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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 5, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' 3 4'i 31 ii 4 1$ 'i- I Page 6 Section 1 1, if te V r Tii hi 1 L ' .,, ' V. i .. i Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. H. A. (Bud) Stevenson (Mary Lou (t the Congregational church in Manhasset, N.Y., in laic October. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Show' of New York and the bridegroom Dennis Stevenson, Salem. ( Beidlcr-Viken studio, Manhassel, N.Y.) Sacred Heart Group In Recital Sunday The music students of Sacred Heart academy and the choral groups will be presented in a re cital Sunday, at 2:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Oregon State School for the Blind. The recital is open to the public and there is no admission charge. The following will participate: Marie Stelner, Beverly Carey, Do lores Lindquist, Linda Thompson, Jerry Wolle, Mary Jo Mousey, Eloise Corey, Judy Woodry, Judy Nielson, Donna Slrauch, James Fliflet, Anne Meuscy, Audrey Car ey, Mary Jo Meusey, Judy Boct tlcher, the Marlon Scxtcite, the Ce cellans, and the Treble Triad. AT MONDAY evening's meeting 01 Capital unit. No. 9. American Legion auxiliary, delegates to the Marlon county assembly were tlected as follows: Mrs. J. 11. Gor don, Mrs. Arthur Wcddlc, Mrs. P, E. Stevenson, Miss Vada Hill and Mrs, Jame Mcnnls. Alternates fleeted are Mrs. Victoria SI If (lor, Mrs. H. H. Henry, Mrs, 0. E. Pal- matecr, Mrs. Nell Witting, Mrs. Howard N. Hunsakcr. The auxiliary is gathering warm, used clothing for the "save Ihc children federation," for Hungar ian refugees. Anyone who wishes to donate warm clothing Is asked to call Mrs. P. E 2-8137. Stevenson, CIO TOMMY HALEY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. 'Haley, will ob serve his tilth birtnoay, Friday, and his mother has arranged a party for him between 3 and 5 o'clock at their home. Feting the Utile boy will be llcdi Framm, Bon nie Sherman, Bruce and Nancy Hcdloy, Danny Green, Jimmy Bar clay, Jennifer Johnson, Jane Mon nettc, Stephen Quiscnberry, and Tommy's brother and sister, Sam my and Victoria Haley. HOME from her two-month trip to Europe is Mrs. Paul Jaquct of the Victor Point community. Mrs. Jaquct flew to Copenhagen with Mrs. Dorothea Stcusloif and Dr. Mary Purvhic, then Joined her son, Bill Jessup, the two visiting In Kngland and various countries on the Continent. Mr. Jessup is to be In southern Spain for the winter Mrs. Jaquct flew home Irom Lis bon. Miss Stcusloff and Dr. Pur vine are traveling In Africa. A DAUGHTER, their third child, was born Tuesday, December 4, at Salem General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Konold K. Jones, Jr. Also welcoming lha new arrival are a brother, Jeffry, and agistor, Les lie Ellen. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Sr, of Salem, and Mrs. Elizabeth Harris of Spokane. Mrs. Dan Thomas of Salem Is a great-grandmother. Mrs. Harris Is visilinff hern for a timc nt the homo of her son-in-law I ana anugnier. nn v COMPLETE LINE OF TOYS TO BE CLOSED OUT AT REDUCTIONS FROM COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS GEORGE eTN GEORGE & lLLEN Shaw), above, were married The bride !s the daughter of Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hosts to Group Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jackson enter tained a group of friends Saturday evening. Cards were , played and late dessert was served. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Conner, Mr', and Mrs. E. Kas- son, Mr. and Mrs. L. Morrison, Mrs. Margaret Willis, Mrs. Connie McLain, Mr. and Mrs. K. Busch Miss Tena Battalion, Miss Rose Battalion, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alms. A DAUGHTER, who has been named Teresa Kay, was born Sat urday, December 1, at Salem Gen eral hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Wright (Patricia Burros). Grnndpnrents are Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Burrcs of Salem and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Wright of Albany. Mrs. Jennie Boyd and Mrs. Ora Harder, both of Salem, are great- grandmothers. PLANNED for next Monday, De cember 10, Is the annual hanging or the green ceremonial at the Sa lem YWCA. The program will be at 7:30 o'clock at the YW. All members and friends are Invited. On this occasion greens and yule tide decor are arranged at the building. A SKATE night is planned Frl day for the Live Y'ers of the YWCA. The group will meet at Ihp YWCA at 11:30 and leave tor Ihc skating rink at 8:45 o'clock Single people between the ages of and 35 aro invited. I nr 7 irirr 1! I japtiai women i . Edited by MARIAN LOIVRV FISCHER , nwmmmmmnTmamammtmmmmmwiirimiismmmam i Duo Wed in Midwest Word has been received of the marriage of Miss Louise Lucille Bachman of Gregory, S. Dak., to Morris Wayne Klein, also of Greg ory, S. Dak., at the Methodist par sonage in Gregory on November 8 The bride is the daughter ol Mrs. Gottlieb Bachman of Wood S. Dak., and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Klein, Salem. The bride wore a brown suit matching accessories and corsage of prnk carnations. Miss Betty Bachman was honor attendant for her sister. She also wore a brown suit, matching ac cessories, and corsage of yellow carnations. Neal Sargent was best man. After a short wedding trip through Nebraska, Iowa and Min nesota, the couple are now at home m Gregory, S, Dak.' The bridegroom is a graduate of Salem High school, and he served in the U.S. navy for four years. He was formerly employed at Lnck- son J Supermarket in Salem, and is now employed at Louie's Super Grocery in Gregorv. S. Dak. Friendship Night For Star Chapter Friendship night for Chadwick chapler. Order of Eastern Star, was Tuesday, with many visitors present. Escorted were Mrs. Paul U Uaiicnr 0rant u-m-thv mo. tron, Herman M. Johnston, past grand worthy patron, and Rex Hartley, past grand worthy patron, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Irving W right, worthy patron and worthy matron of Euclid chapter, Jeffer son. Each addressed the chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jacobson and Mrs. Walter L. Peterson re ceived the degree of the order. An invitation was read from Sa lem chapter, to attend the meet ing on January 12. Mrs. Edward Williams, worthy matron, remind ed the chapter of the reception De cember 14, given by Ainsworth chapter, In honor of Mrs. J. Edgar Reay. Mrs. Paul Griebenow, mother adviser of Chadwick assembly, Order of Rainbow, Invited mem bers of the chapter ot the meeting on December 11. The next meeting of Chadwick chapter will be a Christmas party and gift exchange, December IS. Serving refreshments Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sander, chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Mem Pearcc, Mrs. Clarence Web ber, Mrs. Jessie Red, Mrs. W. I. Wlddows, Mrs. Myrtle Perry. Social club of Chadwick chapter will meet Tuesday, December 11, for 1:15 dessert. Mrs, Charles E. Wccber will present the Christmas program. m w INVITATIONS were received Tuesday for a prc-Christmas cof fee for which Mrs. L. V. Benson and Mrs. G. E. McCormlck will entertain on Wednesday, Decem ber 12, at the Benson home. Guests are invited to call between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Rebekah News Final plans were made for the Christmas party, at the meeting of Salem Rebekah lodge, Monday evening. The party will be De cember 10, for members and their families. Bruce Wolf, a student from South Salem High school, gave a talk on "What Christmas Seals Mean to Your Community." Mrs. Ruth Rolh, formerly of Corvallis, was admitted to the lodge by transfer. Thcta Rho will meet Thursday, December 15, at 7:30 p.m. Ladies Encampment Auxiliary will meet Friday, December 16 to observe the 5th anniversary. Mrs. bthel Gibbs, state presi dent, will make her official visit, December 17. MR. AND MRS. Sherman Calla way were hosts Sunday, at dinner, honoring Mrs. Callaway's aunt, Mrs. Luther Speelman of Baker, on her 85th birthday, Mrs. Speel man is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Waldo Gcddes. Present at the dinner were Mrs. Speelman, Mrs. Gcddes. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fosnot, brother and sister-in-law of Mrs. Callaway, and the hosts. Mrs. Speelman came to Oregon from Illinois in 1882, CEREMONIAL and Christmas party for Friendship shrine. White Shrine of Jerusalem, will be Sat urday at 8 p.m. at the Scottish Rite temple. tE $ j The Iff a 455 Court St. Phone 45502 Open Monday & Friday Nites 'til 9 . ; 8 new. . . NECCHr SUPERNOVA Necchi brings pinh-butlon lewing inlo four homel Modern ot tomorrow, (hit it the one tewing machine completely, fully automatic. The only machine that doet your everyday tewing dam and mendi all automatically I Make button hdei ond fancy ttitches no other machine eon make oil completely automatically Mi touch a button it And-believe It er nal- Necchi prices start at NICCHh rwtNG c -, t THE WORLD'S FIRST FUUY WITH TRIPLE ACTION AUTOMATIC SEWING. l.Sewi with 1, and even 3 needles. t. Carrying case epeni to a full-tit work table. I. Free darning arm let leivtt and sacks. I. Weight only 17 peunds. S. Exclusive drop-In, pep-out, ititch changer. 6 Ne knsbi te turn, ne dial) to set. rtpif t W ft !. Ct 1 r rWI it m fft Aiw. 1W'W (tfML Dfcl Democratic Women to Organize Organization of a Jane Jefferson club for Marion count-, open to all Democratic women, will be dis cussed at a coffee, 10:30 a.m. Thursday. December 13. at the home of Mrs. David Duniway, 801 Ben Lomond drive. All interested Democratic women are invited through the press to be present. Jane Jefferson clubs, named for President Thomas Jefferson's mother, is a national organization of Democratic women, and the lo cal club would take the place of the present Marion County Demo cratic women's activities commit tee. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. S. W. Horn the past two years, this committee has spon sored a number of teas and cof fees honoring Democratic mem-. hers of the legislature, candidates and wives of candidates, and party officials, as well as workshops for precinct workers. THE QUEEN of Peace troop of the Junior Catholic Daughters of America met Monday at the home of Mary Ellen Johnson. The group conducted a business meeting fol lowed by a social program. They presented their former counselor, Mrs. James Lies, with a gift. The next meeting will be January 7. ANNOUNCED for December 38 is the annual tea given by past presidents of Pi Beta Phi alumnae for collegiates home for the holi days and their mothers. The tea will he at the home of Mrs. James T. Brand. I LET US Happiest Christmas She Has Ever lewtl 99 .50 ILM SUPERMATIC AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE I 0 - . Is Betrothed Miss Cheryl Butts, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Butts of Albany, has announced her engagement to Loren Franke. son of the Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Franke of Salem. HOSTS next Monday (or an In formal at home will be Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson, entertaining in honor of her father. P. W. Fore, on the occasion of his birthday. Guests will include a smip of long-time friends c( Mr Eynr, and they are invited to cil! Mwcn S and 7 o'clock. ENGLKWUUU vtemans ciupt club will meet with Mrs. Ellen FisVr. 1055 North loth street, Fridsy, for 1:15 p.m. dessert. Mrs. Carl Rich - ards Mrs. Lloyd Bobmson and esses " The Drocram will be presented SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE HERS Tour I 60 Day Exchange Privilege Si S Any Appliance Purchased in it Our Store May Re Exchanged Within a 60-Day R Period With S Absolutely No V Deduction on S K Original Purchase J f Price For jj g Time Appliance g Was Used . g jj & & g Sk Initiation For Court Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Rog ers were initiated into Hanna Rosa court, Order of the Amaranth, Monday evening. Guests were Mrs. Robert Ostrum, Portland, past su preme royal matron and present secretary of the grand court; Mr. Ostrum; James Turnbull, royal patron of Cherry court, and Mrs. Turnbull. The Christmas program was pre sented by members of bethel No. 59. Job's Daughters. Miss Barbara Morris, honored queen. Miss Shir ley Beutler, senior princess. Miss Sharon Forrest, junior princess, put on the opening and closing ceremonies. Misses Mina and Nan cy McDaniel sang a duet, accom panied by Mrs. H. M. McDaniel. A reading was presented by Miss Edith Brown, and a musical story by Miss Anne Stevens, accom panied by Miss Pat Stevenson. Miss Peggy Lucas presented a piano solo. Accompanying me bethel girls tg the meeting were Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Lucas, guard ians. Past matrons of Hanna Rosa court will meet Tuesday, Decem ber 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Everett Booster, 2645 D street. Party night was announced for December 15, at the Masonic tem-j pie. A no-host dinner will be f ol- lowed by a Christmas party forj members, families and friends. , by Mrs. Collier, and devotions led ! Mrs. B. C. Hall. There will be ' change and miscellaneous I shower for the tuberculosis hos- pital. I ttwyt. ndity tmilmi mt-Wh r MM ateflkt worm Mmh. tt ft tatayl Christmas Special! Lewyt Model 70 Thousands Like It Sold for 99.90 Now Only $59'5 to)SIm3MMMKmMsgMiKiMHIins9IKIl!li Amerco'i No. I Polither for a lifetime of Beautiful floors Compare REGINA versatility for ALL AROUND THE HOUSl ttrvbi your Aoort ivptr polish Roen preltnionallyl buffi floor, tobloi to iloamlnf luiltrl londt trofllt i pott on hardwood floor 1 1 dry doom end woim at Iht tamo lifMl ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION fttcondilionlng Klt-txtra oquip ! mint for landing and ft finishing lloort and furnllurtt edging ! floors i lUtl-wootfng tinoUu, : III, wood, tic HOOVER 1 A Hoover DeLute gives you triple action cleaning it btitl, as it sweeps, ts It cletni. The Hoover doet the work you just guide it. Largest cleaner. prance Christmas Cards Colorful, charming, our Greeting Cards for signa ture or name imprint. jfc- Give your Gifts Glamour with- our outstanding papers, seals, tags and ribbons. fr Be sure to tee our de lightful Christmas Candles Edward Williams 357 Court Street I s Had as little as S1.25 per week WITH THI 3 GREATEST ADVANCES IN VACUUM CtEANER DESIGN! WO .WHEELS ftoorlfr mm j dp TVQi, door uTh. rry- ROLLING NOZZLE glide only on small wheels. Nc more tiring push-pull. RIDE-ALONG TOOLS on built-in rock do 23 cleaning jj jobs without one waited jj ep. Jj Intludci I wsxinfl and icrubbing brush ti, I poliih In 9 bruihti, 2 rtvtriibl buffing : pads. throw - away dust bag Ol Hoover Model 14 Only $rn5 I i 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. AND 141 ALICE AVE. "".. " n. Tran.iormi illtlllllBWmltllliaKMWi!lIlI!(lil,i,I;w, laMMieitKniMiaKMB,,,