East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 2016, Page 7A, Image 7

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
East Oregonian
Page 7A
Abduction of Americans in Iraq
raises fears about security
%A*H'A' A3 — The aEduFtion oI three APeriFans
IroP a %aghdad aSartPent oYer the ZeeNend is the Oatest
in a series oI Era]en highSro¿Oe NidnaSSings underPining
Fon¿denFe in the ,raTi goYernPent¶s aEiOity to FontroO
statesanFtioned Shiite PiOitias that haYe groZn in strength
as ,raTi seFurity IorFes EattOe the ,sOaPiF State grouS.
:itnesses said Pen in uniIorP Farried out the
NidnaSSing in Eroad dayOight Saturday, 100 yards Peters
IroP a SoOiFe station.
³*unPen in PiOitary uniIorPs FaPe in ¿Ye or si[ S89s,
they entered the EuiOding and then OeIt aOPost iPPediateOy,´
said 0ohaPPad JaEar, , Zho runs a shoS doZn the
street IroP the threestory aSartPent EuiOding Zhere the
APeriFans had Eeen inYited Ey their ,raTi interSreter.
³A IeZ hours Oater Ze heard that three Ioreigners had
Eeen NidnaSSed Ey these gunPen,´ JaEer said.
The three Zere aEduFted in 'ora, a Pi[ed neighEorhood
that is hoPe to Eoth Shiites and Sunnis. HoZeYer, they
Zere then taNen to Sadr City, a Yast and denseOy SoSuOated
Shiite distriFt to the east, and there ³aOO FoPPuniFation
Feased,´ an ,raTi inteOOigenFe oI¿FiaO toOd The AssoFiated
3ress. The oI¿FiaO sSoNe on Fondition oI anonyPity
EeFause he Zas not authori]ed to sSeaN to reSorters.
AP Photo/Mic Smith
Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. interrupt each other during the
NBC, YouTube Democratic presidential debate at the Gaillard Center, Sunday in Charleston, S.C.
Gloves come off
COinton, Sanders turn uS heat at ¿naO deEate EeIore ,oZa FauFuses
Associated Press
² ,n tKeir ¿naO deEate
EeIore tKe ,oZa FauFuses,
tKe gOoYes FaPe oII EetZeen
HiOOary COinton and %ernie
SKouting oYer eaFK otKer
at tiPes, tKe tZo Oeading
Fandidates engaged in soPe
oI tKeir tougKest e[FKanges
oI tKe FaPSaign on Sunday
nigKt, undersForing tKe
narroZing raFe EetZeen
tKeP in tKe ¿rsttoYote
states oI ,oZa and NeZ
adYantage oYer tKe 9erPont
senator on FurEing gun
YioOenFe. Sanders, Pean
ZKiOe, tZiFe assaiOed tKe
IorPer seFretary oI state
Ior aFFeSting Eig Poney
in sSeaNing Iees IroP :aOO
Street, draZing soPe Eoos
as he did so.
HeaOth Fare ePerged as a
PaMor diYiding Oine, SOaFing
the Iuture oI 3resident
%araFN OEaPa¶s heaOth Fare
OaZ in the sSotOight. Just
tZo hours EeIore the deEate,
Sanders reOeased a SroSosaO
that ZouOd Freate a ³0edi
Fare Ior aOO´ heaOth Fare
systeP Iunded Ey higher
ta[es on PiddOe FOass IaPi
Oies and the ZeaOthy. COinton
Zarned that reoSening the
heaOth Fare deEate ZouOd Sut
OEaPa¶s heaOth Fare OaZ at
TraiOing in SreIerenFe
SoOOs Ey a Zide Pargin,
IorPer 0aryOand *oY.
0artin O¶0aOOey tried to
enter into the FonYersation
Zith Pi[ed resuOts.
Here are soPe taNeaZays
IroP Sunday¶s 'ePoFratiF
Tough talk: Sanders and
COinton FaPe to the deEate
stage Ooaded Zith stinging
attaFNs Ior eaFh other ²
and they Zere ready to use
4uestioning her FoPPit
Pent to SoOiFing e[Fess on
:aOO Street, Sanders tZiFe
inYoNed COinton¶s reFeiSt oI
OuFratiYe sSeaNing Iees aIter
OeaYing her Sost as seFre
tary oI state in earOy 201.
³<ou¶Ye reFeiYed 600,000
in sSeaNing Iees IroP
*oOdPan SaFhs in one year,´
Sanders said SointedOy.
COinton tried to turn the
arguPent EaFN on Sanders,
suggesting his FritiFisP oI
¿nanFiaO reguOations Zas a
NnoFN on OEaPa¶s reFeiSt oI
donations IroP :aOO Street
during his tZo SresidentiaO
She aOso Sointed out that
Sanders onFe FaOOed OEaPa
the Sresident¶s ¿rst terP
and suggested the senator
Zanted soPeone to run
against OEaPa as he sought
reeOeFtion in the 2012
IeeOings toZards 3resident
OEaPa are a OittOe strange
giYen Zhat you said aEout
hiP in 2011,´ COinton
TuiSSed at one Soint.
The e[Fhanges Zere a
Iar Fry IroP the ¿rst deEate
oI their FaPSaign, Zhen
Sanders IaPousOy reIused to
attaFN COinton Ior her use oI
a SriYate ePaiO aFFount and
*unsOingers on APtraN"
:ASH,N*TON A3 ² HiOOary COinton EungOed
statistiFs Zhen giYing 3resident %araFN OEaPa¶s heaOth
Fare OaZ Fredit Ior driYing doZn the nation¶s heaOth Fosts
and SiFNed through her riYaO¶s gun FontroO reFord Ior
Must the Sarts that PaNe hiP OooN OiNe a Euddy oI the gun
Sen. %ernie Sanders aOso Zas seOeFtiYe Zith his IaFts,
SOaying uS the gun Yotes he Post Zants 'ePoFrats to
NnoZ aEout. And he gOossed oYer the FoPSOe[ities oI the
ErandneZ heaOth Fare reinYention he¶s SroSosing Ior a
Fountry stiOO graSSOing Zith the Oast one.
A OooN at soPe oI the FOaiPs and hoZ they FoPSare
Zith the IaFts
CLINTON on effects of Obama’s health care law:
³:e noZ haYe driYen Fosts doZn to the OoZest they¶Ye
Eeen in 0 years.´
THE FACTS: Not so. HeaOth Fare sSending is Iar
higher than a haOI Fentury ago. :hat she Pust haYe Peant
is that the rate oI groZth oI heaOth Fare sSending year to
year is OoZer than it¶s Eeen in 0 years ² FOoser to the
truth, Eut stiOO not right.
The goYernPent reSorted in 'eFePEer that heaOth
Fare sSending in 201 greZ at the Iastest SaFe sinFe
OEaPa tooN oI¿Fe, driYen Ey e[Sanded FoYerage under
his OaZ and rising drug SriFes. Not onOy that, Eut heaOth
Fare sSending greZ Iaster than the eFonoPy as a ZhoOe,
reaFhing 1. SerFent oI *'3. That Peans heaOth Fare
Zas FOaiPing a groZing share oI nationaO resourFes.
This Zas aIter ¿Ye years oI historiFaOOy OoZ groZth
in heaOth sSending ² the deFOine COinton Zas trying to
address. %ut the OuOO in heaOth Fare inÀation Zas attriEuted
in Oarge Peasure to the reFession that OEaPa inherited
and its aIterPath, not his OaZ. And Sart oI the reason
heaOth sSending inFreased aIter that Zas EeFause oI the
eFonoPiF reFoYery.
SANDERS: ³, haYe a 'Pinus Yoting reFord IroP the
NRA.´ ³, haYe suSSorted IroP 'ay 1 an instant EaFN
ground FheFN,´ as ZeOO as a Ean on assauOttySe ZeaSons.
CLINTON: ³He Yoted to Oet guns go on to the APtraN.
³He Yoted against the %rady EiOO ¿Ye tiPes´ as ZeOO as Ior
aOOoZing guns in nationaO SarNs and Ior shieOding the gun
industry IroP Post OaZsuits.
THE FACTS: %oth are singOing out asSeFts oI
Sanders¶ reFord that suit theP, Eut that reFord is nuanFed.
Sanders indeed suSSorted an instant EaFNground
FheFN, and at Fertain Soints a threeday Zaiting Seriod.
%ut he oSSosed Oonger Zaiting Seriods — oI ¿Ye to 10
days — ZhiFh gun FontroO adYoFates see as a Pore eIIeF
tiYe Zay to Àag SeoSOe Zho shouOd not Ee getting a gun.
COinton is right that he oSSosed Yarious Yersions oI
the %rady EiOO Zith Oonger Zaiting Seriods. %ut his Soor
ParNs IroP the NationaO RiÀe AssoFiation reÀeFt reFord
that does Oean toZard stronger gun FontroOs. Sanders noZ
says he ZouOd suSSort e[Sosing gun PaNers to OaZsuits.
SinFe 2010, SeoSOe Zho are entitOed to Farry guns Ey
state and IederaO OaZ haYe Eeen aOOoZed to Farry those
ZeaSons in nationaO SarNs, e[FeSt Ior Fertain EuiOdings,
under a OaZ Sanders suSSorted.
CLINTON: ³One out oI three AIriFanAPeriFan Pen
Pay ZeOO end uS going to Srison. That¶s the statistiF.´
THE FACTS: That¶s a staOe statistiF, and COinton isn¶t
the onOy Serson to use it. Sanders has said nearOy the saPe
thing. %oth dreZ on 1yearoOd data that stated this as a
SroMeFtion, not a IaFt.
A 200 reSort IroP the %ureau oI JustiFe StatistiFs
said, ³AEout 1 in EOaFN PaOes, 1 in 6 HisSaniF PaOes,
and 1 in 1 Zhite PaOes are e[SeFted to go to Srison
during their OiIetiPe, iI Furrent inFarFeration rates rePain
unFhanged.´ %ut it Zent on to say that at the tiPe, 16.6
SerFent oI aduOt EOaFN PaOes had aFtuaOOy eYer gone to
Srison, or 1 in 6. The inFarFeration rate Ior EOaFN Pen
has gone doZn sinFe then, aFFording to the SentenFing
serYer during her tiPe as
seFretary oI state.
Practicality vs. passion:
,n soPe resSeFts, the deEate
FrystaOi]ed one oI the Pain
diIIerenFes EetZeen Sanders
and COinton Sassion Yersus
His YoiFe rising at
tiPe, Sanders oIIered a
rousing Fase Ior a PassiYe
e[Sansion oI goYernPent a
uniYersaO heaOth Fare systeP
Said Ior Zith higher ta[es,
Iree FoOOege tuition and a
generous systeP oI Said
IaPiOy OeaYe Ior ZorNers.
%ut he IaFed Tuestions oYer
hoZ he ZouOd Say Ior it aOO.
³A OittOe Eit Pore in
ta[es, do aZay Zith SriYate
heaOth insuranFe SrePiuPs,´
Sanders e[SOained. ³,t¶s a
Sretty good deaO.´
COinton said her SoOiFies
Zere suSerior and the APer
iFan SeoSOe ZouOd NnoZ
hoZ her SOan ZouOd Ee
iPSOePented and Said Ior.
³,¶P the onOy Fandidate
standing here tonight Zho
has said , ZiOO not raise
ta[es on the PiddOe FOass,´
she said. ³, Zant to raise
inFoPes, not ta[es, and
,¶P going to do eYerything
, Fan to PaNe sure that the
ZeaOthy Say Ior deEt Iree
tuition, Ior FhiOd Fare, Ior
Said IaPiOy OeaYe.´
And COinton Pade an
aOOSurSose Fase Ior her Oead
ershiS and her aEiOity Zin the
:hite House, saying, ³:e
need a Sresident Zho Fan do
aOO asSeFts oI the MoE.´
Health care and guns:
The ¿ghting Zasn¶t Must oYer
SoOitiFs, Eut oYer SoOiFy,
too, as COinton and Sanders
e[Fhanged EarEs oYer gun
FontroO and their FoPSeting
heaOth Fare SOans ² tZo
issues that haYe ePerged as
FentraO to the raFe in reFent
COinton Fharged Sanders
Zith reYersing his Sosition
on a 200 EiOO that granted
gun PanuIaFtures iPPunity
IroP OaZsuits. She Oisted
a series oI SroYisions that
she said the senator, Zho
reSresents ruraO FoPPu
nities in 9erPont, had
suSSorted in Oine Zith the
resSonded, saying that
COinton Zas Eeing ³Yery
disingenuous´ and Sointed
to his OiIetiPe rating
oI ³'Pinus´ IroP the
NationaO RiÀe AssoFiation.
O¶0aOOey FhiPed in
and said he had aFtuaOOy
Sushed through gun FontroO
Peasures in 0aryOand. ³,¶Ye
neYer Pet a seOIresSeFting
hunter that needed an AR1
to doZn a deer,´ he said.
On heaOth Fare, COinton
FritiFi]ed Sanders¶ singOe
Sayer SOan ² reOeased Must
hours EeIore the deEate
² as a risN to OEaPa¶s
signature heaOth Fare OaZ.
She suggested that Sanders
Zas Zinging it, too ³:hen
Ze¶re taONing aEout heaOth
Fare, the detaiOs reaOOy
Sanders said his uniYersaO
heaOth Fare had Eeen the
Fause oI tZo 'ePoFratiF
3arty IoreIathers 3resident
)ranNOin 'eOano RooseYeOt
and Harry S TruPan.
He iPSOied that COinton
ZouOdn¶t go Iar enough
to ensure that eYeryone
had aFFess to heaOth Fare,
saying the deEate Zas aEout
³Zhether Ze haYe the guts
to stand uS to the SriYate
insuranFe FoPSanies and aOO
oI their Poney.´
Getting close to Obama:
Throughout the deEate,
COinton ePEraFed OEaPa¶s
OegaFy, PaNing the FaOFu
Oation that the Sresident¶s
SoSuOarity FouOd heOS her
Zith SriPary Yoters. )or
COinton, ePEraFing OEaPa
is one Zay Ior her to try
and driYe a Zedge EetZeen
Sanders and 'ePoFratiF
She reSeatedOy deIended
the AIIordaEOe Care AFt
and said Sanders¶ aSSroaFh
ZouOd reoSen a deEate that
Pight FoPe EaFN to haunt
'ePoFrats. ³, do not to
Zant see the ReSuEOiFans
reSeaO it, and , don¶t to Zant
see us start oYer again Zith
a Fontentious deEate,´ she
COinton¶s Fase Ior tougher
gun FontroO aOso aiPed to
Sut her on the saPe side as
OEaPa, Zho reFentOy signed
e[eFutiYe orders aiPed at
addressing a sSate oI shoot
ings, inFOuding a deadOy
raPSage Oast suPPer at a
CharOeston FhurFh, a IeZ
EOoFNs IroP the deEate haOO.
U.S. Congressmen in Germany
to meet Americans released by Iran
LAN'ST8HL, *erPany A3 — Three 8.S.
CongressPen traYeOed 0onday to the PediFaO Fenter in
*erPany Zhere three APeriFans, reOeased Ey ,ran as Sart
oI a Srisoner sZaS, are Eeing treated.
)orPer 8.S. 0arine APir HeNPati, :ashington 3ost
reSorter Jason Re]aian and Sastor Saeed AEedini arriYed
Oate Sunday at the 8.S. PiOitary¶s LandstuhO RegionaO
0ediFaO Center.
Re]aian, Zho Zas Ireed Saturday aIter aOPost 1
Ponths oI inFarFeration in an ,ranian Srison, Pet Zith
:ashington 3ost editors on 0onday Ior the ¿rst tiPe sinFe
his reOease, the 3ost reSorted.
³, Zant SeoSOe to NnoZ that ShysiFaOOy ,¶P IeeOing
good,´ said Re]aian, Zearing a gray hooded sZeatshirt and
EOue Means SroYided to hiP on Eoard the SOane that ÀeZ the
reOeased Srisoners to IreedoP. ³, NnoZ SeoSOe are eager to
hear IroP Pe, Eut , Zant to SroFess this Ior soPe tiPe.´
Islamic State’s double standards
sow growing disillusion
*A=,ANTE3, TurNey A3 — 0ohaPPed Saad, a
Syrian aFtiYist, Zas iPSrisoned Ey the ,sOaPiF State grouS,
hung Ey his arPs and Eeaten reguOarOy. Then one day, his
MaiOers TuiFNOy SuOOed hiP and other Srisoners doZn and hid
theP in a EathrooP.
The reason" A senior 0usOiP FOeriF Zas Yisiting to
insSeFt the IaFiOity. The FOeriF had toOd the ¿ghters running
the Srison that they shouOdn¶t torture Srisoners and that
anyone heOd Zithout Fharge Pust Ee reOeased Zithin 0
days, Saad toOd The AssoFiated 3ress. OnFe the Foast Zas
FOear, the Srisoners Zere returned to their torPent.
³,t¶s a FriPinaO gang Sretending to Ee a state,´ Saad
said, sSeaNing in TurNey, Zhere he Àed in OFtoEer. ³AOO
this taON aEout aSSOying Shariah and ,sOaPiF YaOues is Must
SroSaganda, 'aesh is aEout torture and NiOOing,´ he said,
using the AraEiF aFronyP Ior ,S.
Syrians Zho haYe reFentOy esFaSed the ,sOaPiF State
grouS¶s ruOe say SuEOiF disiOOusionPent is groZing as ,S has
IaiOed to OiYe uS to its SroPises to instaOO a utoSian ³,sOaPiF´
ruOe oI MustiFe, eTuaOity and good goYernanFe.
,nstead, the grouS has FoPe to resePEOe the diFtatoriaO
ruOe oI Syrian 3resident %ashar Assad that Pany Syrians
had sought to shed, Zith a reOianFe on inIorPers Zho haYe
siOenFed a IearIuO SoSuOaFe. Rather than eTuaOity, soFiety
has seen the rise oI a neZ eOite FOass — the Mihadi ¿ghters
— Zho enMoy sSeFiaO SerNs and IaYor in the Fourts, OooNing
doZn on ³the FoPPoners´ and eYen ignoring the ruOings oI
their oZn FOeriFs.
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