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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 1,' 1956 Page , . 4r Section '& THE CAPITAL JOURNAL H 4 n 5: RADIO PROGRAMS fclLU 1JSO. KOCO JIM, RGAl 1430, EOIN HI. KOI U, KEX UN SATURDAY P.M. ,8 9: HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 5 6 KSLM News Mico sporia Klj AY Sal, Hit! OIN News-Weather Kf'.W Scoreboard KEX Sporls Jack Klrzlah Pop Tunc! Jock Klzrlah Wnlly's sporu .KSl.M Day Dreams Day Dreamt Hep. Reundup Rep. Roundup IKOCO Newt , IRumpua Room Rumpua Room Rumpua Room funis Root. 0 Lewis iRobt. Q. Lewis ,Robt Q. Lewi. Robt. O. Lewlt 1KGW v.'crio iiJI:. rienry layior reopie t rrDlma KEX AQKina oimw 'vi-. rutsuint vce. Firestone I KSl.M Newi KOCO News KOIN Tune Table KOW Telerhon'Hr. KEX Adkinlnow Musle Ore. Reaourcee Sweet & Swing Rumpua Room IRumpua Room Rumpus Room ITune Table Cap. Cloakrm. Cap. Cloakrm. Telephone Hr. Dance Time Dance Time 'Adklns Show IJImmy Tidier Ed. P. Morgan 7 Country Siyle iPnn 'I'll n PI U.N. Record Harmon Snli Frank Gom Scoreboard Monte Ballou Monte Rallou Bob BlacKburn Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn KSLM Hwli CilU Hawaii Culli Western Ser. iwcsicrn aer. KCHO News Hon innn itnyinmitirui n" KOIN Sport tfnterlainment !lon.ance iRnnianro KEX " 'Bob Blackburn. Bub majgujEobBlacKQurn ttu HOUR KOCO Rhythmairei Hhytrtmairei uance rany r''' KOIN FFI FBI Uimmy Wakcly Jimmy WaW KOW Farm Ac Hom IFarm Se Home ir.raiKlOIOj.ry t''ld9';nd KEX Scuuolri ' tiU-snurues Wnd. Wfekcnd Wild. H.S. Football 1H.S. Football iH.S. Dane Hurty Party . D.'ijjrnry Hnrv flit Henrv IG'iir.. nr Hrck Harpt-r Heck Harper Weekend W5 Mtule 'RutTlDUl Room IRumnui Rnnm Rumnm Rnnm IOJJUI IS (J TDK KSLM FultoP Lwli IMuilo I JSgf? s'ilS? Final AKCl'w R-W"'lld Rep. , K8I.V""' uelecuve True DeterUve Melodies Melodies ' ews-Musle lus Midnight IMua Midnight Mus Midnight 1KV En", TiF' lDn Time Dance Time Dance Time ,IX Danceland 'Danceland IDanceland TJancelann lance Time 'Jeer. Mason jC'hamb'r ForumlChamber Forum luance lime luance nmi uanceiana .uanceiana TUESDAY A.M. 00:00 .KSLM H.S. Football a-bpurlt , enry larnrr lKEX Wnd. Weekend .KSLM H.S. Foofball CO News-Spnrls OIN' Turn" Tnhle r.w 820 Revue KKX Wnd Weekend KaL.n n.a. roc K(ira News-bp JrKClIN CilHcnr tjkOW Heck Ha KtX Wnd Wi. ft WndVeekend H.S. Football Dartre Party Tun Table 020 Revue Wnd. Weekend -.. Vol ha II pa I iDanre Party him Party Sat. Nile Final Sport Danct Ttmt u.iikv Tim REX News IDanceland KSLM New I KOTO Newn-Rporti " KOIN n row Wnd. Weekend IBank ctba 11 iK-ni-c rw Henry Gil Henry. Dane lime Dance TgJ Child Beyond "DancrParty-- Daw"' ,riy Dance Party :J'jfV'"lmf Good Evening Cc Tint Dance Tim ffZtln n d Danceland -iic Party I KOCO Newi-SporU " KOIN Newn-Music 1 KOW Dance Tim Dance Partv Dance Party pane Party Dane Party Dane ParW. mm Midnight Mm . Midnight rrfIU"' nnra Tim. iif.n. TI-. Dnnreland 1L.n M Danceli"'' D.ince Time KEX uanceianu , unwr"- : Hp OO-OP-'"15 0C30 0045 --J 1 "Trnm- OIN-:3 Church ol the Air KOWl3-Cli0K5Z-; . . . .- KOIN B. Po"?',f, miiio Pulpit Church Hymns Another Chance KUW '" Jg; VinNavy Ile2atoVcUiiImiiilry KEX 5','-oSlJTsalem Acad. Back" to God Back 'to Qod a,lSr "" 4-HCIub , Naiarene Ser Mils, (or Sun. O ttij.-cwa Waflfe Club WaMfe Club KGAY News sHK?,i' M l"n lnv- 10 u,rn s11 L'k' Tah- Sal' Lake Tab. U "yiT inir Prpphacy Voice ProphecytDr. Barnhouse Dr. Barnhouse wJiy FillA w'our TFalth in our TFallh In our TFallh in our T vVjiBiblf Class Bible Class volet of ProphiVolce of Proph tlrn slui ror Sun. Mus tor Sun. Mus. tor Sun. Mus. for Sun JKOAV toDerta Organ Roberts Organ Hit Review ,' KGAY News , Kills Jeivlsh Faith St. Francis Forelan AffslrsiSundnv News cfilt scsndlnav Hr Scandinav Hr Scandlnav . Hr Scandinav tlr HtX Parade of Hits Parade 'of Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hits ft KVCO M,esuylerJn . KGAY Hit Review OK (I IN .jiory Master KOW Music for Sun, KEX NewB-Wtiekvnil Chrlirlin Set. Preibvtnan Hit Review (Art Museum ' Mimic for Sun. Weekend Frank Si Ern'itlMupIc Mnnh Mel Sonnn to Rent. Hit Rrv'fw KGAY Npw 'Dorscy Eros. Dorsey Bros. Ku-riiiil Liiflit iCIci'Hiil Light Weekend ' Wvfkcnd 1KSLM Join Navy Concert Mln'tr First .leUin'.llnlTlril Metliodlit KOCO First RnphM Flnt Baptist Flrsl itapHat K'rt Haptlsl KGAY Calvary Baptist I Calvary Baptist! Calvary HnpllstlCaWary Baptist 1KOIN . Symplionetle Symphonette N. V. I'hllharin. iN. Y. Philhnrm. KfJff Church Service Chtirch'Servlce Church Servs. Chuirh Serva. 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 7 8 K K 9 KSLM Vail. Ftrmcait ,Vall. rarmcatt KUAY Farm Newa iMnrn. Mag KOIN News Anurlca KOIN Klock KOW Farm Time iN.wi R'dun KEX News-Kp Time Keep Time KSLM Hemingway (Break. Gang KOCO News IWesl. Jubilee Mini Mnrn. Mag. IMnrn Mag nu.n nuin iviocn meaannt KOW Listen I.i.l.n kcx Mews Vail, rarmcast News Mum Mag KGAY News IKOIN Klock IKOIN Klock t.istcn Listen iKeepTlme IKeep Time iBresk. Gang (News IWesl. Jubilee IWesl. Jubilee Morn. Maff. .KGAY New. News'Goss News IBabblt Show Listen Fisher Rpt. . IKeep Time IKeep Time I Bob Hazen KSLM Cliff Englt Family Altar IHaven of Rest ,Haven of Rest KOCO News Tunes & Time ITunes It Time ITunes & Time KOAY Horh's Show iltcrb's -how Herb's Show 'KGAY News KOIN Consumer N'wslValle News IShelley Serend IShelley Sere. Kt;W Listen (Listen Listen Listen KEX News:Kp TIUflKcep rime KeepTlmi IKeep Time KSLM News IKratt New. IPn.lnr'. r.ll IRarffaln t KOCO NCV.-S IClarine Calllne irbinnp Calline ICIarine Calllne nun i nciui snow 'nerus onow moss snow FKU1N KOW KKX IKGAY News Wendy Warren llloward Miller IHclcn Trtnt IMidmorn News Listen jListen IM.M.McBrlde Konnle Worth Breakfast Club lUrcnkfast Club lllrcaktast club IBreakfast Club KSLM Newt KOCO News KOAY Herll'a Show KOIN Nora Dr.ike NBC B'ndst'nd Kay West 1 0KO K(l U I." KEX ITcllo-Test IWIngs of Song Wlngs of Song IClarine Calling IClarine Calling IClarine Calling Herb's Show (Herb's Show IKGAY News iMa Perkins irjr. Mnlone lAunt Mary INBC B'ndst'nd INBC B'ndst'nd 1NBC B'ndst'nd 'Bub Garrcd 'Girl Marries : Whispering SIS. KSf.M News Music , Mennonltes Mennonitcs KOCO World News Sun Mallnet Sun Matinee Sun Mallnea KGAY KGAY News Serenade Serenade KGAY News KOIN N. Y. Phllharm.lN. Y. rhllharm.N. Y. Phllharm.iN. Y. Philhnrm. KOW News.Mnnitnr .Monitor Monitor IMonilnr KEX Newt-Weekend Weekend Weekend - IWeekend 2 KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade iRun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun: Matinee KGAY Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun, Serenade KGAY News KOIN Percy Faith Hr.iPercy Faith Hr.iPercy Faith Hr.iPercy Faith Hr. KGW Monitor Monitor Mnnitoi Monitor KEX Newi-Weekend IWeekend Weekend Weekend ICSLM Sun. Serenade 3 Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun MaUnee Sun Matinee KGAY Sun Srrend Sun Serened iMistaPniia. orch. Phila. Orch. i KOW Monitor . Monitor , KEX Newe.Weckond (Weekend KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade :Siin. Serenade KOCO Teennxe t'unei Teennite Tunes Taenaxe tune Sun. Serenade Sun Matinee Sun Serenade i Phlla. Orch. Monitor Weekend Sun. Serenade Sun Matlnr KGAY New Phila. Orch. Monitor Weekend Sun. Serenade Teennvc I'uuei KOAY Stanley Butler Sl.mlov Butler Stnnlrv Btitler Sinnlev B"tnr KOIN News Univ. Exp. (ltounU n Roundlltound n Itnund Rw Monitor Huh Ci'iisidtne CtmviTsatiou l'cti.verK:illon KKX Newa-Weekend IWeekend Weekend Weekend KtILM Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade ISumluv Con. Sutirlnv Cnn. KOCO reenaf Timet Teem Re Tunes Teenage Tuna Teenage Ttinea KGAY G't'wn Forum G'l'wn Fnriim Alrttnie Air Time KOIN Juke Box Jury Juke Box Jury Radio W'rkshopi Radio Workshop ivtin Mimnor m cm nor ninniinr munnnr KEX News-Weekend i Weekend Weekend Weekend KSLM News Muilc KOCO Teener -Tunes Teenan Tunes .Teenage Tunes HI, nit six ftUAi news aiRi) uir KOIN Music Hall ' -Music Hatl KGW Newt. Monitor Monitor KEX News-Weekend IWeekend Lutheran Hour I utheran Hour There Trennfe Tunea CBS Newsroom CHS Newsroom . HI, There IN. There Weekend Weekend 6 KSLM Walt. Wlnchell Front Page News Nrws KOCO Teenave Tunes Teenaee Tunei Teenaffe Tnnei "'-""fc I'linet KOIN Chrifitmn Slmuririirliilmn .Shnwiri.rtilmn Slmu'l riirlstman Klinwl urn uiiaiy tia uusiy nt.mni iiuiorun urn. iievue KEX Drew Pearson Jimmy Kidler Beraen Home Demon. 7 KSLM Guv LomhartinlGuv Lnmharrininrew Pearsnn iMnlf KOCO Teenafr I unf lei-nar- MirM I'eenaee tunes .Teenage Tunes KtJiN Johnny 'Dollar Johnny Dollar Gun.mnke Gunsmnke KGW Mcel the Press Meet the 1'iehs Amer. Forum Amer. Forum KEX Growing; Pains Hrowlnr Pains Greatest Story Greatest Stnry 8 KSLM Music iMusfo iMusfo (Music KOIN Suspense 'Suspense iMItcii Miller 'Mitch Miller KGW Music Festival Music Festival I Music Festival Music Festival KEX Aremnt. In Ore.'Aremnt. in Ore. (Look to Sky ' Snorts 9 KSLM New KOIN Mitch Miller KOW Music Festival KEX -Hi-Fi Time (Dave Hoss IMitch Miller Muslo Festival Hi-Fi Time Valley Treas. Show Music Fenlival Hl-Kl Tune IMu.ilp ITrens. Altaic Hi-Fi Show Festival Time KSLM Hr. of Decision iHr. of Decision Music (Music KOIN Sun Nile Fin Mus. Memor. Fnce the NafnFace the Nat'n KGW Rlth. Reporter Wis News Hi ol Decision lit of Decision KEX News-SporU Music Music .Music KSLM News-Musie KfiW Calitolic Hr. KEX Music t IMiiste (Catholic Hr. Music Council ctiv Council MONDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSL.M Vtl rarmcast Vel. rarmrast KCiA Farm News iMorn. Mnc. KOIN News Amehci' KOIN Klock KGW Farm Time W'ld News KEX Newi-Kp llmi Keep Time 7 KSLM Hemingway koco News KGAY Morn. Mar. KOIN KOIN Klock ROW Listen KKX News Val Farmeait Morn. Man. KOIN Klock I.iitrn keep Time Rkf'it Gsnr irk fat Gang Vrsl JuIuIpb (Wcsl Jubilee IMorn Mag. Morn MK. Headline NrwsGos News Weather Listen IKeep lime Keep Time News KGAY News KOIN KIock. (Listen Keep Tim "News V Weath West. Juhile KGAY News ,B)blilU Slum iMoi nl MR Itep'l Bob Baien 8 KSLM Cliff Engl Famllv Altsr Bible Inst. Ilihle Inst. mWSI rjflv" ITunes t Tun Tunes Tim Tunes & Tim KOAY Hern's Show Herbs Show Herb' Show KGAY News KiilN Coiuum. News iVaile News . .Shelley Seren. Snellev Set. K"w l;tten Ltslrn l.lsien Listen m x Keep Time Kerp Time Keep Time 'Keep Tim KSLM News Newe Pastnr'i Call ill.irnaln Counter 12V. N.PWI. IClarine Calling ('Inline Cnlllng (inrmc Calling I.? .i" "prbl Show "hs Show lleibs Show KGAY News IKOIN Wand Warren ll..uf-H Llni.. Il.i.n l.-. Li ,,i . ktr M'.... M? W l-,s,en Listen .M. M Mi ltrlde Koiinie Worth MX Breakfast club iBrrakfast club lllreakfasl Club Hienkfnst riuh nlln Test iWUirs of SoiVr' " Wnii;s of Song It ia line I'allfn I'liinif fnllnm i-i.Hn. railing Show iClarev D.ver Herb' Show iKCAY News IM. Perk i in illr Milnn. ....i M... NHH .fljinrltrnrl N'lir HiiMlii'nHA'iir i.r..i.vii,' n-...i.t i lTM l.rA Wueen for Day Queen for Dav "tjuern forllnv i i?- l Vw ... U'lanne Calling clarine CalUng Cl.uitie calllhi Kt'AY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner l.urkv 7 rt ucky 7 1 :!? '!!,l"rM . . .,Mr nrlon Strike tt Rich 1it hutlram L'T Hannimn'Mlc Bandsl ntl NHC Hsndt'ndiBf Bnndtland 9i m KSLM Newt I KOCO Newa KGAY Herb" Sr a KOIN Nnra Drake U i.iv K)EX True Story True Story m KSLM New I KOCO Wond News fewi 5r't pi KGAY KGAY NEWS Mollis s Records Town Cuer 2 JOIN N ewi Weslher Come Gel II Houe 1'atly ROW Mitchell Rpts. Cafe Lounge Cafe I. ounce KEX Gen.Mr-Gr.wan Oeo.Mi-Gnwan Kiro.MrGnwan Paul Harvey Jack Parr snop Vail Forerast K,v Show KGAY News Pm-tv (Women in "lis Irani! Nrwi 1j I 2i 3i 4f I5f.V W.,1,im' M,t W'U m-tte Mal.'Willametle Mat. Wlllsp.elle Mat mX fi i?P.Ws. :'Jv Show Fjisv Show K.15Y Show r.iV 10l,, n'cordJillollle'a Records' Uollle's HerordttKti'AY News KOIN Godfrey Time .Gudlrey lime K.odlrev Time C.iulfrfv Tim Hilltop House 'Pepper Young McAn lty MustclMi Anultv Mui. ,.-' '" tuMi.onra(iHini i. ontad Htm I onrad kKV' Wtil'm'tt Mat.iWill'm tte Mat GoodNewi MatmTe l1'" ws - SpoTta Claiine Calling (inline Calltne Clantir Calllne f Kf) AT NeM S-jiv Khi.u ,i-..a, fat KOIN Godfrev Tim Gmttre 'lime Hum Ahtun iN'ews-Wealber twv "''-McAnlty McAmiltv Mus Mus MrAnuity Mus KF.X Nes-Lonrad Huw Conrad Hms Cfinrsd Itnu Conrad KSLM Wlilam. Mat Willam Mat. Wtlla7n"Mat UPl'esl ' IKOCO News IKjkv Shmv Kj.v Sh..w F.iv Show l Mi II Hollir S RerordsiRn llie'i llernrdi linih ll,.rtH ten a v IKOIN Barkftnge WtfeGal Sunday jTake Thlrlr Take Thirty 51)W J,rAnill,v McAnullv Mm McAmiltv Mui MrAnullv .Mui nr j rifwi-Lonria nmi Lonraa Idits Conrad Hti l onrad KSl.M Fulton Lwli Hemingway Here's-AniweT".m Hayes IKOCO Nes Rumpus llonm Jtuinpus Room Rumnui Room IKGAY Halite's Records Holhe Iteentdrlt.Mlie t l).rrtrH. i tu,.-i. IKOIN Art Kirkham Novelette iNew.tnner N'mmmtr KGW New8Mi'AnuMyMrAirilly Mtis MrAnuity Mm MrAnuU Mui KEX News.Rlackhn Reb BUrkb'm Rob Rlsrkbtn Boh Hii-b.irn -KSLM Bob li Rsy "KOCO News IKGAY KGAY New IKOIN Ed Murrow rOW MeAnully Mui REX Nfws-Bliekb n 5 7KSI RO RO Rr, . re: Roh A Rav Rumpus Room Soorls Scope Rurrptii Room Ftob A Ray iRumpiis Room Sign Off Newt. Weather Tom Harmon Frank C.oas iMfAnultv Mus OhmpiM porn MtCall 'Boh Blackburn Bob Rinfkburn Rob Rlsraoum KSLM Newt Rill Brundldg New ISam Hy "ROCO News ISo tigs-Sun rt'n Sflngi-Sund'n Songs. Surd n IRoiN Sporti-Newi (Lowell Thomai'Amos "n" Andy Amoa 'n' Andy ROW Elmer Peterson Music Music Music KEX Newi-Blarkb'n Bob Blackburn: Boh Blarkburn Olympics KSLM Gabriel Heater Serenade Radio Rossry Concert OCO Newt iRiimpui ftoom Runipui Room Rumpui Room OIN Melody (Melody 'Ring Croihy Almanae R, MrCormtrlt (Musie Music Musie FX Mel Allen ILlfttng gi-adoWAdkini Bhow Adkini Show KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX CCA Time iQueen a Day Queen for Day iQueen for Day News IClarine Cnlling IClarine Calling IClarine Calling Dinner WinnerlDinner Winner IRoliie's RccordsiRollie't Record Happiness i.Mrs Hurlnn iSlrike It Rich P.-t Ruttram NBC B'ndst'nd INBC B'ndst'nd INBC B'ndst'nd NBC B'ndst'nd My True Story My True Story iPaul Harvey 'Jack Paar Chron. of Air News Top Trades News jhasv Show hasy nnow Vall. Farmeait IKasy Show IKGAY News illnuse Paity IWomcn in Hse, KSl.M IKOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX 2 KSLM KOCO KG A' KOIN KGW ki; Rollle's ReenrdslRollle's RccordsH'own Crier News-Weather iCome Get It House Party Boh Franklin iCae Lou nee Cafe Lounge Geo. MrGnwan !Gco. McGowan tGco. McGowan Farm New Willam. Mat ,Wlllam. Mat (Willam. Mat IWillam. Mat. News (Easy Show IKasy Show IKasy Show Rollie's Records Rollle'a RecordslRollie's RccordslKGAY News v Godfrey Time Godfrey Time iGodfrcv Time Godfrey Time Hilltop House jPepper Young jMcAnulty Mus MeAnully Mus. News-Conrad iRuss Conrad IRuas Conrad Russ Conrad "WillamrMat (New .WiilarnT" Mat. IWIilamMat News iKiisv Show IKnsy Show IF.nsy Show Rollle's RecordtiiHollie's Records; Itolfie's Records. KGAY News CJodfrev Time CiKtfrev Time lluih Ash ton Weather-New McAmiltv MiiiJMoAnul Music IMcAnul. Music IMcAnul. Music NewH-Conrad iltuss Conrad iKuss Conrad Ituss Conrad HENRY By Carl Anderson I TOINED CVER A NEW LEAF, HENRY ! LETS WISHING WELL Regi.lered U. S. Patent Office. 4Sta2748352fl 1'YH FTIISOAIOOH 72. 1-186 3 627463 I P II ! V It N W V. N U I E 362 740Ji27-l 1 S I. A C I. 1 I. 1' N N T A, 48. 1. 1 276487536 K Y K It 1) N I I P O E C U 2 4 7 3 684 672 384 K TNI G It Y S E A A O U T 3 8 5 762834688 V I. HI 1 W TI IBT OES 5 426384573246 C U T UU BRT 8 YHNR TTEItE Is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every -L day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters Is 0 or more, subtract 4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result Is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner of the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. O OH. S William J. Milkr. Di.lrifciUes s KM. r.lw. Siwlwal. lnr.12-1 ' ACROSS 1. Armed strife 4. Hesitate 9. Hippie 12. Kmc of Juclalt 13. Uimt in pronouncing 14. Danish, nionev 15. Twisted rod 17. Wild 19. SUlKSish 20. Honey bur.zard il.Odcme against tht law 23. Notched 26. Narrow road 27. Tapering solids 28. Railroad: abbr. 29. Unit of work 30. Armistice 31. Chess piece 32. OnelScot 33. Vine Tree State 34. Interweave. 35. Treated 37. Points o the earth's axis 38. Is the trouble S9. The moon 40. Newly-married woman 42. Papal building 45. Kiver island 46. Scrimp 48. Katie 49Vpor BUGnOAKUMBOFlF u STabbF S a t UH n a l r IJtIaHe yIe Ba l l y B nWsJs Ca 51a y sn I tMsIEB MB EbMl 5 B lEHti a bTo biia f t SET1 IIaeIM AJlbi E QfiHl 2 IJE 14i c i Bl6jjinfAR Rg e RKtasSl styo I B TiE L LB J JJIG PFL I P I yli iH a t t diJl o o gtFrrArEMAlND Solution of Yesterday's Puula 50. Present time 51. Forever: Maori DOWN 1. Had being 2. Viper 3. Parapet 4. Tapering piece 5. Friend J li li I ! 'V If i li k1 yit M i' j '? :gn r T f ;T . , "' 7J ' , . r j r, fj jt tji j, .jj.; s- u tj nr1 it ii r-j7 n -rvr srte- Wjw 71 TTVr V"7p 71 -'. JS I'y A an.t.eiene ' o I tu nau M SIM J O 6. Contend 7. Short for a man's name 8. Football official 9. Doona 10. Macaw 11. Chum 16. Alaskan city 18. Blunders 20. British pennies II. Cloudless 22. Peep show 23. Healthy 24. Vestige 25. Sea eagles 27. Shouts 30 Of greatest heisht 31. Chills and fever 33. Servant 34. Solitary 36. Manners of walking 37. Wmriew cement ?9. Miss Turner 40. Sack 41. Narrow lilet . Cevxvr W.aa' to. tV.hrta 4ff . fc as Promotions Go To Woodburn R0TC Leaders WOODBURN (Special) The ROTC department of Willamette university announced the promo tion this week of Willard L. Thomp son and Robert L, Withers, both of Woodburn, to the rank of cadet captains. As director of person nel Thompson will keep the records on all the cadets and issue pro motions. Withers, inspector gen eral, will review the basic cadets on drill movements. Both men are affiliated with Phi Delta Theta fraternity and Arnold air society as well as being eco nomic majors. They will receive their commissions in the air force in June. Withers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Withers and Thomp son is the son of Mrs. Ernest Han dy and Kenneth Thompson. Paul Edwards of Woodburn was elected vice-president of Pi Gam ma Mu, national social honorary on the Willamette university cam pus, at initiation ceremonies last week. Senior scholar in his ma jor field, history, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards of Woodburn. Willamette university ROTC an nounced this week the promotion of Gary Reid of Woodburn to the rank of cadet airman, 2nd class. He is a sophomore in physics ma jor and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reid of Woodburn. Methodists to Give Bazaar LEBANON (Special) Annual turkey dinner and Christmas bazaar for the Woman's Society for Christian Service of the First Methodist church will be Dec. 5, starting at 11 a.m. at the church. Apron and fancywork booths will be headed by Mrs. John Pearl, Mrs. Vern Reeves and Mrs. Lester Scott. Mrs. Ray Garrett and Mrs. Kenneth Sims will open "country stnrc booth, and Mrs. Frank Palchcll, a candy booth. A novelty booth with plates showing the history of the First Methodist church will be head ed by Mrs. W. M. Chandler. Members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship will sponsor a white elephant booth. Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Co-chairmen are Mrs. Leonard Olson and Mrs. Chris Huck. Mrs. Ed Schliske and Mrs. Har old Montgomery will be In charge of the dining room. Mrs. Elmer Nichols is chair man of the clean-up committee ana Mrs. John Pearl of the tick et committee. Lebanon Legion Women to Meet LEBANON (Special) Calen dar of meetings for the junior activities group of the American Legion Auxiliary for December was announced Tuesday by Mrs. Charley Baker, to include a play for the program and the annual Christmas party for veterans' children. Mrs. Ray Gleason will assist. Dec. 1 meeting, 10-11 a.m.. will include Christmas handicraft; Dec. 8, business; Dee. 15, study and making favors for local nurs ing homes; Dec. 22, party. The group also plans to sing carols at the homes of Gold Star mothers and nursing homes. IM&M: I Ilegtnner-Slntple! Last minute gifts for your Christmas list beginncr-simplet Large crochet squares work up quickly, make many smart articles. Pattern 7244: Crochet directions (or 9-inch square, 1-inch edging in string. Jiffy gifts join 3 squares for scarf, 4 lor TV cover! Send TWKNTY-KIVE CENTS In coins lor this pattern adr 5 cents lei each pattern "ir Ist-clas mail ing. Send to Capital Journal. Household Arts nept . P O. bin 168 Old Chelsea Station. New York II. p V Print , 'nly NAME. ADDRESS. ZONE, AND PATTERN M'MRER. To FREE patterns printed tr our ALICE BROOKS Needle- cralt nook - stunning designs fot you our readers' Dernns ol other designs to e-Kll e- faseinahnc handwork: Sni cents for your copy ol (hiswon derful book right iwayl e un TU.r UIIUTVCV 6UCFFIE1.P, 'the lEAPINO MAN IN THE FEATURE, HAS EETUENEP TO ENCUUW trio A CONTRACT PISFVIB... SO IT IS HOT UNIW'AL THAT A ISNO i-auc TCI CPUAJr4 CALL 6UOULB roue TO THE 8ACHEL0E OFFICE' QUARTERS , HUH? I HAVE NO... WAIT 1-EeOND...YES, COLONEL STEVE "KENTON'IS NOT : I I 1 I II I STEVE HAS BEEN TOO IV I BEAD THAT THE FILM HAS BEEN I 12 QUITE A BOX OFFICE HIT... ' UlLUII WWJ Vlf J.-a CONTRACT p,,....MWm tijei CALLING c HUH? I HAVE-1 STEVE has left n ljiiM firm .,v7WiH JKU nr-Si:rl P A COLONEL STEVE J! not knowing STTDf H WIMrsiJTiaVVSZa WFSZaitMlMdN I Wi I'M I -mmti? ie - ; MAYBE" HAVE AN rRWSHT ' lETS SEtH" THE HOTEL IS A6KI j -jJsf v tJv ( GOOD, T Ty - S ifU agSSfcSSS? Zlr? i : tujtuJ fwnAT wtj Yno I'm ne(?g 1 1 joufAk-iNU f J riticciim mroof) MR.WOMBAT"'rl6'S COM6 AW. CWelJUNfitN GOItW Jr-S,. K'A 7 SQUEAKING - J VOT IA t3 Y T i '30?Matii f but houX HUHlBHg TtUJTTH'OBW0N rSft-Fr!7HflTsY JUST PfWES T FOR HaHrT YNOTONLVTreTTlH CAN SHE? CAN GET I 30T FRANK A 1 ALL RIQHTl ) THAT BAD P I ME, POOR OLD MA UCtOUS KEPT "THAT'S , AWAV WITH REAL QOOO JOB- v THINCSSgN I I FRANK FUDDLE HIS WWSES FOR If STEALJN'f ANVTHINQ. I SEXTON AT. 5f QOOD OLO X WORK OOTFOR I I GOT FIRED? I TH'LfTBTTWO V, J SEEMS UKE-I TH'CHURCHl DEACON! 1 TH' BESJ I ' j rrES 1 7t liss-U ?iXsiT a SCRAGS a inPTH' NOT - NOT AS BAD LORBOyHlrL J iXiMfTWW CRITTER A , , i whut pip r'Tzy'' p01 )vf pSA MofswangI AmYT7c ' AH, FEELS ' II r: J fS- ' TP fTT .J" good to r I o I g kJ-i . II ? ''. ItgjrS'.SagSt TES, PfcAACW&AN-- MEANWHILE. IN AN ATTDBNgr'S OFFICE... I PCXT fOI IB SEATED, V TEN TELL NJJ BUT I 5TILL FEEL y y k 11 MB. LOCK 7 MS. WRI6HT Wl'R R. WRI&HT 1 CO lOU FEEL WELL SOMEWHAT ' MR. yLVESTER LOCK Y TLL M WITH HIAA ) .l WILL SE WITH YOU J NOT TO BOTHER' I ENOU&H TC SIT UP IN 1 V CONFUSED J IS HERE, MR.WKl&HT.' IN JUST A FEW fi . SHORTLY r ' I SHALL TAKE J Iaane. ll- I ii ' j 'i I tS Ni v 's x MMI V THCN-;. I'M SURE VDUR 1 I i YOU 00 RI6HT AHLAD AND fix "V s V ' ' ' V FIANCEE WCHiLD EXPECT TO BE 1 I ITUPNICE.,...rM5URE,IF10u UKtV DONTVOU FEU THAT V7 ou rut ivw uoeitn CONSULTED! IT'S UNFAIRTOME Li IT, SMC WILL! tCS.'NV v WUR-YOURWIFE-.. 'Vm?S fSj'r 'f l IN FACT, PROFESSIONALLY, TO ASK. Ov T-s5r'ri5C'AfeUL SHCEl j T