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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1920)
DAFEBRPABY 19, 1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE FIVE J0 0 0 ' fill A (1 wtf ffl CCBKBNT EVENTS Feb. l-l-Jfr-,e" Aot -fctle show, armory. l. Mario, county n . burea Oerciaclub w'ions. armor, I JM- Th S5 Monthly meeting; Smtncrcial club, Vj Business mw'l JcTeon. Commerce ctab. Tb. .-Cherry City Bak- -Twill entertain Rotartan. S wiv ana MeB " Snquet at CP;"-... . .. ft r " watchmaker. Jeweler. Salem. Great Bargain Good T room iood barn, large tot on car inTaved street. Must act quick Jee $2500. Laflar and Latter. Orepw bldg. . . tut. omfkllnnz and io ta account ui - epidemic, we 't nsry t, dose the Auhurn nan u,.u. L, aa the possibility of spreading . ..,.i,,ie.l. Auburn Hall ia C1 43 D 0. Drager, w- S' AVaIton and Oxford appraisers of the Victor H. Craelius estate have reported to to county court that property val id at $sn00 was Included In the The valuation covers 91 acres Un'd in Marion county. Knights and Ladies dance at Hurst tall postponed, account of sickness. Chauacey Florey. county clerk of jackaon county, and Paul Janney of Bedford were Salem visitors Wednes- Mia Caroline Simmers of Portland k visiting friends in Salem during he week. Bsfoh 1J, will take place In the lec tin room of the First M. E. church Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. The Irwt was postponed several times mocsunt of conflicting events, M ara of contestants, and the revival nettings which are being held in the tiwrth. The orators who will com en In the tryout are Miss Ruby RHenkrantx, Paul Wapato, Frank ' Bautett and Roy Skecn. President Carl G. Doney of Wll hmette university has been ill for the hat two days with a malady which believed to be influenza. It is re ported that he Is doing well. xhestra at the auto show at the ar mory Thursday afternoon. He will play in the orchestra in the evening. Mr. Stoudenmeyer was at one time leader of the Salem Cherrlan sand, and is now director of the Shrine Dana at Portland. Dr." llahood is preaching on theJ moat vital religious themes at the First Methodist church. Hear him tonight on "The Glorious Christ." 4J Contrary to reports current in the city that he is near the point of death Dr. H. C. Epley, who bas been con fined at his home, 468 North Winter street for about a week with an at tack of la grippe. Wednesday was in almost 'normal health. Besides being a little weak it is reported that he is again well, and probably will re turn to his offices next week. A S3 cash prize given away .Sat. at Woodry's auction sale. See ad on page 5. . 43 Dr. Mahood will speak tonight at the First M. E. church. "The Glori ous Christ" will be the subject. 43 j If you want to hear Mahodd at the KM-.. AT,,, I,,i; , , w . . mere eariy lor a comfortable seat. . 434 Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Burton, their little daughter Lois, and Mrs. Bur ton't mother, Mrs. Frank Toothacre, are reported to be suffering from an attack of influenza. They are under medical care at the Burton residence 965 North Church street. Special meeting of Sa lem lodge No. 4 A. F. & A M. this evening. Work In the F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. 43 Baby chicks for sale Friday, Reds, Anconas. Buff Leghorns,- Rocks, Mi norcas, Buff Orpingtons. C. N. Need ham, 558 State street 43 Who'll win the prize at Woodry's auction Sat.? See ad page 5. 43 toTirftn' notice: ' JOT - Rotarlana mi their wives or ladles are exxpect ea to meet at the Commercial club was stolen as the car stood parked nana Sunday Feb. 22d at 7:16 p. m.lH front 0f their home at 745 Court street Tuesday night, according to a report made Wednesday to police by Mrs. Max Buren. Police are Bearch; Ing for the light and the thief. to to in a body to hear an address at the Congregational church, cor er Liberty and Center streets. 45 The old line iiiitorlcal tryout, the iioer of which will represent Wil lamette university in the state con tut to be held In Forest Grove Real property and personal hold ing In the estate of George Wallace Ctapln has been appraised at IJI7.H according to an appraisers re port filed with the county court. Wed nesday. W. C. Wlnslow, Gabrielle Kirk and 8. M. Endicott made the appraisement. Elwell'S' biftball team defeated Knickerbocker's players Wednesday erailog with a score of 9 to 4 in one of the hardest fought games ever played on the floor of the "T" gym nasium. The absence of several of the players on Knickerbocker's team fort for that side. Ehvell'a men dis played peerless team work In passing kalli and biffing for repeated goals. The next game will be played Friday evening. , Mary Rose, mother of John N. Roae, 687 North Winter street, died 1 the family residence early Thurs day morning. She was 67 years old. The funeral will he held at 8t. Jos ' church at 9 a. m. Saturday. Wo. burial following In the Catholic WMtery under direction of the Ter lagw funeral home company. Mrs. , beside her son, is survived by wee nieces and three nephews. drains to one side to avoid col- 'th a passing machine, E. I nr,ott, 1048 Belmont street, late "fanesday niKht drove his machine " ditch at the side of North Win fjrt, Bear E, where it became and he was compelled, to It them f.,- . I. ... ml - "ce headquarters was notified Out the machine was there. Officer at . invesiiKii.led. After an extended tour thro'ugh "Wanna from the first of the year Mrs. R,,l,ert Craig, 121 jT" "t, have returned to their rw this city. While in California g and Mrs. Craig visited Los fid w j88" Francisco, Marysville. ""te, Long Peach and other oUntere. Mr. Craig Is a city HbJ1 tb be o"" of the best band ?" the coast, H. N. Stouden jZT' ""wtist. from Portland, was " Oscar Steelhammer-s or- WEX MOORE 'PICCADILLY JIM" hawlity pLAYS SEXTET Lrfl t t. . "MOOR Mrs. Belle Cleveland of Portland, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Audley Gregg, at 130 North 17th street, is recovering from a severe shock and minor Injuries received as the result of an accidental fall, a few days ago. The Dort cutout chassis prepared especially for the New York auto show is now pn display at the Salem auto show and is the center of at-. traction. All the mechanical parts are exposed, electric lighted, show ing the construction of this wonder ful car. See this display and then talk with the Salem Velie company regarding delivery of Dort touring cars. 44 Si.-.. , . The spotlight on their machine The theft of his bicycle from his home was reported to police Wednes day night by Pete Cleanger, 2230 North 14th. street. A description of the bicycle was given authorities, who are searching for it. , Ivan G. Martin returned yester day from a motor jaunt to Netarts. Mr. Martin reports that the wether is fine along the coast and that roads are passable. He found many resi dents along the beach reaping bene fits because of the abundance of clams at this season. C. E. Albin, former mayor of Sa lem is a visitor to Salem this week. Mr. Albin is now located near Phi lomath, being engaged in the opera tion of a large farm near the Bene ton county city. While here, the for mer mayor is visiting friends and renewing acquaintances. " NO TRACE! ESCAPES f ROM SCHOOL FOUND No trace of Clarence Bland, 15, and Edward Dunn. 14, the boys who Tues day escaped from the state training school wood loading gang, had been discovered unto a late hour Thursday, aceqrdlng to advices from that insti tution.. Active search is being con ducted by attaches at the school, and police is nearby towns have been nrf.ed to aid in the hunt. ttian.i la from P.flnd. and it is expect- !ed that he probably will go there. He is described as betng ieei tall, welirhine 125 pounds, has blue eyes and a light complexion. Dunn is from Mt. Vernon, is 6 reel mm tall, slightly stooped, and has a light complexion. The usual reward of 1 5 is offered for the apprenensoin of the escapee. CUM) SK SEES RECORD FOR COOLING With its fan belt removed a lu water pump rendered inoperative a Cleveland Light Six tourim- ou- ra rrv- ing four persons has been successfully driven up Mount Hamilton in northern California, according to a report re- ceivea Dy uiet oieson of the Otawn Motor Car company, local Cleveland distributors. The trip up the mountain, on urh'ek the Lick observatory is located, is,l50 mues. uunng the ride the car was not stopped 'loTeool off' nnr wa if otherwise spared. The party of four memoers or the Peacock Motor Sales company, San Francisco, Cleveland distributor, left Oakland at S-45 and reached the Lick observatory at 12 o'clock. The party stopped for lunch and completed the trip at Oak land at 5:10 in the evening. Stanley, D. Lewin, of San Francisco, acted as observer and at the ena or the trip made an affidavit dpRPrihincr the remarkably successful radiation lest witnout tan belt or water pump. The car was stock and no ment were made beyond the removal of the fan belt and the operation which rendered the water pump useless. OVETOBICH'Bl FROM CANADA BEGUN im x Requisition papers asking for the return el James H. McBain from Canada to stand trial In Wallowa county on a charge of murdering ineoaore Trost on April 9, 1905. have been prepared by Attorney General Brown. According to the court records in the possession of the attorney areneral. McBain is charged with the murder or two brothers, Charles, and Theo dore Trost. He was tried and convict ed of the murder of Charles Trost and sentenced to life imprisonment in the state prison. He was pardoned by Acting Governor Jay Bowerman and hurriedly left the state In order to avoid arrest on the charge of murder ing Theodore Trost for which he had been Indicted. A search for McBain COnflimteH hlf Wgllnura nnimt,, 49l cials since that ftme have just result ed In locating him In Canada nnd a strenuous effort will be made to bring him back to -stand trial. MM TAX ROIL TO BL GFHtTD KEXT WEEK Due to the excess of extra work and to the scarcity of clerical help, .the tax rolls for Marion county will not be available until about Febru ary according to Ben F. West, assessor for Marion county. The aherifra office has been de luged by taxpayers who are anxious to make their tax payments upoa the opening of the ' books and tor this reason, Mr. West announces that pub lication of the date will be made when the tax rolls are available. According to information available at the present time, the tax rolls for 19.19 will represent over a billion dol lars of tax valuations, and will be greater than at any time in the his tory of the county. RHODES HAS CAPE L'i ACCIDENT Alleged Smuggling in of bneep to be Investigated Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian, has gone to Klamath county where he will investigate reports to the "ef fect that sheep are being imported into Oregon from California in vio lation of the existing quarantine. Dr. Lytle will co-operate with a federal inspector in his investigations and if reports are found to be found ed on fact will result in the prosecu tion of offending stockmen. Watty Rhodes, driver of delivery car No. t for the Salem Steam Laun dry, narrowly escaped serioua and probable fatal injury at six o'clock Wednesday evening when the car he waa driving was struck by a north bound Oregon Electric train at the corner ef North Commercial and South streets. Rhode escaped with out so much as a scratch. The auto was almost totally demolished. Rhodes was driving south on Com mcrcial street, and had just started across the track when the oncoming train struck the rear of the deliv ery car, sweeping it across the street knocking off the two rear wheels, and hurling the wreck against the curb. While the car was being hurled through the air before the train. Rhodes clung to the steering wheel. Uia escape was miraculous. Tractor School The Cleveland Tractor Co. will hold a tractor school at 121 S. Commer cial St. during the week of Fen. 23 to 18. tor owners and those interest ed in the Cletrao tractor. Experts will be in attendance aa Instructors. W. H. Patterson Co. 45 CANCER To whom this may concern I will ay that I waa afflicted with a can cerous growth in my temple tu the annoyance of my sett and family. I advised with Dr. & C. Stone. Sa lem, Oregon, who applied a medicine tor five days and then a simple oint ment and after a few days the CAN CER came out entirely to my great satisfaction. -1 can "jruly recommend Dr. Stone's. R. J. THORP. Seaside, Oregon, box 643. Office 230 Phon.-s Residence J37W RS. McNeill Produce Company til Court street Bring us your eggs. Salein, Oregon If yoa are our friend try the Blue Bird Cafe Satin Louie. -Prop. Best Meals At low prices. Lady waitress? 163 South Coiu'l When you want good meals come here. , JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT Daily Statistics. Died HURLBURT Richard Watson Hurl- burt, 81, at a local hospltul Wed nesday evening. Body sent to Portland for crema tion Thursday afternoon following brief funeral at chapel of Rigdon St Bon. 8CHINDLER Mrs. Annette Schind ler, 66, at residence, Myors and Riverside drive, Wednesday eve- Body at Rigdon & Son's. Funeral to be 'announced later. SPENCER Charles Spencer, 64, at a local hospital Thursday morning. Body at Terwilllger funeral homo. 770 Chemeketa street. Funeral an nouncement later. ROSE Mrs. Mary Rose, 67, at res idense, 687 North Winter street. Thursday. Funeral to be held at St. Joseph's church 9 a. m. Saturday. Burial Catholic cemetery by Terwilllger funeral home company. - ft 14'; I ' -i-'Jlgti-!' !. Liberty Fri. Sat. k Circuit Court. Ladd & Bush bank against Tracy C. Beckju- and wife. Order for pub lication of summons. Affidavit for publication of Summons. Summons. Jennie Dupuls against James A. Johnson et al. Order for pulilicanun of summons. Affidavit for publica tions of summons. Summons. Walter C. Bigold against Carrie big- Default entry. W. Huntley against H. L. Carl. Summons. Farmers & Merchants bank of Stay ton against J. T. Kearns and Mrs. J. T. nold. J FOR SALE Household Fur niture We nandle only secondhand goods. We have the name of be ing the fairest priced house In town and are proud of it. Lucas & Lucas Phone 1177. Liberty and Ferry Evidence of good service. The cour tesy of our staff, the efficiency of our management, th satisfaction of our clients Is am ple evidence of the superior service rendered MEET ME AT MEYERS' : ! AOS 1 y Ye Liberty (iTAHTIXt St X DAY ' H '(8. o, Outfitters to Women, Misses and Children. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices 40 YEARS Continuous Business . In Salem 18801920 40 YEARS Selling Only "GOOD GOODS" 18801920 The "New Things" for Opening Are Daily Arriving The exhibit is a most pleasing one, and the prices are mod . est and moderate, quality considered. Dainty Frocks Dresses Suits' Waists Coats Under ' Garments V The new Spring Fabrics Are everything that could be desired. Exquisite Colorings Matchless v Designs Quality Materials Depart- .1 j ment JVZVm SOCKS. SPECIAL DELINEATOR OFFER This special offer will continue for a few days longer at our Pattern Counter. Your opportunity. Act Now. You can always do better at hi vjjl II v liCOODlGOODS Who Always Does Better By You HIGH CLASS ig Furniture Ruction From Three Salem Homes Held at Woodry's Auction House 270 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, Consisting of 1 new axminster rug, 9x12; 2 Brussels rugs, 9x12; 1 axminster rug, 9x12; 1 fibre rug, 7x9; 4 oak dressers, plate mirrors: 1 oak dresKer,Pinees8 design ; 2 oak chiffoneera, plate mirror; 3 oak library tables; 1 oak Hoosier kitchen cabinets; 1 oak Mother Hubbard kitchen cabinet, granite top; 3 oak extension tables, round; 18 oak diners; 8 oak rockers, some upholstered in leather: 1 oak Morris chair; 2 oak buffets, plate mirrors; 1 oak sideboard, plate mirror; 1 sanitary couch; 3 good heaters; 3 good ranges; 8 beds, springs and mattresHes; 2 gas ran ges; 1 high chair; 2 lawn mowers and many other articles which space will not permit to ad vertise. - n tr- A ilniinn I will ask you to bs at this sale at 1 :30 p. m. sharp for I will open fUDlic mtenuon 8ae right on the minute of 1:30( and win en an the high class furniture at first part of sale, if you let your neighbors go home with the bargains without receiving your share, you have no one to blame but yourself. Now I wish to impress upon your minds that the largest and finest .assortment of furniture ever offered for sale at pub lic auction will be in this sale. Terms Cash 4 ,.ah nri7p of $5.00 to the nerson holding the lucky numbers. Numbers given as you enter 1 r store between 12:30 and 1:30 p. m. F. N. WOODRY The Auctioneer, Phone 510 or Si 1 I buy Furniture for Cash or will sell for you on Commission PRIVATE SALES DAILY w I Kearns. JOCKXAIi WAXT .ADS PAY BtST