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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1956)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 rage l ? N. Salem Takes 1st Win in Crosstown Series I II l II II M .III IS I I I III l Ml. II fl ir Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 5, 1956 W.,3- JERRY LONG . . to help Santa Sports Report V By CHUCK BOICI Scarcity With 46,000 Tickets? . . We'd hesitate to predict the outcome of the Rose Bowl game but we will go on record as saying there will be plenty of Rose Bowl tickets to meet the. state's needs even though none is on sale for the general public. For some who would like such a ticket, It will arrive in any thing but 1956 business fashion. This is a day when the consumer needs only call out a brand name and it's delivered at his door, shoved in his fist or comes shoot ing out at him from a noisy vend ing machine. In the case of the prized Pasa dena cardboard, demand and sur plus have much more difficulty getting together. On the one hand, there are 46,000 tickets arriving in the state. Even when bolstered by 8.000 students and a dozen boy scouts at every tunnel, that many Oregonians have not seen a foot ball game at one time. Despite this seemingly ample supply, the worried customer of the public needs to recognize and then get together with a paid up alum, a season ticket holder or someone of the sort. Students get them, too if you can pass for the GI scholar type. Next to none will be 'available in Pasadena. The regular price is $5.50 a copy and, as should be well-known, , asking prices can vary. They'll probably be on sale around Wagner's In Corvallis on Dec. 31 for a very reasonable sum. A total of 46,000 tickets as $5.50 adds up to $253,000, which has nothing . to do with this message, but we think it's an impressive figure. There was a time, before the video, when Rose Bowl tickets were near golden. No matter how clearly radio 'casters Graham MacNamee, Don Wilson or some of the others described the beautiful mountains, the fan's appetite was only whetted to see a Rose Bowl game. Some years, scalping prices were terrific. Each game school took a large bundle, the otheV PCC schools received some and the Rose Bowl Association would come in for a surprisingly large amount. Then about the day before it was to come off, they would quietly announce a public sale. Scalpers Were Out of Scalps This sale amounted to a mere handful of tickets usually something less than 3,000. Plenty would spot the announcement to form a long line, however. Usually the Pasadena kids were well up front. The policemen, to help maintain order and permit some moving about by the eager ones, would pass out ucKeis inaicauiig pen Naturally, it's very difficult to arrive at such a gathering early enough, so the first move was to buy a place or two in line and sometimes they changed hands several times. Finally, after waiting all night and already out five or ten dollars, you. could buy a pair. The big pressure was removed, and roughly so for the scalpers, on Jan. 1, 1947. Michigan was to play SC and there was a particularly strong demand for tickets. However, many major TV concerns combined their equipment and know-how to use the Rose Festival parade and the game to Introduce TV on a large scale to Southern California. So great was the interest In the game a big screen was set up tn the A'tm and the admission was set at two dollars and several thousand paid it. The few recreational spots that had TV put up signs say ng they'd be charging a dollar or more for the game but t he sign came down as practically every hangout hooked in a set by klckoff time. .i The pressure ,was gone and the scalpers were ou t of luck. Shortly after the association added 10 000 seats and sold hem n teyear ticket books to the public that had no connections but still was eer eager to see the game. .... , , roi Thus, there is no longer the battle to get fans it still remains the game of games to see. A good many Oregon State fans finally have the opportunity and the excuse. Parade Jams Vp the Works The Rose Festival parade is a much bigger attraction than the the following helpful hints: (iiTravel to the stadium by helicopter. If possible. (2) r,Jv veral large knapSacks filled with food. (3)-If "pass bit S m" " Is the father forecast, remember it never rain, "just Z... ii. in ll nn the hotel radio. Herein there, There should be little danger of Iowa having keep them from being very nccp iv... a , ,u, iknrn aro mnre lOWanS in ouuuicm limes cet the impression that there arc more ' " . n- M cm out in the tens of thousands. m Rnnrmtx to Sell Young Firs Willamette's football mentors. Ted Ogdah, and Jerr Long. planning quite a venture . . . . yU be s them on his own acreage (h . . s' lor Chnstmas oon i sena ? w named the take a replacement mm wwimw . . a. t r..llhiMr ye, into fU swmg this .jg Wi.lamet, opens Saturday night here against Central Washington . . s(ar( Stage Set for Baylor's Splash . .. ... ,,. i.,n Don. inn their first two Teach mil " P "' .-...I-, .trim to 57 Vikings Hit .396 In Shots Russell Dunks 19 For Saxons High By JOHN HARVEY Capital Journal Sportswriter Ward Paldanius got his first win at North Salem high Tuesday night and a sweet one it was as the Vikings led all the way on their home court to down their cross town rival, South Salem, 55-47. With Denny McKce and Jim Litchfield leading the way, the tall er Vikings were just too much for the shorter men of Dick Ballan tyne. The loss was the first for the Saxons. Litchfield, hitting from outside with his one-hander, made 16 points, and McKee scored 12 while being the sparkplug of the Viks. Ron Russell, the 6-2 Saxon cen ter, didn't score until the second half and then really got hot. He scored 19 points in that final half, hitting 11 out of 11 foul shots. Dick Scoggins, a 6-3 junior, played almost the whole game for the Viks; replacing 6-7 Al .Harter, and scoring 12 points while help ing the Viks control the boards. Saxons Open Scoring Dan Moore put the Saxons out in front with two free throws with 15 seconds played, but McKee hit on two jump shots. The Saxons tied it up at 6-6 with 4:40 remain ing in the period and then the Vik ings moved to the front. Dale Drake made a lay-in and Litchfield hit on one of his long one-handers and the Viks were away to the races. They led 16-13 at the start of the second quarter. Midway through the period the Viks got even' hotter and scored seven straight points to pull away to a 27-17 lead. Keith Burres made a jump shot for the Saxons to make it 27-19 at halftimc. Russell kept the Saxons in the game in the third stanza, getting 13 of the 16 points scored By sown Salem. With Litchfield leading the way, the Viks jumped to a 36-25 lead with 3:30 remaining. Russell Sinks Four Russell sank four foul shots, Ho mer Wood retaliated with a lay-in Moore made a foul shot and Litchfield hit from outside to make it 40-30 with 1:55 left. Within 45 seconds the Saxons had cut the lead to five points on a basket and free throw by Russell and a long one-hander by. Scott. Scoggins scored three points in the final minute to give the Vikings a 43-35 lead at the start of the final quar ter. The final quarter was a steady exchange of baskets with the Sax ons never getting closer man six points to the Viks. North Salem went into a stall with 3:00 remain ing and held out to win. The winners had a .3S6 average from the field, hitting on 19 out of 48 shuts. South Salem made 15 of 48 for a .312 average. The North Salem JV s, coached by Mel Fox, romped to an easy 51-35 lead overjthe Saxon JV's. Steve Briggs with 18 and Bob Reaves with 13 led the winners. North Salem plays Hudson s Bay of Vancouver and the Saxons play Fort Vancouver Friday night in a doublchcader at North Salem. SAXONS ()' SS) VIKINOI If ft pf Ip ll ft pi Ip Moore II 4 4 4 Wood 10 4 2 Brunelle 1 0 0 2 Lltchfld 7 2 1 IS Rmspl 4 11 .111) Harter 0 0 10 Scott 1111 Drake . 3 3 0 9 Thmpsn 4 2 2 10 McKee 4 4 0 12 Andorsn 1 0 0 2 Scoggins 3 S 3 12 Burres 1 0 0 2 L. Kanz 12 14 Rohlnsn 0 0 0 0 G. Kanz 0 0 2 0 Lewis 0 0 0 0 Coon 0 0 2 0 Bayne l o o z Totals 15 17 14 47 Totals IS 17 12 55 Free throws missed Saxons 5: Vikings 7. Halltlme score: Saxons 111. VIKingS 21. uuiciaia newg nu .a. tialiirrinv Mgm, ' mi pro .'"-"' '"-I,,- A.,.,l there Is Utile . doubt that the Russe ..less inn- . Viking Fast Break Wins Over Saxons I : i It was the fast break success and overall shoot ing power of North Salem which led to a 55-47 win over rival South Salem Tuesday night. Here Denny McKce (6) lays one In on the end of a break as South Salem's Larry Thompson (22) tries vainly to block It. Viking Jim Litchfield (10) and Saxons Keith Burres (25) and Ron Rus sell' (21) trail the play. (Capital Journal Photo) 'Partner9 Group a. Meets Tonight A report on the selection of both a general and a Held man ager, for the Salem Senators basebal? . club, as well as other Important business, will be on the docket at a meeting of the Senator partnership group to night. The meeting begins at -8 p.m. at the hotel and George Paulus, In charge of the discussion, has urged that all 54 partners be there. A 15-man operaiions com mittee and selection of some attorneys to represent the part nership will also be made. These Items must be com pleted so that a full report can be given at the annual stock holders meeting on Dec. 12. If the stockholders' corporation ac cepts the partnership plan, the group will take over complete operation of the ball club and pay an annual rental fee to the corporation, . Gervais Lists Win f Over Wolverines MILL CITY (Special) Gervais High's Cougars rolled over the Sanliam Union High Wolverines, 37-25 in a non-league basketball game here Tuesday night. The game opened the 1U56 season for both quints. Phil Mnhony and Orie Seidel toDued the winners with U and 10 points, while Gary Bcvier led the losers wan 6. oervais nem a zi-h half lime lead. Santiam copped the Jayvee pre lim, 36-22. SintUm (23)' (31) Gervais B. Thomas (3) F ... 4 I Bennett Smith 2 F.....(4) Uppendahl Epperson (0) C ..... (lllMahony Ksnoff !,)..... G (10) Seidell Bevier (6l ... . G (6) Hall Reserves icorlnR: Santtam; Chance (5), Muir (2), M. Thomas (2), Gervais; Bcn?lund lit, Vohland (l. Officials: Enkln and Annen, Church Loop Plays Tonight More first - round games are scheduled tonight in the Salem Church Basketball league. Senior League B division games are at Parrish and the other, league divisions tonight will play at North Salem gym. Schedule tonight: Senior League B Division 7:00 Mennonite vs. Keizcr Naz- arenc. 8:00 Garden Road Christian vs. Free Methodist. , 9:00 Girls Gym, Court St. Chris Grace Lutheran. Intermediate League A Division 9:00 Girls Gym, Court St. Chris tian vs. First Presbyterian. 9:00 Boys Gym, LDS vs. First Methodist. ... , , ' Junior League A Division 8:00-Girls Gymj'First EUB vs. f-nglowood EUB. Junior League B Division . 7:00 Girls Gym, Free Method. Bulldogs Defeat Pirales 5342 WOODBURN (Special) With Center Fidel Gaviola showing the way, the Woodburn Bulldogs de feated Dayton's Pirales, 53-42 in a non-league game here Tuesday night. Gaviola relied in 18 points to cop game scoring honors. Paul Budkc was the big scoring gun for the visitors with 17. Woodburn led, 29-27 at the half, The Bulldogs won the Bee mix, 31-16. Serra Sabers Nip Crusaders In Hoop Mix Home 'Team Opens New Ball Court With Win Serra High School, unveiling a sharpshooting and vicious rebound inj crew, opened their 1956 bas ketball season on a successful note at the S'. Joseph's auditorium floor here Tuesday night, defeating cross-town rival Salem Academy by a handy 47-32 count in a non conference basketball game. The victory enabled the Sabres to unofficially dedicate their new gymnasium on a happy note. The Sabres have deserted the Salem Armory floor for good and from now on will hold court in their new Cottage Street quarters. The winners leaped to a fast 60 lead in the first two minutes of the ball game on consecutive buckets by Dennie Frank, Jee Kndres. and Dave Lahr and were off to the races. The winners led, 13-8 at the first-quarter rest stop, and widened the margin to is 13 at the half. Zone Defense Holds Gi'osjhcque's crew put up a tight lone defense which kept the Salem Academy from hitting the scoreboard during the second can to until Dave Zklegnrt broke Ihe Crusader dry spell with a layin at the 1:15 mark before the half time gun. Lahr was instrumental in the victory although he tallied only 7 points. The big Serra center wns a demon on both Ihe de fensive and offensive boards. High point man for the night was Bill Hamilton, Sabre For ward, who hit for 16 points. Fred Merk, reserve Academy guard, topped the visitors with 11 ooints. The Crusaders won the Jayvee mix, 38-22. tin mm f. Illl .?ttjl at l!5i 01 a." sm ml Tmm rM VSftKSlSl 0s&m Truly KKSB mm basketball Scores Wickert. S.S. JV (35) Brown (31 F Johnson (4) F Heltzel (0) C MarM2) G Evans (4) G Reserves srorlnn ($1) N 8. JV (81 I.owerv 3 Ritchie (4) Harter (13) Reaves (181 Briggs S S. Calaba 8. McCarRer 1. 5, Hartman S, Roth 2. NS. Shlpman 2 .Graves 3. Ofllclals Bates, Wickert. Beard. of Ihe Reason insi wewnu . Mr-night . . . They inumpni w. noon, euppnaiiy - ui it, kmLpn hand. KM". rX' otalW 73 porin his warmup acainst tough U 7:,.m. t.m ha. l nrd un Loacn uee ' r- -.. ,-- , . c. Kuscne and a number of his boys Capital Jamboree To Kiek Off Hoop Play Friday ISigli I The second annual Capital Con ference Basketball Jamboree will kick oft the basketball season for Ihe member schools of the Capi tal Conference Friday with eight teams to compete at the South ha lem High school gym. First game Ex-Paddock's include Jack Shcr- ""A" m,;. and .lack McElrary, who very capauiy imes wil Ve featured In several prelims against the Oregon and OSC freshmen this season. . Our nominations for the two hardest hitting prep football teams of thrw would be the champ.ons and the runnerups Marshhrld and Silvcrton. The league will be divided into "North" and "South" teams, with North Marion. Gervais, Woodburn and Ml. Angel making up the North team, and Serra Catholic of Salem. Silverton, Stayton and Cas cade making up the South team. There will be four games, each with two six-minute halves. Game matchings will be made at a draw ing to be held at 7:15. The Capital Conference appears to be well balanced for the coming season and the race for the cham pionship should be Interesting. It will be the first time that the win ner of the league, which is now District R-A2. will go into slate tournament play without the need 6:30 p m. Zilk-Smithers Co. vs Unitarians. 7-in Rfen Typewriter vs. Loder of district tournament or playoffs .Student tickeis tor inc jamnoree Restate Attorneys vs. Jun.or - ,n V. mW ,t City Volleyball Play ' Tn Begin Thurwlay Matches are tn begin Thursday Brothers. In the YMCA snonsored City Vol- levball leacue, according to Dale.Chambei of Commerce. ! South Ratcm gym on the night of nvvm.n nhvMcal director. Next Tuesday, at 5.M. First i the event. Doors will open at 6:30 The Khedult Thursday: j I Baptist will meet aough-Barrick.lp.rru OREGON PREP RESULTS North Salem 55, South Salem 47 Serra 47, Salem Academy 32 . Stayton 43, Central 34 Woodburn 53, Dayton 42 Sherwood 24. North Marlon 20 Sandy 46 ,Mt. Angel 40 Kstacada 48. Washougal 44 Tall 6J. Sheridan SO Jefferson hi). Shedd 20 . Sublimity 34. Chemawa 29 Valsetz 92. MaeLaren 35 ' Gaston 53, Ferrvdale 27 Col ton 62, St. Paul 43 Philomath 34, Alsea 19 . (Ivrvals 37. Santiam 25 Cen'ral Catholic 60, Roosevelt i both Portland) Lincoln (Portland) 61, Gresham 41 Forest Grove 48, Wilson (Portland) 40 Star of the Sra (Aftoria) 30, llwarn lWanh.1 32 Hood River 50. White Salmon i Wash, i :12 CohurR .Hi Haloev 32 Park rose 55, Conrordia (Portland) 4ft Silrt? XI. Tnlrdn 77 SprniRheld fi, Wlllamelte iKugenr) 56 Molallft 51, Lakt Oswi-bo 3D HcrmMrm 66, Eastern t)re(on frosh SO Brownsville fin. Morftiwk 2fl Eugene 73, Albany 55 West Linn 57, Beavertnn 46 Baridon 3!), La n fto Is 23 Coquille bit, Stu'law 41 Scappoode 51, David Douglas Portland I 47 Knappa fi2, Vernnnia 3d The Dallei 7ft. Goldendale (Wish.) 62 riatskanle 97. NVahkahnle 2S I'.avle Point SO. rtoeue River 29 Tillamook 54, Newport 52 Verboort 3fl, Hill Military I Port land I 25 Harrtshuri 55, Elmira 4S Lowell 54. Creiwell 45 Corbclt S9. Banki 2fl Oakridfe 71, Pleasant Ht!l 4 Sweet Home 53, Junction CUy 41 Westflr 50, Monroe 40 Prescott (Wash t 5. Weiton 55 Ccho 55, Ptlol Rock 44 COI.LEfJE BASKETBALL Linfield 72, Oreon Collefe 67 San Jose Stale S2, Arhroni State (Tempei 71 Collene of Pacific 9. Sacramento State 52 Lewi and Clark 72. Portland St 50 North Carolina State 73, Wake Forest 6.1 Oklahoma AM 52. Bavor 5! North Carolina 9. Furman 66 firton Hall fH. R.anoke 51 Groraia Tern 67 Murrav Stale 64 Weit Vireini Tt, Florida Slate M Vtrtinia lerh Tf Rirhrrnd 71 Central WanhlnRton "R. Seattle Panflr 70 Whitworth 65, F.astern Waihinfton I'tah 03. Hawaii M Indian 44, ValparaiM IT Opening Iffl PI uuis mm SKHBA (47) (3J) 1AI.KSI ACAn. f,113K .L II I I I I I iiS Sfiffi?, ? ? 2 8K!l? S S S '. WMSW 3 Holer Sleeveless . gl Nalhman 101 r (B Vest Halftime score: Serra 25, Salem IQKWflN vEIJBtVI Workman (6) ... F (i) Hcdlecoek Academy 13. VmXWl I T. I LjPr ft. Gaviola (18) c (17) Budke Odlclals: Vanderwort and Nelson. MfLtJ . Town Kltlg . tCCtfiSllofl V. Bellaque (10) g (81-Nulbrok . VfSstfO ' P.V.kl ek la?i Vl Chapelle (0) .. G (2) W.lthers M . ilaa ' " Mb01 1P5SPM4 Reserves scorlmj: Woodburn: Halter SOU til Meet rOStponett, rfvCTl 7 Colon I VCJl !& 'Ofi tciv,V4VV5lS?,yf,.W- D,y- Th. S.ulh S..m.B..rton ? . . !tlS Officials: Mull and stetr. swimming meet, orinlnally el iuS5ka C f nl U "i . lcirlPri Z : .itor WedndaT at the YMCA, ' - 1st vs. First Chrislian. wai eancelled, announcer! Alh- lfalg4M W ' fOl . 7:00-Boys Gym, First ' Metho- lctlc Director Hnrnld Hnuk. HSifeH '''W.f"T. GRltSlSSS dist vs. Garden Hood Chrislian. Next meet for the Saxonn la WWA1' &t& feS 8:00 Boys Gym, Orcfion Deaf I the stale meet, scheduled for Ell- KXllO aStaSfSi School vs. SI. Mark's Lutheran. 1 tent Dec, 15. m i!5Ti3 Men'x PlS i aSwl fL 1 ROBES i koctiori Kr. OriO rurwrino, ft 1 1 l SfWY J ) !- 'i'"-!- I 4"lf Botany gnfl I twtertwert.WW I V t3b5C& l -1 ' I M Rgal k Ihe wars), horo k hp SJk. 'tSSaC "ZeF fy I K.S.t iii I $1295' PI S95 ll miiM rid ra lr; Im v ka " i unniii unn li i. mwbi uw. ..h.... n iwiai Illlffl l SPORT SHIRTS I 1 WINTERIZED CfVIO95 i I hibhww mm t&mmsm I nut .h.ii hi9hwcy .,.. Uljff MM Et-Y N We Give Green Stamps I add, ,o,of.r driving BlXM'WV Ill I M en th. w.l o, icy '5, f, fa IZA e&Ti&rt I 3 MM &' You ocluotlr fel hSt -U - --te 4tJ 1? ft H I YOUR IOCAL OK STORE CARRIES THE COMPLETE IINE Of'SAfiZ&jl y") g yjYy iWiTTTarj I Op.n Mondsy C.pilol