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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1922)
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1922 "AT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, pREGON PAGE NINE ichAsJolinD.ForEteryFlivverHeBuildsMeansMpre z . 1 - FdrdGanNeverBeAsR CapitatSdournal citrSCRIPTION RATES rv earlier 10 cents a week, 45 .y, a month. $5 a year In ad eems vanee. Bv mail in Marlon and Polk .,.ntlea. one montn 00 cenui, o " i. ll!!, 6 montns, i months J,1, 50 cents a .,.r S4.00. month. 15 ayear. ""inTered as second class mail matter at Salem, Oregon. " ; Member ' ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press la exclus- a tr. It or not muw w credited to or J() credited m '' ".rr -,. rnl news pnnnf""" " , -. "" Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. " . j, ronrebenlatives W D. Ward. Tribune bldg.. New York City. y S Stock well, hide.". Chicago, Ills, Peoples Gas (CLASSIFIED RATES ""Rats per word each insertion I cents, three insertions 5 cents one week 8 cents, one month 10 ' ... Ar Der month, li ceL.:'. r.t,, oer ad 25 cents. First Insertion only In New To rt iv City ads cash In advance, end not taken over pnone. unless advertiser has nwuiui, No allowap "r nhone errors. NEW TODAY FROOM furnished apt. 1492 Court 285 APARTMENT, 66S . Center St. 283 phone 9 a 1 w . WIRE grip sanitary brushes. m288 S nvnson, nv 5t7C Sit it fhpiti erood bicycle. on . 3S74 N. Church St. 283 vnk RENT Furnished nouwj keeping reuu.' . ,AV Slreet. 9 l.ARGK well furnished . light house keeping rooms. 700 nortn WILL, luy hardwood floors in ex- J - . :-.4U Ptapra change tor pnuauBia-F"- phone 609. m285 CHOICE Baldwin apples, and get them at .50 .cents t bring boxes. Phone 115? 22. come box, 283 CHANDLER SIX To exchange for small house. W. H. Graben horst & Co., 275 State St. q284 1 ONE three room oownstairs irum apt. unrunnianea, w "'" north of state house. Phone 630. 283 i'OR EXCHANGE Good Tilla mook dairy ranch for valley r-'-TTv W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 575 State St. b284 KOJt SALE On easy terms, eight i 'n, modern" .house; , would rent to responsible people. Pnone 1787J6. 283 FOR SALE 200 head of good stock ewes, demium wool, good ases, sell all or part. A. I. Eoff, nhono 97 or 1073W. ez I'OR SALE Small house on pav ed street, near State St. wice JH50; paving paict. tt.rueSer, Oregon bide, phone 217. a284 POUND Yellow pup, owner can have dog at 2010 N. 5th near Highland station, by Identifying - and pay'ag for ad. Call after 6 tonight. - $$ FOK BALE Good lot on N. Sura (per St. Just off Market. Price tiiOO. $100 cash balance terms. Kueger, Oregon bldg. phone 217. a284 li20 DODGE 'Good paint, some accesanrles. Sold within next 10 d;HVS. 1923 license goes with car. Cull at Marion Auto Co., ask for Ackerman. . q284 A GOOD residence, fine view and location, on $500 downs this is extra good on such a small pay ment. Brown. over Busick's. State and Commercial. FURNITURE for sale, one piece, or house full, electric range, ei-vtrlc washer. Call Thursday between 9 a. m. and noon, 592 V Sun-.n.e,' St. 283 it ROOM good as new bungalow, garage, large lot, at 1020 north 1 Cottage street, offered at less than cost, $2550, easy terms. I Socolofsky, 841 State. a i5 ROOM practically new bunga- Ilow, at 1020 north Cottage, pwn er leavinor the city, only $2550. $700 cash balance easy terms f Socolofsky, 341 State. (OWNER must leave Salem at I on e. will sell 7 room house for j $1?00, $500 down, $28 per f month. See us at once. Krueger, I Orogon bldg. phone 217. a284 ('OR RENT 9 room house with 1 acres of ground, barn and chicken house; not far out, city water, also good well. Inquire at office In Argo hotel. , 283 JOR SALE S acres of 4 year I old Italian prune orchard, in I good condition, 4 miles south. I Price $1650. easy terms. W. H. 1 Grabenhorst & Co., 275. State 1 street. b285 ;t-ROOM COTTAGE Good .is new: east front; paved; ole porch; small cement cellar; lot 60x130; shed, garage, garden. 2600J- terms. Harris, 624 N. Capitol, 1943J. 283 I'OR SALE $50 down and $10 1 Der mnnfh hnva M. atra trant nil north 2ist street close to En Slewood school. Price $600. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a285 FOR SALE A block of land. 200 oy i(io feet, on eraval street and south of city limits of Salem. Price $600. $50 down, balance 10 per month, 6 ' percent Inter est, w. H. Grabemhorst & Co., !ZlState street. -n285 OCLD rent 10 acres for one. two Or thro ,aam 1 " ...... a- In han. J"g prunes, 8-4. acre In strawber ries, fey logans and raspberries, good house, fair barn and chick en house, on 'good gravel road c'ose to pavement, $300 cash rent. Box BR Jnnrnil. 583 tjR SALR ?5 tin Per month buys nearly acre t land, located on gravel street na close to Pacific highway carline. Price $476. W. . grabenhorst & Co., 275 State in?'t- - f5 fOR SAT.R "a hill orchard i guaranteed;) at 12c per lb; 58-60 at 10c; 66-711. .t nd picked ,n 25 ,b; iti " gross;) or In original con- 1 An it. v. 1 1 p ' cuh with Or. each order. S, box 15S. c2l tmt T, ? . or bearing am.. .. cre" cultivated, bal b.HM. mber and pasture, good ttl !nga. located near ijvSW ?ou,a-nn!rtc M50: wtfl take tavm.?0V T,T ,?50 first "iane time at a ner M I's oT'.H- Grabenhorst & Co.. ! ' 8tat, St. 1,284 NEW TODAY WANTED To buy net carpenters tools, must be cheap for cash. Price Shoe Co. 1285 FURNITURE for sale, one piece, or house full, electric range, electric washer. Call Thursday between 9 a. m. and noon, 691 N. Summer St. 283 SPECIAL 5 room house, lights, bath, water, part basement, some fruit, good lot, close to school, east, for 11900 on $200 down. Brown, over -Busickd, State and Commercial. a MUST BE SOLD 10 room mod ern home, will take small house and lot as part payment. This place was built 7 years ago and is a real home,' if you are looking for a larger place don't over look this. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a284 FOR SALE HOlSES FOR 6 ALE Good owner. Phone 896W.' bungalow, a304 FOR SALE Established retail business, paying proposition, $2800 required. D. E. Hart, J71 State St. c A FINE modern home, . fireproof walls, east front on a main street; this is a new bungalow priced right. Brown, over Bu slck's, State and Commercial, a WORTH WHILE A i room houne, lot 50x150, garage, elec trlo lights, toilet, . city water, 4 blocks to car. Price $900, $300 down, $15 per month.. Mills & Copley. 33 1 State St. a283 FOR SALE By owner, strictly modern a room bungalow, tul ly furnished. 1725 south Com merclal, J. W. Parker, Central stage terminal, Salem, Or. a28 5 ROOM, close in, lights, bath, wa ter, some furniture, for $1660, $300 down, balance monthly, The Welcome Real Estate office over Busick's, State and Com mercial. FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE 40 to 80 acres, well improved 3 miles Monmouth, o highway, crop In, stock and equipment, all tillable. Price $12,000 and $16,000. Rt. 1, box 88, Monmouth, Or. b28 t uit SALE By owner, $90 an acre for 85 acres, Vk In cultlva. uon, house, barn, orchard, springs, hi mile to school, 18 miles south of Portland, terms. Box Cll Capital Journal. b291 FIVE acre fruit farm trade for Sa lem property. Apartment house bringing splendid 1 ncome for sale. 6 room modern bungalow for $3000. A beautiful home on north Liberty street, hardwood floors, French doors, for $6760 Gertrude J. M. : Page, Golden Rule Real Estate dealer, 492 north Cottage street. FOR SALE Miscellaneous 1 E vv posts, ail sizes and lengths, 1284 N. .Front. C28 ONE auto knitter for sale. Bo.v c283 D10 care Journal. LARGE chrysanthemums. K. H, Pickens, 1463J. c285 FOR SALE 2 drag saws, good as new. Capital Bargain House, c POTATOES for saie, Netted Gems and Sunrise. 75c per J.00, 44F22 - - c245 OAT and vetch hay $18 per ton Phone 74F12. Rt. 6, box 152. c287 FOR RENT 7 room house, one block to car line $15 per month M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. j FOR SALE Marshal strawberry plants off new vines. Iven F, Cook, Rt. 4, box 15A, Salem, Or c283 FOR SALE Or trade, 1 gasoline wood saw complete, some log- ging tools. 497 N. High, 1497M. C281 NOTICE 50 Rhode Island Red hens, extra nice, your ohoice $1 each., 254 S. Liber ty St. f284 FOR SALE Specially- fed tur keys, order now for Wed. deliv ery; also fat hens. Claude H Stevenson, phone 36F16 or 108K 14. . f28 FOR SALE No. 1 onions deliver ed anywhere in Salem, $1.50 sack.- carrots delivered $10 . per ton. At ranch, onions $1 per sack, carrots $8 per ton, you furnish sacks. 2 miles east of Brooks. W. L. Gaskill. c292 PUBLIC AUCTION Every Sat. 1 p. m. 160 s. High opposite Ore gon Electric bldg All kinds of furniture, tools, live stock, ma chinery and miscellaneous arti cles. Col. J. B. Gable, auction eer, phone 1448. C' 8 SINGER sewing machines have been slightly used for demon strating. Both foot power and electric at big discount off reg ular prices, terms $3 to $5 per month, rents, $3 per month. Wc repair all makes of sewing ma chines reasonable, all worn guaranteed. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. of New York, office 519 Court St. phone 441. c285 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD sawing, Fisher Bros, phone 1756. . ; ee284 FOR SALE 16 inch old fir. ee286 Phone 77F2. WOOD SAWING, phone 1131, city or countryi Ed Sproed. ee312 BEST grade "mill wood 4 ft. and 16 inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices .Fred E. Wells, 305 & Church street, iphone 1842. ee WOOD Order now, why pay more? Try a truck load of dry apple wood sawed ready to use. Best for fireplace, no sparks; better than oak. phone 58F12. ee283 Nations seem much more digni fied when fighting for the right than when fighting "for what is left. .- . " BRINGING UP WHAT ARE "TOO CULTIVTIN' ? FOR SALE Automobiles GOOD 1916 Ford, a bargain. Call Titus at 1995. o283 1922 BUICK 6, 1 passenger sedan, a remarkable automobile at a big saving to you. Phone 718J. J283 BUICK. six for sale, 1917 Buick, cord tires, spotlight, good con dition. Price $450. Saiem Auto mobile Co. qj88 OLESON USED CAR EXT CHANGE. -Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. . WILL sacrifice my high grade tour ing car, which is In perfect con dition; might consider soma terras, or ome, trade. Address oox 1Z6, or Phone 1870M. q284 BE warm in your Ford this win ter for $3.75. Come lb and see our new auto heaters. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man) High St. at Ferry, SaJem. Or. PARTS F(R ALL CARS V Every used car In our stock at big reductions. Former Sale Price $176 $245 $300 $360 $425 $475 $575 $700 $750 $750 Price $250 $285 $371 $475 . $475 . Overland 90 '19 Ford '21- Oakland 8 '1 9 Bulck 7 pass. . Buick 6 '17 Dodge '19 .. Bulck 6 "19 rdstr ... $550 $650 Buick 6 '20 $800 Buick 4 '22 . $850 Apperson 8 '20 $1100 OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Com'l, phone 220. q283" FOR RENT BOARD and room, close In. 495 N. Commercial. J284 NICELY furnished apartmeiu, adults, 285 S. Commercial. J308 BOARD and room for working men, 803 S. Winter. J283 FOR RENT Unfurnished house keeping rooms. 636 N. Front St. J286 FOR RENT Furnished room, gentlemen preferred, reasonable, close in. 856 Union St. J283 FOR RENT : Newly furnished apartments, reasonable, 1173 N. 4th, pfcona 2080M. J283 LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladies gray glove Thurs- day. Phone 1806R. k283 LOST Agate lavalier. Finder please leave at Journal office. k283 LOST Brown pointer dog with white legs, name Jack; please phone 1835W or 611. Reward. k284 WANTED HELP WANTED Girl or woman for general house work. Phone 852. ' g28: WANTED Girl for light house work. Apply 1055 Marion St. g283 WANTED A timber faller, must De auie to file own saw. Also brick mason to repair furnace under boiler. C. M. Miller Lum ber Co., Turner, Or. g283 wawtjud ayaoie aged woman for house keeper for two adults: 11 widow no objection to one child of school age; good home lor rignt person. K. R. Ryan 240 River St. g287 WANTED Permanently, two mies rrom Oorvallls on Pacfi highway, man cook for smal family and to drive family car, modern house with every eon venience, new sedan; will drive any place after you if you pnone you want the position and car. give references, as good cook and careful driver. Phone W. II. Curtin, Corvallis, Or. phone 21F11. g284 THE Whitney company, -with a large logging operation at Ida. ville, Tillamook county, Oregon, that will, weather permitting, run all winter, Invites applica tions rrom Duckers," fallers and other timber workers. Standarl wages, good grub; fine, comfort able camps; 8 hours; no strikes. Address, giving all particulars, The Whitney company, Employ ment Department, 904 Lewis building, Portland. Or. g WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Colored woman wants day work. Phone 798J. 1306 WANTED Furniture, tools, etc. Phone 611. 1 GOAT pasture wanted. H. Fresla 475 State, phone 963. J283 AT cattle wanted. Herman Fres'a 475 State, Salem, phone 963. 1284 WANTED 2000 cords of wood cut; also want to buy Ford touring car In first class shape for cash. Call 529. 1283 WANTED To buy furniture, tools and miscellaneous articles lor cash, or will sell on commls sion, phone 1446. 1' WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash or sell on commission. Phona 611, Woodry, the auc tioneer. - ! WORK wanted by college man. can work forenoons, or a short night shift; work by hour ac cepted. Call' evenings or noon hour 622 Mill St. h283 WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. phone 841, 1 WANTED Second hand furniture and atoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc Once then always. People's Fnrniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. phone 734 I' WANTED To take care of house or residence for the winter for rent, man and wife, no children, mentally, physically and finan cially 8ble, References and bond if required. Add. H. E. Dale, Gen. J. -el., Salem. Or. 1284 FATHER y WAN TED Miscellaneous WANTED To rent 4 or 5 room house or apt. for 8 months. Ad dress us 880 N. Winter St. 1284 LEARN MORE FOR LESS It will pay you to ; Investigate Hemphill's Auto & Tractor school before enrolling else where, 185 N. 6th St., near Un ion depot, Portland, Or. Write or call for Information. 1283 MISCELLANEOUS FULLER brushes, local represent atlve, Grimes. 1987J. . m313 WINDOW washing, all kinds of odd Jobs, phone 1488V m288 PAPER hanging or tinting, cull 131, after 5 o'clock call 1268W. m306 COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for farm and city sales; call phone 1448. m SOO8 Scavenger service, garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates phone 629, residence 2058, Suc cessor to Neal's Scavenger, m HIGHEST price paid for second hand clothing and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone 136SW. m PLENTY of money to loan on re proved residence or business property, or for building pur- puses, n. a. uonnger, . agent Equitable Savings & Loan asso ciation, 827-828 Oregon bldg. phone 1009, I also write all kinds of insurance. FURNITURE repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop, 19th and State, phone 882. c WANTED -1- Old mattresses to make over. Ph6n 19. Capital city Bedding Co. ' ' - - m THE Angora Rug Co. la now oc cupying the building just east of the old building and Is ready to receive orders for new furs or for remodeling old Ones. Phono 683, 1230 Ferry. m285 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Salem Heights lot 9. 10 block 5; make us offer. Owner Rt. 2, box 212, San Diego. Cal. " a28S FOR TRADE 4 lots In Olympla. Wash., will trade for Salem property. 1795 S, Liberty, phone 1598W. a284 FOR SALE By owner, 4 fine lots, 8 In bearing fruit, , beautiful view, excellent eoll. Call' at 120 Academy St. and make cash of fer. a285 CHEAP. .CHEAPER. CHEAPEST The cheapest east front lot In Richmond addition, close to car line if sold before Thanksgiving, owner at the Fleming Realty Good title and abstract. See Co. office. 341 State St. a GET A HOME 4 room house and barn $15; '5 room house, 8 lots, $2500; 5 room house, 2 lots, basement, $2000; 5 room house, 2 lota, $1200; 6 room house, ' 2 lots, $1500; 6 room house, 2 lots, ce ment building 36x82 feet, fine, $4500; 4 room house, N. Coml St. $1500; good lots from $250 ; to $400; also 19V4 acre homo, 1H miles east of pen, house 8 rooms, bath, toilet, barn -40x50, orchard and small fruit, phone lights, etc, $10,000, one fojirth cash, balance time at 6 percent. See R. R. Ryan, 240 River 8t. n287 SPECIAL . . Good 5 room plastered, modern house on paved street close in for $2500, terms. 20 acres, 9 acres of bearing prunes, 4 acres of loganberries, on good road; all stock and machin ery. A snap for $6500; will take house in Salem not over $4000. THOMASON 331H State street. ' PICK ONE OUff OF THESE 4 room bungalow., corner lot. $1500. $750 cash balance $21 monthly. 5 room new modern bungalow. will take good Baby Overland car, balance easy terms. Price $2750. 8 room modern residence, very good value, $3500, $500 cash bal ance $30 monthly. 8 room strictly modern resi dence, paved street, close in; $8700, terms. r 5 acres bearing prunes, house. drter, will take residence not over $2500, price $4000. SOOOLOFSKY 341 State S room .cottage, basement, bath. lights, on Union street; will be of fered for one week at $2500, $600 cash, easy terms on balance. 7 reom strictly modern house in east Salem, $5000. 9 room house In two aoartments near nign school, rents for $35 s month. $1600 easy terms. WINNIE PETTYJOHN J 331 Vt State street. FOR EXCHANGE Fine Income property, leased for term or years, want merchandise for half, price $22,500. Good 6 room houBe. furnished. large lot. Price $3600, terms. Fine modern home on Court street, want smaller house. Fine prune orchard, for income property. If you want to trade, sell or buy see y VH. L. MAR8TERS Phone 907. 212 Gray bldg. . , GOOD BUYS 6 acres on easy terms all culti vated, on asylum road. Price $1500 10 room modern home built 7 years ago. on paved street; will take cheaper house and lot as part payment. Price $8000. Good building lot 50x150 on Fairmount hill, easy terms. Price $450. 80 acre farm with stock and machinery 5 miles out. Price $9009 terms. Real estate and fire Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. U. 8. bank bldg. 275 Sfate 8t I cTj liBMOasll i- i 1 Qi" - J5l- Legal JNotice 1 i PROPOSALS IXJUi-Sl'PFMES ,s 'The Oregon State Board of Con trbl will lecetve sealed bids on De comber 14, 1922, at 2 p. m., for furnishing to the various state in stitutions, supplies consisting of drygoods, clothing, furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, stationery, crockery, plumb ing, etc., tor the semi-annual per iod ending June 30, 1923. Specifi cations and schedules will be furn. lshed upon application to the sec retary at NSalem, Oegon, also from the trade and commercial bureau of, the Portland Chamber of Com merce, or from the Associated In dustries of Oregon; both located in the Oregon Building, Portland, uregon. n;acn ld shall be accom panted by a certified check reore senting 10 per cent of the whole amount bid. payable to the Ore- Pgon State Board of Control, or where the 10 per cent amounts to $500.00 or more, a surety bond from some company authorized to ao Dusiness in Oregon will be ac ceptea m place of the check. The same shall he held as a euarantv of the faithful performance of the contract., ihe board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept the bid deemed best for the state. R. B. GOODIN, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) , Grain: No. 1 white wheat $1.12; No. 2 mixed wheat $1.10; No. 2 red wheat $1.08; (sacked.) Hay. Cheat hay $17.00; oat hay $30.00; clover hay (baled) $19 20 Wholesale Prices Meat: Hogs $9.tiU; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 56c; cows SWiS4Vi,c; bulls 33Hc; lambs 99c; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hens 13c; heavy hens 18c; old roosters 810o; broilers 18 20c Butterfat: Butterfat 48c; cream ery butter 49 50c; country butter 30 32c; eggs 50c; milk $2.26 cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions $2.21 crate; beets $2.00 cwt; Oregon cabbage IMo lb; green peppers lOo lb; potatoes $1.00 cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.26 per crate; parsley 40c dot. -Fruits: Oranges $9.76; lemons $9.00; bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $7.,0. . Retail Prices Poultry and eggs: Eggs 55 60c; creamery butter lift. Portland, v Or., Nov. 28. Oattle tower; receipts 90; choice steers $6.75S7.25; medium to good steers $6.006.75; fair to medium i5.256.00; common to fair $3.75 'i)6.25; choice cows and heifers $4,606.00; medium to good $3.60 4.60; fair to medium $3,00 9 3.50; common $2.00 tjO 3.00; can cers $1.502.00; . bulls $3.00ft 4.50; choice feeders $5.005.50; (air to good $4.00$5.00; choice 3Mry calves $8.00 8.50; prime liijht $8.008.50; -medium light 7.608.00; heavy calves $4.00 7,50. EM'Hogs steady; receipts 328; prime ngni t a.ou j a.ou; smuoin heavy 200 to 300 . pounds $8.00 .80; 300 pounds and up $7.50 fa 1.00; feeder pigs $8.26 8 8.75; fat pigs J7.50fnia.00; stags 46. ( Sheop steady; receipts none; esst of mountain lambs 1 12.60, choice valley $ll(iii 12.60, medium $10(8)11, common $910, culls $6.769, light year lings $9.6010.OO; heavy $9960; light wethers $7.50188.60, heavy $7 I9i7.50, ewes $2 6. Butter steady; ex cubes 4243c under grades 88 40c; carton 47o; prints 4 lie. Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 48 49c fob Portland; 45c at sta tions; under grades 45 47c. - Eggs: Firm. , Buying cur. rSnt receipts 48c; white henneries 054c; selling case count 47e; cttndled 5162c; selects 55c. i' Poultry: Light hens 13c; heavy 22c; broilers '2022c: old roosters 10c; geese 15c; ducks 2023c; turkeys 4041. Wheat: Hard white $1.49; soft TThite-$1.24; western white $1.22; hard winter J1.16; northern spring $1.16.; western red $1.13. .Mill run $.12.00; oats $36.25 f 3.5.50; corn No. 3 yellow $31.60W 33.75; hay, timothy, valley $21: al falfa 18.50 IgJ 1 9.00; grain $18019; njlover $19. Capital Journal Want Ads Pay A WANT WANT ADS AD ARE WILL THE SELL LITTLE THE SALES THING MEN YOU THAT - DO WORK NOT NIGHT NEED AND DAY YOU NEED PHONE THE NO CASH 81 fTHE ONLV THIN4 fWE "bElRve: TO r ElAT HERE. THAT 'oNVS "RICE" TO ME. Ii COIM- Opjiisfcl. VOX. kf Utl HC IV f C .A ACmiENE WELDING IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring ths pieces. Oxo-Gas .Meating uo., as7 court. At I'O PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 219 State St. corner Front. AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY the live Btock, furniture, real stat auctioneer. I'lione 611 fur sale dates.. Res. 1610 N. Summer. THE RIGHT AUCTIONEER means dollars to you. G. Satter- lee, Salem, Or., 180 N. Com'l St. room 21, over People's cash .store. Res. phona 1211J, office liATTKKY SUPPLIES PREST-O-LITE BATTERY HER. VICE. Expert auto electricians. .rnone 1803, 418 Court St. recharged ana rP":ou- "; jsurren. R. D. BARTON, Exlde batteries, starter and generator work. 171 8. Commerrlfll. AUTO Electricians, expert trouble hooting. 23$ N. High Bt. pnone 208.- CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT. S. C. graduate national University of science, Chicago. Scientific chiropody. Masonic temple, phono 64 0. DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot ailments relieved. Modern equip ment. Room 8. Patton bldg. phone 957. CHIROPRACTOR DRS. SCOTT AND SCOFIELD, U. S. bank chiropractors, 416 bldg. DR. S. R. SMITH, chiropractor. room 322 Oregon bldg. Chronic and acute cases treated by care ful adjustments. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER. 'JUST DRUGS' 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. J. C. PERRY, Re.xull druggist. 115 S. Commercial 8;. KLKCTIUO KUPPL1KH HAL1K ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court Ws do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electrio appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electrto Co. Phil Brown ell, ir.anager, 379 State St VRCU1E FLEENER, electrician. house wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980. 414 Court St. FLORIST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Brelthaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 380. ' FAKiU LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 205 Oregon building, 5, 7, 10 and 20 year loans, 6 V4 and 6 percent interest, rrivuege to pay iiuu or multiple on any interest date. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment pnvi leges with discount allowed, i will finance you fur a less rate of interest than any firm on the coast, v. w MAKSliitta, 411 Oregon bldg FArtM LuANS made in amount of $6000 or more, 6 percent in terest. Governmuut plan of re payment. General insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple. Salem, Or. GARAGES RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 349 Jerry Lit. GUARANTEED REPAIRING ot all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. Cutting and fitting pipes done, grocery store in connec tion. E. Kroeplin and Sons. 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. HlfiMSTI'l'CIUNO MRS. C. E, MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitcning, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 379, 829 Oregon bldg. INSURANCE W. A. L1STON, GENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. . ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IS- bURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans and investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. MACHINE SHOP WEC11TER AND SMITH Machln lata, engineers, welders, HEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 845 Ferry St. H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers and welders. Automotive ser vice. 4 90 Ferry St. JHOTOltCYCLKS LLOID E. RaMSDEN. Indian RaMSDEN, motorcycles and Dayton bicycles !LJioHLit.eet' -r HARRY W, SCOTT r wl "The Cycle , Man," 7 S. Com. Phone MUSIC PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room $ over Miller's. NURSKHY STOCK FRU1TLAND Nursery has sales yard at Cherry City feed barn, Salem, 544 Ferry St. Office phone 199; res. 1140M. Please call and see my slock before buying m SALEM Nursery company, fruit md ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. I'M "bO CLAD TO A HOV i PITAU: t - tmn imrlttx la MET MKUCHAHT TAILOB U. H. MoSHEii iaiiur lor men and women. 474 Court St. 11. A. ESTES, fine tailoring. 38 4 Btate street. PLUS OS GEO. C. WILL. plunos. phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. He pairing phonographs and sew- tug macmnes, jz state, saiem, OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- dette, optometrist. Bow Optical 10., azD Mate street. C O. suits $01 Oregon (Electrio) (liV OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Klrks ville graduate. 404-405 U. a Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. a bank building Phone 859. Dr. . White , resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company. phone 1513 Maaor.lo Temple. PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 16 4 S. Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and uull worn, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1397J. REPAIRING STOVE3 rebuilt and repaired. 50 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil .nd varnishes, etc logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street, phone 124. ' SCAVF.NGKU SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by tre month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 1595W. R. O. Cum mings. Mgr. THANSFEn OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. -ari was.ieu and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; wood sawing. Phone 77. WATfclt COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPAN tf Of - lice, corner Commercial and Trade Sta. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67. WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court telephone 1741.- Ilamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Three Stages Daily Leaves Sulem Stage Terminal: No. 1,7:30 a. m. No. 3, 10:30 m. No. S, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 6, 7 a. m. No. 2, 12:30 p.'m No. '4, 4 p m. No. 8 connects with east bound train at Mil1 City, No. 2 waits for west bound train at Mill City. JOS. 1IAM.MAN, Prop. . Kulein-Nllvvrloll Division Leaves fcjalem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand, 8:00 a. 111., i;uu p. m., o:ou p. ni. Sulom-IiidctKUHlcnou-Moiiiuouth DiVlHlOII Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 9,:00 a. m 11:00 m.. 8:00 o. m.. 5:00 n m Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8;15 a. m 1:00 p. m., 6:16 l). m. Leaves Independence, Beaver ho tel, a:au a. m., 10:00 a. m., 1:15 p. m 4:00 p. m 6:30 p. m. We make connections at Haiam to all parts of the valley. luxtra trips py appointment. J. W. PARK Kit ! ' General Manager SUiVFJtTON MOUNT ANGKL PORTLAND C. & M. Staines Kch,!nlo South bound read down Dly. Dly. Dly. - No 6 No 3 No I . PM PM AM 6:00 1:30 8.00 Portland :05 3:86 10:06 Mt. Angel 3:30 4:00 10:80 Silverton Ar Ar Ar North bound read up i.iy uiy. j)iy, . . No 3 No 4 No 6 AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 8:30 Portand 8:26 1:66 6:25 Mt. Angel 8:00 1:30 6:00 Silverton Lt Ly Lv Sunday only g pin from Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Sleelhammcr's Drug store nnverton Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage Terminal 7:00 a. m.. 11:00 a. m.. 6:10 n. m. Leave Dallas, Gail Hotel 8:30 a. m., 13:30 p 111., 6:30 p. m. FARE 50 CENTS . Daily and Sundav Every day except morning trip docs not run Sunday Round Trip 90 cunts MEADOWLAWN DAIKV Phone 90F12 Inspect our dairy. The stats Inspector says "It's on of ths best ia the stats. Investigate ths source of your milk. VQO CA.ME. HOME I WANT TCJU TO MEET MR.RlCE. . COLLEGE FRATS UNITE TO BUILD 10 EN cm New 'York, Nov. 28 College fra ternity men are the latest New York , era to turn cliff-dwellers. The high priee of lodgings, which has driven many families from pri-'! vate houses into apartment houses, "' has caused members of various fra ternity clubs to sock a common roof. ' To meet this need the Fraternity ' clubs building, sixteen story struc ture, is being erected at Madison avenue end 3Sth street. Members of the various clubs, nearly all of them college graduates will have their own private qunr- tors and sets of sleeping rooms, but ' while they may lounge and slumber " under the Greek emblems of their - own ihroth-erhood they will pat ' " and exercise In a communal dining ' hall and gymnasium. ; 1 The house committee Will com- ' prise a representative of each par ticipating club. National headquar- ' terg of several fraternities will b located ia the building. Serving on the honorary board of the housing committee are Newton D. Baker, former Secretary of War; -Major-General Robert L. Billiard; T. Coleman DPontj Byron P. Har- ' risen; Will H. Hays, former Post- ' master General; Secretary of State Hughes; Joseph E. Randall; Rev," Dr. Ernest M. Stires; Oscar W. Un derwood and former Governor Chas. S. Whitman. WALES COLLECTING ; PEARLS FOR NECKLACE London, Nov. 28 The fact that the for a necklaca has furnished anoth er topio of absorbing interest for discussion over the tea cups, and there are flutters in the hearts of those interested in the royal matri monial plana. It will be remembered that Lord Lascellos did exactly the same thing before tho announcement of his en gagement to Princess Mary. Hut oven with that precedont, it ia not safe to assume, that any exciting news will follow the revelation of the Prince's interest in such, mat- Pters, for pearl collecting among the English nobility ia a time honored occupation. Realty Transfers Compiled by Salem Attract Co. Thomason, 0. A. and wife to Kuaol, A Q. and wife, lot 3, block .'I, Engiewood addition to Salem, Oregon, $10. Strong, B. i W. and husband to First National Bank of Monmouth, Orogon, part of lot 7, block 38, Uni versity addition to Salem, Oregon, 1. Al Coolidge It Co. to Banks, E. II. and wife, lot 8, block 2, Park Side addition to Silverton, Oregon, $750. P. P. Whitluck and wife to Thom , O. L. and wife land in CI. 39, 8-1-E, Marion county, Orogon, $20. Harris, H. A. and wife to The City of Salem, land in CI. 01, 7-3- ,j W, Marion county, Oregon, $10. ,- i Ryan, Wm. ,A. to Smalloy, Q. W. and wife, lot 10, block 4, Itlvor-' side addition to Balem, Oregon, $10. ;.i) Hurst, H. C. by administrator to W Koenig, Walter, lots 15 to 35 in- v- elusive in Hurst Garden Tracts, '' Marion county, Oregon, $6370. " Thomas, O. L. and wife to Ma- ' geo, II. Y. and wife, land In CI. 6-1-E, Marlon county, Oregon, $10. Smith, A. O. and wife to Val- lick, V. t., land in CI. 23, u-3-W, 1 Marion county, Oregon, $23. Stromo, O. et al to Stroine, Anna, land in CIs. 34 and 35 6-I-W, Mar ion county, Oregon, $1. D'Arcy, P. U. to Bligh, T. G., interest of the brick wall on . part oC lots 3 and 4, block 4, Salem, Oregon. Capital Junk Co.. WANTS All kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We pay full valuu. 215 Center Street Phone 393 L.M.HUM Care of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea CO. has medicine which will curs any known dis cus. Not open Sundays 111 South High Street Salem, Oregon. Phone HI