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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 17, 1957 Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Meyer Completes School i Afler brinit graduated u 1 1 li hnnnrs (ruin the 2"th Infantry Divi sion'! Non-commissioned Officer Academy in Hawaii. .Specialist Third Class Donald I.. .Meyer (right) ol Salem, is congratulated and awarded a certificate by Colonel Ulrica G. Gibhons, execu tive officer of the 2ith Division Artillery. Meyer is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Meyer. Koule I. (U.S. Army Photo) Military Men and Veterans Way Enroute Home CENTRAL HOWELL Dean E. Way is expected to arrive from Ft. Lewis, where he received his discharfie from the army signal corps, lie arrived in the United Slales on Jan. 5, ahnard the S. S. Patrick, after serving a year in Korea, being stationed in Seoul. This completes his three years in the Army. DaMctz Promoted Wayne L. DaMetz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DaMetz, 2445 East Nob 1 1 1 1 1 . Salem, who is with the U.S. Army near Munich, Germany, was recently promoted to special bit second class. iSgt.l He graduated from Salem high school in 1952. attended Willamette university, and is a graduate of the army language school at Mon terey, Calif. He entered the ser vice in the fall of 1954. Thompson Advanced SHERIDAN tSpecial) - Alan Thompson of Sheridan was ad vanced to the rating of second lieutenant Co. A, 1112nd Infantry, Oregon National Guard, lie will assume leadership of the first platoon. Thompson, who saw servlco In the U.S. Marines, Is married and has two children. He is tho son ot Mr. and Mrs. Orval Thompson ot Willamlna. In Mediterranean BARCELONA. Spain-Navy U. fig) Jerome B. Hayes, son of Mrs. Lorctla M. Hayes of 2045 Virginia St., Salem, and husband of tlte former Miss Susan G. Lillio of Charleston, S.C., is assigned to tlte submarine USS Trumpetfish, spent the Christmas holidays at Barce lona. Spain. The Trumpetfish arrived at the Spanish port Dec. 21. When the Suez crisis arose the submarine was summoned to the Mediterran ean from Rotterdam, Netherlands. To Finish Training SAN DIEGO. Calif. Samuel 0. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude F. Smith of Star Route. Box 5(1, St. Paul, is scheduld to complete re cruit training Jan. 23 at I lie Ma rine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Calif. l'pnn completion of training, he will go lo Camp Pendleton, Calif., for further infantry training, or to one of the many Marine Corps scnoois. Trio Off Maiii'im-r I.ONC, BEACH. Calif. - John F Birrhrr. hnatsw.-nn's mate first rl.,s.-. t'SN. al l.Mlo I) St., Milton 11. olds. Ii' coipsman second class. t'SN. son ol Mr. and Mrs. Philip G Olds, and husband of the former Miss Etna Breed, all ol (25 South 19th St., and Larry L. Pcd. machinist's mate third class. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Pod of 5230 Portland Rd.. all of Salem, returned to Long Beach, Calif., Dec. IB aboard the heavy cruiser USS Los Angeles. For the last six months the Los Angeles operated in Far Eastern waters wilh the 7lh I'lcct. End Hoot Training SAN DIEGO. Calif.-Robert L. French, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam W. French of 1340 Nebraska Ave., and Donald J. Jaeobc, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Jncobc of 4440 Monroe Ave., both of Salem, completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit De pot, San Diego, Calif. Upon completion of training, the new Marines are assigned to Camp Pendleton, Calif., for further in fantry training, or to one of the many Marine Corps schools. Weber in Exercise FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. Sgt. Frank E. Weber, 51, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weber, 1185 Birchwnnd Dr., is participating with the lB7th Airborne iniantry combat group in "Operation Mar ket II." a mid-January training exercise conducted by the 101st Airborne division at Fort Bragg N.C. After the test Sergeant Weber will return to Fort Camphell, Ky, where he is regularly assigned as a squad leader i n the group's Company A. He entered the army In Septem her, 195.1. Goodin in San Diego SAN DIEGO. Calif.-Walter J. Goodin, commissaryman first class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Goodin of 2510 North River Rd., arrived at San Diego, Calif., Dec. 20 aboard the des troyer USS Laws. The ship completed five months' anti - submarine training in the Western Pacific. Gervais Man lipped IWAKUNI, Japa Darrel B. Ferschweiler received his warrant of promotion to marine corporal at the Naval Air Station, Iwakuni, Japan. Maj. William H. Drewitz, Com manding Officer of Headquarters Squadron of the 1st Marine Air craft Wing, made the presentation December 1. Ferschweiler is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. Bernard Ferschweiler of Route 1, Gervais, Ore. Arrive Afler Cruise SAN DIEGO, Calif.-Navy Den tist Cdr. Irwin G. Edwards, son ot Mrs. It. L. rewards of 1755 S. Cottage St., and husband of the former Miss Janette Breckenridge of Tavares, Fla., and Charles G. Scott, electronics technician third ciass, uaiN, son oi iur. ana ,irs. Robert G. Scott of 4145 Silvcrton I Hd., and husband of the former Miss Billie J. Miller of 820 Fair view Ave., arirved at San Diego, Calif., Dec. 19 aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Lexington after seven months in the Far East. Free Taxi Will Tie Provided for Mt. Anel Dinner MOUNT ANGEL (Special) Free taxi services for those wish ing to attend the benefit ham din- I ner at .Mount Angel Academy tun ! day will be provided by the ad visory board members. Cars will pick up passengers af ter the last mass at St. Mary's between 11:30 and 12 noon, and also in front of the post office down town. The dinner will be served by the Benedictine Sisters in the Academy gymnasium between 11:30 and 3 p.m. It is to be a benefit for the new 50 bed nursing home to be built on the convent grounds in observance of the 75th year of the orders establishment in its present location on the edge of Mount Angel. Persons wishing to be picked up at their homes may call Otto Wellman, E. G. Unger or Joseph Faulhabcr. Proceeds from the dinner will be used for the new 50-bed nursing home which will be built by the Benedictine Sisters at a cost of $265,000. Plans for the new nursing home will be shown" and grounds where the Home will be erected will be shown. Added attraction will be an Open House at the Academy and Wom en's College, and a program of organ music in the Women's Col lege auditorium. Advisory Board members for the home are Emil Wolf, W. A. Ver boort, Francis C. Schmidt, Harold Bourbonnais, Bernard K i r s c h, E. G. Unger, ana utto neumau. Joseph Faulhaber and H e r n a n Schwab will assist with transportation. Plan School Play MOLALLA (Special) In Molalla union high school, the Junior class play "January Thaw" is scheduled for Feb. 15 and is now being re hearsed. The cast, recently chosen by Mrs. Dana Smith as director, includes Allen Mattison, Georgia Ferguson, Judy Micttunen, Priscil la Masscy. Gerald Bye. John Cut ter, Virginia Palmer, Otis Martin, Kathy Eppler, Roberta Raymond, Jim Doyle, George Lantz, George Gurley and Carol Shaver who is student director. Waits Move i;try I.. Cnlurll. unit of Mr. mill .Mrs. A. K. Cnlwrll. K:..10 WlHiitliiml Hi... Siilt'in, Is ill I ho I'.S. n:iv;il rerelvlns stjitliin, Norfolk, Vii., awaiting tmnslVr In t'lilia. 1 Mny new 3r U I Reductions (yjjf Vf 1 1 Help yourself fo some t. C t reol Borgoins while fif fj you help us dear our jjjj&shj m Capitol Shopping Center Fir?' m PRG.nraEKnri2V BALANCE OF 1956 MODELS MUST GO! is 1 1 . . -im i r i ---"i li 'iiii t in it i m iiM . - HURRY! SOME ONE OF A KIND! LIMITED QUANTITIES! SEAFOAM FINISH! 6-DRAWER MR. AND MRS. DRESSER WITH MIRROR SLIDING PANEL CABINET BED AND NIGHT STAND MATCHING CHEST 39.88 EXTRA NIGHT STAND 98.88 3 Piece BEDROOM SET REG. 124.95 (o)88 LI LI 10.00 DOWN 4-PC. BLONDE Double Dresser, Full Sixe Ponel Bed, 2 Night Stands Reg. 164.95 3-PC. BLONDE 4-Drower Chest, Full Size Panel Bed, One Night Stand Reg. 109.95 2-PC. BLONDE Double Dresser, Cabinet Headboord Reg. 141.95 2- PC. BLONDE Deluxe Double Dresser, Full Size Panel Bed Reg. 139.95 3- PC. TWIN SETS Double Dresser, 2 Twin Beds, Coral Mahogany Finish Reg. 139.95 12988 8988 12988 11 988 11988 2-PC. WALNUT Double Dreiser, Full 88 inn Size Cabinet Bed Reg. 149.95 mW 2-PC. WALNUT 4-Drower Chest, Full QQ88 Size Cabinet Bed Reg. 110.95 07 34.88 9.88 39.88 9.88 12.88 4.88 UUAD1 ClUlfU MOIUCT OCR JMIIHHM liniJII IHUinil ULL Full Size Reg. 48.95 SAHARA FINISH NIGHT STAND WALNUT FINISH CABINET BED K ..Re,5,95 WALNUT FINISH NIGHT STAND WALNUT FINISH NIGHT STAND METAL HOLLYWOOD BED FRAME . Reg. 17.95 ."Reg. 25.95 Reg. 6.95 312-COIL INNERPSRING MATTRESS Twin or Full Size COMPARE AT 59.95 33381 f 1 B ' L ' I'SiS! .. . FOAM RUBBER MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING SET. Twin Size, Reg. 89.95. . . Full Size Only $20 More! 5-PIECE odern Black DINETTE SET REG. 69.95 (0)88 LI Blonde and silver wal nut, wood grained ta ble tops, chairs cov ered in patterned plas tic. Colors aqua, pink, gray or beige. Table top size 30"x48". 6.00 DOWN 5-PC. CHROME DINETTE 30"x48" Table with Matching Chairs. Green, gray Reg. 69.95 5 PC. CHROME DINETTE SET 36"x60" Toblc, Foam Rubber Handle Back Chairs, Green, Gray Reg. 94.95 5-PC. MODERN BLACK SET 36"x60" Blonde Table, Patterned Plastic Chairs, Aqua, Pink Reg. 89.95 ONE GROUP Odd Chrome and Modern Black Dinette Chairs Reg. 9.95 and 11.95 5988 7488 7488 588 7-PC. CHROME DINETTE 36"x72" Table, Matching OQ88 Deluxe Hondlcback Chairs, Green, Gray. . . Reg. 114.95 O 7 8 PC. CHROME DINETTE 6' Table, 6 Matching Chairs QQ88 Plus Matching Stepstool, Yellow Reg. 126.95 WW 8 PC. MODERN BLACK 6' Table, 6 Patterned Chairs AA88 .95 I U7 Plus Matching Stepstool, Aqua Reg. 147.9 5-PC. MODERN BLACK 48" Round with 12" Leof Blonde Table, Beige or Gray Chairs Reg. 124.88 109 88 SPRING-FILLED DAVENPORT AND CHAIR Top Quality! Red Upholstered Rcgulor 199.95 15988 EXTRA LARGE FOAM DAVENPORT, CHAIR Top of the Line! Brown, Green, Charcoal Regular 359.95 29988 L ri i 1 V it I J 1 -TOT j tiTT i jfST!YVTlTi rglTTI'ytFliiiil 'Sk&fea&tt jtaawrtZe&tez yem, xotcey fac ' 550 N. Capitol Away Prices! To Clear our Counters for New Spring Merchandise we Have Slashed Prices on Many Regular Items All 1st Quality All from our Regular Stock. Not All Sizes or Colors, but at a Gigantic Saving to You Most Items at ABis 5 off Only a Few Listed Below! JEWELRY Closouts Values to 1.98 4.99 SHOES Boys & Girls-8'2 to 3 Bells Values fo 1.98 Less 50 Pictures Framed Less 50 Pottery Mm 5? 397 .CIaiia Women's UIUVGJ Reg. 1.98 Less 50 97 39 Boys' Hose 25' Undershirt ST 30' Choice of 6-Ff. Rule, Level, Bond Boxes, Block Plane, 3-Pc. Saw Set " 39' Cut Tumblers 17' Mixing Bowl 20 9,! Ship Model Kit 4" Toy Clicker Pistol 13' Table Lamps ieiI 50 Priced from 5.95 to 12.98 Yard Goods ,d.33' Fill Rayon Acetate Gabardine Toddlers' Slippers I4' Many Stylet Reg. 1.99 3 Chenille Spread 2 Hooked Rug K l85 Other Sizes All less 50 4" Men's Sweater 2" 10O Lambs Wool No Phone Orders Please! W. T. GRANT CO. 260 N. Liberty