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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1919)
MEXICO HOLDS Weather Forecast Tonight nnd Thursday fmr. Mil ..iiiuiii an. Minimum 19. No luliifiill. Listen for the Carrier's Whistle. If you do not receive your Capital Journal promptly, phone 81 before 7:30 o'clock and one will be sent you. AVERAGE CIKCXIiATlON FOR NOVEMBER, 1919 54 5 9 Only Sulcm Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. CIT LOOMS STAND IN CASE1 NATION ta AiiiiAimnrn t.iii-iiiiirii " - - i 111 llllllSlllllllil II ' U nniivunvLi; "nan H ra . r-T- A JUL LAr m Three Killed And Many Hurt In Disorders Growing Out Of Socialist Demonstrations; Strike Called. NO. 286.---TEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1919 MUSTS OF PRESIDENT Ity llulj'li Tiinicr (l!l,U,.,l I'l-CHH fctntf Correspondent.)! Mexico City, 1"'. 2. Tho Mexican! teverniriont has not changed Its attl mdn lu Ihe JotrtVltiB case. I I. Ij .le.litruHon wa made today by llilarlo .Medina, nouns iorcijtu minis ter, In - fKcliinlvo Interview with 1 1'rosH. .."Sln ffXXX STuS Steps Being Taken To Make tud States," Htll Medina. "Wo outlined tl. facts then, nnl they arc tin- tin tir-t'1. It Is true relations nro dell niii', tint thoy are not ho iJvilii'.ul us tu ,:uih'c n break. I h not think thoy i,ru beyond the poBKlliillty of an unil ll settlement." Opinion Im llcwrved. 1 .(IHUI Willi IK" n II'MClM! UJI..1...U regarding tho latest American note i .vlileh reiterated that William (. Jen kins, American consular agent, must ) released from tho Puobla Jnll). Ho ,,,nl.l not Indicate Mexico's roply, ho t.nid. because It would only follow tho carcftillost deliberation hut ho express- construction message' LODGE WOULD SEVER ALL RELATIONS WITH MEXICO IMMEDIATELY S TORN Effective Some Legislation As Urged By Wilson In An nual Message Yesterday. Washington, Dec. 3. A concurrent "I charge that the Mexican embas resolution directing President Wilson sy in Washington, the Mexican consul to sever air diplomatic relations with generals in New York and San Fran Mexico Immediately and withdraw this Cisco and consuls along the border are governments recognition of Carranza constantly stirring up revolution and wa introduced today in the senate by bolsheviki ideals," Fall declared. Senator Fall, New Mexico. "Carranza. is behind this propaganda." Fall's resolution also would put con- Senator Shields declared that a res- gress on record as backing up the olution by Senator Ashurst, directing state department's action in the Jen- the war department to send troops to ITALY BY BOLSHEVIST ITS HAY kins case. The resolution was referred to the foreign relations committee. Fall declared that evidence has been Uy I.. C. Martin r (l.'nilcd Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Doe. 3. Steps were be ing taken today to make effective at once some of the recommendations President Wilson :,,u2'", his "re to congress. ill the belief that tno American gov- Much of the necessary legislation is eminent, wiih misinformed regarding already ponding, having been intro thu olrciiniKlnncru of tho Jenkins case duewt luM session and caught In the ii nil liilsundorHtood Mexico's position. Jam created by the treaty, The minister paid ho wished to mnko the border did not go far enough and that it should be changed to declare war on Mexico. 'For the last five years there has obtained that will astound the cuuu- been ample cause for us to go to war" try whon It Is produced. Foreign Minister Says Deris ion On Jenkins Affair Re mains Unchanged; Situation Is Admitted Delicate. Secretary Of Treasury Says Government Books To Show Red Balance At End Of Fiscal Year And tnonae m $1,500,000 Probable Next Year; Figures Incomplete As Congress May Appropriate More Millions. By Ralph F. Couch - (United Press Staff Correspondent) : ixru;l tw rv A deficit of more than three billion dollars will show on the .taMte LS?SS on Juune 30, 1920, the close 01 me cuneuu J Jetary of the Treasury Glass estimated in his annual re port to congress loaay. Shields said. Patience, Says Cop, Sometimes Not All Virtue MAN AND 111 HELD ON WHITE SLAVERY CHARGE HERE TODAY By t'amtllo Clanfarra (United l'ress Staff Correspondent.) Rome, Dec. 2. (Night.) Three persons have been killed and at least a dozen injured, many severely, in rioting resulting from socialist demon strations at the opening of the chamber of deputies Monday. Carabines upon l ire. A defielt of one and one-half billior looms for the next fiscal year, Glass also estimated. All tho figures given by Glass are estimates or forecasts of conditions, which, according to knowledge at hand will prevail six months and a year and n. half hence. Congress, nowever, mu 'use them In revamping tax laws as I suggested In President Wilson's mes sage and In paring nppropnauuna. Detailed Report Made. sto.ttnir with a balance of $1,002,- 732 042 In the treasury at the close of business June 30, 1919, Glass' figures ere summarized as follows: COAL SITUATION IS ASSUMING SERIOUS . ASPECT; EAST COLD fired on Carabiners who returned tno close yr. fire, killing one and wounding six. Rome was placarded tonight witn Glass tagged as "incomplete" At 9 o'clock this morning police re- ceived a phone call. It was an excited! . vio,at. Here is the reconstruction program I woman's voice that rang in Sergeant I. 1h M.nn wihte slave act, and lain that Iho Mexican (tovernment is the president recommended as It standj llurry N Rowe's ears. She said tha I the state law prohibiting the contmis- H.-.1 licensing Consular Agent Jenkins, today: ,, v, ,,, hr hnmt slon of an immoral act, Karl West, but that tho coup ivas one Instituted In Budget ' 32. an(j pearl Clevlnger, 15, were In the local courts nt Pueblii and that tho ; Tho house has passed the Good bill, at once, uimeuiini; wru u..- I the city Ja,ll this afternoon. They were manl(fcHtoa ,,raigmg Bolshevism and dcclstlmi rested With thorn. . creating a budget mireau unoer presi- ueneu, i (arrested in a local roonmiB urging workers to establish Soviets. i..iiiv in tbn contention that the dontlal direction and an independent Summoning a taxi Sergeant Roweiwhere it is claimed they have been winronee loyalist and socialist belonged to tho federal vonrt Mc auditing system. A resoitmon cnmi- hastene(1 t0 the number mentioned 'residing as man ana wue m ,11,',;, sl,l there wns a possibility It natlng the seven appropriation com- , t- He rang th weeks by '".' would go thorn but that tho qucallon ol mltt. es of the house and substituting Parklnson answer- son and PoliCe Wtttroa S ' 1, Isdletlon would be decided hv the one committee will be considered as door tell and Allie Parkinson answer ly nftev noon. , vi..... v n,,i inUisB thn liiKliret ert. Ke was calm mere seemeu iv , rMef or police varney inuuinirai.-.,j , .,,, supreme court, u ins was inc mm ...... ,.- " ' . " .... ' C-' tn vo-st Assistant United .B" ""- "J , h . f .hR war tai . law under?: bill, uepreseniauvu uuuu, v....... nave Peen n0 caiainuj unci nu. .o.ciji...- - i Florence, in numo ; ---- v ,mn of the budget committee, said to- That man oyer there.. an(1 she States District Attorney Ba.nett II. ng cRy wIth only tw0 news-: which taxes will be lleoced for tne Current Fiscal Next Fiscal Year. Year. vntoA nt Milan when Cara c!.n.nit. . biners fired upon a crowd of workmen, tures..$U,476, 627,219 9"'18''" One Carabiner was injured fatally. Receipts 7,318,000,634 6,620,350,000 in KOme U ruuF L iuuk, coo' 3,150,88 8, 643 l,.U,oo,oo - all may appropriate additional raimun estlmatea, mereiu.o The deficit as Several were may be increased at a time when many Injured. (citizens complain u. ia ,.si TemiKirnry Biriae iuiku. : ouruensome. demonstrators clashed. The socialists called a temporary I in Rome, Milan ami War Tax Is Basis. Receipts estimated by Glass are on : niaiion inai sucn u uuumv nun "nin plated. Ho did not know when the inline: would bo made ForelK'niKitcc AKki-il. Muanwhllo .TcnkinR has an opportun Uv to obtain his llboity, by furnishing Senator McCormlck, inlroduction In the senate, delcgatln: nnu.tQin fnr intnictlons. and was ad' Illinois.' has pointed across the street, "has piled v,ged tQ proceed w,th prosecution un id, nnd Is being budget making to the treasury depait- n wniall ball, Ilcdlim wi veil Healed. Whlli' he had not been ment. iermally chniK. d collusion with the 1-adllH who kldnnped him. the Tu, Senator Sterling, South Dakota, authorities are Htlll 1 n vest I gal I m; publican, sum uumy . . ! nis Dill rorcuiniiumuij ,,.,v.,.. some wood on my lawn. make him take it off." 'Tis said, something like this, that there are times when patience ceases to be a virtue. . n.u ..!.. ...... n hi nni Ki re UliU p...lH. .I.U I.MU.nvy. - . ,,,, flls that a consular npent Is not beyond the pation mm "-" ,"" , jurisdiction of the state courts and en- pules. It provides a federal in estlga tilled to no different treatment than a Hon board, emiwwered to aWjn after livate lndivldiu.1 In nuch a matter. tne nonru o. '' , ..., ftf 111 "I beg the American public, nnd has failed. The b 0 M l Press to wait and bo calm and they or lockouts, pending the result of the j me sure to be convinced of the Oustlce feiterai, llulBl't j ef .Mexico's stand." Medina conceded. aetm wiufce wttght on , .1 N VEST1CJ ATINO COMMITTER e Sterling hill empowering criminal , URADY TO ItlatiltT ANY TI.MH courts to deal w. n " vlsts and "reds" generally, btnaior AVashlngton. Ic. 3. Senator Falls Sterling announced. . oaners the Popolo Romano and the remainder of the current . fiscal year ' t, Ti.n. iilllitieii ..nioaa ennerress makes swift changes, i. You must rtfir the state act dealing with .-lewd u I These laws. Glass showed in the re- cohabitation. Until stress of business ere . ' f ,jeputie8 this after-'port, enabled this government to meet lessens in the federal court, ,Go'dstin I noo" elected Former Premier Orlando m0re than 43 per cent of its war ex- said, the case would not be dealt with ;non e t. candldate, president pendituies oul of current receipts.. I ft, Hr.nn aM ,1.113 RUV1 .n... thlnno ohniln itt thfi Vfi-' Sergeant Rowe, more J-, "-"" tliat he came of the chamber. ., " T ... n. rput-rttii rnrmer roremi. Donuru uim. . ,w Spanish-American war bonds total-1 ling Jl'36,000 still are ouisianuu.H. The world war cost tne unnw. than once arbitrator a la impromptu " " ; " ""r wks kao with Tomasso Tlttoni, former rore.g.. . pore are ... ..... i..nA .. .rfoir Ami. " " ... . nmutlnted nreslueni oi w i, .i.i (mm Morton, vvasn., win .xn " ' . i in similar cases, settled the affair ami cably by requesting the man to remove tho wood, then he mounted the taxi and swore. . .... . trlA,n. Cmmnnillil. ivtlnr, nf marrvlllg IUH . ne " " that they had made an effort to wed at Morton and were unable to do so because of the girl's age, and that she agreed to come here with him land become his wife CITED FOR tu.eeial Mexico Investigating commit tee is ready to report at any time on li.e advisability of nrnied intervention I the United States, committee mem bers said today. Fall, Jiiht back from the border, had a long conferennn with Secretary Lan- sing. Fall said later his committee can make a partial report at any tl-e for the Information of congress, should it l e needed, although mucn Invest. yiu ii'B remains to be done. Nolo Not Answered Meanwhile, Mexico had not replica to Lansing's note requesting release ot tVillium O. Jenkins, American consul lit ngent, imprisoned nt I'uebla. An other refusal to freo Jenkins (Continued ' p"!' 8ovcn'' T E XPLORINC PARTY FOR ORFGON FAVORFD TO REPRESS WEST IN PASADENA, REPORT With . the prettily Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 3. Ninety seven members of the United Mine . a ,njnQ umi'A ritPfl for vvoriters o. , ' ,Wot,v ,ieCorated contempt of court touay, chu.bcu multitude of Christ- againsc u.u pu i.bbh. - .phcIi- mas lignts, everjumiB - gabled booth!, with flaming violating the coal strike. Injunction ,h defendants are the 84 ness today for tne nai " iiiv.if, ..... - .... .i nn.i -tnmnrrow til Pasadena, Cal, Dec. 3. Greatest in terest centered today in the selection of teams to ptey tha east-west football classic here New Years Day. mincement as to whether Har vard will accept the chance to prove International officials, d.smct pres.- ,D " Htore , th3 tity nerself better tha nthe west nas oee tuee .i.e.. . .mother .,rnmiRed for today. The committee ... 'restrained by Judge A. B. Anaerson reur -- Tllea with cholM -harge expects telegraphic noting- " , , ., dents and executive com tut ftv Vn hv I from lunneniiB RULED IN nnv and th contributions from tne wm. .- u... .,.i 0 Htec- means. ,., , , . . tnwn. . a gem of it's kind. It was generally " v. The charsfes were i.iea vy . ... " " ' m..ra.v pian0 iamp tion of the western team - 8i.L"S the Tn- wthan eKauhdte "rose shade, a gift pected before nfebt, aitnoug,. torney m cuiusc "" : ..., t r..n,n tiff & Son.: a silk petticoat no... migm oe a . . ait rnmnn'V The University oi there States 26,007,OOO,UUl), exclusive loans to the allies.totalllng ,4uo,uuu 00. The gross public debt was 26,210,- s cin nnn at tho r-lnse of business OctO-l jk ber' 31, of which 910,684, 987.44 was from nale of war saving eertiucaies and $20,443,314,359 from liberty bondB and victory notes. ; ' ' The funded war debt will De com- pletely retired in 25 years under the cumulative sinning iu.. ' 3.1919. I Gold Supply Big. Gold coin and bullion in. the United States totalled $2,872,525,066 Novem ber 1, or "about one-third of the ,.., M'u tnnnetarv stock." Rising costs of labor ana materia, have "rendered gold mining progres sively less and less profitable" and de creased production. Glass Indicated reduction of taxation to .worn he thought of now.- He said: I "Though any appreciate reuuw"... - : . - - i . Seventy five per cent of the Industrial plants in Chicago and other mid-western cities face suspension before Satur day. Stores operatod on six hour bass in Kansas City. Dea Moines, Indianapolis and oth er cities throughout the soft coal consuming region. Lights on streets and adver tising signs turned out in prac tically all mid-west cities. Hospitals subsisting on day by day fuel rations. wKh the isolation hospital at LaSalle. 111., forced to close, Railroads slash schedules in hopes of keeping most neces sary trains in operation. Governors of Illinois and M'ssouri confer with coal oper ators in hope of- procuring strike settlement or coal mip- ply. . - . Confiscation of coal resort ed to by officials in many cit ies. i-nxa1 armv of volunteers. protected by armed guards, continues to dig coal. Miners at Trenton, Mo., say ing they are "Americana" re ported returning to work to save their neighbors from suf- lerltiff." ' Permits . Issued in Milwau kee for week's supply of coal to consumers. Newspapers Buspend editions in Omaha. ' , , Five hundred Nebraska uni versity students - respond W !cnll for volunteers to dig coal. CARLISLE S AYS IE MISJUDGED SPEED OF PURSUING POSSE In the amount of revenues from taxa- Douglas, Wyo., Dec 8.- -Willlam t Slack, district at- from ! Cleveland, th Portland Cloak and Suit ComW . . . . . .,innin ware from Moore i The eighty four original aewnuu..- a h - " v. an(l a magnifl- the Oregoniai learned. Such a refusal, n " pi-cted, .would make tho situation suf- Film innrtlon and L. E . torney. nn s Two Anier-. ,, ..,i,tv fnm. ' ' i,,. ovne- 11 . ' ... .i. n,iu ths.t the r Furniture w.mld leans, member. . -Smltn. ,7,.., Ik have encouraged the cent piece of cut glass not snrtirisn the state deoartntent, It tmion '""'" , , Universal ,, on strike in viola- rna .eene - T..UI1TI II' u u ." l.iiiieio lllll "" ,.i..,l l n rail- - . company, were ' . tion oi in tne timoui.t ' "narlor car tram Uon is not to be thought of during a Carlisle, Wyoming s parlor , ,..., tho o-overnment's t resting easily this atternou'.i Moore's ed mwh in fsvor here and many pick curr(jnt alsbUrsemcnls will exceed its m & ,)0S1)Uai here, while deputy Bhet-nagnlfl- the Oregonians as the lucky team. receipts and when the congress .wnrnarl detectives in adjnin- . llld The University of Oregon has gain- no a I.xiB"" II. e vficB" - . .nmlW. from Gardiner Washington, however, still is considei are a ie win mo ea -w rhancea will auiu. lis cuiiBiaeung various ju'' watch his every move, inc vast additional appropriations, it is in room watcn n ie , i; a urn- ramVkriilre. Mass., i- . ... ttA0 nt inxntion witn a hp was ka on nnrini uuuiu i-" " " . ir kthii v liih iiiv.iw - mnnt nu nftre win uv . ..i..!- .,mii-.iin m iinvn.. - . .. . . , .. :,cu.;.ted to induce the miners duce booth aeanw d ciaion on toe pro, view ,o v... yc;terday at the Williams ranv neneve, the duty of the congress to f.e.iently sertouft to he palled to the nt- roaa nn(1 gever. Itiillon of Presldoti cabinet. Ygnaclo Honllasn, Wilson and tne gian.u. mimed, according . t0 work. Carlisle says he was unarmed i when i shot througn h.o L...i h Sheriff A. & HoacU Mexican nmbas- to a e: i;:i,W i,.a vi,n,.io,l to nresent to sec- tenuis, ... , tne . . .A ...?..",;:. ..i-ce Thierry, a newsp..,,... ... i Muiry j i)i lining lunnv tuu Mippllml by tho Me .f (can povornmont expedition .in,i in n ral - . ,.nrocy tprniM or ine iu- imn . were ... , ti()ii ui i""" . , , the Engo forent, boi- jlinctlon and that they hae nn nil iltPn LU lUUU" v' lliuc - f. h onUt ailUKetu - ,,.IlllBnntflfthltOthC lines whwh i'-"-- J - . ,nii. othersseriouslynjureu.-" t 2 l lo fix bond late from anything heretofore snow., ... poseu u.,, the coache3 revenue from a m.mmu... r )hytfl(.,an, who is here ablegram by " . . . JuiiBe nh of the defend- Salem, which was designee, u, voted favor- . venience ana ..uu-u-. " ,h8 robber. "I .iatitm iron. tins aite. - NimRver for the occasion. u.i. - u ... WB- reCerred ., t, hfifore goine t u, , r.,iI,ir, m.iHs urced. snouta uu my guns in - , from EilzabethsvlUe, Bel- ants. ho told Dr. U W. ate when the defend- special attractions the fortu. aWy-. it, tneuu , , t support tho charge of (ifeainst Jenkins. Krltlsh Suhieot Freed perjury giatl Congo, j The dead: I Dr. . . nt LOS Joseph B. Ann".-" dical direciu. a,. o'clock next Tuesday morning. I would not When the omccn Information reached Washington io AnM PXuedttIon ...... .... . . umm manacer OI tne . ,l.v . inn KiiiTif mil ix 1,1 "M ,r ,.t i. date wnen tne u " . ..M..utQ. Ludv" n L. K tsr gs. . . ..... .. ... ,... witn . .-..neh house, ho ii 00 .... i . nt 10 tnttor known as me a,no of the may- along a w.e v - r - ... to u.m'" . - ., toll the future, ami euu itiiww w ... ,,..,, !. incomes aoaemit iwww scuro . . ,fc nmn wno ... . . ,,m of onttflimt ne a lavurauic vw , - ... r,,ntnrt in T was so stamen tnai Bios. cd, - -- . making vast lnvest.i.c.i.o ... t.v,Q - municipal bonds. He also urgeu .c- e am. toe, -j . tho ov. oss nrofits tax. "Tncy wi" - ca. u. i,v .-- Angeles, ""V?" n of Los T'-owe, a British suhlects, by rebels at W iHian d dircctor of the epe-, Xaeatecas who hold him for ransom, nnmoi. i- 'I'ho British vlco consul at Zacatccas dition. mcmbers of the party , immediately protested and reported The mjurci the abduction to tb Br'tlsh consul are: o Los Angeles, pho- Kfc.neral at Mexico City. Tho govern- i - , bmised It is held by manv hero that I.rit- ,)0dy Injuries: R. H. Vibbert, 97, f r L D o c Of DTOUKO, x-'aww ...... ho served by the Lauies of the Altar Society bot hevenings. An excellent program moot at onoo efrectrl Rowe's release, toprapntr. . of Lns Anffeies, it..i T i r Hfllll v . . nnr Hl'l hp rn l Mil l j-i-- " iniiirius. . Wl sublee.tR r accorded far better photos. Vibbert came iu treatment by the Mexlenn srovernment ions. Tn!erry. correspondent, b penrlgyjvania in H tlinn AmnlA.u l.,A nri.n.111 V lO IH r. i - . ... , afl n.. O'1 7 thi , evening, and .repeated tomorrow ...ll I O.i,iltional classical dance by l J. Xf.'rrht JeanettefeVkes anil a vocal solo by th'.. ere Last Mgft &-WRS ' JS v t V'relnia Dorcas, a pupn APPEAL IN CASE IS FILED TODAY mta- Car- .... i.toiiB ShiDD. a locat- uance "'"'". ,....., . omt sn'e- o ... -tio. s'rom m.c .. . . . . ,tior,s. oruisen - nt ltoou --- .,. LangenoerB. ft.ct that Great Britain has not recog- head naturallst. anu w Tne Dailes, thence o tilzed Carranza, II Vibbert of Brooks died at a Be. ding ter violln sel. ttll" here Tuesday evening at the of Hra. Le Schoettle. Grecian ,spital here iu , ort; came to Ore- ection by Miss m J of i in 1875 locat- Dance W ' From there he Mrs. Ka Ph pupil White. Vocal solo by Dan neau "''"T, naturalist, aim - ., t Tlie pa les, tne HerTeRo" -tani. were -v Jilo and Brooks. Home' LeKo tne fcn. lan i children: rvivcit j O. H. Reeder has boen elected presi- .. .vith the expeoa.'"' - i.w. " tores... .. tl,.nl st. oent and John F. llerr casnier u. - . .1 Holier, " ' , ar, G. vibbert m new Athena State bank, which will Bdmum cUlef pn0tograplter a Sa,mi Vibbert is Mrs. Robert . .... TJronks: J ad Hafs andK. 1 -rer and L: a. ViDDerr tn o. the current fiscal year Glass es-i,mlBed the speed oi '- " tlmated Internal revenue receipts at Uie added. After in. f $4,990,000,000 of which income and ted Union train at k profits taxes are expected to furnish wont rtmUtht to tha Iep $3 750,000,000. Other receipts classed B(m and 1 have been tner e (. ordinary' 'are customs, $7B.000.; j did not write .any th- 000, now hearing the pre-war mark of alul r wttan t n Casper or $300,000,000; sale of public itti.un, places uicy 'npno8 all the Um ,. the supreme 250,000, and mlcellane9us sources, stopped at cl" Moat of i Notice of appeal to the Mpiee 000 Idurlngthe Mt ce a court from the decisioii ,of JudW .Ung panama cannl )s expccted to the people recognUed me an ;ham in circuit court . here November nment $7.200 000 In tolls, me Sarllsle ,ng to !iSraftLUughtby Lou., but .the estimated expenditures tor When xn. ln my hand !1?1. , . i,l aufifl nr nilT ILL JIUoi.vvv. . j.w open lor husinoRs as soon as the saie '"Hi LI I pill ITT' T ft ' - rr..:rr Moan Savins Change in Telephone . -n?e6af v m -m mm. m. mm jrm m m - and Reduced rumr SFNSTORS TO vwi - t . . .. a ..t nt tlli.284.000 Weissenfels. W eissenie ' rrh nubile debt Is belnc counted on c1r08f,ed.' ISchaffer for $85.63 ai egtu v " , .,, receipts totalling $1,210,-; Carlisle's co; ihoon due for hauling Bi i-t ;..,, ,h, deferred payments on 1 nece " - . .1 . VFill 11LLUI- n D.OOI livm ----- . . . wood near M t. . Mgu, - by berty bonds and war aavlnaa certm- afternoon, ney lee.s - catea Judge Bingham. : Mthe time oi me l" me a..v,fror con- court here attorneys iu. . ndltion Is serious, but not ssarlly critical, Dr. story bates rsers , .....K..v oeniitortat emu- of the Fora- "' -- tion in Michigan In i" . . . wm'p not onal labor, and ""-..,. . B ngnam, Wlthomdeliate the -n. rn dechdon placing v, Tnmerene resouri-Ji P'v K in the same cias uo . . rhf '.iv n try tins u"' LOGANBERRY HEN TO MEET HERE i ,r inftiiirv 'iit aorvictrH w tt sweep.. B " ,m,ian of so far as , fav- . ,i mull fl iirviviv.- cernea, a..u . .,,, that ., .,i,nne. reuuv.- One party ' wft" -tro,n '"I'nne lesk Phone, reduced 1 -x.AAn By vlrturc of the reduction ordered December aWy to busl in phono rates by the public service these per commission, the majority of Phon nC,fv. rnte reduction fo"os- users In Salem and Marlon county win jjuslncss in"-- not rocelve any bill when the reuuv. Hon has finally been determined and tho tlmo for distribution of bills comes, 'i'hia wns announced today by W. llancv. r,innr:er of the Pacific 'I'eleplmne & Telegraph company I'ancv gave figures, which follow, allowing; the amount of the reduction on each phone anil line. - The rcd-.i'ction, us enumerated below, truth ,!. i-, 1 Another re- . tit-L iravciliuci. . - . eo or. riuotloii, renter than this one, ordered $,.. "ider :. l,li,,g 499 of the public service Desk cumii.iHston, fiat. -i from August 1 to . olpctiol ana reB"-"- - ...., H Ntwhetry cernea, a..u . ,.,.,. that Henry Ford anu or of We:H3enrels. 'ra the The highest available price for logan lie WOMKS MUCH NFKMKO -r indictment on charffca or 01 tnAnv bv Schaffer! ,.., mBM. by """...I uaiwl. ' tne a"" . ... ,hpor that a ucrr.ra . erowlng oui . .. . )H be basea 0.1 ... srrowers wno ..." The investigat on is o 0It the services of a team .u.... Thte is Indie Wall Phone, reu Thg mvestiga.. - " of on the $2.25. . from $3.00 to ;a8 Senator DliiniK- ; .,.,mmitteo 'be sustained pe3k phone, tne priv Ueges , , 2-50- ,, nhone reduced from ; returns to the cu, Two party wall phone, 12 5 t0 '-I. ;.v nhone, reduced from Tvo part froSty.yj; fr-nlrty' Pnonc frW '-hiuI Wall phone, $2.50 to $2.--; reauced from reduced ?ou';p,"" ,$2.00 to $l..o. reaucodfrom ,ioed - nur party ueb- 1 T,trn Wharves AtmI Six Ships Destroyed B' Fire Todav ;honrv that a uornea 4 If nn(,pp ?cl on l w .unuo o-rnwerH WHO nro "" , Bervlces of a team cannot thgto fcy the j that a meeting of all such growers in, u hoen called for . o. A. C.-NOTRE DAME TZm at the auditorium of London, Nov. saw a place where women were ,iaw making body. . f . Lady Nancy got her first ca down" last night when ..t to.ltted tho offense of ne Ulklng to a : money $3.75. $3.50 to applied on reduccu tion ;rtuced from to none ers. ...... l.,h .. ot A . ... .... .. In the Mil""' . .. h .nrii.f.- (Soveriiwi . .... . ,i,i nocessiiaie , refunded tnrouB...- - destroyed oy lire tonte8t as u . V . 0 , u h,.oke out at one of the wnarves ing tne equ..u ... s000 which broke otii u n . tlon period. 1 of it will oe returnea . - fiortly after u a. - . e is missing. - our pa $2.25 to $2-00. Th member "within '"wa0; conversing with Sir lohn Uesa and the speaker. cneraepped for order before tho viscountess heard him. She Immediately stepped outsldo the bar of the house and continued her conversation. re an ... . . ..i it lu hound that tho to this movement. " . tons will ue rcui.-, r"