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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 1, 1956 Save time -Save money Mil m EXP Make Life ACCOUNTING SERVICE Leon A. Flscus , Ph. 3-5285. 1509 4th St. ADDING MACBINU i rn 36773. APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co 74 So Cok-'I Pn 4-3IH S & T. Gas Conversion Burners. Repair gas controls. Ph. 4-4685 t HlllMi t rtl-TJOl Beddinn Mam. nnvators New mattresses 3-4D611 . BRICK it BLOCK MASON BRIL'K and block Work euar anteed Ph. 4-6435. CABINETS Kitchen remodeling, catatnets. lazy daisies, formica top 4-4253 CARPENTER'CONTRACTOR H"me Building i Re-modeline. Will Build, or help you build. Ralph M. Scheidel. Ph. 2-0701. CEBAMIC TIL I Valley Art Tile Co Bathroom., drainpoards. fireplaces. Free est gladly. Ph 4-W5S. CORSETTIERE CHARIS CORSETTIERE 2380 Lansing Ph. 2-9519 CRANF WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand & Gravel Co 2-2461 600 Employment 604 Help Wonted, Men I BOYS, 16 yrs., to set Pins. B. & B. Bowl, 3085 Portland Rd. MALE College student wants work eve. after 6, tk Sat., also inru rioiiaays. rn. 3-6628. MEN interested in employment as Psychiatric Aids, at the State Hasp., report tor exam ination ai me usm t. cafeteria in the Public Service Bldg. on un. cvu., uec. ora ai i p.m. (Use CaDitol St. entr... Armli cants must be U.S. citizens, in good health, at least 21 yrs. of age 606 Help Wonted, Lady BABYSITTER wanted, my home, udys, n.eizer uist. z-7637. LADY for housework St care of cnuaren. eoa N. Front. WANTED: Woman to do hnu. work, 2 in family, all modern uuine. jive in. fn. 4-tsaa. STEWARDESSES Overs e a s nouies. write us ior career in formation. PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS, Seattle Tacoma International Airport, "vaiuo oo, w Hailing ion. 610 Soles Help Wonted SALESMAN, have car. No exp. MAN to move to Newberg At nine uver ruuer .orusn xtouie, $100 weekly comm. to start. rn. j-tMDf, MAN with car for outside sales work. Electrolux Corp., 1079 ctroaaway. 612 Work Wanted, Mew PAINTING, bv hour or contract exp., clean worker. Joe Hud son, rn. CARPENTER work; repair, new. remodel in e hr. nr rnn, ' tract. Richard Ras, Ph. 3-4716. CARPENTER, renair or remo- deling by nr. or contract. No .loo too small J-4B5. HOUSE Painting in & Charlie Greene. 4-7198. FREE estimates on floor cover ings or drainboards. R. L. EU strom Co.. 260 S. Liberty. CARPENTER. Remodel St pair, work guar. $1.50 hr. 4-7782 Painting St Paperhanglng Any size job Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson 3-8493 Interior At exterior L. C. Elofson. 3-7697 or 3-6857 eve. LOU'S tree service, topping, prune, cabling. 4-8301. Cement work, prompt service. Ernest Drake, Ph. 4-6339. CARPENTER WORK, day contract 2-1842. PAINTING Inter, good brushes. Job or hr. Reas. 3-3935. Want Janitor or Yard Work. Ref. Ph. 4-1434. Carpenter & Repair Work Ph. 2-1459 WATCH Se clock repair. Ostby, 141 S. Liberty. WANTED Tree pruning; top ping At removing. Hedges At shrubs trimmed. Ph. 2-5480. CA R PENTER work the way YOU want it.. Ph. 4-8285. 614 Work Wonted, Lody BLIND man's wife needs work badly. 1337 Mkt. Ph. 2-0748. RELIABLE 17 yr. old Hi. School girl needs after school At week end work, has transportation. Ph. 4-7243 eve. 7 to 9. WILL care for elderly person (my home) Ph. 3-5068. HOUSE work by hr. or day. Ph. 3-9433 eves. CHILD care my home while you work or shop. 1540 Nebraska, WANT to baby sit with child as companion for my little girl. 4130 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4 081 3 . CHILD care by hr.. Day. So" East Dist. Ph. 3-3090. CHILD care mv home, South by hr. wk. oi- mo. Ph. 4-98S2. CHILD caru, 1st $1 day. rest 75c. hr. 20c. JCorners. 2-9572. CHILDcare-by week or month. Ph. 3-5677. DRESSMAKING At alterations, dil types. Mrs. Day Ph. 4-7156. RELIABLE naby sitter my hnme day or night. Ref Ph. 3'Sfl5g, CHILD' care, my home. West Salem.Ph. 3-5677. CHILD care, mv hnme. week or month, reas. price. Ph. 4-PW2, Mi n M KtH A PH JNG fi65 N 1th typing . Mrs Ph 1-3643 CHILD care while you shop or work, my warm home by hr or day. 440 MILL. 2-7490. WILL babv sit eves, your home. W Salem dist Pb- 4-9540 CHILD care mv home 4 Corners ph. 3-6349. 25c hr. day or night. 615 Siruotiont Wonted SMALL carpenter Jobs. Very Reas. Ph. evei. ATTENTION. Roof leak. Reroof now & save I repair work, gutters cleaned. Alio will best all competition. KINGS ROOF CO. Ph. 4-3722. BUILDINGS WRECKED Ph. 3-9S26 VTT Carpenter new or old reuonibte. Ph. 4-7704. 0 Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! FLUOR COVERINGS NORR1S nil irvD a..-, r.- Floor-covennc. Division Dual ity njtill.Uon. Unoleum, As. Philt & Rubber Tile, will tile FOUNDATION ii WALLS Blue Panel Form Co. Free EiU mates. Ph. 4-3688. GRADING ft DOZING BULLDOZING. 5.50 per hr Ex-, iiKiicninR, me lay. lng. septics, ' etc: Enoch 1. rn. ..jan alter s a.m Bulldozing, leveling, land clear. "K. m;an uvomson, -87117. DOZING Hh 2-0952 & LEVELING - O PANTOVIC'h BULLDOZING, grading St land clearing Elmo W Locker owner Se operator. Ph. 3-4613. BULLDOZING, clearing roads, ponds. D-4, D-8 carryall. V HusKfy Ph. 2-31. PLUMBING. Remodel Se new construction lie, plumber 2-9598 TREE pruning, topping, also shrub pruning, free est. 4-B352. RECORDING STUDIOS ALL types of music or speech recorded by Connelly. 2-7821. ROTO-VATING Roto-Vator work wanted. Vincent Kremer 2-3180 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted SMALL carpenter jobs, good work, reasons Die. Ph. 4-1424. HEMSTITCHING DONE AT 1551 MARKET -ARPENTER wk., any kind. reas. 4240 Macleay Rd. Ph. 4-5961. FAIRYLAND Kindergarten & Nursery, now rehearsing Christmas Program; those in terested Ph. 2-7658 or 2-8147. Care of all ages 25u hr, 7 to 11 p.m. 855 Mission. SCHARFI BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields, Power Ditching, .Backfill. Ph 2-5568 or 3-3072. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling grading. 3-7042. U Kurtn. 618 Education HIGH SCHOOL at Horn Finish your Hi Sch'I. In your spare time. No classes. Books furn. Low tuition. Free booklet. AMERICAN SCHOOL. BU fe-7650 6343 N. Interstate, Portland 17. Ore DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT Mechanically minded men are neeaea to tram for Jobs in the Diesel field. We are now conducting FREE our scientif ic aptitude tests In this area. There is no obligation to find out it you can qualify for this field which Is paying top wages. If you are between the ages of 20 and 46, write to box. 4i3, aiatcsman-journai. 620 Doy and Contract M. 3h vd. shovel, erane has. org. nne. zs-ion moDiie cranes. D4. D7 eats, carrv all Hear. lng blade. Rental contract or unu prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 140 N Front St Ph. 2-2481 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Roomi, Boord CLEAN, warm rm., cooking & jaunary privileges, yjo h Church. COMFORTABLE rm. steam heat private home, 2 blocks town Ac slate house. Girl only 2-1722 704 x erry. conv., close in. 660 Marlon. LIGHT hskpg. rms., all util 111 Che' lurn. & mo. meketa. NICE furn. rms. for rent. 575 N. Cottage St. CLOSE In 1st. fir. Sleeping rm. 658 center si. NICE lg. rm. at the Chalet with ooara, jpu n. -apuoi. -jotj. PLEASANT rm. adjoining bath for gentleman, z-4347. ATTRACTIVE Irg. clean rms. reas. close in. pvt. em., 4-7t. WANTED Man to room and board, ibso center. TV. clean, nicely furn. sleeping rm.. men so wk. rn. g-mv. BOARD & ROOM 850 E. St. Ph. 3-8706 MAN slpg. rm., TV, priv. ent laua is. npuoi. -om. CLEAN, warm rms. T.V., close 2ia s winter z-uza NICELY furn. room, also bsmt, spt, close in. 939 . winter. HOME away from home. Men. TV. racK iuncnes. wva n. ski, 705 Aportmenti For Rent 3 RM. apt, furn. $25. 915 S. 12th. FURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. Near bus 6c store, mo. jowj ron land Rd. FURN. or unfurn. 2 bdrm. court. Near North Hi. 812 N. 14th. 1 & 3 rm. furn. apt. front. All util. furn. 397 N. Liberty 3-7695. NEW 1 bdrm. with stove A re frig, reas. call 3-6922. ATTRACT, newly dec. 1 or 2 rm. furn. apt. 2 blocks M&F. Ph. 2-7830. ATTRAC. 3 rm. court apt. S.E. Salem $45Ph2-7520. 2 RM. furn. apt. IkC'IOW Madi- son P h -44754 . CUTE clean court apt. furn. $35. Ph. 4-5442, or 2-0817. FURN. upstairs 2 bdrm. apt. Ph. Eve. 2-3190. 3 RM. nicely furn. pvt. hath, clean, $35. Ph. 4-4020 or 3-8811. FURN. 3 rms. new decor., priv. entr, 1st dr., water, light, ht. RcasCall 11-2. 1673 Sagina w. SPARKLING clean 1 bdrm. du plex apt. nicely furn. off street parking. 743 S. Commercial. BSMT7furn. Block to Capitol Bldgs. Radiator heat, utilities pd. Adults $30. 3-6254 after 3. ATTRACT. 1 bdrm. ct. apt. un furn. stovt St rerjg. tine view Dallas Rd. Phone 2-2908. 874 N. CHURCH 2 rm. furn. apt. S35. Pn 4-7H3. rURN. 1 bdrm. apt JIM Fair grounds Rd. $55 mo. Ph. J-9M0 after 5 p.m. CLOSE In nice furn. apts. util. -$35. TMarlon.2-S223. 74TERRY lrg. 3 bedroom re dec, unfurn . el in. heat ic ater. Adults. Ph.' 4-0015. SAND A GRAVEL SALEM SAND RRAVV.I i n Ready mix concrete, crushed ana rouna gravel, (am and lor- ViAlAAltU SAND AND GKAVtL 1625 McGilchrist Crushed quarry rocks and gravei. ah size for roadi. driveways and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Ga r d n sand, bull-dozing. Biiuvci aiiu araguni worn 3-9249. VALLEY SAND A r.RAVRI im .rusnea round travel sand con, mm. z-tuuz. Stl'UL Sfc-KVICk frank . Harrv' Pnuar nilnklx H.H1IIOIUII acrven ocpuc I a OKI unin neios Tiling PH. 20106, Salem, Ore. Hamtl't septic tanks cleaned. une service tiuarani-eo worn Phone 3-7404 or 3-5072. HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. wera. septic tanks cleaned. 3-5327 MIKE'S Septic service lanki cleaned D'rootei cleans sewers drains Phone 3-W6a TV Service, $3.50 per call at nome. No tlx, no eng. 2-0817. Salem's oldest home owned Co. Hundreds ot local references, free inspection. Ph. 2-0781. Prevention, treatment, repairs, free estimates. Ph. 2-6280. TO PUVCE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 700 Rentals 705 Aportments for Rent REAL nice 4 rm. lower flat, firepl., bsmt., garage. No chil dren or pets.. You'll like this. Only $65. 1873 Court. FURN. 3 rm. apt. all util. pd. $40 mo. 365 S. 16th. ATTRACTIVE 2 rm. Ph. 2-7B45. SMALL furn. apt. close to bus & church. 1118 Huge. NICE 3 rms. furn., priv. en trance, water & elcc. furn. Close to bus. Ph. 2-1070. NICELY furn. 2 rms. priv. hath, util. Call after 5. 420 S. 20th. Ph. 2-9875. 4 RM. furn. apt. close In. 1st fir. 935 Oak. Ph. 2-6776. 3 Rm. furn. pvt. bath, entrance. 937.50. ft. 3-5833 or 2-2583. ROOMY 2 bdrm. furn. apt. Ph. CLEAN 1 bdrm. apt Refrig. & stoves furn., also util. fh. 3-7145. UNFURlT. 3 rm. court apt., elec. 2 RM. bsm't. apt., priv. bath. $35. 1115 N. 19th. 3-7641. FURN. 3 rms., heat, water furn. $35. Ph. 4-8124. 1 RM. furn apt. util. paid. $28. Newly dec. Ph. 4-2885. FURN. 3 rms., washing facil ities, pnone, stm. tit. 4-WJBi FURN". 4 rm. apt, util, 365$ S. Com'l. Ph. 2-5355. CLEAN, warm, small apt. close in. uauy. ota perry, j-ioaf. JANSSEN COURT hpt., clean, good loc. E. Rural at S, 13th St., near shop, cent. & bus. FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm., heated, 1411 Court St. Apts. 2 FIRST fir. furn. $30-$35, car port, TV antenna, 3-9639. THE CENTURY, 1961 CENTER. New lrg. dlx. 2 bdrm. Apts. NEWLY decor. 3 rm. furn. pv't. ent.. bath. Util. pd. 419 S. 19. 2 BDRM, lrg. modern, range & rcirig. ground nr., amo x oarm apt. Upper, clost to Down town. Eastridge Apts. 1055 Edgewatcr. CLEAN, furn., close In trailer, gentleman $25. 4-1466, 245 Un ion. ATTRACT, furn. 2 rm. apt. close in. priv. entr. $2a. 4-7H67. CLEAN pleasant furn. heated apts. all util. 450 S. Capitol. LE MAR COURTS 1 bdrm. unfurn., range, refrig., some util. Adults. 1435 Trade. FURN. Clean, Close in, pvt. bath bc em. iHz a. tiign. MODERN Furnished Court. 1 bedroom. West Salem, can 4-6875 evenings call 2-8743. FURN. court. Liv. rm. bedrm kitchenette & bain $43. 2155 Trade. Ph. 4-7472. CLOSE in clean 1 lg. bdrm. iurn., adults, $35. Also l bsmt. rm. bachelor. Inq. 375 Market. FRONT ri i. furn. apt., util., Lady. 892 Capitol, kitchen. 2-6249. THE LEE SALEM'S Most Distinguished Address One-bdrm. units, unfurnished. Available now. $94 and $105 mo., include all utilities ex cept elec, Elec. range and re frig. furnished. 585 N. Win ter. FURN. Apt..' $38.50, util. incl., emp. person oniy. in. -io . 2 RM. partly furn Apt. natural gas neai v cooKing ta. iear hospital. 1725 Center. 2 BDRM. apt. 2 blk. of Hospital. uax. rn. j bio. BACHELOR apt., warm, com- lortaniy iurn., priv. Datn, an util. lnc'l. in reas. rent. 2 blk. M&F & State Bldg. 468 N. Winter. OPEN HOUSE Sunday. Dee. 2. 1-5:30. Riviera Apis. if3i . Kiver rq. i-n. 3-7632 or 3-9640. 3 RM. furn. gr. fir. 3 rm, furn. znn nr. ne-ficc. reas. ZJW) N. 18th. Ph. 2-67B7. 3 RMS. priv. bath. furn. Close to State Bldgs. & shpg. ctr. $55 per mo. 1248 Center. FURN. 3 rm. priv. bath, close slate bldg s. 3-7310 mornings & eve. CLEAN furn. 1 rm. apts. Clone w.i r erry. CI.OSF. li mod. furn. 3 rm. apt. Ph. 3-8490 except Sat. HONEYMOON COTTAGE Furn., elec. heat, bus, ctore. Ph. 3-6470. 319 So. 25 VERY nice ciose In 1 bdrm. Apt. Ph. 3-8933. 706 Duplexes EXCELLENT 2 bdrms.. unfurn. $70. Adults. Ph. 2-614 1 . 3032. 2 RMS . AUTO. WASHER & DRYER. $55. PH. 3 6W7. RANCH type, comer lot. 2 bdrm. hdwd. fin., Venetians, util. rm., elec. range & refrig . TV ant., garage, wired for dryer, $70. 355 Tryon . Ph. 2-7B03 , NEW 2 bdrm. Close In. 143$ N. Summer. NICELY furn. mM. dunlx, So. Couplt only. Ph. $-5765. 700 Rentals 706 Duplexet DUPLEX 3 rms.. bath, oil heat 1030 N. 16th. Ph. 4-4241 after j;ju wk. pays. NO., clean 8 rm. furn., firepl.. tttr., uua une. au. rn. 4-zoatf. NEW duplex at 1755 Davidson. rn. -Kiiu aner a:au p.m. BRAND new 2 bdrms., very nice, water, garbage, & draw drapes furn. $63. Ph. 3-3687. CLEAN furn. duplex, all elec. gar, garbage & water furn. near State & Gen. hosp. cou pie. Ph. 2-3957, 1 BDRM,, range & refrig. water. I.muugc mm., garage, w. aa em, $42.50 mo. 4-4930. 4-9335. 2 BDRM. birch Kitchen, utility K Karase, nr. snoppmg, scnool & bus, $70, Ph. 2-2114 after 1 p.m. 707 Houses For Rent 2 BDRMS., clean, $35. 845 Fair- view, vn. z-64a3. LEASE. Nice 2 bdrm. $70. 3381 uuncan Ave. avr . uec. lath. Inq. at 3385 Duncan Ave. or rn. 3-5716. 2 BDRM. house, Close, in $65, . i.nurcn, rn. i-izm. NICE 1 bdrm.. 2 blks M&F, automatic washer, range & re frig. if desired. Ph. 4-4639 or CLEAN 2 bdrm. hse., bsm't, elect, stove, near schools Water pd. $65. Ph. 4-9943. RM. House So. 12th located near Morningsidc School & community cnurcii, 2 bdrm., wall-wall carpet living rm. tin. rm., basem't, garage, lovely yard potentials. Could be had furn. or unfurn. Call 3-7397 evenings or week end. , FAIRMOUNT-Late built 3 rm. rge.&: remg. 1 $32.50. 3-9968. BDR. Furnished $35. $40 BDR. Unfurnished. $.1S $42 sn 2 BDR. Suburban $35, $40 nun, t,ouri Apis., itange refrigerator $42.50, $45 BDB. Suburban $60 BDR. South, Furnished $65 BDR. East Range, refrig. $70 BDR. South $70. $110, $145 BDR. Furnished apts. $40, $50 CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center. 4-6631, Eve. 2-7812 BDR. East, newly decorated, near school & on bus $55 CENTER STREET REALTY 174B Center, 4-6631, Eve. 2-7812 CLEAN 3 bdrm. elec. ranged oil circuiaior, lamuy orcnara, nice yard, garden, good well, 1 bus scrv. 4211 State. Ph. 4-8021. BDRM., oil furnace, wired for dryer $45. Sorenson, 4-2293, 4 BDRM. sawdust heat $90 mo. rn. j-od;h. SMALL 2 bdrm. hse. Elcc. heat, completely reaecoratea. 3-7381. $35 MO. Large 6 rm. modern nome, iair Darn, cxc. ill it. well Be elec. pump on 4 acres. 15 mi. No. of Salem, 1 mi. from Gervals. Call 2-8856. BDRM. home on lovely King wood Dr. Liv., din. carpeted, auto, washer, $100 mo. with option to buy. Ph. 3-8975. BDRM. homeSkyline Rd.li75 mo. Pb, 4-1054. BDRM. house, Haycsvllle Dist. $60 per mo. Ph. 3-3136. RM. house 590 N. 17th St. Inq. 1595 N. 5th St. Ph. 3-9374. FAIRMOUNT 2 bdrms.. firepl., garage. $60, Ph. 3-B96B. BDRM. unfurn., fenced yd., garage. Ph. 2-3543. BDRM., 2 baths, fmly rm., bsm't., Rohmd Dist., vacant, $90. Ph. 4-0461.) BDRM. house in good cond., oil heater & water furn. Va blk. off bus. $40. Ph. 2-7569. BY OWNER. Small 2 bdrm. Engle- home for rent or sale, wood dist. Ph. 3-6961. BDRM., utfl. Cross. rm. $45. 1440 CLEAN unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex witn garage & Dasement, Close in. Call 4-1307. ONE & 2 bdrm. Apts., range St rcirig., iurn. rn. z-jihi. 1 BR. unfurn. except stove & re- irig. inq. mia iee auer n p.m. 1 BDRM. house, garage, water iur S43. 847 Min. n. -quu. 1 UdKM. hse. stove. Inq. 1420 Market. BEDROOM house E. Avail. Dec. I. Ph. 4-5077. UNFURN. 2 bdrms., elec. heat, firepl., util. rm., any gar. sva. Ph. 2-7383. NICE 3 bedroom. 1530 Trade. $55. Ramsey Realty, ph. 4-3,ii, 2 BDRM. mod. $05, Oil heat. Ph. 2-95:15. 3 Rm. house & bath $30, Ph, 3-7304. PARTLY furn. I bdrm. on t A. ttast. rn. 4-Bzav. SMALL 2 bdrm. hse.. unfurn., $40. Vacant Sun. Drive by R65 S. 24th. If interested, call 4-2783 FOR RENT: Clean mod. 2 bdrm. hse. N. oil heat, $70. 3-9G05. FOR RENT 2 bdrm., hse. 2435 Lee. Inq. 992 N. Lancaster. , MOD. 2 bdrm. home. N.E. $70, Ph. 4-85113 after 5 wk. days & bat. Be bun. 2 BDRM., fireplace, range, wa ter pd. State St. 160. Graben horst Rltr. 2-2471. NEW small 3 rm, hse. 4 Corners dist. Ph. 2-4213. SMALL 2 rm. cottage. Gentle man prcf. Garage & util. furn. $40. 3215 Portland Rd. 4-5373. 3 RMS. all elec, insulated, re dec washer & dryer. $45. Ph. 2-6607. NEAT unfurn. 2 bdrm. home. Keizer, $70. Cluett & Kenynn Rltrs. Ph. 2-3S51 eves. 2-8337. 2 BDRM. hse.. Keizer Dist., -pi , hdwd. lira. 6209 or 4-6241. BDRM. home, full bsm't., birch kitchen $65 mo. Includes hent & water. Ph. 3-3031 or 2-6862. 2 BDRM. cottage, nice yard, garden spot, walnut & fruit trees. 2410 Blossom Dr. Ph. 4-1730. SMALL modern home to respon sible couple, reas. Ph. 3-3328. CLEAN 3 bdrm., bsmt., oil heat. nrepi. Avail ucc. io vjo. rn. 2-5373. 3 RM. house. Adults. No pets. Inquire 1265 N. 4th. VERY nice 1 bdrm. court, un furn. except (or refrig. A Hove. 2415 Market Ph. 2-1H58. Nelsons Rentals WANTED: 2 and 1 Bedroom furnished houses for legislat or. 2 Bedroom Duplex. New. 4 Cor ners, Lgr. 5 bdrm. unfurn. hue. 1 hathx ss $57.50 Drc. 153 bdrm., dbfe. nlumb M ing $73 2 bdrm. unfurn. Nlre. W. Sa lern. All appliances fur- ninea , m 2 bdrm. unfurn. court. South $75 Nice i'ge unfurn. apartment $.V) 3 bdrm., walk to town , $70 1 bdrm. furn., vrv clean. Clote to State hldis. $45 2 bdrm. firepl. unfurn ......... 170 2 bdrm. hse. unfurn. So. $52.50 Call Dorothy Deal, Evei. 4-W.12 Nelson & Nelson , REALTORS 15M S. Commercial. Ph. J. MM LOVELY view nice imall clean S bdrm. horn. ImttJe utility, elec. heal. Ha-h'1 garare, matfr furniihed WIM mo. In (juire 900 Caacad Dr. Ph. 2-4644. THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL' 700 Rentals 707 Houtei For Rent FOR Rent! 1 bdrm. newly dec- umicu. ju ncai. aouin. iiar, $40 mo., water furn. Ph. 4-0646. 2 BDRM. suburban house. U acre. Hear Swede Sen. 155. 2 BDRM. cottage, part furn., ga rage. u. no peis. mi jason, rn. fnvt. Bdrm. hse., redecorated, stoves iurn., garage. Close to shop ctr. a. jio peis. rn. 4-2121, NICE clean 2 bdrm. home. $65 mo. 4 corners uist. jtawllns neaiiy, 5 RM. modern hse., partly furn. $43. 3409 Wlltjams Ave. 2 Bdrm. house located South on aaiem ncignts Ave. uas range & rrfrig. included. $70 per mo. AonAAIS & SKINNER 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 3-9217 BELLE VISTA CT. New 2 bdrm,, garage. Ph.3-7841 Furnished Houses 2 BDRM., furn. Very close in, dec. heat, full bsmt., garage, $75. Ph. 3-6801. CLEAN. 1 bdrm.. all furn. dwell ing at 1031 7th St., $40 mo. Ph. 3-3136. COZY 2 bdrms. furn., garage, near bus $45. Ph. 3-6725 eve. 2 BDRM'S. furn. garage, no pets. Ph. 3-7541 after 2 p.m. NICE 1 bdrm. furn. house. 1740 Oxford St. Ph. 2-0066. 1 BDRM. house turn., clean, on bus stop. 768 S. 25th. 3-5385. 1 Bdrm. Gar. TV ant. Ph. 4-! SMALL, 3 bdrm. furn. hse. Close in on N. Com!. $55. Ph. 2-7878. SMALL furn. cottage near bus, stores. No. $40. Ph. 4-5885. CLEAN 1 bdrm. furn. Cottage. auuiis, no peis. iv tu n. Lancaster. Pn. 4-2943. 1 BDRM. house furn. South. Ph. 2-6758 eves. 1 BDRM. partly furn, all elcc. Adults. Inq. 3845 Portland Rd. COZY & warm re-decorated 1 bdrm. Sub. So., No dogs, Ref. Ph. 2-6247. 2 BDRM. cottage, water, gar bage no. gar. Adults pfd. $55. 1415 Jefferson. Ph. 3-8397. CLEAN 2 rm. cottage. Inq. 2B60 oruoKs 01. rn. j-vuij. 1 BDRM. furn. house on So. 12th reas. call after 6 p.m. 4-7374 . 1 BDRM. cottage, antenna, washer & dryer, 147 N. 18th. 708 Forms For Rent WANTED, RENTER for bean yard 10 A. close in, must nave own equipment. Mrs. Alice Beardsley. Ph. 2-5884, 5040 Herrin Rd. 2-4321. 709 Wanted to Rent BEGINNING Jan. or Feb. lady wisnes z-3 Ddrm. warm house with living rm. suitable for displaying exclusive gifts. Keizer dist. Best of care or would consider small, conven ient shop space. Ph. 4-1840. WANTED to rent: Barn with pasture for 1 or 2 horses. Ph. 3-68U days, eves, 4-5073. 710 Wanted to Rent Hset SCHOOL te richer & family need j oarm. nse. ay uec. loin. win iurn. reierences. WANTED to rent unfurn. house in W. Salem, by middle aged couple, no children. Ph. MA. Lianas. 714 Business Rentals 28 x 32' snace avail, about Dec, 1st in West Gate Shopping . center. 7in at waiiace jta. rn 3-7432. 12'xl2' Office space, rest rm. facilities, heat, lichts furnish ed. Well located, newly decor- nica, grouna noor, $oo mo. rn 4-9980 or 4-9466. WORK shop 24x38, wired for 110, 220, 440. Suitable for any type shop. Has been vacated ny 718 Convalescent Homes VACANCY at Broadway Nursing nome. tiea, Amouiniory, or board A rm.- Patients taken. Ph. 2-4801. 780 Moving & Storage Larmer Transfer h Storage Com pie ta moving service. Also genu ior URiviria nation Wide Movers. Ph 3-3131. RUSS PRATT. MAYFLOWER ' Moving & Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 3-4966 800 Real Estate 801 Bmineti Qpportun. SELF OPERATING APTS. Well planned like new bldg. No vacancy loss, low oper. exp, Nice laundry and garages. Rm. to expand, $40,000. 3-8347. DOWN TOWN cafe In Salem, excellent location and equip ment. Best olfcr takes. Leav. lng stale. Call owner after 7, 2.IIG54. PARTNER with 1600. Business will gross stz.uoo year. Box 426 Statesman-Journal. OPPORTUNITY BEYOND comparmon if you can quaniy, rn, i-timi tor appi. STUCCO building 40'x60'. con- creie lloor, large doors, l.T ceiling for Warehouse storage or shop, Inq. JAiiO S. l-'ilh. MIDDLE aire couple tn manage ury (.leaning pira-up uepm al ready eslflliliRhCft. CJnod in come. llRhl wnr. Silverton. Ph. Tremendous Opportunity RfnulreB a few hntira per wrett. i Uflys or evening, uriiverlng major hrnnd merchandise to cnmmTcial and retail ac- f counts. Opfnlng available in many areas. All arcount e ntftblishcd and turned over i to vou for mrvire. ABSO LUTELY NO SELLING. Want party rapable of earning 4O0 to SftOO monthly. Future ex pansion can be? flnanred but cash investment of $6M re- ?ulred for immediate itart, ully lecured. Earning com mence Immediately upon be ing selected and established Factory representative will be in lhl ara thortly to qualify appllrantl. For per sonal Interview, state marital ttui and mode of car. No aee Umit. Write SELF REHV. ICE MERC HAND 1SERS. NORTHWEST DISTRICT SU PFRVLSOR. Box All, States-man-Journal. 800 Real Estate 806 Houiei For Sole $6,850 HOME HA. CHOICE HALF ACRE WITH VERY NEAT 2 -BDRM. HOME, large garage. Excellent court aite, Bus by door, close in E. Only vu.utrv. ci ma. fi.vw uown. can biyuc t uuik, Ave. a-jo-jo. $3,950 STARTER HOME BEAUTIFUL LARGE BUILDING LOT WITH SMALL STARTER HOME. An opportunity to get aheadl Live here white you build that dream house. Has 1 bdrm., bath, kitchen and living room. Borders Candalaria Heights. Has nice view and beautiful trees. $3,950. Call Echo Yeater, Eve. 3-4672. $14,000 MORNINGSIDE A VERY DESIRABLE VERSATILE HOME in Mornlngside Dist. umu we Dunns, wnn 2 Darms. in osnii. or J rtirms. and playroom with fireplace. Owner will trade for larger home, $15,000 SOUTH VILLAGE JUST A COMFORTABLE, CHARMING HOME on a very de- oiinuic nircci. nas wen arranged iioor pian, central naii way. Cheerful lame ceramic tiled kitchen. Beautiful land. scaping and yard. This pmucuiar nomemaner. tan uoroiny ueai, Ave. i-ooji, NELSON & NELSON, REALTORS 1590 S. Commercial St. Ph. 2-3660 WEST COAST REALTY 3055 PORTLAND RD. $1,000 DOWN Total price $13,500 for this love ly rancn-iype nome on yt A. ground. Has 3 bdrms.; ge. liv. rm., separate din. rm.; kit. and nook; den; l'3 bath. Call Mrs. - Leavens, Eves. 3-4735. OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED Make your home pay your bills? ies, juai mai, ana your pres ent home may be enough to get you on the road to suc cess. Have your own home and up to $200 per month in come besides, for just $20,000 and get full value for your present homo. Call Mr. Sum mers, Eves. 4-8129. JUST LISTED This new 3 bdrm. home in new ARE YOU HARD TO PLEASE? WE would like you to be our guest x o o Saturday or bun day at 1425 Aerial Way, off Pringle Road, South of Strong Road, and inspect this luxur ious home. We won't tell you about the fascinating view, The French matched paneling, the. three baths, the three fireplaces, the large Daylight basement with finished extra bedroom, the heavy duty con struction. A kitchen to please, built-ins, Range, Oven, Dish washer and YES. the inter com system to every room. The Beam Ceilings. It will be a pleasure to greet you and let the house speak for Itself. The price only $26,500.00. PHONE JIM BRASHER Eves. 4-7386 OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1425 Aerial Way. Don Doufiktott SUNDAY, DEC. 2ND, P.M, 1287 Marshall Dr. , : (Mornlngside School) - See this outstanding home all on one floor with super Tumiiy run in ac sno nrepjacc, 3 good sized bedroom, 2 baths, wall to wall carpets in L.R. St Halls, Beautiful view lot, with apple trees. Ph. 4-5743 or 4-7874 or ape cial showing, Joe Hutchison, Rltr. 1211 Edgewater 2710 So. Com'l. BY OWNER 3 yr. old .'I bdrmn.. ig Kiicnen, large yara lencen. Breeze-way At patio, $10,500. Can be financed. .'(240 Willam ette Dr. Ph. 3-R0A2. o OPEN HOUSE Falrwnv Park Add. 3180 CHESTER AVE. City water, arwer, arainage. Adjacent to Srade and Junior hi schools, -bdrm, with family rm., built in oven and range, patio. Price 913.950. $2,450 down. Out Sil verton Rd. to Lansing, south to Chester Ave. Drive by and look: doors are open. If Inter ested, ph. Owner - Builder, 4-6212 or 4-3S32. 801 Buiincn Qpportun. SLAUGHTER HOUSE GOOD GOING business with nldga. At equip., which meet state meat Inspection stan dards. Above average In come for 2 people. Call for appt. $22,500. VERY CHOICE location on So. 12th St. Apt. house and con crete block business bldg. Ex cellent corner lot. Priced at .1H ,000. Will trade. WALLA WALLA INCOME property with good net in come. Good downtown apt. and duplex to trade for valley property. Not run down. Price $20,000. 3 VERY NEAT, clean -bdrm. houses on 2 lots, income $135 per month. Wonderful for someone who would like to live in one and rent others. C. V. KENT & CO. (GREYHOUND RI.DG.) 456 N. CHURCH PH. 4-22.73 803 Suburban ONE acre, 6-room home, 35 trees. Desirable for subdivis ion or suburban business lte on State, and new pav. 43rd St. Good investment at $7,500. Will take irrigation system In trade. 4355 State, or t'h. 3-4001 any ISili'S BEST BUyS NEMO A .WO HOUSE? AM brick over IfiOfi sq. ft.. 3 norms., nam, nrcpiare. ga rage, needs som- fixing and painting, on 1.11 acres In Shaw. Only $2V with $1250 down. Call Mr. Crawford, eve, ph. 4-5020. AL ISAAK & CO. REALTORS 322 N. Church St T;h.433ll I or 3-7820 Suburban South Near new Judson Junior High. Almost 2 acres. Good 2-B R. horn. Wonderful view. $1,000 down. Full prlre $9,000. This Is an outstanding valui. Salem Properties JOHN J DANN. REALTOR W7 N High St. Phones 2-15.11. 4-342. Evei, Raichko 9-7401. Mason 3-5fll, Brsullch 4-3220. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Salt 3-bdrm. home will please the most PH. 2-7642, 4-8995 area. Located in City. Dble. garage. F. A. heat. No loan costs. Asking $12,500., Ask Dick on this. Eves. 2-3884, CHECK THIS Compare this lovely 3 bdrm. nome, Has z uatns; lam. rm.; 2 frpls. Best of workmanship throughout. If you are plan ning on a new home, don't miss this. North, in City. Call Mr. Carpenter. Eves. 3-6648. TRADE Home in Grants Pass for Salem home. Has 1,350 ft. on first floor; dble. garage; family rm. with fireplace in base ment; bath and a half. Picture windows overlook City. Will trade $9,696 equity on home in Salem, up to $18,000. Call Mrs. Summers. Eves. 4-S129. 17 ACRES Close to Dallas, all in cultivation, family fruit, creek, fenced, good bnrn, poultry house. Nice modern 2 bdrm. house. Assume G, I. Loan. Low taxes, priced to sell. Only $10,000. For particu lars ask for Phil Murray, Ph. 3-0236 Evenings Dallas MA 3-2633. SUBURBAN SOUTH New 3 udrm. home, with family rm. Living rm., dining rm. Birch kitchen with nook, 2 fire places. Dbl. plumbing. Dbl. garage, F. A. Oil hoat, lg. sliding glass doors open on patio. 1600 sq. ft. fir. space. Ask for Ed Schroder Ph. 3-0236 Evenings 3-7825. Oregon Development Company ( Realtors) 318 N. Church Ph. 3-9236 OWNER transferred $10,900, 4 bdrm, dbl. plumbing, fire place, patio $1800 down, $75 per mo. 375 N. 18th. Ph. 4-0068. BUILD TO SUIT: We'll build your nome in beautiful Lom bard Acres, Financing, Blue trims ac contractor furnished. Restricted area with tree cov ered lots, children's olav- ground, paved streets, public water. Pick your lot now. Move In 1957. For details cnll DON BELLINGER, Office 4-3394. Home 4-0402. CLIFF BOWDER CO,, Realtors. WE have $2500 equity in $7,500 2 bdrm. home near achl. Will take $500 down, $25 mo. on our New 3 Bdrm. East STATE ST., Ranch type, ready to move into. J70n Dn. Lflrge lot. Wide paved St. Nice homes surrounding, $11,500. Close to State Bldevs., $500 Dn. 2 nice bedrms.. liv. At din. rm. Oil fur. heat. Older nome jusi oeing aoiiea up. $0,300. Good Older Home 3 bedrm. on first fir. At two In nasemom, un inr. Largo liv, At dininff rm. with music rm. N. 21st. Would take in small nouse, siu.auu. Art Madsen Realty 1326 STATE 3-55(10, 2-RRI2, 3-R405 Salem Heights Dist. 3 bdrm.. 2 fireplaces, dble, gar. i-ii. 1-oH.iu, muik ny L. W. SCHRUNK LOW down pym'L, $R,500. Nent i norm, nome. Close 10 snop. center. Sch. Ac bus. 2 sets plumbing, fenced In yd., lawn, shrubs. Located al 1815 Wal ler St. Ph. 4-8272. BUSINES ZONE Heavy traffic, 75xl4fi cor. Lot At NEW 2 hr. (1500 plum un. ft.) 75 ft. set bark leaving plenty room to erert Store or shop in front or side street, Quality Birch built-in, dress ing table, china closet-shoe cah., you lay your own car pets. Joe Hutchison, Rltr. 1211 Edgewater 2710 So. Com'l, Ph. 4-5743 Ph. 4-7874 MH OWNKIU Girn Woofm will pay top price for vout turn annlUinrei Pfi 3.51 10 jMHTZ-RKNT-A-TRUCK Ph. 2-6062 CLOSE ESTATE SMAU, HOUSE OPEN 2064 I1ROADWAY Edward T. Garritt PHONE MA 3-4206DALLAS BUY from owner tt save. We have 3 new homes, all have 3 heriroom. double gar's., floor spare ranges from 1,600 to l.IWi square feet. Prires range from $13,200 to $11,000. Near school. Just 4 blocks. Easy terms on all of them, Ph. 4I70K. NEVER REFOME Nt-ver hefore have we hart a doll house like this truly dlf frrenl home, on a large ror nr lot -with lots of spare. Living room bi bf-am ceil ings and panHed walla, illd- ing doort to patio. Thrf normi, ana ona mat ran be made Into a den. Largo at tached garage with storage space. Located In the Carl Addition. pved street, side walks, and city water. Immed. poas. Call for Ralph Maddy. Ohmart & Calaba HEALTOnS 477 COUflT ST. Ph. 1-4115. 3-4I1B. 3-4117, Eve. Ph. 3-34M 800 Real Estate 806 Houiei For Sol 3 BEDROOM BUY! Brand new, opportunity to buy "V ""''Mem van. neauwui lot with trees. South Salem j.yiKiua. .rupuiar new area, l'a baths. Double ff a raize, Family dining room. Paved oto, uros, oiaewaiKs are in. No loan costs. You can't go wrong here. $12,600. Call A BEAUTIFUL SETTING 83 acres, 45 acres clear, balance timber and pasture, good 4 bdrm. family home, 3 springs, 2 creeks, small barn, chicken house, prune dryer, family or- uriarn. loiai price $21,000. Consider house in trade, hal- ance can be arranged. Close to Cloverdale ScMol, Call Liucas. ve, rn. 3-0388. HIGHLAND DIST. Like new 2-bdrm. home, near scnooi & bus. Sharp kitchen, dinette, large living room, 2 nice bdrms., bath with show er, oil furnace, nice utility room, attached garage, deep lot. F.H.A. appraised at $10, 500. We want an offer. Call Hicks. Eve. Ph. 3-6405. $100 DOWN Mr. Handyman, 2-bdrm. unfin- isnea nouse, corner lot 64x118, community water system, 3 miles from town. INCOME . PROPERTY Duplex and single dwelling on unc oig joi. in excellent con dition. East. Call Rich L. Reimann. Eve. 3-3264. Reimann's Real Estate 201 S. High Ph. 3-0203 IN C-3 Zone North, M x 100 cor nor lot & adj. 50 x 100 lot. Lnch lot has a 3 bdrm. house with concrete bsm't, Exo. ren tal record. Fine dbl. gar., suit able for shop on Corner. $12,000 Rons. dn. pymt. Ph. 4-2438 wk. mms or aner o:ju p.m. 3 B.R. home, all on one floor, n.w. nnors, inrge lot, garage, Englewood dist. Must be sold. Only $8250. Low down pay mcnt. B. M. Mason. Hit., 341 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-8841, 3-3542. 2-854. LEAVING STATE MUST SACRIFICE 2 bdrm. home on largo lot, space to build large new home and use present house for rental. Reduced to $6,500. 1180 Falr Vlew Ave. Ph. 2-3510. JOE HUTCHISON HEALTOR Let us salve, your noma needs To Buy, Sell or Rent - Call Ph. 4-5743 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-7874 2710 So. Comm'l 5 BEDROOMS Lots of charm In this lovely 5 ocumom iamuy nome. Hooms are all over-sized for real fam ily enjoyment. Full basement with fireplace. FA oil lurnace. Double garage. Hoover School District. FHA appraised at $15,750. Any offer will be con- aiaerca. you can move in be fore Christmas. $1,000 DOWN Ollt-Of-town owner anvn This fine home In gracious Englewood. Three bedrooms, two complete baths, terrific aiorngo space. Located on 1 lovelv enrnnr Int. 1THA an. praised fd 13,000, Selling for i.muu. vacant move ngiu In. Be settled for Christmas. Salem PtopwMi JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 307 N. High St. Telephones 2-1533. 4-34B2. Eves, flasehko 2-7401. milium 4-uatii, prauuen i-.lU 4 CORNERS2 hrfm. " rn.T lng, firepl. FHA app. Ph. 4-nOfiO SACRIFICE by owner $1000 ntiwn, j Dorm, nome, 1 yr. old, . iiigjij., mi. unr nino. oh nt. So. Salem. Ph. 4-02,17. ST. VINCENTS. Only 4 Blks. to St. Vincent's rnnsn. wo navo a pollsbed large well built 3 bedroom home with Hi scls of plumh ing. Full bn r mcnt, douhle fiarnge and a double lot well andscaped, with family gar den area. This homo Is aho only A blks. to Highland Grade School. Priced so that It can be hought under FHA or GI terms. Call Don Doughton, Eves. 4-1414 dona iiffiriirTB"Tr ' - -V . .; .. .7.1 Ilfafti " !---fmMm 320 Court Ph. 4-84A4 TRADE" 6h SELL: Beautiful view lot. This "Cutle" is So,, has an East front, lovely 3 bdrm., family rm., dble. plas tered garage, 2 frpl'a., 2 arts plumbing, lots of bullt-lns. All for llfi.liOO, Ph. 4-B272. SUNDAY, DEC. 2ND, P.M. fllfl Orchard Heights ltd. , Beautiful Carpets I Rr., double bath, family rm. with 2nd fireplace, hullt-ln nvm, range, Nnt. Woods In kitchen. I'h. 4-.V743 or 47074 for special ahowlng. Joe Hutchison, Rltr. I2II Edgewater 0O0 DOWN to qualified G.I. or irsa ii nnymcni ran ne ar ranged, New 3 bedrooms with fireplace, plastered garage, paved si., 1074 Shamrock St. only one blork South of Morn Ingnlfle School. Open house every day. Ph. builder 4-6M.T for Information, Balance IflOSO at $S prr mo.. inn, taxr-s fit ins., y, int. z bdrm with rlty water, located nut Dallas fid. to 1ft College Dr. Drive by and look, door Is open. if Interfiled I'h. 4-B2I2 or 4-3fi.1I 3 IIDHM. mod. hnme with extra lot. W. Salem, tH,3.W. Ph. 4-7718 NrTW modern 3 bdrm. home. gar. Hell furn. or unfurn. 707 Pine. Silverton, Ore. HK1IK are 3 new homes. Each has 3 bedrooms, rome out and see them. Can ha bought on eauv lermx. One has 14H2 square ft. Ph. 4-17RO anytime. BY BUILDER New a bdrm. custom built homt, choice location Ph. 2-7071. $ll7w hy builder. WIS Wood land Dr. Off of Eola Dr. In Klngwood His. Exceptional modern. Beam ceilings in liv ing room, two baths, two fire places, full basement, fine view and excellent location, Ph. 4-W3.1 for information. Un usual split levl entranca hail. I 800 Real Estate 806 HoiiMt For Salt SUNDAY CAPE A CHARMING LITTLE CAPE COD right on Fairmount HUH Spic and span as a dream-house should be, with a BIO . living room, large dining room, two bedrooms (plus stor age room). TWO fireplaces, Hi baths, full basement, with ' knotty pine party room. THIS IS GOOD ... SEE IT! $12,500 156 West Washington . . . Owners will be gone. Ted Morrison, Real Estate ' 250 N. HIGH BE ROSELAND-ADDITION- SUNDAY DEC. 2, 1956 GO OUT MARKET ST. OR D ST. TO SAVAGE RD. WATCH FOR SIGNS ' An well planned and Sri?-' yl!.h ",".,,h,!"i Jr ,Hoyable llvlns. Hea'sonab" priced. Liberal financing, shopping center to be built. Drive out Sunday and inspect thla Jovely area. , AL ISAAK & 322 North Church St. MT. VIEW HOME Largo lot with fruit & garden space 3 bedroom home, just 6 years old basement with oil fur nace extra large 2-car garage. This home is priced at $15,900, and a real good buy Call Louis Lorenz and see it today. Lc Ohnurl NOT MUCH Bo of good cheer. Here's an up buuu auuui lULnnun you cHn Duy ior as nuie as $800 down with payments of $B5.00 a month on balance. Owner has taken out-of-town Job and you may move right in. Ask ior Adri enne Scrcombe, . SUBURBAN SECLUDED LOVELY HOMR Situated on W acre ground among trees, Just a S minute drive iiuiu uiwii, dub io acnooi. jwoaern a nearoom home with 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage with extra storage space. Lawn and shrubbery In. If you want a really nice suburban home don't miss this one Call Henry Torvcnd right away. TIME AND PLACE I have the time to ahow you this ...u i iciei ior Bveryimng ies, 11 nas a family room 2 fireplaces attractive brick planter in living-room bat' and board exterior. Nice lot with good drainage. Thia home built by Geo. Sunlga Call Ralph Maddy, youfl want to aee it today. LISTINGS NEEDED QUALIFIED SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU 417 Court St. Eve.: Lout. Lorenz 3-B500. Henry Torvcnd 3-3632, Ralph STATE FINANCE 187 S. HIGH ST. F.H.A. & G.I. OH 2-YEAH B $2S0 DOWN. BAU $45 PER MONTH. Small acrease and small home. Located N.E. on Houywooa Drive. Paved road. Largo garage At shop. Drilled well. Garden space. Call Stanley Brown, Realtor. Eves, ph. 2-5561, J1000 DOWN $70 PEIl MO. buys mis neai a-oarm. nome on bus. close lo stores Ac high school. Full price J805O. Vn-j cant. Immcd. puss. W. H. Steveley, Salesman, Eves. ph. 4-2618. , I OUR SERVICE IS TO HELP YOU BUY AND FINANCE YOUR HOME GOOD LISTINGS WANTED BUYERS AVAILABLE ATTENTION CITY EMPLOYEES IN CITY LIMITS 3 BDRM., ENTRY LIV. RM. WITH PLASTERED GARAGE. F. A. FURNACE, BIRCH CABINETS. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. CALL OWNER 4-4912 OPEN HOUSE 2 5 P.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1056 LOCATED AT 1705 N CHURCH Bedroom homo. 2 up 2 down. Living rnom 13x17, dining room 0x13. Nice kitchen, full basement with nice party room. Oil forced air heat. Corner lot. This is a perfect location. Full price $12,650, Dale Rayburn will show this property. 605 Chemeketa Phone 4-6875 VISIT I SUNDAY 110 HANSEN AVE. 2 4 P.M. Buy and move me. I'm a charming rooms; i, nuini; completely carpeien ana drapeo. Havt modern hullt-ln range and oven. There is a lot close bT waiting for me. and shruhhery available for landscaping. Thli li an unusual opportunity. CLUETT & KENYON, REALTORS 1(1(9) FAIRGROUNDS RD. C. V. KENT & CO. U.OVD KEENE, REALTOR ARE VOtr SCARED tn make an offer on this verv well built, nearlv new home with 2 large bdrms, big living room, fine hdwd. floors, choice of oil or elec. glass heat. Att. mat. Located close in bun At shop, Asking $7500. $7500. NEAR INDEPENDENCE, this fine split-level, 3-bdrm. AND family room on an acre AND an extra ' bath AND a beau tiful view AND a fine llpe of appliance at a bargain price of $13,500. ftt N. CHURCH (GREYHOUND BLDG.) PHONE Eve,' Keene 2-n7fi: dishing 3-5048; Leavens 3-4733, SoremoB 4-2293; Klgglni 4-54S4. Section 2 Page 7 800 Real Estate 806 Houiet For Sal 2 TO 5 P.M. COD COLONIAL PHONE 4-67M restricted aubdlvlslon. Street! CO., REALTORS Ph. 4-3311 or 3-7820 Rudy Calaka MONEY? ? ? - to - date 3 bedroom home in a spacious new 3 bedroom home 7 Phone 2-4115, 3-4116, 2-4117 Adricnne Scrcombe 4-8083, Maddy 2-348B. CO., REALTORS PHONE 3-3181 CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE $100 DOWN, BAL. $25 PER MO. Small home, garage on 1 acre. On pavement close to school. Good water system. Full price $2350. Needs some fix ing. W, H. Steveley, Sales man, Eves. ph. 4-2618. $.W0 DOWN. LARGE CLEAN 4- narm. name tocatea close in on North Cottage St. Has large living room, dining room. Full bsmt. Furnace, Toial price $7350. Call Stan ley Brown, Realtor. Eves, ph, 2-5561,, , 1 YEAR OLD HALL, LARGE FIREPLACE English Colonial with 3 bed WANT TO TRADE for gasoline bulk plant, tank truck, servlca station, repair gar., paint shop Ae equip, plus nice 3-bdrm. home with that nlca white ticket lence? All lor only 32.500, Small down or take home, sub or farm. , NEW LISTING of nice 10 acres plus, close to busy town with nice 3-bdrm. modern home, garage. Some fruit. Could be irrigated. School bus at door. City bus. Paved high way. Priced at IflBOO. Good terms. 1 a. u 10 V 1 4 . S I, a ?. 9 ,13 '11 . 9 I