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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1922)
4 IA 4 FRIDAY, OCTOBER Sea-water contains 30 chemicals presumably outside the 3-mile limit CapitaiSsiournaJ Subscription rates rrler 10 cents a week, 45 g mSnth. $5 a year in ad- vanc,'mnil In Marlon and Polk E,r one month 50 cents. 3 (H., 6 months 2.25, 1 m0 t4 0o' Elsewhere B C cents a ye",u tr, 'a year. mom"' t- r..j , second class mall The Associated Press is exclus , ITpntitled to the use for pub vf'Ln of all news dispatches ,lcai?.j to it or' not otherwise f! in this paper and also lo Iws 'published herein. Audlt Bureau of Circulations. - . . . .nniaonti)fivP9 ? Tward, Tribune bldg.. New TW sit5Stockwen, Peoples Gas bldg'. Chicago, Ills. ' TASSIFIED RATES ' Rate per word each Insertion 5 cents, three Insertions 6 cents, JJ week 8 cents, one month 20 cents, one year, per month, 12 rents' minimum per ad 25 cents. First insertion only In New To. City ads cash In advance, and not taken over phone, .unless advertiser has monthly account. Ho allowance for phone errors. NEW TODAY FOR SALE Male fox terrier pup, ntmnn 1207J. e251 FOE SALE 12 foot counter. 696 N. Cottaee. ' c.252 v 1917 FOKD touring flit), some terms, zig piau q252 0VEKLAND coupe for sale, In fine shane. fnone vai. wot. FOB SALE Unshelled popcorn. 75c per sacK. i-noue ioojv. ze,ua MOST beautiful home In Salem for sale by Gertrude J. M. Pagei. a vor SALE Harley Davidson mo torcycle, $100 takes it. Phone 1131. i n01 FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished modern rooms, garage. 790 N, ' 17th. 260 WANTED Woman for general house work. -Apply 2290 north 4th. b251 PRUNE, filbert trees, gooseberry bushes. Pearcy .Brothers, 21 J Oregon bldg. 250 FOR SALE Household gouUs, stoves, beds, tables, etc. 420 9. Commercial. c252 FOR RENT : Small furnished apartment, corner Chemeketa and Liberty. 250 U'AMT l.'.l I iriirnishpfl nr llnfnrri ished 4 or 5 room -house. Box 510 Capital Journal. 1252 WHOLE wheat means . health W'he-ta-lon contains all of the wheat. Finest flavor ever. 250 FOR RENT 4 furnished house keeping rooms, close in, modern conveniences. 437 S. Com'l. J252 WOMAN or girl to keep house for lady alone, in poor health, phone 580M or call 446 Union St. 250 SALE or trade 640 acre Montana farm or stock proposition; will divide. Box 296, Centralis, Wn. . b252 FOR SALE 7 room strictly mod ern, east Salem. Price 84000 See Krueger, Oregon bldg. phone 217. a251 30 ACRES river bottom land, grav el road 8 miles from Salem. Price $3800. Pearcy Brothers, 210 Oregon bldg. 250' WANTEU The best 5 room house that $2500 cash will buy, must oe in good location. Thomason, 331 K State street. . - 250 AUTHORIZED by owner to- sell 2 new bungalows at a sacrifice, terms easy. Square Deal Co., U. s. DanK, pnone 470. a251 7 ROOM house, barn, corner lot 65x122, east front, $1900 today. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 north voltage street. a 1'QK RENT New furnished room apartment, modern and complete, aduts only. 1207 S Commercial. 1" FOR SALE For less than cost of uuuaing, 8 rooms, furnace, ga rage, corner lot, fruit, 390 Washington St. 250 n ANTED To give young boy home, must be 15 or 16 years j"u. inquire John Bchindler, Rt, ijrax 33, Salem. 1252 WE have been very conservative m our selection of used cars. If you would be conservative In Jour purchase see these car; first Overland 90 '19 $250 Buick 4 '17 $275 Buick 4 '17 $295 - ' ' . Oakland 6 '19 f 375 Buick 6 '17 $475 Buick 7 pass. J475 Chevrolet '22 $500 - Dodge '19 $550 Buick 0 '19 roadster $850 Buick 6 '20 $800 Doda '22 $800 , Buick 4 '22 $850 Apperson 8 '2D $1100 1 t OTTO J- WILSON Com'l, phone 220. 252' AUTO AUCTION TOMORROW m 1 P. M. i,. t-SON'S AUTO EXCHANGE I . berty Phone 666 "st of cars to be sold to the high- wuuer. J'J Chevrolet touring '17 i i90 Chevrolet touring '18 lOtfl nh. a 2 -- -..uuuiij passenger ' Overland touring ; i91.6 Ford touring Buick bug l Chevrolet delivery J Keo touring ' . - 917 Maxwell tourings cars ieipect to list several more this i r ,which wil1 be ao at lasirif Here 13 yur firat and own Since to buy ai auto at your hiv. ST"!51 elass "olicitor, must Won aadp5jtr nd know Ma Only worirolk cunties well. IaVt .V" need apPy- Good CiulaaoB -5ht man' Apply JouraaL Manager, Capital tf 20, 1922. NEW TODAY FOR SALE A few grapes left, bring boxes. -RC 1, phone 64 16. 250 WANTED Horse, 1300 to 1400 lbs. for use this winter. Phone 7F3. 1252 WANTED Men to work in tim ber camp, one man to drive tractor. Call at 331 State St. ask for Mr. Thomason g25o FOR SALE 17 acres RoBedale, ideal ror cnicaens ana perries, small house, barn, creek, 3 acres loganberries, fruit. Phone 1598M 2 50 ROOM modern residence, best close in location, strictly first class, everything desirable. Sac rifice for quick sale; investi gate. Harris. 024 N. Capitol, 1942J. 250 SPECIAL Saturday, water proof composition half soles guaran teed towear 100 days, men's $1.25. boy's $1, ladles $1. Good year Shoe Repair shop, 291 N. Commercial. 250 FOR EXCHANGE Nice 17 acres, 7 acres of logans, one acre straw 'berries, two houses, good bam, on good road, want house in Sa lem, if you want a good place, that is cheap look this up. Call 907, H. L. Marsters. b FOR SALE HOUSES $1100 BUYS a neat 3 room house near car line, corner lot, east front, W. G. Krueger, Oregon bldg. phone 217. a250 FOR QUICK sale, 6 room one story house, electric lights, bath, toi let, large lot, and located In north Salem, can now be had for only $1650, cash to handle $500 balance $20 per month. See L. A. Hayford, 305 State St. a FOR SALE By owners, the Ray mond property at 1070 Center street; good five room house, furnace, lot 66x158, fruit and nut trees, beautiful shrubs and flowers, $2000 will handle this, balance easy terms. Call fore noons, do not telephone. a252 5 ROOM house, nice lot of walnut and-fruit trees, lot 68x160, north Summer street, $1500, $500 cash. 5 room house, full basement, near car and paved street $1700, $700 cash. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. a SOLDIERS ATTENTION We have two things in the way of new bungalows open to soldier loan purchase that we would be pleased to confer with you on. They are such as we can decom mend. Come In and see us. The Fleming Realty Co., 341 State street. a GET A HOME 5 room plastered, lights, bath, sewer connections, garage, fruit room, cement walks, good lot, close to school, car line and for only $2300, $500 will handle. Brown, over Bu sick's, State and Commercial, a GET A HOME 4 room bungalow plastered, lights and water, for $950 with corner lot and east front, $200 down. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial a SMALL house, lot 60x150, fine soil $400. 4 room house, $750, $100 down 4 room house $850, $200 down 3 room house $850, $200 down 4 room house $1100, $150 down 4 room house $1200. $200 down, 2 lots. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial. a FOR RENT FOR RENT Five room flat, Center street. 943 J250 FURNISHED rooms for rent, N. High, phone 612R. 531 J250 ONE furnished light housekeepng room, close in, 1079 Chemeketa j251 FOR RENT Furnished front room with fireplace, home priv lieges. Phone 778. 3251 FURNISHED apartment. 668 Cen ter street, phone 921W. 3250 FOR RENT Sleeping room in new modern home, board if de sired. Phone 680R. 3253 FOR RENT Three room apart ment, clean and furnished, close in, adults. Phone 1060R. 3260 FOR RENT Desirable sleeping rooms for gentlemen, reason able, close in. Phone 1253R. 3250 FOR RENT Unfurnished 2 or 3 room apartment and kitchen ette, adults only. 745 N., Church street, phone 498. 3250 STEAM heated rooms at The Mil ler. 3262 FOR RENT Farm 7 miles north of Salem on capital highway. Mrs. Anna Hackett, Salem, Rt. 1 3251 WANTED HELP WANTED Boys for Cherrybud band; for information phone 621M or see Mrs. Chris Hebel, 1638 Fairmount ave. g252 THE Whitney company is conduct ing logging and sawmill opera tions in Tillamook county, and Is hiring men for camp and y sawmill work at going wages. No strikes. Good, clean camps and good, wholesome grub. 9 hours work for 9 hours pay. For saw mill work, address H. E. Mor gan, Garibaldi, Oregon; for log ging camp work, address W. J. Norris, Idaville. Oregon. g Situations Wanted I HAVE a family who will rent or work on. a farm. Gertrude J. M. Page. ' h WANTED Position, have experi ence in groceries, also some dry goods, references. Phone 1700, 991 S. Liberty. h25a WANTED Position, experienced truck driver, references. Phone 1700, 991 S. Liberty. h250 WANTED Position by experienc ed stenographer. Box XI 1 Capi tal Journal. h251 BRINGING UP 1 CMH'T FIND OlOCo ANYWHERE 1 HOPE HE HVbN'T DONE ANY THIN4 DESPERATE I WON'T LET HIM FOR SALE LIVESTOCK COW for sale $30, 2 gallons. 1585 Saginaw street, call evenings af ter 6. ' e251 FOR SALE Shetland pony colt, 6 months old. gentle as a kitten. Phone 1062W. e251 FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness; some tents 8x10 and 10x12. Phone 59F31. e25l FOR SALE 60 White Leghorn hens, 1 year old, 25 pullets, 7 5c each. Phone 9F3. f250 FOR SALE 2 high grade Jersey cows 3 and 4 years old, just fresh. 7 miles on Dallas-Salem road, phone G. W. Carroll, 60F31. e250 FOR SALE Or trade, a No. 1 work horse 8 years old, weight 1400. Call 91F24 e2M TEAM and harness for sale cheap. 457 N. High. e252 PUPPIES for sale. Fox terrier and Airedale. Agents for Spratts aog. cat and bird foods and rem edies. E. B. Flake, 273 State, Sa lem, e FOU SALE) Automobiles FORD truck for sale cheap. 1720 Chemeketa St. , q25l 19 . BUICK just overhauled, new top, carpet, running boards, etc will sell cheap or trade for road ster. urunert, zstj state. qzou BE warm in your Ford this win ter fior $3.75. Come In and see our new auto heaters. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothersthe Same Man) High St. at Ferry, Salem, Or. PARTS FOR ALL CARS q OLESON USRD CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two extra fine Tou louse ganders, phone 116F12. f254 FOR SALE Confectionery busi ness, close in; bargain for quick buyer. Call 2044M. c251 8 SINGER sewing machines slight ly marred for sale at big dis counts. Terms $3 a month. They carry our regular guaranty, Rents $3 per month. We do ex pert guaranteed repairing on all makes of machines at reason able prices. Singer Sew. Mch Co. of New York, office 619 Court Btreet, phnne 441. c255 FOR SALE Apples 50c, 75c and $1 per box; 14 miles on Wal lace road. Bring boxes. Rt. 1, box 15, phone 116F2. Pratt Bros. c251 FOR SALE Underwood typewrit er and office desk, cheap, $60. Mr. Siemens, shoe dept. People's cash store. . c251 LADIES suit for sale, size 36. Spic 'n Span, ceaners and dyers, 644 State street. c2ol FOR SALE Choice cabbage for kraut. Phone 81F2. c251 FOR SALE Llewellyn setter, 5 y2 months old, $10 if taken at once, phone 176. " c250 JONATHAN, Roman Beauty, Bald wins, Newtons and quinces, 60c to $1.25, will deliver. Rt. 8, box 47, phone 91F21. c251 A SINGLE horse wagon and har ness for sale. Call 826W. c250 FOR SALE Red wood water tank. Phone 14F25 evenings. c251 PEARS', best varieties at the Rey nolds farm, mile north of fair grounds. c2 51 NOTICE Team, wagon, harness, young cow, baled hay, straw, Feed "Store, 254 S. Liberty. c251 FOR SALE Limited amount graft Ing wood from our bearing or chard of large Montmorency plo cherry. This is the true strain wanted by the canneries. Inquiry welcome as to reliabe nursery stock, culture, etc. F. V. Brown, Dalas, Or. c258 VETCH and oats seed for sale. Wm. Meier, Rt. 3. near Finzer station, phone 78F12. c252 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday Oct. 21st 1 p. m., 160 south High, op posite Oregon Electric bldg. All . kinds of household furniture, farm Implements, live stock and miscellaneous articles; come early Col. J. B. Gable, auction e'er, phone 1446. c FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE 22 acres land, some within the city limits of Salem. Price $3500, $1000 cash. See owner, L. E. Swenwold, 1475 N. 17th St., Salem, Or. b251 FOR SALE 44 acres timber land. Inquire 1249 S. Commercial St. b259 SIX acres fine soil, in fruit, 7 room house, small barn, good location, to trade for house in Salem. Price $3500. D. E. Hart, 371 State St. b FINE located hi acre tracts on north 21st, fine soil, close to school, for only $600, $50 down balance $10 per month at 6 per cent. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial. b FOR SALE 52 acres, all in .culti vation, 19 acres prunes, 100 English walnut trees 15 years old, good buildings, fine team, 3 cows, 40 hogs, 150 chickens, all farm equipmenC feed and seed. Price $9000, $4000 cash, balance five years at 6 percent. D. E. Hart, 371 State St. b FOR SALE By owner, $B0 an acre for 85 acres, In cultiva tion, house, barn, orchard. 3 springs, hi mile to school, 18 miles south of Portland, terms. Box Oil Capital Journal. b291 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWING, phone 1131, city or country. Ed Sproed.- ee260 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft. and 16 inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prioes .Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church street. nhone 1542. ee FATHER JU'bT BCCAOSd BE WITH INTX MOORE- oh: where: my dear Hu"b5ANoJ fK I fC ( TrEHM,Jb III I VOOR. 11 I ' hHIMirHEUONLYPJL y S.tmv PLAY." I " LS2"S.8 iT-Tiwr LUsj c )i hand? on him III v ? ' jS" - j g) ia T twrt FtATuwc BluviCt. Inc. fO-2o I t t 7 1 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Modern house of eight rooms or more furnished or un furnished, close In; will rent or lease. Write B B care Journal. 1253 RAZOR blades wanted, used Ev- erready or Gem, Jr. blades, ore eron theatre. 1251' WANTED By gentleman board and room with private iamny, close in. Box A12 Capital Jour nal. 1150 NOTICE I will not be responsi ble for any bills contracted Dy my wife after this date, Oct. 18, 1922. Max Crowder, Silverton, Ore. 1250 WANTED To trade potatoes for wheel, must be in good running condition. Phone 92F12 eve nings. 1250 WANTED Second hand bean 1252 thresher. Phone 12F4. WANTED To buy row boat, one fixed for engine In back. Phone 48F3. ' 1260 WANTE D Household furniture. Phone 1446. PAINTING, paperhanging, kalso- mtning. Edgar Brock, successor to Aubrey H. Clark, 293 N. Cottage, phone 266. 1254 WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange 241 N. Com'l St. pnone 841. i WANTED Second nana furniture and stoves. We also carry a lull line of new furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Once then , always. People's Furniture store, 271 N. Commercial St. phone 734. 1 LADIES combings made into beau tiful switches, putts, 1 to a. according to amount. Expert work guaranteed, see before you pay. Viola Ferris, Lebanon, Or. 1267 WE are paying the highest market price for dried prunes, can us up if you haven't "old, phone 717 f- Mangis Bros. i" .iVHSCELLANEOUS SAVE the old stove, expert stove repairing, all work guaranteed. 271 N. Com'l St. phone 734. m275 WILL the lady who rented house on Fairgrounds road kindly re turn key to- Gertrude J. M, Page FOR experienced nurse, 1352J. m273 CHIMNEY sweep, furnace clean ing. F. Councilman, phone 177. m250 $1500 to loan on farm. D. E. Hart, 371 State St. - m COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for farm and city sales; call phone T446. m FURNITURE repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop 19th and State, phone 882. c HIGHEST price paid ror second hand clothing and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone 1368W. m G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, sells on commission or will buy, any where or any time. Phone 117 . or 1211J. 404 Ferry St. Salem. Or. - I WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sell on commission Phone 511, Woodry, the auction eer, m LOANS Let me see you about loan If you want to build we car help you. Plenty of money, n delays. Call 534, let us tell you m wanted Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19. Capital ' city Bedding Co. m WINDOW washing, prompt serv ice. Phone 1552J, Windowman. m2bl WINDOW washing, all kinds oi odd lobs, nhone 1488. m288 REAL ESTATE GOOD BUYS Close In business property 82 x 165 feet, a bargain at $12,000. One half acre tracts near En glewood school, $600, $50 down, $10 per month, interest 6 percent. 10 acres- 7 miles south with small shack. Price $1500. 6 room, house at 1285 south Lib erty stitet, large lot Price $3000. R riitiTr. modern Dungaiow near Richmond school. Price $3150 cash. 5 room bungalow on south Church street, f rice zoou, ovu down. . Real estate and fire insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 27 5 State St. U. S. bank bldg. BEST BUYS AND UXUuAhum 6 room modern, lot 120x190 feet, fruit, barnt best of soil. $3000, terms. 160 acres, 140 cultivated, 20 oak timber, running water, a portion can be irrigated. Price $27,000: will take ranch in vicinity of Sa lem, not over $16,000. 25 acres, 10 bearing prunes, 7 bearing logans, fair improvements, this place must be seen to be ap preciated, a splendid income, 8 miles from Salem, only $8000, cash. . 30 acres, 20 In bearing fruit, 10 room house, good barn, at country town, a paying proposition, only $8000; will take Salem- residence not over $4000. 320 acres in Harney county to exchange for residence or acreage not over $3000. 7 room modern bungalow, gar age, fruit, nuts, $3000, terms. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State. . According to Mr. Kipling, hif interviews as well as his writing! are fiction. The most fashionable form i entertainment this winter will b a house warming. .i-jmD find jn , ' y REAL ESTATE FECIAL TO trade, 5 acres In Salem with buildings Price $3000; will l$ike $2000 in trade balance mort gage for 4 years at 6 percent 1 6 room plastered house, large qprner lot, paved street and car ljner fruit and good garage; a good buy for $2500, with $600 down. I Call us up we would like to list your property. THOMASON 331 State street, phone 175. n Legal Notice 'ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was, 'on the 28th day of September, 1922, by the county court of Marion county, Oregon, duly appointed, administrator of the estate of G. J. Ward, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having any claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at room 306 Unit ed States National bank bldg., Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ipated this 29th day of Septem br 1922. 5 ! CHARLES A. WARD, 5 Administrator of the estate of G. J. Ward, deceased. SALEM sj MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa- l lem dealers for the guidance ' i of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) 'Grain: No. 1 white wheat' $1, No. 2 mixed wheat 98c; No. 3 red wheat 97c; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $15.00; oat bay $1718; clover hay (baled) $16 17. ', ' Wholesale Price 'Meat: Hogs $10.15; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 66c; cows 2Vi4ttc; bulls 3c; lambs 89c; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hens 13c; heavy hens 18c; old roosters 810o; broilers 18 20c. Butterfat: Butterfat 48c; cream ery butter 49 50c; country butter 30 Maze; eggs zc; miiK z.zo cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions $z.Z crate: beets $2.00 cwt: Oregon cabbage lc lb; gren peppers 10c lb; potatoes Jl.oo cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.25 per crate; parsley 40e doz; tomatoes 60c bushel; cucum bers 40c ner doz. Fruits: Oranges $9.75; lemons $9.00; bananas 10c! Calif, grape fruit 17.50: cantaloupe fl.16 W l. tin litaniard; watermelons XMo lb Oregon peaches $1.25 per box. RetaU Prices Poultry and eggs: Eggs 43 47c; ureamerv butter 55c. Portland. Or., Oct. 20. Cattle steady; receipts none; choice steers $6.5 0 7.00; medium to good steers 6.75650; lair to meaium 5.25575: common to fair $3.75 6.50; choice cows and heifers $6.00fi)5.50; medium to good $3.50 4.50; fair to medium $3,000 3.60: common $2. 003.00; can ners $1.502.00; bulls $3.00 i.Oi: choice feeders $5.00 5.60 fair to good $4.003)5.00; choice lairy calves $8.609.60; prme iEht J8. 5009.60: medium light ;t.308.50; heavy calves $5.00 16.50: common $45 Hogs steady: receipts 283 rime light $10.2510.75; smooth teavy 200 to 300 pounds $9.50 10.00: 300 pounds and up iu.uotrc I.S0; feeder pigs $10.0010.50; fat .igs $1010.75; stags $57.50. , Sheep steady; receipts 813 ;hoice val lambs $10 11.00; med um & 9.00 10; common J7.60 3.50: culls $6.508.00; light year ngs $88.60; heavy $7.608.00; ight wethers $6.507.60; heavy ;5.506.60; ewes $26. Butter weak; extra cubes 42c: jnder grades 38 40c; carton 47c; prints 46c. iButterfat No. 1 churning cream 48c f o b Portland; 45c at sta tions; under grades 45 47c. "Eggs: Firm. Buying cur rent receipts 39c; white henneries 47c; selling case count 40c; can dled 48c; selects 60c. .x .Poultry: Light hens 14c; heavy 22c; ' broilers 21 23c; old roosters 10c; geese 15c; ducks 2Qc; turkeys 42 44c. i Wheat: Hard white $1.25; soft white- $1.15; western white $1.15; hard winter' $1.12; northern spring $1.13; western red $1.10. Mlu run 27.00; oats $33.00 33.60; corn No. 3 yellow $31.00 hav. timothy, valley $20.00; al falfa $1818.50; grain $1718; nats and vetch $1617; straw $8. LEGION POST SUES . FOR WAR FUND Fails City, Neb., Oct. 20. Falls City Post No. 102, American Le gion, today filed suit said to be the first of its nature in Nebraska, seeking to- recover $2192, the un expended portion of a $10,000 fnd raised by local subscription during-the world war for comfort qtthe home boys in camp. j In its suit, the Legion post takes the position that it is entitled to' the money, in that it Is the only organization ministering to the ::pmforts of ex-soldiers. The Red Oross local chapter contends that legal disposition can be made by tione other than the National Red !ross headquarters. A. recent poll of BOO citizens Irrwed all In favor of turning the iniiey to the Legion iubscriDe ior me journal r-4- 1 1 awn ruu nu un ACJETYLENK WELDING IRON, steel, brass, alflminum, cop per. Bring the pieces, uxo-uas Heating Co., 387 Court. AVTO PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 310 S. Winter St. phone 951. AUTO TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER- -171 S. High. AUCTION IE KR . N. WOiDKY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. DATJ'KUY SUPPLIES PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. Phone 1803, 418 Court, St, recharged Burrell. and repairea. Degse R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries. starter and generator worn, iu ei r ! ., , AUTO Electricians, expert trouble shooting. 23S N. illgn au pnune 203. CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT, S. C, graduate of the National University ot Science, Chicago. Scientific chi ropody, suite 301-2 Masonic Temple, phone 640 for appoint ments. DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot ailments relieved. Modern equip ment. Room 3, Patton bldg. phone 957. CHlKOPRACTOll DR. LENA A. BOONE, chiroprac tor, 475 S. Commercial, phone 1415. Office hours 10 to 12, one to 5. 254 DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 416 U. S. bank bldg. DRUGCISTS WM. NEIMEYER, 'JUST DRUGS" 176 N. Commercial, phone 167. J. C. PERRY, Rexall druggist. 115 S. Commercial St. ELECTRIC SUPPLIKS HALIK . ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court. We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electric Co. Phil Brown ell, manager, 379 State St. ARCHIE FLEENER, electrician. house wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phono 880, 414 Court St. FLORIST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery, c. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 380. FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 205 Oregon building, 5, 7, 10 and 20 year loans, 6 and 6 percent interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on' any Interest date. ' 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment privi leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firm on the coast. F. W MARSTERS, 411 Oregon bldg FARM LOANS made in amounts of $5000 or more, 6 percent in terest. Government plan of re Payment. General Insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. GARAGES RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 444 Ferry St. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplin and Sons, 1610 N, Commercial and Nor way. . HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, .phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitching, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 379, 329 Oregon bldg. INSURANCE W. A. LISTON, GENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans and investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. MACHINE SHOP WECHTER AND SMITH Machin ists, engineers, welders, HEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 345 Ferry St H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers and welders. Automotive ser vice. 490 Ferry St. MERCHANT TAILOR D. H. MOSHER Tailor for and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring. 384 State street. MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 387 Court street. HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man," 147 S. .Com. Phone 68. MONEY-TO IjOAN PLENTY xf money to loan on Im proved residence or business property, or for building pur poses. H. E. Bolinger, agent Equitable Savings & Loan asso ciation, 327-328 Oregon bldg. phone 1009. I also write all kinds of insurance. MUSIC PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room 3 over Miller's. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND nursery will have sales yard at Cherry City feed barn, 644 Ferry St. about Nov. 1. See me before buying. Phone 1140M. . SALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. . - OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- dette, optometrist. Bovr optical Co., 825 State street. MORRIS OPTICAL C O. suit 301 Oregon (Electric) 'bldfc OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Kirks ville graduate. 404-405 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence" 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White , resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. PLUMBING THEG. M. BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and coil work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union 6t Phone 1397J. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Rowland Printing company. phone 151 2 Masonio Temple. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove. Works, 250 Court street, phone. 124. SCAVENGER NEAL SCAVENGER Phone 1867R. WAGON. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead anl- - mala removed. Day phone 167 Night phone 1596W. 11. O. Cum mings, Mgr. ' TRANSFER OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer 4 foot slab wood for sale. Phone 77. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance, fhone 67. WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court, telephone 1742. L0VIES, At .the Bh In a manner comparable to that of Max Figman and his cast, the Jack Bessey Stock company last night presented to a packed house at the Bligh theater, "Nothing but the Truth." Salem theater goers declared the company's offering waa of un usual excellence.. The work ot Guy' Hickman, as Bob Bennett, was held to be exceptionally good. Other member.) of the cast are Jack Bessey, Virginia Stanton, Channey Southern, Mae Forbs and Bert Hughes. The company will appear at the Bligh each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. At the Grand. Harold Lloyd comes to the Grand Saturday and Sunday In the comedy, ' that many consider, was the best laugh show he ever produced. It is "A Sailor .Made Man." From -start to finish It Is absolutely a ! scream, everybody should see It and It Is a picture that can be enjoyed two or three times. Two big features will be offered to the Grand theater pa trons, aside from the Lloyd film. At the Liberty. How fake mediums work, mak ing dupes of the unsuspecting persons who visit them to 'learn trutus about themselves. Is ex posed In "The Hands ot Nara," starring Clara Kimball Young, now at the Liberty theater. Rich ard Washburn Child, present am bassador to Italy, is the author. At the Oregon, Wonderful double exposure which reveals two men, identical In every detail ot appearance, standing side by side, shaking hands and exchanging equipment is a striking token of the pro gressive photography emanating from the movies In "Sonny," fir: PAGE NINE -t t i n nn 1 1 iirri 1111 ADVISORY BOARD Portland, Or., Oct. 20. Six Marion - county republicans and two from Polk county are an- , nounced today as members of the new advisory committee of the re publican state central committee. which includes a number ot min isters and church workers of the state. The committoe, headed by R. A. Booth, is a new departure in party practices in Oregon. Rev. Martin Fereshetien, Salem; George A. White, adjutant general ot Oregon; I. L. Patterson, Eola; J. C. Hayter, Dallas; Paul Wal lace, Salem; D. H. Looney, Jeffer son; H. L. Moore, woouDurn; i. B. Handley, Salem, are the Polk and Marion county members. Other prominent persons con nected wth the committee are: Amedee M. Smith, Portland; Rev. William S. Gilbert, Astoria, ex- state chaplain for the American , Legion: K. C. Apperson, McMinn- ville; Kev. Martin Fereshetien of , the Unitarian church, Salem; Mrs. Lulu D. Crandall, The Dalles; Rev. T. H. Temple of the First Method ist church, Marshfield; Wilda Bel knap, Prlneville; Rev. D. II. Leech, a district superintendent ot the Methodist church ot Oregon; . Rev. J. E. Snyder ot the First Presbyterian church, North Bend; Mrs. . Frank Chambers, Eugene, and others. Among the prominent women members ot the committee la Miss Gertrude K. Talbott, head resident of Hendricks hall, Eugene. Others, known in lodge and business circles throughout the state, are Frank J. Miller ot Al bany M. S. Woodcock ot corvams, Grant Dimick ot Oregon City, Ad jutant General George A. White ot Salem, L,' E. Bean of Eugene, I. L. Patterson ot Eola, J. D. Lee ot Portland, W. B. Dennis of Carlton, C. E. Woodson of Heppner, Jess Barton ot Coquille, T. A. Weinke ot Condon, W. H. Brook ot On tario, S. L. Parett ot Newberg, J. C. Hayter of Dallas, Paul Wallace of Salem, Fred Wagner ot Ash land, Ernest C. Smith of Hood . River, D. H. Looney ot jenersou, H. L. Moore ot Woodburn, Ben Sheldon ot Medford; j. - Jith , of Grant Pass; Fred Steiwer ot Pendleton, W. S. Bower ot Baker, Judge R. W. Sawyer of Bend, Orin L.' Patterson of Canyon City, Bin ger Hermann ot Roseburg, Bert Hall ot Klamath Falls, Harry 8. Bailey ot Lakevlew, Ira Wade of Toledo, Henry Crenshaw ot Tilla mook, Dr. Clyde Hackett of Enter prise, O. B. Robertson of The .o, les, T. B. Handley ot Salem and J. H. Upton of .Prlneville. Members of the committee front Portland include James B, Kerr, B. S. Huntington, Gua Moser and J. C. Talbot. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 20. The third day of the third trial of Arthur C. Burcb for the mur der of J. Belton Kennedy found opposing counsel still trying to get a jury. Attorneys repeated today their statement ot yesterday that they had small hopes of beginning the introduction of testimony before early net week. Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Three Stages Daily Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a, m. No. S, 10:30 s, m. No. 5, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 6, 7 a. m. No. 2, 12:30 p. m. , No. 4, 4 p m. No. 8 connects with east bound train at Mill City, No. 2 waits for west bound train at Mill City. JOS. HAMMAN, Prop SakMU-SilvertMil Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter- ' mlnal, 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., K - oil n. m. Loaves Silverton News Stand, 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:o p. m. Stileiii-Iiidi'ix-ndcnix.'-MoiuiiouUi DlvLslon Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal. 7:00 a. m., :uo a. m ll:00..a. m.. 3:00 p. m., 5:00 p m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:15 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:15 , P. m. . . Leaves Independence, Beaver ho- H tel, 8:20 a. m., 10:00 a. m, 1:15 r p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:30 p. in. We make connections at Salem to ail parts of the valley. Extra trips by appointment. . . J. W. l'ARKKK General Manager . SILVKK'PON MOUNT ANGIjJLi PORTLAND C. & M. Stages Schedule South bound read down Dly. Dly. Dly. No 5 No S No 1 I'M PM AM 6:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:05 8:35 10:05 Mt. Angel 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silverton At At At North bound read Up Diy Dly. Dly. No 2 No 4 No 6 AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 ''8:30 Tortand 8:25 1:55 6:25 Mt. Angel 8:00 1 30 6:00 Silverton Lv Lv Lv Sunday only 8 pm from Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammer Drug stora Silverton Salem-Dallas Stage Lean) Salem Stags Terminal T:0t a. m . 11:00 a. m 5:10 p. m. Leave Dallas, Gall Hotel 8:30 a, nu, 12:30 p m.. 6:30 p. m. FARE 50 CENTS Daily and Sunday Every day except morning trip docs not run Sunday Round Trip 80 cents