Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 28, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    -DAY, MAY 28. 1920.
311 flrouno I own
. . ,Dody:
5a' morning. Some week. , , . . ... . ... : ! ! ' :
Bnr.iik- 1.11,. , .7 , lr6i mi ins mug mesas m nis alma mater. war-'" O 1
Buraiek while loaomg a earloa,; of boy was believe to be workii as ,! Vk-h,..,, . i- i .nnVlClH tSmKft
Dufer, Oregon, rtwiw - th Mario Cxwary here was la-! fanuin near Corvaliis. accompanied5 . .
tftat.vesugaied, hut without favorable re-' him. . 1 1 tirOUPh. HTIROTI
I cattle at
sugat scratch on the left hand
j.-iMui, oeveioped into a serious case wilts. The
i !S Senior class play of
l High School. S. H, &
torium, 5:11 p. m. -
t the armory.
! J 3.Memorial AT.
1 J!. ,sGraduattar recital
1 nnflL E. church, 8:15 pro.
1 YTv Commencement ex
at girls training school
' Lr"9--Salem?Eugen6 base,
10.' Oxford park, 2:30
JV 30 Salem Senators vs
iltany, Oxford P8' 2:30 P-
""May II Stores in ctiy cloa
rf ill day. Decoration day.
June 7 City council meet
M City ball, 7:30 p. m.
, j Kinal concerts of Wil
hmette school for music. First .
E. church.
June 1 Final meeting of
SUem Arts league, library, 8 .
o. hi.
1 June 1. Miss
i cital, FJrst
p. m
President. Alexander R.
thorne; vice president, David Hassell
aecretary, H. O. Cooper: treasurer
John A. McNees; sergeant at arms.
P. M. Elenkijwop; reporter, Alfred
! Wilbur.
Go, tonight high school auditorium
The club dance t Macleay Sat.
evening has been postponed until
Saturday evening June 12th.
.Cut flowers and. potted plants, at
Arthur Plant greenhouse, 13th and
3 129
? Although the Cherrian band has
received numerous invitations from
other towns to play at Fourth of July
celebrations, John Graber, leader if
the. band has not accepted. He is wait
ing to see if the Capital city intends
to have a celebration, before deciding
Hendry's re-
Presbyter lan
I elwrch, 8 p. m.
, June 1. American
I "Revelation" novelty music . at
Moose hall -Saturday night. Harley C.
Pugh. i3s.
j - .-
j Saturday night "Revelation" pep
at:d harmony at Moose hall. Harley
,C. Pugh. i28
Court House News
Probate Court
Dance at armory tonight.
Miss Joy Turner, well known local
musictaji, left Friday evening for
Woodburn where she has been engos-
I ed to appear in violin solo at the
Petition for sale commencement exercises of the Wood
burn high school. Mrs. Charles Kent,
a popular musician of that city, will
accompany Miss Turner at the piano.:
working at the
'"a Powomng. He is rapidly r- creamery did sot prove to be young Miss Nellie Eadicott, well known'
; 6 "" 'ne errerm of the inf.-e- t-yacn. The search lor the boy m this young lady of this city, left Salera
uon antf assures his Xrtends that keicity had led authorities to almost Friday afternoo. for Roseburg where
oe uui en amy tn a few days.
?- ' . uea failure to find any trace of him
here leads police to belief that he left
the city soon after arriving in Salera
Monday noon.
Dance at armory tonight. 12
Gates In Engine
Sacramento, Cah, May 28 IJeputies
every manufacturing plant Contin- she will visit her rter. Mrs. Roy Burr I fro the sheriff's of fice in Sacramento
Ued failure to find !i II V t rxi. f htm Ld,,..,. . o . i , . ' i.ii", nrunn iruaMa t.i.i !i w in ik.
'returning to Salem next Tuesday.
Another good time tonight. The big
dance of the week with snappy mumc
at armory. .". -, . , 123
Judge George G. Bingham went to
Klamath Falls, Friday; where he will
sit in a special, session of circuit court
in that coonty.
Col. James S. Dtuenberry and sk-r-geaiit
Frank Jirak. attaches of the
adjutant general's office here, depart-
Reported by Incensed neighbors for'ed for Marshfieid Friday where thev
looting birds In the vicinity of his' win in.nt ...,. ,.,:.
The original and-only "Revelation"
plays at Moose hall Saturday night
for dancing. " ' . 128
Saturday .; night is "Revelation''
night at Moose hall for dancing. 128
Confirmation of the anual c'ass of
catecheumens will take place Sunday
at St. - John's church of the Evangel
ical Lutheran Faith, 16th ami A Srs.,
Englewood addition. The confirma
tion is preceded by the usual morning
services, all of which are entirely in
English. H. V. Gross, pastor. f the
church extends a cordial invitation to
all who desire to attend. ,- "
The moose hall where the "Reve
lation" . orchestra plays "Revelation"
novelty music, Saturday mgiit. 12i
I John Tonio estate.
if personal property. ' . : v
f . h, t Dchtn Orrlfr for Rnlft
Joan luiuu, (
ii personal property.
Marriusc Licenses
n Canon, 32, of Salem a me
tallic, to Marguerite Bentley. 25, of
if South 13th street. .
W arren Hunt, jazziest drummer
y. jeweler, watchmaker Salem. I Hear Tilotsoo, sing Sat. night at the
i Dreatnlaml dance. 129
rhst. daies brown kid glove, Thurs-
li mi Commercial St. Phone 1MFH.
Dance Auburn hall Saturday night.
A new orchestra.. 129
Um Cora Hendry will present her
itermediate piano pupils .luesrjay
trening June 1 iu a recital at the
fin Presbyterian church. Her "ad
Liced pupils will be presented Fri
fcy evening, June 4, at the same
There will be no Johnny Jones dih-
iner at the Illihee country Club Sun J
day as was previously announced, ow
ing to the fact that Johnny Jones will
be out of town on that day. Announce
ments to that effect were made Fri
day, i , . ..
Vernon Suckow, xylophonist extra-
Mlnary will play at the Dreamlanl
ijnoe Saturaay night. :; , wr
Hedlon of officers 6t the Henry
Kimball literary society, Tuesday
TMiint resulted as follows: President,
(P. H. Blenkinsop; vice president. John
(A. HcNees; secretary-treasurer, Alfred
Jp. Bates; reporter, David r Hassell;
feeant at arms, Robert M. fiatke;
fcritfc, K. R. Royston. The following
were elected officers of the student
IN '
Attention B. P. O. Elks, owln to
unavoidable circumstances Ladies
night has been postponed until Wed
nesday June 9th.' 1 129
' Moose hall, Saturday night, danc
ing and ' "Revelation" syncopations
singing. ,' J28
Dancing, "Revelation" music, Sat
urday night at Moose hall. 128
Snappy music tonight, saxaphon.
xylophone, violin, piano and traps
sure sounds like ( dancing at armory.
Y ' 128
- Brush piles on River street between
Front and Water" said to have come
from' property owned by H. C. Tro
ver, and debris on the street near
River and Commercial streets, taken
from the property of ,D. C. Gorellne
were' reported to police for removal
Thursday evening by Councilman
George Wenderoth. It is contrary to
city ordinances to leave brush piles or
other debris on the streets, police
pointed out Friday.
Dancing, Moose hall SaturdajMSgr.
another wonderfully good evening
with" the "Revelation."
Mrs. ,M.: L. Fulkerson and Mrs.
Blanche M. Jones went to Donald, Fri
day, where they attended the achieve
ment day program at that district. In
addition to witnessing the entertainment-
provided by the pupils of the
school, they viewed exhibits displayed
at the school fair.
A cyclist, whose name was not re
ported to police narrowly escaped in
jury when struck by an automobile
driven by R. B. Goodin, 1680 Court
street, at the corner of Winter and
Court streets, Thursday evening. Ac
cording to a report made at police
headquarters by Mr. Goodin, the man
riding the bicycle turned In frontiof
his machine. By catching a hold of
the auto fender he was uninjured, al
though thrown from the bicycle.
Prof. C. I. Lewis, in charge of or
ganization for the Oregon Growers
Co-Operative Association, left Salem
at four o'clock Friday evening for
Yakima and Prosser, Wash., where
he will spend several days conduct
ing horticultural investigations for the
association. Prof. Lewis expected to
return to Salem next Wednesday.
' Moose
Mrs. Ella Watt, mother of Ivan G.
Martin. reDresentattve-elect, will re
turn to Salem Sunday, concluding
three months' visit at various Cali
fornia Doints. according to a letter
received Fliday by Mr. Martin. While
in Caiifornia Mrs. Watt visited num
erous friends and relatives.
"Reve'latlon" is music for dancing; I
Saturday night, Moose hall, singing. !
-.. .' 'V '" '"1 The whereabouts of Harold. Lynch,
G. ' D, urdicH, well known, Salem 'age 16, who --disappeared from his
home at Mcuoy, ore., last juoiiumj
morning remained a mystery to po
lice here Friday. A long distance re-
home. A. Psher, Chemeketa and 14th
streets, was severely reprimanded by
Night Patrlman Victor Thursday
night. Mr. I'sher told the officer that
he was a stranger.- in the city and
did not know that ordinances prohib
ited the firing of firearms in the city
without the consent of the mayor,
"" will inspect Second company, Oregon
coast artillery corps.. Col. Dusenberry
and Sergt. Jirak are expected to return
to Salem the first of next wee it
joteed prison guards today in the
search for Carf Otto, a life term pris
oner who escaped from Folsont yester
day when he overpowered the engi-
captured by guards. Otto gained the
underbrush under fire of guards fr,;tM
ihe prison waiU, but was seen to eiuiii
Me just before he disappeared from
view. In 181? Otto escaped from fv-.n
Quentine prison.
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their sympathy and kind
ness to us during the sickness and
death of Louis Krepela, also for the
neer of switch engine and smashed t beautiful floral otrenng, to alter
through the prison gate. Otto x Toto for his address for the Ami-ri-sentenced
from San Francisco for bur- can legion, to H.VJ. Coursey of ihti
gtary. (Modern Woodmen and to the Tailors
J. Juijada and George Clifford mole 'union. F. Sevcik and family, A. Krep
the dash with Otto but were at ice ela and family. Mrs. Eckton. 12S
Mrs. A. T. Moffitt, mother of Vr-
den M. Moffitt,-, nominee, for uty I
marshal, will return to Salem Satu-'
and the law. forbids shooting birds. J ,n," n'"B "am i
Th tfi. ii m, w. k- where she has been visiting for . tH1
The officer released him after he had
promised' to cease the practice.
Theft of his bicycle from the Evan
gelical church, on Cottage streets,
some time Thursday evening, was re
ported to police by Frederick Rem
ington, 891 North Winter street.
Thefts of bicycles in the city .have
been numerous lately, and are fur
nishing considerable work for police.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Conger, 508
North 19th street and Rev. ami, Mrs.
Leland W. Porter, 644 Center -street
left this city Friday morning for a
motor trip to "The Dalles and Hood
River. The parly planned to return
to Salem Saturday evening.
past five weeks, according to a wire
received Friday by Officer Moffiit
from her.
The whereabouts " of George A.
Sprague, who is said to haye resided
here at one time, is sought by Miss
Gladys L. Sprague. 748 East ' 18th
street, Flat 2, Minneapolis, Minn., In
a letter received by police here Fri
day. Sprague is thought to have been
in the real estate business here years
The baccalaureate sermon at the
Chemawa Indian school Sunday even
ing will be delivered by Reverend H.
N. Aldlich, pastor' of the Lesiie ISteth-
odist church. Professor Delia Otowder
Miller, Ronald Glover and Miss Kdna
Sterling have been selected as judgf-s
for the declamatory contest to be
held at the school Monday. Fred
Lockley of Portland will deliver, the
graduation address Thursday even
ing, and Governor Ben W. Olcott will
present the dipkuuas. ( .
William Howard Taft. former presi
dent, will be met at the train her at
8:4g a. m. Saturday by Governor Ol
cott and members -of the supreme
court, it was announced Friday after
noon. During Saturday afternoon, fol
lowing the banquet at Hotel Martoa
at 12:30, Mr. Taft will he entertained
by the governor and olavjt. The for
mer president will' remain in Salem
over Saturday night, going to Port
land Sunday morning.
The regular annual memorial ser
vice of Capital Typograohical union
No. 210 will, be held Sunday. May 30
at Sp, m. at Union hall. The mem
bers are urged to be present and all
friends are cordially Invited.
Woo dry's Stock
of Furnltnre, Ranges, Heaters,
Rugs, Tools, etc., before you
S?f N. Com' ..St. Phones 510
or 511
tyStrchtim hmseJf
Comedy And Literary Digest Topics
Fred McGrewr-Ribbln Fisher and
Faerie Wallace are the candidates for
the Alberts prize, the 'honor which is
given by popular vot to the Willam
ette University student who has done
the greatest ' service ''to the university
Lduring the year, , f
Homer G. Tasker, who graduated
from Willamette University last spring
and who Is now assistant Instructor
in Physics at the University of Cal-'
ifornia, was In Salem, Thursday vis-'
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's. ;
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
We are too busy
And Modernizing Our Store To
Write Ads
i n u ii i i sj
Good uoodQ. yyy
cattle buyer and shipper, was return
ed to his home at 257 North dhurch
street from the Salem hospital, Frl-
Should be the Main Issue in your Picnic Basket. Our bread
w baked in 'Automatically regulated ovens which insures
an even, uniform product throughout.
Come in. You can see for yourself that BAKE-R1TE
is made under the most sanitary conditions obtainable by
a expert bread maker.
Oatmeal Cookies, Raisin Cookies; Cream Puff s, Cup
Cakes, Jelly Rolls, Doughnuts, Cakes, Pies; Snails and
Rolls. : ' ,
Bake-Rite S
57 State Street
Phone 263
"The Quality 6f fee of America!
There is no better, coffee
than M J.B. Coffee regard
less of price WHY?
5 -lb. tiii per lb. 52c
3 -lb. tin per lb. 53c
Single Pound Tin 55c
We Recommend That You Buy the 5-lb. Size
Jomemoet Ve Stand
Behind It.
2 Kellogg 's Corn Flakes ........... .-..25c
2 Post Toasiies ;.;......!.......... -25 C
2 Shredded Wheat .OT...............27c
2Pkgs. jeii.6 -1l..L:i27c
2 Jiffy J;......:..:;;................:.....26c
GhirardelWs Chocolate, I .-...42c
Hershey Cocoa, 1-2 pound 1. 23 C
Seeded Raisins, Sun Maid .. 20c
2 Pounds Prunes .........................25c
Tapioca, Pound ..............:......12c
Rice, 7 Impounds, for ...I.-.......$L00
Fancy White Re-Cleaned Navy
Beans U-.-..----------.---------8c
Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 cans
Large Citrus Powder ...... ...2.....2 9 C
6 Boxes Searchlight Matches ........37c
$1.50 Rayol Purple Broom ....$1.27
Other Brooms $1.10 90c 85c 75c
Market Baskets : . 15 C
Nut Margarine, pound 34 C
Peanut Butter, 5 pounds 97c
2 Cans Tomatoes ............ ....... 2 5 c
2 Cans Fancy Corn ........... ... ... 35(
5 lbs Marshmallow Syrup .. . ...... JJQq
10 lbs. Ma rshmallow Syrup . ...... -$1,55
5 lbs Amber Karo Syrup 53 g
10 lbs. Amber Karo Syrup ........
5 lbs. Crystal White Syrup 5gc
10 lbs. Crystal White Karo ........$1.13
Snow Drift Flour $3,35
Pacific Hard Wheat Flour $2,93
Olympic Flour ........L....................
Crown Flour ...... . ............ ... ... . $30
iO jbs. Cream Rolled Oats ....... . ....Q
Cream Of Wheat -.-30c
, 5 Pure Lard .....
No.-10 Pure Lard $2.35
'4 pounds Cottolene $1,05
Kellogg' s Krumbled Bran lg(.
3 lbs Fancy Bulk Coffee -.$1.00
Fresh Crisp Graham Crackers, lb 22 C
Soda Crackers, lbs .2Qc
3 lbs Crisco . . . (jy
6 lbs Crisco : . . ..$1,93
10 lbs. Sugar . $2.50
100 Pounds Sugar . $21.50
18 Royal White Soap ............... 99c
10 Ivory Soap -87c
10 Palm Olive Soap 90c
10 Imperial Proxide Soap 83 C 3
10 Fairy Soa p 7 8 C !