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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1953)
,e-r' Friday, April 17, 195S Bids Will Be Opened For Removal of Snags Contract! for the cutting of (nags irom approximately 1, 800 acres in the Trask river area of the Tillamook Burn will be awarded early in May, State Forestry Department of ficials said Friday. Bids must be in the forestry department 1. adquarters of the Northwest Oregon district at Forest Grove by a p.m., May 8. Removal of the snags from fire-corridors will be done as part of the job of flreproofing tne tracts earmarked for re forestation this fall. The area to be cleared of snags has been divided into nine or more blocks or com partments, varying . In size from 80 to 260 acres and con tractors may bid on one or any number of them. Tours of the area have been scheduled for the mornings of April 29 and May 2, starting at 8 a.m. irom tfte Forest Grove headquarters. Purpose of the tours is to show prospective conrtactors the nature of the work. Previously 177,000 snngs have been removed from the burn. . Mid Willamette Obituaries 1lda May Brasfield Albany Ida May Brasfield, 87, who spent most of her life in the Shedd vicinity, died in the Lebanon Community hos pital Wednesday following a long illness. The funeral will be at the Fisher Funeral home, Albany. at 2 p. m. Saturday with burial in the Shedd, cemetery. She was born Ida May Por ter, daughter of Linn county pioneers and was married to Thomas Henry Clay Brasfield, Sept 26, 1898. Mr. Brasfield died in 1939. A son and daughter died in early childhood. A brother, W. D. Porter, and sister, Mrs. Dora White, live at Shedd and a sister, Mrs. Mary Kiser, at Albany. Frank A. Heinrich Lebanon Funeral services will be held Friday at 3:30 p.m. at the Huston chapel for Frank Albert Heinrich, 92, who for 40 years previous to his retire ment worked in the local paper mill. Born in Adelaide, Austra lia, March 11, 1861, Mr. Hen rich came to Lebanon in 1892. He passed away Tuesday night at the ' Lebanon Community hospital. -; . ' . . '.--$';: ;.""'' In addition to his widow, Laura, he is survived by a son, William of Lebanon; daughters, Mrs. Laura Riedel and Mrs. Helen Scott, both of San Fran cisco; five grandchildren and two great grandchildren. In ad dition a sister, Mrs. Matilda Muirhead of San Francisco, survives. CORRECTION THE PIKE ICE CREAMERY is located AT 138 S. Liberty CONVENIENT PARKING yjUbi0" STOCKS ... T associate, rmii .antral Corporation Alllod Chemical sills Chalmere AHITlfin lid. sue eH S2ta UK smerlcsa Power & Llcb snertca. Tel Tel .. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad BiUileium steel ' Boolnt Alrplano Co. Bore Warner .; Burrow, Addlna u.rhn ' " ..1SSH .. is .. MH .. SI .. esti California .-acxlni ... Canadian Psclllo Oaterplllar Tractor Celaneaa Corporation " Chmler Corporation Cttlaa semee Consolidated Edison , , Consolidated Vullea Crown ZeUorbaca Curtiai Wrlibt , Oouilaa Aircraft Du Pont de Nemours . Eaetman Kodak Emerson Radio , General Electrla . .. n .. 9U .. Uta .. siu .. 11 .. sa Oeneral Foode 5JK Oeneral ilotori .It. Oeorila Pac. Plywood 1 uooarear Tire Homeatake aiming Co. International Harveatet.. aatt Jttt 0M , 4a. satt Mtt itt lite US 1 , J 33 S 30 avt , n 37V. , ueu aa , 3oy. H 11 se(4 as aa i tw, , ! , saw Mi. aa nit JJV4 . lov, itie I1K 37 H 17 11V, 107 38K tsv, SU 10 ...... UK .'"..'.' ioH aavt as a International Paper . .. Johns alanvllle -.. .. Kennecott Copper Llbbr McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated .... Long Bell Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator New York Central Northern Paclflo Paclllo American Pish .. Pacific Oee It Electrio .. Paclfw Tal A Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J, c Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi cola Co Phlleo Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Incorp , Rayonler Incorp. Ptd. . Republlo Steel Reynolds Metala Richfield OH Safeway Btorea Inc. Scott Paper Co Bears. Roebuck or Co. .. . Socony-Vaouum Oil Southern Pacific Standard OU Calif. Standard OU N.J Btudebaker corp. Sunshine Mining ....... Bwlft & Company Tranaamerlca Corp. .... Twentieth Century Foa.. union Oil Company .... Onion Paclflo United Airlines United Aircraft Ucited Corporation United States Plywood.. United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Weatlnthoues Air Brak. . Westlnibousa Electrio ... Woolworth Stock Market New York m A flurry of aalllnl at mldsesslon sen! tba atoek market lower Friday without sncoTerlsi u nil sua weakneal In tht llai. Losses of around ft point vara fre quent In many major division and the drop went past 3 points at tht moat, but most losses were fairly moderate. be selling built up volume to an oatl mated million and s half aharea for the entire day. That comparts with i, 110,000 shares traded Thursday. Chicago Onions i ' Chicago uro-SuppUaa light, demand light at slightly higher prices, market allghtly stronger. Track sales (to lbi.1: TJ. a. 1 unless otherwise stated: Texas Yellow Bermu- daa 3 to j-lnch car 1.S5, a cars 1.7B, 3-lnoh and larger oar 1.4S. street sales (to lbs.): Idaho and on ion Spanish s-lnch and larger 3.00; midwest medium Yellow Olobeg .0D-.75; Texas Yellow Bermudas 1-lnoh and larg er tew 1.10, 1 to 1-lnch, few best 3.0O.3.1B: arano l-lnca and larger; Crystal wax a to 3-Inch 3.00-2.34, acme fait small Fortius Orate . . Portland un coarse grains no bids. Wheat (bid) to srrrr. market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 3.43: Soft White (excluding Hex) a.43: Wilts Club 3.43. Car receipts: wheat 4: barley 1: flour ai com t; oats ii mill feed a. Chicago Grata Chicago OFT The train market wre- gented ft mixed appearance Friday with wheat showing1 t relatively oasy under tone, way and July wheat sank to new seasonal lowe. soybeans also dipped at times, par ticularly tho now crop months. Com displayed mora strength than anything else, poasniy reflecting a lltua export bustneis. Osts held steady. Wheat closed unchanged to 1 cent lower, May ta.ltU-33.ia, com tt-K low- May si.sav.-ie. oats higher. May 7'A-7S, rye unchanged to U lower May fl.attt-K, soybeans unchanged to IK lower. May tS.oatt-U. and lard unchanged to 7 cents, a hundred pounds higher. May tlo.aJ. ' The U. S. Bureau of Recla mation collects about 43 mil lion dollars a year from the sale of power. DEATHS LoaUt PiuUcn, at tht mltlnc). nt. 1, HubbtKl, Orc4 April IS. ButtIt! br thrct jUUn, lira. Z. F. Brotl, CloTtr dalc. Ore.; Mn. Mj Irwin, aSalem: Mlu Laura Clark, Colton, Calif.; thraa broth rs, Tbomai H. Clark and Albrt Clark, Salem; Herbert Clark, Portland. io nouncemenU Jatar br Tlnil T. OeMn Co. MAR K E T QUOTATIONS POBTLAKD PBODCCt UIT ttMtfttTtnUtrvt. tgbitct to ba utdiaU cnann: Prenlam quality, rnaxlaa mum .U ot one pr Mat acidity de livered la Portland MTl lb.i first ual H? M-taei accond quality, 13-He, Valley route- and covin try poinU, i eanta lata. Ba.tofgwWnolMal ro b. bulk cubai to wnoieiaits arana aa H acore. Mc, A trad n Kore. Me: B, 0 eoore, aio; C, ecore, Ue. Above prlcu airlcUy Ckeeat SelUnt price to Portland vholtialen. Oreco alnalea 41 -4ftci Ortion a lb. (0ai. 49Vi,.S14e; trlpleU, le leas than alnclai. Brie to Wheltaalara Candled mt eoniaiaini no lost, caaea Included l.a.b. Portland. A trade large. MW-14e; A trade medium. UWIHe, B trada larta. Pertlani Dairy Market Batter Piiea to rtuntra: Orade AA print. Tic; A carton, fact A print. Tie; carton, 72c; B prints. Me, Kara To retailers. Grade AA larta. Mo. A lane. M-60ct 'AA medium. 60o; A medium. te; A amtU, nominal. Car tons. So additional. Cheese Price to retailers. Portland, Oregon singles, 4fVi-Mci ft-tb. loavaa. 51 -63 4c; triplets. 14a Itu than aln tles. Premium brands slntlta, ISWct loaf, to He. Processed American ahteas, S-lb. loaves to retail, 44-Uo lb. Poaltry Uva Cakktna (No. I duality, f.o.b, plants.) Fryers. Ibs . Jlci s-4 lbs., 3Ui roasters. W Ibs. and over, Sic; heavy hens, all welfht, ii-ltot lltht heus, all weights. 32 -33c; old roasters, 18-iac. Dressed Chickens Fryers, ivS lbtn -46c; roasters, 43-44ci Utht hena, 31 33c; heavy hens, 36-37c; cut up fryers, all weights, 43-c. Babbits Average to growers: Live whites, 4-ft lbs.. 5-37c; ft-4 lbs., 33-260 lb., old does. 10.14c: few hither. Fruh dressed fryers to retailers 41-Sios cut up, 44-69C. Country Killed Msata Veal Top Quality, 3B-41o lb,i routh heavies, 2S-33c. nor iican oiocairs. 30.3x0; sows, ua&t 36-28C Lambs Ton grade springers. 40-43e: other grades, accordtnt to quality. saunaa eest awes ana wethers. li Ho lb. Beef Utility cows, 16-30e lb.: tanner entters, 33-34c. shells down to 31s. Freih Dressed Heats Wholesalers to retallera: Dollart par ewt.: Beef Steers, choice SOO-700 lbs. 37.00-40.00; good, 38.00-3S.04; commercial ' 33.00-37.00; utility, 31.00-34.00; cows, commercial, 30.00-33.00; utlllt7. 37.00 31.00; eannera-cutters, as.00-3S.00. Beef Cats (Choice steers). Hind quarters, 43.00-50.00; rounds, 48.00-51.00; full loins, trimmed, 61.00-71.00: tri angles, 30.00-33.00; fore-quarters. 33.00 33.00; chucks, 37.00-41,00; ribs, 43.00- 32.00. veal oood-eholea. 343-53.M: aommer- olal. $37-41. caires oood-cholca. 343-52.30: com mercial, 337-43. Lambs prima sprintsra. ao-so ibsH (43-4 Si good, 340-44. MHiton aood cnoice, 117-20. Perk Cats Loins. Ho. 1, 8-13 lbs.. 330- SB: shoulders, 18 lbs., 335-39; sparerihs, B-t; rresn name, 10-1 ins., fBS-st. Bmeked Ham Skinned. S57-M.B0. Rt- flned lard In drums, 811.flO-18 alab bae on, 348-58.50. Portland BUscellaneeaa Calory CaL flat erato. 1-3U dot- 33.35-4.35. Few to 84.30. Ore 13-33 82.50. Onlena M lb. sacks West Oregon yel lows, medium, 2-ln. mln.. No. la, 3.35 3.50; 3 -inch, $4.50; No. Is, $3.80-3.75; boilers, 10 lb. seeks, 4e-47e; Idaho yellows, lane, $4.50-1.00; Wo, 1, white, large, 4.73-5.00. rotatoea ore.-wain. Ruaseta No. 1. $4.50-5.25, aama brands to $5.50; bakers. 6.00-50 ; 35 lbs. Site A, 1.40-55: 10 lb. mash. 68-83e; paper. 6 0-4 5c: Ho, a. $0 lbs., 1.50-65; Idaho Russets, ho, 1A. 8.7S-6.0O; 8-10 lb. bales, 3.30-50. Hay U. B. No. 3 men alfalfa, da livered car lots f.o.b. Portland, nominal lr 835.00 ton: Seattle, $36. Woat Grease bails, Willamette Val ley medium, 50-52e Xb.l Eastern Oregon Una and half-blood. 55-630. Bides Calves, 10-aio lb. according to weight; trees kips, IT-I80: bulla, 4-8e; green butcher cow hides, 7-c FUbarta Wholesala selllnt prloa no. 1 lay a Barcelona s, 34 -3 60 lb.; arowsr prices, orchard run. 14-lM lb. Walnuts Wholesala selllnt plica, first quality largo ftanqoettea, 33-330 lb. grower price, orchard run. 15-lee lbq few bast to 190. SALEM MARKETS CeesplM' (real tMrta af Seles Sealer ..fer lb. seldaaee el capital Jeeraas reCers. (Berlee. SsllrJ Brt ill reel rrlc.ll Ubbll FeU.ta u.u in. nt. ,ag). It.0-.10 (100-lb. bag). Erg Mas. as.go-s.7D. Dslrr Feed S3.S2-J.B3 (to lb. bail. (too wi.i. remtrr najuit rrieea colored tnrera. 30e; old roosters, Ue; colored fowl, Sac; leghora lowl, 3Se; roasters, aoc. Kggst BartBf Prleee Bggg. AA. aae: large A. 4?-55ei medium AA, 40c; medium A, 445001 small, 400. wiieiessie meesEgg wboiesai. .rleea oneraUr 5-7. higher than the prlees soove. sarge grade A fenerall? .uoted at ale; medium, See, gfallerfat Buying price: Premium. 70- 71c: No. 1, a--9c; No. J, ago. Beiier wholesale nade A BanhmenL Tlo lb.i retail. 7ao. rertUal Bestslt. Hs)rk.t Portland aiA Radishes sold for TO TS cents . dosen bunohee aodar en the Portland Xeatalde Parmsrs wholesale Produce market. Cauliflower brought at a crate with some from the Roe, burg district bring- ing On wholesale row. California straw. berries were a flat. Willamette Taller potatoee ware Se als a 100 lbs. Wt Tak Better Car of Your Car Valley Oil Service SEM Avis B. Winters, l u r JUK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon IN KOREAN ARMISTICE LIAISON K , t Vi- A meeting with the Communists for the purpose of delivering a letter addressed to North Korean Gen. Nam 11 (left), by Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison (right), senior Allied armistice delegate, was sought by the United Nations command in Munsan. The contents of the letter, which concerns the resumption of the long recessed armistice talks, will be made public when it is delivered to the Communists at' Fanmunjom, Korea. (AP Wirephoto) Senate Votes to Double Salaries of Legislators Jittery House members were trying Friday to decide whether to go along with the Senate's plan to double legis lators' $600 annual salaries. The Senate voted 20 to 10 Thursday to pay legislators $1,- 200 a year, despite the fact that the constitution says they shall get only $600. Pointing out that the Su preme Court ruled several years ago that the $1,500 an nual salary fixed for the gov vernor by tht Constitution should be regarded only as a minimum salary, Senate law yers convinced the upper house that they could apply the same reasoning as to legislators' sal aries. Now the House members have the jitters because they fear the people, who voted the $600 annual pay won't like it. Some representatives wonder if Gov. Paul L. Patterson would sign the bill. But others point out that, since his new $19,000 annual salary is 10 times great er than what the Constitution says it should'be, fre'd have to sign it to be consistent In the Senate debate, sup porters of the bill complained that legislators can't afford to come here for $600 a year, and that the Legislature is becom ing a rich men's club because poor men can't afford to serve. Opponents argued that serving in the Legislature should be considered as a duty and public service, and that the amount of pay shouldn't make any difference. Senators voting Thursday against increasing legislators PriIBtJ LlTCfttek Portland OLP CitUe: For week jfloo; .ctive; cencTtilr iteidr to troni. Calvei: For week 5: uneten. taoiut fair active and ttetvdy. Hon: For week KS0; 75c to 1 6 If her. Sheen: For week AM: active ateadr to Wo lower, awaa aharplr lower than re cto U 7. OhJeaca Uratteek Chtcato btv-catua prices neui atwnt iteadr Frl4ar. with lalabla receipt at I 1.000 heaL A load of mlied choice trada 1,1U wand eteeri brouvAt the Beat price, $34.00 a Hundred pouodi. Tba noc marKtt. wita v.aoo aaianie, waa active and 33 to 35 eanta hliber on butcher. Tho top waa $32.40. 60 w held ateadr. Siausbter iambi were about ateadr. topplnt at 124.60. Metp, aalabla 1,000, wera fully ateadr. with wooled ewes at $10.00 down to $7.W and clipped awes I at S9.0D down to 10.00. Station Manager : :X lay were: , . : . . Howard ' C. Belton, Canby; Truman A. Chase, Eugene; Angus,- Gibson, Junction City; John P. Hounsell, Hood River; Frederick S. Lamport, Salem; Eugene E. Marsh, McMinnvllle; Warren' McMinimee, Tilla mook; John C. F. Merrlfleld, Portland; George Ulett, Co quiUe; and Dean H. Walker, Independence. femriktA 13) Lb lUUVWMM I lT3JJUJ I RD T CU TAD CAI EC 1 n sfsia ' ,' i ' 1 i I I 0 lIU . : vROVER- : : 111 I viiiiidie nniTcr 1 I IHLUMULL rKlsVU I I s I I Elactric Coffss Mokart I I Too its rs - Praste Prsimrs I I I Coekars Golsolina I I j Wastlnghousa Sf om Iron J O i Brown-Fox-your newly-appointed dealer for the Hillman Minx- says: "Drive it! The thrifty Minx for 53 with the graceful big-car lines! !ll as ajjajst. imm mmm mmm mmm tmm mmm wm b asrssaii ejawswsi savages) asBsgegs aggewsa wswswa awassst agagaswl gws4g ' Whlitwoll Hroi optionol ailrp. ; m aassss. mmtm mm mam mam mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm ensw. aa wsggswa mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm a More CAR per dollar when you BUY! . .1 Fox-Brown Agency to Open; Sell English Cars Seven Ingllsh-mak cars In two or more models of some will go on sale here Saturday in the grand opening of the Brown-Fox agency at Broad way and Market streets. Automobiles the new agency will handle will Include the Jaguar, the MG and the Rover "75" as well as four members QUIRINO CONTROLS SENATE . Manila (iPj President EIpl dio Quirlno's Liberal party re captured control of the Philip pine senate Friday in a politi cal coup made possible by the defection ot two Nationalists opposition senators and the ob sence of three others. LEGALS notice op smaurrs sals ItOTICI IS HKRSBY OtVXN that I will, ea alar a. 18a, at la:M o'clock in the forenoon of eatd day. .t the Southeast door of the PubUe School Ad ministration Building, 400 N. High Street, Salem. Oregon, known a. the tem porary llsxlon County Court House, sell at public suction for cash in the manner provided br law the following described real premises, to-wlt: Beginning at . point on the lino between sections 11 and sa In Township South, Range I West of the Wll limatte Uerldlan in Marion Countr. . Oregon, which geld beginning point la North 13.51 ehelng from the quarter . section eorner between geld Sections; thence North continuing along aatd Section line ISO feetl thence last lit feet to the Wast edge ot a drain age dtteh; thence southerly along the Weit edge of said ditch to the place . where the same intersects the South line of the property of W. A. Isham end Almlra J. Isham, his wife! thence West IN feet to the place ec begin ning. Said sale will b. mad. In pursuance of an execution heretofore Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Bute sf Ore gon for the County of Marlon in aa ac tion pending therein entitled "A. P. Hayes and X. L. Hayes, partnera, doing business as Lablth Brokerage Company, Plaintiffs, vs. Iris Kenneth Isham, De fendant," Clerk'e Registry Number 38,410. Dated this ath day ot April, HS1. DENVER TOTJNO, Sheriff of alarlon Countr, Oregon TtHOTIN, RHOTEN e SPHRSTRA Pioneer Trust Building -Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Plaintiffs Plrst publication April 10. MM. . Lett publication llay 1. its. April 10, 17, 34; Kay 1, g, lilt. IKS) 1230 Broadway at Marker Phone 4-6021 iiiiaspni " : O HlllVjpll v - , IIVI'lssll 0 JAGUAR of the Rootes group the Hill- man Minx, the Sunbeam-Tal-bot, the Humber Hawk and the H umber Super Snipe, owners Richard G. Brown and H. J. Fox announced, . (! The grand opening Saturday will feature all of the above named cars on display, except the MG, numerous prizes and a two-hour program by the Portland bagpipe band from 8 to 10 in the evening. The duo came her from Portland where both worked for the Smith Lyons agency there in the British car depart ment - i ' Fox has over 80 years of ex perience in the small car busi ness, Including a short time In England before he came to the United States in 1925. Here he has been In the business in two cities in California and in Port land. J Brown has been with Smith- Lyons the past few years and before that was a student He is an armed forces veteran. The new agency will feature service and repair as well as sales, the owners announced. It is located in the old Safeway store building at 1430 Broad way and features a display floor of 1600 square feet with a SO-foot frontage and a large service area in the rear. - CUB SCOUTS CAMP ', Dallas Camping out Sat urday night at Tangle wood Lodge were three dens of Cub Pack 24, of Dallas. Arriving at the lodge Saturday afternoon, the boys stayed until Sunday afternoon. In addition to den chiefs Lloyd LeFors, Bob Wil son and Charles Teal, the cubs were accompanied by Pack Leader and Mrs. Gerald Zahn, le, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dodge, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vesely. Twenty boys completed the group. , qM IWM cVfi) W : r.ev...! - , : . Ill HILLMAN MINX SUNBEAM-TALBOT More MILES per dollar rFurf Senate Votes Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls wss assured a new two-year lease on lift) Thursday when the Senate vot ed 23 to e for the school's l Vi- milUon dollar appropriation. Calling the six-year -old Money for OTI school an "educational goiter," Sen. Walter Glersbach, Forest Grove, ' preiident-on-leave cf ' Pacific University, attacked the . school as being "wasteful and extravagant" , ' i ' Dr. Glersbach moved to have the bill sent to the Senate Edu cation Committee for study, but he lost 20 to 9. Sen. Angus Gibson, Junction ' . City, chairman of the Ways and . Means Subcommittee that con sidered the bill, said "Oregon Tech has won a fine reputation. . This budget can't be nit with out reducing the quality of edu cation. A high school graduate) deserves the same right to vo cational education as to a col lege education. ' The harvester ant forages 80 to 80 feet for grass seed, pre- vetning reseedlng of pastures. SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c TDK ' (With Applicator). Why suffer tht discomfort of Irritating and itching ' of piles?. 5 Sold Only t SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Daily, 1:U in. - S m Sradftyi, t aVUL - 4 pjn. . 135 N. Commercial Portland Bagplpa Band Two Hours of Entertainment 8 to 10 P.M. The new Hilhnsn Minx hss the long, flowing, graceful lines you'd expect to find in big, expensive carat But lt brings you traditional Hill man economy , np to 35 miles to a gallon. Easy to park, too holds the rosd like a coat of tar. Take a trial spin today I when you DRIVE! Broadway and Market Phone 33513 ASK Mt A DtMOftSTSATrON TODAY il a. C i ' 1'