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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1922)
PAGE TWO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 14GUARD UNITS ; ARE ORGANIZED DURING 2 YEARS ., Fourteen new national guard unlta bave been organized 18 this state during the past two years, increasing the strength of the guard from 1371 to 2327, accord ing to the biennial report of Ad jutant General White Just filed with Governor Olcott. Guard units are now maintain ed in 20 cities and towns in 12 counties of Oregon, Including Portland, Hood River, Gresham, Woodburn, Silverton, McMlnnville, iilem, Dallas, Independence, Al bany, Lebanon, Corvallis, Toledo, 'Newport, Eugene, Marshfeld; Cot Use Grove, Roeeburg, Medford and Ashland, the report shows. ' Plan Other Units, Provision for the organization of three more Infantry units and two more field artillery unltb prior to July 1 next, are contained in White's report. It Is under stood that the war department has approved the additional units In the event the state desires them. Remittances :. from the federal government to niembers of the Oregon guard in payment for drill and camp duties aggregated near ly $50o,000 during the biennlum ,. $315,535 In excess of the cost ji the guard to the state. Prior to 1921, the report points out, federal aid in support of the national guard was materially less than the cost of the guard to the state. Guard Payroll Bite. Calling attention to the vast amount spent by the war depart ment in support of the guard Gen eral White declares that "in addi' lion to its paramount value as a component of the first line of fia tioual defense the national guara is also an important payroll in dustry from the point of view ol the state." In addition to the financial tioutrlbutions toward the support of the guard the federal govern ment also furnishes all equip ment for field service. Equipmeni ecelved during the past biennlum includes not only arms, ammuni tlou and uniforms but camp and marching equipage, motor trans portation, wagon trains, pontoons, medical supplies and ambulances. LEGION POST 10 ELECT TUESDAY Tomorrow evening the month ly meeting of the local post of th( American Legion will be held at which time election ot officers for the year ot 1923 will be held. A motion to amend the constitution so as to raise the yearly dues from $3 to $4 will also be up for adop tion or rejection. - The election will be little more than a formal voting as at the No vember meeting the nominations were .made, it eo happening that there was only once choice foi each office, each nomination be ing the unanimous choice of the Legion. The nominee for the coming year are: Commander, George Griffith, member ot the Marion Automobile company; vice-commander, Millar McGUchriet, assist ant attorney general elate of Ore gon; adjutant, Brazier Small, at torney; financial officer, Jake Kuhrer, employe of the Ladd & Bush bank; quartermaster, Albert Anderson, employe of the highway department. Those nominated for the coming executive committee were: Walter Kirk, Victor Mc Kenile, Mort Ptnklngton, Mat Page and Harold Smith. ' At present Joe Mlnton Is com manding officer and Brazier U. Small, adjutant. Mr. Small's nom ination comes as a reelectlonj . Belfast British troops will shortly be withdrawn from Petti goe o n the Donegal-Fermanagh border and replaced by Free State troops, It was said. Santiago, Chile Foreign Min ister Solar sunounced to the Pe ruvian foreign minister at Lima that the Chilean congress had ratified the Tacna-Arlca protocol. rieumatisinl VVirmTand eases Siartj blood counting through the conyeeted spot Thle venerea . pressure and soreness. The pain vanishes. In ita place is warm, glowing comfort. Try ftlom't a Mrminx! u4 Bml4 ' bukW. It Jlr rvunW nd btck- clx. Brutus coli taciMM. It kandjr. THANKSGIVING FETE SUCCESS Mill City, Or., Dec. 4. "There's a 'ell of a lot of fine people In 'our town and Pnever knew It before." That is the picturesque expres sion of an old lumberman of Mill City was the feeling of the entire town after the Thanksgiving af fair one of the most successful community affairs ever held here. From the opening of the old Four L hall to the banqueters to the closing hour3 of the dance in Hammond hall the day wa3 pro nounced a complete success. J. K. Weatherford, attorney of Albany, and a Linn and Marion counties, was the speaker of- the afternoon giving an oration that held the Interest of his audience, tracing the history of Oregon from pioneer days to the present and with the keen insight of a student of affairs pointed the future ot the northwest to a generation younger than his own. The Hammond office and store employes won the championship or the city in a fast game from the mill team, score 20-16. Hatch, Smith and Streff starred for the sawdust team while Quinn, Mor gan and Kuni scored the major ity of the winner's points.. The evening entertainment In Hammond hall waa -played to a capacity house. The only mishap of the day came when Mrs. K. Long was overcome by the press of the crowd and taken to her home. Mrs. C. H. Kelly, Mrs. Nina Wads worth Kahler and Mrs. G. A. Smith won favor with special at tractions in song and dance each showing the talent that has made the little ctly proud of its play ers. "The Aristocrat Club" and ".The Thirteen Club" were popular and a drill by -students of the schools In costume was second only to "The Picanlnles" in ap-. preclatlon of the crowd. Mrs. Richard Saucier la recov ering after a severe Illness at the Mill City hospital. Mrs. Fred Moore, cashier of the Turner State bank, is a guest of Mill City friends this week. Carl Mason of Aubern, Califor nia, is the guest of his father, G. H. Mason, Last orders .for the completion of the Gates school house are be-, ing shipped from Mill City and the directors expect to have the new structure completed in About one month. ' - E. C. Bandeberry and family of Albany were In Mill City yester day. The Southern Pacific has a crew of fifty men relaying the main line of the Southern Pacific through Mill City. FIG HTERS TRAIN FOR SHOW HERE Real work has been begun by the several principals who will figure in the boxing show to be held at the Salem armory next Wednesday evening at 8:20 o'clock, and the uoy, 1 going through their paces at the armory are looking good. The feature of the evening Is to be the 10-round engagement between Ad Mackle and Joe Hoff (Phil Phelps) both of whom have been training hard for several days. They will weigh in at 128 pounds.' In the semi-windup Needham Is to be matched against Stanley for six rounds and this mix Is expect ed to be worth while. The men are middleweights. In the heavyweight class Hunt and McDonald are to face each other, 1 while Jimmy Harlan and "Lefty" Wharton, stripping at 135 pounds, are signed up. Seats for the show were placed on sale today. . The entire stock of cocaine and morphine was stolen from the Mc Nair drug store in Ashland Friday night, the burglar gaining entrance by boring a hole through the rear door. PULE PAZO OINTMENT Instantly Re lieves ITCHING PILES and you can get restful sleep after the first application. AH druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to Cure any case of ITCHING, BLIND, BLEEDING or PROTRUDING PILES. Cures ordinary cases in 6 days, the worst cases in U days. 60c, 3 SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, Xmas Joy or CMA - , , ;pM vAi. -'ihl 1 This will be the result of purchasing of our HIGH GRADE Pianos or Player Pianos. No home is complete without MUSIC. A small payment now will hold any one of the following instruments for XMAS delivery. "Steinway," "Weber," A. B. Chase, Krakauer, Kurtzman, Emerson, Bram bach Grand, Premier, Steinert and others.. Also the wonderful "Duo Art" which brings the world's best artists into your home-$750 and up. New player pianos from $395 up. "Terms": Small payment down and very small monthly payments. Let us talk it over with you. ' . . A SHERMAN CLAY & CO. SALES REPRESENTATIVES. M Tl FT oore s music iio.use 415 COURT, SALEM fbotifChrisimas' 222 Shopping CcfitrM Beautiful Camisoles How perfectly glvable is a brocaded silk camisole or lace ones with trims of rib bon, French knots, etc. You'll enjoy giving our camisoles. Corset Dept. " "Good Morning" Caps The loveliest Bondour caps in town, new and ex clusive styles besides being made from the best laces, silks and nets available; many are trimmed with handmade lace. Corset Dept A Thousand Kerchiefs A shower of pretty Ker chiefs such as you seldom experience in Salem. Ker chiefs from the Isle of Ma derla, from Spain, Switzer land, France and England our stocks this season will be better and more compre hensive than ever- Glorious Comfys ; This year we feature Dan iel Green's Comfy; you've read about them In women 's magazines; we are Salem's headquarters for them. If it is not a comfy It is net a Daniel Green. Let us show you this wonderful slipper. ' Satins, felta . and kids. Mules, soft soles and boudoirs.' PROSPERITY Is a Home-Made Product - GOOD TIMES are neither an accident nor a dis pensation of Providence. Prosperity is man-made. Each of us Is a worker in the prosperity factory. It is not only our duty, but to our interest as well, to keep home Industries running to capacity. : Make ThU a Trade-at-Home Christmas Co-operation cannot help but bring prosperity to Our City, so let's all pull together. Concentrated' energies gather force and power. If every one in this City would spend as much as he or she could riffht here in town on Christmas Shopping, business would reflect itself in a general boom which would be of profitable advantage to every citizen living Ifl Our City. First It will-benefit YOU by the guarantee of values by merchants whom you know to be absolutely reliable. Second Your purchases will greatly Increase the buying power of those merchants who are in a position to increase our City's wealth of supplies. Third Your purchases at home will help the whole City by increasing every citizen's loyalty and keeping a natural circulating wealth at home where it belongs. START RIGHT! Let's all boost the town In which we live. It's a great City let's make it Greater by co-operating and concentrating our energies on Home Trading. Let's begin with Christmas Shopping HERE and NOW! If we, as merchants, haven't exactly what you want, give us the opportunity to get it quickly for you and at a price that couldn't possibly be less than what we'll charge you for it. Try and Prove It! let's Manufacture Prosperity Together It can be done if you do your part TRADE AT HOME THIS CHRISTMAS Favorite Perfumes . ' Make your selections from the single battle of a rare essence, to a present of a set of toilet waters, perfumes, soaps, powders, each box prettily at a reasonable price. E6 New Things or Parisian Ivory Among them are brushes and combs, mirrors, picture frames jewel cases, pin-trays, dresser trays, bottles, clocks, manicure sets ana more elatiorite seta, all are most reasonably priced according to your selection. . life,. J7 The Hustle of Gift Buying Is On and You Haven't Any Time to Waste Christmas Shopping Days Are Now Here : Even though you may have bought some ot your Christmas needa, do not let up now buy today every day till your buying is done. Buy at This Store of Useful and Practical Gifts Above all things else glitter, richness, even beauty itself be sure your gifts are Useful and Practical. Gee-Raws, trifles, senseless, gaudy novelties made to catch the thoughtless shoppers, can be bought most any place, but where we have concentrated ia on the great assemblage of Practical Gifts for your every selection. Christmas Stationery A wonderful showing of novelties In Xmas station ary, especially In dainty sheer and 'exclusive papers which will make both serv iceable and pleasing gifts to anyone. Select your Xmaj cards from our unusual and pretty embossed designs, very reasoiably priced. Hand Bags From France Imported beaded bags make most acceptable gifts. Beautiful color combinations, la striking designs and new shapes. Make her a gift supreme by presenting a beaded bag. ' -.. .- - The Store with the Christmas Spirit MILLEK9 CZxxfGooefo. Salem's Leading Department Store Exquisite Hosiery Our Christmas stock of Hosiery were never better. Buy them by the box. Our Holeproof in silk, lisle or Bilk and wool will please the exacting tastes. Glove Gifts This Xmas Aa gifts, gloves are always In demand and this year they are " more acceptable than ever because ot the great range of styles and colors one mast "have tor the new costumes. Prices are remarkably low, too. 0 -.v. : WHY: I wdt'-i Buy the good wife one of those beautiful Daven ports. She has beeri want I ing one for some time. A shipment of a number of very new and up-to-date styles and coverings are now on our sales floor and we can assure yon prices will be no lower on I this class of goods for some time to come. Chambers & Chambers mi nl rt i xnuse lvianogany uattf Leg tables have arrived and are very handsome, and they are solid mariof any, made by one of the best manufacturers of tables in the east. Very moderately priced. ; Chambers & Chambers Doll carriages for the little tot and also ones V most large enough im "real baby." The kind tie girl of from 7 to 10 yean like to push. They are beauties and the price quite lower than last year. Buy now and have one laid away while the stock is large. ; Chambers & Chambers Cedar Chests in thai beautiful Tennessee cedar and coppc Get yours no? both plain trimmed. as it will be impossible for us to get more before Christmas. Wealsohavf a fine line of Port Orfori cedar ones at much !es price, but very fine never theless. Chambers & Chambers Table Lamps, Pi! Lamps, , Bridge Lamp Junior Lamps, all the ne things in Pollyehroff sticks, as well as ne colors in shades. Chambers Chambers Sloan Ihsknent-ki&patol LiootTT Mtsj Tobacco Cft