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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1949)
... i- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1949 PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON r- Youth Holds Up Store to Obtain Cash for Revenge Plainville, Mass., Nov. 21 "Pi An 18 -year -old college youth charged with holding up a liquor store to finance a vengeance flight to Canada told police to day he still plans "to kill the man responsible for my father's death." The student was Patrick J. Parker of Rye, N.Y., whose fa ther, R. J. Parker, vice-president of the Kennecott Copper Co. and president of the Quebec Iron and Titanium Co., was one of 23 per sons killed September 9 when a plane crashed at St. Jachim, Que. The craft allegedly had been time-bombed by a Quebec City, Que., jeweler who wanted to get rid of his wife. Parker told police he had de cided "four days ago" to "kill this man." Authorities quoted him that he still plans to seek revenge after his release. The Brown university fresh man faced arraignment on an armed robbery charge in Walpole district court today. He was ar rested Saturday night, 20 min utes after liquor store owner Robert Wilkinson reported he had been robbed at gunpoint. Kevenge Goal "To understand what I did you will have to understand about my family," Parker reportedly said. "We were very close. I loved my father more than anything in the world. "I was very angry to think that a man could take the lives of 23 people, including that of the father I loved so much. I have been thinking it over ever since and I decided that I would kill this man." Police said the youth referred to J. Albert Guay, the jeweler, who allegedly master-minded the time-bomb plot. Guay Is held with out ball at Quebec City, charged with the first-degree murder of Thanksgiving Proclamation Issued by Governor McKay Salem, Nov. 21 lli Gov. Doug las McKay has Issued a procla mation for Thanksgiving day, to be observed Thursday. He said it has been a memor able year for Oregon, the "second most auspicious" in its economic history so that Thanksgiving has special significance here this year. His proclamation: "In the noble custom of this beautiful land of ours, Thanksgiv ing day brings with it the pleas ure of counting the blessings of a year flowing toward a close and of voicing worship for our appre ciation to God for these manifold kindnesses. "It has been a memorable year and in Oregon it has been the sec ond most auspicious in the econ omic history of the common wealth. The abundance of farm and factory has stood for a high er standard of living, not only In this country of beneficent might and plenty but to the faraway millions with whom we have shared our wealth in an unerring demonstration of the spirit of Thanksgiving. Contentment Seen "We have built for contentment at home and for increasing har mony abroad in the months of this year. We must stay strong for the uncertainties of the in ture by conserving our natural resources, by continuing to exert our personal resources of devo tion, loyalty and diligence and by protecting the freedom so essen tial to a way of life that has be-j "May the people of Oregon do come a model and inspiration to) homage to God In their homes WKATHKIi TOO VVAKM Big Delta, Alaska, Nov. 21 'II'' I ong-distance "muslicr" Cecil Moore complained today t'rar the weather was slowing lilm up on his .r,000 mile.)' sleigh ride to Lewiston, Maine. The New England engineer ex plained that it was "too warm" for his nine nuleinute and husky sled dogs. He pushed through the snow drifts in shirt sleeve:-, Saturday us the temperature climbed to 43 degrees. n;e warm est Nov. 1!) in Alaska weather records. Moore made camp last tilg'it near Tanana river village, 90 miles soulher.:;t of Fairbanks. He has been on his cross-continent trail for six days and hopes to make the journey to Maine in 120 days. all persons of good will, "I Douglas McKay, governor of the state of Oregon, being and churches this Thanksgiving day. May they honor the state and country they love by display- moved by the significance of the ling the flag. And may they re foregoing truths and acting by the authority in me Vested, do hereby proclaim Thursday, the 21th day of November, In the year of our Lord, 1949, as Thanks giving day for Oregon, to be ob served as a public holiday. his wife, one of the 23 persons who died in the crash of the Que bec airlines plane. "I made up my mind four days ago," Parker told police. "I got a gun but I didn't have any money. My allowance wouldn't get me to Canada. When I thought it out last night I had no intention of holding up a li quor store. I didn't think of that until I was driving by the place." Parker, a native of London who came to this country several years ago, spoke with a British accent. He said that when he held up the store owner and his wife, "I told them I didn't intend to steal the money from them. I told them I would pay it back as soon as I could get hold of some more." t I 1 SO MUCH... DEPENDS OH 600D BRAKES llf Don't wait until your brakes are dangerous. Bring your car in for regular check-ups and dependable service. Preventive brake maintenance with genuine Wagner Lockheed hydraulic brake parts and fluid are your best insurance for safety. BEAR THE BANNER OF SAFETY! Make Sure You Can . . . STEER SURE ENOUGH! Bear Alincment mid Balancing makes steering safe saves tires. SEE FAST ENOUGH! PlBy safe , . . get the Bear Headlight Test today to Insure better night vision. STOP QUICK ENOUGH! Nothing lakes the place of good brakes when you need them slop In for your lest now, so you ran stop in lime. FOR THAT WHEEL REPAIR DO IT T.ODAY NOT TOMORROW! WE SPECIALIZE IN- Wheel Balancing Wheel Alinement Frame Straighten ing Headlight Adjust ment Shock Absorber Service Brake Service Bear Wheel & Brake Service i. SYSTEM SOME ICE ON HIGHWAY Salem, Nov. 21 WlThe state highway department today re ported spots of ice on the Mt. Hood loop highway at Govern ment Camp, as of 8:20 a.m. There were spots of ice and ground fog on the highway at Ontario, in eastern Oregon, and i clear spots of ice at Meacham, j also in eastern Oregon. I iClse where pavem.nt was re i ported bare and highways all I were open. solve again to apply themselves even more zealously to the task of perpetuating a great heritage. "In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the state of Oregon to be affixed." LANDSCAPING PLANNED Prineville, Nov. 21 Mrs. Dol ly Kessler of the West Side Pro moters has received word from the state highway department that plots berwecn a "clover-leaf" of roadways at the west inter section, designed to make traf fic safe, will be landscaped tills coming spring. Shrubbery will be set, it Is said, and flower bed3 planted to make the west en trance to the city attractive. Panama Poll Oust President. Panama City, Panama, Nov. 21 mi Police armed with machine guns and hand grenades guarded the presidential palace and other key points in Panama City today following a bloodless coup d'etat which deposed President Daniel F. Chanis Jr. The coup, staged yesterday by the national police, was climaxed with the resignation of Chanis and installation of Vice-president Roberto Chiari in his place. Both men are middle-of-the-road poli ticians. The resolution came at the height of government efforts to reform the police force, which al legedly operates profitable com mercial enterprises. A new demand for action to curb police powers was expected to be made in the national as sembly by the opposition today, bur indications were no action would be taken. , Citizens were expected to ac cept the change cf chief execu tives calmly. This city wss calm but tense today. Chanis, resentful of police methods and under attack from the opposition, decided to reor ganize the police, Panama's only armed force aside from the small presidential guard. But when the president moved to put his hand-picked men in charge of the police, the force quickly threw a police guard around The presidential palace and arrested Chanis' would-be po lice leaders. Later Chanis an nounced that he had resigned "In the best intersts of the country . . . to avoid bloodshed." CITED FOB VIOLATION Jack I.eroy Ross was cited over the week end on a basic rule violation charge, city records show. CITS J. MOISAN DIES " Gervais, Nov. 21 IP Gus J. Moisan, retired mayor of Gervais, died Sunday after a lingering ill. ness. He was 71. Moisan had served as council- man, assistant postmaster, treas urer ana mayor, tie was born February 18, 1S78 on a donatio.i land claim near this ' French prairie community. He was survived by a son, five brothers and two sisters. Rosary will be recited Tuesday at 8 a.m. at Rigdon's mortuary, Salem. Final rites will be Wed nesday at 9:30 a.m. at the Gervais Catholic church, Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results KSjouy time Jro fi-SL am ion uccu ' J J Shop PENNEYS "it. zl? Ml YOUR EVERY $ DOES DOUBLE DUTY! Men's Stack Wash fast. blazer stripes. Cotton reinforced with ny lon for longer wear. Sizes 10 to 12 J PAIK FOR NOW ! ! Topflight Dress Sanforized, Nueraft collars, plain colors, assorted sleeve lengths, in sizes H'i lo 17. 1.98 I - ' " NOW!! Blue Chambray Sanforized. An old fuvorite in work shirts ut a rock bnttoni price. Sizes 14 'i to 17. 1 NOW!! Broadcloth SHORTS For men. Sanforized, woven stripes. Gripper fasteners, elastic insets at sides. Sizes 28 to 88. 57c pr. Flower & Bcw-Knot Chenille Spreads A GIFT TO ENJOY THE WHOLE YEAR LONG! 4.98 This is a beauty of a bedspread! See row after row of kitten-soft chenille tufting, then run your fingers over the feathery-fine surface . . . here's quality at a surprisingly low price! Big choice of colors to fit most every room setting! Twin or full size. CheniUSe Spreads PENNEY'S HAS THE PICK OF THE BEDSPREADS! Here's a design that's bound to please everybody See the well-balanced center diamond motif ... so big that it almost covers the entire spread! See the rippling ground chenille definitely another plus fea ture! Big color choice. Twin, full sizes. NOW!! Marquisette 12" wide, ecru rotor. Priced to give you lionii'iiiiule pnn eis at extra savings. NOW!! Men's Work GLOVES Heavy canvas back, double nap-mir face. They'll wear and w ear, and they're 4 I'AIK FOB NOW!! Kerns TISSUES Another shipment of these grand, all-purpose tissues. 4(H) single sheets, 200 2-ply sheets. And look at this price! 18c box NOW!! Rcmehcraft JEANS FOB BOYS 8 oz. blue denim, western style, copper rivet reinforce ments, zipper fly. Sizes 10 to 16 only. 1.00 pr. NOW!! Girls' Dainty, washuble, wearable cottons. Sizes 3 to 6X, and look a this liny budget price! NOW!! Tailored BLOUSES Fer Girls White or pastels, in crisp, practical cottons. Sizes 3 to 6X. NOW!! Metal LUNCH KIT Standard size. Enameled In terior, and a 1-pint vacuum bottle. AM, FOB- NOW!! All Wool RUGS By Alexander Smith. Size 27" x 48". NOW!! Fashion Manor RUGS All Wool Pile. Size 27" x 48". NOW!! Fall E One table of these values, marked down to take home prices! SHOP and COMPARE. Ml II I KENNETH C. CAI.E 77 C VCJ. 1 00 1 00 3 S 1 LL 1 "Across From Mid Orciron Farmers" I H I 9 W ' WW I W I AlOO I 117 East Greenwood Phone 1243 I I ' ' ' 1 ' I 1 ' I I I '- -7 rrnrwrlTT'r"rT1 VIC FLINT By Michael O'Malley and Ralph Lane" I ALLEY OOP : BVTUrrMn rrt SEEMS THAT WHENCLKK ANDAFTEr'twe TthAT'S RIGHT. VERA Vl'll RUSTLE YOU BOTH "1 gSAeTy NOW YOU TWO&UYSDO UKE ! NOWC?rA 1 iV 'nu "nalo 'wTVU- WINTER'S SUBMARINE WAS WAR HE CAME SMUGGLED WINTER AND sOME COf FEE. YOU MUST ftc" n U I SAY AND TELL THAT BOOKIE 1 Me SMITH BETTES! YES VE l( CO-RLOT OF THE 'l I. ' AJjvA C&NT KNnwwi u c gateK, &mgwai fVwpllM 'mMWKT-$f MSTT