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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1920)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1920. PAGE SEVEN. Ads Get Results at-Small Q Jtfetv 1 oday- ml Af jM VV a,. vv 'Z-" I . r " f A TTTCT I Vni'Tnn U I TJVn c a t t-i i nifnni i itmnn . ' ! ' r ; ggTFI KU Alt r -- a i im-. rwrtOAUij iui.iAiNtuUS I ' t REAL ESTATE C1 -. ,v v-- ; T i....l iii-wrtlOll one -juk I' " :. 5 cents, one mown :t: Minimum per ad Si .,ith. rv" . wtion only in Xew Today, first U1!V in advance and not tak CXnie nles advertiser has ' wv e cunt. No allowance for p:oml ii-ii r..,i ". -- rrCropie Independent Oil -m-s f-;Etvourself-learn how tluui T1H'i re making surprising prof " i w rvelou Texas-Limn, -"S . i f el is: postal brings you val anf,r infain.ation. show-in? your t ' 1 tor increased prosperity. l,m L Ukini! quick moneymak Eve,'i;ru nities writ. Independ '" News. Suite B3. wWihTe- .m30 -iTi"i F A real buy for someone. r ot "?U acres under plow. 1 i . nind good buildings locat Ti Site from city limits of good with good school; 14 miles iem and will be I mile of rU' i I this vear. Price $90 per IJJ 00 down, lung time on ? Clias. Kansom. Aunisville. Of - .TLEOr will trade for fcalem 6 room modern bungalow. 7 e ferson. full basement. P.ioiie s1'. I... c -m v. H. Jones. 055 R.;ond car Capital J6urnal. 130 ZZ SALE-I rfom house and one H ' f ground at 2406 Oak street; i coot! wens, u.n ...... iiuildin on Il;'! n41 n SALEOr exchange, in S. K. Finland. Have a 4 room plastered tauigalirtv Willi- dutch kitchen, I Km '.-" d-'wt; f e,ie:1,lt,,051t win-he, hath room with toilet. h,metrt. gas and gas lights, wired fur el-'Ctric lights. Also 2 bunwr r,suve In house; 2 lots 40x120 to I Hi foot alloy. Small house on buck l-'VlS with built in convenience, wood ' shed and outside toilet for small house. Chicken house and mnl. berries anil shade trees. Nice 'lawn. Good garden spot. Will ex change for Silverloii or Salem prop erty or sell cheap. See owner at E Marion St., Salem. a35 I WOl'I.O become ni'uitainted with a youns woniiin under 25 for sierrdy comiKUiv, if we become friends; 1 am American. 3. Please address L. Stiff & Son, SIlvjMynOr. n31 foil SALE Baled clover hay for sale at barn. C. S. Teeple. Ut. 1. Phone 8 to 9:30 l- in- .c5:! - FOR SALE Large reed baby car riage in fine condition, cheap. See it at Chambers Furniture Co. on Court St C.3 I FOK SALE Piano, Ellison phono granli, 125 records; gas range, heat er, electric iron, etc. 1215 Marion St. ' - - e32 Hill SALE Ford sedan, 1?1S,A-1 mechanical condition. Phone 3811 between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. or 69'; after 5 p. in. g31 FAKTIES 0nntem)latlng building ouugaloM's. cottages and residences of any kind should see me about plans, specifications, estimates and labor. Address 27 care Journal, mils FoK SALE 7 room house on paved street close In. . li'lrejilace, nioderu plumbing:, well arranged and In good condition. Price $2500; $250 down and $25 a month. W. H. Clra benhoiDt & Co., 275 State St. a30 f()"l! RENT 2 h i d "7o o m 8 clone ill. M'.one 1432. J30 VANTED l ttj 5 stands bees in mod em hives. Box lino Capital Journal. 137 FoK REXT Furnfshed rooms for liRlu housekeeping; parties with children need nut applv. 1309 X. -Col"l?L J J. 15 AXTEU CnrrierT6" years old for Capital Journal route. Can earn i'-U more for good hustler. Don't "M'l'ly unless you intend carrying thru thesiuriiiier. g Tif SAJ-tx Cylinder Saxon i-oal--er. If you are interested come nnd j take a look at it. F. A. Erlxon, 201 :nawif building, Salem. -qai TOR SALE A "few wrd5f diT WUOti raojie3o4or 622. c31 1 rt' ,raan Vu hiid" bweTlnTFchaS ma U acres of stump land located I rt 2 terina- 11 is we". flralnd l good son am, wiu ;U!lke a ih e home when cleared. John H. " Realty Co.. 22S Oregon bldg. " ACRES of choice 'TaTiirTTaTrTS hJ? 3 a 2 room ' 6 0 n and Cl'k'1"n house, $3, rt?Mvli n"V cr""9 0 "tnuvbe- ' Leahy Co., 228 Oregon bldg. Vvffvr;- . . . b31 OR 8aTp e " ' ei" bnm iT h7nltac'T8' sm,,1I h0"8 tiv,;(,H.bnf(,ar nK1 fruit, balance cul- f-mne 84F H h' balanre' timP- RRsi'i"fir,v . L n30 ,; 5 Wr icon " ."ieY pTaTiU P. 0. 214 s . , Mlmn 5- Address tric liShti Tel.?0'" bunBow. eleT " 'rk V ""lt 8- wefht 2700 ?thard worl ?r dl,ubl,,; to ei? very i ' , ,hefr harness. ir,llA strie,i,.- . In..-. llclilM T..,. t. in . T01- Jeffersni ea,st' s"nnyide I' ta thS 1 mo,,ern 0r fltl, fruit 5a'aKe- large lot, Jts to sell !v?nr nd C2cup " $-0Ol k f lncurn-MSiX-n cash. 5gonhidg0t- VTpT- li!? r CitV horn. l OreRon or I34t ... VUttU-nJ 7; iem'U r T" l". -? CC.;.i insertion n I ROOMS for rent, unfurnished or part ly furnished. Call 9l Center St. Phone lim, j32 I'Oli SALE "r trade 49 Korea heavy fir timber. Will consider car. Phone 209SJ. nil I KOlt SALE Neat 5 room house; mod ern except furnace, close in. Phone 20 98J. 3 2 I-OK SALE Straw $:0 a ton, chea hay J I'll a ton. Wni. Fitts, Rt.' 9. call 87F31. ; - - c;U FOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs, II per setting. Rt. 6, box 146. Salem. - . f32 FOR ' SALK Republic two-ton truck has (rood body for wood or fruit. Terms. Phone after 6 p. m. 8S8M. c32 " Good Buys. ' 1 a acres located 1 mile from city . 11 acres bearing fruit. 10 acres lo- j Kails, pood house and barn. $750 per ac re. ' 40 acres 3i miles out on good ron l I 3 acres in timber, balance under cul tivation, good house and barn, large orchard. J300 per aci;e. VI H -acres. m buildings, 10 acres in one year old Italian prunes; 6 acres in logans, good well. $4750. 3 room ceiled house, fruits, city water. $500. 1 room bungalow, 2 good lots, 20 fiuit trees, bearing. Price $2500. room plastered house, fair con dition, lot 50x150. fruit. Price $2100. Walter McLaren Room 28, 180 N Com. St. SALF.M has one of the most up to date and sanitary Turkish bath house that enn be found in Oregon; in conjunction with this bath house are baths and a swimming pool, Turkish bath is a great thing for colds nnd rheumatism; lady and gentleman attendants. Price " only 50c. Oregon Bath House, under Ore gon Electric depot. ni32 FOR SALE For SaleHouses B'Ott SALK Sacrifice, 5-room bunga" low and 2 large lots. 132 feet front. Call at J243NorthJ''roiU st, 33 WAXTEb 'TO ISfY From owner 5 orjt room house. Phone 1231YV". 30 FOIt SALE Nice 5 room modern house, barn, garage, carlino and pavement, . $1S50. Partly furnished if desired; llox3S, Journal. 34 FOK SALR It'y"owner,"2 ""tiousesTin quire at S9S Broadway. , Big bargain if Bold soon. 34 FOR SALK 6 room bungalow at 1357 North Winter street. Price $3500. W. H. C.rabenhorst & Co., BT6 Statestreet. 30 FOR SALE U room house at 386 Lincoln street. Price $2600. Terms. W. H. Giabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 3o I'OIt SALE Three lots, small house plenty of fruit; reasonabU terms. 544 State street. 31 FOR SALE C room plastered house, electric, lights, city water, two nice nots, fruit trees and chicken house, near mute school; can be seen at 2446 Hazel ave. 32 FOR BALE liy owner, 5 room furn ished cottage. "6 room plastered house, good location. Price $1000, r-cash-. 18 acres good black soil, close in; good house and barn. Price $4750, term. Brand new Chevrolet car- and fresh cow. Eaw yer & Einmett, room 3, Bayne bldg. 30 For Sale Farms FOR SALE 20 acre farm, excellent prune and loganberry land, all In cultivation; good house, barn and outbuildings, family orchnrd. Lo cated at railroad, station -five miles from Salem Address box F, care of Journal. u FOR SALE-r-A real snap! 160 licres 100 acres under plow, 10 good cows, 1 0 hogs, . 4 , horses and machy. 2 houses on place, barn large enough for 50 head stock. Located 11 miles from Salem. 2 miles- of good town with standard high school, will be ' Vt -mile- from paved road this year. Price $100 per acre, $7000 down and balance easy terms, low rata interest. Chas. Ransom, Aumsvillo, Ore For SaleMiscellaneous INCOME tax records for sale at 141 N. High. Phone 340. 50 GROCERY store for saic. Write J D Capital Journal. . 36 FOR SALE Player piano, nearly new. 2155 North Liberty. 30 FOR SALE 1 light one-tiorse wag on, 1 rubber tired open buggy, 1 light harness, 1 200-egg Reliable incubator, 1 brooder.. Apply 1760 Waller street. 34 FOUR-HOLE range for sale. Almost new, Keasonnble price. 1740 Neb- raska. ' 30 FOR SALE Good ranged atT386 Ferry street. - 31 FOR SALE 800 lbs new wire. Phone - 88F3, - . 31 FOR- SALR New Stelnway piano! $1050 instrument used only ons month. 4S2 South High St. Phone 1123. 31 FOR SALE A few medium . sized potatoes at 3c a lb. 1862 Broadway. FOR SALE Old papers for wrap . ping and packing 10c bundle. Cap ital Journal officer. For Sale Nursery Stock STRAWBERRY plants, jrrogressive Everbearing, Ettersburg 121 and Wilson. Vigorous well rooted plants Place orders now. Ward K. Rich ardson. 2395 Front. Phone 494. 35 FOR SALE -Strawberry plantB, Et terburg 121 from yenr-old plants. $5 per 1000. Phone 15F3. lr. C. W.Beech ler. 32 FOR BALE Wilson strawberry plants from young yard. Stemmed ready to plant at $4 per 1000. While thev Inst. Phone 22F21. 33 FOR SALE 1400 prune trees, 4 to S ft size.- Will sen the lot at 4c each. Claude H. Stevenson, Rt. S. box- 17B. Salem. Phone 36F16. 31 NOTICE TO HOP GROWERS 100, 000 hop roots for sale. For partie 'ulars call at 121 South Commercial 34 VROMAN Franquet walnuts grafted on black root. These trees ar grown In Oregon and aclimated ao the freeze had no effect on thm. We also have a good line of berry planta and bushes. Middle Grove Nursery, J. C. Herren. Prop. 30 THREE GOOD ORGANS FOP. SALE cheap on terms. The Wiley B. Al len Co.. 618 Court St. ? USED PLATER PIAXO FOR SALE Just like new. used only a few months: nice lot of music and bench included. Low price with terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co.. 619 Court street. " FINE CONN CORNET FOR SALE at a low price for quick sa4e. The WiIeyB. AllenCo., 61 Court St. SEVERAL "OF OUR FIXE PIANOS and player pianos that were bought and shipped before the raise in price are now offered ut last year's low prices to the first who calir with easy terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court Jjtreet. 29 Fov Sale Livestock- WAXTEl) A few head of stock ewes' F-B. DeckerL Sllverton. 30 WANTED An extra gentle work horse. Mrs. K. Schmidt. R. 3. box 116-j S3 FOR SALE Fine milk cows, or will - trade for fat cows. Call 87F24. 24 WORK horse for sftteTl 87West Mii- leiv - . -. : 30 FOR SALE 50 egg:Cvpress Incuba tor. $5.00. Milk strain Billv Goat, 1 266 N. 16th St. Phone 1617W. 33 FOR SALE 3-months old pedigreed Chester White pigs.- Rt. 7, box 91. 30 FOR SALE Good team and good job for sale. Phone 8-25 Turner, Or. . ' " si I OR SALK 6 weeks old Hongola, route 6, box 88. pigs. H. 29 FOR SALE Holstein registered bull, No. 219517, by Wit I'lah Lad No. 69497 and Lady .Annis 2nd, No. 114693, James Gordon, Silverton, R. F. D. 4; phone Sitverton, Red 144. ; ' 34 FOIl SALE Young calL 1492 Court "Ltr Phone 1144 V, 31 FOR SALE Team, wagon ami har- nesst 7tflSouth 13th. 31 FOR SALE 15" head shoats. 50 Tbs. Also Ford service car in good con dition. Phone1425R. 34 LARGE Percheron horse" "for saloT Phone 65F5. 31 For Sale-Wood. DRY wood for sale, fonr foot, and sawed. Call evenings 1678YV. 48 DRY WOOD FORSALE Also"take contract hauling wood, rhone 674R afterJS p. m. - 33 FOR SALE Slab wood In car load lots. Crabtree Bros., Stayton, Or. 37 FOR SALE Second growth fir wood Phone 199. 30 WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw your wood. Phone 1004. 32 WANTED Wood in jiii'ge "qulintities". Phone 1090M. 33 For Sale-Poultry BABY CHICKS Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorcas. Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham, 558 State St. Phone 400. 36 WANTED Wanted Help WANTED At once a man to live in a two-roomed house, 3 miles from Salem, free rent, except to do a few chores. A bachelor preferred. Can cut wbod if desired. John H. Scott 228 Oregon Bldg. Phone 254 or 622. 30 2 ST E NOG JtTPH ERF WANTED By the Phez company. 1 general sten ographic and shorthand work! 1 in terested in botany and chemistry. Call room 413 U. S. National Bank bldg. . 31 WANTEfi Some one to split cord wood. $1.15 per cord for splitting. Robt. A. Beer, Salem, Rt. 9. 3tt miles east of Brooks. 34 WANTED Maid at deaf school. Phone646. WANTED Good farm hand. C. C. Russell. Phone 3F3. WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral house work. Call 2525 S. Com. or phone 55F13. Wanted Situations WANTED Position as stenographer. Some experience. Box 144. Cars Capital Journal. 30 WANTED Position assisting with house work or caring for children. Phone 1289. 31 WANTED By man and wife with 2 little girls, room and board. Phone 1517W. 30 YOUNG WIDOW WITH 2 BOYS wants housekeepers position with gentleman, near school. Mrs. Ella B. Robinson, Rt. 1, box 53, Ger vais, Oregon 31 FOR YOUR HAULING AND MOV- Ing call 1608. J.Biedernian Trans fer. 40 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Oi T " Ju7irold clot hlng, tools, gems, musical instruments, ' cameras. Will call day or evening. Capital Exchange, 337 Court. Phone 493. WANTED Garments to remodel; new suits $45; cleaning and press ing. 644 State; Society Cleaners; Phone 195. Chas. - Ezra Sparks, tailor. ; 52 WANTED Four or five room mod ern furnished house. Two in fam ily. Can furnish references. Phone 833. 30 WANTED No. 1 cross cut saw. 2 horse Oliver plow. C. C. Mitchell, Turner, Or - 30 WANTED Second hand safe. Phone 340. 30 WANTED TO RENT Good 5 room house. Phone 1950R. 30 WANTED 2 light housekeeping rooms. C. D. Adams, general del . ivery, Salem. . 31 WANTED MODERN house keeplns rooms or furnished house. near Highway Garage, Phone 1984J. 81 WANTED Unfurnished apartments. No children. Phone 1268. WANTED Furnished house or apart ment, 3 to 6 rooms. Phone 29. FOR RENT TWO SLEEPING ROOMS FOR rent close in. Inquire 636 North Front. 3 FOR RENT 2 6 -room fiats. Close in See J. H. Lauterman, Argo notei FOR RENT Down stairs front room 1436J. ' " "MISCELLANEOUS BACK ON the job with a new Hoov er, Rues cieanea. ue per rug. u. u. " Buckner, Phone 16. 33 R. W. BALLANTYNE, piano tuner with Chtsrrmgton s riano xiouse 415 Court SL Phone $52. $3 NEW AND SECOND HAND furniture exchange, 395, South 12th, will han dle your household goods on com mission. Reasonable rate. Obtaining better prices than selling to second hand merchants. At present have nice clean stock to select from. Cannon, phone 1. ' JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Lost and Found 1HE party who took auto robe from skating rink is known. Return to Journal office and no questions ask ed. jo LOST A strand of soldb7ade7l 52 North Commercial, Salein Variety Store, reward. $o LOST Child's necklace.-Gold-beads strung on gold wire, phone 1153 or ' leave at Journal. Reward. 0' PersonaL . : FOR PERMANENT RELIEF" from high blood - pressure see Dr. : Schults. Call 864 or 1310J. 39 THE International Correspondence school will have their local repre sentative at the Bligh hotel every Saturday to give their students all ; assistance possible. He also will be ,glad to give the public information regarding the schools and their courses. LTBERT YEXCHANG EAif ki"n"dsof second hand goods bought, sold and exchanged. If we havn't what you want, we II get it. Try us. W Lubke, 241' N. Coin'l St. Phone 841, Salem, Or. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN for clients in amounts .rrom $1,000 to $5,000 on real estate security. Ivan- G, Mar-, tin. Masonic Temple. 30 Money to Loan , Federal Farm Loans . . Any amount Long time. 6V4 and 6 percent interest City building loans. A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon Money To Loan. On good real estate security THOSl. K. t'llRII Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or a.' .MARION-POLK National Farm Loan Ass n., Government money to loan at 514 percent 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. W. D. Smith. AUTOMOBILES." GRAMM-BERNSTERN TRUCK ihe oldest Its been the best since 1901. The newest First 1-cylindcr delivery; first 2-cyllnder; first 4 cyllnder; first Liberty truck; first army truck .in France; It is ths greatest hauling machine on earth. See it at Salem . Auto . Exchange. 229 State. FOR SALE 4-wheel trailer in" good condition. Will carry a ton or bet ter Also some good plgs. B. C. Zle llvoki, Salem. Route 9, box 111A. 30 FOR SALE Nearly new 2-ton Dia mond T truck, all. equipped. Phone 1608 J. A. H. Blederfhan. 3 1 1 MAWELL 1 ton truck, first class condition, $650; also one Maxwell touring car, all overhauled, $275. MolrBros.. J71 Court St. 31 AUTO" TOPS AND REPAIRING .Also upholstering Vf f all kinds, seat 'i4J covers. Service. O. i , J. Hull, Yi M. C. A Building, Salem, Oregon. REAL ESTATE LET us list your property.. A. L. Seamster Realty Co., 416 Masonic bldg. Phone 353. ESTES & MAGEE, real estate. If we list It we advertise it. Portland of fice 909 Chamber Commerce; Sa lem office 428 Oregon bldg, over electric depot. 8 WANTED SAIALL FARMS. Bring your listings of small farms and tracts. Price them right and we will do the rest. KINNEY & SMITH ' . ' 201 Bank of Commerce Bldg, Phone 1130 Some Attractive Properties 87 acres of grafted Franquet walnuts in fourth year's growth in Waldo hills eight miles from Salem; road paved half way, well graveled re mainder. $17,000i half cash, bal ance on time to suit. 10 acres at railroad station, with wa ter right from Irrigation ditch. Fine 5 room bungalow, good barn 22x40, chicken house and brooder, two acres orchard, walnuts, pears, etc. 18 miles from Salem. $4800, half cash, balance at 6 percent. 80 acres between Monmouth and Dal las, 40 acres In cultivation; 24 acres prunes, some logans and blackber ries; 15 'acres in grain crops; bal ance pasture and oak trees. 5 room house, good barn for 20 head and sheds 3 sides; windmill and gaso line pump with tank and store house. New 6?tunnel dryer and warehouse 26x50 feet. $18,000; $13,500 cash or trade, balance on time. " ' ! PEARCY BROS., Horticulturists 210 Oregon bldg. Phone 663 Good Burs Investments. Fine 10 acre tract near Salem, good house, some other buildings. Fine dark loam soil. One acre prunes, cher ries and apples. Bargain, $4500. 15 acre tract about 4 miles from Salem, set buildings; 6 acres bearing prunes. One acre loganberries and other fruits. For quick sale $6400, $2500 cash, balance easy terms. Good modern room bungalow. full basement and sleeping porch, on car line. Price $2500, $1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. Fine 15 aero tract 3 miles from Salem, fine modern bungalow, good barn, family orchard, extra fine loam soil, good road. Price $7000. 16 acres of choice loganberry land near Salem, plowed and ready to set. Snap for $210 per acre. For bargains ana square deal see Perrine & Marsters 811-12 Com. Club bldg. What You Want $1850 6 room bungalow on paved street, good location; A bargain. $40006 acres near the city, macad am road, house, Darn and other improvements. $13,000 170 acres, 60 acres In culti vation. Lots ot good-wood; aft miles out. t'ty property to $3000 and $4000 cash will han dle. $23,000307 acres, ..220 cultivated. Some timber, 4 springs, good stock or fruit proposition. 614 miles from city in Polk county $10,000 cash, balance , long time 6 per cent. A. L. Seamster Realty Co. Room 41 Masonic bldg. List your property JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOL'R.VAL WAXT ADS PAT. rudMr T r r Good Buys. SO acre tract located 5 miles east of I Salem, good house and barn, fruit, igood road. Price $16,500. I Well improved 32 acre tract, good 1 5 room bungalow, barn, fruit, paved iroad, close to school. Price $12,800. j 56 acre tract located 4 miles from Salem, 40 acres under cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture, 'spring, 18 acres bearing prunes, fam- jily orchard. 6 room house, large barn I rock road.. Price $18,500. i 61 acre tract located on main high jway. close in, house and barn. 8 acres bearing prunes, about 1500 cords of 'standing fir timber. Price $300 per j acre. j Well Improved 20 acre tract on I sock road, close to main highway; 5 , acres cherries, 4 acres logans. i room plastered house, - barn, well. Price ,$9000. I 19 acres all . in Jciearing prunes, close in, hard road, good plastered bunga low, electric lights. Price $8500. I 80 acre timber tract, located on gravel road, house. Price $80 per acre. t 38 acre tract, IS acres cultivated, balance slashed and timber; family orchard; spring water to buildings, 7 Iroom house, good barn. Price $5000, H cash, balance terms. Well improved 56 acre farm locat- ied 6 miles from Salem; good 8 room (modern house, barn, orchard, best of j soil. Price $200 per acre. ! 200 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated. house and barn, lots of timber, 6 miles from Salem. Price $100 per acre. ! 360 acre' farm located near Silver ton, house and barn, best of dark soil. Price $100 per acre. HOUSE BUYS 6 room house located in South Sa lem, corner lot. Price $2600, $900 down. Balance terms. 5 room bungalow located In South Salem. Price $2800. 6 room house located-at 1330 South Commercial street, bearing fruit. Price $2800. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street "Re-aF Investments A real home just outside of the city limits. 3 a"res with a 5-room modern bungalow mid own water system. Small barn, small chicken house. Family orchard and berries. Price $6,000, good terms. 20 acres, 10 acres under cultivation. New 5 room bungalow, new barn. Some strawberries. Buildings alone worth the money. Price $2500. Terms 13 acres, about 150 cherry trees, loganberry tips to set 214 acres; best of loganberry soil, all under cultiva tion. Price $2000, $750 down; balance terms to suit. - . : PRUNE. AND WALNUT farm. . 80 acres, 73 under cultivation, 12 acres in bearing prunes of which 4 acres are set to English walnuts. Land slightly rolling. Good buildings, fam ily orchard, 3 miles of Sllverton. Price $10,500. Good terms. We have a real business proposition for man and wife with $1500 or $2000 Estes & Magee 428 Oregon Bldg. Salem. Portland Ofice: 909 Chamber Com. 30 Good Values 314 acre farm, 200 acres In cultiva tion, 114 acres in oak Umber and brush; good buildings, on Pacific highway. $35,000. . . , 40 acres bearing prunes, 5 to 15 years; close in near pavement. $400 per acre. 1014 acres close In; 7 room plaster ed house, good outbuildings; some slock and farm Implements goes with the place. $4000. 20 acres, 8 acres In 5 and 8 year old prunes, 1 acre strawberries, other fruit; Rood buildings, good road, in fine district. $6250. 4 room house, 8 lots, $600 pavement paid, 2500 strawberry plants, 20 prune trees. This place must be sold. Price $2100. 6 room plastered house, good lot, North Front. Will trade for acreage. $1600. 5 room modern bungalow, 2 lots. Price $1600. Trade for acreage. Walter McLaren Room'SS, 180 N. Com. St. Salem Best. Buys 1 acre; 3-4 acre loganberries, all tipped; 5 room bouse, good outbuild ings, at carline, $2400. Easy terms. 1 acre all cleared, 4 room modern bungalow at. paved road, $1250. All cash. Want to secure $500 loan on 80 acres of timber land. Want to secure $275 loan on 2 cor ner lots In Salem. 5 acres; 7 room h.use, outbuildings) 1 acre fruit, 3 acres timber, close to car line. $3200; half cash. 40. acres, good improvements; 18 acres bearing prunes, $4000 will han dle.. 30 acres, 20- bearing prunes, 3 acres apples, 8 acres In loganberries, new dryer, fair Improvements. $5500 will handle. . Socolofsky, 341 State St. Liston's Bargains In Bungalows. 1 Six room bungalow, modern ex cept heat. Goes at $3050. 4, live room, homey .bungHlow, modern except heat, two largo lots. $3200.. (Photos of numbers 1 and 2 n:ay be seen at my office.) 3. B'lve room bungalow, modern ex cept heat, lot 75x180, on carline, $2650. 4. Six room fully modern bunga low on paved street, $.1000. p. Five room cottage with basemen. on carline, $2300. 7. Seven room Htrlctly modern with steam heat, 4 blocks fcom state house $4750. W. A. Liston . Agnt, 484 Court street a33 r DIRECTORY " Optician DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optome trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex amined, glasses made and fitted. 610.12 U. B. bank. Phone 341. Osteopath. OSTEOPATHIC physicians and sur- . goons, Drs. Whits and Marshall, 606 U. 8. bank bldg. Phone 859. Dr. White, res. phone 489; Dr. Marshall 834. . YALE Hand laundry. 194 8. 12th 8t. Phpne 8 TYPEWRITERS, libraries, office fur- niture and appliances bought ana sold. 141 N. High. Phone 349. 50 Why Sell For Less ? WE will pay u more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore iyou sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Btore. 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone 734. Safety Razor Blades. HAFKTY razor blade sharpening ma chine, Iirst inmnwwi at a. . Stew art Repair Shop, HI Court St DIRECTORY Scavenger. SALEM SUA V ANGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani mals removed. Office phone Main 167. SalemjWto Exchange. Monitor cars now on display! Cuiiie and see them. 229 State St. Phone 869. Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years experience; DeHit National and American fence, si?.es 2S to 5S inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, etc.. loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stuve Works. 2 jQ Court street. Phone 12 4 Water Company. SALEM WATER COM PAN Y Office corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Rills payable monthly in advance. Phone 57. Long Distance Hauling.. EMPEY "TRANSFER-CO Local and long distance freight hauling. Dally service to Portland, outside trips anywhere. Reasonable charges. Of fice 445 Court street. Phone 998; night phones 679J, 674R. Salem, r. 86 Lodge Directory. PC CHKMEKETA lodge No. 1 meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet at Me Cornack hall on every Tuesday ut 8. Harry Levy, C. C; P. J. Kuntz. K- HJi S. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening in MiCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. llunn, 648 Union St recorder, Mrs. Melissa Persona 1415 N 4th St. Phone 1436.VI. I NIT ED ARTISANS Capitiil AssTrnT bly No. 84 meets everv Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Glenn C. Ntles, M. A.; C. A. Vihbert, secre- tary, 340 Owens street. VV. 6. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornack nail, cor. Court and Lib erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome. C!, RossC. C. ;. L.S. Jcer clerk MO DEUNTw OoCm EN - OF AMERICA r Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246 meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets, H. O. Coursey, V. C; Frank. A. Turner, clerk. .Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2S2.10; feed oats 8085c; milling oats 8588c; cheat hay $19ft320; oat hay $21 22; clover hay $23(fi24; mill run $4748; Butterf-tt: Butterfat, 62c; cream ery butter 64(S 6"5a. Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on toot 14 3-4c; veal fancy, 23c; steers 89c; cows 69 8-4c; spring lambs I2(ff)13c; ewes 4(R!5c; sheep, yearlings 7 9c. Dressed pork 1821c. Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 37c; light hens, 24c; heavy hens 26c; old roosters 15tfj)18c; springs 24c. Vegetables; Onions per pound 6c; celery doz. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima 6c; Oregon 44'lc; sweet potatoes 8c beets per sack $2; turnips per sack $2.50; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnips per sack $3.50; spinach 10c lb.; rad ishes 40c doz. Fruit: Oranges $4.60 6.00; 1 moni $7i'7.50; bananas 11c; honey extract 20c; buncn oeets 46c; cabbage 6o; head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; grape 15c; Brussell sprouts 16c; caullfflowei $1.75 doz; red peppers 25c lb. rhu barb 1214C- Retail price: Eggs dozen, 43oj creamery butter 6870c; country but ter 65c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 3.40 soft wheat $2.90. LIVESTOCK Portland, Or. Feb. 4. Cattle steady receipts T, sleers best $11. ROW 12.50; good to choice $1 0.G0W 1 1.50; medium to good $9.50f(j. 1 0.60; fair to good $8,60(ff 9.50; common to fair $7.50 ft 8.50; choice cows and heifers $9.50(10.50; good to choice $8,500 9.50; medium to good $7.50S.50; fair to medium $6.50 8.50; canners $.'I.50A.50; bulls $6.25 (ft) 8.59; prime light calves $16.60917; medium light $12.50 tfj 15.50; heavy calves $7 12.50; stockers and feeders $89.50. Hogs steady; receipts 250; prime mixed $15. 7516.25; medium $15.25 &15.75; rough heavy $12.25015.25; pigs $12.75j14.75. Sheep steady; receipts 19; eastern lambs $16. 60017. 60; light valley $16 016,50; heavy $1 4.60 1 6.50; feeder lambs $12iftl5; yearlings $13.60 14; wethers $133 13.G0; ewes $1012. Butter Portland, Or., Feb. 4. Butter firm cubes extra 59 14 lit 60c; parchment wrapped, box lots 62c; cartons 83o; half boxes 14c more; less than half hoxes lc more; butterfat 560o f. o. b. station; 83ijjf64c Portland. Poultry and Eggs. Portland, Or., Feb 4. Weak; Eggs selling price case count, 41c; buying price case count 40c; buying price 43c; selling price candled 47; selected candled la car tons 63c. . Poultry: Hens 30 33c; broilers $5 1040; roosters 18c; turkeys dressed 49 50c; geese 20L25c; ducks $5 40a Wheat and Mill Stuffs. Wheat: $2.20; barley, $7$; oat $60.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $58.00 Id. Hay: Buying price, valley timoth. $2028; alfalfa $31.50; grain $26; cheat $22; clover $26; oats and vetch $28. MUlstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, cit artage $2 extra. Mill run," car lota o mixed cars $44 ton; rolled barley $73 rolled bats $66.60; ground barley $71 scratch feed $80. Corn whole $66; cracked $61. MEXICO HIT BY FLTJ Mexico City, Feb. 3. Influenza has i-e-apueared In epidemic form in Mexi co. Many cases have been reported in this cty and 60 soldiers have been found ill with the malady. Reports! state Influenza has appeared In the states along the United States frontier. t Marion News. J Marion, Or., Feb. 4 Mr B. F. Eu ley returned home last Friday front Salem, where she had been for a week if. a hospital there. She returns much improved In health. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith have i turned to their home in Portland art ier visiting relatives here and at Philo math. Albert Mitzner entertained about 3S of his friends last Friday evening at the home of his mother. The Endeavor of the Friends' church will have a social at the hotmt ol Mary Thomas next Friday night Mr. Stowe, who makes his home at the Soldiers' Home in California, ha been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Slyter. Mr. ISengs Is building a machine shed to replace the one that went down with the weight of the snow. Mrs. A. D. Hoag received a message last Friday announcing the serious ill ness of her mother. ' She left at once or. the noon train, leaving Mr. Hoag la charge of both his and her work at school. Bonnie HaacU of - the ninth; grade assisted Mr. Hour. As Mrs. Hoag was returning on Sunday she was In an auto accident. A large auto struck the auto bus in which she was rittijf, causing serious damage to the bus, running it into a ditch and throwing Hi onto Its side. About twelve pas sengers were in the bus. Several jrere hurt, but Mrs. Hoag escaied none the worse except for the nervous shock. Her mother Is better at this time. Hazel Green Notes. J iluael Green, Or., Feb. 4. Messrs. , Murkln und "Galen of Stayton visited, their old friend, Grandpa Peterson at Hie Williamson home, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Caswell went to Albany Saturday. Mrs. Caswell wilt not return unless they decide to live In this vicinity longer. Mr. Crosslyn arrived Thursday to sea his friend, Jeff Tavener. The young men went to Portland Saturday after a oar. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rogers, Mrs. Rick- etts and son of (juinaby spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davis. Mrs. Anna Zelllnsk! returned Thurs. day from Stayton. Harry Boehm and family have been, ill the past week but are on the road to recovery. Miss Murle Bennett li staying in Sa k in and taking treatment. The following members of the Uni ted Brethren Sunday school attended the Young People's division confer once In Salem Saturday: W. A. Dun! gan, Gene Parmenter, Harold Baltum, Edna Davis und Emma Fitiher. About 30 persons attended the pa? ent-teuchers' meeting Friday evening and only a small percentage were par ents. More Interest should be display, ed in the association which has bene fited the school hy providing play ap paratus and paying for half of the new song books. The subjects of "Thrift" and "The Health Crusade" were ably presented by Prof, and Mrs. F. W, Jones. Mrs. G. O. Looney gave an In teresting account of the last parent' teachers' meeting held In Salem. - The Christian Endeavor society is observing C, B." week. February 1-8, with special programs on the two 8un liny nights, attending the prayer meet ing on church loyalty and giving a so clul to the young people of the com munity on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Looney. This si.clal is to be a "Smile" social and will cost you 3 or 6 cents according to the size of you smile. You will have the irivilcuo of tvlslllnv an uit. g:llrr and hear a program given by the Peak Sisters. Remember the date, Febru ary 6th. C. A. Vun Cleave went to Mt. Angel Sund'uy to see his brother, Joe, who had injured his ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fox of Salom aro spending the first of the week with, his mother and brother, Gale, on the old Latham place. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chapman, Freda, Willie and Freddie Chapman attended st rvlces at the Hazel Green church Sunday evening. London Bank Clearings Show Bigain Over 1918 T.i. ml, hi Feb. . Bills, checks, etc.. paid at the Bunkers' Clearing House during 1919 aggregated 3,386,768,000 pounds or 860.000,000 pounds mere than In 1918, P. W. Matthews, of the Bankers' Clearing House, in sending out these figures attributes these enormous fig ures largely to the high cost of raw material, the Increased price oi pio ductlon and the consequent larger de mand for banking accommodation. Activity on the stock exchange was factor. Bones of birds are filled with air while those ot most mammals contain marrow. FARM LOANS Any amount Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem Oregon