Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 19, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    1FIED K -'It.
- vllrEatfh o"
Btx" u cents. . r. per
e-1", in, nun unl' " """" '
.iTT tt5 .MllttA
i oilii
not tak
v. i Iser ha.
nee fo1
Joor.e tir? -
' D VLB Fresh cow' 1,1101,6 105
' F (;,. Kald, Silverton road, tit,
I " Tj,E By owner 4 strictly mod
i F room, beautiful bungalow on
t?' Commercial St. sightly to
; ,',onVllust sell quick. - a.6S'
rnR sitK y wnr one !T room
..rict'v mortem bungalow, excel
, nt view, block and a rrom
in south Salem, 140 Super.oi
une 1 . a94
"tTE 10-day old Jersey helf-
F' .jf 7 50. Phone 33F5. 68
fvTjTsTLK 5 room oozy bungalow
nd a 6 room bungalow, modern
"xeept heat- -""" fruit- Inquir
'. 1242 K.Front. a?3
VoiTNG hoise for sale. J. A. Wallace
Rt. 7. box 16. e73
FOR-RENT 2 furnished upstair
housekeeping rooms. Phone 1436J.
- j70
KKLE Ten room house.; large
' , "3
KOR SALE Heavy, plow suitable for
tractor or stump .land, moderate
Call phone fltf. ' 'c69
ttASrEPThree men on M Uooths
!ace at Jiaoieay eariy ivionuay a.
in. One to plow. and see two for
planting out fruit trees. Enquire at
store, but let me know at bnce.
You can pame-'4 p. m. trAiu Sun-
A iy. - - S
foil! SALE Stake rack bed suit
able for 1-ton truck. Phone 734.
i , ' e69
tt'ANTElT work on farm by ex
ufrienoed married man. 2185 N.
4th street, Salem. h69
foiTsALB Work team and new 3 4
Pain wagon, 1595 NV Cottage? p69
nAl'TC'W'L cut flowers, 3 do. 25
cents; lilacs fo close out 15 cents
each: lavender plants, Dorothy Per
kins climbing roses. 801 Locust St.
Smith. c69
REALTORS I can trace your old
blue print maps enabling you to
pet any number of new ones from
one tracing. "For sale" signs made
so thnt you can reproduce 100,
500 or 3000 at aoolit 1-3 of " the
printers charge. Samples on re
quest. Box 60 journal c6 8
FOR SALE Good wagon cheap; also
oi:e cutting box. Phone 1438. c69
WANTED Men for horse logging,
address L. C. Hutchins,. Turner, Or.
. ; -g69
FOR SALE Eight room houso. with
bfish, gas and electricity installed,
good location. For information
JLho:lt 1T12M. 56 9
FOR SALE Acreage, modern bun
galow, now barn, adjoins city lim
its, lights, water; .Ctsh "or terms.
Best soil for fruit or berries. Ov.n-
er, box S 10. Stnylon, Or. ni S 0
"WAXTF.D Settings hens. Goose eggs
for sale. Phone 2FS, f70
Kill SALE First growth 4 ft. Blab
wucil, S7.50 cord. Phone 683. ce73
HATCHING eggs, quality Rhode .Is
land licils, real red Reds, large
layers; better see them. C. A. liat
clifi'. 1788W2. 88
KOtiS for hatching, Mottled' Anconas,
.froni Sheppurd's s'traln $2.25 per
settiiitf; larger quantities for 'incu
bators priced on application. .Tns.
Fry, Rt, 3, box- 2C.1, Salem. 68
FOR SALE Patho talking mSPhine
and davenport. Phone iO'ilf, or call
2' 5 t:n4on. Qft9.
FORl roadster, 1917 . moBel, good
paint;' late model Ford chassis, com
pletely overhauled and in A-l con
dition. 187 S. Liberty St. .68
BKST of service for you, the Bank
Barber shop, basement U. S. Nat'l
bank. Antiseptic from the conversa
tion outward. Children's work n
specialty. , ; " 68
FOR REXT Apartments at The MiT
Je t . j 7 0
KTT.Ml'ACiE for sale closo in, easy
lo get out. Owner, box 333, Palom.
FOR SALE Dwelling at I499 Court
street; :o acre fruit-ranch, ' P.ose
tlali' district; o. 204 N. Conuner.
cial now occupied by Chinese ba
zaar; bungalow in Roseburg; store
"l;h living rooms at 1590 8. 12th.
J. l. (liddlngs, Kldridge hotel, Sa-
JJ. n73
LAV'I.Mi millets for sale. 12 White
Leghorns, 12 mixed, fine laying
strain; 50-egg Buckeye incubator
for smI,.. 1227 N. 4th. ' f70
the httuling. 730 N. 16th.
WAXTKU Middle aged woman as
housekeeper to cure for two aged
People, everything modern. Call at
NWlnti -
FOR 1 repairing, expert work at reas
onable prices with satisfaction guar
nnt. ed. We use ggnuino Ford parts
Phone us to tow In your car. Wsed
Fords bought and sold. The Auto
Sno, 1S7 a Liberty St. naxt to
.Clul.j;taWe Phone 7. ' ql3'
M UKAIjy to take your, nubxcrip
tioii i',,r the Ladies Home Journal,
Satunliiy Evening Post and Coun
try 1 l.'iitleinn'n. Mrs. Jessie Mason,
i'bo;ieJlM. V 68
w ASTKU Prestolite outfit for mo
toi cyele. ..Address Box 246 Journal.
J!,'. AT'B-r-A . OTod Ford chassis
h fxeoptionaf bargain; lso
L'ilii'j Bros..-Turner. q71
A SXAi-3g acres, 16 acrcTTtallan
pniu.., 2d crop this year; no dam
e by December freeze; 8 acres
timber, balance under -cultivation,
f,1i miles out. Liberty district, rock
fool: no building; - am leaving.
Phone 2090M or call 160 S, High,
-ff-iLJM- P-t'lier, 68
0.IAc cook for cafe, confectionery
-iL". f'f jown Telephone 663. g69
FfR -SALE 28 lbs. clover , seed. O.
ilmlgc, Chemawa. Phone 14F
-i'-. ; 70
TRaTvjIerr v pimts, few thousand
choice Wilson plants $4 per thou
J48 Union St. d69
(h':. SALEc"ttnge organ, "Oriole"
tro,r carriage, at Novelty works,
Court St. c70
REAL BARGAIN Used car in
Rood condition, electric lights, ex
ra tires, detachable rims, good run
Jng ordere. Must sell at once, $275
-an be seen at the Statesman of-
-.from 6 to 8 evenings. 68
w ANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house
ouldjease. Phone 1201. . j68
"CE clean apartments and sleeping
rooms at the Cottle apartments,
t reasonable prices. 34J Korth
t-om'l St. L'ndor sew management
p . m
(R RENT Housekeeping rooms
oownstaj,. J55 Bellevue, , Phone
; jfS
t0,P RENT Large house, Judson
ar,,l High streets. Phone 121SJ or
i; i
PP.XISHED rooms at lilt Korth
-12llgrcial. Ko children. 36?
Safety Razor Bladea.
Sa"ETY razor binds sharpening mm
ctime. first inmalled at A. B. Stew
rt Kepair Ehnp, 4t Cowrt St.
- ,r -'c nuuses.
ROOM nousf extra good buvli,,.;
th mouin, plttSte.-ea. modern 'ex
cept b8eu,Bai; trnnige; one biocK
from State street, north, invest
8?Le..t"'a iudy- tr,ce Wrni.
cash. Glance term of years.
rnoner"0"- '"'9 OtS0n
' a
i5 SLE-p00 aalFhoT'and
lot cheap if taken at once Foi
fce ""l '""her Particulars ad
dress M H care Capua! journal.
tQli SALE 8 rooa. modern house,
close in. Phone 1S77R. a1()
JL'Si' the house you want. Eeautifu.
modern bungalow on S. Commer
cial St. Musv be sold at once Call
at Pans Mros. shoe store, 557 State
ROOM modern bungalow for sale,
built in features throughout, full
cement basement, fruit room fire
place, large lot, hot and cold water
linoleum and range go with sale,
if taken at once. 13250. See owner
Peterson with John H. Scott Realty
Co, 228 Oregon bldg, . n"
FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house
water, lights and toilet; . lot 10a ft
wide, 110 ft. deep, all in bearing
fruit, mostly Royal Amies, at a bar
gain. 1400. 500 Turner St. between
82 and 23d on Mill
FOR SALE Dandy 4 room bunga
low, electric lights, hot ajid cold
water; in good condition; 22 fruit
trees, chicken house, dandy little
barn, $1500- gets it. 1710 Lee street,
corner 16th. l- a69
FOR SALE By owner, 6 room mod
ern house, an excellent lot; part
flown and balance terms. Call 236
Bush St. C8
GOOD six room bungalow with fruit
tract, overlooking city. Price $4.
400. Owner, Rt. 4, box 100. a68
FOR SALE One lot and 5 room
house in Riverview Park addition,
1750. Box HEP care Capital
Journal. a69
CLOSE in house, 8 room house mod
ern and extra close in. Price is
right, terms. Possession in 24 hours
Brown, room 8, 841 State St. a69
FOR SALE By owner, new house,
modem, 7 rooms fireplace, furn
ace, large lot, fruit, near car line,
paved street, 530 N. 24th. n72
FOR SALE m lots. 0 room hcu,?,
some gar Ion plantnd. Inquire 91 1
N. Watr. " 69
For Sale Farms.
CHOICE .close in berry land. 10 acres
located just outside city limits, 3
blocks from Center St. carline on
-asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Trice $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and "Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. nTl
NOTICE If you want close in high
class Improved acreage home, See
Brown, room 8, 841 State St, m72
LIOHT your farm. We" have a light
ing outfit which we can sell you at
a price that will make your lights
cost you less than '.lie coal oil lamps
W guarantee thii to be first class
and you will save one half or more
on this plant.1 Liberal terms. Ace
Oarage, Independence. c69
9 ROOM house for sale, close In, north
of State street, best location; plas
tered, plenty of closets, a conven
ient house, modern except base-
. ment. Large lot,' bearing fruit trees
and garden, paved streets and side
walk. This Is a good buy in a large
house close In. Possession In 30
days. Price J3750; terms, $1260
cash, balance 6 percent for a term
of years. S. R. Pearson, 405 Ore
gon ibldg. Phone 43. n
C!Qt)D fartfilQr Sale. 80 acres, nbolit
;5D acres in cultivation,, 80 in crop,
' some good timber, 15 more plough
ed ready for corn and potatoes,
lies Mi mile from small town, good
road, living spring; all well fenced.
This is a sure good farm. Price
$9000, terms. 680 N. 20th St. or
phone 1160, owner. b69
Canadian government agent, Spo
kane, Wash, will be. at the Hotel
Marlon, Salem, on March 22d and
23d to give Information to pnrties
who are interested in free home
stead land In western Canada, -and
'' also to arrange , for reduced set
tlers' rates' from the Canadian boun
' dan to points in western Canada.
. . - 70
'OU SALE By owner, 24 acres on
the famous Howell Prairie, 7 miles
east of Salem on rock road, 100
rods from proposed paved "Toad, 60
roils from railroad station, all In
high state of cultivation, very good
for prunes, berries and general
farming. Price to sell $5000. Imme
diate possession with crop. No build
bigs, rhone 23F12: ''71
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Cheat hay $21., at barn.
Phone 86F22." '1
FOR SALE Furniture. 245 Lincoln
FOR SALE 8-16 Mogul tractor. 1st
class condition. Phone Turner 94.
, c70
FDTiAT.E-6 tons good cheat hay,
' loose, $16 per ton. 2-year old Bel
gian colt. H. J. Beardsley, phone
14FU. 069
FINE piano for sale, looks like new,
golden oak case and beautiful tone
The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court
st. ' ' "'.s
FOR SALE A large barn.
STUMPAGE for sale, close in, easy
to get out. Owner, Box 33, Saie
FOR SALE Baled hay at barn $20
per ton. L. 11. Turner, iu. ..-,, v..
6KIONS for sale at the Center street
feed barn. j
WOOD sawing outfit for sale. 6 horse
power gas engine,- nearly new, and
in fine mechanical condition. Saw
frame and saw, on iron wheeled
truck. Will sell for an exceptional
ly low price. See us. Ace GarMP,
SLIGHTLY " used Brunswick phono-e-Miih
for sale, 619 Court St. c6S
FOR SALE Good secondhand ltini-
bcrnljric -Z"
GOOD hay $23 per ton. C. C. Rus--J"tla.
Or. Phone 3F3.
FOR SALE -Turning lathe for wood.
1 blacksmith bellows and vise, as
sortment of springs Jor .trMer.
Werner Fennel. 803 N. Liberty St.
ci 2
ONIONS for sale cheap. 197 South
r. o-Ma! CS6
the very best i)oo
buMnTs? requiring $3060 to $4000
capital, there is to be had. Large
returns well assured. Open onl
for a few days. Come and see us,
! Fleming Reaity Co.. Ill WaSt
'For Sale Wood.
FOR dry wood P"g.n!!L-ij-" 8 W ?68
WOOD for sale, first class 16 Inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash. Will
buy all kinds of cord wood. Office
$05 S. Church. Phone 1542. Fred
TB. Wells. ; e
FOR-BALE 16-inch old fir wood.
Call 1090M. 71
FOR SALE-Stumps 200 cord,
or more. Phone tt ..
-j3R SALE.
?01' Sale NurservKtfvV
LOOANrerrv iip71o7-lR-V-r
i2lS2LSSJRof hnan. 0 0 1
FOR SALE-Pe.,oh seedlings- for i
FOt SALEOr trade automobile I
for Loganberry tips or team. Phone 1
-?':,t. di
' T,L hale ? Sel"'l!'l ass.i tmont of !
nui-sery stock, spei ial priws on or-1 stock, shrubs, ros. eteJ
IZ. . up- Also "alian prune
trees 4 to 6 feet, first f lass trees,
absolutely unhurt by free-. Iow
ii,?TS' Northwt Nursery. Phone
-i1" 3- d9
STRAWPERKV plants in anv
Wy Etterburg 121. Gold l.:iar,
ProBvessive Everbearing. Oregon.
Tiebla. Wilson. Thrifty, well root-
ed plants. Low quantity prices. Cilv
delivery. Ward K. Richardson, 2.195
1-ront. Phone 494. .
ETTEPm".Uj .21 r.,b,,
$..50 per 1000: Wilson ?6." Add-ss
ox :i4. fviiem. Or. d7S
For Sale Livestock.
or 4-day old calves.
Call 3F3.
FOR SALE SO high gradTco7sW"o"Td
ewes. 60 lambs now. Call or address
ithjAniity;Or. ' e68
FOR SALE September pigs in fine
condition. One registered -male
Berkshire, 6 months old. Phone 41
F6t : e68
FOR SALE Rabbits. Flemish - Ci
ant doe and five young. 449 North
JZth . e68
FOR SALE 9 grey Jersevs all fresh
-J-IL0116- C. A. Aronson, Rt. 1, e73
FOR SALE Good fa"nTiTy cow," to
freshen this month, $i25; and 48
little live rabbits for easter, $7 per
tloz. in lots of 6.or more. J. C.
BHnkmnmAumsville, Ore. e69"
FOR SALE 2 nice thoroughbred
young Berkshire boars, also some
gilts.' Call 87F24 evenings. e69
This is a new one. We have for saTe
a splendid, big team of horses- all
around -and true; grain fed and
ready for spring work. Will weigh
about 2S0O lbs. This team wih sell
for one half of what they are worth
If you need horses, come and. lead
them away. Terms. Ace Garage, In
dependence. G9
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE 24 laying hens, 2 roost -
ersCorkjphoiie 76F12, f68'
FOR 8ALBatchinK gm White
Leghorn. -O. A; C. $1 per 15. Call
or write 1227 K. 4th. f(18
FOR SALE 24 laying hens, 2 roost-
ers. Call phone. 76F12. f6S
FOR SALE. a Tulouse geese. Phone
6CF21. fti9
FOR SALE Light Brahma hatch
ing eggs. None better. Mrs. Flake,
590 S. 17th St. Phone 1046.1. f6S
FOR SALE 3 pair giant runt" full
blood pigeons at $3 per paid, wt.
about 2 lbs. each. 1 4-holo gas
range and oven. 6 roo mmodern
house, paved street, fruit, garden,
garage, chicken house and lot bv
owner. 845 S. 14th St. c69
FOR. SALE- Himalaya, Etteiburg
izi ana un.tnipion gooseberry, w.
C. Franklin, Rt. 1, box 11. Phone
. 52F14. ,
81)11 RA11Y uOilekH nmv nit,.
Leghorn, Reds, Barred Hocks, An
conas, Buttercups. Call early. C. N.
: Needham, 658 State St. opposite
county court house. fli8
Wanted Help.
WANTED Wood cut, $3 per cord.
Phone C4F5, g68
WANTED- Messenger. Apply West
rn Union. g
WAT EI) Alan to fir eand run en
gin Call phone 8-2, Turner. g71
WANTED Girl or lady for house
work. Apply at 1277 S. Com'), or
519 Court St, K8
WANTED A job for a three ton
truck; let me know what you have
Box 6 9 .Tournal. 5i-!
WANTED Experienced trimmer
for millinery dept., good salary.
Box 2313 Journal. 68
MEN wanted, hop yard work, $;! 11
day and board. Phone 1662. 68
WANTED Boy 14 wants work be
fore and after school and Satur
days, for room and bourd and some
wages; prefer Catholic home.
Phone 1S24M after 6 p. in. h8
A SPLENDID opportunity for a rooie
man with Ford machine. Must ht'-e
references and be able to furnlfh
bond. We have a good (imposition
for a m.m willing to gi'.oui .ml
work. Established routes in Sftl-?m.
Corvallls and Albany. Apply !t
once C. D. Cole, phone 400 5&S
State St. , -. .-'i''
WANTED Girls between the ageHof
20 and '25 to enter training school
for nurses. For particulars address
Matron, Hoquinm General Hospital
Hoqulnm, Wash. g71
GIRLS if' you care to learn a trade
with steady work the year around,
call at . the Glove Factory, 1455
Oak St. rnC 9
YOUNG men, 17 upward, desiring rail
way mail clerkships, $110 month,
write for free particulars examina
tions. J. Leonard (former govern
ment examiner), 10S7 Equitable
bldg., Washington, D. C. gfi9
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Dress making.
' 171
WANTED To buy good second-1
hand bicycle. Capital Journal of- i
fice. ,i6K
WANTED Nice modern furnishi'il'i
room, close in; quiet place, by bus-,
iness man. Box 67 Journal. MI8 1
LOGANliERR V pi a n t s 'wanted.
Phone Ward K. Richardson, 491 or ;
1267M. ; ; i'8" j
SPRAVING done. Large
preferred. Phone 754,
171 '
WANTED House with large lot, 6
rooms preferred. $600 down, $15
per month. A. L. Seamster Realty
Co. 416 Masonic TOnpIe. n"
GASOLINE engine repairing, station
ary and all kinds. W. R. Whiteside.
Salem. Or.. Rt. 8, box 120, 169
WIGGIN & SLOCUM, auto transfer,
general draying, local and long
distance hauling. Office phone 356
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sole, omce at i-eopies rurm
tnre Store, 271 N. Commercial 8t
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
ORDER your awnings from Dillman.
Writ 6 meniana ave. mi
TAXI and for hire drivers will do
well to investigate tne DeLuxe en
closedElgin. Now on display at the
Elgin Six sales room, 156 8. Com
mercial St. Tru In your old ear
on this trd get the business. The
price will surprise you. Phone Ad
ams 361. .68
BOARD and room in private family
for 2 that will room together, with
working hours 8 till 5. and will car
ry lunch. $9 meek. Call 149 West
Wilson. i w 69
Water Company.
comer Commercial and Trade St
Bills payable monthly In advance
Phono 65.
FOR SALE Light truck suitable for j
nauimg oemes. Call at 1.0 South
-" i- q,e
1-ton Maxwell
truck, in A-l condition, terms if de
sired, balem elie company, 162 N.
Commercial St. qTS
GENERAL automobile repairiii
magnetos repaired and rechargeo
Ford work a specialty; batteries r.
charged. The Fairgrounds Oaragt
M. D. Jackson, Prop. Phone 8ti
; i7
new medium
- " ' -" - ' - c',U HiU W UttU
a classy 1928 model try us on a
trade. This car has not run a hund
red miles. Cherry City garage, 170
S. 12th. St.. Q72
heaion miiisJ
VT; Horton Tire Co. '
- 837 Court SI -
ALLOWANCE made on your old tlre
Salem Auto Exchange.
Monitor cars now on display. Conn
and see them. 229 State St Phon.
869. -
IF your property ir worth the money
we list it, we 1 dvertise it Estee
& Magee, Salem, 428 Oregon bldg.
Portland, 909 Cb-mber of Com. n7P.
HAS the $ lost its value? No, Wry?
Because $2600, $.00 down and $25
per month will buy a 8 room mod
ern bungalow basement, fireplace
Dutch kitchen, on paved street, in
good location.
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 353, 416 Masonic Temple.
7 room strictly modem bungalow
near state house.
7 room bungalow, modern except
heat, now ready for occupancy.
2 six room bungalows with furnace,
possession at once.
1 5 room bungalow with fireplace
and large lot.
1 B room bungalow with two lots.
1 6 room cottage with furnace and
1 4 room cottage with fireplace,
1 brick block on Commercial St.
1 30 room rooming house.
We write fire insurance in compan
ies that pay their losses.
W. A Liston . .
484 Court St. n
40 acres choice Howell Prairie farm
32 acres growing grain, 8 acres tim
ber. All best of black loam son: near
ly new 10 room house, good barn and
other buildings. On paved road. Price
J10.000. will-consider good residence
111 trade.
6 acres, about 3 in prunes and ap
ples; all best of Garden road soil
close to street car; good 5 room house
good barn, water system. See this if
you want the best location. $7600,
Choice loganberry land 10, 15, 20
acre tract, well located andpriced
right .
Oregon Land Co. ,
442 State street
(5 vacant houses for sale)
6 room house strictly modern, on
paved street, 5 blocks from eapltol.
4 apartments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms each
good Income, close in. $6000.
7 room house, modern except base
ment, corner lot, east front, garage.
5 room cottage bungalow, strictly
modern on paved street. $11000.
10 acres, no Improvements, puved
road, U miles out. $2500.
26 acres all. under cultivation, on
paved road, fait? buildingB; will trade
for nice home.
8 room house, 'modern oxcept base
ment, big lot, paved street and car
line. If sold this week, house vacant,
. 160 acres In N. D., 140 in cultiva
tion, to trade for Salem property.
2 fine lots on Fairmount Heights
addition, tor quick sale. $90(1.
6 room house ;and ( acre close to
fairground store:-good barn, $2000. .
1'hotos of nearly all the ubove can
be seen at our office.
Wo write Insurance,
Laflar & Laflar
406-7-8 Oregon bldg. 69
Real Investments.
If you are looking for a real stock
1 ranch, don't wait until thlB Is gone.
! 380 acres. 100 acres In cultivation,
. right at the door of over 2000 acres
hi ".; -j
of out range opened by a special actj0f Kim-k and
, of the legislature. J'lenty ot running
water. 2 hours drive of Salom on main j
I road. Fair house, two barns, spring j
j water. Some stock and. equipment go i
wit 11 tne ptaoo 111 si,vu. uihw terms
27 acres, 16 acres in cultivation
1 13 acres of rlah peat bottom land
sub-Irrigated. New 6 room bungalow,
j barn and other outbuildings. 6 miles
nf Salem on good road. Price $16,000.
i Terms. ;
! 13 acres nil In cultivation, fine lo
ganberry land, loganberry tips to set
4 acres; 4 miles of town. Trice $2000
! Easy terms.
i Homestead relinquishment $325,
I We have 4 good buys In 5 and 6
room bungalows.
j We advertise your property at
i your price, we will not Increase tho
f price nnd make the sale Impossible.
j Estes & Magee,
I 428 Oregon bldg, Salem
I Portland office, Chamber of Com
1 r
24 acres, ail new land and is line
dark loam sol!. Fine new house, barn
garage and big chicken house. Young
; family orchard ana berries. About 10
-neres In cultivation and In crop.
Would be excellent berry land. Tills
j little farm Is 100 yards from station
land ahotit mile to school. Lo
Ion good graveled road only 6 miles
from state house. Just a 15 minute
I drive to Salem. With the place goes
; the entire op, gas engine, 175 fine
chickens, light team, harness, wagon,
plow, harrow, cream separator, stump
puller, feed anrl grain In barn. Ev
erything goes for $8000. Water piped
into house, barn, chicken house and
pasture, from large red wood tank.
This is an ideal country home.
Neat 7 room plastered home with
modern conveniences except base
ment and furnace. In excellent con
dition. East front: pavement to back
! of lot. Room on lot for another bun
j galow. Several good bearing fruit
! trees. Not far out. This Is a good buy
;at $3200, $500 will handle.
Fine modern f room home with
full basement, furnace, etc. Located
on paved street in fine residence sec
tion, close in. A dandy place at $4,
360. I ',
We want more listings of city prop
-rfy well located. Also small farms
ad larger ones. Give us a chance to
sell your property, we want to be of
service to you and our community.
1 We sold a $14,000 farm to a Sa-
lem man Wednesday through our 1"
cal advertising and we have more
farms to offer, list where you get
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg.
t , acits near S,Ueia. it. bearing
prunes, acre
set tarn,
buildings. $450 per acre.
Modern 7 rooitt bungalow, paved
street, garage, S fine lots, nice Ioc-h-Uon.
10 acrvs near Salem, all cultivated,
fine soil. $1300.
20 acres choice bear ng prune or
chard near Salem. $9500.
Fine all modern u room bungalow
corner lot. choice location on State
j2 creB a , eui,ivation. new
$100 per acre
lJerrine & Marsters.
81 1-12 !.. t'-Ul. I' MH M
S room house and 1 $ room house
with fine lots in good location.- $1.
409. 9 room plastered house, bath, toilet
electric lights, lot " (0x165. close in.
t room house ceiled and papered
electric lights, city -water, fruit fine
barn, chicken house, east $180.
--6iroem house, ceiled, hot mid- cold'
water, bath etc. lot 65x160. Very
close in. $2750.
10 lots, best garden soiL S fruit
trees, big barn, good 8 room plastered
house, windmill, bath, chicken pens;
fine property. $4250.
.10 acres good black soil, ploughed.
Wanted, acreage with house on to
exchange for 6 room house and lot
60x100,. equity $1200.
Wanted acreage- with house on to
exchange for 5 room plastered house
modern, equity $1200.
T room house, 2 fine lots, good lo
cation, $2000. Must be sold.
Walter McLaren.
Room 21, ISO N. Com. St. n
Good Buys.
20 acre tract, 4 acres loganberries.
5 acres cherries, some apples; good 5
room plastered house, barn, well,
rock road, close to highway. Price
5- acre tract located on main Pa
cific highway, 2H acres of prune
balance fine loganberry and straw
berry land. 1 3-4 miles from carline
Price $2500.
18 7-8 acre tract located H nine
south of city limits, south of Salem,
nearly all cultivated, house, barn,
well, beautiful view, close to carline.
Price $10,000.
32 acre tract located on - paved
road, good 6 room bungalow, barn,
good prairie soil. Price $12,800.
6114 acre tract located on main
highway, 1". mile from street car
line; 25 acres cleared, 8 acres of
prunes, about 1500 cords of standing
fir timber; house and barn. Price
$300 per acre.
20 aere tract located about 8-4 mile
from carline and city limits, 6 room
house, barn; 5 acres Italian prunes.
Borne apples, cherries and pears, good
road. Price $11,600.
10 acres of good prune, loganberry
and strawberry soil, Eft miles south
of Salem. Price $1500.
Good 6 room modern home locat
ed at lulu S. Commercial street, large
lot. Price $6000.
6 room house located at 130 S.
Commercial. Price $2800.
Good 8 room modern home at 1595
N, 5th street. Prlco $4200.
6 room house located on paved
street. Price $4200.
8 room house located at 1010 Oak
street. Price $2800.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street n
Best Buys.
5 acres all In cultivation, good val
ley soil, close to town on pavtid roud.
$1500. ' t
15 acres on Oat-den road close-in,
best of soil, 1 Vi acres family orch
ard; 8 room house, hot and cold wa
ter, baiih; good barn and other build
ings. $12,000, easy terms.
61. acres on Pacific highway, fam
ily orchard, 2 acres logans; 6 room
modern bungalow, 4 .. blocks from
street car. $KfiA0.
24 neres. 20 In orchard 0 years old,
loganberry filU-t-s in part: 8 room
bouse, hot nml c.Ul water, bath;, good
barn anil other buildings; 5 miles
out. $91.00.
80 acres, 50 cleared, 22 acres beav
er dam; family orchard, large barn
and silo, small house; joins city lim
its of good town. 15 blocks to Ki'hool;
would make an excellent dairy farm.
With equipment $10,800.
100 neres on good road 3 1 miles
from town; fair house, good barn or-"rnfed---nr
tto ib .110 -now. 2 .fellifh:
; wiu, evwKl, worth
equipment, $20,000,
acres, all cultivated, 40 ucre's 7
yp,. ( Italian primes, 25 acres In
crop, fair ImprovenisntK, on road to
,P paved Ibis year." all good soil. 112.
00, $6r,0 c.'itdi. balance at 6 percent.
This place is 2 , miles from Mon
mouth, Or, and represents one of the
best vi.liie-M the renT rtdltte niailtct
today. Are you c.ojng to get this one?
not if you aro a slow mover,
80-ncres nil cultivated, rifiireri, barn
close in. $3500. terms If desired, This
is mostly good berryland,
Jl acres, logans, bearing English
walnuts, family orcha rd. good Jin -provements,
stuck and -equipment
goes just out side Salem limits, on
paved road, best locution; a snap.
$11,000, easy terms.
If you aro Interested In any of thee
above Hems and mean business, I
would be pleased to have you cull on
841 -
TO MAKE ft success you must have
as aim, work and study. The lit
tle man looks for the little job.
The big job looks for the big man.
Its up to you. International Corre
spondence Hchools. For interview
with reprewentHtive Phone 1735.
LOAN wanted. We have an Applica
tion for $8500. Best of security,
farm land, crop in, good buildings,
good road; ulo $6000 wanted on
good security. See Hqunro Deal
Realty Co., V. H. hank bldg. 68
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 6
Inches high, paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., logon berry and hot
hooka Salem Fence and 8tov
Works Court street Phone 12
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you mors cash for youi
household goods. Get our bid bo
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd Rush Bank. Salem. Or
"Money to Loan.-
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long tlms.
i y, and $ percent Interest
City building loans
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Tempi. Oalsm. Oregoi
nfuM of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonafcw
rates. w pouis ut .
maia rn.- vn.
FARM LOANS Any amount. Lot.
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about oui
S-year loans at 6 per cent Haw
kins Roberts. 205 Oregon bldg
AKION-POLK National Farm Loar
, Ass n. Government money to loan
,1 i . percent. 803 Salem Bank of
fttmnierce. W. D. Smith.
v ANTED Second hand furniture
rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and
l, Mils, Y pay the highest priow
for everything. The Capital Hard
ware and Furniture Co 285 4
ConiM St. Phone 47.
long distance hauling. Office 44f
Court St. Phone 998, night phoni
" 79J. 7)
trial-optician, eyes thoroughly ex
amtned, glasses made and fitted
M0-1J U S hank Phone 341.
ORS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
pathic physicians and 1 surgeons
8 bank bldg. Phono 869. Dt
White, res. phone 469: Dr. Marshal
res phone 634 . .
iR JOHN I LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phons 58FS; offie
phone1394. ' H
?OR SALE Old papers Tor wrap
ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap
Ital Journal office
Lodge Directory.
meets every Wednesday
evening at T:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday a
8. J. L. Tucker. C. C; P. J. Kunta
K. R. & a
Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meett
every Thursday evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 738 Nortl
I N1TED ARTISANS Capital Assem
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday a
8 p. m. In 1. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A; A. A. Gueffroy. seo
retary, Salem, Or.
O, W. SALEM CAMP 118 Mesti
every Friday night at I o'clock
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lit
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Ross, C. C : L. B. Ueer. oiers
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. V
W. meets every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. in Mornaok hall, cor
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, H. W; A. L. Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. B24(
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock In Mouornack ouuuing
Court and Liberty streets. H. O
Comsey, V. C; Frank A. Turner
clerk. .;
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.00: feed
oats 8085c; milling oats 8085o
cheat hay $1819: oat hay $21f 22
ulovcr hay $23; mill run $47.
Butterfut: Buttcrfat 70c; creamery
butter 69 70c.
. fork, veai and mutton: Pork on too
15Vic: veal fsncy 24c; steers llo
lambs ISMie; cows 79o; owes to
sheep, yearlings 121.0. ;,
Dressed pork 21o. f
Eggs and poultry; Egss cash SOo;
light hens, 30 32c; heavy hens 28c
old roosters 15(ffl6c; sprint's 24o.
Vegetables: Onions per pound 60;
oelory do. $1.75; potatoes. Yaklms
6c. Oregon 8V4ft4c; sweet potatoes 9c
beets per sank $2; turnips per ssoi
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip.
nr sack $3.50: spinach lOo lb.: rao
Ishes 40c dot
Fruit: Oranges fe.OOff 7' 0; lemon
$8.6007; bananas llo; honey oxtraot
20c; bunch beets 46c; cabbage 60;
head lottuce $1.26: carrots 46o, Bros
soil sprouts $1.25; cauliflower $2 doi
eo peppers 26o lb: rhubarb llVi'
Retail prices:-.- Eggs dozen 860;
cream'bty-Mrtte-r'73 9 75c; country but
ter 88c; flour, hard wheat $3.268.4'
soft wheat $2.90
f,-: : IJVE$TO(fK , '.;.:"
-Portland, Mar. 19. Cattle tweak:
receipts .-(. grain and pulp fed
steers $11.604j;12-.00! choice $11.00(8
11.60; good to choice $10.00U.OO -mediunr-to
good $9.00jl.e0; fair tc
medium $7,504(8.50; common to fail
8.60'7.fi0; ohoicti cows arid hclr
! 19. 00 10,00;' good to choice $8,008
9.00; medium to good $8.60 7,fi
fair to medium $5.606.60: cannei
$3.005'60: bulls $5. 071 tt 7.60; p'rlfii"
light calves 1 5.5 0 1 7.00; rnodlu
llKht.$l0,0016.60; heavy $7.ue)
! A 00: stockers and feeder $7.60
8.60. - ' V
Hogfi steady; receipts 75; prime
mixed $15.75H1S.25; medium $15.51
15.76; rough heavy $11.0016.25
pigs $12 15. .
Sheep steady; receipts jioneieitstertt
lambs $16.7517.7f.; light valle
ir,.'0(fei 75: heavy $14.60 19.6"
common to medium $11 1 14.50 year
lings $14. 50I& 15.00; wethers $13,00
13.60; ewes $10? 12.
n.nler .
Portland, Or., Mur. 19. Cubes ex
tra 64e; parchment wrapped box lot.
7c cartons 68c; half zoxes VtC more
less than H boxes lc more; butterft
6J67c f o b. station; 70c Portland
Poultry smI Kbkr
Portland, Or., Mar. 19: Eggs sell
ing price case count 34 36c; buylns
price case count 32c; selling prtc
candled 38c; selected candled In car
tons 40c.
Poultry: Hens 813Bc; broilers 4i
3 45: roosters 20c; turkeys dressed
4950c; geese 2226'j; ducks 40041
Wheat and Mill Mult.
Wheat: $2.20; barley, $71, e
$59.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $59.$'
Hay: Buying pricn nalley timo'
$26.00; alfallu $29.00; grain $21
cheat $22; clover $24; oats and .
Millstuffs: Prices f ob. mill.
rtas $2 extra Mill run. car lots
mixed ears $44 ton: rolled barlsy $
rolled oats $86.50; ground barley 9
scratch feed $80
Corn whols $: era. jtsd $
D. II. Loom-y of Jefferson will be a
candidate for representative at the
Republican primary In Muy.
After being under quarantine for a
week on account of Intluensa, Cor
vallis has lifted the ban against pub
lie gatherings.
La Grande school authorities are
iiiannlnr u vocational training school
tl)f lit,rt(mu under 18 who have never
1 flniuhp. their eighth grade eauca-
1 ,ion a ow wor)tln,
a 1 4-4.
Britain Called
On To Preserve
Cotton Business
Manchester. Eng.. Mar. 19. La-
asbire's entire cotton trade, at a re
cent conterence here to urge upon the
ttuvernment the importance of im rais
ing the supply of raw cotton within
the British Empire, heard Lord Derby,
president of the British Cotton Crow
ing association, declare that failure of
the government to preserve the indus
try would "turn Lancashire into
howling wilderness."
Sir Herbert Dixon, formerly presi
dent of the Cotton Control board dur
ing the war. said the United States
.'ould not seriously increase its growth
if cotton, and that the demands of the
United States for cotton for its own
use were becoming greater. It would
be a mortal blow to Lancashire,
Jreat Britain and the United States
is well, he said, if prices continued to
Edwin Stockton, president of the
ester chamber of commerce.
presented a resolution, which was un
animously adopted, expressing appre-
aton ef the cotton employers' decis
ion to contribute a levy of sixpense per
ale toward the cost of expanding the
itton fields and asking the govern
ment to make financial provision
mch would. In combination with tne
money subscribed in the lndustry, give
jffect to .the proposals of the Empire
Cotton committee, to promote cotton
growing within the Empire.
Vice-president Shute of the Liver
pool Cotton assoclalon, said he believ
j a well thought out project involv
ing the purchase of land for the culti
vation of cotton could be made an ab
solutely sound proposltoln.
J E Sloper and Edna Sloper to
Arthur Leffler, prt seo 10
and 15 In 9S 1W -
E Sloper and Edna Sloper to
Clifford C Stayton prt bl 3
Kuison add to Stayton ........ 20$
Stayton State bank to Farmers
and Merchants bank, 1 A seo
10 In 9S 1W .:
E U Crolsan and Ella Crolsan
to Andrew Wilson It 12 Home
stead acres
John E Sloper and Edna Eloper
to Bertram Munkers prt
hi 3 Burson add to Htavton..
J "W Cave to Homer M Johnson
prt bl 8 Pickards add to Ma
rion ... ,. ,
Cora and Charles Pickett to T
C Peerenboom prt It 11 J F
McDonald fruit tracts
Percy 8 and Clarrissa Cnrey to
Robert M Diem, ,45 A in IS
3W -
Frank C Pate and Belle Pats to
James O Pate, 31 A and 5 A
In D L C. H Campbell in 9S
3W m.
S D King and Stella h King to
Wlter J Lulny, Its 4-5-6 bl
3 Sublimity -
Emily and J M Scott to Orvill
S and Laura B Jones, 7.80 A
Garden road fruit tracts $1076
George and Boaulah Thomason
to G O and Anna G1.n1 It 11
Waller ndd Sulem
Alfred R Howard to Roy H and
Bessie L Smith prt Its 3 and
4 bl 9 Frickey's It R add -
Uermud Kleuker to John and
Kegina Dazler and George A
and Mary Smllh, 200.41 A Jas
Anderson D L C in 8S 1W 17,000
JUhn and Mary Rouch to John
5 Harper, 85 A, D L C Sam
Brown In 68 2V s 13,500
Willis Jtnd Gertrude Daws to C
M Crittenden and E Counr
and, Its 1-2 bl 6 Hubbard.... 1500
Annie C Tweed to Charles Hnr-
bec, prt It 6 and It 8 bl R P
W Glesers arid Silverton
George W Janette Wicherlte to
C II Mitchell, 92.82 A in 93
C Fl and Mary A Stone to Cas
per' A and Zclma B Newhlll
10.006 A sec 20 In 7 2V..
R 0 and Alma Blackwell to
William S Walton Us 26-27
Hall subdivision -
Carl and Henrietta Hchlewe to
II M Smith, prt D L C Andre
Lontituin in 4 ,$W 1350
Frank and Loddie Corblt to
Mary Van Damme. Its 1 and
2 bl 3 Ton 1st add Woodburn
Jacob and Lenna KHi-kelberg to
Gerald and Grace Volk, 10 A
I N Gilbert D L'C In 7H 3W
Carl T Pope to Mutt C and Ma
tilda Matsou, pit 1.1 411 Saierii
Mutt C nnd Matilda -Alatson to
,1 C nd Mary Btirtliu Matsou
prt bl 49 N Salem
Seiner Olson to John Dybevlk
and Emma Dvbevlk, It 13
Johnson's add Silverton
Bertha Rudolph, Kllaa mid J K
Cook- to K B ami Florence
JloUHi-r pit sec 8 S 3V ..
.1 W and Anna, A Di'rinody to
M J nnd Cora Hunt prt bl 88
- Haltm
Joseph II nnd Jessie Albert to
Adolph A Gueffroy, y, Int It
16 bl 1 Parrlsh add A
Frederick H and Nnra E Thomp
son to George F ficely, It 7 bl
4 Willamette ndd
C O and Alice Morrill to Mary
Klghmey, It 10 bl 2 Randalls
add Salem
B U and Florence Jlnuser to
Elisabeth Cook and Bertha M
Rudolph, It 3 bl 10 Depot
Andrew snd EllxabeWi Nafzi.'er
to A A and Martha Nafzlger
46.30 A in W Murphy D L C ...
H A and Alice A to
Agnes Jj Orr prt bl 2 Keeds
E M and Ella Crolsan to l and
P G Judd, It 13 Klveribile sub
division ,
The Hood River county court bus
decided to build a new bridge iicrom
Hood River at Whinns.
Auction Sale
1:30 p.m.
Auction House
Everything Goes
DonH Miss 11
Private Sales