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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 2018)
RECORDS Saturday, October 6, 2018 COURTS Sentences PENDLETON — The following felony sentences have been imposed in Umatilla County courts: •Kaleb Allan Smith, 35, Pend- leton, pleaded guilty to DUII: sentenced to 90 days jail, 90 days jail-suspended, 5 years probation, 180 hours com- munity service, $2,500 fine, $2,755 fine-suspended and lifetime revocation of driv- er’s license, plus court costs and fees; pleaded guilty to Driving While Suspended/Re- voked: sentenced to 180 days jail-suspended, 5 years pro- bation and $1,000 fine. •Matthew Lucas Hoisington, 39, Pendleton, pleaded guilty to two counts of Attempt to Commit Class B Felony: sen- tenced to 5 years probation for each count; pleaded guilty to Interfering With Peace/Pa- role/Probation Officer: sen- tenced to 364 days jail. •Olajawan Lee Thomas, 28, Echo, pleaded guilty to As- saulting a Public Safety Offi- cer: sentenced to 18 months Oregon Dept. of Corrections (DOC), 2 years post-prison supervision and restitution to be determined; pleaded guilty to Resisting Arrest: sen- tence discharged. •Seth Andrew Burnett, 31, Mil- ton-Freewater, pleaded guilty to Robbery II: Sentenced to 70 months Oregon DOC, 3 years post-prison supervision and $1,824 restitution; pleaded guilty to Attempt to Commit Class B Felony: sentenced to 30 months Oregon DOC and 30 months post-prison super- vision. •Christopher Steven Tucker, 37, Milton-Freewater, pleaded guilty to Possession of Meth- amphetamine: sentenced to 80 hours community service, $500 fine and $1,000 fine-sus- pended. •Alejandro Christian Campos, 19, Umatilla, pleaded guilty to Sodomy I: sentenced to 300 months Oregon DOC, 100 years post-prison supervision and $200 fine-suspended; pleaded guilty to Sodomy II: sentenced to 75 months Ore- gon DOC, 10 years post-pris- on supervision and $200 fine-suspended. •Mariah Kay Hurse, 21, Stanfield, pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphet- amine: sentenced to 2 years probation, 90 sanction units, 30 maximum jail units, 80 hours community service, $200 fine, $800 fine-suspend- ed and 6 months driver’s li- cense suspension. •Gerardo Muniz Vazquez, 26, Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Kidnapping II: sentenced to 34 months Oregon DOC, 3 years post-prison supervision, $500 fine and $500 fine-suspend- ed; pleaded guilty to Assault IV: sentenced to $100 fine (sentence discharged). Suits Filed •Credits Inc. vs. Dean and Peggy S. Harris of Umatilla: seeks $1,793.87. Walla vs. Cassandra C. (Cas- sie) Chute of Pendleton: judg- ment for $815.91. •Credits Inc. vs. Colton T. McKenney of Stanfield: seeks $1,506.98. •Credits Inc. vs. Mark and Linda Shipley of Hermiston: seeks $438.20. •Nationwide Recovery Ser- vice Inc. vs. Mitcheal Thomp- son and Destiny Holz of Uma- tilla: seeks $2,454.83. •Credits Inc. vs. Kyle R. Slupsky of Hermiston: seeks $619. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Katy J. Clark of Mil- ton-Freewater: judgment for $3,964.85. •Credits Inc. vs. Felipe and Yesenia Castaneda of Herm- iston: seeks $2,825.61. •Juan Molina vs. Rosales Trucking and Sergio Rosales: seeks $825,000. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Shana Radford: seeks $3,675.99. •Credits Inc. vs. Xochilt Juarez of Hermiston: seeks $511.20. •Credits Inc. vs. Gilberto Cruz Jr. of Hermiston: seeks $7,087.04. •Credits Inc. vs. Ociel Madri- gal and Lucia Madrigal Men- doza of Boardman: seeks $5,621.11. •Credits Inc. vs. Cirilo Rafael Gutierrez of Umatilla: seeks $825.46. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Al- yssa Wizner: seeks $906. •Credits Inc. vs. Dustin and Samantha Starkweather of Hermiston: seeks $1,963.78. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Miguel Pacheco: seeks $1,403.64. •Credits Inc. vs. Lezlee H. Curtis of Hermiston: seeks $652.03. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Diane L. Parson of Pendleton: seeks $2,659.53. •Credits Inc. vs. Carmen L. and Exodus Ramos of Echo: seeks $2,008.98. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Robert W. Turner of Pendleton: seeks $334.77. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Christina Myers: seeks $832.19. •Lanita McDonald of Athe- na vs. Lynette McMillian of Weston: seeks $735. •Midland Funding LLC vs. No- hely Monroy: seeks $1,076.36. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Bertha D. Delga- do (Palacios) and Antonio Del- gado Garcia of Milton-Free- water: seeks $3,102.11. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Alejandro (Alex) Crispin of Milton-Freewater: seeks $1,553.38. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Joelle Loree Bagdon of Athena: seeks $609.50. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Tyler Boles and Kitty Boles (Moore) of Athe- na: seeks $772.65. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Branden M. Cunnington of Milton-Free- water: seeks $203.50. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Malhia (Malia) and Michael J. Lieuallen of Weston: seeks $782.38. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Jennifer Zwald and Aaron Zward of Hermis- ton: seeks $745.63. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla Inc. vs. Meranda M. Smith of Pendleton: seeks $2,442.09. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Cynthia Villalobos: seeks $803.86. •OneMain Financial Group LLC vs. Alexis Almonte: seeks $6,296.60. •Synchrony Bank vs. C. Mar- tinez Gonzale of Milton-Free- water: seeks $2,326.33. Judgments PENDLETON — The follow- ing judgments have been rendered in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not listed): •Evergreen Financial Services Inc. vs. Robert Michael Bru of Milton-Freewater: judgment for $1,466.56. •American Family Mutual Insurance Co. obo Maribel Carrasco and Elva L. Muniz vs. Bonnie Michelle Matlack of Umatilla: judgment for $4,072. •Bonneville Billing & Collec- tions vs. Matthew S. Kinch of Milton-Freewater: judgment for $202.31. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Tra- cy Rozzell: seeks $6,054.11. •Credits Inc. vs. Alma Arella- no Estrada and Antonio Arel- lano of Umatilla: judgment for $1,108.51. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Maritsa Alvarez: seeks $1,256.79. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Sammantha Browning: seeks $1,496.98. •Credits Inc. vs. Michael Ham- mons of Heppner: judgment for $1,695.92. •Portfolio Recovery Asso- ciates LLC vs. Marlena M. White: seeks $1,165.96. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Cindy McCallister: seeks $1,614.25. •Credits Inc. vs. Joshua and Kimberly Henrichs of Hep- pner: seeks $2,900.37. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Chiera Mendoza: seeks $1,290.90 and $1,825.21 in separate suits. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Tanna and James R. King of Athena: judgment for $208.47. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Wil- liam Reuter: seeks $848.22. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Cara Gillpatrick: seeks $1,442.98. •Deville Asset Management Ltd. vs. Octezio R. Gonzalez: seeks $5,665.12. •LVNV Funding LLC vs. Aman- da Ortega: seeks $772.65. •Capital One Bank vs. Omer Fuller of Athena: seeks $2,865.91. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. James Davis: seeks $902.87. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Shana Radford: seeks $2,014.74. •Portfolio Recovery Asso- ciates LLC vs. Inez Tenorio: seeks $2,428.44. •OneMain Financial Group LLC vs. Lourdes Carrillo Lo- pez: seeks $1,727.60. •Credits Inc. vs. Nathaniel L. Brendle of Hermiston: seeks $1,498.01. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Sara Barnett of Hermiston: seeks $947.13. •Credits Inc. vs. Harold and Dana Enick of Pendleton: seeks $1,417.75. •Credits Inc. vs. Sarah Anne Kendrick of Irrigon: seeks $1,301.58. •United Finance Co. vs. John Leija of Irrigon: seeks $4,787.28. •Credits Inc. vs. Timothy W. and Jeanette Goldie of Echo: seeks $731.72. •Capital One Bank vs. Erin M. Taylor of Pendleton: seeks $2,126.98. •Capital One Bank vs. Rebec- ca N. Kempf of Hermiston: seeks $3,499.43. •Capital One Bank vs. Roy T. Muraco of Milton-Freewater: seeks $1,780.66. •Capital One Bank vs. Miguel A. Perez of Hermiston: seeks $2,154.57. •Credits Inc. vs. Tammie S. Proa of Umatilla: seeks $4,721.27. •Credits Inc. vs. Ramon Padil- la and Elizabeth Hernandez of Hermiston: seeks $1,024.77. •Credits Inc. vs. Cleotilde M. Corcuera of Hermiston: seeks $428.91. •Credits Inc. vs. Jesus Arman- do Birrueta of Umatilla: seeks $1,095.31. •Credits Inc. vs. Clarissa D. and Victor Jimenez of Board- man: seeks $2,140. •Credits Inc. vs. Kimberly N. Homer of Irrigon: seeks $1,754.12. •Credits Inc. vs. Sarah and Mi- chael McNeeley of Pilot Rock: judgment for $5,178.05. •Credits Inc. vs. Kristian Yap Allan of Umatilla: judgment for $1,233.06. •Credits Inc. vs. Roxanne and Richard D. Broadbent of Boardman: judgment for $896.77. •Credits Inc. vs. Aaron E. Gil- roy of Hermiston: judgment for $2,675.50. •Credits Inc. vs. Mary Joan Busey of Boardman: judg- ment for $2,752.55. •Credits Inc. vs. Maria Wine- barger of Hermiston: judg- ment for $2,286.06. •Credits Inc. vs. Hailey Wool- dridge of Boardman: judg- ment for $1,147.23. •Credits Inc. vs. Johnathon C. Moore of Boardman: judg- ment for $880.40. •Cavalry SPV I LLC vs. Tav- is Ferguson: judgment for $1,140.74. PENDLETON — Divorce de- crees were signed in Umatilla County Courts for: •Midland Funding LLC vs. Maria Tejeda: seeks $1,205.04. •Portfolio Recovery Asso- ciates LLC vs. Julie A. War- rington: seeks $7,539.62. •Bonneville Billing & Collec- tions vs. Michael W. Montee of Pendleton: judgment for $419.35. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Maria E. Ponce of Milton-Freewater: judgment for $1,613.39. •Quick Collect Inc. vs. Kerri A. (Kirri) Lively and Shane Pur- cell of Athena: seeks $363.48. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Sharon Hufman: seeks $1,244.57. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Katherine M. Cun- ningham of Weston: judg- ment for $5,313.62. •Capital One Bank vs. Robert K. Morin of Umatilla: judg- ment for $3,994.84. PENDLETON — The following suits have been filed in Uma- tilla County courts (interest, court costs and fees not list- ed): •Credits Inc. vs. Scott E. Cra- mer of La Grande: seeks $1,240.77. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Teri Smith Prock (Gambill) of Pendleton: judg- ment for $1,742.52. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Earlene Reese of Hermiston: judgment for $1,443.20. •Toyota Motor Credit Corp. vs. Paul Getty of Hermiston: judgment for $11,139.72. •Atlas Financial Services vs. Ashlee C. Gonzalez of Umatil- la: seeks $262.93. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Luis Camargo Jr. of Walla Walla: judgment for $164.12. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Jink Payne Jr. of Hermiston: judgment for $4,258.99. •Quick Collect Inc. vs. John B. Crofts of Hermiston: seeks $399.49. •Atlas Financial Services vs. Justine and Jeff Barnes of Pendleton: seeks $3,642.69. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Everett Carson Jr. of Milton-Freewater: judgment for $2,441.68. •CARFAX Inc. vs. Premier Mo- tors Inc. of Milton-Freewater: judgment for $4,628.89. •Midland Funding LLC vs. Beth Zufelt of Umatilla: judg- ment for $1,603.92. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Destiny Kilburg of Lewiston, Idaho: judgment for $462.39. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Alberto Molina of Athena: judgment for $215.51. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Patricia Ledezma and Carlos E. Gomez of Mil- ton-Freewater: judgment for $714.04. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. James Wertman of Milton-Freewater: judgment for $305.99. Natalie Elaine Davis of Walla Walla and Todd Loren Davis of Milton-Freewater; Pamela Louann Moser of Hermiston and Vaughn Laurn Moser of Ontario; Justin Lee Dean of Athena and Carissa April Dean of Pendleton (UCJ); Gerald Edward Williams of Umatilla and Kate Janine Wil- liams of Salmon, Idaho; Isidro Navarrete Campos of Umatil- la and Hermelinda Navarrete of Pasco, Wash.; Judy Late- resa Moore of Pendleton and David Curtis Moore of Helix. Marriages PENDLETON — Marriage li- censes have been registered in Umatilla County for: Benjamin Michael Whip- ple, 28, and Brittney Nicole Campbell, 24, both of Pend- leton. Bailey James Tietsort, 23, and Taylor Maine Sonder- man, 23, both of Kennewick, Wash. Mario Isaac Palacios, 24, and Brenda Barragan, 24, both of Hermiston. Jose Ramon Maldonado Go- mez, 17, and Jessica Stepha- nie Ibarra, 18, both of Herm- iston. Jay Douglas Petty, 59, of Pasco, Wash., and Erin Joan Richards, 57, of Irrigon. Justin Vincen Stone, 26, and Amy Roine Greenough, 28, both of Hermiston. Aaron Michael Burgess, 46, and Margaret Irene Curtis, 46, both of Weston. Karl Frederick Lueck, 62, and Karen Casey Elizabeth Cheek, 65, both of Pendleton. •Credits Inc. vs. Leonorilda Guardado-Iniquez and Mario Iniguez of Hermiston: judg- ment for $3,327.43. Drake Oliver Fuglie, 24, and Kristen Taylor Warner, 23, both of Ephrata, Wash. •Credits Inc. vs. Mary N. Lo- gan of Hermiston: judgment for $4,561.64. •Credits Inc. vs. Marisela Mendoza of Hermiston: judg- ment for $588.44. •Credits Inc. vs. Claudia and Abraham Vargas of Irrigon: judgment for $5,286.76. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Hector Salinas and Milagros (Millie) Landa of Milton-Freewater: judgment for $1,897.34. •Collection Bureau of Walla Walla vs. Lorisa M. Cran- dell-Clark of Milton-Freewa- ter: judgment for $6,048.83. •Collection Bureau of Walla WARRANTS Saturday, October 6, 2018 Mark Anthony Cano Jr. Age: 47 Sex: M Charge: Probation Violation (PV): DUII, reckless driving, recklessly endangering another Bail: No bail Last known location: Walla Walla, WA Darin Levi Dettmer Age: 42 Sex: M Charge: Failure to Appear (FTA): Failure to appear Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Milton-Freewater, OR Jennifer Michelle Ellery Age: 41 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Negotiating bad check, theft Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Rock Creek, OR Leanna Kay Free Age: 55 Sex: F Charge: PV: Possession of methamphetamine Bail: No bail Last known location: Pendleton, OR Poppy Rose Grover Age: 39 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Unauthorized use of vehicle Bail: $10,000 Last known location: La Grande, OR James Charles Mason Age: 66 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Failure to report as sex offender Bail: $40,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Pedro Noel Ortega Age: 34 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Failure to appear Bail: $30,000 Last known location: Milton-Freewater, OR Anthony Todd Richards Age: 52 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Failure to appear Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Tacoma, WA Divorces •United Finance Co. vs. Can- dy Valentine of Sumpter: judgment for $9,125.65. •Credits Inc. vs. Robert and Christina Wright of Hermis- ton: judgment for $830.39. Page 7A Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office •Credits Inc. vs. Danielle M. Holden of Pendleton: seeks $470.81. •Bonneville Billing & Collec- tions Inc. vs. Ayla Schlaht of Hermiston: seeks $1,195.35. East Oregonian Louis Mark Case, 59, and Re- nae Ava Miguez, 60, both of Pendleton. Sydney Nicole Riddle Age: 24 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Possession of stolen vehicle Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Hermiston, OR Patricia Logan Taylor Age: 27 Sex: F Charge: PV: DUII Bail: No bail Last known location: Irrigon, OR Warrants on the above persons were active at the time the list was created, however wanted status is subject to change at any- time. If whereabouts are known, please report immediately to law enforcement by calling our 24 hours dispatch center at 541- 966-3651 or by calling 911 if an emergency. BRIEFLY Private security guard found shot to death in Eugene been made and police have released few details about the circumstances around Ledgett’s death. EUGENE (AP) — Eugene Police say a 69-year- old man working as a private security guard was shot and killed early Friday in west Eugene. Sgt. Tim Haywood says Frank Ledgett, of Springfield, was found dead in a parking lot and police have launched a homicide investigation. Hayword says Ledgett was working as a security guard on the commercial property before the shooting. Officers responded to the scene shortly after midnight after receiving reports of shots being fired. The Register-Guard reports that no arrests have Police shoot, kill man near Hwy. 97 KLAMATH FALLS (AP) — Authorities in southern Oregon say police shot and killed a male suspect and are searching for a woman who ran from the scene near Modoc Point. Klamath County Sher- iff Chris Kaber says the man was shot Friday morning in the area of Modoc Point just off of U.S. Highway 97 in southern Oregon.He says no officers were seriously injured. He did not immedi- ately provide details about what led to the shooting. Make a diff erence in a foster child’s life. Rodney Ward Bonomi, 52, and Valerie Jean Deane, 47, both of Kennewick. John P.F Comrie, 33, and Ju- lie Renee Beauvais, 34, both of Pendleton. Francisco Saldana Lara, 24, and Kalyn Ann Odman, 24, both of Milton-Freewater. Justin Michael Boyd, 26, and Amanda Jordan Lancaster, 25, both of Hermiston. Steven Lester Morrison, 30, and Rachel Elizabeth Carl- son, 29, both of Portland. Richard Romeyn Adams, 26, and Jesslynn Nickole Christ- man, 25, both of Hermiston. Become a CASA Court Appointed Special Advocate Info & Training Sessions Starting October 8th, 2018 Call a local CASA Coordinator for details! Hermiston: (541) 667-6169 • Pendleton: (541) 278-6292