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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1956)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Ore., Friday, December 21, 1956 "00 Rentals 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate Real Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive 830 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive Page 8 Section 2 800 707-a Furnished Houses FOR RENT I bdrm. completely furnished, T V. and all. Englewood dist. $,u mo. Lease only. ALLEN L. JUPltS, it KALTOR, 231 Nu, High. Ph. EM .'i-5h:w. Eves. ph. EM A-m'JjiT EM 2.I4B. AVAILABLE Jan. 7th. 1 bdrm. part furn. Fireplace. tnl heat, garage, bsm'l. South $53.EM 2-!)B!)4, I RM. furn. house with gTrage by wk. or mo. 3235 Portland Rd. LARGE nirty furn. h" Hove State bid ft b, & Univ. EM 7-3426 week days. FURN. 2 Mrriihnu7eLVhish $45. Omhart U Calaba. EM 2-4118. 710 Wonted to Rent Hses WANTED tn rent hse. 2 m bdrms., not over 563, Engle- UUU IM. F.lVl J-WJii. WANTED to lease home with acreage minimum 3 bdrms. beginning 1st wk. in February. Prefer fireplace & sawdust furnace. Wired for drver. Hef.i. Write Ernest Smith, 4160 Hud son Ave. 714 Business Rentals ATTENTION small distributor, ships: Warm bid, or storage A- i-ifice. Excel, lor. lor adver tising value. Hiwav 99 No. Adccunle parkine space. EM 4-8:i3! or EM 2:1.151. SlIWNI OWNnttire sace. ,, tmi. & warehouse. EM 3-1111. 780 Moving & Sroroqe Larmer Transfer & Storage Complete moving service. Also aitenti for BEKINS Nation Wide MoversPhEM 3-:ilJI. Ebw COST storage. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. EM 3-9183. RUSS PRATT MAYFLOWER Moving & Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. Cute Rentals TWO fin. ny siri- to Vr. old one Bedrm. rentals In fine location, ooth arc in Ext... !i"ie and are got-d buvb at S'TSO. Consider trade on tint abl2 Hie. .South. Eve. EM 3-3018. ED LUKINBEAL REALTOR. 4.13 N. Hitrh VXt I FOR SALE - WIMnsWeTffers to purchase Monitor properly, flop, one acre logged off with abandoned church and six room house occupied by O. B. Moen. Send offers to Oregon Congregational Conference, fi'-'7 Park Building, Portland, Oregon. MAJOR oil company service italion for lease. EM 3-!i.'17. Of ACCOHNT ef Pin-? . line equipment & stock at good localen u.t - ''7i- P " ,i"x 10v;l Wc ,t Salem SMALL business for en It nr trade for lute model car or make offer. EM 2-!J120 or EM 3-31123. H' o iriouifc rot Sole MODERN older 7 rm . house elec. hcnl. cre, in Mon mnulh, trull, irg. garden, Sfl.SUO. Skyline 1-1247. MR OWNER1 Glen Woodry "will pay lop price toi your furn rv appliances. r.M 3-a 110. CHA.VCR IN A LIFETIME 120 acre dairy farm near Olis. Fully Kt icltod and equipped. All registered Jersey rat lie. Second highcht producing herd in U.S. Irrigation, Under right management this (arm will pay out In 5 vears. For de tails. Call Rub L. Reimann, Eve. Phone EM 3-3264. TRADE Owner wants io trade, 2 hed rtwun it den, large kitchen, inside utility, hardwood lloor. 16 X 25 nhop, carport, corner lot. Englewood -distrlrt, FIIA appraised at $10,500. Trade for 3 bedroom with basement, double garage, up to $lfl.oort. Call Lucas Eve. ph. EM 3 !I3HH. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Buy this cute grev khake 2 bedroom suburluin home. a raled east Attached garage Large inside utility. lj acre of good sol!. Very hanrtv tn school. Vacant and immediate possession. K-j!! price $ 3 3B5B Jonn,on Eve- ph- KM REIMANN REAL ESTATE 0'S. High Ph. EM 3!i2u3 BY BUILDER New 3 hrirm eiistntn hunt home choice location. KM 2-7071. IN C-3 Zone North, !'0 X 100 cor ner lot It adj. 50 x loll lot. Each lot has a 3 hdrm. house with concrete bsm'l Eve. ren tal record Kine dtti. . uit ahle toi shop on Corner SU.ooO Heas. dn. pwnt. KM 42436 wn. ends or after 3:30 p.m. A RF At. Christmas present. Orchard hdrm. he Immediate poss. fion. 1170 Larkspur Lane. RETIRE IN UTOPIA Thi is an humaruhtte 5 ncres Uh everythtiii in tup .,;,.ic Iruil tree.. gmnl wri all nt.rlv fenced. Imnvit-ulate bi'ih.m .;., an acreape wbrre vou cm live and pro: per nr rr. very little maintenance. Don Doughton Now. We urce Mm to Nre this value, hve KM 4 1414. Don Doucldon MUWM-,. iurt EM 4-rVM i HUTCHISON. REM. TOR : olv e your h ' lie needs, JOE Let us Io F, P i. F..u Sri. or Rent Call Ull Ui gemer Pli EM 47Ht 4 2710 So. Coinm l, MAKE OFFER DOWN East off Sunnyview. Comfort able 10 jr. old economy buy at $7.Y. Plenty of room tor children. Upstairs to be fin ished to nut. 2 bedrooms don. "Fireplace for Christ ma". M'ue in for onlv lew hundred down, terms vou cm handle en h.-.!,ime '"ill Bill F.Mill. Eve. ph- ne EM 4 Stevens Realtors 311" N. Huh SI Tel. KH 4 07 20 IH.l'KK -AM kll ittmbiniPEWf Wl ii - seta (I 806 Houses For Sale ONE ACRE close In East, on paved corner, 2 bedroom older home under the trees. Good well, dble. garage, small barn, large walnut trees. This will make several good building sites. Own er has bought a farm, a real buy at 97050, low taxes, aome terms. Call Bill Fldler eve. ph. M 47448. A VERY NEAT A clean newly painted 2 brm. home, good loca tion, immaculate kitchen with eating spare, lots of closet apace, hardwd. floors, tile hath, electric radiant heat, utility room, enclosed secluded bark yard with patio, barbecue fire place, fish pond, 12.500. Call frank Graham, eve. ph. M 44748. WHAT MORE COULD YOtf ASK ing room wnn fireplace, planned kitchen with built ored fixtures, full basemen l, party room, lots of windows, corner Jot, 5 mln. drive from city center. THIS 3 BEDROOM East Mnreland home is a beauty. Urge Hv. room wnn iircpiacc. ww caipcnng. separate dining rm. wnn ww carpeting, kitchen with nook & dishwasher, reramir tile bath, utility rrn wired A plumbed for washer A dryer, com pletely relinishcd. painting, papering, floor covering, TV an tenna stays, also kitchen, dining and Jiving room drapes. A Musi See. 31 N. Church St. K7" PRICE REDUCED NOW $12,1150. 3 nice sired hdrmi., den paneled in knotty pine, llv. rm. 20 x 14, l'j plbg.. Swedish fireplace, birch trim throughout. Sprinkling system in lav.ii CALL MRS. RICHARDSON. SUBURBAN EAST Very neat home, beautiful landscaping. Large workshop and green-. house. Poultry house, garden area, fruit and berries. Price I in. WW. CALL H. K. LAYMON. EAST MOR ELAND . 3 bdrm.. full basement. Liv. rm., din. rm., lovely kitchen with eating area. 2 fireplaces, oil forced air heating. Dble. attached garage. Shake outside - Plas ter inside. I'j yrs. old. Good materials and workmanship. Price $ Ifl, 750. TO SEE CALL RALPH BRUCE. USED CAR SALES LOT Ideal location on South 12th Street rioj-e to Mission Sticct. Also 2 rifiwntonn location. FOR DETAILS CALL C. L. GRABKNHOHST. mum PLEASE STOP IN & PICK UP YOUR lf57 CALENDAR! GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS JflO S. LIBERTY ST. EM 2-2471 Evenings & Sundays rail Salesmen O. V. Hume EM 2-1.20(1. J, E. Law EM 3-3113, Wnlt Socolofsky EM 3-8835. Hon Hudklns EM 3-B712. Ralph Bruce EM 2-6!)8., H. K. Laymon EM 4-5507, Mrs. Richardson EM 48B8 4 RM. AND bath and utility close In. Insulated, electric heat. wired for range, electric walcr heater, etc. Double sink, garage. $100 down $;t.200. NICE 2 BPDRM. home, continuous foundation, wired for range, etc. Good condition, attached garage & utility. $300 dn. $1,230. 7 RM. AND BATH, 2 br-drms. up 2 down, cement foundation, fireplace, wired for range and dryer, elec. water healer, ete. large K.-rage, chicken house, etc. 3 lots. About 1 mile out. Full price $1,500. ABOUT 1 ACRE, close In on paved street II rm. and bath and utility, wired for range and dryer, elec. water heater. A nice nomr.. iso auacnra garage, cnicken nouse, etc. Lou of fruit. $1,500 down $fi,500. 40 ACHES, about 15 acres cultivated, paved road, frontage on yr. stream. 2 bedrm. home, wired for range, fair-sized ham. Full P"i- 78 ACRES, about 60 acres ruiiivated. drilled well. 7 rm. and 2 iimns. iirr iiitce. wooa panel Good-sued barn, other bldgs. Call or write for new free City Map and MASONIC BUILDING I'HONK 3-71111 SILVHRT0N, OREGON ROY TODD REALTOR $750 DOWN, near West Salem School. 3 hdrm. on one floor, lge. kitchen, hreakfan! nook, nice shrubs Ac trees. Basement Ac gar age. Call Mr. Elling. BEAUTIFUL HOME At LOT. Garden spot with slrawherrles al ready in. This house is completely furnished with modern furniture, on deadend strret, near .irhnols. Good location for children, all for $l2.r.(W. Call Mr. Hicks. NEW DUPLEX. Ready to move Into. 1520 sq. ft. 2 Bdrms. lge. liv ing rm. kitchen with rating space, nice bath, utility rm. This Is a side by side duplex. Kxtta lge. lot. A real buy. Call Mr. Hicks. TWO LARGE LOTS, on city sewer A water, over 22,000 sq. ft. goort building site for Cout-sr, duplexes or triplexes.. Both for $3200. Call Mr. Hicks. FIVE Arn.ES. Br.iutlful wooded building site Close in south on Battlecrrek ltd. Owner would consider tiailer house to $1500. as a trade, Full price $2800. Terms on balance. Call Mra. Graham. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St. Phone FM 2-1.591 Kv, .: Allion F.M-43214: Mrs. Graham EM-44748; Meter EM-4M00; Hicks KM 44030; Elling EM-48314; Todd EM-21731 C. V. KENT & CO. LLOYD KKKNE, REALTOR BUYER'S CHOICE OWNERS Alt K BEING TRANS FKHIIHI) and must sacrifice their lovelv home'. All have fireplaces, big living rooms, .1 bedroom, modern kitchens, gixnl locutions, roomy nrds ilenced, too), $10.iM). At good terms. FLOWERS FOR PROFIT GREENHOUSE BUSINESS; Owner want, to relne "t.tke it r;iv". Thl .ilu..l.!e prop- C!l n. s .t K I., i t - I2ih si t.:. N. CHURCH (i;KKYiiouxn islix;.) KK CrSIIINC KM AW.: 1.KAVKXS EM 3 473:.; SORKN' SON EM 4 !SI: KKHilNS KM 4-.W4. KKKNK KM J-607C. BORDERS CREEK Neat 2 Kim- Cm ...n 1. Oregon Dfvi'lopinort Company (Realtors) .118 N. C'hlllill St. KM 3ffi:i6 E. Z. to Handle OIT Stalest, wav. Newer homes, a 2 bedrm. i.r $.100 Dn. and 3 Ix-iinn. lor (7(Hi Dn. We have several like this. a ml thev are all line in one dist Prn-ed ftmn ft; hi (.1 SK'-OO We i'-o hi,,- ., bedrm. eheapie around the v -.11 r (It ne (l!.i,- lor fl..Vk) anil f.VN) Dn r..vth furnished. i Art MaiUon Kwiltv !;; t4'f T K .wtv fm i 2 jujk ; FM Wtft" I esn-m, tK j nTitit- - - - r 806 Houses For Sale FOR? 3 nice bedrooms, large liv separate dining room, expertly in oven St ranee. 2 baths with col Realtors Ph. EM (0871 RENTAL INCOME Plus C-3 BuMiness Zone. 6.1 X 130 lot. 2 bdrm. house rents for $35. a mo. Can be purchased for only $5800. on easy terms. Let this business Kile carry itself till vou need it. CALL RON HUDKINS. S. I2TH STREET Well equipped plumbing hhnn tn good loca tion. Will sell stork and equip ment at inventory and lease hides, or will also sell hides. Buildings would be suited for other purposes if desired. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY. BUY TODAY FOR TO MORROW'S HAPPINESS - Six room modern home, hardwood floors inrougnout, unie. gar age. birch kitchen, rained fire place. Lge. glass sliding door from din. rm. to patio. Beauti fully landscaped. $12,750. CALL J. E. LAW. 12500 DOWN will buy this 20 Acre irrigated farm. All can he ruiiivated. Clean 2 bdi home. Large barn. Silo. Price 112,3011. includes 0 cows, irrigation system, ' tractor, etc. CALL O. V. HUME. $5,850. interior, wired lor range, etc Valley type soil $10,000. listing bulletin and Picture Folder. MONEY MAKING FARM BUT THE OWNER IS LAZY! so he wants Io tnule (13 acres w ith got! 4 bedroom hour. large barn It machine shed. Located lust 30 miles N W. of Salem. 50 acres under cult, tn berries At fruit. Good creek. $ IS. 500. WEEKEND FARMERS JUST BIG ENOUGH to keep y.-u bu S ai res with modern h.unc H.i4 barn aiut partially finished mach. hrd. 120 ft rll Cmtld irng.ile School txis ai d,r i'.ned hi-wav enlv ' .. mile to shopping center. $P530. Terms. KMpire l-22!)3 MOVE right in: 4 yr. old. 2 hdrtn . home, atteh., garage, dining area, make offer on dnw n a ment. vsslMe lease tuth option to bus. 2415 Hde EM 4 fiM w .ill Hit n.tct- I'tilit v, on a Lit 22H .V ;U0 room to bin Id e era I hu.-e Only 111 MW Call Geoik'e C Reed. i:es. KM 2 -Of Don DoiUfldon -'IHT'E-iJ BY Hl'lLOKR 10', DOWN MOWS Vol' IN TClO,Y (in nni n ro st'lT rn isi urn. rH -j-.u ntHTZRKNT-ATRLCi," rn tn i ta 806 Housei For Sal A QUIET SPOT A CORN'KR LOT North or Market Street a 4 bedroom home 12 up and 2 down) full base ment fireplace oil fur nace An English style home Just 12 yean old and a good family home for Just 113,000.00 Call Loufi Lorenz. Li Obmart I A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION EARLY RESOLVE NOW to pay for your own home, not someone else's! For a low down payment you may buy this 2 bedroom home North off Sunnyview Ave. space for 2 additional bedrooms In floored attic. I-ook this over and submit your o(fer See Adrienne Sercumbe, EXCEPTIONAL VALUE THIS HOME Is up-to-the-minute in construction and appearance spacious living-room with fireplace, attractive family room, 3 good bedrooms, tile bath and covered patio. At $lfi,flO0O0 we know of nothing comparahle In comfort, location and conven ienceAsk lor blarney Brown. VIEW! ROOMY! CONTEMPORARY MODERNISTIC design with a wonderful view overlooking the valley spacious thruout with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, wall to wall carpeting Call Henry Torvend. HOUSES AND HOUSES BUT THIS 1s a special one built Dy Jerry Unrein he thinks nf everyining io mane a nome a pleasure io live in it s Drand new and you can even move In before Christmas if you call nmpn mnaay ngm now . . . LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS EVE Louis Lorenz EM-35590 Adrienne Sercombe EM-4B082 Stanley Brown EM-25561 H enry Torvend EM -33632 CALL ON THIS! FINE home near St. Vincent's bedrooms. Basement. Fire place, Dining room. Utility on mam floor. Garage. Big lot. sij.ioo. i erms. NEWER TYPE HOME on 75x170 lot In city lim its. 2 bedrooms. Living room IBxlZ. Garage 30x16. 2 years old. SH.000. Terms. NKW-$5l)0 DOWN MIGHT buy 3-bedroom home If your credit Is good. Fireplace. Double plumbing. Utility. 2 car garage. $12,500, 427 Ferry (Open Sat.) Office EM 4-3381 Eve. James Oswalt EM 37735; Viqlet rnann KM 2Wm. Frank Vlasic REALTORS ATTRACTIVE OLDER HOME 2 BEDRMS it den, nice location, close to bus, grade school & store. Lg. convenient kit., good dry bsmt. with sawdust heat. Secluded back yard. Priced to sell at $8,950. Call H. Peck. LAST CHANCE TO BUY BEFORE XMAS ONE OF A FEW 4 bedrm. homes for sale in West Salem. I'i baths, rtble. garage, to school, also park handy for child ren's playgroitnd. Will trade for 3 bedrm. with bsmt. to $13,000. Call Murl Frantz. SEE nt-nnM UnMF Qiitl. full floor. Close to School. Hurry. CHARMING DUPLEX WITH Hdw. floors, fireplaces bsmt., all metered separately, dble. nariiue. Income $110. then there is a cute furnished Mother. Sn-lnw house at the rear of this which rents for $39.50, Every thing In Up top shape. All for $13,500. Call Joe Himmel. SOMETHING EXTRA MODERN. South beautiful 3 bedrm beamed celling, family room -separate aimng t oains oven, dishwasher iV large ret rig. Corner lot, Z car garage, wonderful buy. Call Andy Halvorsen. TO SELL YOUR HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve A Sun Salesmen: Andy Halvorsen EM 37163 Murl Frantz EM 2tH3 H. Peck EM 3.1413 t.y ieuw joe nimmei r..i zauat 134 SOUTH LIBERTY H 322 NORTH CHURCH ST. WE PH. EM 4-3311 YOU'LL BE CONVINCKD Ttiis is today's outstanding value. It has all the features fur modern living and more than you would expect at this amazingly low price. 3 Bed roll, family rm, dining rm, too. Extra 1 bath, separate utility rm, dble garage. Ce ramic tile, insulated. Patio, sliding glass doors. See litis buv at onlv $13,500 Call Edna Morgan, eve. ph. EM 4-6038. UNIQUE Is the word for this attractive South Salem View home. Large living rm St dining rm. circu lating frpl., lurch kitchen, bed rius ith large closets, fine wall to wnll carpets. Base ment with p-irtj room, bath, utility, storage. FA oil I. urge patio ami large he duti fully la ud scaped lot. Walking distance to Leslie & McKinlev Schools. $16.50(1. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. ECONOMY HOME A good buv In an older 4 hdrm home plus a mil nasemem, separate dining rm. bath, kitchen and big living rm. Lo cated on a nice lot v. ith all ritv facilities. Priced at only $7000. Call Mr. Sword for more information. Eve. ph. EM 2 BtWV CAR AGE Over 700 sq. ft of floor space. On ,Vi by 110 In). High Traffic local mn. Full list of equip, in cluded to operate auio repair fa rage Full price including nod. bldgs. and equip only $11,300. Terms Call Al liaak, eve. ph. EM 3 3356. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS WE NEED VOI R LISTINGS FM 3-3SJ8, FM 4-iWis FM If no aiiMter 803 CHEMEKETA Hoover School District, t vr old plastered 2 bedroom home New ly repainted uisul-' A 11 at horse uiMde ."t out Mardod f1o'r. uilon.atio oil hcnl. .;.rate dirfi'T r.oi Luge tvil'4 t.'t Priced K-u Hi $:WHI C.ii' lleiir Itu'id to see KM 4 (WTS or Sun A E call EM 4-17. SPACIOl'S S RKHROOM A BASEMENT HOME. Built in 1958. t'Ioe in location on hill side in West jilem I.W iq Buy Real Vfu SS - Loin . 51H I .With Conf ldrK CSJ k Buying Building Q 806 Housei For Sale ud7 Calaba Ralp h M add y EM 234B8 NOTHING FINER - ' FOR SIH.900. 3 bedrooms. Faml- ly room. Triple nlumbing. fireplaces. 2-car garage. Wall-to-wall carpet. 1650 square leci. i erms. SoOO DOWN MOVES you into this 3-bedroom home with basement. Garage. Near bus. Walking distance to downtown. $6,000. $500 DOWN FOR this home with S bed rooms and double plumbing. Near Bush sckool. Close to bus, $5,500. No loan costs. Bishop EM 2-2)H5: Marian Leh- EM 4-2670; Jim Ramsey EM 40069 THIS ,.Uh hnH.m .1..,. .In.... Call Cuit Kinin. urepiaces oum in stove, Curt Kinin EM 49920 Roy Ferris k F PHONE EM 44478 SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR EM 3-7820 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Owner tranferred and must sell this good home v. itn baM'.nuu, nice big living rm, separate dining rm, frpl, kitchen, 3 bdrms-and hath. FA oil heat, insulated and located close to schools and bus. It's a real value at only $1)000. Call N. G. 'l)nn" Isaak, eve. ph. EM 3-6207. LOOK $3750 Will buy nearly 3 acres ojose In south. Small modem 2 bedrm home, garage, good well and located on p a v e m e n t. $500 down moves vou In. Call Mr. Crawford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. FINEST MOTEL In eastern Oregon. 26 Units. Rnck construction. In the heart of motel district tn prin cipal motel city. Highly re spected name and good will. Modern In every respect. Own er's quarters especially de signed for good living. All units have finest furnishings. Two heating plants. Excellent laundry facilities. Outstanding possibilities In this property. Gross over $21,000 yearly. $34,000 down will handle. Own er will accept home In Salem as part payment Call Al Isaak eve. ph. EM 3-3558. CELEBRATE NEW YEARS In this lovely new ranch home that h is lust ocen put on Hie market u ith 3 bdrms, 2 full baths, targe family rm, big living rm. 2 frpls , dble ga rage. co ered patio and lo cated in a good neighborhood. Price onlv Jlfi.psn Call N G "Dan1' Isaak, eve. ph. EM 3-6297. t - .VIO FM Vf cdL KM 4-.'4 ft rn lt floor. Full basement i!h complele bath, rumpus ro, m. spat e lor shop or eira r.m or an apartment. lt fi.'.r his kdihei which is the 1 j-t wot d m coinemence aod be ml' w ith huilt in range, be.iiiliful cahmeis. epr,ite'nr o,iic with built in hulfel. Beautiful bathroom. 2 fireplace and many other out viand nig feature too nu merou to list Price $19 TW To ee call Dean Klarr, EM 4 i75 or Eve. A Sun. call FM llfMti PHONK EM 4-eiT$ j 806 Housei For Sole A FINE HOME Owner mut move. One vear old house with 3 BRS. large LR uith firepl., DR kit., eating space, lots of builMn3, hdwd. floors, utility rm., double plas tered gar. House is on a large corner lot, both Bis. paved. 4 blks to grade school. Price $14,200 with 11.200 down, fans & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS PHONE EM 3-9217 EVES: EM 3-738(1 - EM 3-4709 2 ACRE CORNER on 99E Nortn. Good for Service Sta tion or a good speculation Full price $1650 CASH. 14 ACRES. 2 BDRM. HOME, large chicken house Ac other out bldgs. TRADE FOR Salem nome or consider larger larm Full price $a&50. 2 BDRM. LATE BUILT modern nome on i-z acre. Has busi ness bldg. 18 X 40 and 16 X 16 shop. On paved st. Home nas ixm sq. ft. floor space. Full price $10,250. W. H. -STEVELEY. SALES MAN. EVES. PH. EM 4-2618. State Finance Co. REALTORS 167 S. High St. EM 8-3151 Transferred Must Sell OWNER HAS MOVED TO WASHINGTON. D.C. Located in attractive neighbor- now jo DlSl. 1 wo large bedrooms cedar lined closets, iaree bathroom, fire place in the roomy living room, well pjanncd kitchen weatlng space. Most of the work done in the basement for the playroom. Here is a well built, comfortable home, priced at $13,250. G.I. or Conventional financing. E.J. Realtor 1743 Grant St. CALL EM 3 4035 DAY OR EVF.VING WILL take a lata, model car as bdrm. home with 40x26 ft. ' nsmi. Located at 1750 N. 4th. 1 Pay b.i Inner by the month. owner tves. 4-4Ui7. 2 APT. house, dbl. gar., large lot. $5,600, $1,000 down. EM li!lW 1 ne Kd. OWNER Leaving; state offers for sale 2 bdrm. home, lg. liv. rm. with firepl., family rm nice kit chen Ac separate utility rm. Large lot, beautifully land scaped. Can get early possession. Ph. EM 4-008!). QUALITY Homes Built To Please. We will build to fit your family At your budRet. As low as 2 pet. (In. plus closin, costs lO.I.) HAMILTON BLDH PH. 3-60S2. '.Member of Salem Home Hldrs. Assn." 11 (KM dn n.u, .1 Mrm hnm. I i B07 Apr's. Courts tor Sale ATTRACTIVE 4 unit cottage court. Steady rentals at $240. Close-in creek lot. Garages. firepls, hwd floors. Automatic neai, ranges, not wir. reirlg $25,000. Near school. Dark & hospital. Owner, Box 458 journal-statesman. 808 Lots For Solo BLDG. LOT close to but and acnooi. Keizer Dist. Ph. EM 4-3221. LRG. Suburban Bldg. lot located East. EM 2-7809. Biu harms For Sole 3 Acres South NEW 3 Bedrm. home W- Obt. Ga. Entry hall, Lg. Liv. Rm.. Dining Rm., lawn & shrubs in, Pvd. ltd. Owner leaving State, anxious, asking $17,900. Eve. EM 4-2805. ED LUKIN BEAL REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. EM 2-6680. HANDYMAN LOOK at this 2 bedrm. bargain at $3950. near ly i aore good black soil, ex tra good well, chicken house, paved st., will sell on contract. Call G. A. Walters. Realtor, Ph. EM 2-6714 or EM 4-6365. MAKE Offer! 8 acres black "soil a wua aiate at. j,m 2-7751, A .11 i .... . .1 bedroom l,,","Y.. Vee bsr,? ! machine shed and 100 It. Ions ! cn CKen louse. . mm m i school. Mail at door. This would make an outstanding grass farm. Onlv $5,000 down. Easy terms. Call Ben Griffith EM 4-675 Sun. and Eve. Call EM 3-8769. LINS REALTY S05 CHEMEKETA PHONE EM 4-6875 812 Exch. Reai Estate OWNER wishes to trade thl. i un runny rm.. 2 fireplaces. All early American design wia i.isnionea plantation win dow shutters. Arizona flag stone rustic brick, beamed ceiling. 3 ceramic tile bath rms. Wrought Iron trim. Split shake roof. 2-car garage. Lo cated on Sunrise Ave. in Can dalaria Dist Will take a small er i or 3 bdrm. home with 2 baths. 2-car gar. Older home preferred. Call eves. EM 4-4977 815 Coast Property Dopoe Rav Bt'RINESS Building one block from bridge. 8 nice rentals upstairs furnished, good busi ness rental possibility on first floor, highuav 101 Frontage, priced at $27,500. trade for farm or good house. See FLOYD MCNALL. Eve EM 3 7744. ED LUKINBEAL REALTOR. 433 N. HIGH. EM 2 "MO 8.0 Automotive 9S3 Auto Porti & Repoiri LOTS of R.vd ued tires st bargain prices. Will trade for nul an thine of alue on tires or parts. McGowan Auto Wrecker. 6604 Portland Rd. EM 4-410 Used Auto. Parts Bales & Brady PH. EM 2-4513 Cbrv't. from , Fold Buick Pl- cyl- t Kauer . ....... Chrvsier ev. Ford Console Merc j Packard I oids. " . .'48 to -5o 'SO 852 Used Cors For Sal 11 T SELL" Make room for our new Mobile Homes at 1957 BUICK HARDTOP Fully equipped. Save. 1955 FORD V-8 FAIR LANE Club sedan, fully equipped. Like new. 1954 FORD VIC. Loaded with extras, new, 1954 FORD CRESTLINE SDN. Power steering, fully equipped. Extra sharp. 1952 OLDS. 98 HOLIDAY CPE. JVidio, heater, automatic drive, start, 1952 DODGE 4 DR. Sedan, radio, heater, clean. 1952 FORD VICTORIA Cpe., radio, heater, over drive, while walls, maroon finish, clean. 1950 FORD V-8 CRESTLINE CPE. Radio, heater, sharp. 1950 MERCURY CONVERT. Radio, heater, overdrive. new engine. 1951 CMC PICKUP New finish, heater. Ph. EM 2-6808 404 N. Church (Downtown) 1956 CHEV. WGN. Loaded. 1956 FORD V-8 4 DR. Country sedan, fully equip ped. 1955 FORD V-8 8 passenger. 4 dr. wagon, 1 year guarantee. 1955 CHEV. "210" ST A, WGN. 6 cyl,, radio, heater, over drive. 1955 PLYM. V-8 With overdrive. 1 1953 DODGE ST A. WGN. 1954 PLYM. SUBURBAN ELSNER MOTOR CO. CENTER & HIGH EM 3-7802 T ; 36 phev. V-8 V, gn. fi-Dass. $7593 . J;?1 r, 10.000 mi. 55 cliev Bel-Air Spt. Cpe. JI895 j, 3US 'le new. One owner. J V"- P. ,d3 "56 Chev. Bel-Air Spt. Sdn. $2395 7.000 mi. V8, P-G trans. '55 Olds. 98 Hardtop. Onlv $2495 This is a real BARGAIN. "W Chev. V8 Spt. Cpe. P-G $1895 Anlv 13.000 actual nit. '53 Cad. 62 Cpe. All power $3693 Top condition. New tires. '55 Ford Ranch Wagon V-8 $1695 '33 Ford V8 Custom Sedan ....$995 une or uie Best. Equipped 53 Chev. Bel-Air Sedan ....$1095 27.000 actual ml. Shnrn ,'35 Chev. 6 4-door. P-G .. $1593 Another terrific buy. Dandy. 53 Chev. 4-door. Real good $395 MBt;ii araan ...siuro ,., - ni car, gooa Duy. 55 Olds. MR Sr. m Cnt.lnl MtlM '53 Ford Victoria Hardtop .. $1195 o. uvrmnvr. one. 53 Chev. 210 Sedan. R. H. . $995 '54 Ford 6 Club Coupe $1193 2!.000 mi. Very good car. 35 Olds. 88 Super 4-dr $2295 All oowcr and a nim one '36 Chev. 8 Clb. Cpe $1896 Power-Glide. IS (ion mi "56 Fora V8 Wagon, 3-seats $2495 ruru-o-mauc, K. M. isavc. 56 Buick Super Hardtop ...$2793 All Dower. Snvr. roallv R.iv '55 Chev. V8 2 dr. Bel-Air $1895 i wiuj- ii.vuu actual miles. 53 Chev. Power-Dlitin i rir too. 'M Ford V8 4 dr. Equipped $1493 I'onuac taianna VH $1895 Local Car. Top condition. 30 Chev. Bel-Air rnnm tins '31 Chev. 4-dr. Good trans. $495 vj facKarrt 4 dr. Very good $295 i '51 Olds. 08 sedan. Onlv $;i95 4S Ford Pirkup. Average ... $250 I 47 Olds Sedanettr. Onlv t'lM '49 Pontine 8 Sedan. Only $125 I VJUr DTI :rS -ire rloivn fnr tha "!' s" e -" "?n'y.. "V i,"' ';r. i'n na av-tv 100 . . KANNIER'S USED CARS 1395 Edge water Western Motors EM 3-9R22 1283 Rroadwav '53 CHEV. V-8 REL AIR CL. CP. This like new car has had one local owner. 12.000 actu al miles power brakes, pow. er glide trans., radio, heater, beautitul tu-tone iinish fit "35 PLY V-8 SAVOV 2-DR. SDN! white wall tires J19n5 Heater, defroster turn linhii E-Z eye glass, very clean, one owner, low mileage, one of our very he?t buvs $14fi3 53 FORD V-8 RANCH WAGON This very nice Station Wag on has overdrive, radio, heat er, turn lights, now Is the best time to buy a station wagon $l2fi3 54 FORD 6 MAINLINE 2-D. SD. A very nice one-owner car, has overdrive, heater, de froster, very clean Sc in A-l condition 095 '53 FORD V-B CUSTOMLINE 4-DR. SDN. Radio, hc-uer, overdrive, turn lights, other deluxe feature $995 '33 CHEV RF.t. AIR 4-DR. SDN, Radio, heater, power glide trans . exceptionally clean, a fine family car at a price vou can afford .... $1095 '52 Rl'lCK SPECIAL RIV. CL. CPE Radio, heater, dvnaflow, T-7. eye rlas. this car Is far above average .. $993 52 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 4- PR SDN. Radio, heater, standard trans., beautiful black finish w il'i wniV wall tir $795 '47 JFEP 4-WHEKL DRIVE Hester A metal canopy $493 862 House Troiters 195-7 SPECIAL Bargain. $3,999 Terms. Lana Lane, 1940 Lana Ave: WILL trade 1 M$ C, n ( in22f7-ot house trailer fully equipped for good used car. Suverton TR 3-8891. 35' Spartanette, sell equltr for $500, or trade. 3580 Portland Rd. Houc to trade for trailer house. ,V Walnut Ae., Dre. i Inquire Paul A. Mvers. Gen. ! Del.. Port Orford. Ore l':-15 FT" Mercury. U3s" 14th. EM 4-tvU-l. 35 FLAMINC.O. J Mrm mdl ShrhtU u-ed. .T SoO Tfrms, Lana Lane, 140 Lana Ave TRAILER TOWING Ore. Wash Cat. 40 ForUand Rd. ZM l-VHl j 851 New Con Make this your happiest Christmas. Let us play Santa and deliver to your home on Christmas Eve. JUST ARRIVED!! FRESH NEW COLORS! ALL MODELS! New 1957 Chev. Sedans- Wagons, Hardtops, and ' Ton Pickups NO WAITING! COME AND SEE! People are saying, "The best place to buy is Polk County Headquarters for New Chevrolets." BE INDEPENDENT . . . SHOP AT INDEPENDENCE, EMSII 2nd & C St. 852 Ued Can For Sole 1955 FORD V-8 2 DR. 225 horsepower, fordomatie, heater, directional signals, lolid black. Save $300 undrt blue book price. 1954 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Regal 4 dr. sedan, radio, heater. vrdriv, the works. Needs some dean us, far $400.00 under blue book on this one. This Offer Good Until Dec. 31st Only) CHEV. BEL AIR 1 door, V-8, powerglide, etc. 10,000 one-owner miles, reel cream puff. CHEV. BEL AIR SPORT CPE. V-8, powerglide, power pack, radio, heater, white walls, E-Z eye flan. CHEV. 2 DR. STATION WAGON 6 cylinder, standard transmission. CHEV. BEL AIR SPORT COUPE 6 cylinder, powerglide, radio, heater, white walls, E-Z eye glass. CHEVROLET "210" 4 DOOR Heater, powerglide, one owner. PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4 DR. Powerllite. power steering, radio, heater, one owner. SEVKRAL CHEAPIES TO SELECT FROM MANY MORE MAKES & MODELS TO PICK t CHOOSE FROM Sales Dept. Open 'til B P. M. Monday thru Friday "SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE" 1956 1955 1955 1955 1954 1954 STAYT0N, OREGON "LARGEST SELECTION IN SALEM" PREMIUM CARS VALUE AT LOW PRICES 1955 Olds. Super Holiday Hardtop, power steering, pow er brakes, radio, heater. 1 year guarantee, only $229$ 1955 Mercury Montclair Hardtop, full power, equipped like new, 1 year guarantee, only $2295 1055 Buick Century Riviera hardtop, fullv equip ped. I year guarantee, onlv 1955 Ford V-8 Four Door Radio, heater, overdrive, spec ial Christmas price $1295 LSNER CENTER & HIGH Our shop and parts departments will be closed Monday, December 24th, the day before Christmas, so our em ployees can have an enjoyable Christmas Season. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. YOUR FRIENDLY Chrysler Plymouth Dealer wishes tdl of our customers and friends a very (PUPI1 SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. Chrysler Plymouth Imperial 435 Nit Commercial 854 Trucks, Trail, for sole MODEL A Ford pickup. Sell or trade. FM 2-8211. "48 CHEV. ton pickup $225. 4450 Silrffrton Rd. 5 YD. Dump box & hotst. steel. Next Imperial Vallev Groc. W. Washington. Stavton. :5I G M C "flat-bed truck. 2 sreca. ..i" iiamei. FM 2-H510 856 Wanted, Cars, Trucks WANTF.D to huv O'd A rerk.'d A trucks. Ph. 4-4UWJdas. 4-141 1 nuts. 64" Heovy Equipment Dl'MP truer hci.t Good cond. 851 New Can TIME ffl Independence, Ore. B52 Uied Com For SaU OF O.K. USED CARS. EE TEIlil m 1951 Nash Statesman Tudor, overdrive, real econ omy $195 1951 Hudson Hornet Sdn. rully equipped, only 1395 1949 Ford 4 Door Only tHS 1947 Chrysler Sedan Runs real good $95 1950 Packard Sedan Real value, with miles of ffood driving $195 MOTORS EM 3-7R02 EM 3-4H7 1952 PLYMOUTHCranbrook, 4 Door sedan, radio, heater, o' drive, verv clean $595. Warner Motors, 678 S. 12th. RFd0cED$75 49Ford V-8 2 door sedan. $175. See at 985 Garnet after 4 p. m. 51 D E SOTO custom sedan. Radio, heater, good cond. verv clean. I ow ner. $485 or best offer. EM 4-7628. 1!S5 FORD M.iinlin,. radio, heater, bank terms. EM 4-7210. 1S.V) MERCURY 4 dr. Sedan! radio, he.iter Excepti.inal! clean. 13 Center. 360 Auto Miscellaneous ELECTRO Imltor Svsiem. model RA lftl-l Combination Pow power turbine Gasoline Auto engm 1500. 2171 N. front. 851 New Can Ph. 65 852 Used Can For Sol PH. 2344 Wagons 1958 PASS. CTRY. SDK. FORD 15 FORD RANCH WAG. 1955 FORD RANCH Wan 1954 CHEV. HANDY MAN Car 1958 FORD V.a Vir 1958 FORD V I TUDOR 1956 FORD V FAIRLANE 4 dr. 1956 FORD v.a cnnv 19M STUDE. COMMD. 1954 FORD CRESTLINE 1954 PLYM. I nn 1954 PONTIAC SDN. 1953 FORJJ 1 DR. 1953 FORD SEDN. Pickups & Trucks 1955 FORD F100 1951 DODGE y3 TON 1949 CMC a; TOM 1949 FORD 1 TON FLATBED Many more to choose from. Stayton, 2524 itartio, heater, powerglide 2 tone elec. swipes, windshield washers turn signals, low miles. Like new. 58 Ford cus 8. 4 dr. wag. $2,580 Radio, heater, fordomatie, power steering, power pack, low miles. A buy. '55 Rambler Cr.-Cty. wag. RadlO. hetar hvlr. . $2.03 Slt7njl 1 u.lnrl.l.UU ''-I turn 2-tone blue. Very low miles.' '52 Rambler cust. wag $7S0 Radio heater, atr foam cush ions. 2-tone red. '52 Fnra o Cnlv. Sa wag. ti las fordomatie. turn slanais. Wind n i e i a walls. ft. ' ' 'S6 Buick hardtop sedan 2.S0 S,-.l0-uhM.,erVd-vn- ii Plym. I eluh il 450 ?"'0- . .". whit.' aid, ualls. Like new. '54 Ford B club ... n Radio, heater, overdrive. hite side walls. 2-tono ireen. Really tops. SI Merc, sedan . . 693 Radio, heater, overdrive. New I black laq. paint. w rord custom i club S495 Radio, heater, overdrive. Full In P S bloclt' ' P'P" all leaded In. 50 l"m Md"n SS50 Radio, heater, dyn. now. Ont owner. Old ones we sure h,ve, but food DEWEY'S Across from Ebner's Vkt 3f80 Market "fmiIi, 1950 CHFVROIPtV a' good condition. VOt Ph ri 4-1793 or EM Um PK EM '"."T'ACChleltanelbrsdn: jood cond . radio, heater, 1391, I 4 Beauont. 151 J-2I7J. sedan, DEWEY'S ' o o