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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1920)
mA(TF; EIGHT. O ;,'.T.T?-"!rv- v.m - i 7 IvJ &2 1 . IV5 J THE CAPrfAL TrTPv' ' tt Tsn Y. FEBRUARY 10, 1920. , j lata.. T Uttjb' D aw . . ..- . . . .v , "(nii'Wij t m' 7 Lit A 5SB 83 It 1 If Placed End to End, the Packasr J of Vick's VapoRub Used Last Year! WouldReachfromNewYorktoPlalaf delphia, to Pittsburghto Cleveland to Detroit a Distanceof :701 Mil) v. E1 i9 1? is. I? IS. is a Real "Little Body guard " Against Croup and Col Troubles in Literally Millions of American Homes Directions for - the UseTof Vichs What is Vidb? Vicks is the invention of a North Carolina druggist, Mr. L. Richardson. During his years of experience behind the prescription counter, Mr. Richardson came to realize the need for some effective and convenient method of treating dis eases of the respiratory organs, such as spasmodic croup, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. The only way to get medication directly to these parts is in vapor form, since internal medicines go only to the stomach. - Mr. Richardson finally worked out a process ,of combining the standard, time-tested remedies t Camphor, Menthol, Turpentine, Oil of Eu 'calyptus, etc. in salve form, so that when applied to the body, the ingredients would be vaporized by the body heat. This preparation he called Vick's VapoRub. How.Vicks Acts The action of Vicks is two-fold: 1st Internal the vapors released carry iac medication with each breath from the air puH. to the lungs, loosening the phlegm and clearin? the air passages. 2nd Ex ternal Vicks is absorbed throup and stimulates the skin, attracting the blood i the affected parts, and thus aids the vapors a haled to relieve the, congestion. . - This double action of Vicks makes it useful f a wide varietv of troubles, from deep chest col bronchitis, coughs, spasmodic croup and sol throat, down to burns, stings, bruises, etc. How the Use of Vicks Has Grown TU k.t .vMnc nf th value of Vicks u the creasing number of families who are converted w year to the use of this real "Little Bodyguard in , Home". The number of jars used annually for Ul last few years is: - 1910 1... 347,748 Jan 1911 523,152 Jari 1912 1,027,068 J. 1913 ........... S 1.357,590 1914 1,462,330 Jan 1915 2,418,213 Jan 1916 4,302,764 Jar. 1917 6,799,511 Jart 198...:... 17,377,408 Jar. VAPORS IMPORTANT For diseases ' freely up the nostrils as far possible; of the respiratory organs, such as snuffing well back into the air passages. colds, a large part of the value of Vicks r lies in its vaporising qualities. There- fore, whenever Vicks is applied over the . throat and chest; care should be taken to leave the clothing loose around the neck and the bed clothes arranged In the form of a funnel, so that the vapors aris ing may be freely inhaled. . HOT WET CLOTHS la cases of very severe colds; tort throat, coughs; Incipient pneumonia, etc., hot, wet towels should be applied over the throat and chest to open the pores of the skin before applying Vicks. FRESH AIR Plenty of fresh air in the bed room is the best way to prevent colds and lung troubles. Fresh air does not cause colds; it strengthens the lungs. enabling the system to throw off colds. CHILDREN'S COLDS Vicks is par ticularly valuable in treating children's colds, since it Is an external treatment, and therefore does not disturb the deli cat digestions of children. The bent plan is to keep Vicks constantly on hand and apply freely and often at the qrt sign of "sniffles." . Growing children require; plenty of fresh air and exercise and should be kept in the open as much as possible, even in the winter. , COUGHS Apply Vicks as directed for Colds In the Chest and Head, and if the cough is very annoying, swallow, every few hours, a small piece the size of a pea. CROUP-SPASMODIC Rub Vicks 4 freely over the chest and throat until the ASTHMA Vicks 1 not "cure" for - difficult breathing is relieved. One ap asthma so far as we know, there is no plication is usually enough. To prevent cure. In many cases, however, Vicks , croup during the night, give a good ap dor give relief. Rub it well over the;, plication over the throat and chest at spinal column, from the neck to the hip , bed time and cover with hot, flannel, to relieve the nervous tension. Then cloths. Jgx, . , i appty ireeiy over tnroat ana cnest at oea time and cover with hot flannels. Renew frequently and always have the cover . loose, so that the vapors may b freely Inhaled. Also me)t Vicks in a spoon and Inhale the vapors and apply a little up the nostril. BRONCHITIS. SORE THROAT. COLDS IN THE CHEST If a severe ease; ' first apply hot, wet towels over the throat and chest. Then rub Vicks in well until the skin I red; pre4 on thickly and cover with two thickness -. of '.ot. Ban . nei cloths, j ... CATARRH. COLDS IN THE HEAD Melt a tittle Vicks in a spoon and inhale ' the vapors. Also apply' well up the nostrils. There are so many varieties of catarrh that a competent physician should always be consulted. For many forms, however, Vicks is excellent. Dis solve a half teaspoonful of salt in a pint of warm water and snuff up the nostril night ai.d trorning. Then insert Vicks NOTEi Vicks ir ne a relief for Membraneous Croup or Laryngeal Diphtheria. Th specific for this disease is antitoxin, which should be administered only by physician. HAY FEVER There is no certain cur for this disease. In some cases Vkks give temporary re'tef. Apply as for Asthma. INFLUENZA In spit of the epidemic last winter, very little is known of this disease even the germ causing it is not yet definitely located and no specific for mfluensa, so far as known, has been dis covered. In all cases physician should b called promptly. 7 Vtck Is to be used as 1 1 eternal ap plication In conneet-on w.ta Ja pK-ii-cian's treatster Apply i direvt-a int Pneumonia. ' TO AVOID INFLUENZA . Influensa la a spit-borne disease, and vben inhaled the germs attack the r urods n. mV joc. or lining of the air passages. Even this is not absolutely certain, but it is agreed by most authorities that keeping the system in good condition and the air passages stimulated and free from colds is the best way to avoid the disease. Melting a little Vicks In a spoon night and morning and inhaling the vapors, and applying well up the nostrils several times a day, particularly when in crowds, is recommended. PNEUMONIA (1) Send for your phy sician at the first sign of pneumonia. (2) Immediately begin the use of Vicks as an external application. For pneu monia, Vicks is applied somewhat as directed for Deep Chest Colds for full directions see the Directions Folder. TONS1LITIS Apply as directed for Sore Throat. WHOOPING . COUCH This I a self-limited disease, running a course which variej from a few weeks to several months. There is no known specific Vicks is of value in easing the cough paroxysms, and thus lessening their weakening effect on the system. Rub Vicks well over the spinal column, from the neck to the hips, to relieve the nerv ous tension. Then appty over throat and chest, covering with hot flannels. For Surface Congestion : and Inflammation In cases such as are listed below, Vicks is or value aa a poultice, liniment or plaster, because of its penetrative and stimulative effect through the skin. Its vaporizing qualities are naturally with out value for these troubles. BITES, STINGS Apply ordinary household ammonia or wet bread soda. Then apply Vicks as a salve. . BOILS Apply cloths, dipped In hot . water, to soften the skin; then apply Vicks thickly over the boil, covering with a thin cloth. Repeat every few hours. BRUISES Appty to the bruised part cloths dipped in hot water followed by cloths dped in cold wter ''en ' cloths, then cold cloths again, etc. Keep this up for five or ten minutes to reduce the inflammation. Then apply Vicks thickly, covering with a light cloth. Every few hours repeat the application of the hot and cold cloths, folic ed by a urcaainii 01 v ICKS. BURNS Covsr first with wet bread soda. Wh'n dry, take off and apply Vicks as a thick dressing,, covering with a tight doth. Apply as gently as pos sible and do not rub in. CUTS Cleanse the cut well with warm water, then apply Vicks as a salve. EARACHE In some cases of earache Vicks gives relief. Apply a little on cot ton and place in the ear. ECZEMA-ITCHINGS In many cases these are blood diseases and should be treated by a competent physician... To reduce the itching, and as a cooling, soothing application, apply Vicks over the part affected, covering with a light doth. In severe cases do not wash the parts often; water irritates certain forms -ofecrema. FROST BITE Rub the parts affected with snow or apply ice water until the , blood begins to circulate. Then rub Vicks well in; do not cover with a cloth.' . Do not bring the parts affected near a fire. ' HEADACHE. NEURALGIA Rub the forehead and temples with Vicks, melt a little in a spoon and inhale the vapors, apply a little well up the nostrils. Headache come from many causes; they are symptoms of more serious troubles, usually faulty digestion or eye strain. If headaches are continuous, s physician or a good oculist should be consulted. MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM, SORE. NES3, STRAINS, SPRAINS For these troubles, alternating applications of hot and cold cloths should be applied as directed for Bruises. Then massage ffv-n the parts affected with Vicks, cover thickly and apply hot; flannel cloths. In cases of musci'lar rheumatism or ex treme mi'KMiar pain, rtr folloig ti.e directions above, a hot water bottle or a warm flat iron may be placed over the flannel cloth to help drive in the Vicks. PILES Severe cases of piles of long standing should be treated by a com petent surgeon. For itching piles, see Directions Folder with each package. POISON OAK Wash the part af fected with water colored with a pinch of bluestone; put in just enough blue stone to faintly color the water. Be carciu! not to get this bluestone water in the eyes. (Jf bluestone is not con venient, use ordkary lime, vs . er). Then apply Vicks lightly; do not rub in. Repeat this treatment, using the bluestone water and Vicks every three or four hours. ' SUNBURN Apply Vicks as a salve. Do not rub in. TOOTHACHE In some cases of tooth ache, Vicks will be found a temporary, relief. Rub it well around the gums, and if the tooth is. hollow, put a little Vicks in the hollow. Then apply a hot water bottle or a hot wet towel. . For Animals For domestic animals and ft?, 's, N'uVs has been found elective in ceruin dis eases. . DISTEMPER IN HORSES OR DOCS .. Rub .Vicks on throat and between jawbones and apply freely up the nostrils. COLDS OR ROUP IN FOWLS Pub a little Vicks over nose holes in beak and make the fowl swallow a piece the size of a bean. PNEUMONIA OR PLEURISY IN HORSES Keep in a warm, dry, well ventilated, roomy box stall, and give ; plenty of water and laxative feed. Rub Vicks well over chest and push handful up each, nostril. Rub the salve over region of the lungs, back of forelegs and cover witn wide bandage. Repeat ap plications every three or four hours until the fever is broken. Blanket the animal and bandage legs if stall is too cold. Give pint of raw linseed oil, into which an oun.-e of powder; d Joes his teen dis- 3U1VCU. 111 lkJ h j "l-t-rf quinine twice daily; w'P1 paper and throw well back of WM Vicks is Not Meant'to Rep the Physician I ' At the first symptom of eM ness, such as pneumonia, s py" should always be called. MsnjM troubles, such as chronic catnh tinued headaches, call for the 4 of a rood doctor. Vicks to simply an emergencj which can be kept in the instant use and which can reuKd with perfect safety, on the yWS. member of the family. J Samples Free j If you have never trie! Vicks be send samples free uvr- . any of your friends whose o addresses you will send us. J THE VICK CHEMICAL CO" . . . , Grentors. L- Yoor Bodysrisard Again Colda w I Mi Jm ! 1 I ?