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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1921)
Ml . Pare Foot The Capita! Journal, Salem, Ore&m The Capital Journal Salem, Oregon An Independent Newspaper Every evening except Sunday Telephone 81; news 82. George Putnam, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier, 65 cents a month By mail, in Marion and Polk counties, 50 cents a month. Elsewhere 7 a year. Entered as second claJs mall matter at Salem, Oregon. Member ASSOCIATED 1ES9 The Associated Press is ex clusively enti'.led to the use for publication of all news dis patches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this pa per and also local news pub lished herein. tit hlB hllle ftMrL Hint L.irn tAf fKu 1 other. (which showed more of an air of 'You will have halt the town prosperity. The children vrere tuning ouC "Coitte back again girl the Li n 4 JliSl spwa. Vi nsie bov. and brinK your . Keith you." shouted. one of other's We were coming to streets Carpenters Folly - at vour heeli." taid Bart. in demanding war time wages and so refusing" to cooperate look as though you had in readjustment, the carnenters union is makinc- a mistake stepped out of a comic o as well as retarding building in Salem. The war is over, thopl J0? "e cleT' ADd' !olier ,ads ' We tUrDed the same people do not realize it Lumber is down to pre-war n03e - prices and other materials have been substantially reduced, Larry and I looked at each but until labor accepts its share of reduction along with the beT and laughed. "W do look rest of the community, there can be no extensive building 88 thourb, w WT" olns f protrram " masquerade ball, do we not?" l , I For answer Larry rubbed some lUgn wages were based upon the high cost of living. The wet earth that he had taken from latter has substantially receded. Labor in most industries fne of the ferns in the windows has sensibly met the situation by voluntarily accepting re-iover his snirt aml his golf trou- ductions, realizing that the age of the silk shirt has gone,'"- "Y! T? 11 j il i Ai t v. . an tore a great hole in his coif and that the only way to aid readjustment is to readjust. !cap and streaked his face, r went ne uerry-grower got tnree cents lor his berries this year into the kitchen and found an when a year ago he got thirteen; the farmer is getting less 0,d shawl tnat ha(1 Belonged to than half for his wheat of what he got at the peak of high the, ,aundres3 ar"' crosei' t over prices; the lumbermen, millmen, the farm employes, railroad- nd" a L'TLZ" nfthe , klKI nui ivcih nave accepted cuts 01 irom stove that Hannah .had been 20 to 40 percent in last year's wages and there is no reason preparing for Hal and. dipping ner. We looked Into each faces and smiled. Tomorrow The Unexpected Happens. Phone Hearing Drags, Nothing New Devel Mr from "leavings" which he had picked up. Although not highly decorative when carried in an up per coat pocket, the cigars were eood. he said. He even gave one to Desk Sergeant Clyde Ellis. Authorities at the state hospital were notified of the case ana Flueckiger, who had merely wan dered off from the ground, was returned. Blanks Forms Sent to Bonus Applicants Office Cat (Copyright 1921 by Edgar Allan Moss.) ...i . i , . wny me carpenters or other unions shnnlrl ho an cvMntinn toMt;lVhaverLwdhiie the indrtrit drsion preis-:-- ttt& Merchants have had to mark down hic-h priced stocks to and liberally streaked m. Game of Life Weddings and rice, old maids and advice, And the world rocks on just the sains. You may win the pot, and again you may not. But remember, it's all in the game. Friend of mine drank a little jome brew the other night, and thought he saw a blue, mouse. Uater he admitted he didn't It ! was a red one, Keep your vise wants it. temper. Nobody Old Lady. "I see you advertise wired hose twelve cents a foot. Shopman "Yes, Ma'am, best Ib the market. Old Lady "I want to get some for these boys. They're dread fully hard on their socks." When a woman asks the floor walker to direct her to the silk counter Bhe always speaks In a 'ouder tone thun when she asks where tbe calico remnants art kept. powder puff Into it, I used it divested d my ear nm.nnt !. J , ,, . . . ' FU11,. anu accept me lOSS. .f actories have run on handkerchief about my hair, with part time. The volume of business in nearly all industry that damPened cocoa' When i re is still able to function has fallen off from 15 to 50 percent J' Hart looked me over 01 s" JLthl f a-SLr fgcv-and thi8 decIine represented the Lt is better." he said, "but margin ot profit. The business that makes monev this vear ta you are still far from th i an exception, and the operator who is not losing money con- thlnB- You wU1 look letter when -siders himself in luck, and he is. Business cannot operate on1? persplre a liule and that this year's earnings nn lt ---f -ZTZZ17-2 8,uff yu iut " 'ur taee f , n-,"-""- viiuiuui runa flown jn streaks " lacing bankrupty, and the sooner labor recognizes the situ-! "Oh. would ' you know 1 put ation, and lends its hearty cooperation, the better for labor brown "tuff on my laoan and the community. "Why, of course, sillr. But it The placing of the new hospital on the "unfair" list is even JV" ,llrt ,a"d prhai9 'ou a greater folly than refusal to work for less than war time' Z TZT fright as wages and well calculated to lose the carpenter's union public we emerged from the doorway respect. The hospital is being built by public contributions but fhe smiIes "f the real trou- ror public benefit. It is a non-profit makinz institution ami ba'lor8 rea8,Jred me. Larry made pvorw ,t,,ll-. ,- e , .,..i. i, iual KU aa lar as possiuie Blank forms for the use of at- ..r.l., .1.,. ,1.. ..rv...... m.i. ' luiiicjb uu uj.a-.m. ... o . ...rB.s , rot,c , out to(lay by the offjce 0( th6 pnone company was attacking theiBtate Donus commission to all men who have made application. The forms are also being sent to all American legion posts and to every county cleric with the re quest that they be placed in the hands of competent men who can Pittock Will Held A Valid Document by Supreme Court ,111 nf tho lntp MAnrv T. the man understand that he was In enmnari ,HU . , , Llu wme tne next mining to the I S. U",CI. flo a uay is a good wage, basement of my apartment and t.ic i.iaji who reiuses it, in an ellort to force higher ne woul(i e siven his hurdy wages, in hard times, is butting his head against the stone-lurdy- Then- w,th whoop from wall of economic conditions. Most workmen. wnrH ;ct .,Art: we 'Urted I'arrJ' P'hing as hard and iust as skillfi.llv aA . A. !" ""ysay and I walking IM I y ar tl1- Ltx, jjciiLerf iiesiae iiim. consider themselves in luck if they are able to command such! We did not attempt to look at earn oiner, much less speak. My bsart was beating so fast I seem ed to hear It. But, much to mv surprise, no one seemed to notice as. Everyone went about bis business except the children.i'who followed Larry as if he were the fit v- of Portland from the rear" back of him and his assiptants by having its witnesses grouped "apparently to eave-drop upon our conversation a'nd to watcTi nur papers" Assistant City At torney Ton.linson started the rate successfully fulfill the office of hearing off this morning with the i appraisers. According to H. C. customary explosion right at the I Brumbough, secretary of the corn beginning rather than just before mission the entire success of the the adjournment. bonus measure rests on the hones- Tomlfnson objected to tele-' ty and ability of those selected as phone witnesses sitting behind appraisers to act in such capac- him and spying on him. Attor- ity. ney Shaw of the Telephone com pany dunied the insinuation and Chairman TTIlllaap suggested that the witness for each side sit together. Tomlinson also asked that the!' a reward for their labor. Whoa! "I Just love animals," she cried. "And they are very dear to me! " "Pet me a little more," the young man sighed. "I'm a little hoarse!" said he. On these hot days we often wonder what a girl's ear would give for a vacation in the open. There may be a bootlegger trust, but we never heard of one we would trust. No Divine Rights T lu: aia y in noiuuiir mat governor Nma of I nn s wn w nvnnf " . rv ao 11 from arrest for crimes alleged to have been committed be-1 to life ' Ham"n come back rna evauon to trie gubernatorial chair, Circuit Judge Smith rendered an opinion remarkable for its commen sense. The court held that there is no such thing in Illinois as the ! 'hgs and that the king has no counterpart in arcn commenced to dance. uuium , mat it is Deyond the scope of the governor's power to use state troops to shield himself from arrest ; and that "Say. play us tone." they beg ged as we came to a snady place near a jutting wall. "Play ul a tune, won't you?" Larry complied und the c'lil- All at once the Alix Hammerslv mat my inends knew slipped from company be required to furnish to hiua the total number of sets of transmitters, receivers and in duction coils in use by the Pacific Co..ipany in Oregon, the slass of service In which they were used and the number in each exchange group. The purpose of this was for use in checking the revenue that would be derived by the company from a unit rental charge, as Tomlinson contends should be made by the American company against the Pacific in place of the four and a half per cent of the gross revenue of the company charged for the use of these instruments. These preliminaries out of the way. Major Babcock went back on the witness stand for further cross examination by Shaw, who ta once plunged into an intricate discussion of "harmonic ringing devices," "tune ringing," "selec tive ringing," the development of "twenty party line service" by the company in California which Babqock designated as "kitchen serrice" where the service was ail outgoing from the instrument. the The Middleman Wife Now rteur, here's Joctor to see you. Merchant Prince f irascibly )- -Bend him away and fetrh the undertaker- You know I never deal with middlemen- the governor must obey the law as well as common people 1L t "iZV m imt and answer for illegal acts. LZZ "lTJ0"? Governor Small is the creation of the corrupt and un- llr80 about us. patriotic pro-German political machine bossed by Mayor! instinctively, we had turned lnompson of Chicago. Indicted for misappropriations of our way t0 the "QOrer of tate funds during his rejrime as staff trpns.irpr tV,o dty HIlu everywhere we went . - -. . . , mv Rur iu ; . . - - -""uieu iiiimeuiaieiy adopted circle" Ladles who kill their lovers, kuihunds, et si, have a way with Jurors, it seems. Atto BoyT Fllpp "You seem to be doing A flourishing business, t suppose JOB advertise well?" Flapp "I don't spend much tnoney on printer's Ink; I Just tell everything to my wife. Hey! Andy Volstead! New York Herald Oh, Joy. One astronomical fenlhuslast annunces that the tall ef the comet Is "composed of in toxlcatlng gas." Confessions of Ball Players Read to Jury Hutchason Is Charged With Court Contempt Stating that her former hus band, J. F. Hutchason, agent for the Mutual Life Insurance com pany, had advertised in one of the Salem papers that he belonged to the $250,000 club" and that there fore he was entitled to a trip to boston as a delegate to the con vention of insurance men, Pearl Hutchason, filed an affidavit and contempt of court proceedings in the circuit court giving reasons why he should pay the $55 a month awarded her by the court for the support of herself and a minor child. In the affidavit Mrs. Hutchason claims that her husband's insur ance business was never below $200,000 for the years she lived with him, and that his income was then approximately $500 a month and that if $50,000 addtilonal had been made during the last year his income would be far in excess of that amount. An order was signed by Judge Kelly, of department No. 1. in structing Hutchason to appear in court August 10 and show why he had not paid tbe $55 the last two months. The will of the late Henry L. Pittock, founder rnd until his death on January 28, 1919, pub lisher of the Oregonian, is a "valid document declaratory of his dispo sition of his estate," according to an opinion handed down by the supreme court this morning af firming the decree of Judge Taz- well of the Multnomah county cir cuit court. The opinion was written by Chief Justice Burnett, and is concurred in by all of the other members of the court. The proceeding to set aside the will was instituted by Mrs. Caro line P. Leadbetter, one of Mr. Pittock's daughters. In her con test Mrs.Leadbetter contended that the will was the product and result of undue influence exercised over the testator by the men he ap pointed as trustees, so that In fact it was their will instead of Mr. Pittock's. Disposing of this con tention as without any support In the evidence the opinion declares In disposing 0f the raised by Mrs. i.a.rum effect that the win J to tne will " its face because the trust vested with unreal-, limited discretion, tht Ut' points out that "the ae.i testator in thus repoSinga,f trust in two employes W8ei been faithful to him throurh N years may or may not h. Btt provident, as the 1UT prove, but it was not m V. the will In that respect", document declaratory m ,Vaiil sition of his estate ""to me testator in disnni...... own property had a right t h " his trustees to vnt. 'odlret himself could have done ing. Even conceding tho, was a contract tho laer uu u was hostile tn teroof f o i e 10 tne nothing t, it- or dli. nuaurying in its effeet that "it is apparent that he (Pit- trustees who have , lile toek) had very mnch more influ- the Interests of .. . M I ence over the defendants than they had over him and that it was theirs to obey and not to influence or dictate." tw .... . nallv. the tr.T ' 7 . ator- B will is snfiv.i-.i.. " . . w cert!"n la m thi of its features for Hon.' Practical operj. Baek-to-Nature Trip Failure; Aged Salem Men Sadder But Wiser Sentimental reminiscences, car rying with them the "cosmic urge" to drift back to the time of yes teryear, were responsible for a back-to-nature venture of four old time Salem residents last week end an experience which carried with it nothing but disillusion for the four men, none of whom is un der 76 years of age. They are A. B. Hudelson, 915 South 12th; Oliver Beers, 1044 Center; C. F. Lansing, route 1. and C. A. Hus ton, 260 South 23rd street. "Let's go fishing," one of the men proposed. They went. Late in the afternoon they ar rived at Clear Lake, located about 10 miles north of Salem, near Wheatland ferry. They fished. fhingShed' Anddtchln7 recorded can, The only bites from mosquftoes. Slightly disappointed, but deter. to n.juy me trip they eook. ed supper and sought surcease h their blankets. Failure. The mos quttoes, unlike chickens, failed h permit the sun to dictate the how at which their activities shoulj cease. The four Salem men pitch ed and tossed. Late that night three of the men were wakened br a remark from the fourth Mr Huston. It Is possible that there an four bigger fools In Rai."v..L -- .ui, ut uo served drily. "But I doubt It." Karly next morning the four returned. Chicago, July 26. When Wal ter J. Smith, court stenographer, who took down Eddie Cicotte's grand Jury confession, began I reading the confession in the baseball trial today, so many ob- wiiim rs 1 rrnu tti th ........... r i. - j . . (; ii t,. . .. , 6uu -- uiviiie ngni OI Larry Into the "charmed officialdom. H nn i e ,,.fou ; tu.i n j . , . . . ' ,U1 - ---- uHfop ia tuaL ui an uemaffOglies U""r irienusnip. 'J'hey sprawl- that he is the victim of the monied "interests" and persecuted ed over Wm Iike Tung puppies, as the honest friend of he dear people n da?,ce(1 w'th them while I Too many public officials forget after election that thev Tned 2 Critnk ot the street aPct8STaU such f autistic capers before high heaven as make thP .ino-fla1 whose movements were n weep." A decision like that of Judge Smith is needed to cure1 he bowed wit" mock deference i!!"00" raised by the de their megalomania. LUre)and they entered into a danCe f !ense that 11 was "pessary to ad temporarily Willie the attorneys went into confer ence with Judge Hugo Friend. Since a confession can be used only against the man making it. smitn was not allowed to men tion any name except Cicotte's. The defense maintained that such words as "ball players." "ont- "infieiden" also Ju!l!' H?7- SStSlK Zi " .'"t i ice, in-uiici is mere tor courts. 'upon tne stage many a man has been tried, convicted and sentenced for the crime of expressing his opinion by some judge who imagined nimsen cioinetj with divine authority. Quackenbush Jury Doesn't Argee; New Hearing August 5 Disagreement of the Jury which yesterday heard the evidence in the state's case against G. G. Quackenbush, Salem garage man, charged with selling a short measure of gasoline made neces pilot, stunt fliers who last night performed before a crowd of u nwHnately 1500 persons at th. aviation field, will remain ii . lem two more days, they . nounced this morning. InahMt to secure the rtrMo . J77 a resldentixhe n.-iiioc k.r . of this city for the past year, died , them determine to lengthen their Aged Woman Passes Away Mrs. Maria Preston, at a local hospital yesterday at the age of 73 years following a period of serious illness of about a month. bhe was born in Michigan and 1 came to Salem in May of last year S'he was a member of the Rebekah lodge. The deceased is survived bv Tabloid Sermons For Busy People by Parson Abiel Haile Some Job. Lazy Mike I have a new posi tion with the railroad company. Weary Rhodes What Ja gona do? Lasy Mike You know the fel low that goes alongside the train and taps the axles to see if every thing's all right? Well, I help blsn listen. The beat girl In the worM la th one that remembers that her toother Is a human being and onetimes gets tired. After all, It's the way you "how up" at the "show down" that really counts. When the young marrfed rouyle get to talking "at" laateael or "to" each other, the honeymoon l In the laat quarter. Another fellow who has a swell time at little or no expense. Is the chap who bai acquired the mumps. eat for He "Not slothful in business." Romans 12-11 In his general epistle to the Romans. Paul gave many a line of rnori r r 1 1 n . .. .. .1 . . - 7 - J"' as wormy today aa it was In his aairt " eieve or aiteci to believe that true re-'feed Hglon requires one to meekly fold the hands and wait. Wkere they get 'once .-o, in on in 011 o imagine. The scripture Is replete with ad-! n h.. . k monitions to hustle honestly and earnestly, and not lie down on the 'bread T2 , 1 ?" PleCe8 f lob. Tm Wm . Rom. when Kero'a thro- was IZ Z'ZZZ'JZ were businessman bad turned dude and was letting the u.ln run ,h. stretched or fJ L ...v. vmrn woi 111 Lac unvsie orriee nm mir,,. vi,.. . - o uw a mil oruereu uie Hnreriiiung department to suspend and we On and on we wandered. Our group of admiring friends grew larger. The shadows lengthened and I found I was growing tired and a bit hungry. Irry, quick to note mv chan- 1 fielders" and ged mood, persuaded me f itlwere barred down upon the curb while he went Judge Friend ordered the at- "78 lue Vreet and bought a torneys to reach an agreement on 01 uieau, a piece of cheese and an onion. He sat down up on the curbstone beside me and the children crowded about us. i-arry. tney are hunerv." T to him in French "Imt'm teed them all thev rn "(live me some, give me some. be held on Friday. August 5. Quackenbush is charged In a complaint signed by J. F. Jone, of the state weights and measures department, with selling four and a half gallons of gasoline and collecting for five gallons. Much time was taken up In court yesterday with testimony having to do with the mechanism of vacuum tanks and pumps. In his Instructions to tbe jury, Judge Unruh said that intent was not to the wording 0f the confession be- be considered, and added that the fore presenting them in court, jurors should return a verdict sary a new trial which n ' Prank Preston of Salem, a son E. Unruh announced today, wili! . "' S J' DeWitt Bellingham, U6uici, ttuu mre oroiners anil two sisters, all in the east. Funeral services will be held in- day at 3:30 o'clock from the Webb & Clough chapel. Rev. Thomas Acheson officiating. Interment will be made in the Odd Fellows eemeiery. Clark held the attention of spec tafors last night while henudehli way to the ends of the airplane wings, Mm by his knees from tht landing star while Captitn Par- ""eo xecuted "vertical baaki" " performed other stunts. Br ('Lark r t . ouiuc nme uufoi work i the niOTie8i 4nd m M will ,p seen at the Wyoming and Brigadier General of Salvation Armv Talks Here Tonight J- W. Hay, brigadier general but aftar tm K,. . : ... .i . v..L.V. " ' army ji arsumeni ,uc-,llJ unci uumis wuemer neaaquarters are In our ana one-nair gallons were In Salem today on 9uiu lUBLcau ui Live. re trimmlnc einen music mv Others had turned to a la.y devotion and trusting to luck. The fever i "Walt '- -- was MtChtsm Jiut aa It Is todav. Dust and rnhw.h. luuj v. l. 1 " ... r.ery . j 11 up - iMic ui 1 sn:i hit-. muiip ns slues, h 11 in. niprritftnra nmi rrtm.. nrn ., . ..... 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 jt, uriu i'ff in m- tiwiw'u the doldivsns. Today we have many good men In caUlngs bk with some." An! the street and came bread and cheese and who are literally casting all their burdens on the Lord and trvlne- tn PPle and orangea. Four iinu. meet promissory notes with prayer and renewals. They did the samei" ti,M a ( and then, oh thing in R..iiie, folks, and a discerning student fan see the start of UBY,"nl ""ss. be thought of me the derliua aud fall of the Roman empire In sloth and all Its little 8V me me a" we"- No" plavmates afternoons off. procrastination and plain laxineas Paul 1.", ' ha- ever eaten hafl was a stickler for horse sense In all Ihlnes flf . . -1' gd. o be th. level aaad all that, duly reverent and dlllrent In f,,, L'.k!!' L?'". tnJoyed their piety, nut he never could a. Idler In any cause The children about w M , weoie jaw ana gonpei oppoeed Indolence, and lunt. expounder of the nously. And when . 1- i roots which, he mnlni. .i;.. ,..r.l llrJ K., .V. I Tk. . . . .. " "r . . J m'm " r niaie nara times worse man came into view, and is to be slothful, whether one is a day laborer or tne head of a boi- Lorry bought him out. my 'voice only two pages of Cicotte's thirty page statement had been revised. Indications were that it would take all day to revise the three confessions. The confessions finally were read U the Jury by Edward Prin diville of the prosecution, the re vision of them making it almost Impossible for Smith to read them trom his notes. The defense agreed not to dis pute the authenticity of the confessions. Epworth League Institute Meets at Jefferson cfal whose Portland, is his first offi. visit and wtlT this. ,t .. """6 the first neae. The quickest way to revive life's life, trade is to hustle jJolned theirs in shoots of joy ALICIA HAMMERS LEY YOU DON'T BUY A Flag or Aoron or Scissors or a Pony With The Capital Journal But You Buv A Newspaper A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry By IDAH McGLONE GIBSON The Noted Writer vreat scoti: I never k 1 there were so many children in the world." he said to me In aa ; undertone as he gave out the last tc cream cone and started to push our hurdy-gnrdr out of the rowd. The little girl still clung ,to Larry's hand and the boys In stated upon pushing the piano. Man Trying to Do Business at Bank Escaped Lunatic umciuls at the United States "'""r1 Dank, after siting un O . , iin-Hire mar h n,Qf, ..iiy a prospective patron. In Place his hat. made nt lift Urn A , 1 '"'U! "luiaeit. was a trifle different from the headgear usu ally selected by the financier. And Mr. Flueckiger. conversation was not exactly convincing. The police were ealled. Officer Mctor. responding, took Mr. Flue rklger to headquarters. There he Proudly displayed two willow bas-Ket- : ;ch. in addition to the hat Puther he display .lrQ. hand. -de cigars which had been rolled make a talk at the local army's headquarters on State street Brigadier General Hay, who has been In the Salvation army serv ice for more than sr. . ... J ' o , ati 111 Jefferson, Or., July 26 The an-cnat tn,s Ms first visit outside nual Epworth league institute of!0 Ponland in a series of inspec the Eugene district is In session in ' tlons that will be made with a the Jefferson park along the banks jview to expanding several branch of the Santiam river with the! 68 of the army. R. 1. i a . largest atendance in the history of tbe organization. Prominent speakers from all parts of the state lead in the work. Last year about 500 attended the Institute and this year it is ex all work carried on in this state. Prior In Ik. . . t.uie mat ne was or dered to Portland, he served In Canada and in th. western part of the United States. pected that the nnmber will reach StUTlt "PTtto. 1000. The work of the institute is i -TiyerS to carried on under the department plan with a general forum hour at intervals during the day. In addi tion to the regular work, which is largely a school in many depart ments, the social honr will be a feature of each day's program. In the evening there will be a general song service, games, boat ing and swimming in the river. Jefferson has been the meeting place of the convention for several year.. Rev J. C. Spencer and a number of tbe young people of the Methodist church of this city will attend. Remain In Salem for 2 More Days A Fantastic Adventure scarlet rose behind my ear I did not allow myself a mo- and I was ready to seek my ro ment to think, but hastily tied a'mance beyond the pale of con brilliant Roman aash, which 1 had vention. snatched from around a waste basket, about my waist, leaving en my white blouse and nay yel low and black trlped sport adtirt. Black low shoea. a little worn and bn ad htt I found that Larry had tied a road rod ribbon that he had wuoai aomewtere In the nvw hia knitters muddy, and while stocking, purple handkerchief about head, some long, green had fom a room to form a Bxtravagantly. he great jagged hole In ut ay a pair of Un. wool golf stockings I Airings and he had rolled up one item I LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m Six Army Camps to be Abandoned Waahington. JUT 2 Aban donment of Camps Devens. Mat Sherman. Ohio; Grant nii ' rsfc "rani, Illinois Hke. Arkansas; Meade. aUrvland Jackson, south Carolln,,. hCWina .wasnoo day by Secret a rv Weeks Camps to be retained a-e rx N'ew Jersey- Tra.i. -1" it- Montana sute fairs in similar hibitlon. Keep Your Money Turning Over I his is interest navin? time on most of your bonds, but don't allow it to remain idle. We have a splendid lit of high yielding bonds which will furnish prof itable employment, many of them exempt from Federal Income Taxes. Write or call for information Win. McGILCHRIST, Jr Resident Representative Clark, Kendal & Co. Inc. U. S. NatT Bank Bid?. "Sap and Salt" Watch For ft On Morula. - - - Illustrated . Capital Journal begins rri"0ag Bert Moses h ,c"lurB cae "Sap and Salt." writto M Pragranl,s'i. T reputatfon writer of short, epigram- wisdom phiio.1" fc P and Slt" U mUtur 01 has the 1?'?,?.: everything b. - ...ljr oi Deing able to take human aatars w Pieces and describe way that each piece In such a plain, simrle. everybody understands and eajor. his work. by h- bI'L P aDd S,t" W Dtin a revnark on the manv 7Z-Z rletI" character into . W,"-T dyings that oat wnich cloaaly who month r" my be a little rough approach the truth. Wk.t tT S na'y ,h'0g" " "nd Sm,t" we advle"nh'r Wy Tourelf on the proper oceafKi appear 1T S n'T t0 clfp thr u" rafh dr 5h L LP ' them ,n a "-P ft for future refers- "Plete nie of "Sap g-. wm we wjrUl bvriMlf