Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 29, Image 29

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    P(ft 10 FOOD SECTION
Banana Bar Cookie ' '
Nice to Have at Hand
Make the up now. They'll
come In mighty handy. Three
dozen ban ot dellcioui goodness
to accompany milk, coifee, iced
tea or other beverage.
Banana Bar Cookies
14 cupa flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Vi cup shortening
Vi teaspoon salt ' '
J cup sugar -'-I
teaspoon lemon extract
t well beaten eggs
ripe bananas, mashed
, Sift together flour, baking
powder and salt Cream to
gether sugar and shortening,
Add extract and eggs. Mix
well. Add dry Ingredients alter
rately with mashed banana to
the shortening mixture and
beat well. Pour Into greased,
pan 8 x 13 Inches or Into smal
ler pans. Bake at 350 degrees
for 30 minutes. Cut in bars. If
desired,- Vi cup chopped nuts
may be added before baking,
Good eating. ... . .
Chicken Chow Mein
Just before serving hot
creamed chicken (or turkey),
heat some pineapple tidbits,
drain and foid in. (Allow about
cup tidbits for 4 servings.)
Serve on canned Chow Mein
noodles er toast and scatter a
few alivered almonds over all.
ROMUk New Knd of Pud
,;. xxi Dor. Hove to uxl
File These Coolers to Have
for Warm Days Ahead . . .
- i v L
Frosty cool drinks are refreshing for summer relaxation
time. Grownups and children will enjoy a choice of
Banana Mash, Ginger Punch, or Frosty Cooler. -
Instant Pbdding
7 Oomet7i)c?un
A warm summer day can be
enjoyable if you retreat to
shady tree, or to the porch to
lounge comfortably with tall
cool drink at your side.
You can match your family's
preference by keeping a good
selection of canned fruit juices
and nectars in your refngera
tor. Different combinations of
juices will make any number
of pleasing thirst - quenchers.
! Try one of the following recipes
and treat your family to cool
invigorating fruit drink. ,
Ginger Punch
Vi teaspoon ginger
Vi cup sugar
Vi cup water
1 No. 2 can orange and "
grapefruit juice , , .
Ice cubes
Simmer ginger, sugar
water for five minutes.
Add fruit juice. Serve over ice
cubes. Four to six servings. .
B, nana Mash
1 ripe bananas
1 12-oz. can apricot nectar
1 cup milk .
1 tablespoon sugar '
. Mash bananas; add ' apricot
nectar, milk and sugar. Stir un
til smooth. Serve chilled,
to six servings.
Frosty Cooler
2 cups canned cranberry
i Juice
Vi cups canned pineapple ;
juice .
1 cup canned apple juice ...
Ice cubes ;'
Combine all Ingredients.
Chill. Pour over cubes and gar
nish with a fresh sprig of mint
Four to six servings.
A Breakfast Treat
When you're frying ham.
and it's almost done, scatter
some drained pineapple chunks
around it in the skillet and stir
so they'll brown quickly all
over. Serve with scrambled
eggs for a wonderful break
fast or brunch.
Snack Treat
Toast rounds spread with a
mixture of Vi cup crab meat,
y cup chopped ripe olives and
2 tablespoons mayonnaise, then
run under the broiler until
lightly browned make a nice
snack to serve with afternoon
teal It's elegant and particularly
popular with those who want to
Four go easy on the sweets. Perfect
for cocktail snacks too.
2 Cakes
For Outdoor-Eating
Cake is an easy and popular
feesert to serve. Here are tw
eakea that are easy to trans
port to the back yard or to
nienle. Keeplnc quality is ex
cellent Bake J or 1 days ahead
of time. .'
Waaler Fadge Cake
(All ingrements should be at
room temperature.)
to cup shortening 9
- 2 cups sugar
IK teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons vanilla ,
2 eggs
4 squares (4 ox.) choco
late, melted
2 cups sifted cake flour
2 teaspoons baking
lto cuds milk '
1 cup chopped nut meats,
optional - '
Cream shortening, add tug'
ar. salt and vanilla and cream
until fluffy. Add eggs, one at
a time, beating well after each
addition. Add melted chocolate
and beat until well combined.
Sift together flour and baking
powder. Add alternately witn
milk adding flour mixture first
and last. If desired add nut
meats and mix until thorough
ly blended. Pour batter into a
well-greased and floured sheet
cake pan (10 by 13 by I-lncn).
Bake in moderate oven (373
degrees F.) 33 to 40 minutes,
until cake springs back when
lightly touched with finger.
Cool and 'frost as desired.
Makes 39 two-inch squares.
Carry to picnic -in the pan. ,
Easy Totln' Banana Cap Cakes
(All ingredients should be at
room temperature.)
IVi cups sifted all-purpose
" 1 teaspoon baking powder
to teaspoon soda
to teaspoons salt
to teaspoon cinnamon .
to teaspoon nutmeg
to teaspoon cloves
to cup shortening
1 teaspoon vanilla
to cup sugar ;
1 egg, unbeaten
to cup mashed banana.
Sift flour with baking pow
der, soda, salt and spices three
times. Cream shortening ana
vanilla, adding augar gradual
ly, until light and fluffy. Add
egg, beat well. Add flour mix
ture and banana pulp. Beat un
til . well blended. Fill paper
baking cups or greased muf
fin pans to full. Bake in a mod
erate oven (373 degree F.) un
til cake, springs back when
lightly touched, about 20 min
utes. Cool. Frost if desired.
Makes 14' large cup cakes.
lacks ef 'em carefully
washed and kept fresh In our
old eases. ,
If It's In season, Model haa It!
Hothouse and Field Tomatoes
Green Onions Radishes
Head and Leaf Lettuce
Green Broccoli Cauliflower
Green Peaa Asparagus
New Potatoes - While Onions
Bunch Carrots, Beets, Turnips
ZutHlnnl Local Spinach
Endive Romalne W. Cress
New Cabbage Green Peppers
Artichokes - Cello Salad Veg.
Strawberries Cantaloupe
Lemons Limes aOrsnges
Florida and Calif. Grapefruit
Newton and Winesap Apples
Stock up In case. The wealh
r may be rood and It will be
a double holiday. We have
everything you need to make
the plcnlo a aucress.
Lindsay Ripe Olives
SELECT, Small 1.
Pint JC
Pint ... . ( .
Good Grocery Buys
Pork and Beans 2,
Instant Coifee
Van Cam. No. 2V4 - cans Jt
No. lot, a cana as
Maxwell House, email jar . 57c
i ' Large jar, !
$&W(olleei,b. . ...... 89ctlbs. $1.77
Heinz Kosher Dills $oi. :...J7c
Steinfeld Dills ....... .........23c
3 for
Fresh Light Walnut Meats
Holiday Margarine...
All Flavors
Dromedary Pimientos
Planters Peanut Oil ptnu
Del Monte Prune Juice
Loma Linda Fig Juice Um. 37c
Church's Grape Juice Uot. ...32c
4 os.
II os.
1MB QOAUJY son same
Giant. Bottle
Of Sqilrt
With Bottle Cartoa
runhtmi at regalar
(Pin IWrfUf Peewit)
Fancy Whole, can
. 49c
2 pkn. 29c
Model Food Market
275 N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111
30-Day Accounts The Store of Friendly Service
No Charge for Delivery
We Will It Closed Saturday, Memorial Day
Tree Tea , .,,
Tree Tea ,.
Del Monte Fruit Cocktail No. Vi
Smoked Oysters
Book Matches
Camay Soap Bath slse.
YES Facial Tissue
Fresh Dressed
S ib.
They're Different, Dellcioui!
lots .
Country Style
Wonderful for
. 55'
Marmalade Lifter
Try this with a can of cling
peach aalvesi Place the peach
halves cup side up la s shallow
baking; -dish and spoon a tea
spoon of orange marmalade Into
each. Sprinkle witn anrMded
coconut and pour a little peach
syrup around peaches. Bake in
moderate even about 10 rain'
utes. Sere warm with whip
ped or sour cream.
For Gingerbread ,
You'll love this rich buttery
apricot sauce served over
squares of hot gingerbread. Add
a half cup seedless raisins to
the gingerbread batter and bake
as usual. Combine 1 cup apri
cot whole fruit nectar, Vi cup
butter. V cup sugar and 1 tea
spoons cornstarcn. Cook ana
stir until clear and thickened.
Serve warm.
Hot Stuffed Eggs
Stuffed eggs are a popular
winter entree when you serve
them hot' Combine the cooked
yolks with chopped ripe olives,
a bit of cream and salt, pepper
and curry powder to taste. Pile
back Into the whites and beat
in a hot oven about 8 minutes.
Serve on toast with Parmesan
cheese sauce.
Prunes Deluxe '
Cooked prunes are one of the
best breakfasts there are. They
taste delicious by themselves
and do much to add a fruity
taste to a hot cooked cereal. In
stead of cooking the prunes,
nreoare them this way for a
chance. Cover with hot fruit
JUlce and let stand 24 hours or
longer in the refrigerator.
Per Baaa
Raisin sauce and a pineapple
glaze are two Jlme-proven fav
orites with baked ham, so why
not combine the two in one
luscious tasting sauce. All you
have to do is substitute pine
apple juice' for the liquid call
ed fort in your regular recipe
for raisin sauce.
By this time you must have
discovered the new S -ounce
tin of buttered almonds on
your grocers sneives. ine
almonda are diced and lust as
crijp and buttery tasting as
can be. Use them Just as they
come from the can. We like
to pretty up our sea foam cake
Icing with a liberal scattering
of the buttered almonds.
A' quarter of the live girl
babies born in 1S00 in the
United States died before they
were 28 years old;, today a
quarter of the girl babies born
are not likely to die until xney
are more than 88 years old. . .
Pork Chops, Vegetables,
And Rice in This Casserole
This la itl Those words will
escape- the lips to describe the
goodness of this casserole if the
ester finds a chance to talk. His
next utterance will be, "I'll
have a second helping, please."
Only a salad, perhaps a
bread, and a desert are neces
sary to complete the meal
when this "baked dinner" is
served. " .
Leave It in the oven until
all are seated at the table. Then
bring in the baking dish and
place it before the man of the
house. Treat the family to the
sight of seeing the liquid good
ness bubbling around the aides
snd spilling over the tender
rice, the green peas, and the
pork chops. ". ,
Combination Casserole
Ingredients '
6 or 8 pork chops
H cup chopped onion
Vi cup chopped green pepper
1 (10-oz.) can cream of
mushroom soup
. 1 cup water
S cups cooked rice
2 'cups, cooked peas
1 teaspoon salt'
Vt teaspoon pepper
To make 3 liberal cups of
fluffy rice: put I cup of un
cooked rice, 2 cups of cold wa
ter and r teaspoon of salt in
a two-quart saucepan and cov
er with a tight-fitting lid. Bring
to a vigorous boil and then turn
the heat as low as possible
leave over this low heat for 14
minutes. Turn off the heat This
cooking time results in firm
grains of cooked rice. (For ex
tra tender gains, allow the rice
to steam with heat off) for an
additional S minutes before re
moving lid).
Never remove the lid nor
stir rice while it is cooking.
After rice is cooked, remove
lid, lift rice gently with fork
to allow rice to steam dry to
the desired consistency.
Method: Place pork cbopa in
a skillet and brown on both
sides. Enough fat should cook
out of the pork chops so that
ltis not necessary to add any
to the skillet Lift chops out
of skillet Place the onion and
the green pepper in the skillet
and cook until tender. It may
Wednesday, Mar 27, 1953
be necessary to add a small
amount ot fat to prevent on
ions and peppers from sticking.
Add mushroom soup, water,
rice, peas, salt, and pepper.
Mix well. Pour half the rice
and pea mixture uto greased
baking dish. Arrange half the
chops over toe rice ana peaa.
Add the rest of the rice and
peas. Top with the remaining
chops and bake in moderate
1 oven' (330 degrees F.) about 31
This recipe will mske six or
eight servings depending upon
the number of pork chops used.
r- l U . JTim..v.M
For an unusual tasting hors
d'oeuvre, try combining tun
with chutney. Use about Vi cup
ot chutney to a can of bit
size tuna. Moisten with mayon
naise and season with chopped
green onion. Heap on crisp
crackers and place under broil
er until piping hot , .,
Tea Time Biscuiti
When you arc expecting
company tor tea serve small
biscuits or rolls filled with a
piquant salad made from- can
ned chicken or turkey. Cut up
chicken, add minced parsley
and celery. Moisten with may
onnaise snd season with salt
and pepper. ' .
FTOwfcna yea (SANS
" - -VI'.
lexuii tttwtntt mc
feci) mln mkml
This new "QBik-Beof" Cdke saves 150 to 300 strokes
i.. ..ii
With lighter SKOVDRIFT,
only 2 minutes beating
made this luscious cake.
K less beating than leading
cake mixes. K less than
most quick-method cakes.
yr r
I Oaf IMOttttirT arvti vm this
- f - - v
Z MMftl tMfMf I n n n Mil wort I ,4,
! .
For best results
when hand miming,
be sure to use
one ef these
spoon with
Have ingredients at room temperature.
In large mixing bowl, brack up
Important: use only Snowdrift
k's pre-whlpped for you
AM lease
t f)MM dffftel Mh IMF
1 -rrSftk& L 1. 1 mi nnV It
i i dsaawaBBBBW--
la wse tfar
Blend ingredients, then beat lVj mlnutaa, scrap
big skiea ot bowl frequently. (Count 223 strokes
lar hand beating. With electric mixer aae low
speed, scrape sides during beating, scrape beat
ers after beating.)
Add asMaalwUtMetaeMi
Blend, then beat to smooth out batter, about 71
strokes (H minute, electric beater). Turn bite
I greased S-bch layer pans, lined with paper.
Swirl fork through batter. Bake m moderate
even (375 F.) 25 to 30 minutes.
CNOCOUTI MMOND KINO: Blend 3 tablespoons
Snowdrift with Vi cap rited cocoa. Add 3 caps
sifed confecHoiiers' sugar snd V teaspoon salt
-alternately with Vi cup mil. When smooth,
add 1 teaspoon almond tavortng. Frost cake.
Decorate with bUncked almond.
'ftf U.-if.r I
At Wesson Oil
Shorteslng j
mm - mm m mm m mm mm mm mm m m m 2 kj