Contrary to popular opinion, pun
ishment is not the most effective
way to communicate to children
what we expect of them.
Responding to the angry child
Taken from The Aggressive Child
by Fritz Redl and David Wine
man. They should be considered
helpful ideas and not be seen as a
"bag of tricks."
Catch the child being good.
Jell the child what behaviors please
Proper kitchen design
Plan the kitchen to provide ade
quate space and facilities for meal
preparation and clean-up. It may
have dining space and or family
living space. It may also have a
small desk for the homemaker or a
more complete center for keeping
family business records. The food
preparation area should be separ
ate from other functions of the
When planning a new house or
in major remodeling, consider the
location of the kitchen in relation
to the various areas where food
tips related
member should have the opportun
ity to:
1. Plan for the project in coop
eration with the leader and par
ents. The plan might include skills
to be learned and supplies and
materials needed. Members should
plan and accomplish some work on
their own projects during meetings.
2. Contribute to the group at
each meeting and assume some
responsibility such as:
Help prepare for the meeting
Help put things away afterwards
Serve as host
Report club events to newspaper
Prepare refreshments
3. Informally discuss individ
ual and group progress and accom
plishments by thinking through
some questions, for example:
What did I learn?
Where do I need improvement?
How do I feel about what I did?
What shall I plan to do or learn
Beef management tips g.ven for October
Identify replacement heifers
making sure there are enough fol
lowing the final culling after breed
ing and pregnancy testing next
Brucellosis vaccinate replace
ment heifers(Bang's Disease) which
How to remove pine resin
Because of increased outdoor
activity, the likelihood that pine
resin or tar will soil clothing and
home carpeting is greater during
the summer and early fall months.
Removing pine resin can be tricky
and takes several steps.
If remov ing this resin from wash
able clothes, sponge aerosol pre
treatment sprays or cleaning fluid
into the stain and let dry. Then mix
liquid laundry detergent and am
monia together and soak the stain.
school activity, but the parent has
the last word. This is different from
authoritarian parenting in which
the parent dictates orders, or per
missive parenting in which child
ren decide about curfew, home
work, chores and whether they'll
stay home or go out.
Challenge often produces growth,
but children display great variation
in emotional, intellectual, and phys
ical development. Parents must
avoid premature granting of respon
sibility and provide protective
boundaries in which self-care child
ren can thrive without fear, loneli
ness, or boredom.
Deliberately ignore inapprop
riate behavior that can be tolerated.
Provide physical outlets and
other alternatives.
Manipulate the surroundings.
Plan the surroundings so that cer
tain things are less apt to happen.
Stop a "problcm"activity and sub
stitute, temporarily, a more desir
able one.
Use closeness and touching.
Move physically closer to the child
to curb his or her angry impulse.
Exress interest in the child's acti
vities. Be ready to show affection.
Thinking of
Are you considering renting a
property that you have been unable
to sell? There are some serious
questions you should ask yourself
before you decide to offer your
property on the rental market.
The first question is about your
own disposition. Will you be able
to personally deal with tenants? Do
you have a hard time asking people
to do what they aree supposed to do?
If so, being a landlord could be a
difficult experience for you. You
might consider paying someone
else to manage the property for you.
Many real estate compainies
handle rental properties, says Mary
Ann Sward, Oregon State Univer
sity Extension housing specialist.
may be served.
The kitchen should be accessible
from both the service and guest
entrances, but preferably out of
view of the social entrances, and
the living room.
A view of the children's play area
from the kitchen may be desirable.
A view of the driveway is also
desirable as it lets the homemaker
see who (or what) is coming or
It is most important that doors
in the kitchen be located so traffic
by-passes the meal preparation area.
Master Gardener series
to be offered this winter
Oregon home gardeners who
want to increase their gardening
knowledge and are willing to pass
that knowledge on to others may
find the Oregon State University
Extension Service Master Gardener
Program to their liking.
This program is intended to pro
vided eager home gardeners with a
basic knowledge of horticulture
and then to use the trainees to help
fixtension staff membersanswer gar
dening questions from the public.
' The program consists of several
free hours of classroom instruc
tion. The amount of instruction
will vary depending on how the
program is handled in each county.
Topics covered in the classes include
care of ornamental plants; garden,
soil, lawn, nut and fruit tree man
agement; and plant insect and dis
must, by law, be performed by a
Pregnancy test to determine
open females and then determine
the best time to market these cull
cows and heifers (now, later this
year or next spring.)
Launder using
a liquid laundry
If pine resin gets on your carpet
ing, scrape off as much residue as
possible. Sponge the stain contin
ually with a cloth soaked in a non
flammable drycleaning solvent. Use
a light, upward, brushing motion
to lift the stain out of the carpet.
Change the cloth as it becomes
soiled. Continue until the stain is
Clay Penhollow
Ease tension uuough humor.
Appeal directly to the child.
For example, a parent or a teacher
may gain a child's cooperation by
saying. "I know that noise you're
making dosn't usually bother me.
but today I've got a headache, so
could you find something else you'd
enjoy doing?"
Explain situations.
Encourage children to see their
strengths as well as their weak
nesses. Usepromisesand rewards. This
approach should not be compared
with bribery. We must deliver our
A firm experienced in property
management might also save you
from some comon pitfalls.
A rental management company
would know what you might rea
sonably expect to charge for rent,
what kind of deposit to charge, and
could advise you on such topics as
allowing pets, zoning regulations,
and lease forms.
You may feel that you can't
afford not to rent the property, but
can you afford to rent it? Do you
have furnishings that require spe
cial care and could be easily dam
aged? Would you be able to charge
enough rent to cover your costs of
maintaining the property?
Do you really want to sell the
essential for efficiency
Each of the five meal prepara
tion centers is necessary for a suc
cessful kitchen.
Steps, time, and energy are saved
when the mix center is located
between the refrigerator and the
sink. The alternate location is be
tween the sink and the range.
The kitchen will be more effi
cient if the work centers are con
tinuous. This is possible when an
L- or U-shaped is used. Although it
may be possible to develop com
plete centers in a continuous ar-
ease control methods.
The classes will be held once
each week beginning in mid-January
and ending in mid-March. They
will be taught by Extension agents
and specialists and members of the
OSU Horticulture Department.
Master Gardener activities start
after the training period is com
pleted. Each participant spends a
pre-determined number of hours
staffing the Extension office.
The public is asked to call the
office for answers or bring ques
tions and plant specimens to the
office for diagnosis.
Master Gardener classes during
1987 will be conducted in several
Oregon counties. For more infor
mation on how to enroll for Master
Gardener training, inquire at the
Extension office at 553-1 161, ext.
After a hard frost has occurred,
treat for grubs and lice with a pour
on, or consider the economics of
using an injectible wormer that will
control grubs and lice as well as
deworm, or use a combination of a
pour-on and a wormer.
Consider if now is the time to
vaccinate bred cows and heifers for
Leptospirosis (this should be done
during the last trimester of preg
nancy and not in combination with
a Vibriosis vaccine which should
be given in the spring just before
the breeding season.)
Continue to provide salt sup
plementation including the trace
mineral selenium (Se).
Weaned calves should be boos
tered for the Clostridial diseases of
black leg. malignant edema, black
disease and sordelli. and should be
vaccinated with IBR, PI, and
Hemophilus somnus.
The Oregon State University Extension Service
otters educational programs, activities and
materials without regard to race, color, sex,
age. religion, national origin or disability.
Joan David
angry child
Say "NO!" Limits should be
clearly explained and enforced.
Tell the child that you accept
his or her angry feelings, but offer
other suggestions for expressing
them. Teach children to put their
angry feelings into words, rather
than fists.
Build a positive self-image.
Use punishment cautiously.
There is a fine line between pun
ishment that is hostile toward a
child and punishment that is educa
tional. Model appropriate behavior.
Teach children to express them
selves verbally.
a landlord?
property? If so, and you decide to
rent it anyway, be sure the lease is
clear on several points. You must
specify the notice the tenant would
receive to move out, and how the
visits of possible buyers would be
You must realistically consider
whether your landlord status will
be a short-term or long-term thing.
If you plan to be a landlord for
several years, you might consider
getting to know other landlords
through a rental owners associa
tion. You could benefit from the
lessons others have learned through
years of experience.
rangement along one wall, this is
less efficient because of the in
creased distance from the refriger
ator to the range.
When too much space for the
work centers is allotted, efficiency
is lost. With too little space, work
must be done in cramped quarters.
Inadequate work space also means
inadequate storage space in the
Cabinets above the range should
have a 30" clearance, or a min
imum of 24" if a hood is used.
If cabinets are placed above the
sink, they should be above eye level
(about one foot and six inches) for
safety and to give a visual feeling of
Provide an additional storage
area adjacent to the food prepara
tion area for items not frequently
used: portable applicances, extra
staple supplies, canned food, extra
sets of dishes.
Space for appliances
Space must be planned for the
major kitchen appliances.
Delay selecting new appliances
until the kitchen is being planned.
Some decisions should be based
on the total available space. For
example, a one-piece range will
require less space than a separate
cook top and oven. The range
should not usually be installed under
a window that opens, because cur
tains are a fire hazard, and glass
and window trim are hard to clean.
Space requirements for refriger
ators vary.
The direction the refrigerator
door opens is very important. The
latch side should be adjacent to the
counter. Avoid locating a refriger
ator in a corner (even though there
may be an adjacent counter) so it is
necessary to back away each time
the door is opened.
For more information, call the
Warm Springs Extension Office at
553-1 161, ext. 238 or 239.
Home buyers look
for efficiency
Energy efficiency is a top con
sideration for more than tw o-thirds
of home buyers w hen purchasing a
new home according to a recent
study by Professional Builder
Magazine. Five-thousand new home
buyers listed storm windows, effi
cient water heaters and storm doors
as the leaders, followed by double
glazed windows, clock thermostats,
triple-glazed windows and solar
water heating. For more informa
tion on these energy savers contact
the Extension office at 553-1161,
ext. 238 or 139.