East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 13, 2016, Page Page 9A, Image 9

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Obama pays tribute to Dallas
of¿cers sKot in racial attack
Associated Press
DALLAS — President
Americans rattled by a week
of violence and protests to
¿nd ³open Kearts´ and new
empatKy 7uesday in a speecK
tKat seesawed between
Konoring police of¿cers for
tKeir bravery and decrying
racial preMudice tKat can
affect tKeir work
Obama spoke near ¿ve
empty cKairs for tKe wKite
police of¿cers killed last
week by a black man seeking
vengeance for police killings
BeKind Kim, underscoring
Kis message of unity Dallas
police of¿cers, a racially
diverse cKurcK cKoir and
local of¿cials wKo ranged
from black Police &Kief
David Brown to former
President *eorge W BusK, a
Dallas resident
Obama sougKt to reassure
tKe nation tKat Ke understands
tKe impact of tKe unsettling
events of tKe past week —
including tKe killing of two
black men by wKite police
of¿cers as well as tKe Dallas
Disturbing videos of tKe
events Kave ³left us wounded
and angry and Kurt,´ Ke said
³,t is as if tKe deepest
fault lines of our democracy
Kave suddenly been e[posed,
perKaps even widened´
8ndaunted, tKe president
urged Americans to cast
aside sucK doubt and replace
it witK faitK in tKe nation¶s
institutions and progress
³Dallas, ,¶m Kere to say
we must reMect sucK despair
,¶m Kere to insist tKat we are
not as divided as we seem
And , know tKat because
, know America , know
Kow far we¶ve come against
impossible odds,´ Ke said
7Ke president spoke
steps away from tKe cKairs
left empty for tKe ¿ve men
killed last 7Kursday wKile
protecting Kundreds of
people protesting tKe killings
of black men in Louisiana
and 0innesota 7Ke Army
veteran killed by police after
tKe Dallas attack said Ke was
motivated by revenge
³7Ke soul of our city was
Many in law enforcement feel frayed
relationship with Obama
DALLAS AP — After eacK fatal sKooting of a
black man by an of¿cer, President Barack Obama Kas
swiftly spoken out against bad policing, giving voice to
tKe generations of African-Americans wKo Kave found
tKemselves at tKe wrong end of a baton, a snarling dog
or a gun
As mucK as tKose words Kave comforted blacks, tKey
Kave rankled many of tKe nation¶s men and women in
blue Some Kave described tKe remarks as an insult, an
all-too-Tuick condemnation before all tKe facts are in and
a failure to acknowledge tKe tKousands of cops wKo do a
good job and routinely risk tKeir lives
³,t would just be nice for Kim to say µ+ey, , support
wKat you¶re doing,¶´ said Scott +ugKes, cKief of police in
+amilton 7ownsKip, a suburb of &incinnati, OKio ³7Ke
president doesn¶t defend tKe police ,t¶s very one-sided´
pierced,´ 0ayor 0ike 5awl-
ings said, as Ke welcomed tKe
president and a line of public
of¿cials, including BusK,
wKo attended witK Kis wife,
Laura, Vice President Joe
Biden and Kis wife, Jill, and
Brown 7Ke group on stage
capped tKe ceremony by
Kolding Kands and swaying
to tKe ³Battle +ymn of tKe
5epublic´ — a symbol in
sigKt and song of tKe service¶s
unity tKeme
³7oo often we Mudge otKer
groups by tKeir worst e[am-
ples, wKile Mudging ourselves
by our best intentions,´ BusK
said ³And tKis Kas strained
our bonds of understanding
and common purpose´
BusK and otKer speakers
paid tribute to tKe fallen
of¿cers — Brent 7Kompson,
a 43-year-old newlywed;
Patrick Zamarripa, 32, a
1avy veteran wKo served in
,raT; 0icKael .rol, 40, an
atKlete and basketball lover;
0icKael SmitK, , a former
Army 5anger and fatKer
of two, and Lorne AKrens,
wKose wife is a police detec-
1o one e[pressed Kis
appreciation for tKe men
Brown, wKo Kas emerged as
tKe steady and cKarismatic
face of tKe Dallas police 7Ke
cKief spent part of Kis time
reciting Stevie Wonder¶s ³,¶ll
Be Loving <ou Always´ to
e[press Kis affection for Kis
)or Obama, tKe moment
Sanders ¿nally endorses Clinton
PO57S0O87+, 1+
AP — WitK Kugs and
KandsKakes, Bernie Sanders
endorsed +illary &linton
for president on 7uesday
and empKatically told Kis
supporters tKeir ³political
revolution´ must now turn
to electing Kis Democratic
former rival
Sanders bestowed Kis
long-awaited support before
a boisterous 1ew +amp-
sKire crowd, declaring Ke
wanted to make it ³as clear
as possible as to wKy , am
endorsing +illary &linton´
+e congratulated Ker for
securing enougK delegates
to win tKe Democratic
nomination and vowed to
do everytKing Ke could to
Kelp Ker defeat 5epublican
candidate Donald 7rump
³7Kis campaign is not
really about +illary &linton,
or Donald 7rump or Bernie
Sanders, or any otKer
candidate wKo sougKt tKe
presidency 7Kis campaign is
about tKe needs of tKe Amer-
ican people and addressing
tKe very serious crises tKat
we face,´ Sanders said
+e added ³And tKere is
no doubt in my mind tKat,
as we Kead into 1ovember,
+illary &linton is far and
away tKe best candidate to do
As Sanders delivered
tKe endorsement just two
weeks sKy of tKe Democratic
National Convention in
PKiladelpKia, Clinton offered
a Kuge smile, embracing Kim
as tKey raised tKeir arms in
unity 7Ke former secretary
of state said tKe ¿nal four
montKs of tKe campaign
would be ³mucK more
enjoyable´ working along-
side Sanders and ecKoed Ker
campaign slogan, ³We are
stronger togetKer´
During mucK of Ker
remarks, Clinton embraced
many of Sanders¶ causes,
vowing to oppose trade
deals like tKe 7rans-Paci¿c
PartnersKip, ¿gKt to raise
tKe federal minimum wage
— adopting Sanders¶ tone,
sKe called it a ³starvation
wage´ — and overKaul tKe
campaign ¿nance system
³7Kese aren¶t just my
¿gKts 7Kese are Bernie¶s
¿gKts 7Kese are America¶s
¿gKts,´ Clinton said
to continue on until tKe
convention and even tKougK
Ke endorsed Clinton Ke is
still an active candidate, Kis
campaign said after tKe joint
0icKael Briggs said Sanders
still supports Kolding a roll
call vote at tKe convention to
determine tKe nomination
coalesced around Clinton¶s
candidacy since sKe defeated
Sanders in primaries last
montK in California and
¿ve otKer states, Kelped
along by endorsements from
President Barack Obama,
Vice President Joe Biden
and otKers ,n a KigK-pro¿le
rally last montK, Clinton was
embraced by 0assacKusetts
Sen Eli]abetK Warren, a
liberal stalwart popular witK
Sanders¶ followers
Sanders Kas spent tKe past
montK seeking to inÀuence
tKe party¶s platform for tKe
PKiladelpKia convention and
promote electoral reforms
including allowing indepen-
dents to participate in future
primaries +e called tKe
platform ³tKe most progres-
sive´ in Kistory and Kailed
steps to create a 1 an Kour
minimum wage, prevent
Wall Street malfeasance and
address climate cKange
7Ke event at a PortsmoutK
KigK scKool sougKt to project
Democratic unity before
5epublicans formally nomi-
nate 7rump ne[t week in
Cleveland but some Sanders¶
supporters in tKe crowd did
not appear to be ready to
move on
5ecent polls Kave sKown
tKat many Sanders voters
plan to back Clinton but
Kave reservations about Ker
A new GenForward poll
of adults ages 18 to 30 found
tKat Clinton was struggling to
make inroads among young
Americans wKo overwKelm-
ingly supported Sanders
was a cKance to try to defuse
wKat some Kave described
as a national powder keg of
emotions over race, justice,
gun violence and policing
7Ke president positioned
Kimself as botK an ally of law
enforcement and a sympa-
tKi]er of tKe Black Lives
0atter movement
,t¶s a posture neitKer side
Kas completely accepted
critici]ed Obama and some
of Kis policies, including a
decision to stem tKe Àow of
to local departments One
prominent voice, William
JoKnson, e[ecutive director
tKe 1ational Association
of Police Organi]ations,
accused Obama of waging a
³war on cops´
Some protesters, mean-
wKile, Tuestioned wKy
Obama rusKed Kome from
Europe to attend tKe service
in Dallas before meeting witK
tKe communities grieving
tKeir dead in 0innesota and
,n a gesture aimed at tKe
answering tKat, as Obama
Àew to Dallas Ke telepKoned
tKe families of Alton Sterling
and PKilando &astile, tKe
men killed in confrontations
in Baton 5ouge and suburban
St Paul
7Ke WKite +ouse said
Obama worked late into
tKe nigKt on Kis speecK,
consulting Scripture for
East Oregonian
Page 9A
ROXBURY: Denies rumors of anytKing
sinister, nefarious involving Kis departure
Continued from 1A
Bieren, a 14-year-old boy from Umatilla
wKo Kad gone swimming witK Kis friends at
a popular swimming Kole on tKe Umatilla
5iver Spring runoff Kad made tKe river more
unpredictable and Bieren was unresponsive
after being pulled from tKe water by Kis
friends 5o[bury was tKe ¿rst responder to get
to Bieren wKo Ke said Kad been like a son to
Kim and Kad spent a lot of time at 5o[bury¶s
Kome because Bieren was friends witK Kis
son ³7Kat was about tKe worst day of my
adult life,´ 5o[bury said, ³, sKould Kave Tuit
tKen, but ,¶m not a Tuitter´ 7Ke anniversary
of tKe tragedy was around 0emorial Day
and by August ³tKe dam Kad broke and tKe
water was trickling out,´ 5o[bury recounts
³Now , could see tKat , Kadn¶t put tKis away,
it was still a problem and , couldn¶t ignore it
5o[bury broke down crying at a Umatilla
5ural Fire Board meeting in September Fire
board member and Umatilla CKief of Police
Darla +u[el suggested 5o[bury take some
time off SKe also referred Kim to tKe On-Site
Academy in 0assacKusetts wKere Ke spent
¿ve days decompressing from a career in
public service 5o[bury used Kis accrued sick
and vacation pay to take tKe time off
+is sudden departure from active duty
is wKat Ke said got tKe rumor mill going
5o[bury said tKe ¿re board couldn¶t give
speci¿cs about Kis medical leave because
of privacy concerns, and tKere was notKing
else to say e[cept ³no comment´ 7Kere
was no furtKer e[planation to tKe volunteer
¿re¿gKters eitKer
5o[bury is adamant in response to rumors
surrounding Kis departure
³7Kere was notKing sinister, notKing nefar-
ious,´ Ke said
At tKe December 201 ¿re board meeting,
tKe board discussed 5o[bury coming off
medical leave 7Ke former cKief said it was
Kis suggestion tKat if Ke came back, Ke not
respond to any calls 7Ke board and 5o[bury
ultimately decided tKat was unrealistic — Ke
wouldn¶t be able to ignore calls for Kelp wKile
sitting at a desk in tKe ¿re station
,n 0arcK, tKe ¿re board named Steven
Potts as interim cKief and 5o[bury used tKe
remainder of Kis accrued time off before
of¿cially retiring
7Ke Umatilla 0orrow 5adio and Data
District owes its e[istence in part to CKief
5o[bury¶s efforts +e, witK tKe support of
otKers, Kelped draft a bill tKat was passed in
tKe Oregon Legislature in 200 allowing for
tKe creation of tKe radio district ,n 2010, local
voters passed a measure to use ta[ money to
fund tKe district 7Ke radio system is now used
by every city agency in Umatilla and Morrow
counties, e[cluding Milton-Freewater
At 1, 5o[bury is not sure wKat is ne[t for
Kim But Ke is proud of tKe work Ke did for tKe
Umatilla 5ural Fire Department
³, just want my legacy to be tKat , did tKe
best job tKat , could and did it for as long as ,
possibly could,´ 5o[bury said, ³,¶m O. witK
my legacy being, µ+e did Kis job¶´
7Ke former ¿re cKief encourages otKer
¿rst responders to learn from Kis e[periences
and to take care of tKemselves +e is not sure
wKat tKat looks like for eacK person, but Ke
suggests asking for Kelp and talking to people
A retirement party for 5o[bury will be
July 16 at tKe Umatilla 4uality ,nn at pm
PENDLETON: Public favorite was tKe cinema site
Continued from 1A
WKile tKe block would be able to ¿t tKe
¿re station, room for mucK beyond tKat could
be an issue Ciraulo said tKere¶s no room for
training and tKe public parking lot across tKe
street migKt need to be utili]ed
Out of tKe 3 people wKo attended tKe
series of public meetings on ¿re station loca-
tions, Ciraulo said tKe overwKelming favorite
was tKe Pendleton Cinema site
Several councilors didn¶t like tKe tKougKt
of property tKat could be used for economic
development taken off tKe market for tKe ¿re
³Wiping out a city block of somewKat
premium real estate is not good stewardsKip,´
councilor Paul CKalmers said
7Ke council seemed to prefer tKe second-
best recommendation, tKe old St AntKony
7Ke property would offer more room for
training and prevent part of an unused prop-
erty from falling into bligKt
But between land acTuisition and site
development, it would cost about $1 million
to ready tKe property for a ¿re station, a point
of concern for City Manager 5obb Corbett
Ciraulo said members of tKe public tended
to oppose tKe St AntKony site because it was
too far out from downtown and because of
anger over tKe Kospital¶s refusal to donate tKe
7Ke ¿re cKief was uneasy over tKe diver-
gent opinions of tKe council and tKe public
³7Kat scares me a little bit, frankly,´
Ciraulo said ³7Ke last tKing , want to do is
agitate tKe public wKen ,¶m going to ask tKem
for a vote´
5egardless of tKe council¶s ¿nal decision
— no action was taken during tKe worksKop
— Ciraulo suggested tKe council commission
new designs for botK sites
Corbett said tKe council could consider
commissioning tKe designs at its July 1
meeting wKile also allowing tKe public to
comment on tKe ¿nalists
7Ke otKer sites tKat were initially consid-
ered were eliminated for various reasons
Ciraulo said Ke received particular backlasK
for tKe idea to locate a new ¿re station at 7il
7aylor Park