NATION/WORLD Wednesday, July 13, 2016 Obama pays tribute to Dallas of¿cers sKot in racial attack Associated Press DALLAS — President Barack Obama urged Americans rattled by a week of violence and protests to ¿nd ³open Kearts´ and new empatKy 7uesday in a speecK tKat seesawed between Konoring police of¿cers for tKeir bravery and decrying racial preMudice tKat can affect tKeir work Obama spoke near ¿ve empty cKairs for tKe wKite police of¿cers killed last week by a black man seeking vengeance for police killings BeKind Kim, underscoring Kis message of unity Dallas police of¿cers, a racially diverse cKurcK cKoir and local of¿cials wKo ranged from black Police &Kief David Brown to former President *eorge W BusK, a Dallas resident Obama sougKt to reassure tKe nation tKat Ke understands tKe impact of tKe unsettling events of tKe past week — including tKe killing of two black men by wKite police of¿cers as well as tKe Dallas attacks Disturbing videos of tKe events Kave ³left us wounded and angry and Kurt,´ Ke said ³,t is as if tKe deepest fault lines of our democracy Kave suddenly been e[posed, perKaps even widened´ 8ndaunted, tKe president urged Americans to cast aside sucK doubt and replace it witK faitK in tKe nation¶s institutions and progress ³Dallas, ,¶m Kere to say we must reMect sucK despair ,¶m Kere to insist tKat we are not as divided as we seem And , know tKat because , know America , know Kow far we¶ve come against impossible odds,´ Ke said 7Ke president spoke steps away from tKe cKairs left empty for tKe ¿ve men killed last 7Kursday wKile protecting Kundreds of people protesting tKe killings of black men in Louisiana and 0innesota 7Ke Army veteran killed by police after tKe Dallas attack said Ke was motivated by revenge ³7Ke soul of our city was Many in law enforcement feel frayed relationship with Obama DALLAS AP — After eacK fatal sKooting of a black man by an of¿cer, President Barack Obama Kas swiftly spoken out against bad policing, giving voice to tKe generations of African-Americans wKo Kave found tKemselves at tKe wrong end of a baton, a snarling dog or a gun As mucK as tKose words Kave comforted blacks, tKey Kave rankled many of tKe nation¶s men and women in blue Some Kave described tKe remarks as an insult, an all-too-Tuick condemnation before all tKe facts are in and a failure to acknowledge tKe tKousands of cops wKo do a good job and routinely risk tKeir lives ³,t would just be nice for Kim to say µ+ey, , support wKat you¶re doing,¶´ said Scott +ugKes, cKief of police in +amilton 7ownsKip, a suburb of &incinnati, OKio ³7Ke president doesn¶t defend tKe police ,t¶s very one-sided´ pierced,´ 0ayor 0ike 5awl- ings said, as Ke welcomed tKe president and a line of public of¿cials, including BusK, wKo attended witK Kis wife, Laura, Vice President Joe Biden and Kis wife, Jill, and Brown 7Ke group on stage capped tKe ceremony by Kolding Kands and swaying to tKe ³Battle +ymn of tKe 5epublic´ — a symbol in sigKt and song of tKe service¶s unity tKeme ³7oo often we Mudge otKer groups by tKeir worst e[am- ples, wKile Mudging ourselves by our best intentions,´ BusK said ³And tKis Kas strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose´ BusK and otKer speakers paid tribute to tKe fallen of¿cers — Brent 7Kompson, a 43-year-old newlywed; Patrick Zamarripa, 32, a 1avy veteran wKo served in ,raT; 0icKael .rol, 40, an atKlete and basketball lover; 0icKael SmitK, , a former Army 5anger and fatKer of two, and Lorne AKrens, wKose wife is a police detec- tive 1o one e[pressed Kis appreciation for tKe men more memorably tKan Brown, wKo Kas emerged as tKe steady and cKarismatic face of tKe Dallas police 7Ke cKief spent part of Kis time reciting Stevie Wonder¶s ³,¶ll Be Loving