Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 26, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thnraday, Koreaibcr 26, 1S3
Local Paragraphs
Fan Night Tun Night"
will bt the them for the eve
ning when member of Sa
lem'f Co-Ree club meet at the
Y M C A. it 6 30 p.m. Friday.
After dinner thoie present
will engage in a program of
badminton, volleyball, swim
jning and dancing. Dinner
reservations ahould be made
by calling the Y.M.C.A.
' Mineral Society Meetlnc
Tne regular meeting of the
Willamette Agate and Mineral
Society will be held Friday,
November 27, 8 p.m. in
Chapel of Salem Memorial
Hospital. Special feature will
be an auction tale of mineral
, Fireman to Lockheed Fire
man Edgar R. Carlisle has re
signed from the Salem fire de
partment effective January 1,
Fire Chief Ellsworth L. Smith
announced Wednesday. Carlisle
plans to go to work for Lock
heed Aircraft company In Cali
fornia, he said. His replacement
will be named later, Smith said.
Drawson Fasaea Exam
Maynajd Drawson, who is with
. the Burt Picha real estate of
fice, was informed today that
he bad successfully passed the
state real estate examination.
He took the examination Monday.
Turkey Carved
(Continued from Page
Cars Damaged Cars driven
by John A. Cordon, 18S .North
23rd street, and Stanley Dra
nk, 3147 Teas street, collided
at the intersection of Court and
14th streets about 8 Dm. Wed
nesday. No one was Injured,
ui Doin cars suffered consid
erable damage, police said.
Hotel Joins Chamber List
ed this week as a new mem
ber of the Salem Chamber of
Commerce is the Bligh hotel,
441 State street.
Innocent, Then Guilty
Obert Alfred Jacobson, Route
1, Hubbard was found innocent
in Marion County Circuit court
Wednesday on a charge of driv
ing while intoxicated which
had been appealed from Wood
burn justice court Later in
the afternoon he pleaded guilty
to reckless driving in Marion.
county district court, the
charge arising from the same
act He was fined $30.
(Continued from Page 1)
Dinner will be in the trophy
room of the Augusta National
Golf club, close by the new
"little White House" built by
fellow club members for the
president. The family will be
joined at dinner by a few old
On the menu In addition to
turkey with oyster dressing
will be:
Fruit cup, yams, cranberry
sauce, green vegetables and
pumpkin pie.
Late Wednesday, newsmen
accompanying the president
from Washington were his
guests at his new vacation
When they arrived, Eisen
hower was on the lawn in front
of the Hi -story white brick
cottage known as "Mamie's
He had a motion picture
camera and was concentrating
on filming the house, with Mrs.
Eisenhower on the front porch.
He swung the camera
around, trained it on the arriv
ing news photographers, and
remarked with a grin:
"You fellows get over there
so I can take a picture of you
for a change. ,
Most Wanted
(Continued from Pace 1
Grocers will be allowed to
sell two quarts of milk for 45
Also increased a cent a quart
were prices on premium milk.
Cost of 4.3 per cent butterfat
milk will be 24 cents and five
per cent milk will be 24 V
Producers Get Boost
The new schedules will re
sult in a 12-cent increase for
producers of average test four
per cent milk or $6.32 a hun
dredweight, the commission
stated. Storekeepers' margin
on single quart sales will be
2 Mi cents.
Medford Plea Rejected
The board rejected an appli
cation of producers in the Med
ford marneting area for a re
hearing on a price of $6.23 a
hundredweight for four per
cent milk.
Quart milk prices in Seattle
are 19Vi cents at stores and
20 Vi cents for home delivery:
Los Angeles 21 and 22 Vi cents;
San Francisco, 2 Its and 22V
cents; Sacramento, 20 V and
21V; Boise, 1V cents, and
Spokane 22 cents.
Portland newspapermen In
formed Governor Patterson
that Administrator Wydell had
informed them that no meet
ing, regular or special, of the
commision would be held until
. S. B. Hal, of Troutdale, a
member of the board said the
whole matter had been explor
ed previously in public sessions,
and final action had been taken
at a regularly called special
meeting at a time when it ap
peared most members of the
board could be preesnt.
Large Audience
Hears Message
Rev. William F. Clay, pastor
of the First Church of the Na
zarene, urged a capacity audi
ence at the First Methodist
church Thursday morning to
look to God for their many
blessings. i
The service, sponsored by
the Salem Ministerial associ
ation, waa in recognition of
Thanksgiving Day.
Rev. Clay's text, "Gratitude
Unfeigned," was taken from
Psalms 69-30: "I will praise the
name of God with song, and
will magnify him with thanks
giving." He said "our blessings
are wonderful indeed," adding
that it was fitting that the Bible
should be . given the central
place in thanksgiving.
The minister spoke of Paul
who exclaimed "Give thanks
tor everything." God, he said,
should be thanked for giving
us the ability to rise above our
discouragements and fears."
Rev. Louis E. White, presi
dent of the ministerial associa
tion, presided and read Presi
dent Eisenhower's Thanksgiv
ing proclamation.
The choir of Salem Academy
provided special music and
Rev. B. J. Holland gave the in
vocation. Scripture reading
was by Rev. James W. Gentry
and the prayer by Rev. Collis
C. Blair.
The Thanksgiving offering
will be given to Church World
Service for Korean relief.
Massingale and two other in
mates escaped from the refor
matory, flashing a butcher
knife and swinging a club at
two guards. They fled in
commandeered car with one of
the guards as a hostage, the
FBI said.
Hoover said Massingale was
unarmed when found in a Las
Vegas hotel. He said Massingale
admitted his identity and said
"it's been a good run. Hoo
ver's account continued:
"He was travelling under the
name of Roy Croft as a photog
rapher salesman for a Chey
enne, Wyo. commercial firm
and claimed he was slated for
a manager's position in a few
months in view of his success
as a salesman.
Had Woman Companion
"Massingale was accompa
nied by a woman companion,
with whom he was living at
Las Vesas as man and wife, on
a sales tour which covered
Wyoming, Utah, Colorado and
New Mexico. When apprehend
ed today, Massingale states be
planned to take her on a
t Christmas vacation to Mexico
' City."
Dean Geist Attends
National Convention
Melvin H. Geist, dean of the
College of Music at Willamette
University, is attending the
'29th annual meeting of the
National Association of Schools
of Music this week. Sessions
are being held at the Palmer
House In Chicago on November
27, 28 and 29.
Over 200 of the nation's lead
ing music educators represent
ing schools of music, colleges
and universities are in attend
ance. In addition to being the
official representative of Wil
lamette University, Dean Geist
served as a vice president of
the national organization from
During World War II the
V. S. armed services in the
South Pscific conducted clas
ses In pidgin English.
Castle Permanent Wavers,
305 Livesley Bldg., ph. 3-3663.
Permanents 85 and up. Ruth
Ford, Manager. . 282
Rummage sale over Green-
baums, November 27, 28. Sal
em Credit Women's Club. 282
2 room, clean, downtown;
refrigerator, washing machine,
electric heat. $35. Phone
3-7897. 282
2 Hit-Skip Accidents
Get Police Attention
Two hit and run accidents
Wednesday were reported by
city police Thursday.
The car of Ray Van Valck,
1865 North Commercial street,
was struck wHile it was parked
in front of his home. The left
rear fender was mashed, the
wheel rim bent and the tire
puctured, police said. The acci
dent happened shortly after
A damaged front end was
suffered by the car of Darrell
Ponsford, 950 Mornlngside ave
nue, while it was parked in the
high school parking lot some
time during the day, he re
ported. -
An eyewitness reported an
other hit and run Involving
woman pedestrian Dut tne
woman did not report the acci
dent to them, police said. She
walked away after being
knocked down, the eyewitness
said. .
Newrjort U. The Coast
Guard Cutter Ivy was stand
ing by a stricken freighter off
the entrance to Yaquina nay
this morning, but the vessel
was reported in no danger.
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Research Identifies
Benefactor of State
Tuesday of this week a front
page story in the Capital Jour
nal told of benefactions to East
era Oregon Tuberculosis Hos
pital and Children's Home at
Corvallia, state supported in
stitutions, from the estate of
Brlttana G. Fulton, assets of
which include mineral rights In
the heart of Texas recently de-
Infant Killed
(Continued from Pace 1
Bazaar and food sale, No
vember 27. V. F. W. Auxiliary.
455 Court St. 282
Marimba and Accordion Ccn
cert, December 1. 8 p.m.. Par
rish Jr. High, Wiltsey Music
House. 284
Marimba and Accordion Con
cert, December I. 8 p.m., Par-
rish Jr. High, Wiltsey Music
House. 284'
Salvage Sale. Beautiful,
New. High Grade Furniture.
SP Freight. 282
Learn knitting. 341 State St
3-5654. Wednesday thru Satur
day. 1:00 p m.-4 p.m. 302'
Cooklns 208 turkeys with an average weight ol 27
pounds each to feed 3600 patients and attendants at Oregon
State Hospital got under way at 8 o'clock this morning.
The birds will be cooked for six hours and dinner served
at 2:15 p.m. Thursday afternoon. Shown, from left, at
the ovens are Robert E. Becker, head cook, cooks Arthur
Roberg and R. D. McGhee and Dorothy Hill, dietician.
Lower photograph shows Thanksgiving decoration ar
ranged by patients for the hospital auditorium.
All of the students were in
serious condition and two of
them were listed as "very critical."
Katherlne Carol Litchfield,
former Miss Lincoln county
and daughter of Kenneth
Litchfield, Newport city at
torney, showed some Im
provement Thursday. JoAnn
Curry, daughter of Harvey
Curry, Newport merchant,
was in very critical condition
as also was Franklin O. Bud
Parker, Jr., 19, son of the Lin
coin county coroner.
Miss Litchfield and Miss
Curry had planned to go home
by bus for the holiday and
just at the last minute learn
ed a ride with Nicholas and
Parker was available.
Police said the students' car
turned broadside in its skid
and went into the path of the
eastbound Aldropps. The Al-
dropps, who were not in criti
cal shape, were taken to
Dallas hospital.
Tne accident occurred on
highway 18, about eight miles
weat of WlUamlna:
The Pueblo of Zunl In west
ern New Mexico has a form of
worship centered on many
gods, called Katchlnas.
veloped by the Shamrock Oil
and Gas Corporation of Amar
ilk, Texas.
The Stat Board of Control
has been asked by the Sham
rock corporation to execute an
order for a division of the roy
alties among the various own-
of the mineral rights
which would entitle the two
Oregon Institutions named as
beneficiaries to about 131 of
the royalty payment!
Brittana G. Fulton died May
1933, near Wasco in Sher
man county, and by terms of
a will ahe bequeathed $13,000
to the Eastern Oregon Tuber
culosis hospital and $15,000 to
the Children's Home at Corval
lia. Then her estate was val
ued at $82,0M. i
Capital Journal's historian.
assisted by the state archivist
and Portland reference librar
ies learned that Brittana O. '
Fulton was born near Amity,
July 16, 1835, the daughter of
S. M. Gilmore, Yamhill county
pioneer of 1843. She was mar
ried to John Fulton at Rock
land, Waahlngton Territory, on
November 12, 1878. '.
Fulton, also, was an Oregon
pioneer, born in Yamhill coun
ty May 24, 1852. His parents
were CoL James and Priscilla
Fulton who were residents of
Oregon Territory before 1850.
In 1857 they left the Willam
ette Valley and settled east of
the Cascades.
John Fulton entered Whit
man college in Walla Walla in
the 1870s and after leaving the
Institution associated himself
with his father in agricultural
pursuits. He became a leading
citizen of Sherman county with
a residence near Wasco where
he owned above 2000 acres of '
land. - - .
When Mrs. Fulton died, 20
years ago, she was 77 years of
age.- .
Wards of State Dine
Well at Dinner Hour
Circuit Court
wtnor iht curkt vi Paul ClarM:
Ordtr of lull nurd mUM
Lauren e Tc6trlek wutnlrr va Otrt-
rud Warfnttr: Divorce complaint, al
leclnf cruel and nihomu trcatatat.
Married at Vancouver, Wailu reoruarfe
30. lftaa. PlalntUf aaka cuatod of lour
minor enlldren.
wrnant HimDton ee Slack WaHace
Hampton: Decree of divorce to slalauff
reatoree former name Huu.
This Thanksgiving is' a day
of feasting and entertainment
for Inmates of Oregon State
. Following the dinner, at
noon, with nothing missing
from the menu that is tradition
al on Thanksgiving day, the
prisoners were entertained at
1:30 in the auditorium -ny ea
wlna Holce, 13,, of the KEX
Stars of Tomorrow" show.
And after this there was to be
an hour-long show by Inmates
of the institution.
Here is the menu that was
served up for the 1500 or so
diners at the prison:
Turkey, 145 birds, or 1600
Trio Accused
(Continued from Pe 1)
Oartald D. Coi Cltvrioe T. Oliwkltn
.a v.rdcii of jjUU wn.Untls.rr. HtTlng
on ftvpitcitloa lor wm w okmh corpus
tt lor IHCtmtpCT 9.
LoU CtmptMil Tt John U. lUoaui:
Complaint MklB judintnt of tWH
enei-eU And K3 PMlfti dftmMM for In-
jurtM -aid toTtreiultd from tvuto-
iBobUt) MifltDt Mtrcn 19, iij.
Uto Bobbr IUy MttlwtU: Dtftnd
int pteeod en fit yctr. probation after
ha vlna been found tulitr of burtiarr ot
la dwauiai.
MuniciDal Court
Maurtco Lamoat Aatth. Fort BUM.
Tcxaa, diirVD trnOa lntoxkatsxl, )Mld
la uo of balL
LAMRIRT Ta Mr. ead lira. Ma
Lambert. 1111 SMIaaw att, Mr.
rntWART-Ta Mr. eae Mrs. ftamuel
Si-varl 1TT mVvrt M. a tlrk Kov. U
rjiaT To Mr. and Un. Sucnard
S)rrT Wllbar 0t . a tlrl. nev. 3
COMPTOH Te Mr. end Mra. Olleert
Le cometoa. Cnemae-a Hd. a alrl.
McralTUlOll-Te Mr. and Mra. rMsele
L MrPnereoa. aia a. uta a
ov. 2k
' ea ' - V JL -' a.
III 4 -
pounds. Green and ripe olives,
100 gallons. Celery, 550
pounds. Cheese, 150 pounds,
Carrot sticks, 350 pounds.
Fresh cranbsrry salad, 350
pounds. Cranberry sauce, 290
pounds. Oranges, 350 pounds.
Lemons, half a case. For the
Waldorf salad, 250 pounds of
apples, 200 pounds of bananas,
50 pounds ot grapes, 25 pounds
of marsbmallows and 25
pounds of walnuts. Sage dress
ing, 475 pounds. Sweet pota
toes, 1000 pounds. Giblet
gravy, 150 gallons. Corn on
cob, 1600 ears. Freih frozen
peas, 490 pounds. Cream whip
potatoes, 450 pounds. Mince!
meet for pies, 73 gallons.
Pumpkin for pies, 325 pounds. I
Fruit cake, 640 pounds. Parker
House rolls, 300 dozen. Oleo,
80 pounds. Coffee, 150 pounds,
with 10 gallons of cream and
80 pounds of sugar.
The turkey was served
sliced in cellophane bags.
Big menus also are being,
served at other state institu
tions, and the tonnage of food
at Oregon State Hospital is
even greater than at the pris- j
on. Falrvlew Home wm serve
better than 2000 pounus of;
turkey, and Oregon State Tu
berculosis Hospital between '
400 ,and 500 pounds. . .
Thanksgiving day dinner for
city and county jail prisoners
at the Salem city Jail will fea
ture roast turkey with all the
trimmings, including dressing,
mashed potatoes, giblet gravy,
vegetables, salad, cranberry
sauce, bread, coffee and Ice
The Pacific ocean covers
about a third of the earth's
It's liko getting an
Insurant Policy FHCGf
. whn you buy
ST e
Walfial and fHlbetl Cracking
. AumsvUle, Ore.
Chuck Stevenson ot Lynwood, Calif; Is caught in an
embrace before be can even get out of bis Lincoln. Steven
son drove to record-breaking victory in the heavy sports
clsss in the 4th Pan-American Road Race which ended at
Aeronaves Airport. 13 miles south of Juarez, Mexico.
(UP Telephoto)
An unknown number of
men drove up and rifled the
armored car while Its three
guards were having coffee lnj
nearby drugstore.
It was the biggest armored
car robbery in the nation and
was topped only by the $1,
210,000 Boston Brink's count-
ins room robbery ot January,
1850, as the nation's largest i
cash haul. I
Some Bills Recovered
Police Chief Raymond Ker-
win ot Danvers said an FBI
agent told him that agents had
recovered some bills whose
serial numbers matched num
bers of the stolen currency.
Kerwin said it had not been
generally known that Investi
gators had the serial numbers
of the stolen money.
A next-door neighbor of the
O'Briens, Arthur L. McGilv
ray, 33, said the FBI had asked
him to keep an eye on their
activities since the O'Briens
moved Into their new white
colonial home from a Dorches
ter, Mass., tenement district
last January.
The elder O'Brien was held
In, $100,000 ball after Asst U
S. Atty. Edward Hassan told
U. S. Commissioner Peter J
Melligan, presiding at a special
night session, that the govern
ment contended O'Brien was a
participant in the robbery.
The younger O'Brien was or
dered held in $5,000 bail. His
mother was released in $1,000
ball on ber personal recogni
zance, because she has two
other children, aged 4 and 6, to
care for. A hearing will be held
Dee. .
Hassan told the commission
er that the son snd mother had
received funds from O'Brien
that were "knowingly taken
from the armored truck In Dan
The FBI said the elder
O'Brien served two terms in
Massachusetts State Prison
from 1034 to about 1S40 on
charges of larceny snd break
lng and entering.
Plus Tax
NOW a!
THIS Amazing Low Price!
Act Now
Terms As Low as
$1.25 Per Week!
All machines guaranteed a full year by Salem's
only factory authorized sales and service ag
ency for the Royal Standard and Electric. For
those who are renting our typewriters up to 3
months rent payments will apply toward pur
chase of any mochine new or used.
nm nn-r-TTir--iTitT
01 INK
. .
m ww com vTL Twv 14
m 11M evr ef
a xtr eeet .
per Ml
Ton gat a UfeUme ol sarvlca from this
ISfeJSL wheth y live ta a house soarbne
i whether you ewa or rant
a, u.irl D. Luia VtovFlaitic Floor
Ttle offera all theaa tmportaot advnUt"
-' Caa M ana ajlM Jaari m
Seat Seora. Ceecrett, wee. are) saeiai
keiew nee. an area., ewn. ,
barta-Mtta r"wN.
e iram, lawaiH (an, rialt KrMt. atfaM taata. aaaj
caeailcela, .1.
McsaawaM Ml 1 1 "
Oeett ratalaal, laiarhvai.
e tier toes litae-aa '"
... .l .L.I.L. Imitrii with the Home
0TV UUal rraiiai (aaaayev a l
Owner's Ule-Occupancy Cuaraotte today. Itato
thnftv you can put Its luttag lowuneei oa every Boot
ts your bonl
a, . 0 f l-fi '
wfiii miii in trr
aaV fill m 111 aaataaaaaafaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal