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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 2018)
RECORDS Saturday, August 11, 2018 Saturday, August 11, 2018 Shawn Howard Banks Age: 47 Sex: M Charge: Parole Violation (PV) : Giving false information to police Bail: No bail Last known location: Stanfield, OR Nathan Charles Burton Age: 35 Sex: M Charge: Failure to Appear (FTA): Interfer- ing with peace/parole/probation officer Bail: $5,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Rebecca Sue Foster Age: 56 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Giving false information to police Bail: $20,000 Last known location: Stanfield, OR Robert Craig Maker Age: 42 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Violation of wildlife law Bail: $10,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR NO PHOTO Robert McKillop Age: 58 Sex: M Charge: DUII, driving while suspended Bail: $50,000 Last known location: Pendleton, OR Anthony Todd Richards Age: 52 Sex: M Charge: FTA: Disorderly conduct, crimi- nal trespass Bail: $100,000 Last known location: Tacoma, WA NO PHOTO Cailan Nicole Sherman Age: 21 Sex: F Charge: FTA: Theft Bail: $25,000 Last known location: Baker City, OR THURSDAY 7:04 a.m. - A resident at the Wilson Road Mobile Home Park, 600 Wilson Road S.W., Boardman, called 911 and reported a person came to the home and asked for her brother, and when she opened the door he tried to grab her. 10:40 a.m. - A Hermiston resident told police she called a scam number, and someone said her phone was hacked, and she now was afraid to use the phone. 11:16 a.m. - Hermiston police received a request to check on possible animal abuse on West Laird Avenue. 3:10 p.m. - The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office tried to find an older model two-tone Honda Accord on Highway 730 near Irrigon after a caller reported someone in the vehicle threw a bottle through the window of a motor home, shattering glass all over the driver. 3:21 p.m. - Hermiston police received a report about child abuse. 3:50 p.m. - The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office sent a deputy to Southeast Utah Avenue after a caller complained about a home security salesperson. The caller said he called the company after the man tried to get into his house to make a sale, and the company said the salesperson was not its employee. However, he could have been a third-party salesperson. The deputy did not find the solicitor. Sentences PENDLETON — The follow- ing felony sentences have been imposed in Umatilla County courts: •Richard Andrew Miller, 29, Stanfield, pleaded no contest to Unauthorized Use of Vehi- cle: sentenced to 3 years pro- bation, 180 sanction units, 90 maximum jail units, 80 hours community service, $200 fine and $2,800 fine-sus- pended, plus attorney fees. •Logan Mitch Wilson, 42, Hermiston, pleaded guilty to Attempt to Commit Class B Felony: sentenced to 18 months probation, 90 sanc- tion units, 30 maximum jail units, 80 hours community service, $250 fine and $2,750 fine-suspended, plus attor- ney fees; pleaded guilty to Falsifying Drug Test Results: sentenced to $100 fine. Daniel Campos Tappo Age: 21 Sex: M Charge: PV: DUII, recklessly endangering another, reckless driving Bail: No bail Last known location: Stanfield, OR PENDLETON — The follow- ing suits have been filed in Umatilla County courts (in- terest, court costs and fees not listed): Austine Kyle Stewart Age: 29 Sex: M Charge: PV: Theft Bail: No bail Last known location: Hermiston, OR •Freedom Mortgage Com- pany vs. the unknown heirs and devisees of Ralph Ed- mondson, Maralyn Yvonne Berta-Edmondson and oc- cupants of premises: seeks $145,366.66. Warrants on the above persons were active at the time the list was created, however wanted status is subject to change at any- time. If whereabouts are known, please report immediately to law enforcement by calling our 24 hours dispatch center at 541- 966-3651 or by calling 911 if an emergency. 4:43 p.m. - Pendleton police received a report of theft from D & B Supply, 850 Southgate Place. 5:26 p.m. - Residents on Northwest Washington Avenue, reported they saw a Facebook post about that home security salesperson and would like to talk to a deputy about him. 8:01 p.m. - Neighbors on West Joseph Avenue, Hermiston, played the drums loud enough to draw a complaint. Police warned the drum players to quiet down. 9:08 p.m. - A resident of Riverview Mobile Estates, 2712 N.E. Riverside Ave., Pendleton, reported someone broke in and turned on the gas stove. 10:07 p.m. - Stanfield police responded to a report of drug activity at the Pilot Travel Center, 2115 S. Highway 395, Stanfield, but the suspects were gone before officers arrived. 10:45 p.m. - Pendleton police took a report for theft at the First Church of God, 712 S.W. 27th St. 11:19 p.m. - Law enforcement responded to calls about gun shots at Highway 207 and Lloyd Road, Hermiston, but did not find anything related to the reports. At the same time, a caller complained about loud music on East Airport Road. The Umatilla County Fair is in full swing at the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center, 1705 E. Airport Road, Hermiston, and Thursday night the ’80s heavy metal band Skid Row was rocking out at the fair. ARRESTS, CITATIONS Thursday •The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office arrested Jacob Luttrell, 38, of Ione, for domestic violence crimes of fourth-degree assault and strangulation. •Hermiston police arrested Jesse Thomas Moore, 37, of Hermiston, for parole violations and felony possession of methamphetamine. •Umatilla Tribal Police arrested David Brazovan, 32, of Portland, for reckless driving, unauthorized use of a vehicle, possession of a stolen vehicle and failure to display a driver’s license. •Pendleton police at 6:02 p.m. responded to Garden Lane Apartments, 2201 S.W. Nye Ave., for the theft of a motorcycle. Police arrested Gage Darrell Woods, 19, of Hermiston, for unauthorized use of vehicle, third-degree theft and second-degree theft. Friday •Umatilla Tribal Police arrested Daniel Rivas, 35, no address available, for driving under the influence of intoxicants. •Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office arrested Jordan Delano Crandall, 27, of Hermiston, for unauthorized use of a vehicle, unauthorized entry into a vehicle, tampering with physical evidence and interfering with a peace officer. COURTS Suits Filed Ricky Zamora Age: 54 Sex: M Charge: PV: Assault, strangulation, harassment Bail: No bail Last known location: Milton-Freewater, OR Page 7A PUBLIC SAFETY LOG Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office WARRANTS East Oregonian •Midland Funding LLC vs. Guy Post: seeks $1,090. •Credits Inc. vs. Serena A. Lopez of Hermiston: seeks $1,387.57. •Credits Inc. vs. Aurelio D. Celestino (De Los Santos) of Boardman: seeks $1,233.37. •OneMain Financial Services Inc. vs. Jonathan R. Hale of Hermiston: judgment for $2,364.37. •Ray Klein Inc. vs. John C. Gonzales of Hermiston: seeks $1,195.38. •Craig Allen Cruz of Umatilla (TRCI) vs. State of Oregon: judgment for $1,000. •Midland vs. Dean $3,636.79. LLC seeks •Credits Inc. vs. Timothy Green of Hermiston: judg- ment for $595.53. •Credits Inc. vs. Sheryl M. and Thomas Mashos of Boardman: seeks $4,816.47. •Credits Inc. vs. Javier Car- rillo of Hermiston: judgment for $3,626.34. •Munselle-Rhodes Funer- al Home Inc. vs. Wood- bury “Bud” Phillips of Mil- ton-Freewater: seeks $6,237. •Credits Inc. vs. Whitney B. Arias of Hermiston: judg- ment for $1,285.82. Funding Graves: •Credits Inc. vs. Richard J. Stotts of Irrigon: seeks $2,134.25. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Lori A. Gutierrez: seeks $1,180.12. •Portfolio Recovery Asso- ciates LLC vs. Ida Sagote: seeks $1,273.53. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Charles Nnabui- fe: seeks $3,118.41. •Douglas J. Burnham Jr. vs. Oregon Dept. of Corrections, Steve Shelton M.D., Davis Michael Gordanier R.N. and Andrew Marvin Crowder R.N.: seeks $4.5 million. •United Finance Co. vs. Rob- ert L. Brown of Pendleton: seeks $1,051.33. •Cavalry SPV I LLC vs. Nancy White: seeks $1,746.71. •United Finance Co. vs. Can- dy Valentine of Sumpter: seeks $10,000. •Credits Inc. vs. Martha Ven- egas and Nestor Reyes Ven- egas of Hermiston: seeks $7,241.61. •Credits Inc. vs. Luis Rivera of Umatilla: seeks $5,428.12. •Professional Service Bu- reau vs. Debra M. Rosario of Pendleton: judgment for $547.67. •Credits Inc. vs. Jacob E. and Barbara Reynolds of Hermis- ton: seeks $1,248.79. •Cavalry SPV I LLC vs. Gua- dalupe P. Ramirez of Hermis- ton: seeks $3,258.45. •Credits Inc. vs. Trisha Rus- sum of Umatilla: seeks $452.90. and fees not listed): •Credits Inc. vs. Everett and Michelle M. Stotts of Irrigon: judgment for $1,968.15. •Credits Inc. vs. Ashlee White of Umatilla: judgment for $1,370.61. •Cam Credits Inc. vs. Joshua P. Reiswig of Ukiah: judg- ment for $6,957.10. •United Finance Co. vs. Ton- ya R. Rychard of Pendleton: judgment for $501.08. •Portfolio Recovery Associ- ates LLC vs. Marie Gallegos of Hermiston: judgment for $1,221.20. •Professional Service Bureau vs. Melquiades Hernandez Simon Jr. of Milton-Freewa- ter: judgment for $1,717.79. •Credits Inc. vs. Roxanne Meads (nka Holcomb) and Richard Holcomb of Hermis- ton: judgment for $1,882.73. •Bonneville Billing & Collec- tions Inc. vs. Michael Manson of Umatilla: seeks $390.74. •Cam Credits Inc. vs. Kipp E. Miller (Miller Marhefka) of Pendleton: judgment for $448.97. Judgments Divorces PENDLETON — The follow- ing judgments have been rendered in Umatilla County courts (interest, court costs PENDLETON — Divorce de- crees were signed in Umatil- la County Courts for: Erick A. Vertrees and Kasi L. Vertrees of Hermiston; Rafael Escobedo Munoz and Ange- la B. Escobedo of Umatilla; Gerald Robert Meisner of Pendleton and Janet Elaine Meisner of Toledo, Ore. Marriages PENDLETON — Marriage li- censes have been registered in Umatilla County for: Loyde Dwight Guthrie, 59, and Susan Jane Millay, 57, both of Yakima, Wash. Timothy Patrick Curtis Jr., 37, and Crystal Leanne Fuersten- berg, 36, both of Hermiston. Oscar Luis Contreras Leal, 23, and Nayeli Ruiz, 23, both of Hermiston. Eric Iovani Barrera, 26, and Andrea Garcilazo Madrigal, 26, both of Umatilla. Trenton Lee Dixon, 25, of North Powder and Meghan Anne McDonough, 22, of Hermiston. Dale Chad Delquadri, 44, and Susan Ann Snyder, 43, both of Yakima. Jahkota James Johnson, 25, and Elizabeth Ann Miller, 25, both of Pendleton. Carter Gordon Hersey, 27, and Rheana Marie Bales, 27, both of Tacoma, Wash. Alfredo Celestino Sanchez, 26, of Everett, Wash., and Irais Montelongo, 23, of Hermiston. Travis Dean Ludwig, 28, and Lauren Elizabeth Scoubes-Sauers, 23, both of Pendleton. Douglas Jyn Swanson, 30, and Courtney Marie Michel- son, 29, both of Spokane, Wash. Richard Tyrone Ruiz, 29, and Brittany Nichole Gonza- lez, 29, both of Benton City, Wash. Justin Clark Olson, 35, and Angela Renae Neuberger, 32, both of Meridian, Idaho. BRIEFLY Woman sentenced to 18 years for strangling, stabbing friend McConville told police she was acting in self-de- fense but struggled Thurs- day to explain why she killed him. PORTLAND (AP) — A woman who killed a friend who had given her a place to stay at his Portland apart- ment has been sentenced to 18 years in prison. The Oregonian/Oregon- Live reports Paris McCon- ville was sentenced Thurs- day after pleading guilty to manslaughter and assault in the strangling and stab- bing of 35-year-old Ryan Thompson in August 2017. Investigators say McCo- nville moved Thompson’s body into a bathtub, bound his hands with packing tape and later reported the crime to police. Prosecutors are unsure why McConville killed Thompson, but the two had been friends for 10 years and Thompson had recently invited McConville to live with him. Although it was first reported that McConville was a man authorities later said she was a transgender woman. PORTLAND (AP) — A southern Washington state father who violently shook his infant son to get him to stop crying has been sen- tenced to more than three years in prison. KATU-TV reports 31-year-old Brooks Hamil- ton was arrested on first-de- gree child assault charges in February after the 4-month- old baby sustained a trau- matic brain injury. According to authori- ties, Hamilton picked up the baby by the head and shook him. The child’s mother called police when she returned home. Family members say the baby is still recovering. Hamilton was also ordered to 18 months of community supervision and prohibited from having con- tact with the child and the boy’s family for 10 years. Motorcyclist killed, 3 injured in Klamath Falls Father who caused crash son’s brain injury KLAMATH FALLS sentenced to prison (AP) — Authorities charged SUBMIT COMMUNITY NEWS Submit information to: community@eastoregonian. com or drop off to the attention of Tammy Malgesini at 333 E. Main St., Hermiston or Renee Struthers at 211 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton. Call 541-564-4539 or 541-966-0818 with questions. a Klamath Falls woman with manslaughter after a fiery crash that killed one motorcyclist and injured three others. Klamath Falls police say 46-year-old Brenda Tobin was driving a pickup late Thursday when she turned directly into the path of two motorcycles. One of the motorcycles collided with the pickup and caught fire, killing 37-year-old Terry Maxwell of Bonanza. A passenger on Maxwell’s motorcycle suf- fered major injuries. The second motorcy- cle struck the back of Max- well’s motorcycle, send- ing another two riders to the hospital. The police department says officers developed probable cause to believe Tobin was driving under the influence of intoxicants. In addition to manslaughter, she was booked into jail on charges of assault, DUI and reckless endangerment. Ruling: Officer fired for racist posts entitled to back pay WEST LINN (AP) — An arbitrator ruled that the city of West Linn must pay at least $100,000 in lost wages to a police officer fired for racist Facebook posts because his colleagues knew about his behavior on social media and did noth- ing to address it until it was reported by the media. The Oregonian/Oregon- Live reports attorney Eric Lindauer also concluded that city officials were justi- fied in firing Tom Newberry last year. Lindauer found that New- berry’s racially biased posts were common knowledge among several high-ranking officers, who the arbitrator determined were aware of the type of comments New- berry made on his Facebook page before being placed on leave in July 2016. The city must award Newberry back pay from his firing date in February 2017 to the ruling date last month. West Linn spokeswoman Courtney Flynn says the city is appealing the ruling. Man beaten in park was wearing Cavs jersey SPRINGFIELD (AP) — Springfield police say a man who was attacked after being mistaken as a gang member was wearing a Cleveland Cavaliers jersey, not a red Portland Trail Blazers jersey as initially believed. Lt. Scott McKee said Fri- day that investigators have clarified it was a LeBron James jersey. The 45-year-old victim was walking late at night in Gamebird Park when three men challenged him about his gang affiliation. The vic- tim was beaten after denying he belonged to a gang. McKee said investiga- tors believe the jersey was the basis for the July 31 confrontation. Several 911 callers reported hearing screaming, and McKee says the unpro- voked attack left the vic- tim bloodied, bruised and broken. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 2PM-4PM • 1209 NW KING • PENDLETON Reduced to Music on the Lawn $295,000 SATURDAY, AUG. 11 JJ Hill 6:00-9:00 pm H AMLEY S TEAK H ouse & S aloon COURT & MAIN, PENDLETON • 541.278.1100 Beautifully updated kitchen and bathrooms. 3 bedroom 3 bath. Office could be 4th bedroom. Lots of storage. Sunroom off master, large patio. Family room, and guest bedroom and bath in basement. RMLS 18367063 Ann E. Burnside • Broker Cell: 541-429-2999 OR, LLC 614 SE Court Ave. • Pendleton, OR 97801 541-278-9275 • FAX 541-278-9279