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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1922)
! FRIDAY DECEMBER 29, 1922 Edited by MISS RUTH AUSTIN Phone 82 ''mocwty k. Albrich In Portland . wedding of much Interest occurred Wednesday morn l.lne o'clock, in St. Agathas ' r..nnn1 whan ftffldu jrei in I'uiua. ..i,.tihnrB and John Al- ,h were marrieu. iu !. w marked by the utmost ipllcity. on'y """YCO "":. close friends ot the ' young ,le being in attendance. .. v .it. ..... n aAnnmnnnlarl ne Dae wan i altar by the bridegroom s f., j0hn Albrich of Portland f l,r bride's maid, Miss The L Albrich, Bister of the bride- '. t l,,. mm. They were , iuo jjfH)oin and his brother, Jos- L Albrich, who served as best mii.. .nw, WATA TllArlfTPfl 111 MB. TO" ' L presence of Rev. John Co- jjjey of St. Againa a cnurcu. a ipllal mass followed immediate ' i ii . .. . . Mr Albricn is iue ouu ui i.r. i Mrs. Frank Albrich of Sa- f , , . 1 ln Qalam ... year and a nan ago. He L graduated from the Salem iih school witn tne class or and while here was popular the younger contingent, snort- it after his graduation he left Si- f . : . I . i : to accept, a jiutmiuii iu mo milness department of Meier ii Franks. The young folk will make Mr home in that city. Relatives and friends who at iided the wedding from Salem Fere Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albrich, In. T. M. Barr, Kuth Kuhn, oseph Albrich, Henry Barr, Eva lid Winifred Albrich and There- fa Albrich. Miss Daley Collins entertained itb a slumber party Tuesday ntning, her guests being: Miss- Marie Riley, Uinta Kirk, Au- Irejr Winship, Jane Hlllpot, Lucy leek, Arnette Collins, Lorena leer and Virginia Albert of 'ortland. The weddingr of. Miss Prances jIm and Oral Erwin Palmateer jut solemnized at 2 p. m. Sunday il the home of the bride's par luti, Mr: and Mrs. A. D. Moe in food River, Rev. W. H. Boddy.i ptor of Riverside Community purch, officiating. Onlv mem- tri of the two families and closo tods were present. Miss Helen fwl was maid of honor anl fttw Blackman was Mr. Palma- p best man. Mr. and Mrs. jtaateer left at once for Salem, ?.hA 41 II. . .... pv. iUOJf WIU mane ineir nome, r. Palmateer being engaged in Witness there. j Both Mr. and Mrs. Palmateer jr formerly students at the j -ou iiBnuuiiurai college, me former's father is superintendent ot uie silver Falls Lumber com pany at Salem. He and Mrs. Pal mateer were present at their sons wedding. A sister of Mr Palmateer, Miss Winnie Palma teer of Portland, was also in at tendance. Other out of town guests were Miss Marie Hemfeld of Corvallis and Mrs. Genevieve Canfield and Mies Mildred Can field of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert, their daughters Mary Jane and Josephine, are expected to return from their California trip to morrow. They will be accompan ied by Mrs. George F. Rodgers. who accompanied them down. ... Miss Gladys Cartwrlght of Burns is passing the holiday? with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cartwrlght. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Glover plan to leave tomorrow for Portland where they will spend the week end with relatives. Miss Mina Harding will be at home to members of the Modern Writers section of the Salem Arts league next Tuesday evening, when they meet in regular see sion. She- will entertain at the home of Prof, and Mrs. Gustav Ebsen, 391 North Cottage street. Misses Dorothy and Helen Pearce went to Portland yester- aay, planning to Be away over the week end with friends. Miss Vivian Marsters, a student at the Oregon Agricultural col lege, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Marsters. She will return to Corvallis on New Years day. Mrs. Florence Sherman of As toria arrived in the city last night, and will remain until af ter New Years as the house guest of Mrs. Carl Nelson. . . . Mrs. Charlotte Williams of Hood River is a visitor in the city, being entertained while here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Brosius. Miss Pauline Remington and Miss Pauline Rickli, Willamette university students, are spending the holidays as the house guests of Colonel and Mrs. Percy Willis in Portland. Mrs. Eugenia Z.leber, a student at the University of Oregon, Is spending the holiday period in Salem. Miss Virginia Albert of Port land has been the house guest during the holidays . of Miss Uinta Kirk. Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. Paul Hauser will be joint host esses this afternoon entertaining the past matrons of Chadwick chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The affair will take place at the home of Mrs. Hauser. Mr. ad Mrs. James Mott and" their little daughter of Astoria have returned to their home after wietnhdhSfl?hrl8tma8 in SalS with the former's mother, Mrj. W. S. Mott. Another son of Mrs Mott Dr. Lloyd Mott of Rlmroc" Wash., was also in the city 'over the same period. ...Mr. and Mrs. James Mott will return to the city some time next week, to be here during the ses sion of the legislature. Mr. Mott being a rcuresentativo - . u Aium viaL- sop county. - Mlsfl Tfnaa Term! , iU,aim nas re turned to Portland after visitins -- UU1I1B ot glster JJ,. Carey F. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn spent the Christmas holiday in Mon mouth, where they went to at tend the annual reunion of the Butler family. Members of the clan, numbering forty two came from various valley towns, In cluding Portland. The Ladies' AutIUs t iu. Sons of Veterans, Joseph Smith camp, will hold a mni,i f,i sale In the Salem Hardware store, Saturday, December 30th. Amout forty maids and men members of the K. O. nlnh of tho Salem high school and alumni home from the Oreeon Ae-HchI- tural college and the University of Oregon, participated in the an nual holiday party of the organ ization In Derby hall last night. Mrs. Ed Keene and daughter LaVella are visiting in Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Teter are spending the holidays in Tacoma, visiting Mrs. Teter's sister. Mrs Roy Bergert. Miss Olga Kirkwood arrived home from Portland last night af ter spending the Christmas holi day with an aunt, Mrs. L. L. Hewitt. During her sojourn Miss Kirkwood was an attendant at the 0. A. C. dance given at the Multnomah hotel. " Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Marcus will leave on Sunday for southern Oregon, planning to be away ovei the New Year week end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goulet re turned home during the mid week from Portland where they spent the Christmas holiday period with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Karr of Brookings, South Dakota, arriv ed last night and will remain a week, dividing the time between the R. W. and H. L. Marstera families. The visitors are on their way to Long Beach, California, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. George J. Pearce was a hostess Wednesday afternoon, en tertaining members of the Leis ure Hour club and a few guests additionally. Mrs. E. C. Small was a joint hostess on the occa sion. Mrs. L. S. Geer, MrB. F. G. My ers and Mrs. C. B. Webb returned home yesterday from Portland af ter a short sojourn THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,1 SALEM. OREGON Wedding Ceremony Is Sunday At the hour of four Sunday af ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Cole on "Locust Hill," south of Salem, Dorothy Lee Cole was united In marriage to Clif ford Smith of Rosedale, Reveren l Ida J. Lee read the impressive ring service In the presence of a number of friends. The bridal par ty stood before an improvised bower of greens, flowers and soft ly glowing candles. The bride was dressed In a gown of white messaline and tull and she carried a shower bouquet of pink roses and narcissus. Mrs. Lesta Bates played Mendelssohn's wedding march while the party descended the stairway. The living rooms of the Cole home were hung with Oregaa grape and ferns, with bright flow era giving an added touch of col or. The dining room was in greens with bright red berries in huge baskets The serving table was dainty with candles and flowers for a centerpiece. Miss Emily Ivison and Miss Flora Turnbull presided at the table while assisting in the din ing room were: Flora Kime, Ha zel Bloom, Myrtle Brownlee, El len Pemberton, Florence Smith and Berchen Cole. The guests who attended the wedding were, Mrs. S. D. Cole. Miss May Cole, Frank Cole, Mrs. Allie Cole, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman of Portland, Mrs. Ida Lee, Henry Smith and Florence and Donald Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Law of Prcscott, Mr. anO Mrs. F. W. Ache3on and Loralne, Mr. and MrB. Alfred Acheson, Manhatten, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Acheson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ed mundson and sons, Donald and Paul, Dr. J. Ray Pemberton, Mrs. Pemberton and daughter, Rachel Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Pem berton and daughter Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coppock and daugh ter, Bernice and sons, Fred and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Day, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gardner and children, Doris, Jean and Betty Lou, Miss Wanda Dodge, Myrtle Cammack, Flora Kime, Hazel Bloom, Flora Turnbull. Fram Rosedale there was: Norman Alexander, Lowell Gardner, Jack Turnbull. Elwyn Gardner, Albert Brownlee and Don Coppock. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Cole, Kenneth Cole and Miss Bercheu Cole. ' The Daughters of the Ameri can revolution will meet Saturdav afternoon at two o'clock at the U. G. Shipley home with Miss Lillian Applegate assisting host ess. Mrs. C. C Clark and Mrs. O. P. Hoff will have charge m program which will consist of a "International iteia- paper on Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura PRISCILLA DEAN and JAMES KIRKWOOD in Ouida's Famous Story. Our booking in this big spec ial is cut to two days so you'll have to see it tonight or tomorrow it's up to you. feature will raeasuic - TONIGHT AND SATURDAY ONLY Harold Windus, Organist OREGON Regular Admission Prices cusslon of current events led by Mrs. Hoff. This is the regular meeting of the organization. Miss Thelma Dykes of Portland arrived in Salem last night and will remain until after New Years as the house guest of Miss Irene Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Albee of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Fields of Corvallis left for their homes yesterday. They had been spending several days with relatives near Salem, Christmas day being the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Grover Bellinger, who werj entertaining with a family dinner. Mrs. D. A. Hodge has with her as her house guests, her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Todd and small daugh ter of Napavine, Washington, who arrived Saturday and will be here until after New Years. - Mr. and Mrs. U. S.- Miller have been entertaining their son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs Miles Miller of Portland, and Fred W. Browne of Chicago, who was stopping off on his way to Los Angeles. Rev. and Mrs. A. Wells and Maxine spent Christmas in Port land with Mrs. Wells' two sis ters. They returned by motor Tues day. 1 Alright I f wild, vegetable ItuHvf to 1 Iff nUm Cooatlpatloa anl B1H 1 eutnM and kaep tba dlgaatlva taX 1 allmlnattva functions normal. ChipsoffffieWBIock kij R JUNIORS- I Ir'lir L WMto M 1 vl &JfiaSk Ooa-thlrd tha rcfu . I VUMtTSI JT1 Ur tfoaa. Mad ol f J I V1 VFja a a m a Incredlanta, m m - than candy coaled. I I Pof chlldraa and adulta. f I Daniel J. Fry Read The Journal Want Ads PAGE FIVE ::L, 5-; m Sib J A": vr'-v- ot7in .at. OUR PRE-INVENTORY Clearance of Raincoats and Overcoats A Big Group! Values to $25.00 Men: Buy your next Fall's Raincoat now1 There's a reason. Our annual pre-inventory clearance is in vogue today and tomorrow and we believe we are showing the best values in Men's Raincoats and Overcoats to be found in Salem. Staple Coats that stay in style; Coats that will cost you $25.00 next season. Today Tomorrow l.L (LJ Good Goods. W Y As 1922 draws to a close and we bid adieu to an event ful year, we desire to extend our hearty appreciation to those with whom we have had business relations. May the Coming Year Prove a happy and prosperous one to all concerned in the building up of a greater Salem and surrounding country. May your smile and greetings of the New Year's day last through the entire year- SALEM, OREGON Salem'i Theatre lieauinui