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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 29, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 7 Gassif ied Index "For Your Convenlence" 300 PERSONAL 310 Meeting Notice . 312 Lost and Found 314 Transportation 316 Personal 318 Stamps and Coins 400 AGRICULTURE 4U2 Livestock For Sale 403 Livestock Wanted 405 Pets 410 Fruits & Farm Product 412 Market Basket 414 Poultry & Rabbitj 4is sea tooas PHS Lacks Funds to Help War On Mosquito Hordes in Basin ATLANTA - A tremendous! Donaldson said that current ap upsurge of the mosquito popula-lpropriations provide no funds for (ion in the Columbia River Basin j financial help and the disease ccn irrigation project of the Pacific i ter's commitments in other states Notthwest has created an acute prevent its assigning statf mom- prS , ' u , , lbors fuU time t0 " Columbia But so have similar threats of: River area, spread of disease infection in! However, he said, the center about 20 other states. will continue to provide technical 4ia Lawn & Garden This was the picture sketched ; assistance and consultation from ! J" lc'?? & Planu T riUdV UV Ur. Alan V nniricnn I ilp I CI.IJ ITi.l r.u . r1 f i tij ug.ui rit-iu, uian. neia sia-i.24 ,... uiiiiimnicaniciiion ana irom its Atlaccssary. Disease Center of the U.S. Public The public health official noted Health Service, m response to an that the Grant Countv committee appeal for assistance from the pointed to the spread' of encepha Grant County, Wash., Mosquito , litis as a definite threat from the Abatement Committee. swarming hordes of mosquitos. The committee. Donaldson re- He said that 51 outbreaks of this latcd, asked by resolution that the disease in horses and 3 in per Public Health Service provide im-sons had been reported in the mediate financial and other aid state of Washington through Nov. until a continuing program of con-,3. However, he reported, onlv one trol could be developed through-'of these has been confirmed by out the Columbia Basin. I isolation of the virus. 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: Christmas nite. Siamese male cat, vie. airgrounas He! u earing broun collar. EM 23441. LOST: Black Australian Shep herd do. Wht. vest & front It. Call alter 5 p.m. EM 4-8071. LOST: Bulova watch in vie. M&F stort. EM 3-3930. LOST: 1 white pie in vie. Hayesville Dlst. EM 4-9176. Climate Said Altered in Many Areas br Burnina of CnnL Oil C 7 SEATTLE W Climate in Darts of the world may have been ma terially altered during the past century by man's burning up the earth's ages-old coal and oil de posits, a scientist said Friday. Release of great quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmos phere may have been responsible for major changes, particularly in Europe and the eastern United States, Dr. Roger R. Revelle, di- Wife Forced to Aid in Crimes CHICAGO Ut A young couple was held by police today in con nection with a scries of burglaries and the husband told police he had forced his wife to join him in the crime forays by threatening to leave her. The husband, Lawrence Griflin, 20, told police he believed a forced escape in one recent burglary may have caused the premature birth of their first baby. His wife, Ann, 22, gave birth on Christmas , Day to a premature baby girl wighing 3 pounds 3 ounces. The infant is in an incu bator in suburban Oak Park Hospital. Mrs. Griffin was removed to the women's ward of the Cook County Jail after police in sub urban River Forest filed three burglary charges against her. Police said Griffin admitted 29 burglaries in Oak Park, River Forest and suburban Forest Park, where the couple lived, since last August. Griffin told police that in a re cent burglary of a home he and his wife were forced to make a hurried exit when the occupants returned. He said he jumped to the ground from a window one and he caught her. "I think she must have been hurt." Griffin said. Griffin, held without charge, was seized in a Forest Park tav ern yesterday. Police said he en tered the tavern through a transom. rector of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. La Jolla, Calif., said. "Man has been conducting a great long-time geophysical ex periment me past 7a to 100 years. Dr. Revelle explained. home scientists believe the ad' ditional carbon dioxide in the air may have had a pronounced ef fect on our climate, resulting in me meiung ot me icecaps and other warming changes ... It is thought at least 12 to 15 per cent of the carbon dioxide in the atmos phere has been produced in the past centurv. Looking at the future, he said that by the year 2.0(H) man may have added perhaps 70 per cent of the carbon dioxide that may be present. Most will have been absorbed by ocean wars, but per haps 20 to 30 per cent will remain in the air. A Scripps expedition to the southeastern Pacific Ocean next summer will undertake precise measurements of the carbon diox ide content of sea water to "docu ment this great experiment of our industrial revolution, he added Similar work will also be done by the University of Washington and other scientific organizations. ur. itevelle, a native of Seattle, is in Seattle to speak at sessions ot the Northwest Scientific Assn. convention. He addressed a public meeting last night on the 1957-58 International Geophysicial Year research program. Farm Eautpment 423 Auction Sales 450 MERCHANDISE 451 Household Goods 452 Appliance; 454 Sewing M-ichtnes 455 T. V. & Radio 458 Musical Instruments 4fi2 Wanted Household Goods 4ti4 Sports Equipment . ' 4rj6 Bicycles 470 Building Materials 4T2 Plumbing. Heating 474 Floor Covering 476 Do It Yourself 4R0 For Sale Miscellaneous 481 For Rent Miscellaneous 482 Trade Miscellaneous 4H3 Wanted Miscellaneous 484 Miscellaneous 485 Machinery it Tools 488 Wanted Machinery St Tools 490 Fuel 500 BUSINESS AND FINANCE M0 Money to Loan 512 Loans Wanted 515 Investments 6C0 EMPLOYMENT 602 Help Wanted 604 Help Wanted, Man tiOti Help Wanted. Lady 610 Sales Help 612 Work Wanted. Man 614 Work Wanted. Lady 615 Situations Wanted 617 Job Information 618 Education 620 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board 703 Wanted Rooms. Board 705 Apartments For Rent 706 Duplexes 707 Houses For Rent 707 -A Furnished 708 Farms For Rent 709 Wanted to Rciit 710 Wanted to Rem Houses 712 Wanted to Rent Apts. 714 Business R-entals 716 Resort Rentals 718 Convalescent Homes 780 Moving and Storage 800 REAL ESTATE 801 Business Opportunities 8i 12 Business Property 803 Suburban 806 Houses For Sale 807 Apts.. Courts For Salt 808 Lots For Sale 810 Farms For Sale 812 Exchange Real Estate 815 Coast Prooerlv 816 Resort Property 818 Wanted Real Estate 825 Insurance 850 AUTOMOTIVE 851 New Cars 852 Used Cars for Sale 853 Auto Parts and Repair 854 Trucks. Trailers for Sale 858 Motorcycles 856 Wanted Cars. Trucks 60 Auto Miscellaneous B62 House Trailers 864 Heavy Equipment FOUND: Gray & White half grown kitten. Fairmouni itiu. Call EM 2-6415. 314 Tronsportotion LADY wants 1 or 3 to share driving v cxp. to Phoenix, Ariz. Leaving Jan. 2nd. Ph. Portland BElmont 2-7703 eves orSun. 316 Personal Wreck Fatal to Councilman MYRTLE CREEK Wl Burns he received a week ago when his truck collided with a train and cauoht fire proved fatal Thursday to Glenn F. Peterson, 52-year-old Myrtle Creek councilman. Peterson's l'i-ton loaded truck was dragged nearly 300 feet by the train, and Peterson was pinned in the wreckage. He had heen elected to the council only last month after filling out an un expired term. LEGALS Americans Fly Capitol Flags WASHINGTON W- More and more Americans are proudly dis playing flags that have flown over the U. s. Lapuoi. In 1956 about 4.000 nations' ban ners were hoisted, flown for a lime, then hauled down and sent to persons in various parts of the country. The Hags are flown at the re quest of a Congress member who usually is fulfilling the wishes of a constituent, a school or some civic or patriotic group back home. The flags are not provided free, the person or group requesting Ihnm MCllflllv navs the COSt. Some- Countv of Marion times the congressman foots the I Pmsuant to an order of s.ik, lv n hra, ml!take k . lr m.Mirin. 5 hv A ' V.pon "CCU'.""V . 0l "L A"' ! A Blind" Ad-MI The Marion Co. Sen. Dist. No. 102 (Lake Labish) Board has been au thorized to receive scaled bids on the sale of the old schoolhouse (exclu sive of the pump house) on January 8, 1057, at 8 p.m. at the schoolhouse. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check of $25.00. The un successful bidders will be refunded their checks. The building must be removed from the premises not -later than Sept. 1, 1957. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Signed: J. FRED REMINGTON. Clerk. Dec. 10,20.21, 22,24,26.2", 28,29.31. Jan. 2,3.4. 5, 7. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Ca No. CAN BY BUILDERS SUPPLY. Plaintiffs, ) vs. ) S3 JOHN E. LEE. i Defendant 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods A COMMUNITY service for sin cere people troubled wiin aem. Credit Advisory Committee of Sale-n Retail Credit Associa tion. Write Box 455 Statesman-Journal BE THRIFTY BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $30 down will buy a complete household of furniture, in cluding appliances. 8 piece limed oak dining set, includes table with 2 leaves, 5 side chairs, 1 host chair, buffet $59.9.) 5 piece walnut bedrm. set. Consists of, vanity and mir ror, bench, nite stand, bed. 6 chest of drawers . $59.50 Large assortment of club chairs k rockers From $3.50 Simmons extra long mattress & box springs. You can not tell its used, both for. $79.50,! MORE people buy World Book Encyclopedia. wny 2-5tJ62L ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 986 S. Com 1. EM 2-21UB, EM 2-ZBdU. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous j-roun NO. 1. 2088 N Com I SAW -334 8. HELP I Clothing, shoes, furni ture, tovs. etc. neeaea uw for needv families. Ph. EM 4-5141 NOW or hnni! Items to 341 No. Com'l St. St. Vincent DePaul store. MADAM Hazel, Psychic reader. advise on all affairs. 3785 5. Commercial. EM 4-02G5. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sate CHILD'S horse. -5 yrs. old geld- Hift. saddle, undie, i ions nay, 1 ton straw. Reasonable. EM 4-4310. 40 CHOICE Whiteface Ewes Highway iWr. wnnn ot Amanv 1 mile 1 block East on Scott 14. til. ailBBARD squash for stock feed s.i per inn m neia. ; Danuea out. EM 2-2047. NELSON'S Dairy Breeders Assn. Ph. EM 4-2D49. SALEM Meat Co.. locker beef, 21c. Custom killing, cutting ana wrapping, uacort sliced free & trailer loaned. 403 Livestock Wanted 5 piece dinette set, finish blonde . 12.95 See our large selection of rc conditioned ranges & refrig erators, some less than 1 yr. old. WOODRY-S; 515 S. COM'L. PH. EM 4-3319 USED studio couch $19.50 HOGG ttKOS., 248 state. ANTIQUES. Every item in our store reduced for inventory. Stfve now. Convenient terms. Lambert s 2.15 S. Com 1. 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 470 Building Matriil 470 Building Materials, ALL NEW 40S TO 70? OFF EVERY YEAR we have a sale of all the windows accum ulated throunhout the year from salesman mistakes, can cellation from customers, builder wno have cancelled their orders etc. We have had this sale every year in Portland, but this vear we are going to sell in Salem. We have rented the FARMER JONES MARKET at 3550 Portland Rd. and will he open all day Sat. & Sun., other day 1 can be reached by tele phone EM 4-8720 Salem. These windows were manufactured bv one of the largest Mtlhvork Mfg. in Oregon. If you don't ice what you want we will make to order. MULINO SASH & DOOR DALE VOGLER EM 4-8720 Save time -Save money For the Best Professional Services CAUL Ml EXP ,4 Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ACCOUNTING SERVICE ADDINO MACHINES Buy is you rent. All makes Rnen-Typewrlters. 456 Court EM 3-6773. APPLIANCES WESTINCHOUSE Woodry Furniturr Co. 47 So Com'L EM 4-1111 BENDING CAPITOL Itrddlnc Muttrcss re novators. New mattresses. EM 3-4W.9. Advertising TOP cash prices at your place. Ray Cozel. EM 4-3163 Collect. LIVESTOCK buyer. Edwards. tS. Box 899E. EM 4-1113. CATTLE, 4207 State7E. I. &f. Snetnen.JCM2-1345.EM 2-4380. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. McCandlish, EM 3-6189. CATTLE buver. A. F Snmmer. 1260 Hnrmony Dr. EM 4-9067. HIDE-A-RED. Choice' of colors. Rec. S2S..95. SPECIAL $179.1)5 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib- erty. Ph. EM 4-6371. USED 4 piece walnut bdrm. let '55 MODEL television RCA. I electric range, living room suite, Frigidaire rcfrig., dining room set. late model Singer sewing machine, two twin beds complete. 26it0 Turner Rd. NEW armless davenos. Spec. $59.95. Used Mdsc. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. USED 5 piece chrome dinette $27.50 HOGG BROS 248 State. GOOD Sparks oil heater. $60. ;u50 tiarden nd. jsm z-sihi. UNFINISHED furniture. Stiff Furniture. 175 N. 1405 Pets DALMATIAN JHJPS 6 wks. old. EM 2-2602. BEAUTIFUL pure bred Collie pup. H. TOIt, Hi. 1 DOX OA Sliverton. Tit 3-4482. A.K.C. reg. male Cocker puppy reus, r, ivi i-auo. no a. usi, BIRD Pnradise. birds, trrm fish, 3180 Livingston. EM 2-1842. MICKEY S parakeets, cages. feeds. 3825 S. Com'J. EM 2-2755 KEITH'S PUPPV FARM 5460 Center EM 2-7189 Puppies all kinds, iiu.v in sell. Aft'nnon & eves. No Sun. calls MOORE PETS CHIHUAHUA puppies, canaries, ouinca piss, iuijo oiaie ai DALMATIAN puppies. Phone SKyline 7-1363, Monmouth, 410 Fruit & Farm Produce STATE OF OREGON ) led costs $6.50. Pardon Given To Fugitive CHICAGO 14 Joseph McAr thur today was a free man in every sense of the word for the first time in 21 years. A full pardon restoring all his civil rights was formally handed over to him yesterday. The pardon had been promised the longtime fugitive from State vine Prison in a Christmas Eve telephone call from Gov. William G. Stratton. It arnvea ny man yesterday at the office of McAr ihur's lawyer. McArthur. 43, was seized in a clothing dispute last summer L..d It was tearneu nidi lie " -a.v bl, sod a, pJDhc ,uct,on to away trom Malcvilie to eai.i ofju est rmioer tur caan. alter serving six years oi a one iu Statesman-Journal Newspapers 280 N. Church St. PHONE EM 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (MIn. 2 lines) 'Weekdays Stm. per line 1 time .35 .25 per line .1 times .90 .80 per line 6 times Sl.-'tO $1.20 per line 1 mo. . $5.00 (incl. Sun.) Classified ads will be run in both papers to give advertisers ine advantages oi ine tremen dous combined circulations. When an ad Is ordered three or six times and a Sunday issue is included (for example Friday, Saturday, Sunday I the lower Sunday rates apply because only i ne statesman puonsnes un da vs. Classified ads will start In the morning Oregon Statesman, con clude in the evening Capita) Journal but ads will be ac cepted for Sunday Statesman onlv. The deadline for classified ads is 1:00 p.m. the day before pub lication except for Sunday when deadline is 5:30 n.m. Friday. Emergency ads and small line ads received after 1 :00 p.m. weekdays and until 12 noon Saturday for Sunday may be placed in the "Too Late to Class ify" column. Ads for Monday papers must be in bv 5 p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal News papers reserve the r ght 1o re ject questionable advertising; It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the prnner classification. The Statesman-Journal News papers assume no financial re sponsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in Its columns and in rasfs where this naner is at fault will reprint that part of . CA, -. Kk. a h.... occu rs. Dlind" Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal News H. L. Jllgh. $15.95. FOAM rubber pillows. Regular $7.05. Spec. i;i.!)5. BV Uood vear. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 46.171. USED contour chair $27.50 HOGG BHO24B Slate. CLEARANCE SALE! New Mo- dcrn 8 Sofas reg. $149. 50. Now $110.50. Terms. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. " ROLL-A WAY bed. 6 yr. old maple crib. EM 2-2074. INVENTORY SALE TAKE IT AWAY YOU'LL SAVE MANY $$$ Flush Doors Mahogany and Fir 20" Doors - 3.051 l!-0 to 2-8 Doors 4.SI5 Front Doors. Hollow Core 7.95 Solid Core. 3 ft 12.95 Door Jambs 2.05 Louvre and Glass Doors B.05 Short Mahogany Mouldings i At Fir Prices Shake b & Cedar Siding Unpamted 2. OS sq. Painted 6.95 sq. Painted In Boxes 7.95 sq. These are good kiln dry shakes we have far too "many. 6" and 8" & 10" Cedar Siding $49 up Sheetrm-k U Haul U" l-. V V 1-85 Plywood U Haul U" 8c. ft., V 9c. ti" 12c. V 1.1c. V 15c. per ft. Sanded 4'x8 4"x6 and Smaller. Storm Doors Wood. 21. Aluminum $39. Plas tic Storm Windows 30c. Wall Paneling Knotty Pine $98135 M Knottv Spruce and Cedar $145 M 12" Pine Shelving . . lc. Ft. Lumber 2x4x8' Studs ,10c ca. 8" 2x4 In Bundles $19 M ShiDlan. lxH. good $39 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, good prices. Paint Tnxnlite Rubber Base $1.99 Gal. All Inside Paints 10 pet. off. Out side Paints and Slain 20 pet. off. Flooring Oak No. 2 Shorts .. $98 M Fir. Kiln Dried .. . . $75 M All Oak Flooring on sale. Toilets, close coupled $19.50 500 Gal. Septic Tanks .. .. $54.50 V Galvanized Pipe 14c ft. Elect. Wire 14-2 in rolls 3'jC. ft. Insulation Rock Wool 2"x45' $1.19 bag Fiber Glass Blanket ... 5'jC. ft. B's-16's Nails $10 keg Birch Plywoods . 13c.-19c. Ft. Ilnrribonrd, V . 4xB sheet 1.29 Hardboard, 4x8 sheet 1.98 Mnhoeanv Plv. 3'x6' 10c. ft. Just a few of our many items on sale. Plcnse come week days if possihle. Saturdays nnd Sundays are verv busy. Cash or up to 36 months un our a.h.u. rian. same iow prices. Call BU 5-3669 for complete home remodeling service la bor & material also offered. AH New Material BLDG. SUPPLIES CAUPENTKR.CONfKACTOR Home Building & Re-modeling Will uuiia. or neio vim mum Ralph MScheidcl, EM J-070J. C K M KN TC ONTRACTOR Contractor 10 vrs. en. Pmmnt Service. E Drake em-8339. CEMENT WORK Cement work. House raising. leveling and foundations, tw 2-8280. Used Toilets $17 50 Used Wash basins comp $10 V Plaster hd .. $1.25 sht. 700 Rood 3 panel doors wiin iramcs a nawn ALL Kinds Ktec. Supplies Used Fir flooring $45 per M Used No. 2 & btr. lumber . .. 45-$55 per M E. S. RITTER & CO! 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4-8311 4 mi. North of Salem, 'b mi. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday LUMBER fo"r sale" at1570 N. Winter. EM 3-4823. CRANK WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Send & Ci ravel, em z-ziei 472 Plumbing & Heating NEW Spark oil heaters fslight cnamci naw) sza mscoum. Judsoti'i 279 N. Com'l. 474 Floor Covering INLAID linoleum $1.79 Der sa yd. R. L. Elfstrom Co., 260 S. Liberty. 480 For Sale Miscellaneous WESTERN saddle and bridle. silver plated spurs. Sell oi trade. KM 3-0032. NEW 3fl"Jt50" plate glass mirror. s:i5. Commote lwln Mze bed. $15. Good folding day bed & mattress. $25. EM 3-VJIB. USED innerspring mattress, $11.75 HOGG BROS 248 State USED chest of drawers $11.50 MUCiG iinus z4o siaie. RECLINER chairs. Reg. $120.05. Spec. $89.95. Usen Mdse. Marl. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. 452 Appliances BR1CE oat straw. 30c bale. Phone Salem 2-6F5 or Aunus ville. 4134. SWEET POTATOES 10 lbs. for 4flc Green Apple Market 501(5 Portland Hd. PASTEURIED whole milk. 75c ?nl. Homogenized 70c. i gal. or 40c. Cleary Dairy, EM 2-3035. CLOVER hav, apples, potatoes $1.50 100 lbs. l'j mi. E. ? ml. N. of Keizer School. Watch for " mens. No sales Frl. after 4 4 Sat. Ed Sproed. - EXTRA large frnnquette wal nuts. 35c lb. EM 2-2619 ORANGES ' $2.49 i'i Case any size. Ped's Produce 5230 Portland Road. 414 Poultry & Rabbits For info, call EM 4-7682 aftei 6 P BABY Chick--for meat or eg for the County of Marion, dated 5th papers bnx number for an ad-j Send for free folder. Wilson's for the protection of i the right title and interest of the .he' advertisers and must there above named defendnis. in and to., b. answPrcd by letter. The tne following described real prop- statesman - Journal Newspapers are not ai iiDerty to aivuice in formation as to the Identity of an adcvrtlser using a "Blind" Hatcnery. Lyons, ULricK 9-zr.33. Ore. PH. FOR SALE: New RCA 30" runs rr,lnnri tfifl Fllllv fluid. matic. Price $189.95. Millers Dept. Store. REPOSSESSED: pink Kelvina tor. best model 30 In. range. 3 mo. old. Terms as low as $3 per mo. Modern Appliance center, nil a. lomi, m 4-9353. 12 CU. FT. Philco chest type ireczer. .m -wbh. GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges it refrigs. $31.50 & up. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. p375 Chemeketa St. ettv. to-wit: Beginning at an iron pipe wnicn is South 0s 17 West, 2.14.10 feet and North 78 IV West 4110 feet from the Norinwes' corner of the Jos eph Churchill Donation Land Claim in Township 4 South. Range 1 West of the Willametet Merid ian in Marion County. Orecn: thence 78 11' West 715 42 fct to an Iron pipe; thence Nortn 12' 38' East 786 42 feet to an iron rivet in the center oi the Huhb.ird . Broadacres Road: thence South T5 wr East alone the center line n said Road, 817.17 feet ty an iron rivet; thence South IP' 48' Wt 757.83 feet to the place of bec:n ning. in Marion County. Orcein Except from the above decried tract of land a right-of-wty tr-r road purposes being a strip of .and 2fl feet wide, adjacent to ar.d a!"' t the North boundary of said tra't Said sale to bt held at trie wf Door of the Marion Countv Co-iri House at Salrm. Oreeon a! H1 "0 o'clock A. M on the 7tn dav of J-- uary. 1957. real prope: BABY Chicks hatched vr. round. Srecial Ftcd Roosters 5c ra. Valley rarm Store,JEM4-4fi24. "V1LD DUCKS & GEESE Dressed at Wing's Poultry A- Rabbits. 3985 State, EM 4-3918 422 Fertilizer ne hl?: 2n vear trrm for auto theft. McArthur. had assumed the name of Charles E. Burke and had become a respected husband and father in suburban Long Lake. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect 1H readers against fraud, deception, or Injuries. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to get a po-1 hens. EM 4-2671 fitmn advertised in the help " " " " . wanted columns. All hein DRESSED FRYERS wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK. Sales help wanted aris must state if the pay is in the form of salary, commissinm, guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide offers of em ployment with pav belong to the "Help Wanted" columns. Ads in other enlumns which re quire investment In stocks, sa tn Die1, equipment or cah bond should hr thoroughly in vesli gated before pa ine out an v monev. Advertiser re quiring a cal investment for S.irnp$ or merchandise, 'airs aids er , rnust so pecify in their .-ids. Kindly report any etreption to this rule tr the riassified ad vertising manager. CLOSE OUT Kelvinator Foodarama. A ter rific buy. Terms as low as $18 per mo. Moaeri Appliance Center, 1141 S. Com'l. EM 4-9353. REPOSSESSED Maytag refrig erator At freezer combination, In r eest si7f made, used 3 mo. May be purchaed for $17.64 per mo. Modern Appliance Center. 1141 S. Com 1. EM 4-3.15:). USED washers $15 & up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com I fcM 4-MJ5J. USED Refrlg. $25 & up Modern Anplianre Center. 1141 South Com'l EM 4-935.1. USED refrigerators. $19 25 & up. Al Lauc, App., 2-M Slate bl 454 Sewing Machines SELLING out. Young hreedinc I dc A j w pj; rabbits. 5 milk goats. 60 laving 30 Ka'Q THE F.ST SFR Vlf 7 for less. Hansen TV, EM 4-9644. Special PriCC Ph. EM 4-1327 SHORT wave receiver . Halli 1 iTitfteri S-40A. Price 160. EM 2-5112. 7" "TABLE model Haiiicrater TV. $113 f)5. Easy terms OAC. Zm Claude. EM 3.1517. DOG house, also indoor kennel, cheap. EM 4-1H60, eves. COMB. elec. A wood rnnae. II x 12 rug, dining table & 6 cnairs, z prcs.surc con iter a, reasonable. EM 3-8712. PIT RUN GRAVEL EM 4-2463 King Building Supply 1C301 N. E", Gllson AL 4-5551 Portland. Oregon flf05 N. Vancouver Av. BU 5-3621 Glisan Store Open Sundays ML SMI EXCAVATIN G EXCAVATING tt Grading. Ditch ing. Earth Moving a specialty. Hen Otjen & Son, operated by Mrs. Ben Otjen tt Emit Otlen. 818 Rural Ave. EM 3-3080. FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS WALKER Pain tC o. Floor-covering Division Quali fy Installations Linoleum. As phalt & Rubber Tile. Wall Ule Frec Estimates. EMJ-2279 (iKADlNU DOZING BULLDOZING. 85 50 per nr Ex cavating, trencning. Ule lay ing, tent tee etc (,nnch 1 Maen. EM 4-3517 after 9 p.m. BULLDOZING clearing ' roads, ponds. D-4 D-fl carryall. V. Uuskey EM 2-3146. PLV MU ING LICENSED Plumber, new reinodelingEM 2-9596; KiCCORIMNG STUDIOS ALL types of music or speech recorded by Connelly. EM 2-7B21. ROOFING PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER Knowine'v underbid. Repairs. EM 4-2615. SAND A GRAVEL SALEM SAND & GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed lound gravel, sand & top loll 1405 N. Front. EM 2-246L WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGilchrist Crushed quarry rack! and gravel. All size for roada driveways and parking lota. READY MIXED CONCRETE, Garden sand, bull-dozing, shovel and dragline work EM 3-9249; VALLEY SAND t GRAVEL CO. Crushed He round gravel una & coimix. EM 3-4002. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamel'i septic tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed Vork EM3-7404 orEM3-507l. . HOWARDS Roto-Rooter seweri, septic tanks cleaned. EM 3-532T MIKE'S Septic service. Tankl cleaned. D'rooter clean sewers drains. Phone EM 3-9468. WALL CLEANING RESULTS perfect. Save paint. Modern Wall Cleaners. EM 2-4287. 500 Bus. & Finance 500 Bus. & Finance 515 Investments 515 Investments YOUR MONEY CAN EARN A BETTER RETURN BUY 1st mortgages on Improved real estate In Salem and vi cinity. Your money nets bVil',. Examine the security your self. All details and collections taken care of without obliga tions. Mortgages available from $1500 to $5000. We are servicing $8,300,000.00 In 1st mortgages for Institutional and Individual Investors just like yourself. Over IB years satis factory service for the Willamette Valley. STATE FINANCE CO. I(i7 S. HIGH ST. Thone 3-3151 Salem, Oregon 600 Employment 620 Day and Contract ' 3i. Is. yd. shovel, crane, bo drg. line. 23-ton mobile cranes. D-4, D-7 cats, carry all clear log blade. Rental contract at unit prices. v1 SALEM SAND & GRAVEL H05 N. front St. EM 1-2491 r00 Rentals. 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board BOARD 4 ROOM 30 "E" St. EM 3-B70S PRIVATE money to loan cash for contracts ac mig s. tt. ni. Mason nr W B. Mmier, 341 Chemeketa. EM 3-U41. 510 Money to Loan $1500.00 Now you can borrow $1500 from us on furniture, autos. trailer nouses and equipment. We are happy that after 2A years we are able to extend this additional service to you. 600 Employment 610 Soles Help Wanted NEW car, Used car Salesman. Most popular car in America. Good comm.. good working cond. Steady employment. Box 465 Statesman-Journal. GENERAL FINANCE TO CO to work Immediately, either full or part time, ex perience not necessary, com mission, apply Mr. Hauser each dav from 8:30 to 1 until aunt a is lilted. Many good jobs available. 325 E. Bush (off too. torn i.) IMa. HEATED sleci Drcakiast, priv EM 3-9829. leening ish C DESIRABLE room. 1 bile Iron Post Office. 656 Ferry. WARM sleeping rm., shwr. bath, prlv. ent. 745 S. Commercial. SMALL light hskpf. rm. $20, NOuirch. HOME away irom home. Meru TV. Pack lunches. 1095 N. bttu Pit Run Gravel PH. EM 4-4747 CEUAH teni-e post good quality Treat ea or unircaiea. roies Ph. KM 4-3081. TYPEWRITERS adding ma. chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Roen's, 456 Court. KM USED tires, truck and passenger Buy, sell, trade, uyue a utv. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous 2 Work Wonted, Men NICELY turn, room, also bsniu apt. . close in. 539 N Winter. WANTED Man to room nd board. 1860 Center. TV, clean, nicely furn. sleeping rm.. men $5 wk. EMa-76. MAN slug rm TV prlv ent, 1505 NCap.tol, EM 4-6134. CLEAN, warm rms. T.V., closa In 215 S. Winter. EM 2-1722. CORPORATION Phone EM 3-9161 137 So. Com'l. Salem, Oregon LOANS 150 00 to 11.500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY MS S. Church St. EM 1-2457 YEAR END SALE CONTINUES OAK FLOORING No. 1 RL 210 00 M No. 2 RL ...115.00 M SHARKS & SIDING No. I Painted shakes f uc in 75 so;. 1 x 12 S1S2E Cedar 110 00 M 1 x 12 Inv. Spruce 175 (in f 1 x 10 Inv Cedar 1.W Oft M 48 x!lfi i "' I x 10 Spruce - 120 00 M PI.ASTKH BOAItD 4fl"x" 1 -10 en. 4tr!Mi" l WO ea. 4H"x!" I Ktra. rocklath Jlcyd. ROOFING 3 in I 215 lb. compo hhinelrs ' .i "1 45-Ib. roll 2 5)iea. !Hl-lb roll - 4 00 en. Krnlt paper ' (Jalv. Iron Roofing 10.M sq. "A" GRADE MAHOG, DOOMS 20 x fiB 4 "nea. 24 X fi8 5 25ea. 2fl x Bfl 5ZSea. 28 X 68 "A" GRADE BIRCH DOORS PEAT Moss from chirk travp 75c sack. Valley Farm Store. 424 Farm Equipment 20 X B8 . 24 X fi8 . : x fiB 28 x 69 SANDED PLYWOOD 4x8 '.-in. Fir . 4x8 s-m. Fir -4 x R ',-in. Fir 4x8 fl--n. nr 4x8 4-m. Fir 4x8 J,4-in. uircn a-j , IIARDROAKD 4x8 'i-in. InduKtrlal , 4x8 U-tn. Industrial , 458 Musical Instruments ACCORDION or Piano lessons 54 SC CASE Tractor, J hot- 2 ,-, UuaiM. iuns,kcr.' torn roll-fivrr rtn . ( -e . . 7-ft. mower, 3317 Hamet. EM SPINKT PIANO Will sacrifice q niv res(KitiMTie pan v in.i Burns to Retire From Liquor Job Daled this 61h day ot December, 1936, at Salem. Oregon DENVER YOUNG, Sherlll ot Marion County bv A I. Malstrom, Deputy . Ilat o lirst publication Dee. DB.13 2-BDRM h with 2 at'ic rms Too Late to Classify 450 Merchandise 4S1 Household Goodt Sub, No. $j0. EM -1-3401. .......oTo.Tic NOTICE VOTirF is HEREBY GIVEN CLEAN, turn. pt.. "til. pr). ex Fo're J'Bron ".." -rf 'JJ ! P ht- N. lllh Circuit Court ol tr.e Stite oi LARGE (urn 3 rrn apt. with for Marion County, teeri ap.p.,rry , tireplare, cioie to Pen it Slate aomir.isiraior oi i.-.c . ' ""- t-... PORTLAND The assistant A. Brown. Deceased, ciei.. 2-BDRM. duplex clo.e in. Adults seainst ; preferred. EM 4-8507. USED hlonde dinln table A 5 chairs $20 50 HOGG BROS ItR Mte. L'SFD daveno & chair $29 75 HOGG BHOb248 Mate. CF.D lirr.ed oak buffet $12 HOGG BROS 24A State. USKD t'j'J) f.nthl them dulv verified. 'h p.rt; f"rJo:r.aic. radio. hear. 5 j vouchers to Mid at 310 yi0 mL.keew 435 Jeffern Pioneer Trust Build: "j'!' te QUIET, clean. 1 bdrm. he 4- iron, within eix monthi from , Corricrs aJiX t f;NI 2-1213. stores super'isor for the Oregon Liquor Control commission. Wil liam r. Burns, will retire Dec. 31. Burns has been with the com mission nearly 23 years, helpinc to install the state stores system ' ""( p:ii"i D'c after repeal of prohibition. He re- cently was honored at a dinner! forest Rf Ve z: "f attended by commission em- 'J-rp."ttr n- 't'RA ploVCS. . RHOTEN. RHOTEN JPJ.r- ' HIS Wife is ZvlphS Zoll Burns. j3in Pioneer Trust B-..!-I chief clerk of the Oregon Senate, Attorney (or jUizn tor many years. 1 tract. Write Mr. Berf. Box 226. S.tlem. Ore. PIANO ""INVENTORY CLEAR ANCE' All piann ro re((.'.rrt less of price ' Save riealer'1 markup' Save as rnuch ar 7 ! ! Hurry to Tallman Piano St.-re. 3'jb S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. ORGANS, new A used Lei ion t Rental! MOltRtl.LS Or fan Sales and Service. 3W N fliir. Band Initr. Save tin to Wr . i Fine old violins Hand made. hnrilfras v. alnut f iniih t Vir.lin rar1iiref! 7S' HOGG BROS 248 Slate. MUSIC AL INSTRUMENT SALE e?EDavengrWJco"n"dition Accorrtions Save up lo w . $.'. HOGG EROS 24 State. THE aSIC CENTER 40.1 On'er St EM 2-5371 Eve. EM 4-474 rah price for SOLID Comfort! Kin Size bed includes txtx 'print, mattress, he Rer S22' M. SPECIAL (Uf'tS tied Mrt'-e. Mart. 2"ft S. Liberty. Ph. t.M 4-6371. L SM furn he . eler ieat. 2-W2f.. evei F.M 4-Kj4. ATTRAC 2 tyiTTi. an . b if dr ift ne-Aly dt IT5 rr.o. EM 3-S1 VERY de.'irable well heated 3 rm. car'ly lurn. apt Oarage. EM 3-Stl3. TO PLACE AD DIAL EM 4-6811 WF mv tnn rah Drice piano t-'sed Mrt Mart 270 S. Lioerty. EM 4-J7I. KN ARK GRAND PIANO Ter ride reduction if sold bv Dec flt Tallman Piano Store. 3.' ft 12ih. near S I Depot- "A Mile From High Prices' LESTKR Betsv "Roi Cm'.! Piam. Ra.y firard l-r.t V,. unl if nv ur -ii . 7 20 ,. R Hi ra, H 40 ea. . B 75 ea. 2 3Sea. , .. 3.10 ra 4 .W ea , 4 S.r ea 5 20 ea .. 12 3Uea 1 fHl ea. 2 2Tea. FOR SALE or rent 1 adjustable bed, 1 wheel chair. EM 2-7263. RENT rr lease tc.e. warehouse spare cement floor, brick blrin.. downtown, mq. H. L.. Mill Furn. EM 3-U1B5. Fainting & Paperhansing Any tr.e Job Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson EM 3-B103 705 Aportmentt For Rent nilll.D. remodel, cabinet, nnint or wnni nave you -.oniraci or by nr. EM q-mw. NICF. 3 rm. lum. apt., prlv. bath, entr.. close to church ahcl., itore. 200 So. 22nd after a p.m. CARPENTER work the YUU want It. n.wi NOW BORROW THE "SAFE WAY" FROM CARPENTER, reoalr or remort. ennR ny nr or coniraei. eta Job loo small. EM 3-4785. ACCOUNTANT. EXPERIENCED IN INDIVIDUAL. I'AKTNf.H SHIP OH CORPORATION It ECORD KEEPI NG. COST ING. A V D TING AND TAXES. TEMPORARY OK MAN. 1411 STATE-S35, Rrnd. fir., furn. 2 rms.. util. prlv. entr. way 12 HDRM. ant., innulra at tha reat apt. 1315 N. 5lh. FURN. 2 room apt., close In. 694 No. Cottage. Reas. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED hav and cane berry wire. EM4-3!U1. WANTED: Experienced dance band of 3 or A In play popu lar music Tlease contact. Janef Carter, Woodburn. Ph. 2-1256. If no answer call 32!I6 bclnre Dec. 31. BARKER'S furniture wants (food used fin n. we pay ensn or trade. 3794 Silverton Rd. EM 4-0144. WANTFD several thousand cords of wood, all species. I'h. 3-7JZI 3-7721 Nights KM 4-5633. I 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASKS r)B HARRY SKMl.ER. Dentist Adolpli Bldg. Slate & Com ! Sts. SALEM PH. EM 3-3311 Holes & Scratches Repaired We can repair hnlen & nrr alt-hen on your furniture in your nme or office. We now handle furniture refin- l?.hing supplies. iota pomne. waxes, etc. LEE BROS. $25 to $2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 1 1 y -tiU COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property l oans. Contracts iMir rhaued. 667 Court. KM4-22H3. PRIVATE money to loan. 6 Interest. Ph. EM 2-OfSH. 4020 Stale St. PRACTICALLY" nev 2b t-M J-wifii. EM 2-7001 bar bells 486 Machinery & Tools FOR SALE' CulI'Mh ii Uith .fi'' Slltchtlv used Mr ner chain maw, 33 R blade. EM 2 7B47 LITTLE Giant power hammer 50 II.. Ham. EM 4-1068 SEVERAL used welders See at 7i0 Stewart St. 't. fcM USFD W'eldrrs fir sale 698 Ill inois EM 3-B566. 490 Fuel FOR SALE prune wood Excel. fuel. Ui'l. r.lvi j;"'"- ohk(;on klkl" Sawdust. Grren & Drv Wood S & II 'Jrtcn St.inip 3(17 Broadway, Ph. KM 3-5533 SOMETHING ne lor sawdurt uiers. We have a Chip Mix fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 riroadway.Ph. EM-772L CAPITOL FUI-X CO. Dry oak. ash A maple wood. Choice ilab i block wood mixed dry or freen. Dry milt Mood 1420 H marl way Ph. F.M 3-7721 Clean Dry Wood Home owned Home operated Loans to consolidate bills-New Purchases Personal Needs. See us at 1D60 Fairgrounds Rd. Salem. Ore. Tree Tarking lot Ph. 2-7032. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COLLECTOR (Part time). Man or woman to work is to ill hourri per week collect Inn on rcKtilar monthly accounts in Siiiem area. No selling. Musi have use of reliable car, lie neat, and able to talk intelli gently with the public. Send full details to: Room 404, 3)7 S. W. Alder, JPor Hand, Ore. ACCOUNTANT wilh tax experi ence. Reply Box 407 States man-Journal, APPLICATIONS are now beinK taken fnr Matcman nlcvcie routes. Several routes will he npen. Applicants must he ac companied by their parents or have their written permis sion. Apply at ttie Circulation Department of the Statesman Jnui nal. CARPENTER work. Remodelind, art ilil ions or louimaii'in repair. Low cost garages. KM 4-o:t49. HOUSE painting in A out. Charlie Greene EM --7'ffl- CARPENTFR wnnK. day or contract. EM 2-1842. PAINTINO Inter, good hrushei. Job or hr. Iteas EM 3-3935. FREE estimates on floor cover ing or drainhoards. R. L. Elf strom Co. 2li() S. Liberty. LOU'S tree service, topping, prune, cabling. EM 4-8501. 614 Work Wonted, lody IRONING, MY HO.ME KM 4-4004 WILL Babysit, ynur hmne or mine, have own trans. &m 2-4.!fl. BABYSIT, care for 2 children my home,ageJ5.E4-;W- WANT part time work, hetween 9 h 2:30. Prefer office, no clerking. Ref. EM 4 -5117. WOULD like position as tioinr keeper for elderly people. EM 2-k'il' FURN. APT., $35 1210 Tile Rd. EM 4-9352 FURN. 1 bdrm. clean, attract 165. 735 N. Capitol EM 2-4379. 3 RM. furn. apt., prlv. bath. 70S n . L.ucriy c ii oj'i i. BDRM. unfurn. apt Steam heat. Inq. Hollywood Cleaners. 2044 N. Capitol. EM 3-0698. FR!V. 3 RM. up, furn. nr not. 55. 095 N Sill. EM 2-7783. FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm., Apt. healed. 1411 Court St. FURN. pulltnan apt. Adult IMS n. uapnoi H.JV1 -wun. LARGE well furn. 2 rm. apt 2nd fir., gas stoves, $30 mo. Washing facilities. No pets, ariulls pfd. RcK required. 2164 M..p!e Ave. EM 3-71 17. FURN.. close to State bldg. fc Shop Clr. 3 rms., pvL bath. 1248 Center. 50c. per BABY sitting dnv or nite, own Irans. EM 4-745B. CAPABLE woman wants hour work. EM 26!il. RELIABLE baby witter my home day or night. Hcf,EM JJ-BfltW. PRACTICAL' nursing days. C. S. preferred. 531 N. 22nd. IRONING, my home. Englewood dlst. EM a-HOHO. "general cleaning hy ii r. EM 2-1118 CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE OPEN ALL DAV SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD LANCASTER & CENTER PH. SALEM KMJ-IM0 STEEL Garage Doori, cnmplrte with hardware, Itri 50 In siajled. 151 50 Metal eaves trojgn. 13l,r. built-in 4 burn er range. J82 70. T-.tlet, 124 50. 8-in vent fn IU :5. FPPING LUMBER CO 3740 Silverton Rd. Ph. EM 4-6123 nid -rowth slab block wood U corn. Alio nan wn-ig any lenitth Prompt delivery Ph. Salem F.M 2-!4l4 -TWFST SALEM FUEL Dry green wood Tube or pusnout sawdust 1525 Edgewater Ph. EM 2-4031. HIGHWAY EL' EL CO. SAWDUST A WOOD EM 3-M44 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists In office personnel, Bldg. ad), Presbyterian ' Church 354 N. Winter EM 2-0;t8 Your future it our )ob. 462 Wanned Hshld Goods Save at Piano -tore. : 464 Spirit Eiuipment 3'5 S. I2tn. near S P. Depot 1 -1 1 PIANO and organ ler,ns Mi CASH pd for used guns, mnfl hone f-r viri Nanc R Hunt, 1 efn and antique Cascade VAi Uberty Rd, U i-WQ-l Merc 1230 Broa4w. CASH FOR FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co Pn. EM 2-74U !f,000 CASH To spend for Hig.i grade Ud Furniture Anolianrei Ph. 3-5110. Paving Top Prices for DRY 18" Fir wood. Pirk up at Reiter Grade. farm or we del, cord lots. Ph. Glen Woodry. IMS N. 5ummer . EM A-'.VA ANDFRSON S slahwood. 2'i-unlt load 125. Ph. EM 2-7751. WANTED- Sever! thousand cord of nark f'ee wod. fir or hemlwk Ph. EM a-7721; mgh'i EM 4-5.:3 "SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER" 604 Help Wnnted, Men A PRACTICAL nurse or capable woman to live in with widow lady living alone. Oood wage, nice home, permanent posi tion. :M1 50 years. Jleplv hv mall to Mrs. Georgia B.ithurft. 1280 N. 14th, Corvallli, Ore. 606 Help Wonted, Lody BABYSITTER, 2 children, y, day wk . live out. Mu-t have own transportation. $W mo. EM 4-45412 MIDDLF.-AOED ladv to care for 2 children. 5 day wk , my home. EM 2-8213 after 8 pin. BABY (utter, gen. hawk . 5 dav wk . live in. Start Jan. 2nd. KM 3-1413. WANTED ladv 50 80 to live'ln. Care 3 small children. hwk. EM 2 32.15 after 8pm. ACCOUNTANT. O L exp . pos sible perm. Excel, working cond. Prefer under 40 Reply Box 484 .Statesman-Journal. nilT.n care mv home 4 Corner EM 3-S:i4. 25c hr. day or night WILL d Ironing in mv home. South Salem, EM4-3462. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs, Poe. 6H5 N.IBth.fcM 3-342. CHILncfflreln my home bv hr. or day. S. Sa.emEM 4-342. RELIABLE babv sitter' rtavs. f-veji.. or sern i -Invalid care. Day. KM4-4filO. - Wll.l.-be hsp'knr. aid A com- p.inlon to elderly person. EM 3-lllt;7 Mary Geroy. TRAINED practical nurse wants iiiv iitinir nr hour wi Itrf MO Marion, Apt. S, EM 3-5087. 615 Situations Wonted 610 Solct Help Wonted SCIIARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, r,(i- Tanki Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM 2-358. t tr.KT rraulrr doer. leveling, grading. EM 37042. L, Kurth. "GENERAL OFFICE WORK Wanted. EMJ-8207. "HEMSTITCHING DONE AT 1551 MARKET. EM 2-9724. 618 Education HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Flnuh your High Sciiool In your snare time. Books furn. Low tmlinn. Free Booklet. AMERI CAN SCHOOL. 8543 N. Inter state, Portland 17, Ore. OPENING for full lime, exper ienced man or woman. Ram sey Real Eate. 427 Ferry. Ih.:M 4-381. EXP retail hardware clerk Write giving full particulars Immd. year round emp. Box 4M laUtm4a-JouraL TO PLACE AD DIAL EM 4-6811 JANSSEN COURT FURN. apt., clean, altrae. nr. mi op center St bus. s. utn at E. Rural. ATTRAC. 1 rm. apt., close in. quiet loc. 8(iS S. Summer. FURN. 4 rms. 8c bath. Rich mond IChooJ. Bus. EM 2-75.B morn. FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT REASONABLE rates, close In location, wster & electricity furnished. See Mrs. Griffin, 770 S. Commercial Apt No. 1. UNFURN, 2-bdrm. court. Near North HI. 812 N. 14th. CLEAN, warm, 2 rm. apt. cIom in. way e t erry, cm 34527. RM. fufiir S15 run' Elderly gentleman. EM 3-5278 eves. DESIRABLE proposition; very close in nai. line cona. z bdrm.. Includes garage, for details. EM 4-A274 or M 2-4817. THE CENTURY, IM1 CENTER. New Irg. dlx. 2 bdrm. Apt. LE MAR COURTS 1 bdrm. unfurn., range, refrlg.. some util. Adults. 1435 Trade. NICK 3, rm. apt. prlv. ent. tt bath. Adults 638 N. Church. FURN. apts. for rent. 1160 S. Llherty. EM 2-5210. 3 RM. modern furn. apt . radiant neat, hus nv owr. iiizu ueu. vue. EM 4-3714 after 5. MODERN Furnished Court. I bedroom West Salem Call EM 4-8873. evenings EM 2-I74J 4 KM. furn. apt. Close in, priv. ent. s;:3 usk. rn. tM LARGE & convenient 3 rm. furn. It carpeted apt. 1055 Edge-water. FURN. 3 rm. priv. bath, close, state bldg s., parking space. tM 3-7310 mornings 6t eve. 1 ft 3 rm. turn. apt. front. XTf utn. turn, wi n. iioeriy tM 3-7615. 3 RM. furn. ant. 150. 1083 Madi son. EM. 4-4754. , COURT apt., extra nice, furn. S rms , D.iUJ. IV, launory. pars Ing avail. Inq. 1348 So. 12th. CLEAN furn. 1 rm. apt. Clos in. ro t erry. 1 Ac 2 bdrm. apts.. toves it re frig. lurn. very cican. 3-7143. Very close in nicely furn. Irg. 1 rxirm., Apu .m wj nnr . 3 ROOM mod. ant. Nicely turn. EM 3-7148 Of EM 3-8444. ROOMY 2 bdrm. lurn. apt. Ph. KM 3-8434. S ALVA DOR E APTS ONE it 2 bdrm. apts . rang k refrig.JurnEM 2-3841. NICELY furn. I bdrrn. apt." 420 So20th.E M 2-9875. CLOSE In mod. furn. 3 rm. apt Ph. EM 3-B490 except Sat. FURN apt"- wsih faellltteg, fihone, sttn. fat. KM 4-8081. G