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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1949)
PAGE TWO Twin Infants Joined at Skull Expected to live I Los Angeles. Nov. 21 IIP) Twin J baby girls born here 6'4 months gaining weight and thriving even J though they are joined together l ai me neaas, uenerai nuspnai I medical director Phoebus Berman said today. 5 However, no attempt will be t made "in the near future" to sep arate the Siamese twins, May Yvette and Gladys Yvonne Jones. The Negro babies He wifh their heads attached at the crown and J their feet pointing in opposite di J rections. j Berman said the two are too i young to undergo thorough ex- aminations to learn if they can be i separated. -i If the brains are Joined nr if I the infants are otherwise vitally , joined, It would make successful i surgery more improbable, Ber- man said. Parts of the skullF J would have to be replaced by surgical plates. ' Because the cranial Jink is not J a perfect one, doctors believe the DROies may nave -sepHime umiua J When one child lies on her back, ! the other lies partly on her side. The twins were born May 12 to Mrs. John Jones, 38, tile mother ; of nine other children. DocrorF i said It was a "miracle" she had been able to carry the Infants In : pregnancy. , Berman said the twins surprls t ed doctors bv gaining weight nor- J mally and remaining in the best j of health. ! SEAMAN HUMPED i .Long Beach. Calif., Nov. 21 UP' e Seaman recruit Charles Murpny ' of , Los . Angeles slipped on his Iswab while mopping the after deck of the USS destroyer Twin- ; ing yesterday and plunged into Hie utcaiii "Please throw me a life raft, " Murphy asked politely- as he bob- bed fo the surface. Maneuvers were halted while a ' whale boat was put over the side. A shivering and wiser Murphy 'was back aboard In six minutes. v The taxpayers of the United 'States are said to have $10,000, iiOOO.OOO Invested In bridges and ' to spend $100,000,000 every year to maintain them. let SMITH doV" WIRING Residential Commercial Industrial O K LAMPS FULL STOCK HOI'SWHOl.n APPLIANCES UNIVERSAL HANGES SMITH ELECTRIC 1183 Wall Phone 98 CASH FOR Fall Expenses $25.00 to '300.00 on Furniture Farm Machinery Livestock Automobile Loans Up to $500.00 NO INSURANCE REQUIRED' Twenty Month to Kenny PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norhert I). Goodrich, Mkt. Km. 8, Penney Hldg., Will Wall Telephone I7S BEND, OKEOON Slate LlreroMH S1H MS'1 From where t.Aughcd out loud when I heard Hoot Davis was down with Cliicki-n , Pox. A man of forty-flvo catching a kid's disease! So I wont to boo him, armed with , Jokes about "second childhood" but forgot them fast when I got there- Boot looked terrible and had quite a fever. While .we tnlkcd, I come to think of how Chicken Pox is n lot like other "disuses" diseases of the character, such as Intolerance, nclf-righteonsncss or Just plain In norawe. They're excusable In chil dren, but when they come out in Copyright, Right-of-Way Cleared for Line Warm Springs, Nov. 21 Nick Welter, forester of the Warm Springs Indian reservation, re ported Saturday that slash burn ing on the clearing of a right of way for the projected trunkline of the Bonneville power adminis tration across the reservation had been started the day before. The pines and junipers of the right of way, which passes across the reservation from the Deschutes river to Blue lake, a mile to the north of the village of Simnasho, have for the most part been felled the entire 25-mile length of the right-of-way, Welter said. Seed Operations Now Slackening ; Madras, Nov. 21 Seed con cerns here, at Metollus and Cul ver, are snowing a slacking off of operations in recleaning and preparing for shipment the 1949 Jefferson county crop of clover seeds, the total gross Income from which will approach $2,- 500,000. . The ladlno seed crop Is domi nant, with growers and shippers estimating the total yield all the way from 1,500,000 to 1,750,000 pounds and the gross Income from $1,950,000 to $2,225,000. Chief recleaning operations have been observed at the Mad ras plant of the Pacific Supply cooperative which, it Is said, will lead In preparation and shiprpent of the clover seed, and the plant of the Culver Seed Co., in the heart of the Irrigated acres of the North unit of the Deschutes project in south Jefferson county. County Takes Lead Jefferson county, because of the adaptability of soil and be cause methods of Irrigation can be best applied to bring about proper maturity of the blooms, has jumped to the foremost coun ty of the nation In production of ladlno clover, in keen .demand for pasture seeding In the south and north Atlantic states. Growers here, the bulk of whose volume goes to market under Oregon state certification, have averaged $1.30 per pound for their ladlno clover this year. This is above the government support price, of $1.25 per pound. The Pacific Supply cooperative seed concern, which has led in recleaning legume seeds, accord ing to R. A. Hunt, former Jeffer son county agent and now man ager of the seed department of the cooperative, has forwarded ladlno recently to 31 states. Don LihmHn,' manager,, of the-Culver SeedtorfepoFts Shipment of 15 cars of the high-priced ladlno seed recently, ihe bulk of the Culver shipments have gone to north Atlantic states. Both the concerns are affiliated with na tional seed companies in distribu tion of the Jefferson county clo ver seeds. Other concerns han dling clover seeds In the area are the Eastern Oregon Mills, Inc., of Madras and A. O. Adams of Redmond, whose plant is at Me tollus. Youth Confesses 150 Burglaries San Francisco, Nov. 21 ill") Floyd Christy, 21, walked into a police station last night, threw a .25 caliber automatic un tne desk and admitted ISO burglaries in raciuc coast cuius In the past five months. "I'm tired of living this way," Christy explained, lie was book ed as en route to Sacramento while police investigated his i story. j Christy, a recently discharged air forte private who said he ! had a wife in Japan, told police 1 he netted $H.O a week since June ' 1 by selling and pawning jewelry and oilier valuables he sioie from ' homes. He said he was responsible for : 35 burglaries In San Francisco and more t:an 100 In Los Ange les and Portland, Ore., his home ; town. Since his arrival here two days ago, he said he burglarized : five homes In the Sunset district. "I like to run around to night clubs with women," he said. I sit ... ly Joe Marsh Watch Out For The Symptoms! adults they're ton times as bud and can ho mighty "contagious." From where I sit, wo Bhould all watch out for tho "symptoms" little tilings like criticising a per son's prefrrenco for n friendly jjIurs of tempernto beer or ale. We've soon personal freedom wither nwny in other countries, when individual Intolerance waa allowed to get out of hum! and be come nutlon-widc epidemic. 1919, United Stales Bttwm FounJatio OUT OUR WAY . Qimkys voocs . W5k 1 - IgggSgga SHE .SENDS ME TO BEP Is: ggpygr 'FORE MV FAVOP.ITE STUFF fe COMES OW--ISTH' TERRIBLE gs 1 r-.'' ;W''rr TURK ON TOMI&HT? I . . Ah o. LIKE HIKrt WHEN HE swffjffigS - New Drugs Used In War on TB Bv Paul F. Ellis . ' (United Prens Science Editor) ' New York, Nov. 21 IP) Re search scientists are on the of fensive In the "war" against tuberqulpsis, still one of the top killers of man. Just when the disease will be whipped is unknown, but com ments from a round-table discus sion by some of the nation's top T.B. experts here indicated that the attack Is on with renewed enthusiasm. They were scientists doing T.B. research under grants from the National Tuberculosis association. Center of the new attack is streptomycin and Its "helpers" which for the first time hf. !e giv en the medical scientists a real weapon against the disease. Streptomycin, the doctors pointed out, is a T.B. killer but is not always effective because new crops of the germs seem to be born with a natural resistance to the drug. The goal is to find new chem ical agents to "take over" after streptomycin becomes effective. One new drug, known as pas, has been helpful and soon a new German drug, tibione, will be used as a "helper." - -. One expert at the conference here said that the T.B. gorm mul tiplies so rapidly ttiat 50 million generations can be born withij) avery"hoi'ttime in, the humai body." .-:. :,; . Another research Scientist told of preliminary work with a chem ical substance that shows some promise of breaking up the Iso lated "colonies" of T.B. germs, thereby permitting file body to immunize itself against them. Trucks Cut Down Traffic Load Montpelier. Vt. (11'' Exasperat ed auloists knew It all along, but the Vermont highway board has found, officially, that. big trucks "seriously reduce the volume of traffic a highway is designed to carry. "Une truck equals from two to five passenger cars, depending on the terrain," the study pointed out. The Vermont report agrees with findings in Pennsylvania that In hilly country big trucks reduce the normal flow o high way traffic by half." RONAID 1COLMAN 21 YOUR HOST ON "FAVORITE STORY DENTISTRY Dr. H. E. Jackson At Ills residential office NO PAKKI.NU PKOBLEM 230 Lava Road Phone 134 1 ' 1 I III Arr "i Choi'd f n KBND 7:30 p. m. Ijf Pacific Power & l.iylil Company THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON By J. R. Williams HEROES ACE MADE -NOT BORM ofowiU-wH Association Picks 2 Bend Members Two Bend members were re elected to offices In the Oregon Motor Court association, at the annual state convention, held Nov 16, 17 and 18 at the Colum bia Gorge hotel. Hood River. Mrs. Lawrence T, Nicholson, of Log Cabin motel, was reelected vice-president for Deschutes county, and Hans Hansen, of Pi lot Butte Motor court, was nam ed for another term as director. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Nicholson attended the three-day convention. At the banquet Thursday evening Mrs. Nicholson presided as toastmlstress. Also reelected were K, P. Gus fin, Portland, president, and John Cormaney, Portland, treasurer. George Gutfleisch, Portland, is executive secretary. Convention registration indicat ed that 100 persons attended. Captain Blamed In Noronic Fire Ottawa, Nov. 21 llPi Neglect by Canada Steamship lines and Capt. William Taylor caused the fire which swept the cruise steamer Noronic Sept. 17 and kill ed 143 persons, Justice R. L. Kel- lock of the supreme court of Can ada ruled today. "The loss of the S. S. Noronic and -the loss of 11e was caused by-the wrongful default of the owners and of the master . . . ." Kellock said. In a judgment handed down earlier today, Kellock suspended Taylor's master's certificate for a year and ordered the CSL to pay the cost of a federal inquiry into tile disaster. Kellock was appointed by the federal government to handle the Investigation and held hearings in Toronto. His report and deci sion were read in the house of commons. Bulletin Classifieds bring Result Only with the new Iron Fireman Coal-Flow stoker do vou get these two remarkable engineer ing developments, which give you greater heating comfort and top fuel economy. The Down Draft Jet cuts coal consumption up to 30. The nickte-chrome stainless steel tuyeres are so dependable and long lasting that they carry a 5-yrar guarantee. Get the facts about this stoker. Come in, telephone or mail coupon. Free heating sur vey. Convenient terms. 3M Hill Street New Miracle Drug Stops Cold Symptoms III s Single Day ANAHIST NEOHETRAMINE t.ct It at City Drug Co. Contributors Get Certificates Prineville, Nov. 21 Contrib utors, in a campaign which ended a year ago with a total of $384,000 for the Pioneer Memorial hospi tal here, are now receiving cer tificates of membership. More than 1,700 residents of Prine ville, Crook county and west Wheeler county will receive cer tificates, which will be signed by J. F. Daggett, president of the hospital board, and Ralph Brown, secretary. -, All contributors have been asked to attend the annual meet ing and election of officers of the hospital association In early Jan uary. Each $100 contributor is a voting member. . Those whose contributions are for less than this amount are privileged fo at tend board sessions but have no voting power. The exterior work on the new tan brick hospital building is complete. Crews are now en gaged In interior tasks. The building Is being erected by Sil verman ci Son of Portland, on a contract for $264,000. The board has announced that it expects a reserve of $25,000 remaining for operation expenses after the pur chase of equipment. The hospital is located on a 12-acre plot overlooking the basin-like site of the old town of Prineville at its north edge, a gift of Crook county. Geologists View Ancient Forest The story of an ancient forest that was enveloped by a mud flow was interpreted by mem bers of the Deschutes Geology club on an outing Sunday in the Vanora grade locality, on the route of the new Warm Springs highway west of Madras. John l. Carter was leader of the field trip. The locality visited "was that studied several years ago by Dr. Ralph W. Chaney, Carnegie in stitute research assistant and University of California paleobo tanist. Dr. Chaney believes the Vanora grade forest grew In that division of the age of mammals known as the pliocene. Volcanic nature of the mud that envelop ed the trees, and debris that cov ered the leaves, led Dr. Chaney to believe that the flow descend ed from a nearby valcano, on whose foothills the frees grew. Leaf impressions are foundj on huge boulders tossed over; the side of the grade In highway construction work. The group from Bend also drove to the Deschutes river, near the Warm Springs agency, and studied lavas that cap the Madras formation. They also viewed the lavas exposed down stream. Members of the club said most of the gorge was under fog Sun day, with the temperature hover ing near the freezing point. Pet dogs are sometimes found fo be suffering from the same dietary diseases as members of the owner's family. Ptpasp wnd mr turthM Information on the Iron Flrpmitn stoker with Down Draft Jet and luvcrcj uuaramccd for 5 Yean. cot DeLuxe Heating Co. Phone 1US2 DRUGLESS CLINIC ARTHRITIS The recovery process in arthri tis is favorably Influenced by natural methods physical, electrical, and nutritional. Re sults are, naturally, more promising when treatment Is Instituted early. Nothing- Is mod which will cover up or hide the true nature of the disease. R. D. Ketchum, D.C. 14 Minn. Ave. Phone 794 Bond, Ore. vole of Central Oregon -KBND- Affiliated With Mutual Don ON THI WIM KBND An artist who hates himself because he is successful, a crook ed publisher, a beautiful house keeper and, of course, George Valentine are the important char acters for the mystery of "Sweet Poison" on "Let George Do It", tonigrit at 8. james Hilton's famous story of "Lost Horizon" is dramatized to night at 7:30, selected as "Favor ite Story" by Mary Pickford. Ronald Colman is host and nar rator for this series of programs presented each Monday evening 7:30 to 8. This Saturday 10:15 a.m. to con clusion, KBND-Mutual Don Lee airs the Army Navy - football game from Philadelphia, to con clude this year's football sport casting. Remember that Fulton Lewis Jr. and the news commentary Is now heard Monday through Fri day 9:15 to 9:30 p.m. immediately following Glenn Hardy and the news. Citrus Disease Back in Tarripico Tampico, Mexico IP) The Gulf coast of Mexico is suffering from new outbreaks of black fly, the deadly citrus disease. Although black fly was believ ed entirely eliminated from this Gulf port earlier in the year, new infections in nearby Ciudad Ma dero have spread despite efforts to exterminate the disease. ' It threatens to ruin fruit crops along tne entire coast. The Tamaullpas state govern ment has increased the number of personnel combating black fly, and quarantine measures have been put into force to keep the disease from spreading to unin spected areas. There have been 28 separate outbreaks of black fly In Mexico, some i within 100 miles of the United States border, but a Joint U.S.-Mexican campaign thus far has succeeded in preventing Its spread across the frontier. , Scientists say the longest mountain range in the world is the so-called Mid-Atlantic range, a. mile deep unden the whole length of the Atlantic ocean. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "As usual they've hung up. No one ever believes I hurry to get to the phone as quickly as I can." . . . Folks often can't answer your call right away . so please wait a full minute . . . Pacific Telephone. WHO'S WHO IN BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES apr) or Sfl AU Tynoa of Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS HO(TSEHOI.I ' COMMERCIAL Oregon Equipment Co. IRK R. nroonwnorl Phono 8HM CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repair and Hat Blocldnir Capitol Cleaners Phone- 1524 COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF QUALITY rUOTOCtRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS The Bend Bulletin Phone Sfl OIL BURNERS STEAM, HOT WATER and WARM AIR SYSTEMS. Oregon Heating Co. 510 nrlewate Call 613, day or nleht. 1340 Kilocyclei Broadcasting System TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 5 :00 Son ol th. Pioneer. t:lt Popular K.voriU. 6:80 Tom Mix ;00 Gabriel He. tier lis CoU Sera4. . e :0 TeUo-Teet 160 Remember When -;56 Bill Henrj 1:00 Vocal Varletle. 7 :80 Favor 1U Story I too Lot Geon. Do It 8:80 The Saint st&S Jobiuv .'Jfamond 0:00 Newt 0:16 Kulton Lewie Jr.' ' 8:80 To be announced 9 :46 Evening Melodies :66 Five Minute Final 10:00 I Love a MrsUry 10:16 Orean Melodiea 10:80 Treaeurj Varietlea 11:00 Sign Oil TUESDAY. NOVEMBER U 6:00 Variety Hour 1:16 Sunrlao Salute 6:46 Farm Reporter 7 :00 News 7:16 Breakfast Ganr 7:80 Morning Melodies 7:40 News 7:46 Morning Roundup 8:00 Popular Favorites 8 rt6 -News 8:80 Haven of Rest :0O Bulletin Board t:06 Miieie 8:10 World News 9:16 Popular Demand 9:80 TeU Your Neighbor ' t i -.- - ; ' 1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACT WIRING All Types O. E. LAMPS RANGE REPAIRING WIRING MATERIALS BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill at Greenwood -Phone 1462-J For Night Calls Phone 646-R MONUMENTS For Monuments and Marker! In world's fin pot rranlteaj. Guaranteed autlsfarttton. Your Cemetery Sexton Pay Carlson SIM Goonrla Phone S88-M SERVICE Ti cfrigcratlon Water Pumps Washing Machine, Oil Heaters and Oil OH Burners Also Electric Motor Service Mike's Electric Repair Shop 1645 Galveston Phone 1557 -W yfeoftsy's) ...A GRAND OLP A tfi ( NAME M CANADA J JthY AN AMERICAN PRODUCT cOe $335 $210 I COIlY't IISIRVI ILINDID WHISKIY . I Wni9 84 P"00F 8-4 GKMH NEUTRAl mms - I 5 JAS. BARCLAY 6, CO. LIMITED e PEORIA, ILLINOIS v. J r ;5I NLJl U fty im: 111 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 149 l 9 :46 Organ Treat urea . :66 Style Stulf : 00 News :16 Songs of Devotion :80 Meet the Bawl :46 News - :60 Tune Tim. ' :66 Man About Town :00 Ladies First :80 Queen for a n.w 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 m 12 12 u It 1 t t 3 I a 8 00 Noontime Melodies 06 Todays Claaaifieda 10--Noontime Melodies IS Sport Yarns 20 Noontime Melodies :8e Newa 1; y :46 Farmera Hour : 00 Redmond Hour : 00 Boh Poole :3a--Make Muale Your Hobby :46 Islsnd Serenade :00 According to the Record 1 16 Demi Ministerial :su Modern Meludws . . :4S David Roes :00 Fulton Lewis Jr. ' 8 6 4 4 :ll rrank Hemingway :80 Northwest Neva . . :S6 Musio 40 Central Oregon News :46 Newa :00 Straight Arrow :80 captain Midnurht 6 :0O Gabriel Heatter . Ah Cote Serenade ao Tello-Test 46 Musio :60 Remember When :66 Bill Henry News :00 Mysterious Traveler ' :80 Lsnny Roes Show :4& vocal varieties :00 Count of Monte Crlsto :80 Paul Weston Show : 00 Newt 8 8 9 :lb Fulton Lewis Jr. ' 9:80 Evening Melodies 9 .-66 Five Minute Final 10:00 I Love a Mystery . 10:16 Organ Melodiea 10 :80 Carmen Cavallaro 11 :00 Sign Oft CFSSPOOL SERVICE Cesspool & Septic Tanks Complete Service Bex! of Materials Furnished Our periodical Inspection will Insure you more efficteat operation. B. F. Rhodes & Son ' Phone 866 W or 7ISAV ROOFING' SHiNULES SIDING INSULATION HOOFING Free Estimates Given '' Use Our Easy Payment Plan Central Oregon Roofing Co.' WOT Wonrl ' fhwo TILLING - M-E Rotary Tillers Custom Rotary Tilling Now is the Ideal time to put that garden in shape!. . NEWLAND'S GREENHOUSE NURSERY 884 E. Seward Phones: 1164 W 1131 W