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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1956)
I jfcormrTg Weeks .M Feature Coffees, Open House Events With (he starl of December the gay holiday entertaining period is launched. The new week brings a flock of parties, including many small, informal neighborhood gatherings. Hoals Sunday Hosts for one of the pro-Christmas open houses will be Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Walling and Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Post on Sunday. The two couples have invited a large Kroup of friends to call between 3:30 and 6:30 o'clock at the Walling home on Linden, Candalaria Heights. Coffee On Tuesday Three young matrons will entertain Tuesday for one of the gala coffee parties planned next week., Mrs. John H. Kolb, Mrs. Oscar H. Specht and Mis. Robert H. Hamilton arc to bo hostesses to friends for a coffee at the Kolb home on Hansen, Tuesday, guests being invited to call between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Invited to pour at the service upstairs are Mrs. G. F. Chambers. Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Mrs. H. G. Maison and .Mrs. Robert DcArmond. In the, group pouring at the downstairs service will be .Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mrs. !(ilchie M. Tu.ncr, 'Mrs. Kr Win Bahlburg of Newport, formerly of Salem,. and Mrs. Loland Shtnn. In the group assisting about the rooms and In serving will be Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. Dave Hosk, Mrs. Hillary Elzel, Mrs. Elton McGilchrist, Mrs. Jack Price. Mrs. James Armpriest, Mrs. Jerry Whipple, Mrs, Douglas Chambers. Mrs. Robert Hurrcll, Mrs. Carlton J, McLeod, Mrs. Philip M. Rowley, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Wayne Hadlcy, Mis, George W. Dewey, Jr., Mrs. William. M. Smith, Mrs.- Edwin Snider, Mrs. Charles Weebcr, Mrs. Leonard Hicks. Mrs. John Munro of Oswego. Mrs. Ed Bishop of Eugene, Mrs. Amcdde Smith III of Eugene, Mrs. Sam R. Haley, Mrs. Samuel W. Rnbh, Mrs. Warren Hunter of Dallas, Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden. Mrs. James York. Mrs. K. A. Linden, Jr., Mrs. Burdelle Owen, Mrs. William Heard, Mrs. George Sirnio, Mrs, Otlo Skopil, Mrs. Robert Price, Mrs. Stuart McElhinny, Mrs. Ted Carlson, Mrs. Thomas M. Wood. Wednesday Party ' Mrs. Vern W. Miller, Mrs. Arthur Erickson and Mrs. Urlin S. Page will bo hostesses Wednesday tjiorning for another of the week's large coffee parties, the affair to be at the new home of the Millers- on West Washington, Falrmount If ill. - Guests are bidden to call bclwea 10 a.m. and J "p.m. Pouring will be Mrs. U. Scott Page, Mrs. II. L. Stiff, Mrs. Frank Foster of Mc.Minnvillc, Mrs. James R. Humphrey, Mrs. P. D. Quiscnberry, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Sr., Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. Bjarnc Erlckscn. ". In the group assisting will be Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs. ArUiur Fisher, Mrs. William L. Lid beck, Mrs. James L. Payne, Mrs. Homer L. Gnulcl, Mrs. Charles W. Mills, Mrs, William H. Hammond, Mrs, Steve Tabacchi, Mrs. James C. Stone, Mrs. Stuart M. Lanceficld, Mrs. Charles D. Wood, Mrs, Glenn Woodry, Mrs. V. D. McMullcn, Mrs. T. Har old Tomlinson, Mrs. Mark Astrup. Mrs. P. H. Brydon, Mrs. Vern Shay, Mrs. Charles Clarke, Mrs. W. Wells Baum, Mrs. A. T. King, Mrs. Ward R. Davis, Mrs. J. B. Monnette, Mrs. Walter Guid Inger, Mrs. Robert F. Wulf, Mrs. Donald McCar gar, Mrs. John J. Griffith, Mrs. Edward 0. Statu. er, Jr., Mrs. Wnlcotl E. Huron, Mrs. Ellis Von Eschon, Mrs. , Wintield Needhnm, Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. John R. Caughell, Mrst Kenneth fer ry, Mrs. George Wellcr. Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. -James G. Watts. Dinner Hosts i Dean and Mrs. Mclvin II. Geist and Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom arc lo entertain this next week at two parlies in the series they arc giving. Both affairs will bo at the Falrmount Hill home of the Geists. On Friday night a group of IB will be enter tained at dinner and bridge. On Sunday evening. December V, a group of 25 or so has been invited for a supper. Saturday Parly An event of next Saturday niRht, December , will be the. annual pre-Chrislmas party given by Sigmas, organization for wives of Sigma Chi mem bers, The affair will be at the Merrill I). Oliling home (or all members and husbands,' between 7 and 9 o'clock, Mrs. Charles Gray, Mrs. Winstnncly .lonks and Mrs. Otln J. Wilson are on the committee arrang ing for the party. Pre - Christmas Season' Busy One . . . . Many 'Parties' Listed J3l ' k W i w: 1 M Mil t ' h " W . v in ; L M u bum k W' : ' Ik Iliwi Dm 1 11 imim I ll tmimittmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk . t;:v...-i-j:i.i (Capita) Journal picture) Y-TEENS PLAN ANNUAL DANCE EVENT for a large group of young people will be the annual "SnoBall" dance of Salem Y Teen groups next Saturday night, December 8, at the YWC'A. On the committee arranging the affair are the four above, left to right: Misses Marilyn Zeller, Sally Iticwald, Marilyn Murphy (scaled), general chairman, and Judy Woods, 'Sno-Ball'Set A big prc-holiday event for the high school youth will be the annual "Sno-ball" dance of the Y-Teens of South and North Salem High schools next Satur day night, December 8. The semi-formal parly will bo in the YWCA, between 9 and 12 o'clock. Patrons for tlio evening include Mr .and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. H. IS. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bul man, Mr. and Mrs. William Stolk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Baker, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Gerlingcr. Miss Marilyn Murphy is general chairman. Heading committees working with her are Misses Judy Woods, Linda Ctishman and Sally Ricwald, decorations; Miss Marilyn Zeller, programs and music: Miss Margie Anderson, refreshments; Miss Pat 'l'hor, patrons; Miss Carol Stolk and Miss Sue Jackson, ticket sale; Miss Wanda Coc, refresh ments; Miss Beverly Ready, cleanup; Miss Sharon Jensen, publicity. Christinas parly for Alpha Xi Delia alumnae is calendared lor next Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Robin Day with Mrs. Roderick Livesley and Mrs. Glenn Slovens as co-lioslesses. Mrs. Ted Carlson, Mrs. Lloyd Hamlin, Mrs. William Gallo way. Jr. and Mrs. Orville Kannier, Jr. arc on Ihe program committee. There will be a gift exchange. Thealrc Ails group is meeting on Tuesday for luncheon at 12:30 o'clock at the home ol Mrs. Morris Crolliors, 1517 Court s'lreet. Mrs. Crothcrs will review the musical, "My Fair Lady." Regular business session and luncheon for Sa lem Soroplimist club will be next Wednesday nuon at the Golden Pheasant. Hostess to her neighborhood bridge club next Thursday for luncheon and afternoon will be Mrs. Lawrence A. Ballmer, entertaining at her South High street home. lit L ltkkSk Iff y METHODIST WOMEN SET FOR BAZAAR Jstrn-Mlllr ttudlo plrtur) WOMEN'S ARMY AND NAVY LEAGUE PLANS DANCE (Jcsten-Miller studio picture) THE ANNUAL pre-Christmas dance of Salem Women's Army and Navy league will be next Friday night at the Senator hotel. The group above is working on decorations for the event. Left to right: Mesdames Logan C, Berry, Kenneth Daiton, . L. Freeman, John Jacobs, Cecil Dill. By MARIAN LOWKY FISCHER (Capital Journal Society Editor) jg- ALEM Symphony society board plans a meeting for Tuesday night at fl o'clock at C3' the home of Mrs. Frank Burlingham, 360 Nnrlh 14th street. The meeting is arranged especially for the ticket sales committee and workers on the ticket sales. Next concert of Ihe Portland Symphony or chestra here is booked for January. Mrs. George M. Schwarz is ticket sales chairman. John Kornfeld, manager of the Portland Sym phony orchestra, is to be here for the meeting and discuss with the workers points on ticket sales. Among ticket workers attending the meeting will be Mrs. Robert R. Johnson, Mrs. William Schriver, Miss Lillian Rudy, Mrs. Thomas Joseph, Mrs. Ken neth Potts, Mrs. H. W. Shogren, Mrs. Richard Rawlinson, Mrs. George Squire, Mrs. Victor Pal mason, Mrs. A. T. King, Mrs. Robert Schneider, Mrs. J. B. Avison, Mrs. Henry Meyer. Board mem bers also will attend. Refreshments will be served. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Eason is their son-in-law, Major Murray Cameron, who is with Strategic Air Command, and is being transferred to Mountain Home, Idaho. Chapter CQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. T. K. Pierson, 235 West Ewald, for 1 p.m. luncheon. Co-hostess is Mrs. G. W. Bruce. Mrs. Cliff Robinson will pre sent a foreign student for the program. NNUAL Christmas party given by mem bers of Marion-Polk County Medical so xlXi. ciety for their wives will be next Satur day night, December 8, at the Marion hotel. The social hour will be at 7 o'clock, the dinner at 8:30 o'clock, dancing to start at 9:30 o'clock with Harry Wescly's orchestra playing. Dr. and Mrs. Irvin B. Hill. Dr. and Mrs. Ray mond Martin and Dr. and Mrs. George J, Shunk are on the committee for the evening. Phi Mu alumnae of Salem are meeting next Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. George A. Brown, the luncheon planned for today having been postponed. Hostess to the Drama class for luncheon and program on Tuesday will be Mrs. Chester A. Downs. Chapter G of P.E.O. Sisterhood is to meet next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Melvin H. Gcist at 1:15 o'clock with Mrs. Robert L. Elf strom as co-hostess. - Dance Dec. 7 On the social calendar for next Friday night, Decemver 7, is the semi-formal dinner dance of Salem Women's Army and Navy league. . The party, featuring Christmas time decora tions, will be at the Senator hotel. Members are inviting guests. The social hour will be at 7:30 o'clock, the din ner at 8 o'clock, dancing to start at 9 o'clock. Mrs. E. L. Freeman heads the social committee in charge. On the decorating committee are Mrs. Thomas Olson, Mrs. Victor Collins, Mrs. Cecil Dill, Mrs. Logan C. Berry, Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mrs. J. G. Haller. In charge of invitations are Mrs. W. R. Schaefer, Mrs. Kenneth Daiton, Mrs. Thomas A. McPheeters, Mrs. Julian Falleur and Mrs. R. J. Jacobs. Mrs. Richard D. Slater will entertain for her study club at luncheon and the afternoon, Monday. Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele and Mrs. E. M. Booth are new members of the group. Chi Omega alumnae group is planning a Christ mas party in honor of the active members of the sorority at Willamette university, Tuesday, De cember 18, at the home of Mrs. Frank A. Brown. The group met Thursday evening at Eola Acres florist, for a demonstration of Christmas decora tions by Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Miss Helcne Schucking and Robert Schucking. Refreshments were served by the hosts. CAMA club's holiday dance will be next Sat urday night, December 8, at Knights of Columbus hall. Dancing will be between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. with Urs Wolfer's orchestra playing. Christmas decorations will be featured. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Ferguson, Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Esch are on the committee. Gamma Phi Beta alumnae will meet next Tues day for 8:30 o'clock dinner at the home of Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington. Mrs. Jack G. Haller, Mrs. Dwight Quisenberry and Mrs. Jack Gell are co-hostesses. Salem General Hospital auxiliary is meeting next Tuesday morning at the hospital for its monthly session at 10 o'clock. All members are in vited to attend. Christmas party for St. Agnes guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church will be next Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the guild room of the church. Hostesses are Miss Lillian Davis, Miss Marjorie Harris, Miss Elizabeth Porter, Mrs. Daesy Chance and Mrs. C. F. Nordstrom. Miss Irene deLisle and Miss Vivian Chandler are in charge of the program. ANOTHKR of Ihe church baiaars comes next week, women of the Klrst Mrlhodld church plsnnlng their event on Thursday. Shown here lth some of the candles and dolls to be on dlsplsy are, left to right; Mrs. Merlin Eilcp, Jr, Mn. P. A. Fugate, Mn, John Carr, Mrs. C. Ronald lludkins. Crown guild of the First Presbyterian church will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. L. V. Ben son, 1995 East Nob Hill. Co-hostesses are Mrs. James Hardy, Mrs. Richard A. Meyer and Mrs. Barney VanOnsenoord. A Christmas program will be presented at 1:15 p.m. and Mrs. Robert Stevens will stng. Guest speaker for the guild will be Anders Frykholm, exchange student from Stockholm, Swe den, who is to show slides and tell about Christ mas in his home country. 1 Miss Nelke Wed This Morning Pretty colors marked the wedding of Miss F.H.nbotli Rose Nelke and Richard Charles Mitch ell, the ceremony being solemnized at 11 o'clock this morning in St. Joseph's Catholic church. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nich olas J. Nelke of Salem and Mr. Mitchell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mitchell of Portland. The Rev. Joseph E. Vanderbeck officiated at the riles. Baskets of white chrysanthemums with raspberry colored bows decorated the front of the church for the service, and the front pews were marked off with white bows. For the music, Mrs. Charles Nelke, sister -in-law of the bride, and Pete Wright sang, Mrs. Raymond Barton playing the organ. ' The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, wore a floor length dress of tulle ajid lace. The bodice was fitted with long sleeves and a Queen Anne collar of hand clipped Chantilly lace. Panels of lace in front and back enhanced the skirt, side panes being of nylon tulle. The illusion fingertip length veil was held in place by a tiarn headpiece. The bride carried a cascade bouquet ot white roses with tufts of raspberry tufts. The raspberry shades featured the frocks of the bride's attendants. Mrs. William A. Trumm was matron of honor for her sister. Miss Deanna Nelke, also sister of the bride, and Miss Carolyn Pappert were the bridesmaids. All three wore bal lerina length frocks of raspberry frosted ' crystal cite mode with scoop necklines ' and bouffant skirls, with a large bow at the low waistline at the back of each dress. All wore white velvet head bands accented with raspberry colored flowers and all carried, snowball arrangements of raspberry carnations with white net and showers of minia ture snowballs. Jack Mitchell was best man for his brother. The ushers were Paul Daschel and Nazairc Smith. The bride's mother wore a charcoal gray suit with pink accessories and a corsage of feathered pink carnations and baby pink roses. The bride groom's mother wore a brown and gold dress with cinnamon brown accessories and her flowers were pink roses and feathered carnations with gold ribbon. Guests were invited to a reception this after noon in the basement room of St. Joseph's school. Mrs. Stan Hathaway, aunt of the bridegroom, cut the cake. Mrs. Louis Classen, aunt of the bride, poured. Assisting at the reception were Miss Jan cite Hills, Miss Rosemary Dougherty. Miss Do lores Schultr. Misses Macyle McKinney, Margie Mtschel. Betty Guenther. Mary Pietrok, Frances Tietrok. and Mrs. Lyle Mackey. For her traveling attire the bride wore a char coal black suit with powder blue accessories and I corsage of garnet roses with tufts of silver net. Following a trip to the coast the couple will be tt home t Mo S.E. Stark street, Portland. South Salem Lions club auxiliary is meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Clarence Feller. Mrx. Max Dolczal and Mrs. Nels Johnson will be co-hostesses. Members are asked to take their rummage for tho December 7 sale. Salem Weavers guild Is meeting Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Frank Crawford, Wal lace road. This is to be the Christmas party. Mem bers are asked to bring articles of their weaving done during the class lessons at Bush House. ami ii , t , ' "-'l Hi -"TE f (Stelmonts atudlo picture) MRS. RICHARD CHARLES MITCHELL WED THIS morning at a service In St. Joseph's Catholic churrh was Mrs. Richard Charles Mitchell (Elizabeth Rose Nelke), above. The bride Is Ihe daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Nelke and Mr. Mitchell Is the son of the Richard C. Mitchells ot Portland. -