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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 14, 2017)
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Page 3 C LASSIFIEDS E ASTERN O REGON M ARKETPLACE • 1-800-962-2819 • FAX 278-2680 Upcoming Advertising Opportunities If you are a business and would like to advertise in any of these special sections contact a sales representative today! Mar ch h: March: Spr ing Sp Spring Sports por ts - Saturday, Saturday y , March M 22 in the EO & Hermiston Herald Discover Disco v e er r Eas Eastern st ern Oregon Orr egon e - Saturday, Saturday y , March 25 2 5 in the EO W e ednesday y , March h 29 in the Hermiston n Herald - Wednesday, AG A G W Week e eek k P Page age - Wednesday, W ednesda e ay y , March 22 in the EO O & Hermiston Herald Heral ld April: Apr il: Li ttle Darlings Little Dar rlings - W Wednesday, e ednesday y , April 12 in the East Oregonian & Hermis y, Hermiston ston Herald Spring Spr ing Ho Home ome & Garden Garr den d - Saturday S Saturday, y , April 15 in the EO W ednesday e y , April 12 in the Hermiston Herald He erald - Wednesday, Homegrr o wn - Wednesday, Homegrown W ednesday e y , A April 26 in the EO & Hermiston H Herald Hermiston Hermis st to n Hor Horse rs se Sale Extravaganza Ex tr r a v ag anza Catalog Ca at talo o g - W Wednesday, e ednesday y , Ap April pril 19 in the EO & He Hermiston ermiston Herald Cattle Ca at ttle Ba Barons arro ons Ca Catalog at talo g - Sa Saturday, aturday y , April 29 in the t EO - W ednesday e y , April 26 H Hermiston Herald Wednesday, Ma May: ay y: Graduation Gr r adua a a tio t on 2017 - Saturday, Saturday y, May 27 in the EO - Wednesday, W e ednesd ay y , May 31 in the Hermiston He ermiston Herald June: Pendleton Pendle ton n Visi Visitors torrs Guide & Chamber Dir Directory re ec tory - Saturday, Saturday y , June Ju ne 24 in the East Oregonian Ore egonian Jeanne Jewett Audra Workman Chris McClellen Danni Halladay 541-564-4531 547-564-4538 547-966-0827 547-278-2683 547-278-2687 jjewett@hermiston Stephanie Newsom \ V M Z I 8 V W O M Z 7 V Z M \ -I[ March 2017 All about g n i t t i s y b ba ct What to expe GE 5 PA from a sitter care Relative child E E R PAGE 15 ysit ur teen to bab F PAGE 3 Setting up yo Pick up your free copy Like Eastern Oregon Parent on Facebook of Eastern Oregon Parent Magazine Read current and past issues online at across Umatilla County!