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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1921)
Monday, June 6, The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon 1921 m. av mmnmp-wr mm " - LatesTl BBBBB A. WS W W . : ; " George Baertlein. been in rAUTr- Dallas High Has Program Next Week Dallas, June 6. Commence ment week of the Dallas high school began Friday evening and continues with soma special feat ure every day, except Monday, un til next Thursday evening. The program for the week is aa fol lows: Tuesday, June 7. Operetta, "The Smuggleman," Majestic theatre. Wednesday, June 8. Operetta, "The Smuggleman," matinee, at Majestic theatre. Thursday, June 9. Junior-Senior reception, W. 0. W. hall. Friday, June 10. Graduation exercises, high school auditorium. Thursday from 2 to 5 p. m. Domestic Science and Art Exhibit, high school building. The following program has been arranged for the graduation exer cises. Entrance March, Barbara Chap man. Invocation, Rev. D. A. Mac Kenzie. Salutatory, "Spirit of the Ore gon Pioneers,' Alia E. Wilson. ?ano solo, 'The Fifth Nocturne' UhtftM Edward Jost. Valedictory, "History of Scienti fic Invention," J, Donald Kroeker Address to Class, Don. B. F. Irvine, of Portland. Vocal Duet, Mrs. D. A. Mac Keiuie and Mrs. H. P. Byers. Awards, Principal Win. Uidge way. Presentation of Diplomas, Mrs. Emma' Craven, chairman of the school hoard. Selection, "Spring Song," D. H. 8. Glee club. The Domestic Science and Art department of the high school will hold open house Thursday, June 9th, from 2 to 5. An exhibit of sewing and cooking will be ar ranged anu I tie girts ol CM (Ionian-i tic science class will serve light refreshments. his bondsmen from further liabili ties. Prospects For Fruit In Valley Said to be Good Eugene, June 6. Up to June 1, fruit crop conditions In Oregon are as follows, according to ad vices received by the Oregon Grow ers Cooperative association. Apples Rogue valley has pros pects for big crop, double that of one year ago. Umpqua valley will have the heaviest crop ever ship ped. Willamette valley has pros pects of .big crop of good quality and large size. Cherries Umpqua valley about 50 per cent. Willamette valley estimates are from 50 to GO per cent. Pears Rogue valley, about three-fourths of last year's crop. Umpqua and Willamette valleys, about same as last year. l'ruues In the Umpqua valley, Italians promise above the ten year average but spotted. Petites, setting less than normal. In the Willamette valley river bottom or chards promise fair crop with other orchards having light crop. As a whole, Oregon will have an extra heavy apple, average pear crop, cherry crop somewhat ligh ter than last year, .and about 50 per cent of a prune crop. Hymes Bros, are -enjoying a visit of their sister, Thresa from Portland. W. H. Baillie Co., school super visor was a North Howell, caller Friday of last week. Dean Schaap who has been very ill with what the doctors called heart trouble, was taken to the .Silverton hospital and is now being treated for sleeping sickness he is slowly improving. Miss Celia Bump of Idaho has eastern organization interest- . ........ ,H Arthur Moreran tan ,la,UD. . " . jm ...i i the movement. received certmcaies oi wu, --- t. f.rahle in- AtvoraniK to luc perfect attendance. Strawberry Crop Good Eugene, June 0. The straw berry crop in Dane county is heavy this year and the cannery of the arrived home to spend the summer Eugene Fruit Growers' association with her parents. Chas. M. Talmadge, sales man ager of the Warren Gray Sale of Registered Jerseys was a business caller in North Howell, Friday. H. C. Todd of Salem has been chosen as principal of North Ho well school for the coming year. Delroy and Willies Fitzke and Burrel Mulkins spent the weekend fishing at Molalla. The dance given Wednesday is working on the surplus over and above those sold in the local markets. The retail price of the berries is now 10 cents a box anu it is predicted that the price wnl go even lower than that owing to the large acreage in bearing and the large quantity being brought to market. The quality of the berries this year is good. Gooseberries are also arriving at the cannery in large quantities dications of the action aireau taken by some Sunday schools, it S expected that between ISO to 200 religious books will be plac . .. : .t, Ti led in circulation in brary next fall. Tne moveu.... was initiated some time ago, wherein each Sunday school was asked to contribute between $10 and $20 to be spent In purchasing such books as a committee ap pointed by the association would select. evening by Hie club was well at- the crop in this locality being tenaeci ana it w,as aecineo to give heavy this year. Early cherries Hartley Parts With Silverton Cannery Silverton, June G. The Silver ton Producers Canning Company a corporation organized by the fruit growers if this vicinity, has taken over the- Silverton Food; Products Company and henceforth will be known by that name. The! new firm is a cooperative concern j and will can for stock holders only Stockholders must also be grow- j ers. The company is organized! with a capital of $1 00,000 and in-1 eludes stock holders at Mt. Angel, 1 Silverton Hills, Scotts Mills and I Sou! Ii Silverton. The plant is expected to be open I ed In about a week. J. R. Mero I will be superintendent. C. A. Hartley who founded tfie cannery two years ago has severed I his business connection with the concern. another in two week, this will be June 15 a 5 piece orchestra from Silverton will furnish the music. A very interesting meeting of the North Howell Grange was held Saturday evening, they are plan ing to entertain the Pomona Grange in the near future. Mrs. Edward Hyness, Sr., of Portland is visiting her sons here. A. H. Bailies as principal and Helen C. Vagemon as primary clon ed one of the most successful terms of school ever taught in north Howell Friday at 2 o'clock, among other things a piano was bought for the school and paid for by en tertainments and popular sub scription. Claribel Smith, Anna Rezniscik, Elks Will Hold Exercises For Flag Day Here As part of the annual Flag day exercises of the Ettas, Thomas B. Handley, corporation commission er of the state, will speak on June H in Wilson avenue, it has been announced by Frank . Wright man other standard varieties wilt be of the local lodge, who has had are expected to be arriving at the plant within a week or so, say? J. 0. Holt, manager of the asso ciation,' and the Royal Annes and ripe about the latter part of the month. The crop in Lane county this season is fair. Salem Ministerial Association Meets Rev. A. Zimmerman, represent ative of the convertist Jew move ment, will speak at a union meeting of the churches early in July, according to plans laid by the Salem Ministerial association at a special meeting held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms Friday morri- Dev. Zimmerman is a and Anton i'fan received their Nth erade rlinlnmas at rinse siplirm! unri r.i.wrf vini,,n ibOln. verted Jew himself, Ian Thornton, Harley Addia, Ro-j speaking under the con- who is auspices of j?olk County Court Circuit Court. Otto W. Holder vs. H. Agnes lennett and Verne C. Bennet, her usband. Motion filed by W. O. Ims, attorney for defendants, ask- ig the Court to require the plain-jHOO(l RlVM1 Potatoes Iff to make specific his allega-1 nr1. , . .ions. Will Set Record Earl W. Cozine vs. Grace Irene Hsod River. June I, The Hood Cozlne. Motion by attorney forhltlver valley potato acreage this ilalntlfT asking for date for fix-' year will probably set a new re ins date of trial. ; cord for tonnage, if the season is F. D. Robblns vs. Anna V. Rob-j good and the tuber tracts yield bins. Summons returned by normally. In the Pine drove dls Sherlff Bower of Marion county j trlct, where potatoes have been showing that a copy of complaint I planted In t racts from which win was served on defendant. i ter-kllled apple trees were re- Probate Court. I moved, the acreage Indicates In Re. Guardianship of Bryan ; crop of 20 carloads flurright, Dewey Burrlgh, Ella In the Upper Valley, the dls Burright, Glen Burrigh et al. min- trlct's chief potKto nroducing sec- ors. Report or guardian, w. K. Allln. showing amount of cash col lected since April 1919, $617.96; amount expended, $600.50; leav ing $17.46. Order entered by the (lourl directing that said report of 'he guardian be approved and en tered of record. In Re. Estate of Peter Regehr, deceased. Proof of publication of notice of final settlement filed by Frank P. Kegelir, administrator. Order entered by the court allow ing said final account of adminis trator and discharging him and his bondsmen from further liabili ties. In Re. Estate of Alvin Robin- eon, deceased. Proof of publlca-L' ii..,. n n. .ii.... uf final MPtt)fmfnt ! here by U, W. Hampton, administrator. Order entered by the Court allow ing said final account and dis Hon, the acreage will he increased over last year, when more than 75 carloads were harvested and shipped. Growers of the Unper Valley, It Is said, have learned how to handle their crops In producing tubers, and the harvest there this year will he one of the best In the district's history, It Is expected. North Howell North Howell Ore. June Memorial day was fittingly ob served by the residents of this section. A large number went to Salem and to other remetariee aiir- rounding, there being no ceuinery Wm. Oddle purchased a Font touring car from the Willamette Garage at Mt. Angel. It was deliv- cbargiug the administrator and ered this week. The Impression You Make By Your Appearance Is .Important And much depends on the suit you wear. Others look at your clothes more than you do. A TAILORED SUIT Made to your individual measure by us will approving ly mark you a man well dressed for our materials are the best. Our designs the newest and our tailoring beyond criticism. Best Of All Our prices are as low and in many cases lower than were ready-mades and in addition we tailor for you of the same materials an Extra Pair of Pants Absolutely Free with every suit ordered now and you can get a real all wool tailored suit as low as $30 Bee us before you order that pew suit a few minutes in our store will save you money i Scotch Woolen Mills ! v,p nf the urogram, lbe ceie monies will start at seven o'clock and will be followed by the first band concert of the season. - All fraternal and patriotic or ders are Invited to participate in I he exercises, according to Mr. Wrightman. The program of the evening will include besides the main address, the ritualistic flag Services of the lodge, history oi the flag by E. M. Page, "Flag of my Heart," sung by Oscar Gin grich, a flag-raising under uie wui to colors and the conclusion with tans. n.nvUine' on the program besides Mr. Wrightman are Bra zier Small and Dr. Roy Pomeroy JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Cherrians Add Zest To Bearry Fete, Is Report Lebanon, Or., June 6. The first Lebanon strawberry testival closed Friday night with perfect weather and the biggest crowd that ewer attended. Zest was added to the programme by the appearance of some 60 of the Salem Cherrians, in uniform, headed by their band. They came at the invitation and as the guests of the Lebanon com mercial club, and were entertain ed during the day by the club. This was the first time the festiv al has ever been visited by an out side organization in a body, and the officers of the festival and the commercial club, as well as the people generally, were hearty in their praise of the capital city men for their appearance here. The decorated auto parade and industrial parade were excellent, first prize for the decorated in dividual car went to Mrs. H. R. Kirkpatrick, and the second was awarded to Mrs. W. E. Sears. The best industrial decorated car was entered by the Crown-Willamette Paper company, and the second by the Lebanon Cash Produce com pany. The "plug ugly" prize was given to James O'Hara. The awards for the best com mercial packed strawberries were given as' follows: Marshall!, first, Clem & Good win: second, F. M. Sherman; third Marguerltte Baertlein. Oregon, first J. 0. Scott; second Maude Clem; third, Syuthia Evans Wilson, first, Clem & Goodwin; second, George Buford. Clark Seeding, all prizes to George Baertlein. Group of four best, Clem & Goodwin. Sweepstake, best crate exhibited The baseball game between Leb anon and Brownsville was won by Lebanon with a score of 9 to 0. Howard Bellinger pitched for Leb anon and struck out nine men and allowed but sfx scattered hits. Warren for Brownsville allowed Udri r il sales department handling J fruit ,, i . og Era signed tt local fruit, has been manager. The association went i. , Dalles district . " Tt me invita of a number of lea,n ...... . ---6 'rungro. aro Af V . nu ,w, growers nave nanj .v v - Lebanon nine hits and, struck'out' chasing of The n.n seven and walked two. Durst for! plant, one of thp m i pac" ijeuanou uuu juiuts iui orur. ihr, .... The Oregon Growers Coo, ! re association was nr.. Aug. 1111. with i!, controlling 3,000 acres present membership is 1773 a control of 30,392 acres ' ville played a good game behind ' tive the bat. The school parade in the after noon, headed by the Cherrians and their band, was an attractive feat ure of the festivities. The high school pageant of dances of the school campus at night was a bril liant affair, and Miss Maria Prather of the high school faculty, who drilled tlie pupils in this work received many compliments for her work. The dancers were wit nessed by thousands of people. m'ii mimi 1 n-r.n;inirt llltll. til... - u . ni" in . ui annul a year, A R u kin. special agent for the st.-j' ard Oil company in The Dalles announced recently, Edwin Keech of Turner wai In Salem Sunday. Mr. Keech, whj slipped home over the week end is at present attending the uni versity in Eugene. Distillate Is On Local Market Again The Dalles, June 6. Dlstiiui. j suitable for use in tractors, m j boats and all internal combustion engines of similar type, Is Wl .u.i maiMi, aner an i. occasion. More Acreage Signed Up By Association Just Received. A new lot of Hood One thousand acres of the best cord and fabric extra wear fires fruit lands with a radius of eight j miles of The Dalles have recently Cfpnt WffAm fiar&fffr been signed up with the Oregon W Cal lCm USragf Lirowers uooperauve i&wciu.iiuu. , at. your service, rnone 44, 147 N. High This acreage is controlled by 80 of the leading fruit growers of that district, headed by Dr. G. E Sanders, who will meet with the board of directors of the associa tion. The new members of the as sociation in The Dalles dlsrict have financed a proposition which the association purposes reot to consumers, the large packing house at Thej Dalles formerly, occupied by the MORE FOR EGGS We always pay 2c per dozen more. You see we have itall ig hy the Portland markets and sell 41. Stadelman Fruit and Produce Company. John Frazier, who has Peoples Cash Store Phone 4SJ 426 STATE STREET SALEM, OEEGON Advocate City Plant Boston, June 10 A move ment is under way here to I establish a municipal light- ing plant. Such a public j owned enterprise would save consumers millions of dol lars and enable the city to light its streets and parks and obtain power far cheap er than from private com panies. The campaign for a municipal lighting plant is a protest against the ex orbitant rates charged by the Edison Electric Illum inating Company and the Boston Consolidated Gas Company. The strength of the United States Navy includes 11,54 officers and 120,305 men; Marine Corps, 1,097 officers and 21,543 men, and a nurse corps of 467. stogy TMy Lighting causes 9.8 per cent of forest fires. With Renewed Efforts In Every Department With New Bargains of Our Store the Is being continued with greater force and vigor. Tables and our Ads for the biggest bargains ever. Watch our Windows, our Center SHOP WITH THE CROWDS SALEM'S BUSY BARGAIN CENTER Making the Dumb to Speak London, June 6. Crimin als who endeavor, by acting "dumb," fo escape the pen alty of the law Will have a poor chance in future. According to the bulletin of the National Anaesthetic Research Society the- man who shames dumbness can he detected by tha use of anaesthetics. The society, whose work has been proceeding in America for some time, records the case of a man accused of murder who had refused to speak a word for two weeks. The doctors were not satisfied that he was dumb and made an ex periment, which proved that he had been shamming. First they gave him nit rous oxide, and afterwards excited his system with either. The result was that he suddenly spoke quite loudly. HowHanYObjectsBeginningWithT"CaBYfwinTtoPi tUr "C". Jit tfc. P ood took Jg tfrfr,f cbJ. m. Nog :nff that betfin with tfe rftter W"I" J"n Mk "J hirtden : vtm Wt n. to torn the P'eturX b ,th tht all th bxu in th picture, the name. TW ftwn W Pmi V See wh7 cn fimi th. mfL Don't mm er 111 be .warded tot th. flfteaVW txfJ pri ; (he Observe the Rules Swordfish Scuttles Ship Nairobi, Africa, June 6. An Arab who. after cross ing the Indian Ocean, was making its way down the Benadir Coast toward Mom basa when it was attacked by a giant swordfish. Ef-j forts to drive the fish away, proved futile, and after one or two cnarges 11 sucoeeuea in piercing the hull of the boat, sinking it almost im mediately. The crew man aged 4o swim ashore. Legal Tenderfoot" Ronton, June 6 Sergeant M. Joulhert of the Sngnal Corps oi the First Corps j are has a piece of chewing um ihai netted him $10 in legal tendr. Joulbert, . while enroute to the movies, stepped os a piece of gum. He neglected to remoTe it from his shoe L Any man, woman, etr or toy Urine in U V mltfin. outride mt Itlnne ipoli? tftd A Pal. wim ! mt wm eawtor. f tht W II Riim Co. may enhmlf an ; It ..; oothln Mt. X All nd ny prtuffW d-tn time Junr a 171 1 Aiwwer should bt writ tat tm one ride of (he vr only and numbered miner -taa)it Wrtto vour twfl nan nnd address on oacr- pner in th f9Pr right hn1 mmer U you dertre to write any tnln. else mw wptrair mm, 4. Onii wit wnrd is ao- wttt In the furlirii dietion- arv aril) tv counted IW not imp ohaolrte words. Wbee the nltiMl u tiaed XI ainrn lar wtoot be taunted, anal rler ersa. ft War of the w aa tv osed oaly - . - v used to Vwmr aTUlVrmt riuertj or arrlrtoi or pari of otOem or tnir-H ao objm or artj- tt tar be named onlr one. , Do not use compound aaraa aor iu aord formed I by tha rorootnauon of two or akure rcmiiw Ktujiiao wro&, hen neb word to ttteli It on oMeet, i. The answer harm nrsrest comd tint of ounej of emMe )es end artl ?ies MBs in the earn t that hecat wf tha rtter mil t svu-gjc nni prise, etc. Neatness, style or hanrtwrltln hare no n-sarln upon deHdtoa the winners a. l.axKI'u ssef may os-op- rate to mew-rin th sir. nut only one telle win swarded to nny one bousebald: nor will pris be awRpdad to more than one of any sroup outside sat the family where two or mire hare hen worklni toethpe I. There win be three In dependent nidges, hartnt no racoeetioa with ase W. IL Rubber Co , who vtu hide tbe answers wabssnaed and sward the prlasa at tbe ad it the contest, and nartM parti scree to acent the deelMon of the todcet a wial arte mneloriee. Trie 'o'lewinf well -fcnrrwi peonte tue sfreed ta act as hi dares ol thbi ontqwe ennoetltinn t Q. Cartoon. Prw itinn. Stste Ptf Co.. MnaneapollB. SSBBBV Herman Weil. Pann Mo UisJ hwrranot Co Kfooe apotis, Hsna. MsWe Claire Knna. Prln rtnai. Randohsh Hu Pub He Srbonl. St Paul, kcusa It. ail answen will re cei rne aame crmmt Jeratton rfireHeaa tt srhether or not an order for W 14. Sub ber "ptap: ts teat hi ll. The anaouneeraent of the prise wiTitrs and the earrart rhn at woeda wtll be printed at tbe close of tha ear tent and a WHO mailed to eaeh nwraoa sendiog ts an order. wriHiae fi4wrs win beat aill tbe nearent correct hat of naraea netireet, second prise, etc. Rifht after the drshen hre done thta avaninc gather all the members of your family to gether ; srlve each one of them pencil and ahaet of pareT and aea who can And the sswat "C-Wordn". We know too will find it to be the bent time ever full of furs and axcrteanerit : educational and intereating to all. This punte game ia a cam paign to increaae the popularity ol out Fsmow No-Seam Co oat -r.fttion Hot Water Bottle arid Fountain fiyrinsja. If yost answar at awarded trat arae by tha hidtrea. yaa will win $20. trot tf yaai wonW like to win more than f20, we ara making npwte special eaah fytise offera during this Big AoV vertwinf and Bocater CarnrsgT'. m hcrcbT rota can aria mare than 9M br aenrhng in an ordter for one or BoCtiea. H.r.-. ho. : If rtmt mm.wn to THF PRIZES iii 1st Prtt . 2nd Prixe . 8rd Priie . 4Mi Prize . Sth PriK . 6th Priie . 7th Pri . gth Prize . 9th Prize . 10 to 15th .120 . 10 . 5 . 5 . i . 3 . 3 . 3 . t . 2 5300 150 75 SO 30 20 15 10 10 10 250 1 123 15 21 21 N j I. emu w Xwf, of o" SM" " ud ... k... .i. OKS mm ' .. until after he had returned to his hotel. He thea no ticed what be supposed was a piece of paper firmly af fixed to his shoe. After he had straishlened It out he found It to be a $10 bill. k.r. .rri.rxl TWO hot wmWI . V -VIV iSl A I1.M4 roar priu. maa4 of W: -" " S;s. c . ,a l nn or t ' Ailoouso it t. not aniiiiD to ootid in on ordor wilk .our aniwer. yot rrrrr aco oor no soom Lotrriratiin not water tweuao. ID aawa oi an -o aynnao maaea it doublj uofoL Hado of tto lushest graoa rea u bo oeajna and will not htsa. NOTE THE LOW PRICK Oar "No SVojb" Crakmatirw Hot Water Bottio ana Pntol S.rtn. u an etctlml value for um ntoooy. tiir J for tha complete outm. moinatna ail tuataiai. Two baaa roc aa.oa. OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee our "No Sura" Combrnstion Hot Water Bag and Foantam Syrinire not to leak. U thr bact leaks or tbe fittrnfa be come imperfect, we will replace the Bag free of chart any Urn within one year. W.-FL tektt Co. 299 Sixth At. M. MINNEAPOLIS MINN. Reindeer and musk oe are ;o be bred In Canada as I a sour'-'- of supply of meat I " id leather. I