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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1953)
Pag 2 In the Valley Edited by MUKE FOBBES 'Buena Vista : Buena Vista Polk County Federation of Women'i elubi met at Oak Grove Wednesday for an all-day meeting, with "Oak Grove Gardener"' and "Oak Grove Women'i club," u hostesses., A memorial service for all past members was held with ' Mrs. William Kellar, pianist. Mrs. Burt Curtis sang; Bertha Allen, president of Oak Grove club, gave the "Welcome" and past Past President Mrs. For rest "Martin, responded. - Mrs. H. D. Peterson presented "Merits of Award" cards ' to Mrs. Freda Borg, Mrs. Eldon Johnson, and Mrs. Victor Bride - and to each club that did out standing Red Cross work. Mrs. Paul Morgan, president of Dallas club, introduced guests. . '.: Mrs. Gib Loy gave a report on the Polk County Fair board's progress on the new 1 building at the new fair .grounds. . " A helper, Mrs. Ross Simp son of the fair board, also ask ed the federation to sponsor a project they are planning for glass bricks for the frontage of the building. - If the project goes forward, , Mr. Loy will have charge of the "Youth Group"; Mrs. Pro. shia Soper will : be chairman of the "Floral Display"; and Mrs. Sidney Howard will be : in charge of the booth with Mrs. Florence Ragsdale, tex tiles; Mrs. E. A. Lettlken gave the health report and Intro duced Polk county Nurse Mr. Jane Domkowsky, part time nurse, Mrs. Marjorie Wykoff , and chairman of the state . health board, - Mrs.. Janice .VTuttby.: : -. , ' i.;. ' Luncheon was served in the club room from decorated ta bles by the hostesses clubs, Mrs. Malno Reichert, Polk ,- county extension leader, was introduced and told of . 4-H club work and the festival of Folk county extension club to be held in Rlckreall en May .,'.:. . , . ' Mrs. Freda Borg asked for rose bushes for the memorial garden at the Veterans hospi tal in Roseburg. The -resolution- committee' members,' Mr.' Kennith .Dun bar, Mrs. Forrest Martin and Mrs. Harry . Wells read the resolutions. 'f The meeting adjourned un til the picnic in Dallas park July 15 with Bridgeport club a hostesses, and the last meet ing jor uie year win oe in . Rickreal on October 31" Those attending from BUena Vista were Mesdame Leon Loy, Kate Bride, Evadna Pra ;ther, Mable Short, Clair Gra bber, Harriet Busby, Minnie Osborn and Olive Well. Oak Grove, had the largest num - ber in attendance from any one club. Byrd Tucker of Seattle, ; Wash., spent Tuesday with his . sister and family, Mr. and , Mr. Perry Wells. Hubbard Hubbard Mr. Harry ; Moore and Charles Vreden- burg were elected delegates ' ton the' Rebekah assembly in May, from Thalia Rebekah lodge, last week. Alternates elected were Mrs. A. L, Mur phy and Mrs. Ella Becker. The office of outside guard ian , was declared open and Mrs. Harry Reed appointed to fill It. Mrs. Reed and Miss Frances Weaver, color bearer, were installed by district de puty president, Mrs. George Leffler. Refreshments were served . by Mr. Leffler and Mrs. E, C. Boyd -at .tables featuring spring flowers and pastel candles. - May 16 was set for the an ' nual May Day dance this year by the Flrmen's auxiliary at a recent meeting. , The American Legion auxl : liary unit' of Hubbard heard ' nart from the American ism chairman, Mrs. Charles ' Vredenburg, on the essay con test recently iponsored Jolnt- ' lv with Aurora at North Marlon union high school. ' Wendel McLln and Edna Mae Riddle won first and second reinectively. The unit voted to give .Jointly with the Legion post n achievement award to the outstanding graduating boy nH Blrl at North Marlon. Offl - cera were nominated and elee 4inn will be held at the May meeting. Next sewing meeting will be at the h o m e of Mr. A. O. Sodernoim. The St. Agnes Alter Society aaA to hold Its annual food sale Saturday, May 9, following a discussion on the ...Mt ( th Tuesday alter- noon meeting In the home of Mr. George Crimps. Final m..iin of the year will be held May, , with a no-host i....h mi tha home of Mis Mary Bronec. A theme of gardens was used for the devotion at the last meeting of the Mary-Martha Circle in the home of Miss Lenore Scholl, given by the hostess and highlighted with a solo by Mrs. Lon Foltz. The hostess was elected president for the coming year and Mrs. Wayne . Paxton , was elected secretary-treasurer. Outgoing officers are Mrs. Glen Purdom and Mrs, Zsne Yoder. Miss Mlldrer Schoor reported on the study book.' Mrs. James Lamb will be hostess for the next meeting May 11, Twenty one children were examined and immuized at the well-child clinic for pre-school children, .. held . at North Marlon union high , school Tuesday, Mrs. Warren Grim, Mrs. Floyd : Dominick, Mrs, Lm Epper and Mrs. Don Reed assisted at the clinic. Hubbard Mms Marha Mor rison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morrison is being initiat ed into Alpha Tau Delta, na tional honorary nursing soror- ity, Monday evening, April 20, in Portland. A high grade aver age is required to be eligible for the sorority. Miss Morrison recently com pleted a week with the Marion County public health depart ment after ' finishing three months of psychiatric training in Salem. Her next special as signment will be at the Univer sity State T B hospital in Port land. She spent the past month at home between assignments. "Becoming a good buyer' was the subject brought to the Hubbard Extension Unit Wed nesday afternoon by Miss Paul ine Schplowsky of Salem. The meeting was presided over by Mr. E. T. Rose and opened with reading of the homemaker's creed. Officers elected for next year are Mrs. A. L. Murphy president, Mrs. Zane Yoder, vice- president; Mrs. N. A. Mann, secretary and Mrs. John Doubrava, treasurer. Refreshment were served by Mr. .Wencel Doubrava and Mr. Frank Koutney. . .. i Pleasantdale Pleaiantdale A local artist who is nationally known, Mrs. Hugh Kau, has recently gained added prestige by being cnosen by the board of governors of the Portland Rose festival to embroider a tapestry for - the back of the chair used in the Rose queen's coronation. Mrs. Kau does her embroid ery work entirely on . several sewing machines. The Rose festival tapestry has been de clared a masterpiece by many who have seen it. Made of rose colored velvet, it i centered with a crest of gold thread and monogram, H. M., Inside a raised circle of gold braid, 1 V4 inches wide. The piece is edged with a gold border about an inch thick. Other motifs ap perlng on the tapestry are two Indian tomahawks and three golden ' spears. Seven tassles complete the decoration. .. . Two weeks of steady work were spent on the tapestry, said Mrs. Kau.' Mr. E4 Aeblscher fell at her home recently, breaking her ankle. According to her daugh ter, Beverly, Mrs. Aeblscher will wear a cast for about a month. She can move around a little on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rector of Portland are the parents of a son, Thomas Russell, born on Thursday, April 18, at Emanuel hospital and weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces. - The Rectors also have a 20-months old son. Lar- ray. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Porter J. Rectos of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richards of Pleasantdale. This is the third grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Richards. Unionvah Unlonvale Mr. and Mrs Marlon Dixon and family of Unlonvale have traded their home to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dixon, for their home and 12 H acres of land in the Falrview district and will be moving about April 25 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt re- cently returned from one week spent with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFarlane, at Powell Butte. Mr. and Mrs. . McFarlane came Wednesday and she en tered the General hospital, Mc Mlnnvllle, for observation. Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Stoutenburg on their 29th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt entertained at their home Friday evening. Besides the honorees, other guest were: Larry and Garry Stoutenburg, Mrs. Leona Mor ris and daughter Sherry. It was also Wilbur's birthday. , Mr. and Mrs, Lester Holt were Thursday afternoon guests of D. C, Miller Carlton. Donald The Donald Extension unit held it regular meeting last week in the home of Mrs. War ren Feller. Ermina . Fisher, county agent, gave talk on the care of rugs" and uphol stered furniture. There was a sack lunch at' noon and the hostesses, Mrs, Frank Miller and Mrs. Warren Feller served dessert and cof fee to Mrs. Corrlne Pahl, Mrs. Ervin Nyaulst. Mrs. E. E. Mil ler, Mrs. Norman Relling, Mrs, James Myers, Mrs. Ray Max- field, Mrs. H. P. Driever, Mrs, Harlan Feller, Mrs. Leighton Whltsett, Mrs. AI Rehm, Mrs Sid Hendricks, Mrs. Francis Ryan, Mrs. Robert Maitland and Mrs. J. A. Bush. The sunshine unit will meet April 28 with Mrs. Del Feller and Mrs. Barney Feller as co- hostesses. There will be an election of officers at this meeting. The Womens Christian Serv ice society of Donald held a sil ver tea last week in the home of Mrs. Mary Froom, with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Maxfleld and Mrs. Dewey McMillan as sisting. Mrs. Robert Maitland had charge of the devotions, Present at the meeting were Mrs. Thurston Yergen, Mrs. Robert Maitland, Mrs. Bill Groshong, Mrs. Ray Maxfleld, Mrs. Dewey McMillan, Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Mary Froom, Mrs. Louis Untersher, Mrs. Mae St. Helens, Mrs. Horace Cook, Mrs. Myron An derson and Mrs. W. H. Kruse. Two large trucks got stuck In Donald last week, one fol lowing the other. They were each loaded with 21 tons of bulk oats, and it required the services of both Lin Cromwell, operator of the Donald garage, and Roy Rrievei, who owns a Cat", to get them out ol their predicament. Twenty-one children, from Donald and Aurora area re ceived services Tuesday at the well-child clinic which Is held free of charge the second Tues day of each month. At 4 o clock, Mrs. Harmon Yeary, superintendent of coun ty health nurses for Marion county met with members of ,the health department, repre sentatives zrom tne scnoois and members of the health com mittee. - ': , The meeting was under the direction of Mrs. Ed Shannon, chairman of the health com mittee. Mrs. Raymond Peterson of Donald was. elected chairman of the health committee re placing Mrs. Shannon who had served for two years. ,- The Donald grade school was broken into last Friday night The only things missing are pens and pencils, a small fire extinguisher and a paper cut ter... - A. E. Feller is enjoying the company of his granddaughter, Mrs. ' Dan Pratchenco, and great-grandson, Mike. They have been there about two weeks. While - here, Mrs. Pratchenco is helping Mr. Fel ler with . redecorating. Mr. Pratchenco is a food inspector for the army in Europe and will be gone about two years. Woodburn Woodburn The regular meeting of the Woodburn unit of the WCTU.was held Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Warren Donner. Hostesses were Mrs. Fred Anderson, Mrs. Ivy Donner and Miss Rowena Cole. A number of members are planning to attend the Marlon county institute at Salem this week. The next meeting will be May 15 at the home of Mrs. Oscar Allen. Traffic across the Washing ton school grounds from Hard- castle to East Lincoln has been stopped at the request of the school board. A chain has been placed across the entrance at Hardcastle and posts have been installed at the south edge of the playground. There is no street across the property. The seventh cake baking contest, sponsored by the May Furniture Co. and the Wood burn Food Market will be Fri day, April 24, by the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary with Mrs. Jay Weber, president, in ENDS TONIGHT - Open 6:45 "8TAR8 AND 8TRIFES FOREVER" And "FARGO" SUrU Wednesday OPEN :M THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon charge. The date was first set the the Monitor Junior Mixers, but due to members being busy with farm work, the date was given up and the VFW aux iliary will have the date in stead. .'-.. Members of the Past Noble Grands club of Woodburn Re bekah lodge will meet Thurs day, April 23, at 8 p.m. at the country home of Mrs. H. A. Lobse. Each- member is asked to -bring a lodge member as a guest The roll call will be answered with Bible quota tions. A miscellaneous auction and plant sale will be held and Mrs. Addie Doud, a new mem ber, will be initiated. ' Mrs. Elizabeth RaU and Mrs. Alfred Klamp will be co-hostesses. Dayton Dayton Mrs. Dewey -Alters of Brookings recently lost her home and all contents in a re cent fire, thought to have started from an overheated oil stove. Mrs. Akers. who has been publishing the Brookings Har bor-Pilot since the death of her husband in a plane crash several months ago, was still at the office when the fire was discovered. , A daughter and son were In an adjoining cabin when the first was first noticed. They ran for help but it was too late to save any of the contents. air. ana Mrs. Akers were publishers of the Dayton 1Mb une a number of years ago. be fore they went to Brookines. une Fast Noble Grand's club met with Mrs. Mildred Pen nlngton Wednesday evening, April 15, with 17 members and one guest, Mrs. Delia U'Ren. present. The next meeting will oe wun Mrs. scott Edwards. The Christian Women's tel. lowhip met at the Christian church for an all-day meeting, The ladies came to sive the church a spring housecleanlng. a; noon all enjoyed a potluck dinner. There was a short de votional period and a business meeting. The new officers to assume their office in June were elected: Mrs: Carl Mitch ell, presiient; Mrs. Vernon Foster, vice president: Mrs. Earle Coburn, secretary; assist ant secretary, Mrs. Clotls Sloan; Mrs. Charles Carr, treas urer; Mrs. Koy Will, librarian. The next meeting- will be May 14 with Mrs. Pete Wirfs. Fruitland Fruitland Mrs. Ted Witham was hostess to the Fruitland women's world Service Thurs day afternoon' at the church annex. ;; , -. I ' . - ,-. The president, Mrs. Orville Rehfeld, was in charge of the business meeting. The group will send another box of clothing to Korea. Members giving reports of the district meeting at Taft, Ore., Tuesday, were Miss Daisy Lambert, Mrs. Orville Rehfeld, Mrs. Kenneth O. Runner, Mrs. Arthur Shutz, Mrs. Herbert Hilke. The Women's Circle will meet at the church annex at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 23. Mf. n V H Mat. Daily From 1 P. M. STARTS TODAY! AT OUR REGULAR BARGAIN PRICES! c 3 SIE VAST U.S. CITIES CKUMIll BEFORE YOURwTrtsT CO-FEATURE! OLIVIA - deHAVILLAND V if COLOR CARTOON LATE NEWS J Jvf-- Rickreal! The Polk county Pomona meeting is scheduled for April 25. at the West Salem grange, The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and a much business as possible will be disposed of before tne pot luck dinner si noon. The lecturer,- Mrs. Brown, assisted by the agricultural chairman of West Salem, Har old D. Burns, have made plans for a tour of the industrial flax plant in West Salem, this tour to begin promptly at 1 o'clock. On the return to the hall the Pomona degree will be exem plified by the Pomona officers The Community club will meet Friday evening, April 24, at the school gym. The school board of Rick- reall has contacted with Mrs. R. V, Carleson, Mrs. Ray Lewis, Leo Friesen and Mrs. Jeanne Bryan to teach next year. Mrs. - Carleson, Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Friesen will have the same rooms they had, while Mrs. Bryan will be the primary teacher. The Spring Festival for Polk county extension division will be held at the school gym May 7, with the luncheon served by the ladies of the Rickreall Grange, in the grange hall. Care for the chil dren of pre-school age who may accompany their mothers will be cared for in a room provided at the hall. Aumsville Aumsville Four Aumsville women, Mrs. Northrup Bates, Mrs. Pyell, Mrs. Cleo Lee and Mrs. Harry Way, . recently attended a Marion ' County PTA meeting in Salem and sang several songs as Aums ville' contribution to the program. V Dean Robert is in Quinsy, Wash., for a few days attend ing to a farm he drew in a government drawing. . Mr. and . Mrs. Charley Weisenhaus spent last week end in Portland where they visited a son aud daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Weisenhaus; Mrs. C 1 if f Weisenhaus is a patient at Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George KiUin ger celebrated their ' 42nd wedding anniversary recently with a family dinner. Present were Mr. . and Mrs. Jack KiUinger and children If Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Don KiUinger and family from Milwaukie, Mrs. and Mrs. Leo OPEN 6:45 P.M. STARTING TOMORROW! THIS PICTURE Will SHOCK YOU THIS fICTURE DARES TO SHOW THE TRUTH CAN YOU TAKE IT OftMtlY AS TODAYS P aaWJ&VvLjJT HEADLINES CHILDREN -4 a ft A ' l i ff J NO CRIME TOO VICIOUS... ' All Seat ffi'iw tto mahhumt mom ihtimI j - C v-1! IN TH6 BATTie AGAINST THI .Sr.: fcipy Admitted t ,!.,, $ , J t?"l UnlessWith . 3ShJCT Adults! -T--- I BOLD CO-FEATURE! frA t i i rirf When Girl Leave Horns) 1AM ITMgW for an "Artist" SHOULD A . AT''iS UU COLOR CARTOON Elser and family from Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Bud KiUinger and family of Aumsville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallace of North Santlam, Ralph Killin ger, and Miss Lois Adam. Grand Island Grand Island Mr. Frank Finnicum was a guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Caldwell, near Lafayette. . . Miss Lavonna Finnicum,- in senior class, Dayton union high school, was an. overnight guest of her classmate,. Miss Roberta Wirfs, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wirfs, in the Unity district Fri day, s. Dayton Dayton Mrs." Harold Frink entertained the Yamhill coun tv federation officers - and member of the Dayton Read ing club Friday, April 18, for one o clock luncneon. me guests : included Mr. John Haynes, president, and Mrs. Harry WiUiams, secretary, of Carlton; Mrs. Andrew Haugen, vice president, of Sheridan; Mrs. W, Belts, board member, and James Penland. Mrs. R. L. Alderman intro duced the visitors and each spoke , briefly. Mrs. Clark Foster conducted a short business meeting. The nominating committee appointed was Mrs. Carl Mitch ell,. Mrs. NeUe Coburn and Mrs. Vernon Foster, , Mrs. E. W. Budke presented a lesson on music. The next meeting will be May 8, a potluck dinner at trie home of Mrs. William Stock hoff. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Belt en tertained at dinner Friday ev ening, AprU 17, honoring Ross Cruickshank on his birthday anniversary. Other guests were Mrs. Cruickshank and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Goodrich and son Donald. 'Spring Roundup' Woodburn The vocal music department of the Woodburn Washington school, wiU present a "Spring Round-up" April 24 at the -school auditorium at 8 p.m. Miss Harriet Nlzic, music supervisor, states that aU grades will have a part in pre senting a varied program of cowboy music. Parents and friends are especially invited to attend an enjoy an evening of fun. ENDS TODAY! (IUE.) "HAWIAII CALU" "HtOLICS ON KE" LATE NEWS Poppy Poster Prizes Given Silverton -Mrs! Charles Ma ion, doddv ooster chairman in the annual award contest of the Delbert Reeve unit No. 7, American : Legion auxiliary, has announced her judging committee and the winners of cash prizes and ribbons: - Mrs. Howard Balderstone, Mrs. Robert ,T. Nelson, Mrs. Richard Beesley, Mrs. Wayne Grodian and Mrs. William Smead graded the posters and made the winner decisions on Friday afternoon at the Mason home.' t'-' :1. i One hundred' thirty-seven entries were made by pupils of Bethany, Evergreen, Victor Point, Eugene Field, St. Paul's Catholic, and Silverton junior and senior high schools. Winners in the fourth," fifth and sixth grades were: Rogers Setter, St. Paul's, first; Merilee Mentor, Bethany, second; Nor ma Selm, -Eugene Field, third; honorable mention, Rosalie Reiling, Eugene Field; Jerry McBride, Eugene Field; Mar cella Wavra, Eugene Field; Winners in seventh, eighth and ninth grades were: Carol Seifer, St Paul's, first; Mary Schnorenberg, St. Paul's, sec- ond; Charle Berhorst, Victor i Matinee Daily From 1 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! 1 3 " " ftL QI rSingi WWW .fa.l.i.nn "J- .-.-r II -SO T ff I IMAGINA1IUNI- thw , w m m Am a unhid MTtTO GREATEST IVaRrJStUII tHMOIUKMI Vincent EDWARDS Yvett Qa itt fnirri! nnnnrame m-K HUH, raniui v..v., ,vior n.l.l. . Tin.. UufaH Vil ruuit, nut' vitior Point; Karen Meyer, )imiM high; Bernice Baurer, junior high. . ... , Winners in iota, 11th, 12th grades, : high school: Dean Cttlaa .Ti- firftt! Don HrAllHtt. kaer lA-nnri Cnlleen Ann t- cobson, third. . ' - First place winning posters are to be sent to the atatewidi contest at Portland, America. T .mainn nnyiliarv. hfSArimia. ters, vielng lor national hon ors. i;asn prize oi -i, 2 nA $1 in eacn class are awarded and ribbons , and , -honorablt mention with : certificates oi merit for all entrants.- Victor Point won special commendation for having 91 entries or outstanding quality. Awards and. prize cash will be presented to the pupils of each school later this week. Stayiori Stayton The Stayton hiih school music department will be host to the Jefferson high school band and the Mill City high school band Friday, April 24, at 8 p. m. at the Stayton high school auditorium. The Jefferson band is under the direction of Eric Fitzilsi ons. ' .. - The Stayton high school Girls' Glee club Is under thi direction of Martha White. ENDS TODAY! (THE.) "JEOPARDY" 'REACH FOR A STAT slorriftfl Ralph RICHARDSON -Asa TODD Nigtl PATRICK DiMfe SHERIDAN CO-HIT! The great Indian classic flames to the screen in all its excitement adventure and romancel DUGAY Keith LARSEN IUHM) "