Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 27, 1953, Page 25, Image 25

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    2 r
String Beans?
For the Gouirnet
Canned string betas Uks'on
brand new flavor and be-
-eome a real company dish In
thli recipe tor "String Beau
Gourmet." They're dolled up
with a can of vegetable toup,
' gome bacon and onion, sot to
mention the chopped ripe ol
ivet which give them an entic
ing new accent Combine all
ingredlenta and bake a half
hour to blend the flavors. We
usually omit potatoee from our
menu when we aerve itrlng
beam thli way since they are
; so hearty. ,
String Beans Qenrmet '
cup diced bacon .
H cup chopped onion
1 (4 H -ounce) can chopped
ripe olives
1 (10H-ounce) can vegetable
' S cups cooked string beans
Few drops Tabasco sauce
Fry bacon crisp and remove
from fat Cook onion in bacon
fat until wilted. Combine ba
con, onion, ripe olives, soup,
beans and Tabasco sauce. Pour
into a casserole or baking dish.
Bake In a moderate oven (8S0
degrees Fahrenheit) about SO
tnlnutes. .'
Serves 4 to 6.
Puts On Hue Bonnet
' For The Money!
Too, too, win love Bun BOMOf
Margarine's delicate, sunny-sweet
navorl Bun Bonnr makes bread,
toast, hot rolls, and vegetables teste
httUr than ever!
Youli appreciate Bun Bonntt's
nutrition, unlike most other mar
garines, Bun Bonkw contains both
Vitamins A end D as much year
round Vitamin A and D as you (tt
in the Ugh-priced spread for bread!
Yet Blub Bomnbt Margarine
easts Ins than half as much as the
high-priced spread. Bo put on Bun
Bomnrr andts ears of "all I"
Fiavor. Nutrition, Eeonomeel
afV. j Wbsassieaee
(awSS..l.llVi) jf sKO. 1 '
N. 0- 1 hedevetawnr.
r iT I pndMtveaaad
s ... ' Aadasw
Memorial Day May Bring
Company; Snacks Are Due
And These Are Easy Ones
Ice Cream Sandwich ,
Friends are likely to drop
In on Memorial Day. So be pre
pared, to concoct easy-to-get-
ready snacks. The Deviled Ham
Roundups seed only a quick
toasting in a hot oven. The
Fudge Sauce for the Ice Cream
Sandwich may. be made ahead
of time and reheated in a dou
ble boiler; you'll find It's the
thick chocolate kind that's
alwsys in demand. !
Deviled Ham Booadnps
Ingredients: One 2-ounce can
deviled ham, 2 tablespoons
mayonnaise, S English muffins
(split), 2 tomatoes (8 thick sli
ces), o slices Cheddar cheese,
green pepper and sweet onion
Method: Mix deviled ham and
mayonnaise; spread on split
muffins. Place a tomato slice
on' each muffin half and top
with a slice of cheese. Bake in
very hot (430 degree Fahren
heit) oven until hot through
and cheese melts 4 to 8 min
utes. Garnish with pepper and
onion rings; serve at once.
Ice Cream Sandwich With Hot
Fades Saace
Ingredients: 1 cup sugar,
cup cocoa, 1 teaspoon corn
starch, 2 tablespoons corn sir
up, cup milk, 8 tablespoons
butter or margarine, -Vi tea
spoon vanilla, 6 squares white
cake, 1 pint vanilla ice cream.
Method: Put sugar, cocoa, corn
starch and sirup in heavy
saucepan; place over very low
beat and mix thoroughly. Add
milk; cook over moderate heat
until mixture forms a very
VMS- "
Top with bet fudge.
soft ball when teaspoonful Is
dropped into, a cup of cold wa
ter (235 degrees Fahrenheit) on
candy thermometer. Remove
from heat; add butter and fold
in with a few strokes. Cool
without stirring until luke
warm to the palm of the hand.
Add vanilla; beat until smooth
and creamy. (Makes about 1
cup.) Sauce will get thick and
fudgellk on standing but It
may be reheated over hot wa
ter. Split cake squares and
make sandwiches of them with
ice cream as filling; spoon
sauce over.' Makes servings. ,
Deviled Ham Be daps
alaag, yea
e aeadi . . .
Ne as4 1
. I kssma.
Apricdt Aspic Basis
For Delicious Salad
Apricot nectar provides the
color for this salad. . ",
A prise Aspie- , ,.
Ingredients: 1 envelop un
fUvored gelatin, cup strain
ed lemon juice, lVs cups apri
cot nectar, S tablespoons sugar,
K teaspoon salt, teaspoon
prepared horseradish. 1 cup
finely shredded cabbage, 1 cup
unpeeled ro appie, aai
greens, mayonnalas.
Method: Sprinkle gelatin over
lemon Juice to soften. Beat
apricot nectar, sugar, salt and
horseradish until very hot; add
softened gelatin and stir to dis
solve thoroughly. Cool until
consistency of unbeaten egg
white. Fold In cabbage and ap
ple. Turn into oiled molds and
chill until firm. Unmold on sal
ad greens and serve with may
onnaise. Hakes 6 servings.
Rich Salad
Use whatever fresh fruits are
available apples,
oranges, grapefruit and fresh
winter pears ana eomoine
them with walnuts and a sour
cream dressing for a wonder.
fullv rich salad. Cut the fruits
intto bite-sixed pieces and break
or chop the walnut into small
gaserh Fried Chicken
It is barely ' possible that
there is a finer way of fixing
fried chicken to be served eith
er hot or cold, but we personal
ly have never encountered it
and we think we've tried them
Easy fixln's.
elsseasg aeww the washasi wsrld
. . a elsaasnf an that set
Mm CLXANXB tbaa any etker mshiat
sad. Till Tide cess
eeesr hed s) se elseaf . ,
Tbis MSsMdM fa Ittrisfo CtWafsiltm
niideifel mflimtm. TMs Is s ktel
am se tbaa any ether 0teno
Tide b s safe for sB wash
loss Tide's geade ssdsl
UmI AO by hssH. Tide can adk.
Hi watsjgf aart mmm m TBI
tMr attntie itJMn-ki
For Easy
Easiest and pleasant kind of
picnic and summer noontime,
auppertlme or late evening en
tertaining. Choose an assort
ment of cold cuts varying la
shape, texture and flavor and
arrange attractively around
shallow bowl of fresh or can
ned pineapple chunks stuck
with toothpicks for out-of
hand eating.
Round out menu with hot
potato and onion casserole
with pirn lento bits, caraway
seed or other distinctive fla
vor note, a jellied vegetable or
tomato aspic salad, plenty -of
good hot cofzee.
Meat Tray Garnishes ...
, Use gaily colored fruits.
vegetables or relishes that add
eye appeal; all garnishes
should be edible. Simple gar
nishes include tomato wedges,
stuffed olives, pickled crab
apples, crisp radishes, crisp
carrot sticks, green onions,
watercress, parsley.
. Carrot curls are mad by
slicing carrot paper-thin
lengthwise, then rolling each
slice and fastenina- with tooth
pick. Place in Ice water until
crisp. . Remove toothmck.'Hal.
low out green pepper, tomato
or cucumber to form holder
"'ce, mustard, horse
IVlahnmg Cotrcs f 09
Upton's Tea - 20'
Rip d Olives - 21'
Frcnth Alustcrd ". 29'"
Clqrox ; 2'
Pork-Deans ''10'
Potato Chips
Master Hot
Lunch Meats Asst. ib!
Mince Hem, Me ft Cheese, Pickle ft Ptmiento,
' Olive ft Keceei, New litfl lensJ Hem
Uteesetse by
Beef Steak
Try Tonyf '
Home Made
Polish Stylt
radish or other sauce to use
with oM meats,
ftaa Saaeka for Gang
W repeat this because many
a hostess Is making friends
and influencing people with
hi tasty snack the can be
prepared literally while she
is dummy" In a bridge game
or comparable absence from
the room. Rich pixia flavor.
ilgbt snacks to serve lour.
Split 4 English muffins; tear,
dc not slice. Piece on cookie
sheet and top each with a to
mato slice; sprinkle with
salt Combine k pound
ground beef with 2 table
spoon catsup, 2 tablespoons
finely chopped onion, tt tea
spoon garlic salt; spread over
tomato slices. Place a cross
of cheese strips, preferably
MaioreUa though cheddar will
do. Sprinkle with basil and
oregano. - Bake in hot oven,
400 degrees for 13 minutes.
Poach Cobbler .
Hot desserts are coming to
the for again and old-fashioned
peach eobblers are tops on
the list Easy to do, too, with
canned ding peach slice -and
biscuit mix m your pantry
shell Put fruit and syrup from
a N. 2tt can cling peach slices
in a casserole with tt cup sugar
and. .2. tablespoons cornstarch.
Cover with biscuit dough and
beke 28 to SO minutes in a hot
oven. ... S: ;: ii ...
UH sVajsksf, sjL mpf.
Mas) She
SwiNV Annesr's
(iscadi .' .
Vi lbs. t:.i cp . ctel
feexrler Desnead)
Araissr's Sfsr . lb
S".1 5
Sprouts and Celery
Combined in This
Vegetables cooked together
mske Interesting dishes.
Celery and Brassels Spreat
Casserole .( '
2 cups coarsely chopped
2 cups brussels sprouts,
fresh or frozen .
' tt'eup butter or margarine
,.tt cup flour '
; 1 teaspoon salt
-2 cups milk -1
cup oven-popped rice
cereal !
' 1 teaspoon melted butter
Cook celery and brussels
sprouts separately in boiling
salted water only until tender.
Dixie Cup
' Cyi thi QVAUTY ton mink
j v thi smoom suxis :
Shop Our Houseware
- Every
Dooch Balls
Candy B
Chewing G
Closed All tor SHaday, May M
.' Open Snnday as
Jumbo Cantaloupes
Fresh Celery
Crisp end Green
Lore Solid Heeds
Tomatoes 1-lb. for
hneeriol Volley TWn Skinned
Hot House
Sited for Slicing
Radishes and
Green Onions
Garden Fresh
Wednesday, May 27. 1t53
Melt butter; stir in nour and
salt Add milk gradually and
cook until thickened, stirring
constantly. Put alternate la,
era of celery and brussels
sprouts in greased 1 -quart cas
serole. Cover with cream sauce.
Crush cereal slightly; mix with
melted butter. Sprinkle over
cream sauce. Bake, uncovered,
in moderate oven (373 degrees
F.) about 20 minutes.
Yield: servings.
Fruit Combination
Rhubarb is plentiful and for
a new and distinctive flavor th
next time you make a sauce of
this tangy fruit, add some
canned pineapple tidbits after
you take it from the beat
s!i2 -29'
; Gianl Bottle
Cf Squirt
With C Bottle Carte
purrhssed at regaJar
Drirt. .
(Plat Bottle BepesMM
Depf. for i Bargain
3 for
MtAT BAKERY . Am cc. . i
-yob to so mild !
tfcssl my aft ifTjsJsjctl
..... tEd