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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 2019)
A6 RECORDS East Oregonian Umatilla County Sheriff ’s Offi ce WARRANTS Saturday, December 21, 2019 Kaylee Margaret Anderson Age: 30 Sex: F Charge: Probation Violation (PV): Theft No bail Last known location: Baker City, OR Amber Marie Carlson Age: 25 Sex: F Charge: Failure to Appear (FTA): Unlawful possession of fi rearm, pos- session of methamphetamine Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Umatilla, OR Truman Lloyd Chamberlin Age: 23 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Possession of methamphetamine Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Pilot Rock, OR Tristan Jack Fiscus Age: 21 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Menacing Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Pilot Rock, OR Jakob Klee Palmer Johnson Age: 33 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Criminal trespass Bail: $50,000 Last known location: Milton-Freewa- ter, OR Kimberlee Castellanos Age: 47 Sex: F Charge: PV: Harassment Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Umatilla, OR NO PHOTO Tara Jeanette Mitchell Age: 38 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Driving while suspended/revoked Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Dante Kai Mora Age: 29 Sex: M Charge: FTA: DUII, reckless driving Bail: $50,000 Last known location: Pasco, WA Alejandro Javier Nunez Age: 40 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Failure to report as sex offender No bail Last known location: Irrigon, OR Mark Andrew Riddell Age: 49 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Failure to appear Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Salem, OR Warrants on the above persons were active at the time the list was created, however wanted status is subject to change at anytime. If whereabouts are known, please report immediately to law enforcement by calling our 24 hours dispatch center at 541-966-3651 or by calling 911 if an emergency. SUPPORT GROUPS SATURDAY, DEC. 21 OPEN AA MEETING, 12 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410-5953) OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410-5953) VISION FOR YOU OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., Good Shep- herd Lutheran Church, 420 S.W. Locust Road, Boardman. (Pat 541-215-2342 or 503-752-7459) OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., United Church of Christ, 114 S. East St., Condon. (800-410-5953) NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 241 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7:30-9 p.m., First United Method- ist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. HEPPNER MIRACLES OPEN AA, 7:30 p.m., St. Patrick’s Catho- lic Church parish hall, 525 N. Gale St., Heppner. Last Saturday of the month is birthday night. HEPPNER MIRACLES OPEN AA MEETING, 8 p.m., St. Pat- rick’s Catholic Church parish hall, 525 N. Gale St., Heppner. (800-410-5953) SUNDAY, DEC. 22 HUNGRY SPIRIT OPEN AA MEETING, 8:30 a.m., Roosters Restaurant, 1515 Southgate, Pendleton. (800-410-5953) HARPER ROAD AL-ANON, 10-11 a.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Suite 2, Hermiston. OPEN AA MEETING, 12 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410-5953) OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., complex, 680 W. Harper Road, Hermiston. (800-410-5953) OPEN AA MEETING, 7 p.m., Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center, 73265 Confederated Way, Mission. (800-410-5953) NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 241 S.E. Second St., Pendleton. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS, 7:30-9 p.m., First United Method- ist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. LOTTERY Thursday, Dec. 19, 2019 Lucky Lines 02-07-09-16-18-21-28-31 Estimated jackpot: $32,000 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 6-8-8-6 4 p.m.: 4-7-3-9 7 p.m.: 7-3-8-2 10 p.m.: 1-1-5-1 Friday, Dec. 20, 2019 Pick 4 1 p.m.: 3-7-4-0 Saturday, December 21, 2019 PUBLIC SAFETY THURSDAY 10:59 a.m. — A man on Southeast Utah Avenue in Irrigon called the police to fi rst report a noise complaint over a car that he felt was rude for turning its music down when he walked by it, and then turned it back up after he passed it. He later reported the car drove by him and kept getting closer and closer as if to run him over. 11:06 a.m. — Police responded to a report of a stolen battery from Wesley Wise Excavating on Northwest Third Street in Irrigon. 11:53 a.m. — The Dry Creek neigh- borhood watch on Steen Road in Weston reported a theft. 1:00 p.m. — A domestic disturbance occurred on West Highland Avenue in Hermiston. 5:27 p.m. — A theft was reported on South First Street in Hermiston. 5:30 p.m. — A domestic disturbance occurred at Bare Bones in Pendleton on Southwest Dorian Avenue. 5:42 p.m. — A burglary occurred on West Ridgeway Avenue in Hermiston. 7:53 p.m. — A woman reported a box of Christmas ornaments was stolen from her at Wilson Lane in Boardman. 8:31 p.m. — A domestic disturbance occurred on Northwest Third Street in Hermiston. FRIDAY 12:07 a.m. — A domestic disturbance occurred at West Despain Street in Ukiah. ARRESTS, CITATIONS •The Milton-Freewater Police Depart- ment arrested Markes Alan Cantrell, 24, for driving under the infl uence of intoxicants. •Oregon State Police arrested Hec- tor Arreola Aguilar, 44, on two charges, including felony possession of a prohibited fi rearm. •The Stanfi eld Police Department arrested Daniel Christopher Morse, 29, on seven charges, including one felony charge of supplying contraband and another for possession of a controlled substance. COURTS SENTENCES PENDLETON — The fol- lowing sentences have been imposed in Umatilla County courts: FELONY •Lauren Ashley William- son, 33, Pendleton, was con- victed of Theft I: sentenced to 2 years probation, 120 sanction units, 60 maximum jail units, $1,586.68 compensatory fi ne and $91.25 restitution; was con- victed of six counts of Nego- tiating Bad Check: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 5 years probation and $500 fi ne-suspended for each count, plus court costs and fees. •Brandy Ann Anderson, 38, Pendleton, pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphet- amine: sentence to discharge. •Jesus Ramiro Soto, 38, Pilot Rock, was convicted of Unlaw- ful Sexual Penetration I: sen- tenced to 100 months Oregon Dept. of Corrections (DOC), 140 months post-prison supervi- sion and $200 fi ne-suspended; was convicted of Felon in Pos- session of Firearm and Menac- ing: sentences to discharge. •Michael Daniel Reyes, 29, Salem, pleaded guilty to Unau- thorized Use of Vehicle: sen- tenced to 30 months Oregon DOC, 1 year post-prison super- vision and 1 year driver’s license suspension; pleaded guilty to Possession of Stolen Vehicle: sentence to discharge. •Taryn Craig Leighty, 27, Weston, pleaded guilty to Pos- session of Methamphetamine: sentenced to 18 months proba- tion, 90 sanction units, 30 max- imum jail units, 80 hours com- munity service, $500 fi ne and $1,500 fi ne-suspended. •Bernardo Chino Marti- nez, 32, Moxee, Wash., pleaded guilty to Fleeing/Attempt to Elude Police: sentence to dis- charge; pleaded guilty to Crim- inal Mischief II and two counts of Recklessly Endangering Another person: sentenced to 45 days jail for each count. MISDEMEANOR •Melissa Marian Carey, 33, Baker City, pleaded guilty to Theft II: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 2 years proba- tion, 40 hours community ser- vice, $100 fi ne, $900 fi ne-sus- pended and restitution to be determined, plus court costs and fees. •David Noel Welker, 35, Van- couver, Wash., pleaded guilty to Assault IV: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 2 years probation, 40 hours commu- nity service, $100 fi ne, $900 fi ne-suspended and restitution to be determined, plus court costs and fees. •John Quincy McClammy, 20, Pendleton, pleaded guilty to two counts of Harassment: sentenced to 90 days jail-sus- pended, 18 months pro- bation, $100 fi ne and $900 fi ne-suspended for each count; pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphetamine: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 18 months probation, 90 sanction units, 30 maximum jail units, 100 hours community service, $100 fi ne and $900 fi ne-sus- pended; pleaded guilty to Unlawful Possession of Firearm: sentence discharged. •Teonna Rishawn Horn, 25, Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Driving While Suspended/ Revoked: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 2 years probation, 60 hours commu- nity service, $400 fi ne and $1,600 fi ne-suspended, plus court costs and fees. •Michael Von Vertrees, 42, Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Reckless Burning: sentenced to 8 days jail and restitution to be determined; pleaded guilty to Criminal Trespass I: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 2 years probation, 40 hours community service, $100 fi ne, $1,400 fi ne-suspended and res- titution to be determined; . •Eva Danielle Enright, 47, Pendleton, was convicted of Criminal Trespass I: sentenced to 5 days jail, 1 year probation and $500 fi ne-suspended, plus court costs and fees. •Daisy Rachel Hendershot, 42, Milton-Freewater, was con- victed of Driving While Sus- pended/Revoked: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 2 years probation, 40 hours commu- nity service, $500 fi ne and $500 fi ne-suspended, plus court costs and fees; was convicted of three counts of Harassment: sentenced to 90 days jail-sus- pended, 2 years probation, 10 hours community service, $100 fi ne and $500 fi ne-suspended for each count, plus restitution to be determined. SUITS FILED PENDLETON — The fol- lowing suits have been fi led in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): •TD Bank USA N.A. vs. Renee K. Corley of Pendleton: seeks $1,528.70. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Russel G. Weber of Hermiston: seeks $8,911.79. •Cavalry SPV I LLC vs. Bousay Khathavong: seeks $1,152.34. •Jeff erson Capital Systems LLC vs. Pedro Valdez: seeks $843.09. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Lisa Ruiz of Pendleton: seeks $3,562.75. •West Extension Irrigation District vs. Peter Hotrum of Irrigon, Mann Mortgage LLC dba Direct Home Loan Cen- ter, Carrington Mortgage Ser- vices LLC, Umatilla County and all unknown occupants: seeks $1,641.08. •Bank of America N.A. vs. Michael Low of Hermiston: seeks $7,081.38. •Bank of America N.A. vs. Claribel Martinez-Gonsalez of Milton-Freewater: seeks $3,416.48. •Christopher Schuening of Pendleton vs. The City of Pend- leton: seeks $66,781.29. •Kenneth Reid Withers of Irrigon vs. Esteban and Cyn- thia Rodarte of Umatilla: seeks $50,764.09. •NWB Sales LLC and Neil W. Brown of Pendleton vs. Supe- rior Plumbing of Central Ore- gon LLC and Greg Williamson of Terrebonne: seeks $900. •Lorena Aguilar of Mil- ton-Freewater vs. Premier Motors Inc. and Danny Free- man of Milton-Freewater: seeks $1,218.45. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Andy J. Strasser of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $175.05. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Kurtis M. Wyttenbach of Athena: seeks $ 313.13. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Jennifer Allen Gaboury and Joseph Gaboury II of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $1,630.31. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Emmitt Quintal of Weston: seeks $706.79. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Edward R. Martinez of Milton-Freewater: seeks $1,938.33. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Chandler L. Vieu of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $3,679.19. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Devyn Marie Huddle- son of Milton-Freewater: seeks $254.94. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. James and Delana Wilbourn of Milton-Freewater: seeks $217.24. •Kimberly and Heidi Centers VISIT US ON THE WEB AT: judgment for $2,525.14. •Credits Inc. vs. Carlos Men- doza of Hermiston: judgment for $6,298.48. •Professional Service Bureau vs. Habacuc Jara of Walla Walla: judgment for $2,173.04. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Angela M. Cossitt of Pendleton: judgment for $740.96. of Oak Harbor, Wash., vs. Giant Schnauzers of Oregon of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $2,257.84. •Credits Inc. vs. Alma Delia Torres Galarza of Hermiston: seeks $1,850.05. •Credits Inc. vs. Irma R. Ini- guez Galvez of Stanfi eld: seeks $1,781.38. •Credits Inc. vs. Mao San (Gettmann) of Hermiston: seeks $3,453.90. •Credits Inc. vs. Amy Gomez of Hermiston: seeks $1,957.71. •Credits Inc. vs. Daisy Pal- omino of Hermiston: seeks $885.70. •Credits Inc. vs. Michael Reese of Hermiston: seeks $1,583.28. •Credits Inc. vs. Lily Ringe (nka Gilstrap) of Hermiston: seeks $1,452.91. •Credits Inc. vs. John and Debbie Schlichting of Pendle- ton: seeks $6,711.13. •Credits Inc. vs. Gretchan and James Varady of Hermis- ton: seeks $2,630.40. •Robert Lucas Brown of Pendleton vs. Brianna Abbott of Pendleton: seeks $5,000. •Robert L. Brown of Pendle- ton vs. SHannon N. Craighead of Pendleton: seeks $5,000. •Bonneville Billing & Collec- tions Inc. vs. Justin Northern of Pendleton: seeks $278.41. •Bonneville Billing & Collec- tions Inc. vs. Colton McKenney of Hermiston: seeks $208.13. •Bonneville Billing & Col- lections Inc. vs. Chelsey Carl- ton and David Colbeck of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $730.85. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Leona M. Berumen of Pendleton: seeks $1,801.27. •Portfolio Recovery Asso- ciates LLC vs. Jonna Barnes of Pendleton: seeks $6,357.09. •James Albert Tibbets of Pendleton vs. 1003 Hamilton LLC dba Blue Mountain Vil- lage Apartments of Pendleton: seeks $190. DIVORCES PENDLETON — Divorce decrees were signed in Uma- tilla County Courts for: Crystal LeAnne Curtis of Hermiston and Timothy Pat- rick Curtis Jr. of Irrigon; Kaylee Stroder and Robert C. Stroder of Pendleton. MARRIAGES PENDLETON — Marriage licenses have been registered in Umatilla County for: Derek Ryan Hickman, 29, and Kara Ann DeBoise, 22, both of Benton City, Wash. Douglas Milton Minton, 51, and Ann Marie Richards, 45, both of Hermiston. Michelle Teresa Marino, 46, and James Comyn David Dewar, 46, both of Salt Springs, Fla. Jose Daniel Gutierrez Gomez, 42, and Taylor Nikole Daniel, 28, both of Sunnyside, Wash. Maria Veronica Zaragoza, 37, and Jose Jesus Diaz Lara, 44, both of Milton-Freewater. Josie Rhea Erickson, 23, of Pilot Rock, and Rhyce Cole Pruit, 24, of Irrigon. Cesar David Huizar de los Santos, 30, and Alejandrina Camacho Garcia, 29, both of Stanfi eld. Tyron Lee Travis, 51, of Tilla- mook, and Jennifer Lynn Krig- baum, 27, of Pendleton. Bobby Joe Woods, 43, of Pendleton, and Louieline Jayme Alvior, 22, of Santo Tomas Davao Del Norte, Philippines. Jessika Lynn Warner, 19, and Brandon Teague Humbert, 21, both of Milton-Freewater. Sarah Ann Staff ord-Rich- ards, 32, and Andrew Mitchell Profi tt, 30, both of Boardman. Nabor Murguia Mejia, 43, and Maria de Jesus Ortega Davalos, 43, both of Irrigon. Monte W. Johnson, 41, and Stacie Marie Brasher, 36, both of Irrigon. Armando Contreras Leal, 22, of Hermiston, and Yakima Guz- man Espinoza, 20, of Stanfi eld. Lindsey Mae Cabral, 24, and Michael LaFay Blais Jr., 25, both of Hermiston. JUDGMENTS PENDLETON — The fol- lowing judgments have been rendered in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): •Valley Credit Service Inc. vs. Katie L. Tayloe of Pendleton: judgment for $201. •Ray Klein Inc. vs. Lana Mea- cham of Pendleton: judgment for $763.29. •United Finance Co. vs. Jami Wilson of Pilot Rock: judgment for $1,062.62. •United Finance Co. vs. Aaron Bigleggins of Pilot Rock: PACIFIC NORTHWEST ALASKA, WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO, MONTANA REACH 3 million Pacific Northwesterners with just One Call! n PNDC CLASSIFIED - Daily Newspapers 29 newspapers - 1,187,980 circulation Number of words: 25 l Extra word cost: $10 Cost: $540 (Runs 3 consecutive days including wkds.) n PNDN 2x2 DISPLAY - Daily Newspapers 27 newspapers - 1,016,864 circulation Size: 2x2 (3.25”x2”) Cost: 1x 2x2: $1,050 More info: or call (916) 288-6011 Harrison Family Medicine Welcomes Andrea Carrasco, M.D. • Schedule an appointment today! • Accepting new patients • Accepting all insurances Harrison Family Medicine 1100 Southgate, Suite 2 Pendleton, OR 97801 Phone: 541-215-1564 Fax: 541-215-1567 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM