Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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    Capital A Journal
An independent Newspaper Established 1888
GEORGi PUTNAM. Editor and Publisher
ROBERT LETTS JONES Assistant Publisher
Published even afternoon except iundav at 444 Che
meketc St Salem Phones Business Newsroom, Wont
Ads 2 206. Society Editor 2 2409
. Full Leased Wiie Service of the Associated Press and
The Urted Press. The Associated Piess is exclusively
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By Carrier: Weekly, tic; Monthly S1.00; One Tear. SI? 00 Bt
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Difficult Decisions
Salem. Ore., Wednesday, April 27, 1949
'The Dog Returns to His Vomit'
. For the first time since they were banned last February
7, when Portland's mayor, Dorothy Lee, set a state-wide
pattern for a vice clean-up, slot machines, which the su
preme court labelled "one-arm bandits," are whirling again
in some areas, though Portland remains off limits for all
machines except some jf pinball type.
The tingling of the coins in Clatsop and Umatilla coun
ties were resumed last week-end simultaneously without
explanation, other than now the legislature was adjourned,
the heat was off. though they are as illegal as ever in
Oregon, but no effort by law enforcing officials of the two
counties is reported to stop them.
In Pendleton private clubs requiring membership cards
are the only places where the machines reappeared. Club
owners were threatened with arrest and loss of their ma
chins when the ban against gambling devices went into
affect last winter.
District Attorney C. C. Proebstel of Umatilla county is
quoted as saying that the return of the slot machines "was
news to me." He added, however, that his office would
take any action required "if a signed complaint is filed."
Sheriff R. E. Goad is reported saying that he was "pre
pared to make any arrests if a complaint were given him
to serve."
Slot machines are illegal under state law, but neither
Umatilla county nor Pendleton has laws against them.
District Attorney Proebstel indicated that "it's up to state
officers to take any definite action that might be taken
without someone filing a signed complaint."
. This alibi is typical of the attitude of many officials
who have taken an oath to enforce the laws whether state
or local. They profess willingness to do the enforcing
providing some one signs a complaint to compel them to,
otherwise they are blissfully ignorant of the law's viola
tion. The same logic would require a citizen's formal com
plaint to arrest and prosecute a burglar or speed maniac
or let the state police do it. That is why crooked gam
bling and rackets flourish. As Kipling put it:
As It will be in the future, It was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress
The Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her
. Mire.
And the burned Fool's bandaged finger goes wobbling
back to the Fire.
Pearson on Old-Age Pensions
" When does politics end and duty begin ?
State Treasurer Pearson came out last week with an
appeal to Governor McKay to veto the old-age pension
bill passed by the legislature. Pearson objected to the
bill as being "in direct defiance" of the voters.
The bill does give the state public welfare commission
a prior claim on estates of pensioners. This particular
provision is designed to permit the state to get back the
amount of money it has given the pensioner. The provi
sion would be considered a prior claim on the estate fol
lowing the death of the recipient.
. A $50 minimum monthly pension was approved by the
voters last November. The bill does not establish such an
amount. It does call for a $50 pension if there is enough
money available to pay it.
Was State Treasurer Pearson out of order in asking
the governor to veto this bill? .
Last fall when Pearson ran for state treasurer on the
democratic ticket, he had one plank of his platform de
voted to old-age pensions. He said he believed "in a $50
minimum old-age pension at 60 with only sufficient resi
dence as a qualification and no lien law." And he was
, So the Portlander was doing what he said he would
utand for when he got in office. Oftentimes, a candi
date's promises mean little when, and if, he is elected.
In this case, Pearson's promise apparently meant some
thing. So what he said on the veto appeal wasn't sur
prising. Also last week, however, another democrat, Senator
Flogel of Multnomah county, came out in support of the
old-age pension bill. He had served on the Ways and
Means committee and he stated he took full responsibility
for his part in drafting the bill.
Under those circumstances, Pearson's position is in
dicative of the leanings of the man himself, not all demo
crats. Kven though he is in charge of the state's finances,
o closely tied in with the pension hill, he can hardly be
Condemned for speaking as he said he would.
Russia's New 'Peace Feelers'
! Russia's "peace feelers" about ending the Berlin block
tile, judging from past experience, are merely a change in
tactics of the "cold war" Stalin has been waging since
the end of World War II to communize the world. Having
deluded America and the allies so many times and broken
very pledge, Stalin evidently thinks he can do it again in
gn interlude of aggression. Congress should not let the
Witost Red maneuver interfere with ratification of the
Js'nrth Atlantic pact.
' Chairman Millard E. Tydings of the senate armed serv
tes committee hit the nail on the head when he said this
Country "should carry a sword in the right hand and an
live branch in the other" in dealing with Russia. He
pointed out that the North Atlantic treaty was not
prompted by the Berlin blockade alone. "Even with the
blockade eliminated." Tydings said, "the pact would still
be necessary until we can have a meeting of minds between
the east and west."
! Secretary of State Dean Acheson has told congress that
$oviet Russia's aggressive action makes the North At
lantic pact and the arms-for-Europe program essential to
maintain world peace.
' "Tlfe sense of insecurity prevalent in western Europe,"
ne told the senate foreign relations committee, "has come
lKut through the conduct of the Soviet Union" and that
Russia's conduct in eastern Europe had "cynically vio
Ijited" the United Nations charter.
; Achcson'a words made it unmistakably clear the admin
istration wants the North Atlantic pact and the arms-for-Europe
program despite any Soviet conciliatory move
for the rights to self determination by the peoples of east
ern Europe have been "extinguished by forc or threats of
tore" by Russia.
l-TSli - yQyfi RECOMMENDATION ' ',
Bridges and Vandenberg
Tangle on Foreign Policy
Washington It wasnt 'officially recorded, but New Hampshire'i
Senator Styles Bridges recently struck a sharp blow at the bi
partisan foreign policy by demanding that the GOP take Its
own stand on foreign affairs particularly In China.
He shot the challenge squarely at Michigan's Senator Arthur
Vandenberg, the Mr. Big of the
Wizard of Odds
bipartisan foreign policy, dur
ing a secret meeting of the re
publican policy
The d e b a te
got so heated
that at one
point Vanden
b e r g snorted:
"Now, this is
within these
four walls
There aren't
many here, .and
if this appears
In Drew Pear-
tives of diplomatic personnel.
"If you had a general who
commanded an army and lost a
battle through incompetence,
you would remove him," crack
led Bridges. "If he lost by con
spiring with the enemy, you
would court-martial and prob
ably shoot him. But the state
department lores country after
country and all you do is pro
mote them."
Vandenberg said he didn't
know of any pro-communists in
the state department. Ohio's
Senator Robert Taft suggested.
spn's column, I won't have too however, that the people under-
many 10 cnecK wun. neath are often biased and don't
However, here is the story of give the people on top a true
what happened at the secret picture.
Life Is Confusing Enough
SEATTLE W) Are you tired, troubled or confused by the
worlds' problems?
Then ponder this one:
Jane Snlffen, civilian employe of the army in Nome, Alaska,
arrived here to raise $3,000 for an Ice skating rink in the far
north community.
It'll be used for a tennis court in the summer, she said.
Bridges called upon the re
publicans to stop echoing "me,
too" to everything the adminis
tration does and to focus a "lit
tle sunlight on the mistakes and
questionable policies" of the de
mocrats. He charged that China v-ns
heinff fnrfoitpri in tha Mmmnn.
ists and he urged Vandenberg t0 bv demanding that segreca--to
take a stand on this and de- ,ion be outlawed in all public
mand a review of our China pol- housing proiects.
icy, When America realizes its But whBt the Public didn't
r.-islake, BridEes argued, then wal Is that Bricker toned
the republicans could pin the down his own anti-segregation
blame upon the democrats. amendment, the minute It con
Vandenberg retorted sharply Aided with the real estate lob
that it was easier for Bridges by.
to sniDe aeainst our foreiBn Bricker's original anti-se?r"!-
Irrw what DO you WEN, tl OOPS OF 50 TO
! J 3Sssi youwAMSEciiRnx' a jJrJS dress
Tempers flared up at the
bei?ht of the debate, but cooled
off by the time the meeting ad
Ohio's statuesque Senator
John Bricker has been posing
as te great champion of the Ne-
Mudball in a Clean Sky
New York W) In a vast mansion on Mars the president of that
All we know about the identity of YCF Is that she's a mother
and wrote us a postcard but what she says probably has the
approval of several thousand other mothers around here, so we policy because he didn't have Won amendment would have
print it in case the responsibility as GOP for- r"1 " icoerai iunas, inciuains
It may do anyi"J .-"-LJ f "I roared out to a suburban park eign-policy spokesman. FHA loans, for any segregated
Before dawn today. A woman Vandenberg admitted that the no,"i,n nroieci. uui wnen tne
was reported screaming there. pjcture js dark for the Chinese rP!'' e''af bnV saw this, thev
They traced the cries to a near- anti-communists, but argued "kUv Rr.cVer would cut off
by house. They stormed up the that it was too late to interfere one of ,helr m0,t lucrative
steps, and brought Frank Moore without jeopardizing the chan- 'n"rrt" monev loans from
down in his ' nightclothes. ce, 0( salvaging what is left. By h federal housing administra-
wnais goin on nerer wnoi intervening now, the United
(crpnmlna fnr hpln'" "flh " KniH ,-n.i i - "o
good. Writes
YCF: "Seems to
me. Sips, you
could start a
crusade of yourl
own if you'd
take a look at
the speeders on
our city streets
You know the
city painted
r y
0 rjpjatae
screaming for help?" "ph," said States wouldn't save China but
Moore, "It's spring. That's my might endanger future relations,
peacock calling for a mate." Vandenberg argued. He also
pointed out That the corrupt
Cecil Dotv in his bright new governing clique that runs the
great, wide yellow lines to guide spring garb today sighted on his central government soaks up
pedestrians across the street, but way to get the finishing touches most U.S. aid Intended for the
tne motorists ignore tne tact on his new outfit a final fitting Chinese people,
that pedestrians have some for his clackers which he hopes Bridges snapped back that
rights on the streets. Just try will be in use mighty soon now members of the state depart-
crossing Center street at 17th all bright and gleaming to flash ment were sabotaging our for-
There they are, the big yellow as a full fledged new member eign policy and demanded that
lines. But the cars come roll- 0f our FT & BA. Cliff had hoped the pro-communists be flushed
ing Dy ju 10 mnes an nour to have them lor Easter but he out of the service.
Ninety per cent oi tnem don't had to forego that pleasure. Now At this,
now aown a on. you never see he hopes to make up for it to Leverett Saltonstall raised a
policeman or motor cop at have them to wear when he cautioning hand, suggested it
goes out hanging May baskets. was unfair to question the mo-
o thev hnt'onted it to Brick
er's office and had him chance
his amendment so that it abol
ished seTpwatln fnr public
housing, but not FHA-financed
NOTE Prrker's real motive
was to inject civil ri"hts into
the housine: debate so it would
turn the southern vote aralnst
public housing.
planet sat listening to the music of the sphere:
by the stars in their courses.
It was his fa
vorite pastime.
But into the
universal sym
phony c a m e a
jarring sound
The maritian
president frown
ed and twisted
the dials of his
electronic radio.
"Again that
note!" He ex
claimed. "This time I'm going
to do something about it. It's
been ruining my concerts for the
last 10,000 years."
So he called his wise men to
gether. Gravely, one by one, they
checked with tuning forks the
sound that came from each of
the melody made
Exactly a year and a day later
he returned to Mars. A great
mass of Martians was there to
greet him.
"Well, what Is the earth like?"
asked the president.
"It is a beautiful globe, wash
ed by soft seas," said Rado. "It
Is capped at both ends by moun
tains and wide fields covered
with a cool white substance
known as snow. And between
the caps are great fields and
towering cities full of living
"Oh, It is an enchanting place
fairer than our Mars."
"Why is it out of tune then?"
said the president crossly.
"I think it is the people."
"What, in the name of the
Milky Way, are people?"
"There are two forms of life
that move about," said the ex-
nlnra, "fin L-inl 1 nun).
the multitudinous bodies in the The o;her kjnd animal,. Tn;
wide heavens.
Then they re-
"Sire, the jarring noise comes the wilderness."
people have enslaved some ani
mals and driven the rest Into
this corner, patrolling that is
They must be too busy putting
on charge slips on overparked
cars downtown. Seems the city
could put some slow signs ap
proaching 17th or some day
there may be a bad accident.
Lives will be lost that could be
saved. And this mother surely
knows. YCF"
Mother YCF's plea could be
made to apply to scores of in
tersections around town. But, we with their
presume, if every motorist In muscles down.
a radius of 50 miles, happened Seems the
to read her letter, they'd no movie - makers
doubt assent to all she says, decided it was
And then most of them would high time to
proceed to approach such inter- give the litle
sections as usual at from 35 to woman s o m e-
80 miles an hour. We love to thing to look at
crusade, but this one looks prct- while pop was
ty futile. ogling Betty
Grable and
Voices of the Night Jane Russell.
Only one important commit-
Massachusetts' lean 1" ."Tf. I '"'Uf0" 1
by a republican Senator Bald
win of Connecticut who presides
over the Malmedy trial investi
gation. Baldwin Is one of the
ablest and most fair-minded
members of the senate, but
there is an interesting back
stoge story behind his appoint
ment. It results from the fact fat
Maryland's dapner Senator Tv-
By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON dinrs wanted to euchre the
Hollywood U.R) Movie queens aren't the only ones who're wor- nrobe of the army's court-marrying
about their curves these days. Hollywood's going through away from his democratic
a "bare-male-torso" era and it's catching a lot of glamor boys colleague from North Carolina,
swxMnw-tauea Clyde Moey.
off their shirts and rlnzile ma. ivamgs appeared to oeneve
from an obscure planet known
as the earth, our neighbor in
this constellation."
"That mudball!" said the president.
"How savage!" cried the pres
ident. "That explains the dis
cordant note."
"No siree." said Rado. "There
is more to It than that. After
'Bare-Male-Torso' Era
Finds Stars' Muscles Down
He had his leading stellar ex- enslaving the animals, the dif-
plorer, Rado, brought to him ferent peoples began enslaving
"Rado," said the vexed chief- each other. And they destroy
tain. "Trot down to earth and themselves in great disastrous
see why that flyspeck in the sky wars. The wails they send up
is out of tune." ruin the music of the stars."
Rado sprayed himself with in- "Life takes life," murmured
visibility lotion, climbed into his the president. "Is it possible?"
two-seater anti-gravity ship and "On the earth death is often
took off. a way of life," said Rado.
Compulsory Socialized Medicine
To the Editor: The secret of the success of Arcad, the richest
man in old Babylon, is one which the American public would do
well to study: "A part of all you earn is yours to keep."
aaaJt it-
ma with a rippling display of American officers were
bulging biceps. There was just J"""" in using brutal ty and
one trouble: It wasn't the biceps torture wrln confessions
that bulged it was the he-men! ,rom "-German storm troopers
wnn Bi'eKeai.v iook pari in me
Such a scurrying to gymna
siums and steam
never did see.
T'almedv massacres during the
Vlrtlals MarPhtp
you battle of the bulge. Tydings also
claimed jurisdiction for his
The boys at the local sweat- ttmed services committee
It-off emporiums report busi- though only after Hoev had or-
ness never has been so good, dered his special Investigating
And plumpish actresses have to committee to look Into the
police car. and . sheriff, car order, for the he-men to strip imen 'work "of, tho 7e7u,eTo investigate:
spare tires around their then changed his mind after
middles. learning of Hoey's Interest.
And they're not always the Fearing that Tydings would
romoes who're getting along In whitewash the brass hats, Hoey
years, either. Young gents like suggested turning the Investiga-
Bill Williams, Bob Ryan, Lex tlon over to a joint committee,
(Tartan') Barker, and Kirk made up of members from the
Douglas are beginning to sign armed services, judiciary and
up for regular afternoons in exnenditures committees,
neighborhood gyms. This started talks between the
If, a crime the way most 'w 'hat were still proceeding
According to the survey of probicm of the nation's health
current business, July, 1948, is one of education rather than
Americans spend 4.5 per cent of compulsory socialized medicine,
their income for medical care Like Arcaa of Babylon, we
and death expenses as compared mUrt learn to anticipate the fu
to 5.9 per cent for alcoholic bev- ture emergencies which will be
erages and 2.4 per cent for to- t frail man, and provide for
bacco. It Is plain to see than their occurence with an ade
when the American population quate savings program,
willingly spends more for liquor dr. JAMES A. GARSON,
and tobacco than for medical 801 Morgan Bldg.,
services that the solution to the Portland S, Oregon.
Vancouver, Wash. IP Three Down came
Perhaps a Surprise
41 rortltn Afftlrl Ancmtt
The steam-roller offensive of the powerful Red armies in China
, has created a fresh major crisis in the now-not-so-cold-war of the
The western
powers had IT
scarcely finish- fs
ed signing tne 4,
Atlantic pact,
to halt the com
munist drivel
across r.urope.
when Chinese
chieftain Miot
ize-iung lore
d the line of
the mighty
Yangtze. Thus
Their capital of Nanking has ctorI ,e, thmseiveil ' Wil- when suddenly Tydings pulled
liams savs. "They figure they surprise announcement inai
can wear padded shoulders and hl committee would go ahead
tiht pirdlcs and get awav with wi'h own Investigation, and
murder. he appointed Senator Baldwin,
rroublican to head tne probe
"Male shapes are almost
The payoff I, that Baldwin's
nrttllt MU'Rtntl
been occupied by the enemy-
shocking blow to the morale of
the nation. A million and a half
Rod troops are ready for the
drive southward through China.
What nlhur limat fan h
made than that the nationalist lnPofnt in this business
situation i, desperate? !' ,m,T,Lv i rnlw. Zir the army prosecute the
However. Generalissimo w"e m"r ,h7 d mfk Malmedy defendant,.
Chiang Kai-Shek Is said to have ctor, work out regularly and y . . .
planned a defense by tones as " rid of ' ,heir blubber. TRl'MAN SORE AT ISRAEL
the Reds advance. Many of President Truman, who fre-
those zones with their troops Williams, who Is no puny .fi hinu. hnt nH mtH nvr
almost overnight the west was are in the hands of war lords nt himself, says Bob Ryan i, p,i.,,in. h ivn a nrlvt
confronted with another threat and, if they remain loyal to the best phyjical (peciman in ipanking to the new republic
The weight of the attack had Chiang, the nationalist defense town. (And we know a lot of o j,riei. He I, boiling mad at
been shifted from the front de- might give the communists a ladies who'll agree wth him tne i,rae'n government for what
fense, to those In the rear. surprise. there.) he consider, an insult to the
Speculation at this time is "But he works at It regular- AmeriCan ambassador to Israel
True, the new thrust in the Idle. We shall have to await ly." William, added. "Some cf jame G. McDonald.
Orient is much further away development,. these older guys the top star, McDonald reported to the
than was the drive across Eur- . may trim off 10 or 15 pound, president that during a recent
ope. The present danger is What we can ee clearly 'or one role, but they slip right interview with the Israeli for-
less imminent, and in that sense enough is that a sovietizing of bck as toon a, they wind up ,ign minister. Moshe Shertok,
the situation is perhaps not so China, world's most populous 'he picture." lne minister spoke disparagingly
critical. nation, would give communism William, say, the dashing of American aid to Israel. This
Time now Is with the west, a powerful base from which to screen heroe, can take a few made Truman so mad he order
just as it suddenly has turned work on all Asia. tips from the glamour queens ed the U. S. representative to
against the nationalist forces ot Neighboring India would be they woo every day from 9 to the United Nations, Warren
China. the next great nation to come 5. All those curves and dip, and Austin, not to object when the
If, idle to (peculate on how under pressure, and It might be swell, just don't happen, he United Nations pigeonholed
much time may be Involved in that she would provide a barrier say,. Israel', application for U. N.
the Chinese conflict. We know which communism couldn't sur- And if they do. they don't membership,
that the communist resources, mount. The Hindus and Mos- last long without a lot of help Warren's silence shocked the
both military and economic, are lems of the Indian peninsula are from the gal who's got 'em. Israeli because they were count
great, while the nationalist gov- intensely religious and com- Practically every top-bracket ing on wholehearted American
ernment't resource, are terribly munism and religion can't be movie lovely In town spends a, lupport tor their cause. A, a
weak. mixed. much time on her figure a, she result. President Weizmann is
The nationalists' most power- In any event, should commu- does learning her lines. And trying to patch things up dur-
ful defense against the Red nism have a (weeping success It's been years since some of Ing personal conference, with
forces from the north the In the Orient, the western na- m have looked baked potato President Truman.
Yangtze ha, been smashed, tiom would be to a Red vise. In the eye. (Copyright, 1949)
Pearl Sweat Box
Gold Plated Frame
Adjustable Nose Tabs
Optically Ground Leni
With Leather Cat
(Belt attachment, too)
Open Till 9 P. M.
Your Best Buy In Sun Glasses
Only At Your War Surplus Store