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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1957)
Page 2 Section 1 House Unit Clears 13 Road Bills for Action ?' Million RonliiiVwi77 $.o,ooo Measure lo lie Introduced A package of 13 hills roc cnmcn'Jd by the Slalc High vay Commission was approved hr inlroduclinn by the House Hishways Commilleo in its FBI Hunts Solid Gold Coffee Pot ROSTOV (IJPI The intricate The diamond knobbed percola .l i-vrltin o1hi her nip mac vi jr w uic ri.i ............ ...... ..... ............ . ... ' ' j " high-gear today in the search tor freight counter at Logan Airport y' ' . . . , ,. . a missing solid gold, s.10,000 coffee Wednesday and FBI agents joined Most complicated of the bills , !ln(! 8Carth wht, lhe package rccommenac-i c n a n k u hi inu stale thrmiphway act to conform w';h federal requirements. The HI would remove a restriction tiiat a road cannot be called a Ihrotnhvay if it nas to or more commercial buildings per mile. Anolher Imoorlanl bill would authorize the commission lo Issue I -.11 ... in hnndc In anu Bt u o minim. I.. . meet requirements for full partici-: pal 'on in the lederal interstate1 hijhway program. I Olhrr bills would: Permit roadworking machines Foot of Snow Falls in N.Y. Freezing Zone (ailed to turn up at any of 34 pos sible destinations across lhe coun try. Authorities first believed the plain fibre suitcase containing the electric percolator had been in conrctly shipped to the wrong address. Clerks frantically checked every air freight terminal they could find before admitting M-JJ mai uiieves may uv. niimiik men O morning java in the jewel-slud- By TIIK ASSOCIATED PKKSS ded pot. , . The percolator, which boasts a More snow and continued cold j;m,.j ; i r u THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Weather Plane Crashes Salem, Orejron, Friday, January 18, 1957 -1 fo travel highways wnne wormm was me winiry weamcr ouuook uma MJ knob flt -e , js on projects without getting indi-jfor broad areas of the country I own(,d by ,an(,.r,i Krary and vit'ual trip permits. today. Clark of New Britain. Conn. The simnltfv enforcement of laws on tk cnncn-0 i..nonui rllA u.nvn . . i -i:.. u ' - - , ,. . "- ....... .. Jl Wci.. mi lieu uui ill nuiiu Kiiu oversize and ovrrweight vehicles, i moro tnan WC(,k in snmc Mid-i commemorate manufacture nf Prohibit fishing from bnnces wcst nd j.:5l(,rn arcils las thc (irml minion automatic and other structures under hi(,h- brml h( rctord lnw t,mwratlI.C! ; , . wnv department control. rt h vs , ... n( w piri.oi.iior usi jiar. Transfer control of the Pacific.3 hc,my ,al1' ' """"' Thc last known person to see thei Ocean shore from the Highway I Nf"' '"' 'f y-,collce pot's special case told po- Drparlment lo the Stale Land '""'J ""'. nee it was next to nis aesK whin Board which also has some au-!as a nrnr blizzard whipped off it disappeared. Thc clerk in the thorlty over the beaches. Thclc Knc. Snow fell during lhc!ajr express office of the Amori hor helwoen high and low tide nifilit and early morning in moat lean Kxprcss Co., said thc case was designated a public nignway v w$ m. TW it r: i teds Air Force men rhrrk wreckage strewn over frozen country side after a big Air Force plane crashed and exploded to bits shortly after. take-off from Fairbanks. Alaska. All 12 aboard were killed. (U.S. Air Force photo via AP Wlrephoto) of the (ireat Lakes region and : c0ld have been stolen or shiDned southward into the Ohio Valley 1 10 the wrong destination. The FBI j i 1 TV WT "I 1 T and also in the middle Mississippi: officially listed it as missing and! OFMCfil I I Irklint U nil I fill t I ttkf valley. I possibly stolen and was looking llttUCIVU TT UltAUU t. LiVl during the administration of Gov Oswald Wesl to save it for. public lief. Give Highway Department some ! Heavy snow was expected off , for it on that basis. leeway in placement of slop signs the east end of Lake Ontario, with 1 The automatic coflee maker had at main or through highways. j lighter amounts for central New been on loan to the March ol Change descriptions of state York and sections north of Albany. ! iJimes which used it in a series highways to conform wilh routes i New Kngland also was in the path of fund-raising colfee parlies a- ....... i..;nrt lnlU..,nfl nr hninf hnill nl I.A cn..,..ct.Pm i I I. I-.., now ui-iiik imiuniu ui me aim n si 111 1 u. i u nit: iiaiiou. ii woa itii uavu L.AUTDOI1DUL' r:l.. ihn lllghwxv IVnurtment ... . . j . ..,i . m..i.ii.....j v, m., I tAbl bUUM!Nf. v.... ... ... i.oiuer air cxiennea souinwara ii i" j o ."' m.i-avi mun . . nirin aiiltinritu tn BrPrt nPCPH .... .... ... fl..,. I ...n. AH-A I..- Dm.,; ' " H'U B,,i.v Du ... - I iniO ine aoum Atlantic l.oasi o'1" ulln11 "- OoHbin Arf,.m. ca;H FriHai. AHam aary signs and signals. I slates and only extreme southern dence. R.I. It was being (hipped . 5?!! ot aTlow rich widow ?! Give authority to issue permit, , Florjda WM , thc (ri ,d bet by Kmery Air Freight. I T, iccSwd o" poisoning to be for oas. ohone. water and other i ... , i 15 aeeusea 01 poisoning to be lines and cables to cross high- ""' " IVi " .7,, '.IJJ n -kV. ..J n,oved ,0 8 hosP,lal- wavs. l":Ju'.i":.. I u ...Vir. .r.;:. "7J:r',,'J Dr. Ronald V. Harris test Increase the revolving fund of I".?"'".""", "' : ZJL he told Dr. Adams of his sus (he state highway engineer fromi F, ld and 1M rubies. A three and one I cion ertrude Hullett $1 million V1-5 ""'''""V.0! nichmond Va rcDorted record half cral nimnnd ' U5rd inslcad S n"g 'rm VCr 5C money is used largely for immedi-l liicnmnna, va., repnnea recoru n.,. i0i. i,k of drugs. . f -:i.t i low mnrbi nl fl nhovi for hnlh v. wal,a tia,ul llluu-1 ie payment uir i ik"- . ' Rich Widow Go Into Hospital Givens Found Dead in Hotel OSEA Report On Wages Sent To Legislators v t The state representatives have been sent Oregon State Kmployees ; Association's 93-pase salary and wages report. Announcement was i made by Jim Daniels. OSKA exec- j utive secretary, who stated that the monumental undertaking to ; remedy the state's pay structure was entirely volunteer service to the state. 1 Thc report, with its sun-yellow cover adorned with a mosaic of scenes depicting state employees at work, contains the findings, analyses and recommendations of the OSEA salary and wages com mittee. Culmination of more than seven months salary study, the report sets forth in tabulated, catalogued and descriptive form the summar ized data. Spotlighted are salary inequities wherever they exist in Oregon's pay plan, lhe committees rccom-j mendattons for remedial action are based upon comparative averages or proper interna! relationships, it was pointed out by Jay Blair, chairman of the OSEA general i committee on salary and wages, j Climaxing months of compara-j tiue studies, the survey was put i together by volunteer workers who j met Monday evening at OSEA ! headquarters to assemble the I booklet. Several state agencies were represented by the volunteers who made light work of the final task. Five hundred copies were assem bled for presentation to the Forty ninth Legislative Assembly, OSEA chapters and key people. Monmouth Plans Souvenir Salem For Centennial MONMOUTH (Special) - The final drive lo sell the remaining Centennial souvenir hook els and nlales is planned lor Jan. 2.1. C OCF. choir rod the volun teer fire department will do the ""he'cholr will receive 23 per cent and the other 75 per cent will go lor the purchase of a resusriiator. The resuscitalnr was demonstrated for members of the fire department and Cen tennial commission and will ne purchased soon. Knough funds are on hand for the purchase ol the basic ma chine but money Is needed to buy the needed accessories. OCE Students Earn $19,938 MONMOUTH (Special) Stu dents at Oregon College of Edu cation contributed to their self support by earning $19.9M during fall term 1956 as part-time work ers for the college, according to information released by the dean's office this week. Campus employment assisted 229 students last term, almost 30 per cent of the total student body. The average monthly wage for the part-time worker, was $29.02. Of the 229 empft.ved, 190 were in th category earning an average oi $40 per month or less. Student employment at OCE is arranged by thc dean's office at part of .the student welfare pro gram. " The Kingdom of Jordan, one n the states involved in the Middlt Kast conflict, is about the Size ol the state ol Indiana. 1 j Salem gS i Junior gj a) 0 Symphony in Concert Wed., Jan. 23 Leslie Jr. High Auditorium 8 P.M. Soloist Rodney Schmidt Violinist I Adults $1 Students 50c Tickets Available at Stcv 8 8 s a c f tt By EDDY C.II.MOKK England W1 associate of Dr. John Funeral services for John H. Givens, 459 State St., will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in thc i W. T. Rigdon chapel with interment last summer. The prosecution i at Jason Lee Mission cemetery, wants to ask him about a missing ! Givens, 86, was found dead in a I.OOOpound ($2,800) check which Scotland ard says Mrs. Hullett gave Adams just before she died. were general again today in mosl of Pennsylvania and New York and northward into New England as well as across the northern Great Lakes into the upper Mis sissippi Valley. Amend the "turn on red after ternay ami toaay stopping" rule so that a driver could turn left on thc red after stopping only from a one - way street into anolher one-way street. Give the department nulhorily In reduce load limits on highways during floods or other emer gencies. Jlobert May, commission attor ney, said the department wants legislation to eliminate access restrictions In limited business areas. He said thc growth of free ways and. throughwiiyj has brought changes in access and right-of-way requirements that were set up originally for main highways and thoroughlares. Carlson Sees Postal Raise Church Studies Ti ? Building Bids WASHINGTON iff - Sen. Cart son IH-Kan) said Friday he be- Congress will increase post- 5! i Sheets to Keep illett j 1 State CD Post Col. Ar- room of the Hotel Morris on State St., according to police who said death was caused by natural caus es. Hotel officials say Givens had lived at the hotel for the past ive years and there are no known 'survivors. Fruit Growcr to Elect on Saturday WOODBURN (Special) -An nual meeting of the Woodburn He said this was not possible," Harris told the five justices of Reappointment of the peace holding a preliminary thur M. Sheets as director Fnlii r.mwpA will hp held Sainr. hearing into charges that Adams ol Oregon's civil defense agen- day at j .30 pm j tnc library poisoned for profit. ; cy was announced late yesterday j club" ronmSi Tw0 ncw directors for The 57-year-old society doctor , by Gv- Robert D. Holmes. tlrcc yCar crms arc i0 be elec ts appearing before a magistrate's Col. Sheets, director of the agen- ted. Don Rasmussen of Salrm. tribunal on the formal charge that cy since Aug. 1, 1933. had sub-1 c 0 u n t y agriculture extension ho murdered Mrs. Edith Morrcll, milted a courtesy resignation to agent, will be the speaker, anolher of his rich elderly pa- the governor. I A report for lflifi will be given tients. The prosecution also ac- j "Civil defense has had imagina- ' 'rs- P3"' Mil's, secretary- rales this year. i , u 7" , '"""" live and ctticicnt leadership un- n-i. nm-nuia ' n-uus However, the Kansan indicated 7" J. ' .. . "ul "'"" "er col. hheets. Gov. Holmes "'7: "'"l .."l. u l.""u n" Community Council Schedules Yearly Meeting Feb. 1 The Salem Community Council will hold its annual meeting at the Marion hotel Friday noon, February 1. The group will con duct a brief business session, in cluding thc election of officers and the reading of committee re ports. A feature of the conference will be an address by City Manager Kent Mathewson on the subject, "Human Values vs. Physical Val ues." Reservations for the luncheon meeting should be made by call ing the Salem United Fund office no later than Jan. 1. Decision as to the acceptance or rejection of bids tendered Thurs- I ..... . . . . I frnl lifhA. n rnn ap. V.nlin in n intnrvirw hfi wasn't sure I Said. Ana 1 am p Cased nc CX- ! " 1 " ",v"1 ' ' l " ' V"'3 ,,"m"K " Ll S. a?...".IV5.W 1 Artnm henrfilerf frnm the will nrneH a Willinmi .nrf Hedrn arc D. A. Drydcn. .less Fikan. u'm, Zmdi S dollar an' ot .all three. !o stay on to prepare the state i J"' J" ?f nnal increase requested in Pre.v' , "yis said he first saw lor any possible disaster." ident Kisenhower's budget. Carl-1 Uullet three days before her son is senior (tepiiblican on the mmn tasl in answpr " iiirinn.Ta onu - ... I son is senior itcpuniican on ine :. " . n i The commission's program also ,or Proposed construction ; & , p , of(j Conlnlirc. .emergency call because Dr. : l)t'(ch lOliriieVS Includes two proposals to elorily ' 'sI Mnrk l.ulheran church will , KisrBtmw did not spell out A:'m' was not available. i 1 J ci at IJIUKMU ...ihi .nri r.irii.inn on oc maoc ny ine congregation nur- heavy vehicles. May said Iherc is I " '" annual business meeting no law governing movement ol , scheduled lor Sunday night, e xtrcmelv large road working I fhrec bids were received by lhe equipment on state highways, nl-1 building commiltee. lhe figures .. . :i were not mnrle known n Mil 0nn. I noucn in some cases mm-cihi m-i-i - - , . , ..... . - mils had been issued for limited P"c- u' ' "." . ' of dross." March or one-wav travel. I I lie new church I splanned "r "He srdd this was not pos-! "The Rrannan Plan of Federal To simplify enforcement of the ! n" southwest corner of Marlon 5 eenls an ounce. slWo ,7r i.lrris r(,lafd .., Asrjn,lur(. Al(r wju bp th, (pic truck weight' law, the commission and Nor111 ""er streets, where I The proposed B:.4 million dollar asked him what he considered the for the high schoolers- debate wants tn place more responsibility, nc congregation purcnaser several increase in postal revenue in mis dingnnsis was and he suggested Feb. 21-2.1. The college contest h,u h i i ii, "I found her in a comatose tinnni r...i',. v,. iin,no hn 1 ,lae and she could not be roused," unnirf irnvn ii.n'i (nr i,i ,.,.!' testified. McM I NNV1LLE up Oregon ,,,,. Harris said he consulted later high school and college speech ' ,' . ... ,. ffiii b Adams and "asked him : tournaments will be held at Lin- mil fuilllllll.Ml niliill u I I I I. I n i n j-Knilt tho nncclhililu nl nn n.-nr. tinlii I 'nllnnn n.nn,l. nn the state police to issue ciln- r 1 loyd 5 fire yrstd sho. 'year's budget would barely pre- cerebral hemorrhage.' i anls will discuss Fri-; March -79. foreign aid linn fnr merlnnriinii Mnv snid 1 Ul" 111111111 " uirflieu near vem ine n,n miuinn nouar cirncu Also scnenulen to trslifv truckers have complnincd inlUU 1Nonn li'",n nd tnemeneia now lorecasi inr nst-ai ls.B,dny was the coroner who held the Some 50(1 students are expected courts that weighmnsters did not slrpct intersection. 'starling next July I. inquest into Mrs. Mullet's riealh,for the two meets. have enforcement authority, and I In some instances the courts have THIS IS THK MID-EAST V backed them tin. ' Thc proposed ban on fishing from highway linages and cut verts stems from a situation culiar lo coastal roads. May plained. lie sain ew o me Ky WILMAM 1.. ltYAV bridges have pedestrian walkways Al. yorrifLn Newt AnMyai nnn ansiers ircqueiniy riuiAc uhi fic congestion by parking their Arabs Desperate, Welcome Changes If it means there will eventually An ocean of bitterness and frus-1 Manv thoughtful Arab leaders he a ilearcut American policy in. (ration provides plenty of troubled are seokinc a wav out nf ihn The young. Western-educated!""' h"s1' t,a " ei- water lor lommunisl fishing. A area's pressing troubles. Fre- cars on or near the bridge at-' Arab slammed his fist on the table I1'""0 ",r aicmcm. iu- ic. is .nc nussian o.icnsive argues tnc lit- quently the suggestion is heard nrn-ichcs j m nnger. absence of a common Western ierale Arab - and many seasoned that a new league of Arab slates. Wr,i. .1 ik. K.u "llmv l., i, h n .., n A J p01" " "w -"'""'e r.asi per-, n csiom ooservers agree with him under I nited Nations hy the commission has created "must 1 go on being ashamed lor "some burdens" which the com-: my own people? How long must I mission would like to give lo an- go on despising the rulers ol my other agency. May snid. The own country?" ticaclies oy low are public IhkH- mv young friend - call him Gcrvais and T. M. YanDyke of .11. ram. NomckmoL AlHOOa.. WHki TH FOOD tS 6000! BOX OFFICE O ticketsN f NOW ON SALE SALEM JUNIOR SYMPHONY CONCERT Wed., Jan. 238 P. M. Leslie Jr. High Auditorium CESARE VALLETTI Willamette Auditorium Jan. 248:15 P. M. ST. OlAF COLLEGE CHOIR Willamette Auditorium Feb. 148:15 P. M. Store Hours 9:30 5:30 Every Day For Reservations Dial EM 4-2224 J .TH. J!'!" ZJAmS: munimrV. VheT can" mimary 3, and with 7ZAe'Z Communists made such strides can concentrate on the political, i I'niled Stales, make an exhaustive that the Arab nations, recognising cultural and economic aspects in study of the resources and how (he dancer, outlawed lhe party and a patient campaign. thev' could be used to develop the jailed lted leaders. I ,r.,b leaders aware of this are ".. Hut .sand seems to IhinK ine frKhlened by lhe Ihoughl. In " such a program should gel Iranklv described himself vays. but. May said, the coinnus-. Xa ad F on dncsn I hae the cqiupincn or personnel C j j iu i """ ' Mulathemurin" the dis- detail just what it considers its President N'nsser l i it A I h i ' ' . , kmmwi omis m nmi. inlrresls ami responsilillllies nway slranried whales or oilier Kisenhower statement misses the t-..nt (nt. ,,.i nnnW ,ih i0..k. i.l.h.TllT'.f ""'embernl lhe growing group ,,. H, ,, desperately to ,s,s rCmain in jail.' despite acaP i nual help.' it might go a Ions wav " " l"P" ".'." ,nr " ' l"e t'n.led States spoil out in .;,,,. 0, pr0.cmmunism against toward providing an cllective weapon against the sort of Com- At the Legislalure. Mnvi recalled, legislation knnwn as the i a..k i i . munisl nonelratinrt which cannot U'.. nrn I.Ln .....nv .,lh..r vnnno Kill Mn'nH nnH mnnv l,Ln hint . ........ n nfciir llieic ...... i . 7 J i. " s.- 7,,h V..L...i T.j ....... ,k .i....1 ' "ussian danger. It can be.'" '"";lu w,,n uns- deep sea denim,., washed up on.!.w; ,,,, A,mMf- Wf on nijltm.v M.Uon and jhmvpd too "''y ''' nnl bV the shores. I, , , . . , 1 . IiMl . . tin . ern domination but only by coop- u, l..,... - iuuh .m ....uu W uH erB,jon as it s a change. ; facts of life. i , .... a ... l. -t uiu k. .A i i;- u.... : Make US Sllfficienltv strnnc tn Dead Whale Hill" was intro- . . '. . Ai..A i " n "i .u... : defend our own frnnt nA . vuuiii in-ir. innr is j niir rr.ii uismni mm ninnr tin iiiry i -. - ...... vacuum. It is nut military. The need a period of quiet freedom j "r. w'" " ou necessary to voting people of the Arab world from the interminable tension. rtrfPntl mip frontiers." they are will make its future for bettor or Only if this can be achieved, they , tPlllnK ,hc 1 ni,rd slM- worse. Vim must help give them say. can there he any attempt to. "If we could wait for the dust somoilimn to lixik forward to." attack the real roots of the danger. ! to settle." one Arab leader told Sa'ad, like many another in thc The danger is this: jme recent Iv, "if we could turn our duced, but failed nf passnee. It vmild have required the Highway Commission to dispose of such can-asses. May s;iid the commission hud discussed lhe transfer w it h sev eral state agencies, including the Land' Board which nlreadv has I'': ",,",s " b, "'end of the Not . single Arab stale in the backs on the problem of Palestine ... mms ,.., i, m jiini ...I...U. viii um-i us )-vi.mi- i- n wnue, pernaps in live years me jurisdiction o er I beaches. Vay ind-cated. however. that the enthused "This is the first time I ever beard of the Highway Commission Communists. Me suspects Russians and a firm promise of security. Not anjor so we no longer would be in Arab state in the area land Board was not V m',,:"),- u,r mr" i'-vsh.i jicar m israei. remaps we could "ill he welcome the Kisenhower excepting Lebanon can lay claim even live together with Israel." nomine" uniy in the sense that to anv stability. the Cnited Slates is taking more j MORK .h! ,..l-:iu uniilinn I n nn ,! ,M,,vl "I" I rl III tnc .tlllUlir r.flM.l "I IHUIUIIHI. (IIT AlU St Ul . i n i 'u' Kist'tihower statement prom- injustice at the creation of Israel, proper y com,, enled Itep Itch jsw, ., ,ha, nmM d,Vet.,,v and ffns, of ,nlslr1011 ,hc ert Klfslrom iR,. Salem, who ,s sa'ad s problem or the pn.h- superiority of Israel s military. srv,ng his third legislalne term , ,.,, tr that economic and social life, add rnd is a former House liighw.vs mal.r h DANCE Friday, January 1 8th Ml. Angel Auditorium Music by Run Broms of Portland Accompanied by Vocalist rianrini from 12:00 Everyone Welcome Porlland Onliolra Tn Go on Kiirojii 'four POHTI.AM) in Portland's nil Hirl Little Chamber Orchestra will get free transportation from the Army to and from Europe on a scheduled concert tour next summer. Chamber spokesmen got this word Thursday. Tho Stale Department Is hack ing the tour, which will take the orchestra to Kngland. Norway lind Kranre and to number ot Army European posts. 444 STATE ST. PHONE EM-3-5J2S fctAs OUR GIGANTIC JANUARY CLEARANCE Now In Progress Your Opportunity To Savs 10 i, 50 On Hi-Quality Furniture And Applitnceil Ne Down Payment On Approved Credit GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. Open Til 9 P. l. Monday and Frldar SI. Phone FM 1SS11 H:IJHii.inHlihl:H NOW PLAYING! i'TtCHNICOLOR RiCHSIO fO'1 COSOShi MIlONC CIUiC"l tl.ICHSll PI.l'S Kdw. (t. Robinson "NIGHTMARE" HEY KIDOIESI SAT. MATINEE Will BE "STAGE TO TUCSON" PUS CHAP. 3 "PERILS OF THE WILDERNESS' a Love. ..Laughs. ..Blushes! "1?., ALLYSON vNd )ars t 1 LEMMON K,?J ClNiSco6 TKfsHOiet ng PLVS I K I Adventure On The I I 1M,.. t-rnntl.. I ill "nnnwr.A" STARTS SUNDAY I PHONE EM 4-4713 I ENDS TOMORROW The fierce, fighting, flaming fury of the South's inest...THE DIXIE DAREDEVILS who became... THE HELL FIGHTERS il I 1 i s 1 Robert WAGNER Terry MOORE Broderick CRAWFORD BUDDY EBSON 0AV10 WtlS8T RICHARD FLEISCHER uuu.nM!m BROWN CinemaScoPE: SfrtSATiOMAl. PLUS MUSICAL CO-HIT fiint ftfttl lUBttUT ; 4 .nmil HOLLYWOOD KIDS CLUB MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY, 1-4 TOMORROWS SPKCIAL FEATURE Creature With the Atom Brain A SCIENCE FICTION THRILLER Chapter One of New Serial HOP HARRIGAN Jet Ace of the Airways. AND DON'T FORGET ONE HOUR OF CARTOONS ADULTS AND CHILDREN ONLY 20t SPKCIAL ATTENTION TO BIRTHDAY PARTIES CINEMASCOPE vlT1 ndMEIROCOLOR T WAIT DISNEY'S I SIAM" I I STARTS SUNDAY ANOTHER FINE FIRST RUN HE WAS NOT k MAN ..HE LIVED WITH INSATIABLE PASSION! KM DOUGLAS in M-G-M's WW Anthony QUINN JamesDONALD-PamelaBROWN - Everett SLOANE VBNEH11 MMNEUI IWN HOUSEMM Ltt: CWLDIWN (Und.r U) . . STUDENTS . . . duits . . . 75 20 c o